Ep. 36: The battle of the Android form factors
Ep. 36: The battle of the Android form factors

Ep. 36: The battle of the Android form factors

-- collects on handwriting Android on a MacBook and Antuan isn't indirect. -- had more in this week's edition of Android atlas weekly for February 17 2011 I'm just -- house along side and on good when. As we go -- -- good day and bonito DeLeon a of their two. -- -- And. Okay. Bluetooth that I amber and and it has the gauntlet. And have you met my parents' good. -- hopefully -- in the video version of that if not he vehemently go check out the -- Com to see what we actually really look like there there. Frighteningly accurate that is often. Com our -- so mobile world congress was. Was -- this weekend's class earlier this week and there was a lot of Android news most of what we're gonna talk about. You -- come came out of there. And where to start with an iPod Touch competitor -- that we've actually been talking a lot about. Yet -- we actually get a couple of emails about this we -- mechanically -- and we've talked about it a couple of times on the low on the show. Samsung is actually come out with the answer -- -- -- a lot of your prayers it's an Android based. Portable media player so this actually. Kind of -- to look a little sleep a little hand sleek the galaxy S Wi-Fi. Wi-Fi four point oh and I've -- to different models. Now those are revision numbers the difference between the work when noon five point I was gonna be the screen size that yeah and the orange -- choice marketing team. Right where the -- when -- have a five inch screen -- basically it's. A galaxy S phone without the F cellular antenna -- did exactly what it sounds like radio 2.2. Version of the entering OS. 3.2 megapixel camera on the back VGA camera facing forward. Reports Iraqi calling. And they have it that is pretty good I mean we don't know price him astray. We don't like pricing were announced on presumably it's gonna be competitive wind. Yet. -- of both certainly hope so -- that that at least you know how watermark. Which you're aiming at. And also -- 01 gigahertz hummingbird processor. And it should be available in 816 and 32 gigabyte capacities of the added I think this is gonna be good -- think you know the Samsung galaxy S phones -- Solid nice phone. In a spurt that in that five and I've been screened at the peak. The big you nothing to be carrying around I guess -- kind of blending you get that when you didn't really close to the seven inch screen on the Galaxy Tab. Ray. But it's still profitable at that point yet and -- -- movies. Answer it's good to see this -- and there is definitely some media players. There were out there before but I think this is it is the first real competitor that actually has access to standard market right -- -- their own Mario's ones didn't have. -- updated activity -- officials. -- and entry devices neighbors. And strengthen it. Exactly so we don't know how much. Gonna do notebook -- -- Alright here ago -- -- this -- as you say we don't know how much that costs Hulu we do know the price is the Motorola zoom. Which there have been a lot of rumors about arms it was gonna cost already 800 dollars and then there -- rumors it was going to be. 12100 dollar at 400 dollars based on some best buy information -- Ended up being false sensitive. The official price now direct from finds a job -- -- -- of Motorola. Mobility is 799. And subsidized from Verizon Wireless. And anyway -- only version -- round 600 dollars you know exactly and 99 is hit that thing. -- 999 you them -- -- 99. If it -- -- -- around of the music technical more than a hundred bucks so we're talking about this before this show. And I feel like -- its 799. And so -- and subsidized however you have to pay per month of service to activate the white side. Which is -- you -- -- He for a month of service to activate the -- -- which you can cancel it immediately -- credited back. In -- -- weird loophole. That I think someone found that you can cable service shortly thereafter and get a credit back. A -- that you don't wanna use the service there is just a ploy to trick you into signing up and forgetting to cancel -- the oldest trick in the book Austin actually. Actually some speculation that the that 12100 dollar price. With some sort of like strategy. Where they put up 200 dollar price there was like a man lot of money and in -- like 800 by apparently Olympic and. Exactly -- and -- are the same thing but it. An eraser and 800 dollars which I think is pretty expensive. Com you know I think. This is the first I'll say this first iPad competitor -- -- right there's nothing else that was equivalent enough in mind mind to compete. And I feel like -- should have. Certainly the specs are better but they should have come in at the same -- -- preferably lower but I had to -- unseat them a little bit. There you. I guess with the price it between -- guess you know comparing apples to apples and that -- in. It does speak cool yet. I know bringing in like you know how much your -- gonna cost during the year of the Wi-Fi version -- 600 bucks. For the zoom vs the iPad of smaller capacities and iPad three G starts at 629. U. With you know no contract. That sixteen gigs how what's the storage on this -- onto the zoom. Do you know. -- my head don't have it anyway so ranges from 629. 720 ninth and 32 -- between the united for the 64 gig so I'd -- like. You know you know at the back at who's gonna be priced no more than might at one and probably less yeah so this is presumed to be come very. And competitive. Very quickly if suddenly Apple drops the price 200 bucks which is not unheard of from -- the product announcements. Yeah I you know I think so but I mean you know -- I think the specs on zoom are just better overall and also I think that -- put this device that backside. With the iPad. From what I've seen the honeycomb and actually if it's a much more gee -- kind of interface for me to you if you're looking at an app at home screen. And you've already like had an iPhone for two or three years you've seen that I touch -- -- in the wild by and it's kind of looks like more of the theme. Honeycomb was actually a Latin word. -- is different looking it looks a lot cooler. I gave if it arguable it's very subjective my opinion there -- I think that it looks cool enough that you know something will be able to just by the price -- -- -- the specs are better at a lot slicker. Some people -- What you're really worried about here I think it's at a mass market so the iPad is supposed to -- forty million units this year hold fifteen I think last year -- So can this so. In equivalent forty million or even twenty million and an 800 dollar price point -- the need to. So the -- if I'm Motorola. That's my target. I just feel like keep you need I mean maybe even grew closer come in and subsidize this to sort of -- -- We you know. Apple has the lead and we need to catch up here and we're gonna do whatever needs to do it sensitive plate try and and LeapFrog them so they LeapFrog them -- spent. In terms of sales and and -- in I think. They have an uphill battle. -- Google -- going would be death by a thousand cuts. Kind of mentality now they only get behind one device and -- this -- -- there's I think the kind of wanted to step back. Well the kind of writing have clarity have a deep partnership with Motorola wizardry unique they helped design it so why stop all enemies ammonium -- And that that think that that investment with the you're asked to much of cool yeah well I guess now -- the mean it via the you have infinite money. As far as I'm concerned yet but I mean it is realistically they don't have been many. They have a very large amount of money. Yes and are well -- -- about this the start playing games. On the new Sony Ericsson experience play. If it's funny because -- -- how many articles have reported on where there and is the official are finally announced her. You know. Official rumors there was little icon the animal -- -- -- there is click for article in the room but -- device in the united we had a lot of editors give their own take and it and then there was the preview and in the official and sign in and the union. I guess the editor with more experience in gaming -- the look at it. So there's a lot of coverage on the device I'm over on cnet.com. Let me what do you think about it. Com. From Sony it has -- slide out that controller. Looks a lot leg. The Sony PlayStation dual shock controller. It's an exclusive for Verizon Wireless. -- you know -- -- -- gingerbread. And it has sort of you know the the specifics Sony platform or whatever they're calling it. I think that it's. I think it's cool I mean if you just want a phone. That is running Android and you're also a big gamer. I mean what better options you have. You don't have a better option but I don't think that makes this the right out. -- looking yet. This kind of control surface where you actually interact. And you know like those kind of like touch sensitive I don't really know it -- the call -- films gonna call them like little touch nipple. Where the dual stocks -- -- ago. I mean I don't really see that -- the -- can see a lot of problems that it's -- Sensitivity and like Eva precision. And the I don't know I have I feel like I haven't had this in hand but I'm looking at and it just looks like I don't wanna play with it. Yeah I mean I think -- things these have to try and see how it feels I mean -- If we go to virtual keyboards vs hardware keyboards I always have like I can never deal with the virtual keyboard and -- I've been -- an incredible for several months now and -- who cares and -- new -- -- word ever again. So it's one and things were it looks a different. Right maybe you want to try -- -- again -- it's just me looking at it and photographs in -- and also kind of Reading the impressions are and that the editors who were on site. Made but adams' you know from what I see I'm that. I'm looking forward to playing with things like our product like this it's gonna -- the games that if we -- -- -- good games then. And you know at this point it's the only thing out there I mean there is there's the iPhone -- lot of good games. But -- but it's not the only thing out there -- mean there's. -- -- you if you expand your horizons I mean there are other platforms and own platforms but it. Well it's the only phones isn't one since what that engage. I mean elegant and it will mean day you could argue the -- -- pre game -- I mean -- all rights combined and there -- hard hundreds of games for hundreds of illegal name -- that's true. But I mean if they can bring some of Sony's existing library of games here you pretty powerful selling point to do we know when this is gonna come out. I don't know if they hadn't -- his -- -- noted that he date in the article about way to read springer's -- like that before. You know. Who knows yet how upset about some of the other hardware we saw at a mobile world congress the -- the Sony -- -- they. LG has some devices we've been talking a lot about -- the last couple weeks rate round and they are all about 3-D. All about the -- today they announced two devices. Yet that even the optimists the greedy -- -- Smartphone. -- was basically take the optimist that we know and at 3-D capability to receive got two cameras on the back that can record in 3-D and a screen that can display. 3-D. Content without glasses. So it -- kinda cool and I can union nobody's gonna look around the glasses that are effectively the same side as your phone. Just to watch content on your phone. That's -- -- and on the other hand -- with the stick with this one for a little bit longer get to five megapixel -- on the back you can record. 1980. 700. I think 720. 3-D C -- little -- a resolution there would still three dimensional HD and then on the other hand we've got the optimist pad. Which also can record. And view 3-D content but you're gonna need to wear glasses with -- Yeah I mean -- I want what you think here I think. We're seeing a lot of different phones with a lot of different cool innovations. You know you got the Sony -- talked -- at this treaty found we have that. Accused -- echo I think the retirement last week that that. The two screens. Feel like. One of these there are few technologies will become mainstream -- -- other -- will not even remember in two years. I you know it I think it's again going back you might hear -- -- affected you know you can pretty much do whatever you want. Because -- so many different kinds of form factors and technology is flowing around out there. Yet three may not catch -- line. But it's there and you can play with it right I'm not a fan of 3-D IA will mean I'm definitely that news this the phone or this tablet market. But somebody who is really interest in in in intrigued with -- technology in one of the play around and record. This is there for them doesn't enter the same thing about -- For LG is this just like a niche thing -- it is it smart to sort of place your bets on this have -- -- or should this. Not be your main strategy -- you were at CES just like analysts and everything if -- I mean -- it's that it's out of stupid bet everything is treaty but still known as -- -- and have it but I mean it. It -- the big buzz and get people's attention and the people people have experienced three -- because. Every other movie comes out in digital 3-D. So people know what -- -- bowel even if they can't get their hands on it at home -- on their phone the have experience with the technology so. I don't think -- -- and unsafe bet. But the united. You know people like me are gonna in Marty kind of member of discount three -- -- -- where if a movie comes out. In three the try my hardest to find it in TV just so that -- and what -- that it again and it says for holographic phones. Democrats want the little. You know projected princess -- experience -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- And with -- seems like it's just a matter of -- -- of -- -- -- -- the games. -- there's just there's not much pretty confident that so no one really -- that nudity or whatever but these things happen activity camera -- -- by that by making their own content in them and that's that's happening. You might. And we -- diamond in the. It's free apps is interest in I guess -- silicon and map. And yeah hopefully you're not wearing a three classes wired revenues are and how many parents that -- -- -- Unions in media they can make it. The all of that. It. -- Well this is not the only tablet that was announced in case you're not into 3-D and there's a lot of other stuff here. Tablet at 2011 over emotional comfort -- Of these are starting to it sounds a little more real. From. -- see there is. The was -- on the list the -- Offers no matter what what it was actually and Leo we are talked about the optimist had no we get it will be the the T-Mobile G fully -- Stupid name ever in my opinion and no pricing or Nokia or anything else on there was the partnership getting back to of the need -- -- thing about content there was a partnership and announced -- -- -- A lot of people don't realize that YouTube actually had the ability to display three videos. So there was a partnership between LG. That'll let optimists users quickly can -- take advantage of that solar technology. I'm also there was the Samsung Galaxy Tab ten point one which is basically this Samsung Galaxy -- -- screen. Today -- tailored to -- beneath decimal point. And inane rate authority computing ten point one in the old I mean -- can -- founded -- is as good I'm gonna and I think this is just what the -- -- -- -- should have been originally rate lol. I guess there's an argument against that -- -- -- for a number of users that seven inch galaxy to have. Is there have been the good size for curtain over I don't know originally version of the illicit -- if -- -- and CPU as well yeah I -- A doctor Thomas screen size there and I really liked them and -- screen. Yet -- it does have its benefits and thus have an HTC you know I'm a big fan of HTC devices and -- HTC flyer. Was announced. And it's going to come -- rename Andrew 2.3. Which is kind of a bomber. Ray have a seven -- cheaper LCD touch screen. What 32 gigs of storage five megapixel camera on the back one point 3M front. It says -- he -- plus support. It -- -- little bit of hullabaloo around this device because when it was announced. They said that it was actually gonna run an injury to got four. And for a couple hours the Internet witness who renewable going like -- to god for what that what does that mean that ice -- like what they're gonna do it that and then. If you -- came back and that that -- of the type. To that -- at the -- how. A type of blues up in the light and a whole ordeal -- like that so this one is you know. From HTC little fifteen -- I'm not invited zebra. I mean I guess in. HTC use their devices are usually pretty. Pretty customizable so I mean I'm sure that before even -- -- are so they'll be a honeycomb port. But media port and he comes the -- you can put anywhere on the thing. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- come out which is four inch device now this is. Kind of like portable media player almost but they're calling and a tablet parade -- Don't know that Olivier -- because -- in the same line at the view pads that in the keypad or Endesa has so do their capabilities. Doesn't -- it does. It's weird I don't know -- bizarre had fled I guess it's another case of what the -- blending. Or you can call for its device the tablet. Like a laptop netbook thing yeah eloquent and how -- to become when -- -- -- another of just knew that if you wanna put a name on it. And now at those -- little weird odd bird there that one. But and I mean there are a bunch of other kind of tablets. From smaller lesser known manufacturers that were also unveiled. And -- mobile world congress but. Just got a tip of the iceberg as far as what's going on there. In my picks from what we in the majors players error -- Obviously -- -- And you know I think beyond that they Galaxy Tab and one. Seem to be like that the leading contenders in my mind that when you the -- In the water especially because. -- you -- -- regional pricing on the guy he admitted terrorists summaries based on. -- -- You know listing on Amazon that this was going to do was listed on Amazon and 730. Dollars. It's actually was -- on Amazon's. German state. So it's really hard to tell -- -- the best buy case what that actually means. You know that I -- 730 is. It's expensive for the size of this thing. Expensive period. The -- well I mean if there was attendants tablet it would. The cheaper -- -- -- It would be cheaper than -- zoom by -- and mean out of now that much cheaper. And then it. Already lake before -- even -- on the box and got him. Gotta find them there -- way to put -- come on this thing. That'd probably be worth the extra sixty bucks. Power comparing this Apple's Natalie if nothing -- Apple without comparing it to rewrites of the droids here. The -- upgrade to zoom an extra sixty bucks may actually be worth it depends on whether or not Motorola does there. Lock -- the boot loader rate down the really enjoy doing. We -- a lot of talk about like alternative forms regular and again to a couple little. Little tips over the last couple of weeks -- things like BM Motorola eight strictly in the the -- the of that the phone that we -- I -- that beta we didn't actually. Established terms and we just -- an empty bet I don't even remember the details of what you do you remember there was a bit elements -- -- through. -- -- my one and and you only. I owe you nothing. You'll need to wait a bit of nothing in -- products immunized groups and I aggregate -- it it. But there's actually it. A company called cup CU PP and they've been working -- mine. A way to take in arm processor. And integrated into something like a laptop or a desktop. Combined. You know that kind of X 86 high powered CPU. And the low power were. You know. Arm processor war you know to be able to run something like Mac OS or windows or Linux side by side with a smaller. Westlake Chrome OS -- Android. And it actually demonstrated with -- MacBook Pro that it can be done. So we've actually I got a story over on engadget. Where they're demonstrating this at the MacBook Pro running of course Mac OS. And down a daughter board that been installed where the optical drive used to -- because -- uses those anymore. In the daughter board actually has -- Texas instrument. Arm processor. And eight allows users to with a touch of a button jump back and forth between. The Apple. OSX. And Android. Though with new well would you want to do this. The reason they gave -- that the end of the arm processor in the operating systems that run on -- are actually. Extremely efficient. They fear that you know that -- professor at full -- you do less power than the X 86. Raining. In sleep mode though if you are then you heard that having your name not. That's insane amount it is an insane it's crazy I think this is pretty interest -- I think. You know right now efforts and of geeks this is awesome. To get -- the next level I want it to be sort of seamless that. -- OS runs on X 86 as on the arm processor and -- considers Zelikow. This person is just typing in word. So we're gonna transition from -- -- other. And then when you wanna go and watch a video than it spins up. The processor Writely. And -- which is backs -- as needed. Will there are things like you know if -- On the road you're on an airplane and you working on a word document or something on the XE six processor and you get that. You 10% battery warning and that means you get about in the article -- -- 1520 minutes of life but if you switched over the -- you've got a couple hours. What I would like to see is. Instead of what -- physical button median -- -- tablet form factor. Where when you take the title of the cradle. It switches to the -- processed there and maybe even like -- kind of a touch friendly. Operating system where you you everything -- who normally do on a tablet with a touch screen but then you come home. Drop it into a cradle that can have a keyboard and -- and it switches over to something more desktop friendly. Powered up then X 86 processor analysts use a you can go out about cute videos. Which your tablet and an email and stuff and income home and edit video using the -- Core hardware that would be cool. There would be interesting. You know then you're just used. -- -- You could say they're always -- on them in -- cumulative sending things from place to place. I mean this would be in that you would have to wait for upload. To drop -- server and back down to your home servers that I don't know you have to reboot into Europe zero S well they still a seamless. And that's -- little button there are switching back compartment of a button they can sum total waste -- as seen on its storage. That button. Could be integrated the cradle. Keep even -- magnetic triggered in -- that plugged to the Bluetooth keyboard and -- salute. So it -- yet imagine this could be very cool it could be that this is not the only way to save battery -- Is it is not the only -- that hint at it. Well -- if you wanna go and buy new hardware. You could. Well my solution to battery life on my phone excuse to buy in battery. And -- -- -- them around but if you -- wanna do that there are a lot of ways India and radio with that are built in. That allow users to effectively manage their battery life and got -- how to video that I put together to show you how to do that. -- -- -- Things even if you aren't pattern -- custom -- with a massive overclocking probably know that battery life is. Is not the strong -- most Android phones. So you may be wondering how can I squeeze the most life out of my injury phone's battery. I'm Antuan Goodwin allow me to show you how it's done. One of the most effective tools for managing your Android power usage is the power control widget. This marking the and it's here and -- phone's home screen and provides access to the battery sapping features of your phone at your fingertips. Now the -- -- -- your phones are gonna press in the hole anywhere in the blanks based on the home screen. And then you're going to go to add widgets and then find that power control widget. If you're not using Wi-Fi Bluetooth or GPS functions you can quickly disable them with the power control widget to extend battery life. In a pinch you can even disable background thinking -- email calendars etc. for the -- threats. However by far the most heinous battery -- is your phone's screen and its backlight. The power control widget allows users to quickly adjust the screen brightness obviously gamers going to be better for battery life. There's also an automatic setting that brightens and dims the screen depending on ambient lighting for the best balance of visibility and -- efficiency. Taking me to step further you can also adjust the delay of screen time out -- the screen isn't just burning away while sitting in active. From the Android home screen hit the menu button then settings. Then scroll to display in tap that and in screen time out from here you'll be able to select the delay. -- your comfortable -- it lets you pick one simply back out of the union. For those who really want to -- in and micromanage -- also has a battery usage meter that shows where your power's going. -- jump back into -- settings menu from the home screen and find the applications options then select battery usage. You'll be presented with bunch of bar graphs showing what processes and features have been using it produced -- a great tool for finding battery hogging apps which can indeed disabled or uninstalled. So they have it go forth without fear that you'll find your phone out of juice and an inopportune time. That Antuan Goodwin with cnet.com. Check out the Android atlas blog for even more injury tips and tricks and CNET TV for even more how to videos. Welcome back good tips there yeah. And if you with it. I hate every time and Tenet of viera -- well I've used a lot of tips and the it's it's funny every time I've ever looked at that battery status display. Or what's using your battery powers of the display it -- display I think it's it's gotten better you know with through ambient. You know whatever light sensor helps little bit and setting -- -- Otto. Munich as originally there wasn't auto display adjustment. Look has definitely helped a lot as well. But yet it's it's shocking -- that display uses what he can toss them. Yeah so they have called video bode good -- to make your own media and if you wanted to use your Android tablet to do so would you do how would you do that. Well this week. That no world congress Google actually unveiled. And Android video user -- -- the editor for clinical. Where there have sort of -- -- choppy video. That someone posted here. You know it it'll be as -- as well. Actually using the video and you know I've wanted for a long time not a super fancy video editor -- just the ability to sort of -- Offbeat news and of the video that'll take a -- -- in the world like man I need to chop off some but they've got a step further and it's not just about. In -- -- announce the beginning and you can sort of add music and you know spice things together or create placate some of this in effect transitions or -- a bunch of still images in there. You know and it looks pretty straightforward. If prescribed for a little bit and -- video too -- you know two or three minutes. From -- -- to release the them using all the different controls in misses so this is running on honeycomb on a tablet obviously. That'll be excited to see is how they -- was to bring this to phones. Because this uses a lot of screen into -- state. Yet these -- -- -- -- and I mean effectively though -- mean you've got jog dials and time -- in and you know separate timeline three music and effects and stuff so that -- it. It's not like they're wasting a -- -- -- -- being fake. But it will be interesting to see you know if this is even something -- -- you. The people duo -- -- -- -- implement if on the -- and if it. You know as -- will they be implementing that on the handset -- honeycomb. No. Because in the same article. There's actually a little bit of an outline as far as like what's gonna happen with the feature. Of injury to listen where the the next. Version the -- -- for ice cream. -- can failing to -- which went live this is we -- in it and sandwiched. But yet -- -- what's gonna happen with that. And it looks like according to Google's. Eric Schmidt that. The next version will actually take a lot of the or -- even most of the elements. That are available in honeycomb and reconfigured -- eager those a little bit the make sense are implemented in in a way that that works for. Handsets right so. What is this saying that the ice cream sandwich version is gonna be like the unification of phone and tablet and you know we'll get registered of the fragmentation we have now will never get -- of fragmentation era -- -- just. One sense of fragmentation Graham hill it -- it yet did the two divergent branches. There Android -- have recently developed -- and back together. That is great to hear the Nittany again more talk of their six month development cycle -- you know again seem. More and more days so I mean there's certainly nothing in this second quarter -- -- Cool well that'll be exciting I think we were talking of -- showed assuming that none of us will ever get. Gingerbread. On. Any of our phones because they're Reynolds as we transcripts and I -- in -- But it if solicit -- -- -- really -- -- an -- and officially announces. There's very little oil residency and -- world they're in surprisingly well on the first in very. 200 yet integrator in the -- well it's got a little bit of an over clock on the amendment. -- mean no more than most of the -- -- Brian. But that's neither here nor there we're talking about video. Area where are you better audio video edit on the subject they didn't wanna mention. For all those who are curious -- I'm sure all of Apple users are you will be ought to do the Ken Burns effect in the Google. Android video editor PBS documentary -- And your family and Steve Jobs always points out that affect every -- -- -- here. If it's the cool back. -- getting away from home made movies and into. Commercial. Movies. There is actually been announced the first Blu-ray you know blu -- often have come with the dvd version in the digital copy that you only work on an iPhone. They've actually the first dvds come out with an injury compatible digital copy and -- unstoppable starring Denzel Washington and -- -- I haven't seen the movie didn't look into the unit -- done to enact and now I'm not watch it on my photos that that's the transmit the one word yet. It's a train leaves the station at that the clot traveling at eighty miles per hour but so you -- guy in the physical dvd Blu-ray. To get the digital to hit the digital copy on your phone -- Hey you never thought of -- of -- but it's a nice -- I guess. He wanted to start in the movie are you have written -- have. On the train of thought I was notified when content Stovall monitoring samples of an HDMI out and this is also true. Security have -- -- -- ready yet but when I'm and I have Blu-ray couldn't do in the particular are delighted with the stated that makes sense but it's cool. But you do need a pocket -- -- To get past the the DR in the built into this side the free app that they can then download that works on any injury I don't know one point six -- -- Engaged in and -- we have not the only way to leave her in the last week to watch movies on your phone ranked the exciting news. Out of all com slash Netflix camp. There's a blog post and a few months ago by the -- -- director engineering Anderson -- from Netflix saying hey it's really hard to get Netflix on Android because. The DRM on most phones is inadequate and on standardize. It and this week. All Thompson said hey any phone that is running -- Qualcomm snap dragon platform. We'll be able to support. The Netflix streaming because that processor is able to do that DR ram that Netflix considers necessary for their content. Right so -- I'm a world congress again. They actually had Netflix running. Com on a couple phones -- couple demos that are floating about. They're on one -- two -- -- -- But though it it's actually coming. And I think firfer -- -- -- as many movies I watch Netflix on my phone. It's kind of the good selling point being able to see that you know that the app runs on that phone that -- they actually factoring into what phone. I'm gonna get in the future. I don't know why I mean how long is the -- believe watched on your phone -- you know. In Netflix says he -- movies but they also have TV shows that TV series is so I can see myself watching a thirty minute movie. -- -- you know. Hands that slack that the required DRM libraries for this. Hopefully that's just a software update. Our firmware yet something infinitely -- -- some sort of waited to detect and maybe the -- -- that it that -- actually be the the smooth this week to do that RA but it's coming. That that's exciting amounts of other exciting news as were almost at a time here. Two subscription services. Announced last. Few days one from Google and one from Apple at Apple one came first. I guess they had was they didn't announce it when they released the daily the first subscription app for Apple. They announced it -- after that. They have some pretty strict restrictions and Apple one. And they take 30% cut all subscription -- extortion. Me it's pretty. Pretty high -- is the biggest sticking point -- Apple was they require. You know you can't allow people to subscribe to your stuff out of the -- of the big questions of -- Netflix allows people to subscribe and use the app. It seems from the terms of service there that they would have to give Apple. You know they facilitate subscriptions within the app and -- give Apple 30%. All users revenue use the app. Which seems kind of scared that -- -- user data. -- they go user data have so -- -- the day after Apple announced theirs and I'm sure this was not the incidence announced -- without those restrictions and there are only taken 10%. We think about backed its. I mean it compelling if but -- -- the reason it's gonna give. These it. Subscription based service is a look little bit more leverage. And that if making negotiations -- -- putting it could even a low pressure on Apple sort of revised. -- strategy there. And it's pretty entry would be carried a lot more about this misses. Not the last of it but I think Google certainly has come out and leaders -- developer's perspective is at this point. -- Got a couple music. Apps and related services here -- at her one anyway. Just one double twist it it noteworthy in that it. In a lot of people's mind to the fact -- new application that you would use for kind of replicating that iTunes syncing service on an Android. Platform has actually release an update to the air sync platform which there can either seek out. Which normally is used for a link wirelessly syncing your library between computer and your phone. But now it has built into it. The ability to stream media to. Any sort of I guess receiver scramble it's just part of the donate right so now -- -- -- Xbox-360. PlayStation 3 and again move ideal and they. Additional devices are -- -- the ability and if it's coming soon. But for now Xbox-360 and PlayStation users can now stream music videos and photos are from their phone to their console but actually. Pretty cool. They do the opposite now none of the the have a lot of video like on my windows media center there wanna stream to my phone how to do that -- my act which is -- else. I'm sure there's like some way around it -- now the double twist that. -- -- -- -- -- and other apps have this week map quests and know everyone has been dying for this. Theory navigation -- -- -- Releases an -- -- It's free. You know it can do a lot of stuff that Google Maps can do big question is who -- they weren't here. Will no leader in this -- I'm actually doing the testing of its technology -- thankfully. -- -- No if you care will don't know that there will -- of people your model here people they could put -- a deal of time goes on about your mom isn't. These hypothetical. Everyone's mom that's pathetic -- -- care. In other navigation speaking -- -- in your hands on I actually got my hands on us cities 66. Our navigation app for injury in India full and aren't that we -- that. And for those of you who wanna keep your maps locally on your phone you travel abroad or you just don't have an unlimited data plan. This is actually interesting to you -- So head over to us CNET and check out when I thought about it. Spoilers -- site. This put them. That's 27 dollars and 44 cents. -- -- -- If you're gonna get 27 dollars and roaming charges traveling O'Brien that if a port -- -- -- -- -- that's less than one month of the data plan exactly. But still -- -- -- very good looking out as you can see from the picture in the preview there but there are coupled -- firing into the -- -- -- one Apple look at where you download this -- Well finally this week you may have noticed we looked a little different at the beginning in this -- And that was thanks to. I'll -- my favorite app of the week and to ratify. Where you can. You know. It's that -- -- to make yourself but to customize the Android robot -- he fit the mini can export images or share with friends. Have all sorts of fun who -- -- again there I am my favorite pirate. There's and on and there has been you know he's that is the that is stunning how much so that even -- the man who. In our in the Indiana today that have a map it is exactly right so if you're again technician hundreds if you -- us here -- I edit anything else there that -- it's that cool -- -- army -- -- -- -- it influences. -- -- -- -- and it never -- and we've got some email here to -- -- Alice had cnet.com from Steve -- there. My name remember from the past when you talked about -- heading back to factory specs from the Motorola Droid one -- here remember how did. He did that anymore please tell me not to do that or what episode it was on and it was one. It it sometimes it's -- it sounds like am reading so poorly that you're not team attack. -- -- -- Okay I guess that's probably out of them maybe at the mood but there's -- -- going on there we Margaret maybe not anyway. The way that I would do this. Is the same way you've got to your custom rom and that would be. -- I'm -- -- -- custom -- then do you just install. A a new -- I fitted with if you need to -- reinstall the original -- and that would actually install everything you refresh everything back to factory spec. And if you install around the thanks to before one of the -- when it prompts you to do the -- -- intellectually -- -- If you're talking about just a re seeing. -- expect to factory there's actually -- -- in the options. 41%. State through the menu varies you'll find it have a much -- way I -- phone. You shouldn't have the original -- anymore who would who would have the original Droid. One. Though there -- yeah yeah now. If you're buying. -- out in what looks like -- email sorry from away. -- north of if a question about G DPS for travel. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Hi -- that -- question for you prevalent in Europe in a few months. With a sprint HTC evo -- that the TDMA doesn't work for me there and I'm looking for an app. The humility to download and store maps on the SD card of turbine and its cities at a time since there's no 3-D. Or four G connection that's using real time suggestions and there a couple of options that you have. Ups top my head there is. The -- are apt and I just talked about that actually European companies and their European apps I community UP maps are available for download at. There is also move the co pilot lot of -- live app even though there European -- for a little expensive -- that really fan of the software. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- There's them. A couple of -- yet there is dynamic on app I've. Have downloaded that -- have been given full test men I don't know when you're leaving in a few month -- you may actually see that a review. On the unit on the car -- -- before you leave the -- -- for that'll you know I think about it. But there are a number of options available. That will allow you to use to -- The -- then check out. Check -- the -- atlas blog and also maybe even the Arctic bought these. -- that that's all week who aren't wrap this up and -- making it so if you wanna send us the question you have some comments. You just wanna say hello to this an email at Android atlas at cnet.com. You wanna follow the -- in the Android atlas blog on Twitter. You follow that at Android atlas over on a twitter.com. You follow me and -- -- your questions. Ideas for how to videos. At a NT GOO that it view on Twitter. The -- Twitter I am. You can follow me ad had not my real name and if you don't have the donuts and texture -- it yet and if you mum. Are not already watching this show live in wanna join us live every Thursday to PM Pacific it over -- cnet.com slash live every Thursday at 2 PM Pacific and join -- in the chat room and then or at the show notes. And down other cool injury news go to cnet.com slash Android atlas one -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

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