Ep. 3: Life with Siri, hot new laptops, and repairing a PS3
Ep. 3: Life with Siri, hot new laptops, and repairing a PS3

Ep. 3: Life with Siri, hot new laptops, and repairing a PS3

-- And it doesn't but still not -- like never actually on the air is that amazing welcome. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- But I'm happy to be with -- is so much so much very cool hands on stuff to talk about and do of course since we were -- with you so much has happened. We -- the instruction of the iPhone four. We had clauses iPhone four assets right boss -- Steve Jobs the very next adding that -- out I think goes up for almost 48 hours straight. With Steve Jobs news that we're obviously doing a -- or to -- that. Initial thoughts reaction -- corrosive re re re re shocked by this. I mean it was something we knew there was coming just it was a surprise -- that it came the day. After the announcement. I mean it goes from a Miami what would have happened had He passed the date of before when that postponed the announcement of our Harrison definitely would mean is that -- is crazy and even other companies. Postponing the events that the right Google's -- Angeles stance and -- Where there has found. The -- of the month on it and actually that -- -- -- it's and access times -- inherent and I love -- -- better than nexus prime with the Droid by -- measurement tells me is the is the -- Motorola ultimate Android phone -- thinks so you know and with it doesn't Molly of the Taliban and human shields and I mean she. Loves it but at the same time channel. But really -- out yet so I think I guess I'll have a love hate relationship with paired to a man and He contributed an Arizona -- works when -- like something so much and then He did you down now iPhone -- -- obviously you all the -- Albee. All the haters and also Vodafone -- -- -- I think it really is. A next generation iPhone because outside the metal and glass -- every component inside is different. -- -- it seems differ enough to me. I mean that they had they just release it. Are announced that around the time that it was supposed to and -- everybody expected -- they go to grants its slew of guitar -- right. Com if you can engine and and that was and that was not okay you July I think that that the build up. And all quiet feeling and -- use on iPods as well September. Led to lot of speculation from everyone about you know how. How big the differences could be across the line and really nothing changed drastically we don't believe you speculate that play kind of on your head they were gonna -- and a -- wafers it to amber and I had not -- out of it -- this summer had bit deeper when something's quite like that and there's a there's a build -- that it's a natural occurrence when your company. Where were any announcement become news from well I'm I'm I'm not ashamed only slightly chain perhaps the say that I did indeed pre ordered iPhone four -- Then I will say it's because my old phone is an iPhone three G and not even a 3GS I'm so far behind. I really just need to step. Not the only the -- the weird thing about. Preserving -- may be in your case to select from three years behind but in in my in my case is that. You don't know -- -- -- -- -- one LTE version comes summer I got a bit and I fear if you order from them. Was not really different -- -- June -- as opposed to that rely on -- Democrat and what is posted and my network it also closely at what we don't -- -- that in June the continued to an October imagine to be a yearly schedule I don't mind in October electricity -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- same time because you get the iPad beginning of the year you get a new Mac books. In the -- in the summer in the know the iPhone so it gives a nice consistent flow of Apple here's the thing. It really matter because if you have with -- the iPhone -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- That's a 3GS. -- -- -- to recover if you're for cruncher. Probably not not got appointed and not that's not bad they've reviewed resentment that's -- -- -- but they're always very generous and that like for instance if the next iPhone we're in the summer rather than the early fall. And -- two years would be up in the fall. They wouldn't care they give it -- is average and that anyway. I think the big thing is besides the new CPU new antenna and it -- the camera is it I mean really isn't -- but the CPU is now. The CP -- Same movement was made exactly as if Canada. And I packed into an agreement isn't really well it was as news when the iPhone four introduced its not the same issue from iPad iPhone four it's this -- the view right and instruments I thought I arts CPU it is -- it is an 85 processors. The -- belongs to you you called. It's not called the iPad price. And the iPad and I -- I've always a plus and are noticeably different elements like different clock speed and that it is -- floats not as does not exactly some -- of the iPad you'll actually be a little bit faster. So head to head it's not exactly the same compared to -- -- government report app for its much faster process that that's the point and accidental the other on -- -- -- -- That's. It's it's the same the same lateral movement happens and with advances with -- with a 3GS where. You had these every two years you have -- you have a significant. Design change that they it was -- -- certain number of features maybe five. Big ones that they each week. And -- and others along one -- it's a display. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I mean I do around new core processor in my flunked out interesting -- -- towards totally true. If I gotta go to and it had its death and adequately enough I'm gonna take it you -- everything I have to say about -- -- -- -- talk about performance. And -- thing I issue I have with LTE. Is battery life. The question is is there are great battery life LTE phone at this point. If not I'd rather -- Until they get that figured out because right now the iPhone has been following a path of improving the battery life I think that's important for lot of people when it didn't back down. As for faster -- your data plans that you're gonna pay for any. And they do with lawyers and believe I leave my Wi-Fi on reforming the I live wallpaper. And of that that's that -- -- about it in my and I don't know -- -- I -- -- my -- yesterday and -- A saves and a mystical took the exact words and and an unwritten -- citizens -- what many travelers it. I am at 52% -- -- -- this suggests that what's yes yes okay I want to go play ball some may be about. New way to you yesterday Unionists and amateurs and -- -- is no clear metrics. Another scene that he's done anything with -- products currently we're all gonna design power and well let's I've missed calls and I miles right now pop music and anyway I -- one point and -- on -- -- going I just -- have won polite yet. And that is you talk about well they have this pattern where every of these they do this and every second -- they do that. I'm the only data like Tivoli that system like twice have we can't really extrapolated a three G and 3GS and four and the -- Are actually did it twice I don't know if that's enough to -- out into the future what they'll do here's the million dollar back if you go back to the -- -- -- iPods history they tend to. -- -- president I audio and via they had it in 2005. And then reiterated that in the 2007 was the -- so why did they -- it -- -- -- -- -- -- the -- of the intentionally cripple the Atlanta. It could -- radio. It could have a better -- little things -- The LYR. Blaster for -- do this in the readable the better camera the better camera is bigger or better camera is and it went to put an immigrant FM Radio One and if memory and people want video wanna or -- -- I went out and and and I know I use it isn't it an animal. He lifted -- I listened to -- listened to. Know listen though I -- are you saying you wanna 3.5 ninety point 797 point one. 0105 point one. The letter I -- And as it is occasions I have an old radio guy I appreciate that McCain just for you oversee. It's just that -- lessons of the radio right here and listen I I appreciate -- the -- -- over the -- and nobody cares about it hybrids are not -- I appreciate -- regular radio but all the natural on the -- and I appreciate the radio ideally any -- stations that you correctly you're wrong you're over the fact that there's no no surgery whether. -- not I don't -- -- IE to -- serious equipment that. I define me seriously and I think he's here at the -- and -- at radio. So it does act is that your right and iPod Touch three don't have three G. I -- it lacks a subtle attempt to be an issue the cameras the real thing people -- -- It's terrible. Listen up it is are they gonna put the a five mile fun and Yahoo! had to proud -- -- you always are gonna be VA's exit as a one brick -- at CNET. An -- -- for the measurement and related jobs and it will. -- aren't that close that out okay and on its yearly capacity thing that says -- like the game changer. We talk to your phone -- -- talks back and it gets all your information going. Is this gonna be the most annoying thing the world or with a -- game changer doing what -- think. Who does collect. Science and blew them -- the yet to be quite -- nine. In any serving knowing now what people with a Bluetooth that's that they -- in their -- all. Beacon -- and when you don't have a phone call if you don't uninhabited islands Indiana have I was actually have -- -- -- -- might. And they're putting it up that. Amount and stuff and talking. Steal He -- -- -- -- inches. From them out on why you still yelling I agree why Giuliani. Is in fact it can hear it we predicted what life. With Syria on the iPhone forests would be like. I'm I'm gonna try to say guys feel we have a penalty with our -- under pressure you get a video clip of what we think. -- theory will be like the security camera thing. It's actually working. -- giving you any found that are -- anything but we don't hear things if you don't have quantitative and habitat in here. Now. -- there's via the volume -- or if there. He's got the phone. It's time into the phonies like a -- -- dollar monthly. Look at the video up when the podcast. Yeah on the face of a bounty of the analytical -- I -- now over me I am saying if we can't -- and a half -- and that means and then it's gonna -- it if it. Walking down the street on examined but the that was the that was lost that if -- can -- now find it on the Internet now -- dot com health sailed. Down web analytic. Do you wanna. Sheila Miller another -- -- what you know audio we really doing is walking -- -- going series theory lunch where we're gonna get lunch I'm a pizza. -- what what -- weather outside. I think it's an incredibly in knowing if you're not a card frankly this is meant for word. -- always arriving what are your public it was you or you're sitting in your home office were no one's around not when you're walking ran metal they were clearly. Just touch your phone -- today -- When that question is that and you -- just attach your phone or just stop someone -- -- -- they use their Barbara Jeff Bradley. I mean more more -- -- reason to be anything and so those are addicted to having an assistant at their Beck and call. Thanks phone call -- than my love -- -- -- -- but I think I like the idea of the transcription and a lot of people use dragon dictation. And -- status -- mostly. Perhaps that has been very clear all my contacts and agricultural imaging is it better you know waited two trains indicate that's that's the things that there aren't there are good services out there for doing that and and and the fact that it can turn that you know your your voice into -- Or be able to transcribe for email will eventually. Free people from having to type a lot on the screen that can be nice you know -- the graves reminded of -- sending it -- art. Great but it has got things interns. Interns -- sentinel mega Jeff Gordon Logan started. Out of the way people and yes there are examining interns and now go to my trying to build not just that it's going to try to back on them as Wi-Fi anywhere -- -- -- you leaked out don't fashion -- yeah. And Canada. On that -- But I don't think -- and -- are people really I think has yet to play around with it actually sees I think it's one doing saying is this really killer feature -- -- of a free forgot how annoying it is. As it does incredibly annoying I don't see the Iliad and -- looks. In -- it's incredibly futuristic when -- -- -- with a predicts what you want intelligent before you even ask. I know social social social street commons. And that's that it could simply writing -- here and handing you not I was that was out of there was the first time that I saw the glass area and see where there are -- now on the portal direction -- -- now just if you did you're good deed for the week last week one of our colleagues had trouble with his PlayStation 3 and yeah without -- really. Arts and community service they did -- made -- -- mayor turns out it's really hard to. Get get saved games often busted PS3 I'm wishing you look at what Justin did right here I'm -- in that area all the put out an app that did it well -- -- while well TV editor David Katz -- PS3 right there on the table it actually. It it it it died but it actually didn't die die which are not only for a few minutes exactly so I was trying to back it up to the hard drive that external drive. -- -- -- Images on the -- -- that we keep in the lab. Obviously didn't stay a long enough for me to do it. But what's happening right right here tell that this is where America trying to back it up -- -- can't just pull the hard drive right now you can -- well you can't put our governor on the PlayStation -- -- wanna format. It will not let you put -- place isn't so they. That's memorable it's trying to back out and then dies it dies during the back of -- couldn't do that -- so what I did do is lays a thumb drive. Let it cool off got in got a couple of the save files that they didn't realize that -- -- them in moved them over to a thumb drive but -- It was -- the case I took several externally to a computer again so -- -- trying to pull up the hard drive. And tried it then do that well you're trying to put out -- -- -- -- nine and but I mean if I want them getting his game saves warm but. I I don't know that that I actually learned how to boot replaces in the save more and even know playstations and save mode. Let me know yet what happened was. In order to get your saved games off PlayStation -- and other you have to back it up to external drive. Then go to and then what's He would put a new hard drive in the format the hard drive in your restore from your back -- and because that thing would not stay out long enough we were unable to do that on and for anyone out there is thinking about backing of their peers through which would be wise especially replaces -- plus. An external hard W connect to it has to be fat format. Caribbean to have NT FS elements -- recognize a -- To. Why can't you just pull larger and adds that it -- it it'll it'll ask you to format -- but why don't I guess for the armed reasons. But -- -- let you view files I guess they can control the DRM what things you take your -- -- ticket -- you know taking you can't transfer games to be on the vision is like Elon vision does make -- -- gaming unit the hard drive and then should be handled immediately be spots where on the it's signed to the like serial number of the hardware itself. The base hardware. It was very annoying but we found a way around so is Sony's otherwise. You -- just -- well I'd be glad if anybody out there knows -- accident maybe there might even be some windows over to allows you to see I don't know. I couldn't spend too much time with my main concern which is getting -- -- dragon needs to saves was a huge no no cover on it you know He spent hours a lot of time. -- -- -- -- -- -- Well that's very cool easily knowing you have a little show and tell for us with one of the cool new laptops we've -- CNET labs. -- live showed a few hardware that that we've just reviewed or are reviewing you found like a diamond in the rough I think one of the best laptop just for the money deals I've seen all year. Yeah now I would heavily -- rough and I would not -- it cool. In all fairness to -- -- up. Does it look you're looking for a bargain laptop you're gonna spend under 400 dollars let's face it. You're not gonna get it cool laptop. You're gonna wanna spend more for something like that by. You -- every year -- door buster type specials and we found this is the HP pavilion. G four -- kept the name. For 1215 DX now you know the -- names are important because the internals are different is actually I think only a best -- -- it's coming up at best buy. And and this is a pretty good value I -- -- 370 dollars. As you 380 dollars and it hasn't AM DE four processor this is the wind. AMD's had this new line of fusion processors that we've been reviewing any -- The thing is speed wise we've shown over and over so far on these laptops they're not as good speed wise on our benchmark tests graphically they compete. With Intel integrated graphics but they're not. The graphics built into this are not like -- discrete graphics that you would you would aim for like -- you know like a mid range nowhere close to that but -- did -- Street Fighter IV twenty frames per second now that's -- At 400 dollars that's -- thing it's hard to complain it's a fourteen inch laptop that is why does not bad it's -- like last gen that Dell Inspiron. That's sounds kind of -- -- And nicer than that it's a flat keyboard but the thing is these types of flats and -- keyboards are better or keyboard nerd. They're better if if -- -- -- click to them as a big difference. And is a really nice feeling warm and flush track pad which -- G series have he'd been looking at HP pavilion G laptops. And it's I mean it's not embarrassing looking this is like a fingerprint kind of resistance although -- -- you know somewhat resistant to smudges. Three and a half hours of battery life and it's -- get 320 gig hard drive four gigs of ram. But the thing is it's great for streaming video screen for all that that's the basic stuff that you're gonna be looking for. And it's a lot faster than those like terrible processor there's laptops that we Catholic rural Kenya -- last year and in working -- Com dimension and -- it is one retailer best buy and believes me having it a couple weeks or sometime this month coming out. And it's it's and it's a really good valley mean you -- you match up against for instance. -- just review the HP billion pavilion DM wine. Which is -- -- -- I have ever hear this a great -- and comparisons -- actually argued that -- now if this got a higher rating. On CNET the reason is that only thing I'm going to -- everyone yet released. -- its original DM -- of the new medium one is cooler looking into smaller so it's only eleven inch screen. Want a MacBook Air alternative try to get -- batteries -- that -- a better battery life five hours something to three hours on the fourteen inch but it's a slower it's a slower processor. But that's the tradeoff that's of these in the same price range that's a little more the G -- -- a little less. This G four is a nice alternative and that fourteen if they go that's a that's a potential. Holiday still -- we've seen -- -- better -- deals we've seen will this year. Excellent I know and I don't. Government diesel that -- because you know let's face it does not gonna pick that thing up bingo. White House sexiest laptop ever -- you would say well it's a very functional laptop should do for some conventions. -- -- -- -- Partner. That -- but at the new generation of ultra books at coming out starting this week. Now it's hard because for me I can't shake the fact that -- MacBook Air has been around since -- as -- And that I still tie the idea and concept to that and even the Adamo so. The idea doesn't feel new to me although it's true it could reinvent I mean if they're like 800 -- -- -- like 1290 if gadget that's the case. I mean the recent ones we've seen like the Samsung series nine and and and the new MacBook Air the processors are performing well the battery life is really good so those hold true. And they look nice and -- really portable that's that's a good step. I agree completely I'm setting up a very cool demo for you right here that -- you've been. Kind of why is being very very choir classic the classic through the question and -- the next thing and our revealer sleight of hand. And I finally figured out -- can -- -- -- -- -- with the camera. I'm -- -- her to around the signals that -- -- that doesn't work with and I'm trying to output from this super high end gaming laptop over to our you know inputs and video system obviously and -- you. These super cool new giant game rage on -- -- PC rather than the console version. People reported on the problems with -- while we got shorts -- -- you -- go -- and Elizabeth good its RAZR as I did change the -- reading and gaming here. We'll talk to -- -- -- You know -- -- -- rippling force of four over the weekend and Microsoft sent us mysteriously that wireless steering wheel. Which is now in stores and I used it over the weekend it's surprisingly good. I don't know -- I would really and it's only sixty bucks it is cheaper than those steering wheels of they would always try to -- -- like Logitech like these big -- Set up in your home there's a lot more portable -- the Mario Kart -- Except it's on actual -- -- -- -- style style wheel with some force feedback it's well constructed. -- -- two batteries and and it it doesn't have shoulder buttons just of the trigger buttons but for game like -- as it works great and actually found it to be much more accurate in steering a lot easier to steer. Playing and I I thought it was a lot of fun -- you have to be erasing her. You -- peripheral like that my dad was telling you want to go buy one. Is there -- -- discount He loves racing games. You actually it actually use this over the -- -- a part of -- key and public Andretti. Definitely think differently in different ways I should buy this in the by the wheel and then once stores getting a package discount civil -- -- badly is just get me are we did that plays the music yeah. Not -- Gamertag play is set and it doesn't open a lot of Fox's does why does -- elegant it is -- -- -- Non -- He is -- set -- up with of these -- wishful gamer. He -- it will kill me in the rest vulnerabilities that they did it take you think they know they baton announces that -- a pioneer elite is got a great set up that He idiots out there. But He hasn't always have the time -- game but He likes racing games I have indicated they met and immediately madness and it and it's an up and I got the data we now get the wheel if you are a four as a nerd -- -- -- but this is you don't need another. This is rage not pregame on the -- -- they aren't really on the PC now people complain that the PC recently are to get running. And I didn't have too much double the biggest comet without putting in here at that actually knocked on the resolution to seven when He. From a 1080. But on the PC just looks so much incredibly better than it does on the console customers and looks great that's got you plated -- like this -- -- not like it now but this like this texture pop band and I didn't tell the console game but here the reboot the textures so. Sharp I mean you could -- it it is big. Desert Vista I'm looking out over -- to go in this little room right here Ackerman supporting range. I'm sporting -- yes I'm gonna play either and but I did get to play another game now that threat with a -- -- with a famous cape crusader. Now I'll grant you Ireland and that has had gamers -- boots are. It is but there isn't enough to -- through here -- and -- do one of -- our analysis. Outrage hit areas rated looks nicer but I can't care about untreated C I -- 9 anglers I am not I am out of being accurate about me and I didn't care about this -- -- the guy. Too many post apocalyptic desert games together area they're all blending together. -- outraged orders or land whenever there etc. -- Pretty standard used on -- cowboy hat chief I think it's really nice but it's not you're you're it's it's completely original everywhere zombie -- -- It does look nice at the lot easier to plan the PC. If there's really no auto aim on the console version console you really need that. An excellent here it's got a balloon. -- the balloons and then leave that an escape the from Bioshock infinite really it -- it really mixes. And Italy from so many different games. Think that we planned there are -- and only do games are now are gone and I'm uncharted three the right answer retrieve -- forgotten about -- -- Now oh yeah I'm on an ultra. The earth. Urinary Eldon and I am I am I trying to light an -- give up but I do you wanna like -- -- to buy. I never played DDI by a monster Middleton was hopeful Felix made it can figure this sort of -- it's ideal as it is available on beauty -- I -- that's. Time to play games it's like a dark -- Villa the last game I was addicted to incorporate easy. -- -- with Final Fantasy VII IN old oh my god that I've played it back am wildly that I. A lot of that game that game was off that actually got behind on refugees -- -- a gamble yet practical Agassi and as a star for. Final Fantasy VII are any advantage and if I was. Gentlemen gentlemen on that on and on that retro throwback -- He's -- -- -- for this week. -- into the on the slash so much has happened since last week. That photo and then but then -- know that didn't care of me. Pollutants that -- -- -- finest online. Despite -- like. Not spike tells it -- -- loops dot net and an and as a host sometimes illness until it collapses. I've got something you'd like to say -- Job at the passover dinner tonight after I give us -- -- -- -- -- one of those -- you know kind -- really -- like NPR sort of spoken -- pieces and sort of -- -- if you will. Too -- -- please please as it notices tomorrow there was the added community community and I just and I didn't post it. I -- post to and imposed CNET with Steve Jobs but I've satisfied -- -- -- these are my thoughts at the time. -- not. Go for a close -- camera. I remember going to Disneyland when I was little and I remember the 20000 leagues under the sea submarine its tunnels and tomorrow land parcel progress at. And as cheesy as it may sound all those visions of the future may be dreaming up new worlds but this is the early eighty's this is years after Walt Disney -- At the time of Disney's death many people wondered at Disney would continue after the passing such an inspirational Cingular spirit. But it did it was in the same as what it was at that time by Disneyland existed for me as it. And -- I think Apple so that Steve Jobs company they'll always be marked by him is that -- -- -- -- for Disney Disney was the same. Disney has an advantage in that all -- animated movies that were -- -- most currency their cultural capital. Tech gadgets like the iPhone iPad -- Mac -- forever influence our concept of computing but objects themselves are destined beta way to become icons that becoming antiques. That's a challenge. And as far as the world that Steve Jobs and it's tough for many people -- at Reynolds comments -- -- -- as a visionary like Disney. But the thing is there visionaries in luminaries there are great thinkers and -- everywhere as people pointed -- I know Apple celebrated thing differ with those types of it figures they showed them. To look at only Steve Jobs is to not look at the people who were thinking great -- -- I think the best thing you did. May be to inspire people to do the same things to CEOs to rise -- -- to inspire people to be jobs like create great new ideas. But you know my own icons filmmakers it's -- and other people. They never cease to give me new ideas and -- succeeded it in the end because of -- ironically. The company that Steve Jobs founded. And Apple may eventually find someone at a -- of perspiration from someone else -- you like that. But from now on it they do their jobs to be Steve Jobs like and I think at this point the best thing we can do is focus less on what he's done. And more what other great people are now doing to rise after. It's a very nice -- it's gotten. -- -- -- about it it of the news CEO -- -- man always love working with you guys are more than happy to take his salary. I see his -- a -- created -- Dude it was not about yes it was known as the alt -- competition was in the form stock push everything to give -- his doctorate while you media. I -- -- -- -- it's like the -- two -- three which is be careful what you short -- and human services criticism aside we should be thankful their people who inspire us even those people pointed out there are many others as well. And wherever -- inspiration from its nice to be. I agree -- -- day and if you -- and you don't ask -- -- times disappearance by. These right now there's no you don't do that and it's just -- go to that -- And this. You gonna FaceBook dot com slash C in Atlanta gas tanks -- and follow us on Twitter at -- CNET -- cast. And of course to tune in every Monday at 2 PM eastern -- over time that is specific. To see caller cool hands on creating glanced up is if -- gonna ask anybody about what goes on here at CNET with all the products the stuff. It's gotta be he's got -- right here. And if you're looking for movies -- -- horrible bosses there from the normal -- I'm not like -- and then let them -- is organized on and I tell us. I think it's funny to -- equipment up and coming up next heated up this definitely Doctor Who season finale thought. Here is of its. Is that this is not okay and -- -- --

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