Ep. 67: Nexus Prime Watch
Ep. 67: Nexus Prime Watch

Ep. 67: Nexus Prime Watch

-- Nexus prime citing school law hacks in a good way and -- easy -- security flaws -- in more in this week's edition of handwritten Alice. Weekly for October 5 2011 I'm just -- has alongside it on -- As a -- -- -- -- -- for you or me. Analysis -- everywhere -- was yesterday with the maelstrom. This morning after animals from man. And currently -- -- issues like hit her there was a news. Buttons lot of news but nothing. About nothing. All those nexus prime rumors -- nothing new -- -- Parent I know -- to -- throughout. This little thing called the iPhone not five. The and or ads or arguably resolutely at the four point five which -- Parent of a so we're not really -- talk of an iPhone four ass. Especially after I was on Twitter yesterday vehemently thing we're not gonna talk about -- -- for. -- we're gonna talk about other Android phones in relation though that -- It isn't me out here. Continue breaking news original. Breaking news and it's one does it beat out. We're gonna talk about the other rendered phones Marco in my -- I -- my earlier agreement -- your knee injury and illness you had injured -- -- -- -- -- -- and other phones in comparison so Bonnie Todd there's a nice comparison chart of sort of the leading entry competitors to the iPhone for us. Com so let's talk about them. -- So the iPhone four -- as I do know that must you probably didn't want coverage because it wasn't very well watched around. And you're on -- hundred fans especially you should not have watched -- so let me tell you a little bit about iPhone for -- It is -- the same for form factor right. Much faster CPU -- -- -- core of the five. Processor it. One gigahertz it comes in 1632 and 64 -- Storage capacities. What else was new and has a better camera -- company. 1080. Around with some stabilization and eight megapixel camera I think that is not as well and has some extra light sensitivity it's like -- 3% -- Sensitive to light -- sensors. And is they added another antenna so. -- it's better reception or maybe reception. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Potentially kind of but they also said that it in -- the data speeds so that at the speed is up to what other people are claiming four G this is what Tim Cook says. I think those are the major features -- -- kind of ignores the moon and IOS five stuff. To. Do so has the stack so we get -- our favorite phone to talk -- that emanates best talk about the violent. It's pretty. -- -- stacks of pretty -- to -- -- spec for spec. You know it has about same screen resolution. Same camera staff. You know what. I mean in camera. And that means is much of an injury and -- same camera specs sex -- the number you can -- other both eight megapixel camera as they -- record and 1080. The iPhone camera is probably the best -- can. No -- but it plain in this -- -- -- the by manic it has a really good camera. I want it -- better than iPhone you it has a really good camera and compared to other Android phone that is again -- And that spec wise there are similar at Cameron as -- amount of respect anymore doesn't. I don't think it does -- and I think we've gone beyond specs with cameras well beyond what may depict. Sorry yeah -- megapixel -- -- mean there's like a whole you know thing where you can three megapixels don't matter. The quality of the pixels not Armenian media especially the contest people with -- -- and FaceBook. A megapixel this kind -- too much anyway Britain -- -- means is if and I expect to have. But I don't think you'll be seeing. Two -- 22 megapixel camera phones there's really no point. -- Storage. About the same considering that you can expand the the -- You know the iPhone is a world phone -- isn't. Re -- is I'll stick a parable battery life is -- parable. So what's interesting theories elective in -- support on the net which basically means Apple is again locked in -- -- out of in sort of like phone payment system was just a minute -- is -- a community. The Vaio product to be -- -- -- evidence either in the -- -- also theoretically designed last year. Yeah exactly and it was a redesigned the -- had it yanked it the attitude phones -- compare it. Against here and Samsung galaxy S two which does have tennesseans who select models. Notes yes two or dieters like that yet news of their lineup. Big yet you -- the -- -- -- a safe on the galaxy yet to -- There he's back here. It is Munich of the -- -- -- I'm in screen. Some of amnesty some don't. Battery life is different depending on what into -- you have in for what carrier and what network they're on so -- -- lot of -- here. But also pretty considerable -- -- -- In terms specs. And an HTC titan which is. You know Windows Phone which we will look at too much into here. That seems to be the little on the lower and in -- specs compared to the other three guys there. Well does have a dual core processor. -- -- a bigger screen. Yet. Fiat future -- known to implement the dual -- and learn that. Industry and it went so -- at a disadvantage Prisoner of War. That are added to or windows phones who knows. So -- and I think the big thing iPhone four did -- -- -- -- import that they're now. Some of you know. On par with the highest 800 phones out there currently. Spec wise. You cancels this spec wise new union there's more to inspect and you know VoS will -- a lot of things and -- mean it is -- elected. The injury -- -- I know lot of people who enjoy the -- west. And have -- recommended violence to a number of people as much time and as an editor here at CNET news. We're -- partial to that sort of thing by. Yeah I mean it I mean it's an -- as the minor updates to the -- -- it's still a contender so. And it hasn't it you know we have an -- -- when it as as an injury to be a platform -- -- but wait there's something new. It's called there is something. The nexus prime. -- within hours to remove part of an -- primed for a long time. As soon as the iPhone the latest in the iPhone killers. Of which -- that'll never be one but mum. Within hours of the announcement yesterday Samsung release should have a teaser video for -- the nexus. -- -- can take a look at the video. -- -- talk about this. It doesn't really. Tell you anything. -- the cookies -- -- -- -- movement in newspaper and often go together dependent and go together. Whining candles. Together. So what does that mean. And that there's going to be another perfect combination would it'd be another good coming -- drainage and sandwich and the nexus prime -- panel hardware in -- the hardware that they show. You giving brief glimpse of it like in the last second. The the advertisement it looks like it's got. That curved glass display it -- current worked here -- contour to your face when you you pull it out. If it in interest in looking for a while there. Allowed to phones are basically -- -- -- Ray and this is not these so this is sort of official. Around there were is I -- says a photo. What looks like potentially -- nexus prime from GSM arena. And there's not a whole lot to be learned from his photo other than. It seems to. It has made it kinda tell this curve but also it has. No physical buttons are sort of here. You know when you call a software keys to the bottom -- don't have like the competitive. Achievement or even physical buttons like. The moral -- yet like the -- great. Which is to know what we would expect from -- and -- -- Well why do people take pictures like this but if you're gonna release a rumor. Picture you're gonna leak something can we get a little bit more -- little better shot -- amassed some glare now. We keeps a little you can photography class and hadn't leaked photos of fierce. We're probably markings on the phone to identify. But He knew who it would blow institute who is giving it -- These crappy that is a lot and I would believe that a lot of -- these these these pictures are intentionally crappy so you can't figure out who. It is great and a serial number probably like a couple lines of text of -- It isn't continent yet. And it's coming and and then there's also again. Will. It's officially been confirmed attempts on it having their October 11 events. At CT IA there. Google -- affiliate of Samsung and cents on mobile and -- when He eleventh that's. She prelate he's seeing some -- next week yeah we definitely BC thumbing -- I'm excited about that but that doesn't bring -- -- -- outlook that they've that when they're kind of thing if it's something B is coming in. I guess some of the speculation -- we've seen a ton expects. You have leaked as far as this is gonna be. Somebody on my Google plus -- when I when I mention that. The nexus a prime was potentially going to be revealed next week. You know -- -- like you know -- what features would you like out of it if you want it like it -- -- though and in a lot of people said. With five point three inch screen. And it's gonna want to ask you very quickly like you -- your thoughts on like the ever ever expanding screen sizes and these phones. -- love it I mean. I have -- -- -- played with the by around which has a bigger screen in my incredible. You don't buy it a reasonable margin. When I read the specs on that was little worried about it but at that aren't that's not that bad -- -- -- the same time I feel like there's gotta be an upper limit rate -- I don't want more choices. I don't think bigger is better and follows -- -- you. You know I have a phone and have tablet and there's different reasons to use those and I don't think we need to blur those lines. Exactly and -- -- -- -- unit like the -- the guillotine and metallic fits in that weird -- phone tablet speaks. And it's a little it's an odd phone. And I think once you start getting to that sort of five inch plus screen -- to a device that's not really easy to carry around without something to carry in. -- Not a mainly phone advocates debate is that you're gonna need to carry it in your purse is on the -- Or your your hat team the animals not -- at all -- definitely you lost there. Well I mean -- -- I think we can safely say that -- -- will be five inches or bigger. Consumed safely fit that. If it does actually turn out to be five inches or -- will refer to it has been -- hammer pants. Really meant for the duration. Of the time that we talk about any time we bring it up out -- at this camera and do those with an Internet where William humble little universal banana. And it whenever it if that's not I -- -- have to get it instantly never pull them like -- -- the Liu -- -- hammer pants the next show. There are right -- -- it's bigger than five -- outward camera then I'll find them. And we're getting a museum in case -- out stand up and to stand -- -- -- -- -- in -- Internet. -- -- get -- mole Cameron. Will wolf six wheels and -- security flaws HTC phones. Bad news at venues. Do it do you understand this and explain this will essentially the there is. I don't understand that there aren't so -- Here's my understanding of this com some security researchers. Have basically found a vulnerability in this new logging update. -- was an -- -- phones and there's some privacy concerns about this I think the couple weeks ago. But essentially any phone any app that is installed. And given access to the Internet so that's a permission they see when you installed app to basically every app. Yes. -- -- Then has the ability to access certain date that the HTC logger is logging in such as cheap yes. Location information in mass mass data phone numbers. Addresses. Com. Email addresses -- -- another sort of system related information. So is this a case of ACC's. Data logging app giving access to everything that. Whose apps are doing or vice person those apps potentially giving access to anything. That is logged on your phone I think it's the latter case so it it's not really a case of east people ATC collecting our data well they do not exist without saying tests but it's like a case of -- ever develop this. Weird reap the brakes app that I just had to download now has access to my email addresses and we're GPS coordinates so if you don't -- kind of -- -- prime. Yes it doesn't affect all HTC phones. But it does -- for example the Eva 3-D in the evo four G and the thunderbolt. The -- let -- but undermine yours because it's -- Yeah DR Acer you don't have that -- And honestly even have -- -- -- firmware on the left them running. Completely senseless right now. Current where you're safe then -- but I mean it it is something that it at HTC users of the -- -- to be aware of any CC has -- that. Now once it was brought there tension there. Working hard on developing a fix which means. Along the teach east if -- come out with. The -- -- -- seeds taken them excellent that it almost into directive and there will also be next year. But -- a fixed. -- payments in question they have they did respond pretty quickly but they com. Haven't yet there's a timeline for the actual facts yet I mean it an actual time -- news I think. Nobody gives -- -- anymore with the slate where you know the but it did. Standard. You know they're responses. Were working on it. -- notes you broad torque in there it's complex situation with all the different carriers and phone models that just three of -- with the -- different carriers I don't know. -- -- or take a quick ad break and when we come back we're gonna talk about. Why Motorola won't screw up -- And we're back and let's do I guess something -- -- last week talking about of their awesome that you can't have. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Less than we talked about Japanese phone from two cheaper widget -- this week we've got a phone. Asked in the South Korean market. From LG the LG Optimus LTB. Pretty interesting expects here. Most importantly. I think is that true HD IPS display this is -- four point five inch display. It has a 1280 by 720. Pixel resolutions though when they say it's an HD display it actually is an HD display. Unlike other people -- -- the term steer around. Those specs are pretty good two dual core with -- five gigahertz -- the -- mimicked its camera. Twenty gigs of storage. -- that's pretty good for most standard phones to unify and most but -- internal storage. But yeah the problem is you can't have it you currently analysts live in South Korean nerd and a year if you do community -- -- -- to have any listeners in South Korean. Mr. I'm sure you aren't you -- you can tells me that if we don't know how of course we have listeners and every country to have -- -- -- them. And that so violence the -- system. You've talked to bought some Google screwing up some then -- if you know that they won't screw up so Eric Schmidt was talked and as someone somewhere He told Bloomberg television in an interview on Saturday. That terror purchase of Motorola will not screw up -- And basically what He says -- is saying here is that Tom. The entry ecosystem is the number one priority and that -- -- won't have a special role. Preferential treatment -- there you go big question and everybody asked. On the that this purchase was announced days. Does HTC. Do HTC and Samsung need to be worried. And should they start looking at other OS's because Google and Motorola potentially are in bed together. And is basically Schmidt saying news. I -- is more important and. Roll -- to us. Com and then no one else was special treatment either. So my question is. You know probably just a lays the fears a lot of the actual hardware manufactures here is as good for Google overall. I mean. Is He really saying that yes we really -- purchase this person the patent protection and anything else they do is great. But they're gonna do that on their own -- there's a halo effect. Involved with -- because it's. It is just injury that it is like hey you get like a bunch of phones -- Samsung. Samsung's kicking -- right now the galaxy S two I mean it's a great phone. You know that makes -- look good and the -- effect means that the mean even if Motorola doesn't have the best. -- phone on the market right now. As an injury phone manufacturer they still develop from the -- effect you'll be interest in an Android apps being developed for Android and and all of that -- -- and of course that their parent company Google. Will also via benefiting from that so. It's it's kind of like alone that full or totem -- like a you know -- Android and it's kind of when the -- thing. Morning. Lobby thing that's 300 ecosystems. And -- home. Yeah I don't know it's kinds seemed -- it is hard position for Google on specially Motorola to -- you. You know that. I think Google is basically saying the there are risking more if they integrated to rate the risk of -- -- offer either system and know risking their long term revenues. Yet yet to meet any -- you you don't feel lot of like intra. Injury manufactured actually you know he'll see a lot of -- and -- coming up -- like HTC's injury -- -- who can are potent threat is that doesn't meet Android -- good it. Where is everybody can pretty much just -- like we're better than the iPhone specifically. Because it's a different analyst in the -- effect of you know the eyes on Android doesn't really affect them there. I think it's a little attitude because anytime you call yourself something killer you give that thing power. Every article that's written that it is this an iPhone killer -- people go people who aren't you know in the loop -- anything alike will the iPhone must be the phone to beat. But yet if that's a different argument. A different story it is what are -- talking. -- offline engines I don't do you think we've very well and a glow on its engine heartbeat. Current -- so that's Eric Schmidt its. Strategy here's a statement to keep. Google and -- profitable. But who's actually making the most money off -- Mandarin. Yes well there -- for sure. That there is some -- -- evidence to say that -- Microsoft. Com and we talked about this before but we've never should add maybe actual data on this or. -- so I guess from some. Analysts. At Goldman Sachs has basically isn't done the math and said that in fiscal year only twelve but generally know how that works. Home. When did fiscal -- 2012 aren't even now I have no like -- people to stick to the proper calendars that we all agreed on I don't know. Anyway and -- clear -- twelve whenever that sent from Microsoft. Can someone please explain that -- terror of they have already -- foreigner in 44 million dollars on Android. -- to -- basically they have a huge patent portfolio and have done deals with HTC and a bunch of other Android manufacturers to license part of that. Patent com to. You know let them not -- suit essentially right. And it particularly previously talked about is that Tom. And people they're potentially -- three to six -- her interim device and that they're definitely make it more money on handwritten are on Windows Phone. At least for now. And potentially more money is then Google's making an entry though. And -- totally believe that has Google in their play is really about ads for the most part printer and and not. You know they're not license -- esophagus -- and they're not making money out hardware except in the Motorola -- from. But that hasn't really come to fruition yet -- that's all that adds and there ad revenue is there's still maps. Yeah that does that mean that we can they're covering windows phones since technically they and -- I mean technically every dollar that -- on -- Android is lending Windows Phone 7 an. Only about -- I think so at a bankrolling the the competing OS there that I think that. The one point that this makes is that. There will investment. Purses their return says that ROI hear from Microsoft is huge -- maybe. Google's actually make him more revenue but -- also investing huge amounts resources and that's. And -- be voluntary point out that -- house colleagues in the Mayan calendar which is -- -- here -- -- just aren't that way. And it it's pretty -- -- -- What the Mayan calendar year in twelve was to be an apocalyptic it's apocalyptic friend right that's -- here. Aren't let's start out something else Google wallet too little too word that you don't -- here in -- -- in school wallet. And -- I know what -- other it's like -- my -- the power. Already but this is the opposite kind of active -- packing information out of something. Developers over on the XT developers forum. Have -- to Google wallet into something. Now -- Google while it is currently only available on the nexus S or G. On Sprint's network but. Even though -- NFC chip. -- that it requires to work is present in the regular -- success on T-Mobile and of course AT&T three G networks. -- so what they've done is they've hacked. Google wallet so that it will work on standard nexus S handsets now of course you have to be routed. In the first place. -- And in it is kind of you give other people a chance to try Alps. The service right. Yet. I mean this is generally cool. -- Still still under even though now I know what it is do you it is still -- we shall we placed bets on when. The -- it will actually be hacked as -- no no -- you don't even think about it. Knew I just -- I want it to succeed but if I don't like carrying crap in my pocket. -- and -- the sooner of the digital while they worked flawlessly be happier I'll be. Through I mean if you wonder. I'm gonna pull me be. The optimist in this situation it's conceived maybe -- won't impact never it will though. Com are as much as I wanted to be safe and where it to be -- its digital in anything digital. You don't control the ecosystem. The ecosystem controls. Her I don't know if their networks -- Allow. RSU and I can't -- -- It was players segue to the AT&T offering an injury and accessibility app for the blind where segue ever -- going in the complete wrong direction yes. Com so what's up this accessibility app for the players -- -- -- -- accessibility features built and injury or it you can download. It -- there are a -- talk throughout this but it's for foreign currently. That I think what does happen is AT&T has released an app so on Smartphones -- Israeli found like if you were to have. You don't have sight problems. Lines username since the old -- on Smartphone. -- Maybe wasn't nearly as challenging -- physical buttons and I think the buttons actually -- to have little. Physicals yet features on memory for you tell -- -- in the rule. I'm in the middle when the details so you could feel. You know like that on most keyboards that -- for example Muslim world not -- The phones have it as well also when you move through virtual key word and you move apps and there's always different things going on. It's is really hard to sort of figure out what's going on -- can't see this and so this app I think accident is sort of screen reading but also integrates voice recognition so really in control -- features of your phone. And we're gonna look at it here. It. So Ferrara -- -- what's happening is the person -- in the -- basically. Gaining the screen with their finger to. And as they pass over numbers on the keypad. The phones reading them allow though it you'll know that your over the five on the ballot because the phone -- five as you. -- your finger into that square. Seems like a good place for haptic feedback as well if they can really make after the -- more than just of -- -- it but it. Com vibrate distinct plea for different areas of the phone. I don't know -- -- -- pull -- -- and delivery mailers it recently postponed. Week. On the in the third in on the end of like a motor -- -- -- next generation haptic feedback where it actually is. Embedded in the screen no you know areas had a very cool technology mean to jump over it has something completely injury related is was that the. Frankfurt Auto Show and -- He showed off the fast sort of track pad they can embed that they're thinking about developing in the future for embedding. And the center console and basically has this sort of surface that can kind of raise up in and create -- -- -- that you can press. So if the screen has three buttons across. The touch screen that analysts -- -- console which are not actually looking at now -- -- shift lever. You can run your finger across and feel three buttons and actually press one of them it was a little weird. Feeling filling. And -- -- pressing. A -- than a bag of jelly beans or something but it was an interest in sort of tactile thing but this is for like -- -- -- -- -- -- you can really dual screen. But I think people -- working on that -- All right cool -- schools -- this this app is free from AT&T. For a limited time and against -- charging the blind. Its. Hopefully notes that -- who -- Have. Sierra segued back that are able to it all back -- -- an automatic. And the technical and music into the still open -- -- earth. Rumor on leave room. We need better out interest free to her statement out is viewed -- very. That was it I didn't know -- You can leave a -- -- the phone -- for parents. -- the first -- that we've got is now a ten point. One inch tablet from Amazon the Amazon fired actually just released. With the -- -- the callers via bonfire. -- Know Yahoo! yeah. -- of the inferno. Can't. The evidence is a rumor that the -- ten point one inch Amazon tablet be larger version the Kindle fire. Should be shipping before the holidays. And -- -- -- move. Reality season and threw paint -- -- He would be too much harder to -- a bigger a bigger screen there. Mr. and I'll eager tablets were there are also. Rumors that the company knew me of the playbook minority working on bigger models of playbook. Where a can be called rim. -- guys that I think. This should be easy for them off so component true a call entry -- -- the airlines plates but -- sort of -- by November. Fifteenth will it means data be helpful for Black Friday rarity is that -- irony Sony's sixth when -- some of -- -- stinks here and -- -- -- in the last three years. And this one. We're not talked about iPhone -- necessarily but. If you thought Syria was cool. Name of Tom spears -- daughter ship -- -- serious concern within. Sorry mister cruise. Anyway if you were impressed with scenery. With an IR -- Then. You might be -- -- knows that according to rumors receive re enter it in me. That next week com Google Android may get a similar thing unionized and sandwich. And it looks like not only would it have -- -- -- to a back and forth but it -- hasn't here who would have peaceful. Recognition. That's interesting little scary social meaning mutating and it does that work -- -- wouldn't be -- securities that you're a mixture that you're the one using it no one else would if you're decision means that -- like -- message and you can respond with its like to spend it in a face. We just. -- just like. Bet if -- do this recognition to do. -- -- No you don't believe that. Calm and aren't critical elect -- series bring him. You know I love restrict mr. yen voice recognition line injury alone in the mean is already proceeded to. It's as it -- Tennessee that competition and in back and forth and and -- -- there I personally I do that that's something to enactment of which meant I personally don't think that -- gonna announce anything. About -- You don't I don't. About ice consensus on all those voice command that about -- -- and I'm thinking -- voice command I mean maybe. You may be right now they're scrambling. Trying to get them together because you know which is top of mind didn't. But I don't know if this was immunities and they're working on but I don't know if this was. -- -- technology. Right so we can have a winner and a loser during plays devil's advocate and say there -- they will announce that the next week coal -- All right now it's time for the ironic app of the week. Well we normally do that this week that this this we have an ironic. If they actually use I it is but those players -- -- the proper one and there. But -- original -- -- things that spurred over here. Well -- me want this. You now have an app for that you everybody has that one friend who still send email from Hotmail. -- -- -- -- Commodities. Like that really -- even there you and I mean look if you can't like -- in morally extant in Google -- in -- a third. Do anything fun. Or because they just will lose -- and their amounts of spam. I don't mean -- -- improved. Over the years. Every in every now and -- like us -- -- with an embarrassing. And embarrassing handle. Every now and -- -- -- recipient basis teams and units it has improved but yet there is an app Yahoo! mail's as far as I will go. Really just see what's going on out male who. -- -- -- -- You -- have to keep in in an -- -- even -- it's also. Area I dislike -- I think I have warned but I don't think have long been until it's -- -- And then also has vendors and -- and there aren't so it's good to think events of team. Anyway Hotmail the free app so O edit -- That's where you. That's -- guy you are -- -- Four dollar. And my app is the X-Men arcade game. This is basically a port of the also -- four player X and an arcade game from like the nineties that. I basically put way too much money into. Along with my friends you basically pick one of the classic X-Men. And you punch people in the face competitively while moving to the right. Who doesn't love that -- It's and one dollar app. BB recommended this on his last appearance on tap that app and it is a ton of fun. So that's -- -- X-Men arcade game. Awesome I'm glad you give them some value Android just -- Hotmail users Clinton people in the face. To the -- virtually -- and people with it it's a metaphor for life actually. -- Parents. And write us at cnet.com what's runs -- -- emails really quickly here efforts is from Jason how much Vista watches chose to keep changing the time it's on in the day. Do we keep doing that we keep changing in terms of we've done that in other news we're changing and know and it's. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Is downloaded -- to me. You could do that then you don't have to care but then like you inhabit the Czech government writes in the visitor camaraderie of being in the chat room. And you can witty comments that are we apology as on behalf of people actually force us to use -- over. -- -- -- -- -- -- Back Kevin writes in about the -- that -- fire. Om basically Amazon fire yeah -- -- learning Mandarin. From Google and He -- -- question is come. How Long Will take. For -- community it's rooted. Generally the immunity that hit -- -- hand that person will. And means -- that -- day yet I mean doom I mean within a whisper not uncommon to hear about things getting routed the that happened -- -- -- I mean it could happen with the you'd be the Kindle fire. My question is. Why leave like why -- you want to it and do anything. It doesn't have external storage. -- Jose why -- -- because you wanna get -- market. And the Google market. I guess I suppose if I guess you're interested in He was saying pandora's not be available now that means nine Amazon's market. There's no reason. Analyst meeting. -- lot of more lot -- a -- more lots of more apps will appear in the -- -- That's an Amazon App Store as a result of the fire and -- -- -- Amazon already has the video service. I'm sure that they would just like image and as a service on the -- of service of retirement and or -- -- like they are to have a music service to. -- they sell music. It's a little out of date it publicly the conflict of interest where you know Google's -- a you know we're Google whatever. Amazon. Live. If it's. It's -- of -- I'm I'm getting the feeling now looking and now as I've been looking in the fire you know that. We've been trying to get away from Apple and we've created a second -- And I just I think Amazon really just wants to have a nice walled garden where people -- by -- from. Our soldiers past years -- and it. -- Here's where -- hands on bashing in starts. On here pros this one is firm. Someone -- mark and DC. On episode 66 UN accounts were discussed in the -- -- -- fire He made the following statement and I quote. There aren't very many tablets you can run Amazon prime videos on I don't think you can wanted on any of them. Perhaps I'm wrong is the key -- You yeah are indeed. Very wrong. You can watch Amazon prime videos on almost all Android tablets. Com so I will step in here and defend you and say I think tactically. You were right -- -- is a way around that there's a workarounds but we're really talking about sort of a native. We need it -- yet is. Here's the thing about Amazon prime video for one you buy a video news either as the year HD in the scale. Is those few buying HD version of doctor -- to -- at home and you decide you know took on a tablet. You can't just start watching the SP version on your tablet you wanted an HD and if you're -- three G or you mean even a four G network. Unless your phone has the opening your tablet has the horse power. To back up any EV DO because He wants and a slide show I've tried it. It's earlier this email us at the -- simple and Doctor Who on my phone and admittedly I'm using a thunderbolt with these or process there. But trying to watch HD version episode of Doctor Who is just slide second slide second line -- the audio is going but if I wanted to -- to slide show -- and ray and open a PowerPoint. So mean you're you're relying on -- -- are there was yet Washington flash and a browser yet and I think in that same show last week we said plant -- We had a story -- not too much earlier than that religious like flash is promising 100 times faster versions -- -- Brittany fast performance and feature -- applies. Flashing Ali AA is an all the read -- yet. So -- mean your rights and I will admit that perhaps. And -- indeed Terry wrong in this case you can do it but I think it's still not -- optimize. You know you have to go into your browser you have to you to switch or mood to. Are we get it Amazon -- -- -- the conduct -- parent -- is a few more comments for -- He likes this -- it doesn't love it. You -- just wants appoint that a known. Had forgotten -- example on -- informed dearest announcing. C antigen. I think the infineon had a you what is there has to antigens Diana and -- to -- last time it please stop saying synergen. And dammit just open your mouth and cracked him when He did it wrong to say at. -- -- says. Rule number one and -- an atlas and one -- an -- of things. Aren't rule number two -- ones often wrong. Did so we got along one here from Stephen. -- aren't just -- things are going well long time listener. What is He saying here. Back to me when I was away emailed. In -- -- I guess from you. Home. About the Droid products -- to wait for it that is. Harris failed -- AM in a thunderbolt which returned -- -- later as a random reboots eventually He ended up just. Giving up buying an iPhone credit. But he's still listening the podcast has were awesome. Anyway has couple questions about the Amazon -- thinking of getting one. -- hands -- prime members not to become one. What do we think about your visit to ecosystem is of the lack of maps and we can -- on this little bit earlier and that -- that. It depends on what Amazon wants to do you -- if they're gonna protect. Their own store by not putting other stores inside of it or if they're just going to take the more open -- and I think. The fact that Amazon has their own App Store. It's kind of indicative of what they're gonna do you mean if they really just wanted to take an opened in an open sort of -- and unique and kind of you know. Be open and put anything you want on our tablet -- just use Google's market. Amazon is just taking steps towards. Sealing themselves off from the rest of the end of and -- an injury -- ecosystem. And -- -- worrisome thing Everett said that tourists some but it's also kind of nice. If I love Amazon prime I mean I -- to but I mean it doesn't want subscribe this is fragmentation and in the purest. Where there is X is not just like we don't have the rate version its actually Amazon going. And now we're doing something else. Aromatic Arizona's saying it's almost secondary that were running Mandarin was just ends in there even care Amazon is basically. A -- at the beacon. Digital and that they can and -- to there will. Mean if you were an -- -- to be something else -- I think yeah it's just a few webos from day. I think Amazon and use. The Kindle fire as a storefront that -- basically have people paid carry around. It's true of but it also really does lower the barrier to entry four outlet I mean there's nothing wrong with a storefront He -- and -- theme. -- media and if you're gonna get it from Amazon -- a good way to do it I'm just saying it is what it is. It's not. So you're saying -- Apple is doing the same thing. Apple are painting Andrew would go would be screaming old guard in Israeli empire via Amazon in it and -- we trust them. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- And that's the last word in -- doubts. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- me ranting. About evil empires at cnet.com slash injury dash atlas and you can. -- -- -- -- if you're not already doing -- cnet.com slash live every. Wednesday at 10 -- -- remove it and let's remove it which I haven't heard you think about. You can also sending emails for your questions and comments to -- -- at cnet.com. And contact us on Twitter. The show is at Android atlas I and at and -- in -- -- is at not my real name. We will see you guys next week hopefully with some next news -- take care --

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