Ep. 61: Google and Motorola, sitting in a tree...
Ep. 61: Google and Motorola, sitting in a tree...

Ep. 61: Google and Motorola, sitting in a tree...

Come on guys you -- -- gonna talk about on this week's episode of Android atlas. Google and Motorola. Making some sweet love. Plus we get a look at ice cream sandwich intrusions abound on the -- 61 episode of injury -- weekly for the seventy the volumes. 2011 I'm Antuan Goodwin alongside -- the next house. Dismissed all of that. I wish you would have read that as the -- -- and the ladies and yet I did enough -- man on but that allow this morning I thought -- -- no. A -- studio receipt was that I can -- -- there is. -- -- -- -- -- Let's -- -- of these it is like an apparent. So the big big story this week. Google buys -- -- wool is two by Motorola mobility or twelve point five. Billion dollars. Billion dollars illnesses and the pinky and the and 63%. Premium over the company's closing stock price on Friday so a lot of money. One -- same thing. You know -- related to the text editors is that. Motorola I -- actually has. More employees then cool so schools a -- Total increase by 60%. Adds tremendous. And lot of a lot of employees and area lot of employees and maybe more importantly horror -- and more importantly to Google I'd say. A lot of patents. Yet think Google's many -- at this point Bruin news Google said that it's kind of the big reason why rate this bold move was made it so that they could get a hold of all those. Motorola patents that Motorola mobility. Sitting on 171000. Patents and and also said He foundered pending patents. At -- lot of intellectual property. -- so. Google says that they're gonna run this as a separate business unit which is good for. For eight PC and -- them because of the wouldn't win this news first came out. For the first couple hours mean I I kept hearing -- we're going -- that mean the next nexus phones going to be Motorola. Telling. And -- -- also hearing will does that mean HTC and Samsung you're gonna have -- -- -- -- Google with their -- operating system. Also probably not not not really. I don't think -- I don't know I'm old. -- -- this selena's red there -- so we have. Been some parental open it okay so. Com Google went and hold. In other core five. Partners at a time. I think twenty firms at -- -- -- that they're gonna do this. And they clearly. -- -- rallied them around and really played up the patent status that we're doing this doing to protect the ecosystem we wanna protect you. You know we're not gonna compete against you. And you know I I think that PR department was. Said. A statement which all of their -- -- pretty closely to. -- I'm gonna -- papers on this website. So if we look at Samsung said. We welcome today's news which demonstrates Google's deep commitment to defending -- its partners in the ecosystem. He CC said we welcome the news of today's acquisition which demonstrates the -- Is deeply committed to spending -- its partners in the entire ecosystem. Oh He said we welcome Google's commitment to defending -- -- in its partners. Sony and welcome Google's commitment to defending enter it in its partners. Sounds like -- a copy paste on Wednesday -- they've been a little bit of flinching of -- personally is so I'm actually pretty. Surprise that they got this but it here it's all the partners will mean probably -- Indian. -- work kind of upset and surprised and we're at our -- word partner Nokia and acute out of you I think. It's kind of important on one -- that they keep. Keep stiff upper lip here so they don't look afraid of are and what the real question what is the internal reaction really. When these companies do think it is this -- micro while Google's -- Passworder respect. Home. I think there you know that -- there in -- -- a mixture of you know all this is -- for us because it and it keeps. Unit if if in Google the trust. Then -- it keeps in a bit then they may think that you know this is a -- umbrella under which to stand. -- actually makes -- more viable platform if you don't have to worry about. Getting a lawsuit from. You know every in every other week. But then on the other hand you've got to know that they're looking down the line minute that's that's kind of a little bit different from from I -- my earlier statement. Is that you know they've got to be looking down the line doing at some point. In -- this this. This monster's gonna grow up and we're gonna have to deal with it -- He had mean. -- -- -- -- You know HTC and LG and Samsung all make immediate calls to. Each year to -- -- Now. I asked her -- -- -- -- by you via. -- -- gonna wanna hedge your bets at this point there if -- ETC and I disparity seems already -- -- that step and I think a seats he's gonna be aren't yet. Yeah I think they will -- -- can -- -- at both incidents point. I mean casino Apple's kind of -- hammering down on them with a hole on your phone -- too much like our phones. And then you know now they are also you know Google has been kind of you know they're -- daddy were bucks. At this point in now it's kind of looking like -- -- -- and -- at -- step bomb. Like at some point is going to be a problem. The mean do they think Samsung is probably -- they're still being manufactured outside of their -- -- but you know they've got to be a little bit worried. That you know that that that the protector now media -- later. -- Ebony was on Amazon and -- -- And it had an Amazon -- -- wondering you know webos seems like it. The ones that is certainly in most. Ordinary now of that mobile Smartphone OS -- Do agree I will agree I have a hard time remembering them I think about contenders so does this -- is there sort of -- does speak. Know enough take anyone's answering webos into an integrator that's tired of if I really an Apple level compared and just because that's a little. We are allowed to use as to when you hear talk about smart -- compares the blood and is not a capital Apple lower keys though -- And not to worry about trademark then but it's not -- Vietnam. It's not really -- if I really the same sort of comparison just because HP is interested I think in licensing. When the last. But they're not actually doing it -- -- Welcome known as interest it -- -- -- there -- like oh why would we license it when we get this thing for free exactly open but it. And He lake earlier videos and news talk in the by the vote in a -- talk about putting Lewiston boosters and microwaves and cars and -- -- When they're kind of just I think they're kind of at the point now where of the kind of we're trying to do the closed ecosystem at the beginning. And then it -- work and now nobody's buying their products and others like holy crap what we do with this. So this kind of stick it in everything but it's a bit too late -- -- -- if someone wants to merited so how well windows so -- -- if we look at the players here we have webos you know. -- -- is the same as suffer recurrent need. Apple same situation there rim seems its recent owner Rick. Then we have. Android and look -- now how relatively in the same ballpark. With some differences but. Hardware maker software maker same company. With some additional hardware makers and -- we have. The only one really truly doing is different now. He is Microsoft's. And you could still say that Google -- like a hybrid -- -- you'll Google's not anything yet definitive -- gone through pending. But I mean. -- I don't think Google would stop -- thing injury to where the manufacturers. I just -- they have found so they would still they would exist as -- hybrid they would have their own hardware but then they would continue but it's in -- Motorola and you get a note you. Probably get first preference for software ever updates and for. Nobody -- first preference when -- going -- it works -- you don't get first preference it's like but here is if they're Motorola. And you are Google. Tell me they don't get any special treatment will ideally in -- shouldn't. And and then an -- and is the reason that -- -- in the entry ecosystem now. Phones like the nexus getting quoted quote preference. Is because. Everywhere and slow to adopt its not because the spec is -- update or because anyone gets preference or the manufacturer of the nexus -- Give -- veterinarian. Motorola irony got preference on the Motorola zoom for example it will mean that would it -- -- and Mac together. Clinton developing Hispanic I mean it's it really can't dislike. Tossed the -- out there. You know that the next version like its its open a clearly they had an exclusive deal around the zoo. But I mean who once they came out and they say hey here's the zoom here is in that -- honeycomb. Anybody is free to start developing. Okay but the area had a product that -- LR that worked out from Motorola where it -- in. It is not really in -- Not really an advantage it's just. -- an -- in the future will start to maybe Steve Morse that He similar stuff like that but I mean it it's not like a huge advantage. To any nexus phone -- -- -- the nexus Nexus One. Sold well but it was hard lead -- best selling phone of its generation I don't think. The same with the -- -- than -- could've -- either really good selling phones but I mean. I don't think they're the best selling phones of their respective generation they're just they are the benchmark. -- that -- free utility you know meet or exceed. Yes I -- I -- still skeptical. A guy I think that com -- -- -- I -- again. HTC's already hedging their bets and Samsung owner I'm algae. And I don't know the full phone portfolio there may be -- do you have other. 900 phones that you know -- probably either I'm calling or Microsoft has cloned -- From there mistake we'll try someone -- -- just because. I mean that there's there's room in the ecosystem -- that I think. Yet another clearly is -- exists in Iraq I would be a little nervous -- com. You know I am one of these computing and -- -- manufactures who is now not. Part of a company that also makes BOS. While India and -- and also this could also not go through. It's possible that the deal could not go through. It into its -- I think literal meaning to would still have to pay more rural like twenty billion dollars it doesn't really brilliant -- and a I had become a massive project and -- twelve point five billion to buy ethnic -- you know baca thing has three billionaires parameter. Looked -- friends and atom aren't so. Talking about so we have several different sizes story recovery year rate so we talk about what it is now -- -- talk about sort of we talked a little bit about how the -- have partners are -- it now retired about house analysts physically S&P. Is looking at that -- External Canada like they look at the US government against. Well S&P has. Downgraded. Google's stock in. As a result of this planned purchase from a you know. Sorry what is it from by -- -- there ego by to a cell. The back went from the with a target value of 700 down 500 dollars right so essentially when this was her first reported Google's stock. Market cap lost eight point seven billion so near in the press of the actual acquisition. The you know that analysts there says that we see creator risks of the -- in stock. Space. Motorola's extensive -- are -- patent portfolio. We're not sure it will protect and -- from IP issues we also believe that. Purchase will negatively impact to who -- gross margin and they'll -- -- So -- I think certainly some of us it is. I bind to like hardware typically has lower margins than its conference services so yeah it probably will bring emergence down. Com will whether it's gonna protect them for IP issues or not. You know you know -- -- expertise don't see how it couldn't at least help them somewhat but probably doesn't totally alleviate. Anything here you. I think Sam you know that one of -- My rationale here is a -- It's. And it's a bit too old -- from new. It's I think. In its its kind of -- a lot of people may be -- -- -- thinking like wild they truly think they can do no wrong to dispute tossing. Over and a half billion dollars around yours on some patents. So I think you know the them. The market investors. That whole sort of eco system is a little bit afraid right now just because. It's not been a good time financially. The last year there's been all you know. -- been mainly that the bottom of the market's been falling in and now. Using you know values -- stock to be went up and down like crazy and this sort of -- risk. Is not really I don't really think that it it it completely -- the kind of culture. Of that that investors have right now the that if I think you know it's the more conservative attitude. Around in their. -- these days. Attention seek look at this deal two different -- like one side of it is. We bought this hardware company that makes phones and we want to make sure that phones were -- phones to a higher standard and you know really push that side that's who -- it. That is has the patent. Portfolio right where. Apple on the Microsoft consortium just paid. Four and a half billion dollars or so for just the Nortel patent portfolio you. Didn't get actually any products -- hardware people or anything with that. So if you look at it from that perspective you know it -- that Google had to buy some patent portfolio that's where there -- and they needed to defend themselves. Against you know the patent insanity going on right now. Am so it -- got spent some money. Twelve billions ultimate spent on the patent portfolio but -- -- in this company that world in itself generate revenue. -- -- -- -- -- and I'll admit I haven't looked at this -- Lake Powell will or Corley was Motorola mobility doing. Before all of this because -- like if you. -- -- it may be a case and I'll I'll admit that I don't with them a lot of time paying attention to test -- but it means that they may have. Bought a company that women doing particularly well overvalued -- 66%. Over the value is not particularly ticket deal. Amended in most cases when you just -- -- you know getting what you pay for. Yeah I mean employee to measure -- a couple ways and -- kind of flows into our next story here and camera I don't know how you value is -- can't speak as silly. To weather and that's the right price that com. -- They are like if you look at the ranking in Android phones sales. -- Motorola is pretty much of last place -- So. That top one Samsung this is for the three months ending June 3. Top sales. Kindred. -- manufacture. In worldwide sales with thirteen point 5% of American HTC with -- point 6% of American technology was four point 5% American and then Motorola with. Four point 1% of the market. There's actually surprising to me you I didn't that it expects that segment of a Motorola -- do a little better than last place you have an -- Yet. That. You know which -- in the US and the world -- market looks like He has been. It's different here. So they did -- you know maybe the value company. And it looks like what -- the only one there has learned to these other companies. Do those companies have the same kind of patent -- yes I was gonna say it's late in May be like a perfect storm of Motorola sitting on all these patents and not really -- agree. Which Canon makes them ripe for the picking which you know of course answers the question of you know why why would you buy more rule instead of one of the other companies like why would you pick Motorola -- there's earlier answer right there. The damage Motorola mobility is really just folks around kind of this one type of thing whereas Samsung is a massive company do and all sorts of different things as is LG -- -- -- of behemoth. Our -- -- of big manufacturer and then right but they do other stuff -- -- -- that I don't know if they do too much besides a computing yeah. But then either. They're not really don't think they really in a position where the delay it yet here were willing to sell them in their kind of -- -- -- -- -- know that if there but HTC it seems like there would kind of be the only out another option right. And any Motorola is because they're split off from literally split off from the core Motorola seal is actually even possible. So I mean -- the united Natalie that -- -- who went door to door asking people sell them there. There there -- mobile units. This may have just. Unlike. An opportunity. That was ripe for the picking in the ticket. Indeed it does -- elected him to get a pretty quickly because ethic was only six weeks ago that -- Says that John and Google started talking Google global. And I don't know was actually sent -- in the cross from the entire you could. Is talking it's like your bot -- then the bot Stein and -- the clear as -- -- Or buy it for the group incorporated it's -- Aren't one last story before the break here we miss anything -- com. So this is very closely related to all of this -- so before. Google actually announced that they were buying Motorola. As they had files. Let's see what is this called the base -- it filed a Paper in. The -- desist. Com. Pad and -- -- whatever lawsuit. Where it notices is basically -- -- sort of own patents on in app purchase then they were. Going after individual developers both on the Apple and and -- its side you. And overall Google hadn't really entered into certain that it. Lawsuit. Reason is going on than they entered world and till Nam if filed. -- Ebert to sort of asked that the court reexamined to the patents. That Lewis has had. You know trying to determine if they should -- ever been issued in the first place and you know that it that's important in itself that they atom in our transit through baptists -- about their developers here in this case. But it also I think represents. A turning point -- -- has been a more active participant in the patent infringement stuff going on in the 800 world and in the -- of telecommunications world overall. So. You know the second step being behind Motorola. By it by. Aren't well after the break we will stop. Talking about Motorola and Google for the most part we might 1000002 prior best. Nominal -- little bit about -- agreements -- other exciting stuff so stay with us. And we are back so. Enough Google acquisition let's talk about. Samsung Activision they -- and -- Samsung. Has just hired Steve. -- antigen. Condit. For those of you who recognize the named CE -- he's kind of the epic ICC engine behind. A C engine mod. One of the most popular. I'm in moves -- I downloaded and installed alternative injury problems. -- sampling is actually picked him up. He made the announcement on his FaceBook page -- -- -- found -- basically. He's gonna be working. With with Samsung to make their awareness I think a little bit. -- Uninteresting and it has been. Mean. I mean. Did sixteen and then from our perspective of really wanting Vanilla Android and all phones not that interest -- will -- antigen is pretty Vanilla it is tweaked. But it's not. When I would call -- tweet that it's a recognizable. It's -- no sense it's no -- Get this IB mark sedated He was going to work Google. Widget. And a navy. Maybe maybe who will buy -- Samsung mobile needed Steve. And I guess He could also be you -- yeah. That sounds like I press. -- don't know Steve that. -- -- -- Well they did study -- schools are not. And Canada as pretty -- com. For well is they've sent out a nuclear. Yeah I mean He windows is is He could also be working at Samsung. On Android but -- contributing back to the you know core Android project. So -- all this stuff could find its way into. -- Samsung phones as well. It's possible. Added that while we don't think he's gonna stop -- -- -- so I think. For those who were interest in -- in the end -- the -- project -- More than one guy now so I mean for those of you who -- Wondering if the engine -- gonna stop development -- to worry about that -- sirens using -- -- -- -- Right now. Awesome and -- -- -- his retirement as the very seriously doubt that but yeah and a hard time in -- wrong. -- Direct. Gingerbread is supposed to have states TC incredible -- has -- -- against some people's phones hopefully to mine went into the -- now lift Ricky. -- yes but now -- -- that is as him sandwich which is the -- 800 OS. Phones and tablets are all running the same operates this crazy world all singing all dancing to TV. T here are some screen shots feminist groups parents that have been leaked recorded -- from 800 police. Says it's you know -- relatives and sets -- -- -- Intel bought from but. What. Some new things -- for the most part it looks just like. Wish you'd expect in vertical play -- change to dramatically. -- been some changes were now -- bloomer. You -- that little honeycomb -- -- Via. Which is which is interesting there -- there is we're not gonna say -- notification bar where it. It went through a redesign yet jurors gunned -- the couple weeks -- But for the most part. And it doesn't really look too much differently there are a couple of of semi confirmed a new features. Camera and a -- a panorama mood. So you committed snap multiple pictures and and and had -- -- to stitch them together of the Gmail have been redesigned to. Matched of the the new dark look of the OS. And allow them to be clear these are -- -- would all -- anything here. This the end of the the pictures that we have or can it heavily a lot of stuff like that identifying marketing. And one black -- so that I guess whomever is. We can -- photos -- isn't. -- -- So the first phones to get this is gonna be the nexus S which will receive an update in the nexus crime rickets is the first on actually ship with -- and -- which is over a period. -- and I think. Even after. -- -- -- it's still gonna be a sense. Of authority in development. And but they're -- it's that. Around this next there is -- present -- you know we talk while about a hundred tablets resist that. And you know for a long time it seem like -- tablets were just really really struggling. There's a new report out from ABI research saying that -- tablets have captured 20% of the market and -- -- -- over the past year. It's I don't know I was -- -- -- Link. Wilson president marketeers like -- a black art to me. I should have a hard -- really understanding with two and a pittance -- the way it works is if more people buy your product He get bigger markets. Harlow. A -- the reflects the math involved like the -- -- of -- fractions. This is the -- goes on saying that the reason Mandarin tablets as have struggled so much is that. -- -- -- with similar. Features in of his if you look at similarly configured at at and -- tablet. Hundreds -- Costs more. So He goes on say. That the onslaught of cheaper hundred tablets coming out later this year may create a sense that they lacked functionality. Compared to the iPad so -- as saying like you can't win. -- Interior more expensive than people think you have more features that means they don't need. Or you go at a lower price than people think -- missing features they do perception. And not necessarily the case. In most cases. Anyway it's pretty big jump from 96%. Of the market that I -- adversity is -- know. -- -- -- -- -- Did today. You know. Last year's second quarter they're really wasn't any -- tablets out there that there's like Archos stuff look at. That it does barely to be considered an entry tablets because they didn't really have standard Merck -- on the. Then they were just hacked versions whatever version of interest popular. Or those -- at the time so that they weren't they didn't run honeycomb I think. Any any sort of pre honeycomb tablet. Little bit iffy and I think it doesn't really tablet that's not really mean -- Agassi -- probably consider like the other smaller galaxy tabs. They were an -- time limit. Tablet ask yes the earth -- So its parent com. More hardware. Motorola. George Brown -- so. Yeah collects about now acted now now -- -- it'll -- simulates a -- -- just do it it's embarrassing to us at this point I kind of like el -- we joke around it'll come -- actually. We'll see -- but. The -- Khalili with the specs have been leaked for the improved by attic. I mean its its gonna come and accessories -- stern show on lake leaked screen shots and what not for this for that phone. But it'll probably be too little too late is in the world -- Android. You donate fast you'll be overtaken by. Maybe even though big thing yes so they get a screen -- of a Motorola Droid -- speed. That have leaked. And this phone looks to be the phone that will come close by -- it. Specs are lining up with the mobile Motorola -- -- that we talked about. Earlier this year I think we may just need touched on it and let. This -- has four point five inch screen. Can go up to twelve -- haven't any resolution same thickness is galaxy S. Capacitance buttons 1080. -- TE. Level available. I can -- the external micro SD card slot yeah that kind of cool for me -- people do that. The is that people that I think most people aren't really gonna be doing a lot ASD cards often. That I do it occasionally. But you know just also. Thirteen megapixel rear catalyst basically. Anything that you could possibly one on and it'll -- It'd say it's it's pictured next to the -- it's thinner than the bionic. And -- really know why would anyone buy it again it is if there's been there was already I guess when the dinar was. Sort of kind of sort rumored. Started getting He knows people asking if I should get the -- -- for the Nara. I think this is just. Probably gonna be another nail in the -- coffin. Silly. Error I don't know elegant and buddy Steve whether the Santana -- -- a -- eight. It is HD and display 720. Are you against Maria trespasser last thing here the last thing that -- anyone here is actually a little bit of malware news. There's an -- in the injury market called dog wars X is kind of stupid title. In my opinion but it's actually intrusion. That when you install. On the when -- trying to say He stole your phone it sends a -- an assisted reading your -- contact list that says. I take pleasure in hand in hurting small animals just thought she should know that -- elegant dog dog fighting app where you. Are supposed to like white -- but it's. It's it's -- I don't know -- -- the rumors have it -- -- -- maybe He does behind its. But they said today's Internet -- Threatening maybe maybe some some -- Peta agent. Is behind this -- mean they don't really seem like. It has inflicted. -- developing type so they don't mean maybe net relieve the -- developing -- but it. The fuel and thievery but there's -- -- only mouth to say that if that the only one there's also. -- another and injury malware. Injury -- underscore need to buy that seat -- with this. This it of malware it's called it's interesting. In that it actually hide itself on your phone. As Google -- Idol show up in your list of running applications -- -- plus plus. The idea being that if it. Pretends to be in other -- I'm people who were looking through their list of -- Apple teases me overlook it. A few if you see in your list of rang at school will -- with two pluses. There's something going on and you need to uninstall that there. It's crazy how do people get. And elegant to see again and installing. And thievery. -- I really knows -- -- stated how this and actually needed her phone to their friends. -- but what this windows is. It. Basically monitors your messages phone calls location. And -- it to a server somewhere. If you don't want people -- in year. Take a minute -- RA of the week -- of -- -- -- yet but I guess I've got an app that I can now it's called I think fiscal eight pin it in. But -- 810 and let me take effect -- -- -- Europe. Something select and demonstrate it. A pin is an alternative keyboard and but what's interesting about it is there are no -- -- -- -- -- And the I usually runs quite but I actually spent the weekend playing around with this at a barbecue and I think that -- We grow -- do you go to the -- -- eat in the infant down an allowance here and play with my phone. Now the -- eight -- works is it actually puts like this sort of thought -- seats -- -- board. On the bottom of your your phone. In the idea being that enough if I can do this but you move from the -- out into the quadrant and make sort of figuring -- with her to do this from the single. You -- -- sort of figure -- seeps. Going through the different quadrant. To salute to to input. Your messages it's a little bit hard to view -- -- -- -- -- quickly if you buy it. But so -- similar to -- new works similarly to slight. Ideally it's it. For some critically -- -- finicky little listening to audio want to and if your OpenId unrelated but it's it's weird to. And I will say that if you're really into keyboards like me at like five keyboards on my phone if you're really into alternative keyboards it's worth trying just to play out wouldn't keep you -- figure it out I don't know if it'll actually replaced your keyboard. For daily use but it's kinda -- ticket -- Aren't mine is called. Wonder list. With the U. And it basically is -- a little to do list application. But the real power here is that they have multiple platforms. It's -- computer have -- on -- at a minimum Andrea found. You know if it's for Mac for windows and it sort of -- -- all cloud sync so Eaton added -- review want. Kennedy tells -- -- due dates if you want. It is to super simplistic nothing. Over the top and -- so far -- couple weeks has worked very well and and it's free and there's no -- an area so. Yet yet -- I mean I don't know anything that the says they're gonna be putting ads and it but I assume they'll wanna make money it's -- money's good. Our attitude is amino lets you see me now aren't easily campus -- cnet.com. Cutting off from its thread who wanted to address the specs thing to specs matter concept in the world respects -- a similar specs don't matter to the average consumer. But saying that like you said the crowd of -- to -- But let's be honest the all the -- animator twenty years or dual core one gigahertz. -- much of a choice either way. And for the evo rom I'm currently using synergy with god -- You awesome sauce for cents. Priests Joseph guys and keep up the good work for it yet so last week we asked. About. -- alternative roms for evo for for the evo. The and so on Sprint's network or anyone to help a listener out it was. I'm interested in since space roms it's a that was that often -- -- where it has been the suggestion. And I do agree like -- most phones will be there -- only a handful of processor. Me if as suppliers. So it's like yeah of course most phones are gonna end up with very similar processors that nudity running whenever in -- -- Texas Instruments is making. So I think he's agreed with the -- -- do today is they were brilliant. -- being brilliant. You can email right here from. Kevin Canon and fairly long it is. The -- the whole thing I recently purchased the zoom. Just over the weekend actually since a living candidate has yet to be updated at redoubt to -- three that one but -- they disposed to come soon -- -- the other tablets on the market. I was gonna by the transformer by Asus but it was never in the store they only have -- Windows Phone 7 Windows 7 version. I never even heard of it until it was on display there. And He talks about how the honeycomb version was sold out online. And that's why He got it He says that even with three dot -- it's very usable. But He was thinking about routing and -- getting -- US through -- to update but because it comes with a two year warranty. He wants node routing rules voids -- warranty if it will. He says that flushes upward on three that don't work three well and the CNET apps for injury also work although the Internet tablet optimize -- to work and it just. System but also about being able to connect to Wi remotes. For gaming and then using a PS3 Bluetooth keyboard for typing. And Plantronics stereo Bluetooth headset for listening -- -- the question. About as well Bluetooth accessory -- -- going on there there is a question of other reason lawsuit from Apple. -- this effect Motorola and support for the platform. Like will his war his warranty -- anything -- and how will this affect customers who purchased the Zune. So are you -- -- -- like that the contract renews and Motorola and the I don't think that's that it's -- I don't think they completely void that. The secret country's gas between manufacturer. And and that consumer. And -- also. You must therefore cover some of our fever and -- -- ticker -- 3-D enabled apps. May be. Not today not today they were talking about very complicated keyboards. And mergers. Exactly. Well let's see milk products seem -- I am surprised given how horrible we talk about presumably still bought it. And then asked us questions out of but I the F thanks for the amount I mean it's as linked birth some users it's probably not a bad. If I can mean the -- has been dropping yet I mean if you still are holding on to hope that they're gonna come out with the forgy. It'll be here and it's been billion year listening time as a -- -- news -- -- -- -- with -- you Yan authority out. Are right so let's see this on. -- you know. That's -- this -- -- -- podcast. Just those describing the carrier's efforts to. Cracked down. On legal illegal tethering used for illegal in -- it though illegal. Tethering by I've been reading some of the carriers are more focused on stopping consumers from tethering without paying for that. Optional -- have to disagree with Justin's description of it being -- -- -- Yes it may be a violation of the carrier's customer. Agreement and -- -- -- me. Have a civil claim -- their customers for doing this but I am not aware of any laws prohibit doing. This -- it would be extremely. Extremely surprised to hear of some city county state or even federal government prosecuting someone for doing this. For the -- I would be really surprised to hear of any carrier from. Actually taken a customer -- -- customer. To court over this violation of their agreement. Rather ever assume that they either cancel their service to modify. It to the point of entices satisfaction thus driving the customer away intentionally. -- -- -- -- -- -- It makes sense it down -- Santa is well mean -- both an illegal. Agreement He -- dollars and the going to jail is in now -- -- illegal. As in like -- aren't we were -- -- there's an error I mean like traveling is an illegal move and basketball you'll go to jail for right. But -- I agree with what he's saying that there is a -- agreement and that it is it's an infraction in its. -- -- -- Contract of the secret bond between the -- here it has apparently confident that. -- that'd that'd I don't wanna get on my whole rant about how stupid I think it is in the first place but the -- matter is that. He's a prominent on it right that lets you when you get service you do. -- written assignment. Lest you know have an HTC well fire ants have had -- TC wildfire as for a while now and getting annoyed that. As mine is in S on mood and -- -- beneath the boot -- locked Mikey at root it the reason being of course to -- to -- -- since. Bloat ware that I quite frankly hate and -- a -- gingerbread phone. And -- to buy a nexus as it is one of my favorite Android phones. And I could do with that sixteen -- the stories since my phone is getting a little full. Meaning He can't download many more apps and keeps telling him clean -- its -- -- -- city by the nexus S or hold -- for the next prime. In the UK so I mean I keep the -- as soon -- you do I don't have a lot of tests -- new bone found in exodus on Amazon or. About 300 bucks I think I think He -- the number two -- and sixty. I'll -- that the money he's over there that is new money yeah definitely thinking of buying it. That's about as expensive as I can give thanks for your device love the show. -- the nexus S will likely give -- -- there was update. So if you need a phone now it's not a bad choice. Yeah yeah and it goes along with your Syria you know the -- phone now -- now the -- is. We know how will waiting phones works out sometime in May be waiting there's there's meditating the there's there's not actually a release date. Four. The nexus prime it hasn't been officially announced by Google literally is it's really matter. Mean but it really go in there officially announced they need a lot when they're just speculation. You know wild speculation. They mean. Sometimes I think Motorola announced -- -- for them. -- -- Well actually it is presented today at -- at a time though they did set a timeframe. Gas. But -- means that the -- It's coming out on thirtieth. It was so wrong though -- you know. It's not as believable I agree I don't think like a nexus phone of -- to release date. Usually -- -- -- -- usually the nexus phones are announced in tandem with an OS in the usually come out. Lake within a week -- the same day. So it's late yesterday. When Google announces the nexus of beacon rated put out. The thing is we don't know when that's gonna be. It. Maybe next month because we have the rumors have been trying to -- we talked about last week have been trying to beat the iPhone five to the market yet and it's looking like the iPhone -- will be next month of the month thereafter so. Maybe as early as next month but it. We don't know if you'll be able to buy it and -- and. -- -- Arrow that's -- show for today if you would like to see who rule will be signed next week or what room -- their release states turn in next. Wednesday. At. -- -- and it's all wrong in this document. I had to noon Pacific at CNET tech Tom's last -- -- get this show and also -- enter in information on the law at cnet.com slash injury -- accidents. You can email us your -- questions or. Flattering comments -- analysis cnet.com. -- on Twitter at entering doubtless follow him on is apt get through. Follow me -- not my real name. That is it. -- slowly get our heads -- expect to --

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