Ep. 21: Do robots count?
Ep. 21: Do robots count?

Ep. 21: Do robots count?

It's Tuesday October 19 it was to create podcast time -- Donald bell I am. -- You and I don't make and I'm not in the mixing board seat this time I'm actually just am honestly wanna view then go out and you know my -- -- that. -- this is going to be a newer more efficient. Better. My -- year version of the page well not really that I'm -- model line and and now I mean this bill. It's still gonna be the kind of level of unscripted mediocrity come to expect this podcast okay but it's gonna be a lot tighter of them that the game come now not enough. Or that game you would step in their game up though Mozilla that Japanese singing robot girl I had I don't. While -- -- -- HRP foresee girl robot. Is grouped in with some -- -- dancers -- computed media that we can talk about this yes while where. While word document. Or see it that it -- -- -- And so. This is pretty great in on a lot of levels wrangling one. If you squint. You can almost not tells the -- the apartment for either of the. HD screen and you -- here's the heaviest as -- things pretty horrible but and -- -- and the the being flanked by the actual -- inane self not a robot girls having cheap -- it's like some weird. I guess it sounds like DVR like one of the -- licensed media -- -- -- a track from let them virtual on Sega arcade. Game from the names as well the for the demonstration -- -- contact contact expo and Tokyo. And I'm thinking that human girls. Make this almost seem -- like everything they human growth -- of the equation. If not quite as yeah I'm not watching that video the human girls -- there. That's yeah maybe it would be kind of sat -- some some only Japanese inventors. His dream of like how we can be entertained who's holding hands -- -- hey thank dragged but instead he got the human growth making it seem like -- perfectly. And natural that critical acclaim they're pretty good -- that. -- Korea appropriately is they're following along. And I gotta say nice. The very nice nice scans -- -- media I would just in general on the human ones not -- bone the metallic and -- so much you know owls specify. The -- hr. Add another video we have witnessed mark a close up on term her faith yeah -- that up later. -- now you want -- like her hands are unusually large that's handy and hand out and things that she's got these giant. Robot yeah. Which for like a five -- college -- but -- particularly and they currently they didn't do that look like Hughes movie her hands and then happened and I've diminishes me her fingers. -- -- -- -- I understand is that it's a pretty impressive displaying. Helped by the fact that there's the other for growth there and make it happen -- that down. I don't know if this is youthful. And -- meant to be useful. Except for like that that -- Japanese inventor dream house can be -- dresses like right. That kind Pinocchio kind of twisted fantasy our like. -- there's only Islam if they. -- -- -- with robots yet that would make it so much more -- -- wanna build Indiana. Yeah well I don't know if he beat have a chance. -- -- -- -- -- Okay pathetic speak for yourself I have no interest in these boot now non -- on the -- -- -- -- program -- -- You just how shouldn't be that who frequently. I after asthma hasn't ruled -- -- -- aware that if you make that distinction clear thank you. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- If they they're they're gonna go -- did you law -- now certainly sex. -- Now he brought up another. In the movie AI -- I was looking sex robot prostitute now. Yeah so. This and I thought that maybe but that's not -- -- 112 that I don't. Preferences go back to late -- 2000. And -- in the 80s80 I think he's. And -- -- them and get an anomaly the floor of the kitchen -- the opening scene in my bed. We're really yen like that's -- this let that sink overflows melodic gets on the floor and then the robot short circuits before they can really. In enacting. A not to run it -- display -- -- -- -- science curriculum rock. -- they created her range user. Carriers of a robot so this is this is an offense like. I think so. I think it's low eighties -- via with the weird scalpel metal. Means the old will get past that. Yeah here's here's an -- of the end articulation in the states which is actually one on the more interesting -- this thing has gotten very real dolls yeah. And I -- that the directive provides he has covered up by the -- the -- -- green dress in the medium. And more -- copy. That -- creepy guys now that's creepy. That's and -- she looks like an on a look at it -- was actually like it. This I think a skillfully from dark crystal he does is oh my god she totally. The amount I tried to watch them any kind of recently in the brickyard -- -- panda I was I can get through -- -- -- Instead of another company is hearing now is what he -- Way way. Not at the -- Do you -- in our lifetime though that that in will be commonplace for someone -- a robot make out experience. I hope so -- like that weird I'm sure that everybody -- hula. He sounds I'm pretty sure that happens if it wrote what what some -- want to -- that -- all the things like making out with the -- It's a lot of lonely people straight sides here but I anything. And if -- yeah it's too intimate -- to personal. No kissing. Ironic -- no kidding Julia Roberts meant it anyway moving along what I've I have to play about a bathrooms aren't respecting your. He and Gary your robot girlfriend this well -- -- the -- not where the -- around the house she won't judge you. -- -- -- -- -- -- This is hey that's specifically obi -- -- no lead -- they add sift. Now another -- -- -- but Sith battling -- You can you can pick up for around seventy dollars but it does fall -- the open one I think it is Russia and flatten the logo. Apple -- and they'll be -- net of him and he needle then the the case okay. And again if it -- it. Then -- Yeah that the guy who -- the capital while the guy that doesn't get -- Isn't it this is actually critical it via peer to peer one of the -- women who are actually watching -- podcast and you think -- something to buy in her boyfriend husband. -- Not that women couldn't wear this is that it looks really comfortable -- Share -- let's. Comfortable -- No and I don't know I don't know I don't know -- -- definitely not affect whether I was holding a light -- while wearing it that -- our night -- -- -- the corner and the though just aren't exactly why bother you I mean it's a regular you know can be built like smoke on Jack and -- Absolutely we're gonna looks like and I like it or canceled them if earth silk pants that's like you -- You know yeah arrival at a yeah and can't just for the short little scope of the blanket which -- -- -- media picture now I'm thinking about is -- one frame away from like the exposed. Lake flasher to. You know -- really thinking -- the bathroom the basic thing that is so what if they mean like a shortened version of the entire differently and -- a hot pants she where you are the genius was then that we are doing everything you millions and actually in the -- Kind of gave -- any ideas and some parent or gonna steal that. -- analysts and you just buy it and cropped it and he now. And I check in eureka well they -- how hot in Sicily and job -- -- -- -- cost him into this whole motherland and they'll have the same store. This is a little more understated acting than you preserve the mystery with the move -- -- and flexible legs that can. By action. -- And -- Natalie Portman jump seat. Then. Midriff. The idea being that you -- the -- mister -- Giant Japanese address -- Well if you're gonna make we're seeing other where one of these things for you think you should get her gifts and Nike -- -- -- back yes I visited her gift because. Yeah we have been him gifts and now here's -- her -- The spec -- I'm back I thought TK it was one of my favorite thing. -- -- -- very stylish. And very functional but only if you have just the tablet or netbook. If it doesn't -- an actual laptop okay would you really well designed -- you wear this around the city. Oh yes I have you have yet I haven't I've I used it to bring in -- -- but when I had to bring in and her story. And it it's really durable all the thing I like about it. It's been one of the things I like the most about it -- the fact that it's really durable and I tend to carry. Just a regular purse and offer all my gadgets in there and month epic and epic and -- about. Three pounds or some it's really not that heavy yeah that's still too heavy for the lining in public and normal -- here. So I end up having to get my -- -- all the time that's just not in a durable enough about so this is a fashionable bag that. Is actually really durable has a padded that fuzzy lion's interior. And then it also has dual. Lined pocket the front for yourself and an MP3 player. And the little hole cut out for her -- -- -- at the zipper. The -- could do an impromptu mopping. That you have CNN -- yeah. Candidates -- in van Allen yeah. The audio is intimately. English and only thinking about the Japanese sex robots or the -- and it right -- apparently we in which he can kind of. Well I am well maybe it'll posted on hair -- -- hand pump. Don't have -- the real usually been right Baghdad and in reading integrate it is about 59 dollars -- -- and you know holidays mean. Only if that really is a -- he can't you can really -- up -- Candidacy to sharpen it with that commensurate -- it's -- -- exteriors have a felt like a well. Mr. LC I think some day you know I'm wearing -- and he -- Hand -- and -- and Google a black -- like eight you know it's not that the thing is is it's very. -- -- but -- really compact. It's really structured means that has all these -- -- if you can't just like -- you can -- -- and it's very like. It's made for -- -- -- tablet of like flat devices and meet for a woman yeah me neither -- and throw us for a man yeah that's another. Made for -- -- fat. It's -- speaking about things that can send. Gender boundaries yes angry birds. -- -- has landed on Android Philippines and two days I don't need an iMac days are racked up -- million download is incredibly. That's crazy not that means -- I understands addictive quality. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I -- -- earth I. Packet of opera 990 management Jad yeah email. The constant updates that they do then there's. Design and the level that's really I think it really good for mining and I don't play the demo and elected it was I didn't. They get more and more birds like the further you address birds you grant writing the name I like the animation of like in birds when they file that others are form right off yeah. You just out of bicycling that I keep the glass of his glass like the sound in that they don't break this isn't it it's 99 cents it really is that it has to deal and it updated they give you new levels but that's having to pay -- that's. I'm not surprised at its. Find it just makes me wonder like here we are with -- two of these -- both Android and and I thought to the most advanced Smartphones on the planet fair that. People just two years ago could even imagined now how powerful and amazing and intricate and like that interconnected world we have we these devices. And -- angry birds -- like the common denominator that like -- knowledge to get behind and can -- two million downloads. Compute what kind of like I mean this happens this is tablet killer app for the system image -- may -- Smartphone good for touch screen you know you don't need to put a virtual -- joystick on there you know like most game black love these games do which we -- they're trying to like replicate console games but it says like it's made for the platform so you know you used to screen is as a controller whenever. -- very simple anyone can -- it's very easy to get to know tetris. I I game -- popular that was the thing -- -- in night my my old -- Like. Unit -- really old man crotchety old ladies its main. And I think a -- and if you could go back in time. And tell people. Like three years ago oh my god we're gonna have these phones incredible yeah. Can you can you can you faith call -- got your meantime quality -- you can't -- video chat with people. Email like everything -- -- 88 battery lasts all day -- capacity -- touch -- -- practically make you don't you not to -- it is so wonderful. Bluetooth like everything everything you can imagine and phone yeah and they only god the most popular thing that people do with it. Well this is team -- where you put your finger on a bird. And he wanted on the slingshot people that -- back in nuts for I think you'd like Google. How dvd explain that phenomena to people you know that's -- for them. That's an inflatable can and might create field crashed out Donald Apple's very strongly about that. -- -- evidence segment. I like I like Mario and I just as well and kind of -- -- -- insights and filling the human psyche that it's almost unpleasant actually at the content. -- understand went -- and they did that I'm comfortable now this that was that was that number worldwide was -- -- in the states. In -- and how does -- have -- Donald the flyers in my rant and it follows. They can't make -- speaks to those probably some Andrew added note I mean obviously hadn't been a lot and -- out there and I know that. There are enough to sell 2000002 days. -- I -- so it's not -- stomach that's. No we year were -- and I -- the we have -- yeah and what how did not my guide. Remember the iPhone case that will open your beer I can't I'm Donald in this link hues. I bottle -- and -- -- -- Yet the case and bottle -- -- -- This is your -- -- of the summit of all these great being right hand and W that the -- to all -- the well of the coolest thing ever. That the -- yeah. It's not angry heard that the bottle opener and well it's something -- look pretty thirty K if so blatantly glass on the back of the iPhone now why would you subject I guess maybe it's not for the iPhone for. This doesn't look like anything that maybe not -- -- early as soon for the iPhone for. And there is also are related story actually about -- last back and I've -- include in the link that that you can now get it replaced with a metal back again. Like pretty cheaply thirteen -- such things and servicing companies. Can prevent Apple. I would still look to see US idea on common paced company hit thank goodness and a -- diamond video celebrities who buys like the -- bottle opener and bang on it for his glass back iPhone foreigners like the first. Act here. And I thought my god my eyes -- well yeah. Well if you -- -- yet. So yeah that's that's pretty cool and about for the and -- game I wanna make sure you got that insurance Apple cares yeah. Plans -- What else does he go on to opening Eric well -- and it. Literally. We also it does -- wanted think -- for last Friday. I at least I don't know if you want now I want I don't think anybody we got a chance to actually fly in zeppelin courtesy of sugars which is great platform for. Seeking your data across mobile and -- cloud the cloud computing company and they had a. Event where we got to go in the cloud it's. With you know -- here. I feel the speed up a media I didn't feel a data surrounding. Now -- -- -- yet and yeah reason I hope. Another reason -- supplement it is really cool the only whether we nervous at all like being there actually a lot less frightening to me than a -- Otherwise as slow as it's well it's not as high and it does take off and landing in our much smoother. Didn't do we don't feel like you're in -- really have you like crazy jet fuel public -- -- thing in the -- Thank you -- a little like ghosts I helium fans and kind of keeping you up if it's and -- -- it feels much better the end I think psychologically Israel like it even if like some somebody with and how finally. She she -- -- -- -- anonymous guy. Is the institute's slow little -- right rightly she wouldn't be burning like inadvertently know it would mean it's not material on the outside isn't. Yeah they've they've they've made they've made strides since and then this. It's been awhile yet but I've noticed it was really funny is that kind of trip to actually build open the window yeah -- over the Internet. And you can actually do this in the Bay Area -- they've. You can pay to go on how much is an airship ventures that I think Kurt hew our Tor at flicked around 500 for a -- all -- -- -- -- -- nice like anniversary Amy you do like with here husband or wife or whatever. It's expensive but it's it's worth it yeah it's really cool I was cool to see that. Progress they've made on the -- it. New addition the papers and I think that they fly literally flew right over and -- -- don't really get to see when your driving there that was interesting is that this is like a total sound -- at -- sounded. And. It's -- not only if they actually have. The blades can news that it sounds like that subtly modulated like filtered. Only jungle music all eyes and hands and -- -- -- As we reflect -- break and come in to catch up that jungle techno and it. As via. Audio and that he is -- -- -- -- to do it justice for me anyways so that was of that planet earth -- and then we had to come down. -- -- -- -- Some shrimp and hand oh yeah oh. Where is -- -- around can blame the -- for this one. -- cherry on top well in case you hadn't had it. -- shrimp and hand -- Which area like this I like the idea -- that he actually mnemonic to its public this mortgage start. And it's even worse who knows what's inside of it added I'd. The three of them aren't of that people I'm sure it's not not that handles risk -- night he -- name. I really really hope it doesn't have are gonna -- that they need to make your mark torturous to -- inside and IKEA. And Alicia and than him -- right now Providence area on Dutch and it's the worst inhabitants. This is this is -- and now they of the -- -- this is the worst in the Atlanta accident when and yes. This is raid automatically feel like him as a slap a little -- discussing an age group on the acting. -- I'm sure it's only -- I'm gonna gonna gonna back a plan for the -- -- I got everything now United States via -- meantime I'm not gonna get punched in the just mentioned okay. I think that -- that they're giants if you want to you. Check out client really talking about in next week's episode of the paid podcast you can into the crave blog at -- that cnet.com. And you wanna get some feedback. Tells how -- -- screwing up the show any complaints or suggest some interest in up to talk about you can call us at. 170. User CNET at 638 and for some reason I have -- savior of syrup. -- -- Or is that -- the -- crave the show CNET. Yeah yeah.

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