Ep. 66: Put this on your head
Ep. 66: Put this on your head

Ep. 66: Put this on your head

It's Tuesday November 15 then you are experiencing. Be fantastic. Excellence. -- -- crave podcast I'm Donald bell Franklin and -- action its fan. -- And -- -- -- part -- it more cell I think except when. You know we don't have our entire team last week I promised you -- -- Promise this week you make promises -- wife know how you promised us a promise the whole podcast -- monitor each. And that. I think it's located species like I'm packing her stuff for a right. Yeah and -- can't stuff an apartment so well she's understandably excited about right right she has to be there for it's not just the podcast she's she's on -- hold -- lower. -- -- -- -- that decision to get to personally. But I will bring about -- about every ten minutes -- is. At least for nothing else this first story here is written by Bonnie Cha. I picked it out specifically so that I could. To spend the whole time heating on parent. Hated myself for promising us now I'll -- -- -- Korea. -- hidden -- she wasn't such a horrible person I wouldn't feel so bad about myself. Believing that she would be here right -- Now Leo but the fact that she yummy -- to trust again -- -- my -- after years of you know it is being tricked. You know one time after another way by -- I should know better at this point. -- though you'll never love again. -- Never trust again -- -- -- never let your friends. -- -- -- -- it alone this site is higher when markets closed up like mine in my Green G -- you'll grumpy man art -- And then my job is to repeal it -- and opened a little bit yeah knew little glimmer of and -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Melba fantastic -- monetized and actually it's time. It's in acting that image is now her first week back and the official like. Literal executive -- editor Seoul correspondent thing. Some -- tomato prisoner cells on blue bird species senior editor of -- when cells is more spectacular that the it's the spectacular spectacular. Title this story. Recon my -- ski goggle attachment find you a heads up display inside your ski goggles. Class snowboard goggles -- so that you can actually see a dashboard of your location your speed. How gear I think your -- clout rating. While your on the mountain but now I don't know what went on how -- -- Nelson. Services -- -- a little. I think it's gonna actually kind of project. The information on your goggles is that -- I think that's how this looks like I'm Bonnie -- here to explain -- I don't. As little mini LC -- with a 600 megahertz arm cortex A eight processor. Connected to a battery on the other side of the cable. And it's gonna work with in your -- -- is where all the magic. This is like -- James. Eighties James Bond gadget almost but. Though you two can be the next Sonny Bono. By using these -- -- tree. Who's your check that it's not as add those it wasn't adds I'd. To deny they usually it's kind of confusing things to make fun of you know -- dying alone and most I think another the past and just I was looking -- happen. -- like a teenager so. I'm far far removed from -- age itself. -- care. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- He was going -- his music. It Jack Johnson big mistake and yet you wanna listen to this you know hyped up drum and bass down and this is this kind of stuff as is typical. It's okay. -- pretty dope it's gonna be and just have the the little. Module that fits inside your goggles is gonna be 399 dollars -- And then that's -- there's only a few different kind of goggles that actually compatible with it. -- -- -- -- Don't -- you can be this guy. It's not it's not enough to pull that off on the mound you need to actually -- to see how high you guys exactly it'd -- helium -- bath. And check your email why you're doing -- head to heads here. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- If there is actually -- -- and it's some kind of sensor in there that could tell that I've horribly injured myself and all that I'm no longer moving. And -- -- collar rescue helicopter farming it might be worth the 400 dollar investment via. On loan status not a scheme -- personal -- -- -- -- until you. -- is open content -- until I've made it's that I can never even you've just psychologically. And upon amount again -- is -- the memory here until the horrible injury anchored last time. It's still so fresh in my mind yeah -- -- is that the school. Expensive but cool -- Bonnie Cha. I think she actually likes them and she does this to serve to ensure -- and she lesser outlets in Gloucester about that right now every greatly could and I -- let -- lake. The -- inside she and provide would be. Obama and I think it within his -- and I agree it's like about you wrote this article yeah. It's a little bit and let's just so -- at the lake you know stretches. -- its its I I am. What you're more likely to find are my head is a giant robot cat mask the stream. Because. -- -- Atlanta the. All I got -- awesome this is the this is. I'm gonna revolutionize. Resident that theme parks came into the room right now -- -- -- -- to get another psychological sky are. This is there's a a camera mounted. Inside of the the head little. The Unocal had here that when -- air monitors. Your facial movements inside of the mask. And then motorized their eyes and mouth for the -- right based on what you're doing well places is that mimics what you're doing yet. That's awesome. And he developed. She's -- -- the news. And -- -- I'd just be some random Japanese woman they have to do books or our commitment. I just -- they'll that -- a little bit about it this is that researchers at Tokyo metropolitan universities idea lab. I -- -- developers animate and -- the Tron interface. That damn. Works within the -- -- -- the mask and then operates the of the mechanics of the -- Based on year based on -- -- -- -- -- -- Well does it take you back -- Chucky cheese plus a link in electronic -- band. All the memories are flooding back right now. -- -- -- She looks like he's twelve. If -- -- -- built this thing. Is -- -- is a school growth and yet I would assume anything non. -- that it -- I'm assuming that this is the had been graphic depiction of of how you -- -- transform into. The real catching people is if you can combine the recon mod thing with this do -- need have another thingy go on mountains within our -- their heads that display information with -- giant cat had. And then -- -- What do you what do you look down he looked right over Stephen. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- This is crazy kid did you guys appreciate -- of the chemical weapons inspector Stevens -- we just -- since the second. No really what this is -- for the three numbers you know the system put in urban quotient here data show Russia share -- this is for those very convincing -- You're gonna look at footage of three conventions. -- All the years pass and -- why don't they're facial features actually -- yeah well yeah and also Apple openly that write over and over again. Is -- -- silent movie era of a puff of furries. In now hello bill -- the moment where you this like this this is what the singularity for freedom aside from Mac linked genetically engineering year three of -- -- -- yet. Gotta be the next humans step towards -- this is -- first. The next dimension that we that we intend for crave of course. We'll have to they will bring one of these and see how people react see if we see any. I see how much attention we get my walking around with that I think I think that's a good experiment that was typically -- -- done. Facilities poses -- it and say the same ease. That -- maybe I can -- we can make a new band. That's based on the Chucky cheese and electronic jug band. But it's actually us in costumes actually in the mouth and eyes moved all of the other K replenishment but files get there and like I don't know. -- -- You could do the judge though I mean that's that you artist is this is one note just in time this rhythmic. -- -- It we got him. Anti mosquito did you have been somewhat. Of not wearing go. -- man. -- thank god that guy act. It's a little heavy most are active -- listeners viewers -- what. -- it wasn't like there wasn't a story about like four years ago I think like -- when I sign up with CNET. That was about a guy who bought one of these things like -- -- sale that you know the actual whole lake Anna Medtronic. Band -- -- though Apollo was able to figure out how to interface. With the the whole system using these genes play music and you actually play that they've gotten yet he actually does lake covers like this is to secure us. And you don't really -- -- the do you like modern contemporary. There's a documentary on YouTube about it that's pretty awesome. But as your interests -- that creepy -- factors. Pretty much it will redefine it'll set a new bar level for maintenance -- -- -- -- playing songs you have a program -- at night. If you have a member of net it's. And we should. This is that this is the solemnly planned to play a -- before -- -- to crack its. The ban is clearly -- -- For something that you don't have to put on -- had. That is also kind of I had in -- -- -- becoming known bird and -- it is -- look at. Phillips concept urban beehive. Omaha. This is just ease the it is bees in there and then she if you keep gone down -- poking them with the sticks out -- it looks like some currently. -- William. It's growing yet is very -- kind of you Ian you know hot like. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- There Algeria and no I I don't I don't think we want it I'm actually a video might redeem this out to get back -- -- Was just from photos in looks really. Disgusting. When -- smiling so he's gone hand beautiful though like -- like if this if -- is always this is like a sculptural. You know piece of art -- that some. -- -- -- Artist and as well because that's what its point about the you know them. Modern separation between you know humans and our food sources or something. Auction. In its connection. Eat and not if you -- -- -- -- the idea that he's selling these people in -- MB I think. If our company Phillips that isn't exactly -- to the -- because. Mean this is -- bee -- right yes. When we meet with -- and her house this that'll blow to -- I'm not only his. Here -- It's our daily intake of organic I mean. This isn't aides said you could save a lot of money by getting it right from the v.s announced that it paying an arm and -- -- -- -- -- right. The -- will also dislike the whole foods smug factored in -- -- go down a whole foods and just -- people who are actually buying organic I mean if they only guide. You know how much pollution. Was created and having to drive the honey to the store. This is equal to Google's army -- -- -- -- it's it's okay right this whole fruits. -- -- the thing I can eat whatever I buy Yahoo! were about the environment -- like that cause they've they've covered right. Whole foods and hours -- -- -- your whole foods. I didn't know that he had held back in the day in Chicago's. As the nineteen and I got my first job a whole foods. Com. -- -- Well -- Chicago again. And -- -- -- who really inappropriate story about how hopefuls so Chicago was like this. I can't do it now regularly can I did I can't wait no no no I can't do it because we didn't shell of ice -- going on here and then from you guys but when someone. -- -- -- While it might have hoped the Chicago whole foods experiences at the core of years the foundation of -- -- relationships and not really I can't. It was just Berry the young and -- people -- be excited to be there in his lot of partying going on. And when this volume people who are excited and party and highly lot of money yes exactly they go. -- manager had tied back to this story somehow you know a sense that this could -- to leave this. -- that jettisoning. -- -- -- -- wanna see how we can actually is completely train wreck that's a full high. How are you get us. Some of the Geeknews that we expect -- will. -- -- Nutrients. Beautiful women maxim aperture -- the pro and you're into superheroes. Victoria's Secret has a little treat -- Com. Later this month and had to -- Victoria's Secret show -- area TV the very definition of the -- and TV. And they design a bunch of chemists superhero inspired costumes and equitable into beautiful women and you can -- right here. Me did that it'll look they're built based off -- it needs particulars bills but it doesn't really matter does the people it really does it. I mean. -- -- -- -- -- Unless you you know -- -- -- work in a whole foods and Chicago Cheryl -- and -- -- -- you gotta say that. Some one of its six -- was I didn't know I knew it. Only because I had -- -- -- that it knows their side yet but she had a tattoo of flames. -- -- -- -- Which is pretty cool -- Just in this engine -- legacy -- things which -- -- that it tends to be here at the problem. Yes so. I think that's pretty cool go check it out if you're in two. Women in antique inspired Constance. They don't they look kind of stupid actually if they don't look I think don't look back. Hot I -- look cool that there's is around the arc Angel kind of -- wing. Metal wing get chick yet wouldn't it look really cool. I think but otherwise. There. -- -- If -- Does that are not the worst thing I've ever seen -- Mac titles don't like they're following Adam and right right you don't really give them away again on its -- its -- Anyway I'll and other geek news this week is actually geek news this have been featured last week but it. I was confident about it but it's really cool I think it's worth looking at if you haven't seen it already. They released the behind the scenes video blog for the -- at the fourth behind the scenes video -- Peter -- -- On -- on okay. A -- off old W since -- -- problem. And this was really cool because it talks about. The intricacies -- -- really -- -- 3-D. And not only are the film -- 3-D council filming at five K resolution. Which you know so far I don't think anyone has actually in the feature film -- action film type -- four. So the -- they'll be ready -- we actually moved to lake for key. On dvds -- gonna do or for -- movie files never they'll actually ready for to have that format. You know. The department will have already been film in five K so -- -- the best looking movie of all time. And that is why -- if you ventures and three filming intersect in lake. The cutting edge of of moviemaking today check out this latest video blog and -- -- and how she could. Itself. I don't know I -- a -- holograms right there with -- yeah definitely got a unit -- And combine them. You feel ordering Santo I don't Landler of the rings and slightly reasonable in the movies really more than the books -- not the -- to get to write -- you wouldn't. But you actually -- -- years -- -- -- doing your. -- in what the store hours of I own them in there there extended -- I don't yet when I want aboard the snot out of people -- desk oh I -- extending kind of the anyone of The Lord of the Rings sound pretty much yeah if you -- me you watch until you realize you hate coming over to visit. Actually saw the first dose of the ring with a live orchestra -- to go if you get the -- that -- completely recommend doing that. Cause it's an awesome if they can get. The live orchestra. And the superhero models altogether -- -- yeah absolutely and if they can do that and then bring it to -- sought the leave my office and watch it live. Suddenly the building now go that far out -- go downstairs. You know and that they could do that -- that it Hobbits. Supermodels yes and atomic -- -- -- stood that's gonna be to create experience -- -- part of the -- upon. And lets you edit a whole foods in Chicago -- sense. It all comes together yes and and next week -- be even better. Because we may or may not have body child -- -- I am but you should still -- Tuesday's. At 11 Pacific something you can email us at crave at cnet.com. And you can check out the crave blog at this thing right. That didn't do it to next week. With back.

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