Ep. 18: Amazon enters the App Store fray
Ep. 18: Amazon enters the App Store fray

Ep. 18: Amazon enters the App Store fray

Amazon enters the app store for HP doesn't like Android this week and apps that will save your life. All of that more coming up on this week's edition of enter -- -- weekly for Thursday September 30 2010. I'm just -- house alongside guest host. Cnet's own senior associate editor just little court that has gone of course Korea have -- who has always. -- -- Call welcome. Thanks for -- the dawning of a new -- yes. Yes exactly me saying thanks for filling somebody is big shoes today I think I have to actually -- Q my feet in into its. That's probably true. Felt really only one -- and -- might between us and I thought the -- Good job -- will fix that men and we'll just pretend that the cymbal roll or some pages -- zoomed. That -- in our first store. The -- our first story is the Amazon. App store. So it does is is pretty -- steam pretty potentially big news here. So and errors have commemorate that Amazon plans to open its own Andrea apps store. Not gonna rumor I'm inclined to believe. Yeah its -- it it's not that's present they have an app store already for Kindle. Which has had it would that he has been less than successful. I mean. I the Kindle and -- really tempted to. Whatever pattern -- note that are pulled her in and it. Look into them. Exactly you've got it for one purpose and one purpose only that's primitive. So the deal with they Amazon app store as the rumors. From so last year have indicated is that. Developers left a -- 99 dollar annual fee which is sort of -- want to let Apple charges. Com and this part is kind of weird Amazon will retain rights to modify. Your code -- at their own DRM. Ha would want. Why would they modify their -- to -- their own recommendations per. -- track in or what but why would Steve basically get to pay for the privilege of being tracked by and a fine. Maybe just tract in it's you who knows that they can -- a -- and even Apple doesn't require that you. They can modify your own your food in your -- It's it's kind of bizarre. The royalties set up here -- is pretty similar. Two other app store is -- think it's 7030 which is pretty much the norm. And then. See what are the other is they're gonna have a discovery and recommendation tool. Potentially multiple payment options which is something that has always -- -- the. Well -- I think kids that. I mean -- that they've announced that they're having discovery recommendation tool or about would be a really good direction for them to go. Because if it's the latter well if -- either I agree completely. Right and I think that's what Amazon is pretty good at his discovery and Larry you get -- that -- hottest best products. -- -- in the marketplace Google -- only world. I don't ever really implemented it in a way about is competitive again and hit compare it but we have -- -- compared to -- in and of -- have their -- system in place. And I don't know if I'd go with -- calling it genius. But it certainly is useful in terms of discovery about sort of one of the hardest things for developers -- on any app store and any mobile pop. And I am I can see. Developers being really happy with us and wanting to submit even two. Modified code in the -- protection if it means. Higher distribution and ultimately making harmony. Yet it's hard to see I mean it's it's certainly true that. Apple and -- certainly Blackberry have not seen any app store that I would -- has gotten it right yet. So you know -- Amazon could get a -- maybe it's worthwhile to have another app store -- -- it. I don't know -- -- it hadn't -- so much potential attempts to. You know they really do they haven't gotten a really -- Grafton and ms. -- oh no purpose to organize the world's information. But can't they get organizing -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Well what about their online catalog -- -- -- really poor and there have been a lot of promise of a -- back in May at the Google IO developer conference here in San Francisco. Especially -- things like I mean they do have some of the -- -- fun stuff but it really isn't seamless as was promised. And it really hasn't revolutionized. -- innovated in a wave at -- has become the new standard. -- Yeah -- see what happens here. You know I'm certainly a little nervous about all the app stores you know Verizon will have their own app store for some devices them. We're gonna talk later about some other devices that have their own app store so it just how many how many app stores can you have. And you we really mean and how many are you actually use. Yeah or as a developer -- -- -- -- -- different app store arisen. It's just it's kind of it's gonna we're gonna -- though that's -- -- of the traditional software world zone is wan app store for. Desktop software and there is always download.com. It's owned by CNET and that's not only when there is on the planet needs to do. That's true -- -- you -- plug. Yeah purple. Anyway so -- begin about developers here there was a server -- from app accelerator. That sort of the bottom line here is they say developers favorite Andrea over Apple forks of long term success than it is pretty similar to research that we. Talked about the past. If -- sit at 59% of app developers favor and -- long term outlook versus 35% for. I alas. If there's anything in here about lack there were they even -- -- That's the other -- -- A little bit there just isn't very much interest that was chattering in and here -- but it's still the developers are still saying here that I OS is still. More instinct for short terms -- -- And I think -- this makes a lot of sense. There are so many hundred phones on the market as CNET senior editor Kent German. Couple weeks back have this really comprehensive list of every injury -- out there. I am a little while I go I -- sort of a comprehensive look. And all of the different. Platforms are not platforms but all the different OS versions -- are out there without includes two and you see -- -- Google really developing it at a very fast -- but -- that will slow down but with so many phones on americans' image excitement surrounding matte. You can really see it taking off and becoming a pop from that everybody want. You can see taking off that's true but not with HP. Doesn't. It's piano we see it being taken off yeah he's been very go there is here's a -- so -- Officially drops planned for Android. Phones are tablets -- parents anything -- -- so last week reported on the printer with the injury tablet which is kind of a weird thing. Which they clearly started before they've spots home. Com but this week they're saying the payments firmly committed to -- OS. To developing phones and tablets around -- -- it's Nintendo's flying to say they are firmly committed to a company that bought. Yes its its its bizarre -- understand why they released the printer even though they had an have been development I still think you know the -- Like if you say we're not doing -- you know release and -- -- and then a week later. -- -- -- And that's claim that HP I think is known for its offerings packet support in and people sometimes -- I've heard people say it but they will sometimes by HP products. Because in and earn up and out there that if something happens to that they're gonna tickets -- -- if you buy a one off is gonna help. It's tough that it's -- -- at a I don't it's a good question. I think it's and I strategy aren't here is Edinburgh bizarre they were so deep into it you can understand mining and went -- -- -- the same time. It's it's really good return on investment. We'll see I mean. They're the only company image their basically taken Apple approach here the only company is -- be sport in this OS the only company who I would guess is the remaking hardware for the so last -- -- Android. Yeah -- -- just have tons and tons of people's manufactures and can they go up intensity of the school an Apple machine and in the even Blackberry at the -- So it's I think there in for an uphill battle I mean they haven't. Now all attraction on the phone and of things so far. But maybe with eight. -- of the but that's not -- really what we're here to talk about. Is it now. Not -- we're here to talk about Android. -- And rare talk about a hundred browsers. And a big part and using your injuries and of course if it this is actually something that a lot of Android users probably don't realize. That there is more than one browser available for Android. Because you just you're having your Chrome -- our browser built and there are below. Leo of them are grilled on the same -- him -- -- yes exactly but there and they're modified in their personalized to their way. I can make your experience very different depending on which we mean it spread so give us the rundown here okay. Infringe -- -- and when her co worker friend Hopkins from PC world they did this pretty comprehensive battled -- hundred browsers. Found few actual speed tests. But they looked at four that we know very well I was I fired you mean adult than eats -- Opera mini and -- of panic. I I -- question spring pfennig in their about a lot of caveats because this is an -- And even though it will soon be coming out in -- -- this is not a fully fledged browser so. I'm really surprised that it had -- its load times it's not really meant to be. In a battle of browsers and it's kind of like the water boy and -- -- of browsers. And standing on the sideline of getting. Getting ready perhaps to jump into the master knows you and it's a really poor analogy but you know about the kind of bubbled up but as for the other -- I have used them and pretty extensively. Opera mini is really interesting because it's doing server side compression so it will -- quickly but it's it's almost like. Not quite a full pledged in one browser -- -- -- you can't Hewitt -- and it doesn't in the epic multi touch support. See him pledged to them right which is really annoying -- expects to do that. And sky fire -- it has an interesting. Play there it's trying to do fan social. Social sharing and before -- -- Reagan's own future as they could play flash video exactly and again kind of brought down through their servers. And so if you. Don't have. When it the new OS is if you don't have for you and your -- -- -- -- -- -- if you wanna watch some flash video rate. And then companies she abuse it -- and have -- oh you must immediately check it out at least. I think it's -- it's got a couple drawbacks but overall if I'm not gonna be using the standard browser. That was probably my browser choice. It's got testers which are really interesting but I can't -- -- reverently continent then but it just kind of is also the most fully featured. And I think the most similar to you. Something like Firefox on your desktop. Interest things -- I'll definitely check that out and so when -- talking about speed here. Seems like in the PC world tests in the bottom line is that. Staff Ferrer was the fastest in sort of average load time. Initial load time I guess for -- say. Tom followed. Somewhat closely by of this stock Android 22 browser. Though it its -- states note. That the -- to one browsers significantly slower and I think we talked about this. When it first came out battles for the JavaScript. Updates that they had made to really speed that -- and then so as you said earlier most of these are based on the web kit. But it framework except they would assume -- -- -- opera. Yes. Indeed cool alright we'll check that out. So you're recommending Dalton over as the potential is that the stock browser -- and it. You think -- so -- already. I mean and people have them have different needs with our browsers and and I would say I like alpha I don't like how kind of tends to take over. As your main browser -- But it is it is also pretty easy to switch user agents on which is that I appreciate that if you don't wanna go to -- that if you don't want that site I understand you. As coming from an entry for January which covered up iPhone view or desktop that is handy feature indeed and -- -- -- you can do it anyway it's just harder to get Hugh. -- -- -- there is the developer. Control panel that is in the people browser but he it is kind of pain. A -- what I require for most browsers and that is for them it's not leak my out private data. When I load them. Apps have -- yeah it is so apparently a lot of apps and that this is not sort of this straightforward story if it does is not the last we're gonna hear of -- them. Something we talked about four but it's still early on -- some privacy concerns with -- adapts. There's a screen that pops up when you're installing -- becomes this -- This -- is gonna have access to this information to you don't really. Not clear how its knees out of remission and and when it's gonna use it and why it's -- use -- in. There was -- some studies. By Duke University sort of created this application called -- trade that monitor what apps did. And they -- and I guess randomly sort of picked. Thirty different apps -- -- market and monitored it and that they found some shocking things and a lot of house. You know -- -- -- quotes here -- that in some cases. For certain apps minerals they went out this was user's location data was sent -- often there's every thirty seconds. I mean if that's a map -- then. That's understandable but it -- -- is it I mean do -- need someone to monumental occasion sent. For at a map up he's managed need to know where I am. -- hand to pull down the map the that. That maybe they need to January you liars. If you're walking but I don't think -- were all -- apps anyway. Yeah oh yeah I didn't feel so -- so what apps -- Yet I -- see a list either they show an example -- -- wall paper app that -- -- here. Phone ID in your phone number several times and that's a lot like the scare that we had earlier in the year about malicious -- -- -- turn -- not to be balanced and spray. This is malicious. You just have to wonder and be concerned as a user like -- fun Amber's been sent to from just trying to use -- wallpaper. Certainly it's not that any of these are malicious necessarily it's just. You know do we need to dig down more and really sort of control what information we want. Apps that access to right because those those time -- mean and sort of like the traditional desktop software how many people actually sit and read that and user license agreement. Right and then people want your app you wanna calendar app and you're gonna trust that whoever's running the store will monitor -- -- the content of these apps and when necessary. -- in Google's taken a very hands off approach there. That they -- have as wells with you know distort the marketplace but also with the actual -- in terms of you know in forming used as an app is about to do something where you -- windows. Which derives most of us crazy but it it's there for reasons -- control I -- of outages and routes do that as an okay is this okay and we will freeze the screen until you tell us right when -- another Sony. You wouldn't be a bad thing maybe the first time you run an -- for second time to these sort of basically have the options and I want to sort -- approve every. -- the data or I wanna prove these sensitive pieces of data like my location in my phone number and. You know -- penalties -- -- either way I keep it came first suspicious activity every time it is gonna be a little better way who cries wolf. But if you don't and that sort of thing indignation after the fact which -- -- Wyatt. Is being -- -- -- taking care of me yeah it's tough issue -- d.s -- honesty and missing her her. So. Pattern of this Apple leaks any data that. We are both big fans of -- -- through isn't it and their anger or at least one person in our chatroom isn't a fan that's true and but a million people on and -- can't Iran right so million downloads of the -- -- Beta of -- birds. Which is. -- -- it certainly set a record for. -- Numbers four -- is the was it rubio yeah mobile I don't know it seems like a must have -- other marketplace records -- would -- in terms of the speed at which downloads happened for a specific -- it. I I don't remember the exact numbers now that I know when I spoke to them a little while ago I believe it was over. -- over ten million downloads. Total of the free and groupers and it's going to be open -- now. While it it's pretty just take a hair on fire there on fire -- there on that so many different platforms than we have to -- -- every time. Right at the buy it for your. IPod Touch and at the but fear iPad that is bad for your handwritten as the it apparently you're reloading and it's worth it. That's true am I am having -- tablet on that HP printer. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Please send us walker in the video I'd be a very interesting tip -- that we almost exactly rules so it. Palms and coming up -- they have after the break he is a bunch hardware devices. Or generating and a great way to browse them all and really figure out what's what in the Android phone world. So we will be back in a -- with all that and more. Welcome back. So. We are talking about hardware here. -- and hardware specifically. And one complaint that I -- sort of had a lot is the ability to. -- -- holes and all they hundred phones out there because it seems like a hundred new ones are released every we didn't. Who can keep track of that and I know we've tried to. Help users through that Kent had blog post about that hey here's standard phones that are out there -- -- And expects me to know about palm but -- goal. You know has really has taken a crack at this down they're probably the people who really should be do business they might Nellie fingers -- in -- So they use. Launch school -- -- -- phone which is that of that database comparison engine all the Android devices. Although I have to say tentative bang up job when he -- hand it to you. -- -- -- -- -- says that they're gallery here she is off all the devices that sort of are -- -- approved. In that they have standard market on them -- -- search and have -- mobile services and -- that is. So it lets you filter phones -- country of -- manufacturer by carrier you can view it compares is that expects. Gonna click through to actually buy. It's pretty nice U I think there's a lot of stuff I wish they would add but I'm glad papers. Well if I want to phone with a specific feature -- love to be able to search for only phones with and Amylin display user. The front face red camera officer Spock but it really only -- filtration for news and -- -- right yes. So I think it's a great start. Adam with a search box actually doesn't search this site. If you try to just and it doesn't general and those sorts now -- lame via. So. You know it's great for staff and they have all the data on sort of you know -- quote unquote important phones which is probably true anything that doesn't have -- Marketplace kind of interesting because they didn't relieve. Sell their own Nexus One so well online -- -- now it's almost like they're taking a stab at it being fat and calories in the way that they -- -- for they're owned by its. Right. Yeah well there's a lot of problems with Linux as well. There beyond the scope of this you know. I think they've done -- -- If you check out Nexus One on here. You can't buy it from anywhere you can still added here compare guest. The city can know how great it was and how mistaking you were not bought it. -- -- -- The Nexus One shows -- possible on mobile devices not -- that you can't have it and lesser developed -- So here's one phone. I would like this I don't know if this is on there yet. And we've discussed this before. The from Verizon the -- is basically version of the Motorola -- to. That is you know All-Star wars -- It is actually -- released today it looks pretty cool. He chips and a box that. Is resembles car overnight which if you remember -- the substance that -- Hulu was encased in really who could forget. Nobody. The hardware specs are identical to -- to. Common house masters America has a wired stereo headset that's chip so it and its Star Wars themed media -- Com and of course you'd expect nothing less than a full. Range of ring tones and notification tones live wallpaper. -- on. The -- -- cool but -- There really were fifty bucks more. Com or outlook for fans I think it is I guess it's not now about my corner Protestants. I feel -- it like -- 99 versus T 49. Things like a big job. If the unanimous consensus for chat room is that it is worth that okay all the charm has spoken they have -- -- -- -- -- you're actually gonna get it got three so far prefer. Yes yes yes that's not real commitment. Pictures sent -- pictures of the phone in your hand -- a happy and of on the show next week. But yeah it's you know if you're basing -- on and off they do it. Parent will wants to go and review it actually speaking rich you don't have the stimulant -- and protecting it but I have been hearing lots of exciting reports. About the T-Mobile TQ has been arriving on -- stars. As online humorous to -- where I was in his. Bathroom. When he's got the film that opened the door and there he is standing in his bathroom but the delivery guy like staring at him holding -- -- -- Even though -- earners have begun. It's -- to be in stores October 6. But it apparently and some -- the lucky and are starting to get it now. Awesome that's pretty -- phone and we've talked about a couple times and it's you know it's a followup to the original. Standard phone says. That is pretty says if they did a good job it looks out it. It looks fairly similar actually to another -- -- right now which is. In HTs he -- from Verizon that it is rumored to be coming out pretty soon. It looks very similar -- right exactly so it out pretty keyboard this the F. It's posted to this HTC phone comes supposed to be running hundred to two as you mentioned -- keyword. Five megapixel camera micro SD slot and it's incurred. For potentially global roaming capabilities -- should have put it. Head on with the rumored areas that are rumored we know that to write to world additions coming out. Also from Verizon and also it is it pretty similar phone to that. Which with HTT and parade so -- saying that's kind of weird rate to phones are almost identical. I -- -- have beef there -- a little bit about phone -- aren't. I have five phone sitting on my desk and they all look the same are all black. Most of them are glossy at least a little bit from of them have the short touch finish on the back which is I was ninth some of the may -- may not have. You'd have slide out keyboard but they all have that sort of rounded corner black -- feel you know big touch -- and upgrade it. By and get a little bored of looking at the same thing fell I also agree -- it's what's on the inside that matters but it. You know there there is a lot of -- going on in them just like to see something a little bit different. Yeah I don't disagree one thing on the inside as you mention with this phone is it looks like being in sort of -- -- -- -- and maybe be the default search engine here. Now that doesn't it looks like which is as we discussed kind of weird you know stripping Google's. Only source of revenue friend -- a have a phone. Only only by default -- -- suspect a lot of people would sold. Download. Them to Google mobile app but yeah I mean if that's search button I used up -- a lot I don't know by -- And the sort of a hardware button that map to the phone. I used a lot sister churches. -- -- -- and that's interesting indeed if it's just -- -- out. I don't if you know more about it. He had I mean there's been various rumors about what's gonna happen there and it's unclear if they're gonna be the default search engines -- what they. If -- cool cool should not allow that like if you want -- -- place in Newfoundland you have to have Google as your default search engine. I visitor -- you. I think -- Ari has so much control over your phone but if HTC wants to you. I sort of modified. I think instead you can still find a Google search widget and preacher and you know I'm I'm all -- -- can -- -- schools. Position -- there only Wales the man -- money on the phone. He is certain. Words basically -- words. I'm so you are searching using Google. Then. You know that phones -- -- lost to them. They've given away and there are all their work on the cross my OS refereed the navy mini -- I mean they're still. As if they've said economic any money really on the marketplace -- -- just comes down here. They should be making money on the marketplace. At least that paid apps they're making money at the fingerprint visited -- maybe they're making money now while they have a certain signing papers yet. It's -- freeing thing that I huge you mean but I always come down on the side of consumer as much consumer -- -- I don't understand why Google little. I and I agree from -- have to your -- and principles yeah maybe that process that don't be evil and I. So moving on from phone's a little bit. Sony Ericsson has announced this little. I don't know what to call a little. Tiny display thing I think we're gonna list of videos here accessory. Right so it's as little screen that is sort of a one point three inch OLDOLED. Screen. This surrenders resolution of -- -- I -- when he pickles. And it basically pairs with your phone and can displays that have content from your phone room. You only have like for like an -- -- and basically. Can tell you when her emails and -- -- status updates. I have to tell you just and we had a field day with this yesterday yeah on and -- -- -- podcast -- think this is silly we did not like. Not literally understanding -- I everything here is the one thing I could -- lives and things so. Com to see here in the second in the video that has a wrist and on and basically consider being meted to -- watts we were talking -- so that's pretty cool so if I could it have you know. All the stats about the run and I'm currently on display it on my watch. Wall I'm running that be pretty cool. Amazed and in around with her remote ever with -- Watson who I was always really into that I really like. And -- religions and run. Any any extra energy management -- -- it's territory can look into the song it's playing lawyer running tonight I do still around and used pandora and some -- don't know sort of what songs -- -- it does have buttons so maybe could work with pandora it's a thumbs up thumbs down things very easily. War or just use that little display -- watts you know. Yeah maybe think that the so anyway it's gonna come with live where manager which is an -- for -- -- -- sort of what you. Filter at the app store by apps that are compatible with this. Pricing and availability what we're not been announced so it will I think that's -- when it comes downstairs pricing -- It's stripped of underpants -- hostility -- -- if it's twenty bucks. I'll get one. In fact I'm so it's gonna work standard -- devices and of which. I Webster who we had on last reports that is kind of funny considering that. Him at all. Sony Ericsson -- devices are and rename -- -- -- six. -- -- that we don't know that availability says Sony Ericsson has plans cute sort of in their relief. Running very or. -- otherwise -- and and I'm gonna fit in a little bit better. Though this doesn't work with any other device options the Sony Ericsson -- -- -- -- will pay attention to this I think it's cool Tesco. And disagrees. Jury is still out it is and this is not the only way to display a little bits of information if you don't wanna turn on your -- phone. There's a rumor how to from that I don't know if I think we read it here on the engadget mobile blog. About a Samsung. Continue home phone for Verizon the -- I 400. Hand an average -- also has a hands on hands on with this -- yes and they have some good pictures there. And I think the big feature for me isn't this actually has a secondary. OLED. Display below the main display. To display which they are they're calling him the ticker. Attention -- notifications and RS has updates and pictures and weather but you don't wanna turn on -- full display. You can get little bits of information and -- some of it Otto turns on when ever you grasp the phone. -- What do you think about that. Thumb I've put it an interest in concept. It seems like it could add some usefulness. Yeah I mean it's like the idea I mean because it displays normally the biggest thing that runs down your battery that he -- just wanna know like going got a new email -- it from director tech resentments yeah or it's -- -- time I don't care watch. And I use their phone for time you might carry a live view from many understand who. One of these phones will surely solve that problem for me. This phone with C supposed to have a micro SD slot on its side which is pretty it's -- anyone actually have to take the battery out. To get out that it has dedicated. Camera button. There any other specs -- you know risk. And to -- two point one. Probably in the normally the normal all 100 to 200 -- price range will. Fifty to -- an 800 central also noticed that it looks like there's a super -- screen on it. And filled -- and then you wrote this up and took a look so that that is breaded and responsive. As other galaxy acts as that they -- test and and he -- to me it's about 3.5 inches on the screen. In staying well thorough look forward to the release of that continuum yeah. Here's something that I have not been looking forward to release with good reason and that is the heart goes 32 -- -- -- with Donald. The -- -- heat yeah I don't know so this is. You know competitor it's the iPod Touch potentially. Cause that I might say it's a competitor to -- The nano. Com does is based. The a 102 point two. Device which -- -- says is that tablet it's just seems bizarre to me com. They can browse the way -- have checked the amount listen to music watch videos. I can solve third party apps although doesn't actually have the marketplace on -- which is and a ridiculous. Right they have their own marketplace -- -- Again user choice. Is he and -- I was pretty lame as well. Yeah I mean he thinks it's. It has a cramped screen it only has eight -- storage capacity which is the same as is the nano -- hello and an on the lower end. IPod times com has audio -- is mediocre screen resolution underwhelming camcorder quality and spotty Wi-Fi. One cool thing though is that it actually had there with your phone's data connection. -- -- 149 dollars which is the same price as the nano which relies it sort of compares more to that. You're and then turning hundred device you know having that whole app market on your phone is kind of with an interview that -- thing. He was saying there really aren't a lot of games or any of those. Our real well known announced that their new pandora and 2 says I am now -- -- -- on there. If that's what you wanna use this is not -- to -- history. That is true I mean we'll see if they can saw that because Archos has announced a -- -- of tablets. Around the same line here and in I think if none of those and -- -- in the marketplace or. The enemy may be will happen is once they. Released gingerbread which is -- have a lot of tablets does have features that. They'll have a new tablet based marketplace are new. Tablet you know sections. Off place in the marketplace them and these tablets will get up greeted -- support the Myanmar was that went so. It remains to be seen. So of that is the news for this week but that is not the end of the show not at all not even close. I'm so stuck with -- a little. The after the -- the week this week is -- -- -- starts talking and that. Is art talking weakness is -- to be around now. We're joking around yesterday Jocelyn and then took a long look at that that was hilarious because we can hear everything that's going on this is now that actually talks to you as well. The router rejecting around yeah I I think it -- one of -- Associate editors. Like -- the -- and hit the start talking if that it is this an interrogation app start talking. But now -- -- not who's on first the fifth -- basically what this app is that's -- you're having on the screen. You know honestly the pictures that are probably a little bit in here at the feet but. What it is is it's one of those. Texting while driving apps board doing things while driving -- So it's supposed to be completely vocal so that you are not sitting there like fiddling with your phone like yours must be keeping your eyes on the -- And so there are a lot of apps like this. This one is a little bit different my favorite reason why it's different is because you actually have to -- the phone programs I was running. And you have to -- that by either saying computer or operator. -- to get it to do some things that whole areas you know being part of -- -- on sustained computer. Text lovable computer -- time is it computer what's the weather. The so that was pretty -- and. Says the first app that you can basically without touching your phone at all just. Make you do so with your voice dropped rates it in the future you should be able to you name -- anything you want like Bob. Yeah I would like to give my personal name and and if I got the -- -- -- me whatever works yet and it. So out there there's a -- in here via check it was another Star -- Google does have like a built in sort of voice. Control. Pleased -- to sort of turn on your phone to press the buttons started the sort of solves that. And there are a lot of phones that have it communion -- on the side about how -- -- a lot powered by new want student and feature -- and also Smartphones like where at the voice -- -- -- kind of like. You press that the button on side. And then it like you know -- command say your command. And you kind of -- it Leo also has a driving components but it's true that's one sort of like. You get within range speak your password and you're able to do it tested sit up there were a couple problems with the and say you -- Star in -- you can trigger text messages and in emails and audio messages. With either all of your contacts -- -- select contacts that you choose. And he said that there were still some problems. Getting it. Getting that right contact kind of filter through and he had a dropped an issue -- sort of a drop message very which would be extremely frustrating. And then he would look down on your phone to make sure if you have. Any doubt that it will be -- it. In -- you are definitely going to be looking -- the phone and fiddling with the program to see why it isn't working -- make -- that -- is -- so I don't think that these are perfect -- And hands. They're on their way in but it's free it's free and the technology -- coming. Right so check -- out 300 app store now. It and it will be post in the show notes if you'd need a link to it. There's some other notable apps this week one that is pretty interest in. Call. Hold our talk on a talk on talk gone thank you -- start talking -- there's talk exactly it's all about talking in those respects there's nothing. Well here you have something to do -- talking so this you know cellphone. Radiation has been sort of -- -- Issue and -- -- we have some. Guides and charts and radiation levels -- -- on our site. Com and this app. So basically claims to track the radiation they are exposed to. At any given moment from your phone which can vary depending on your location ends and it. I opening any even how close the -- here by me no matter how strong the signal yet -- -- standing it says he uses GPS technology. Com and excel -- runners to gauge. Of what's going gonna closes that are really fully understand the -- yes. Maybe that's to -- -- are your from the cells client and so it at. It's currently only available for I think that Samsung galaxy S phones. But if it's pretty it's fifteen -- and you know I think it could be potentially pretty scary. Now -- here at the sub I -- and -- With CNET news and in her article I really like how she says but there are some countries at least one city in the US Federer hiring. The industry to either warn and or inform consumers about cellphone radiation and guess which city in the US I would be. That'd be this one that would be that's my that's how we roll -- -- -- -- -- area. Yep. So that says it's going onto a couple other apps high pass for handwritten was released this week which made me these only interest team to us here. That CNET we have a corporate account I pass which is a great service -- reply to it. Get. Wants a free of -- -- of you know. Pay wants access to all sorts of different Wi-Fi networks around the country and around the world. And -- -- slot on my. Laptop and now they haven't for -- so we know pretty -- site. And that is it for apps there were some notable this week. And now we have a tip for you. About. How to make zero. You know I think because had a story -- menopause -- how to make your phone. And secure. Because you're a fart dust and so. The this -- be -- from simply Tori dot com. Basically what you wanna do here -- -- -- menu key and go into the settings menu. Could call sayings. Such a -- spells that means. Many wanna change. The number -- the voice mail on aisle number essentially. To start six comics how are 86 -- 86. -- -- -- And then put in your pin number and than a pound. And so basically what that does -- sort of dials voice mail. And automatically enters your code in there. -- you know I think there are some other ways to do this I think this is something if that I you don't have to enter your password and everything -- time it's for it exactly I think some. And -- your carrier some carriers are actually -- you. Not be prompted for your password. If you call from your phone anyway them competent -- -- does not worked out and this is pretty good wear them yeah. Save some time an annoyance. -- -- was not about security yes you know it it's all tradeoff sir I mean if you have your phone locked in the first place. That it it's probably not that big a deal. That you see your password here it's like your computer computers locked as a matter that much if you see your announcement your browser. There's at the -- that they defeat. I don't do that in my browser but it's only because I have so many passwords that using them as the only way I can remember them. Which is a terrible reason -- district. I of course don't do that either to that'd be highly insert here highly. So getting email from -- to enter -- -- -- cnet.com. He says -- oh them -- -- analog and so. -- awesome and you. I think that praises them for Jason and no way I'll take it it's for unity only. Hum. -- -- -- -- -- -- And basically it was crash and of shouldn't he brought into the story and -- To reset it and as. Going through the reset process. You've lost some of the apps that it comes with -- default one of them -- cool places that. Hands music okay no problem it's gonna -- the marketplace and reinstall that. -- like hey cool places not here in the marketplace had a right guy who places. Com so as far as I can tell the research I've done I don't know if united throughout the Tesco is that they did take Google places had a of the marketplace because they've added that he in. To with the latest release of Google Maps -- is the Google Maps or four as of now com. So it's not a standalone app anymore it's in -- maps. And if you just get the latest version of Google Maps he launched that he go into the places icon within -- of have access to all the same stuff. And launching Google Maps right so I don't know if that's. You know a good error or bad thing -- and if you lose anything by doing that. I think you pretty much can access all the same functionality. That was in there and Google Maps is you know a pretty awesome out on -- -- anyway so. Yeah actually -- and -- the whispers in their yeah another thing you could do it do when in doubt and uninstall and install. Maps. Yeah in general -- not seeing anything there. Rated though it I think the latest version should be out -- for all -- places that. I'm not sure they're -- a minimum personal mantra that you know tech citizen update -- thrown in and -- you have that. Well that pretty much does it for this so -- if you com. Wanna email us our email address -- injury Alice -- cnet.com or meet the cost of Twitter under an -- Who watches every week Thursday at 2 PM. At cnet.com slash lives fast and very -- PM Pacific time -- -- specific that is. Correct and the blog where you will find this shows laws. All sorts of great and -- -- Tips and stories reviews and you know general president including from. Jessica that's parade at cnet.com slash -- and Alice and that does it for us today thanks for. -- it in and no problem filling out the show today. At present the -- and if you're gonna find more of your stuff where we're -- follow you were read more of your filed in dot cnet.com. Where is where would. Cool. All right thanks I just -- thanks to you know and -- as next week. Buying.

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