Ep.  20: Pass the bucket
Ep. 20: Pass the bucket

Ep. 20: Pass the bucket

Tuesday October 12 and you're listening to -- watching. Create podcasts and doesn't -- -- Donald bell and I'm very very. -- welcome back to mean. Day -- day yeah yeah hey welcome back to jasmine. Welcome glad to be here and it's. -- the egyptians yes she's back in -- -- Yeah we Egyptian. We need your -- out and about I'll the -- that felt it was here that I hear that -- last week. -- covering C today I was actually on Tuesday I was at the bill or. Not. Billboard media now. The -- music entertainment live no silver mobile entertainment right here when you run -- some names I'm not as of July as exciting as I else to be on -- wasn't. There's -- the road earnings liberties -- these -- humans -- Now I mean that was and a party that was an all -- like summit policies going to parties. Couple. What this means that these are hopeful CK if you never been to see here -- -- -- -- -- failure should go and then you'll never ask a question I don't think Jessica. -- It's not CES for talking about here it. It was cool I mean that was cool in and look and apps and you guys keep talking and when the -- and there's. -- -- -- -- -- -- I can be the -- In this thing. That everyone's had to put up with me doing it while -- in the pod. There is like I'm meeting they try cast for and I parentage optional equipment type of thing -- -- through every record there are right but your video toaster. Forget it. Go to the stories let's talk about whole Latin bad greens fee and this is. There's this few people's jobs at CNET who I am actually jealous of but Erica when it comes down -- That's the C -- -- -- -- happens every year in Japan that is 1 gig I am jealous and share she'd. To see this new wraparound plasma screen interactive plasma screen. And that's the effect at the right and look at things and -- -- -- time. There there again -- that. So yeah it's like damn thing it's -- Oh and yeah there was the crazy. Hubble audio -- and then here click put out all the different little bubble it's absolutely no good purpose and in this -- We. Let them. I still think that it would be fun how when these in house -- remote lizard tech. Yeah as he's done it's it's -- Japan you know it'd everything -- violent and cartoonish at the same guy I have -- -- But no I think there could be some practical applications for this. Romantically. Maybe. Or. You -- -- Yeah. -- -- the man bullying -- waiting for you elaborate look at. They. Use your imagination for crying now I don't know yeah. It. That it could be interesting to have run -- -- real. -- -- -- If not in you -- having thought about that some quick inexpensive. -- from that kind of activity. -- thank trying to find some practical angle for this practical how about lists. Yeah we do what you bought was she she care she -- -- That -- totally understand if his leg but. It yeah the head -- -- -- and on into -- it. Whenever and then I jumped behind the screen suddenly now it's like the wolf boy from. -- -- -- -- and oh that interest than -- them now. You mean a sixteen year old that has forty year old women must now one or something -- -- that some I would Jacob. -- the character I don't remember that. Or it's maybe just bubbles -- my life is really in the -- in the bubble that attacking -- yeah this maker like laugh. Apparently you know eventually to grind you're like man -- all in my house yes I don't know but -- kind of fun it's like it's morrow of. It has Marvin enterprise application that consumer applicator business application -- -- consumer -- -- If it has very has a very minority report kind of connecting to them you've seen a movie where. Like the bus stop and stuff that train stations is like interactive and -- -- Brain because you pick -- mean. That's screen and I know which is which you do. You turn that you you wouldn't be here for to do the iPod -- -- This totally dovetails with my fancy about having -- pneumatic -- transportation like the essence right right right that is just like -- is now one week. In the giant. Jetsons pneumatic tube that -- to work which can actually move it anywhere and in the -- they're moving the virtual bubbles that folly likable smoke trail and away and that's. Rockets corporation space width rocket sees -- I -- I think I think you can use that for the Jetsons movie edited it a go live in -- I don't actually that the movie -- Jetsons the nice maybe I don't know -- -- -- it's some other -- tech goodies here one that I actually don't want that is interest in nonetheless. -- it owns the future. Of phones from the future concept phones. Here is a a double wide phone -- -- is like that little green. Display that flips around. Just -- my mind. It's as if this is the future phones don't man -- the phone of the future -- that's when it's so. Bulky right quarter did not insist they want and then Fincher. To fighter Richard -- amendment. But I like you. Both both screens they're pretty much -- assuming you would -- the attitude displays that are kind not near each other would -- -- that mr. lane. Extending yet and it's -- there. So you can touch one. And a wolf that the other or you can to make that much you can separate and so that one's green. Effects what it's actually gonna -- yet. Well if you are one -- people who like to do. Other things other than listen to music and maybe occasionally checking answered the -- with your phone then yes -- but if you're like. It's a practical -- the phone and occasionally check. Google Maps. I don't get -- yeah that's a month -- -- too much. -- -- -- in now that you just. He's but this thing. You put this thing for your eyes -- it and and you've got status got to display you do agree -- there is amp media but. -- I hear my -- my it's Nintendo. There's another planet in the slide show that kind of an -- the Fujitsu fluid though and concept the design is intended to mimic a block of ice. -- but it's flight number three and a slide show that the white says regular thing a metaphor -- that the phones are on top of it in -- at the metaphor for how funds to book. Or should change functionality in shape opinion. Conditions and he's using it. Events via. Like the with that that one might fluid spaceship from the Disney movie the cute -- take me. Man our that's with the -- one -- a little a lot eyeball it came -- from the ceiling. Oh it all -- I didn't have my eleven having yeah by the navigator -- would capture exactly you just -- -- a little bit deflated navigator do about that side. -- -- -- -- -- -- If from. The -- and to sing our have a group would want to open but I like both -- that -- all -- and in minimalist. Again once again. Soon. She's just shut it we can let's have a boat people have both played via the food on the then it can also it's like. Maybe -- pop out. -- -- -- -- I don't have that on -- -- -- but the kind of quirky Google and others and -- the Japanese and the idea is -- -- -- I think -- -- -- so quirky just cute aren't hot speaking about American staff go America. Yeah that nephew -- dedicated Eric Disneyland in the easiest who have created. Their own blueprints. Or Disneyland and Disney World. -- -- -- -- -- -- cut via tools. Stuff here here it is it's a Flickr. This group actually has all. The land south main blueprints for days and I if you know Disneyland you know that -- are pretty much like cool. Then one a closed environment has been wants and -- -- one flight. And Eric are you Saturday pop culture references have been -- is -- -- one like five years ago. Diane live out British parliament -- -- money part of Florida or or California is the thing who didn't Amanda go when it's over all of that architecture and liked everything about the place is shrouded in mystery when it comes down the actual nuts and bolts of how little works. Okay so this is the kind of detail -- you'll never see actually released by -- -- The scale of things just so cool -- that the underground tunnel architecture that run throughout the different. -- go to someone -- is this is that. What what in the whatever thing you're looking people who are so obsessed with this new man in the details that -- you -- will never produce like -- blueprints for the enchanted Tiki -- -- like -- kind of mapped it out a -- that all -- -- that he wanted to make your own version of the you know yeah a busy man haunted castle in your backyard. Right you could do that now do it now you -- representation. Share or may be wanted to make and model train set that's like if you plan to scale right. He he -- yeah and I think it's. Is -- unique and very. Representation of how crazy people get over. And do they have the did they -- they modeled the room that they don't -- there is that there's that -- room that what you're beak which can be complex and kind of like. Hollywood delete. Relate to it's a really rich person usually you get that acts you know you come to Disney -- -- -- -- -- kind of club kind of things like a close. -- -- The club what -- -- all is totally not right or a half ago Leo and how does and everyone's -- with masks on yeah I doubt that -- well with suddenly it lets buyers of the Caribbean area that -- in like above it's really likes super exclusive really -- were like yes -- -- -- we look at -- -- three -- that -- like this because it's a number I I tried. You're right yeah. Yeah home. Where it like you get there they're like I would you want. Oh that's out -- like literally what do you want anything you want -- have right. Yes I mean you haven't you haven't really experienced -- -- and leave them on you know the magic kingdom zone. -- great methamphetamines yes the year. You're making -- you're you're kind. I become a little bone that would be that it's -- Kennedy and stuff. -- I mean I'm just a housing to see a whole part one day. -- Yeah. -- -- -- -- -- Happy happy happy happy happy. Language and he had nothing to do it when -- -- and then and you may pay the mammals are. We gotta watch we got off axis watch it took me about five minutes to realize what the heck was going on that's why -- why. -- I thought it was going to be like that the hands on the dial which -- -- center. But it's the fact that the twelve is. Is really where the the one a great idea here that you not cleaning your it doesn't really the first and the -- mean -- -- is definitely one of ideas like against it makes sense but. -- -- -- -- Means you don't have to -- arm completely. -- digital arts I mean on -- watch but I think is cool and innovative. Don't wear -- American it's it's -- picture yet but only if -- if your -- I if you where money right problems years kind -- -- -- on. It's you ask me why they make. I mean how much it costs as their presence than -- in. 75. That's kind of ridiculous and you'd think get a Casio pop it open and rotated around. It's -- -- we can go down. There is so obvious to me that's -- -- -- vehicle made it CNET how to. Let's -- -- now actually about the only useful how to -- ever done. My guess it uses I right now this is one I just put out. And probably via like how are for the show which is new HD. Insignia is each. Saying a minor. Achievement last year when it came out with their first standalone portable HD media -- -- -- part you would do it but it. HD radio some day. We're gonna be HD radio Edwin Dylan is geared -- mitigate online injury and -- -- Listen to music or if you an idea that it right now that's -- -- -- -- Like -- -- for that month yet. And I looked more like the Zune HD when they're being a standard it's sort of each of these to death I am so. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- When he -- 100 or it'll. If Steve I've read it yet so we're actually -- a product -- people. Maybe -- them popularity -- this song right there -- it's -- it's really happy news touch screen version of the of the insignia standalone HD radio player. Is coming October 24. 79 dollars -- believe it -- humbly believe it. How big is that thing that's 2.5 inch by means capacity of touch screen display you -- -- Yeah yeah yeah and again and so here's. It was nobody can actually do live paws like like the iPod nano. Can do so -- -- the fifteen minutes of cash content. You can bookmark your favorite songs in you know that -- save them back. And -- on them later. On accounts that an -- supports this new artist experience. Content on demand your quotes him feared that the medium -- -- artist's experience. Which I -- the album art work as well as depending on black. The station while providing different. Voted for the artist station -- the graphics and that. And the cool assert their advertising. I like it also means advertising a hello that of the best -- -- somebody know this is actually and that's another I think that is -- -- salaries. It's actually totally crap I don't know why they're doing that's. And they're doing it for 79 dollars which is the cost of like of a real and a real player if -- this thing does not play. Like any kind of and PP files that -- photos. Video isn't. Nothing that you would kind of want in the portable audio player -- the radio. Yeah I mean and it would be cool if this just kind of thought I had it in -- like a pared down iPod Touch because the -- that'll only be. Audio related. It be cool they had this -- HD radio. And then they had apps for pandora slacker last product and then it just -- all these really nicely integrated free Internet radiance streaming -- well you know and then you can kind of have it -- It wouldn't you could only really they still need on the go but that he could use in your house of like a little -- I rating what's stopping them from from implementing those things -- -- not big games yeah yeah I don't let your like if it's a good idea why would they just do that. Because they're not as smart as. Someone has excellent the company had to have. Well okay that -- -- me like it's cheaper pared down version of of the iPod Touch and maybe you have some space on their for MP threes as well. But it's just -- it how would have to have -- really nicely done interface and it would also have to have a pair of speakers available -- at portable rechargeable speakers that you in the comment on the so take your time and effort and they're willing to put into it there's probably. And probably they don't know -- the return beyond -- -- might have but it they made it cost effective. And had the you know docking speaker option and it was just that its -- thing had all these really nice integrated apps that maybe the onboard memory for your MP3 users -- -- gonna happen. Really easy to use like -- -- so for reference here is the the first generation -- became outlook last year which looks like. It looks like you know the -- if they don't have something that would get bought -- -- veterans pocket you know. You could say that it it is and -- eighties and clunky and the like again related to him then you bullet in his digital pocket but -- pellet. -- Though the new version and arguably it's a lot cooler looking but. Yeah it has. Bob who's. -- -- blends. I just thought I understand why if if they had 49 -- the month the previous version 49 dollars and -- and -- -- well I'm thinking. You know he's I think in only -- is old enough that they were like let's it arena on this -- let this best they're just throw money at the brand. Yeah I mean I didn't make enough of other insignia items that -- -- I have to have many ideas in there because it doesn't the you know you media consortium is paying them to make a product it -- -- -- -- let's keep this thing alive. This is thinking of that brand. Probably does really -- with -- expect. You know by -- -- you Brandon does regularly -- -- -- by an analyst absolutely is that unevenly written to him as easily they're like exceedingly cheap. Like in a good way like. A Mike accurately they can make it for this little yet but here's a device that does one thing as a portable audio player. And there's like all of -- and disc players in the world beat this thing on features and price and Stan. Let down at the -- has passed the test we have the arm band and -- -- true. An army and army and the reason is that screen on there aren't you know it's like. It's just that as a this is totally -- and fatter and let's move on here everyone's favorite portion of the show this is why you and that is the. I hear -- I have a caveat people because this week it's so growth. That you may want. Yeah that they brace yourself and we'll bring through the -- -- -- either title this one's called the land that exit wounds and this must've been in responsibly. Big game last night. -- I -- ads for packages of cream cheese and a half a bottle of blue cheese dressing and a bottle of hot spots. With six chopped chicken -- that I don't even seen here to do is I'm -- to put into a blender or lightly. -- he. This looks I am -- RO me and didn't eat it windows. -- I have this is really -- this is probably the gross I have ever. Adversity is that -- get there this might be the only thing on the site but I wouldn't even try by. Fear Factor wow and and -- -- viewed this -- -- you Lehman hello adviser and the blue cheese. Who wanted to and -- I might actually. Really this might actually patting every ingredient now he -- -- -- now read the ingredient. Read up on any you read that fried chicken and now if you can look at. This is a Turkey Easter Sunday sorry chocolate fondue isn't it over it egg Turkey -- -- crab leg and -- ninety perfect. Yeah you're right. It's sprinkles threw me out fails mason -- they are entitled to sprinkled in there -- -- about this is actually there's -- look at -- get in there crab -- and and again. -- -- Hey Mike does a game and look at. However you like it and Apple have growth and -- I went out is another thing this is another thing I don't think I can have a bite of this contained I'll tell every I gave -- -- a presentation. You know. Well compared to them aren't -- -- slot yeah. Would release -- -- at least -- yeah we'll leave that thing that it went across like this yes this is where it. You all right it's on redeemable -- that can -- this and I've put and then just to make up for the yes exactly after the first dude it's all right -- and refreshing and. So it's impossible to a gigabyte but it with the let's look at how pretty we don't look at at a table -- you know ten people him. -- -- that there's the wild Turkey in the background you want now the applicant a crispy that they know it is perfect crispy and they think times. It was delicious -- Men downright -- That the dead naked naked dead. But I was that was it in via mobile will be -- big in the -- employees leave with that -- the -- -- -- Actually we started sounded a bit at the end. -- -- -- Meaning that they actually I optimism for -- look at the pictures and justice. If you get Ahold -- that's he had been as an email at -- show at cnet.com. Or if the call at 870. Users CNET that. It will -- You -- that UI and if you want to check out the the links from next week's -- for next week's episode on -- -- in the potential stories the stories we talk about the stories will be talking my next week. Are all available on CNET crave blog which I -- -- yes. -- -- --

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