Ep. 1559: Buzz Out Loud Bonus Makeup Monday Show
Ep. 1559: Buzz Out Loud Bonus Makeup Monday Show

Ep. 1559: Buzz Out Loud Bonus Makeup Monday Show

It is Monday September 26 2011 mining -- -- of. I am Bryan song and I'm Molly Wood in the buzz out loud cnet's podcast of indeterminate length it is episode 15159. Officially titled. Although officially -- buzz out loud bonus make up -- Monday at downtown of this up with them at this tidbit -- we didn't connect -- right. No we'll never got that right this is so as you may know last week based on all aren't all over time slot. -- bright in the middle of our last week of daily shows and -- -- didn't get a Thursday show and we thought that was so wrong was. Well and there are unfair and you dollars so angry -- angry. That we decided to view a special. But I felt I noticed that may -- Monday at the certainly unsolicited instant. Same content again. Buzz out loud -- is made up my day at this. The I know again I'm -- -- you're gonna have the words written -- legendary act and its as is our longstanding tradition here and other out and whenever there's a goodbye. Of any sorts. We have -- -- so. -- -- plunging in Bergen but you can see I'm going out and a positive note in two different ways here first. And we have killed the buzz out loud -- -- urban model. Doesn't -- it. -- -- each about traveling roughly a quarter inch in our apps but slowly eating away the plastic and these biodegradable Serena is here this way way way -- linking their readiness while. -- to go to god. It ready. And here announces horrible scene doesn't need -- watching that. -- -- The bottle. And a regular copper and throw out. The bottles empty people. -- -- And you may have noticed that on to make it immediately at that and that a commitment to fit in like I'm -- I'm gonna goods sold. Its engines and strengths is that it. You would get some -- Eleanor. In penalties. And then on the cake Adam -- and rats BOL weekly. Because he's at the start the new era. And started a new -- the bottle each of the bought on eBay it's like -- -- mother Julia -- -- in on it is not the one. And I think it's in his heroes is the roads. Recycled -- That's like uses them. It is that -- but I know that's a narrow part of suburban and -- and no ties and the tank and an elected to the show we do have a little bit tagged as a listening was the only show excellent anti about it and He added are you gonna be into ambulances to be fair but what gets the titan is -- with a -- more later -- -- -- a lot of your feedback to -- -- and to listen to you as well. We'll get there we'll get there in a second but first. Good news we've been asking for a tiny silver lining for -- -- beat up Netflix. -- they crawled out of the -- All bruised and bloody and managed to -- themselves a pretty big exclusive streaming deal with me in with DreamWorks Israel's -- Nickelodeon I don't know. Tell you learn -- -- with Netflix all over again. This DreamWorks has locked an agreement with Netflix it actually replaces. They're less lucrative deal with HBO they got out of their contact with HBO to jump -- the Netflix. Cornice sources -- deals worth thirty million dollars. And -- -- pictures it will be. Streamed over -- Netflix for an unspecified unspecified period of years. Now the movies themselves will start launch -- it's gonna take a little time guys 2013. Yes. That's so although the deal here is an -- and the report says 2013. -- Excuse me. Are we having a new show or the last of weekly show daily. And anyways when -- linked to what he'll be with few details in game. HBO deal. You're not able to offer digital versions are digital downloads of your movie during the window period that each PO would -- showcase. DreamWorks movies so now DreamWorks is out of that contract they'll go over to Netflix but again -- when He thirteen. But they allow people to you during -- specific release window to now allow the digital downloads -- and people go to Netflix later to watch it for streaming. So -- of those conditions up probably hand countrymen it's a little bit from the digital side arm and also -- if you really want some of those. Classic franchises that we -- humans has like Shrek and ants and come fu panda. They date even on the two point thirteen lots of those movies are gonna be available. They said that they will be available over time but the original launch is on 2013 will be. The accrued a prehistoric comedy Turbo about a -- -- -- slow. And Peabody -- because you know old. All about those treatment. It's got a whole lot -- did and it. As a want to give you the details because we were excited about this -- the planet reality just hit it. Actually remember there was discussion that -- that DreamWorks might do a deal with Hulu. And everybody was argument about was so exciting but there where all these there were these analysts sort of behind the scenes and this is actually the only reason that emerged during this is because DreamWorks has -- great now. And they haven't had that kind of box office success that they previously had. And that may need more money than even the hundred million dollars that they were supposedly gonna get. From. Blu I have to admit that -- this sort of feels like. This -- like a second -- deal. Or all part parties implement special -- times -- 2013 that's -- week we always celebrate new content that Apple is gonna like. -- -- -- It after that into the world but you know at the end though there -- -- and -- -- only an -- and I -- I hate that song no. Talk about it now. What I understand I thought they -- broke up enough so forget REM to have to have their own gain their own special -- announced that they broke in Minneapolis and dams on. No not my favorite day. So Amazon and fox have -- -- deal to bring 111000 new movies and television shows to the prime instant. Video service that Amazon has been offering for a few months now that kind of -- -- is that aware of I think that overall there aren't that many Amazon prime users. And there aren't that many Amazon prime customers who aren't sharing an account you can only get it if you were the primary user that account and there weren't very many movies or TV shows available. On prime minister but as we know it has had. A lot of potential because it's free streaming for anybody who uses Amazon prime and now it is getting a bunch more shows including 24. Which I actually would like to count -- heck yeah and Arrested Development. X-Files Allie -- Buffy the Vampire Slayer. And for the first time on digital video. No wonder years. That is awesome actually old school I -- That's cool it's -- -- is cool now I did did they say is that can be effective immediately I don't staid old CD but I'm pretty sure it's -- be before when He thirteen. And that's always what you -- you get new content in the deliberate right when He announces release with in like three months and not after the into the world. As we know. And also are not active and of the world with a bunch of crappy new -- I just can't even believe that DreamWorks notes just clicked on Netflix you can do Tung fu panda -- that's like three or four -- after came up right where we're still gonna hold. I don't know I don't know -- already beats. Other members machine went sanitary and and 24 are again like we did it is point was honestly I -- -- -- it just looked and -- Also Amazon used to -- is that. All of us in this room during -- -- show -- genuinely excited -- -- fired -- I'm I'm -- druthers Amazon set to potentially unveil a new Kindle. Our Android tablet they have sent out -- an invitation. Two members of the press saying for September 20 -- -- -- this Wednesday. At ten EM. Eastern time. They will make -- announcement and that you know we are the destination for live events we are all they won't be streaming it though from what I gather -- I think they are not going to stream adamant that -- will figure out some kind of a live coverage strategy considering that -- -- -- it that may be the for a pork at 7 AM Pacific time. So it might be but some there will be some live coverage strategy for that here at cnet.com flashlight and of course -- news.com we'll be live blogging it. Right now they say that they invite obviously we've had no official hints about what is coming everybody is. Anticipating that -- can be a tablet a tablet they invite came from a PR person who in the past has sent -- invited to Kindle. -- likely due to play a -- -- is this is that because it's the PR agency for Amazon. Which is typically only send out and elements and -- like they usually assign specific people to specific. -- -- has yet again that this is the bit the regular Kindle Yorkers so let's let's play a little game here what you guys think it's common in. Okay but let's feel more specific price point would you wouldn't think about Africa I'm just say -- -- -- special -- to do about whatever we want today so I am gonna say is seven inch Kindle tablet. And not tenants which I think it's gonna be a little bit of -- let down intact but seven inch Kindle -- touch screen color you know with the -- possibly. -- -- Union and subsidize I think they go if they want to shake it up harder -- -- to 49 seems like it's it's up but if they really can push it. 199 if they can do that they could -- -- 199. One of the gifts of the year that will keep on giving have -- hurt too many times and I just can't get the. -- -- -- It's art but we're excited about this so I stay tuned and we'll let you guys know our coverage you Kenton and. -- announcements definitely speak live you if you're watching this live you have a few extra minutes to get your -- -- President Obama is holding a town hall. On Linkedin today. It and it is just under somewhere and I. Really dislike underscoring over and over. The importance of social media. And -- and getting today's political messages out to the youth of America. His initiation -- always embrace that's you know social media even early on his campaign so this is this good stuff that we're. That with lemon Twitter and they're -- a -- -- with -- -- intensity can go and put -- questions I'm guessing there might be lot of questions about jobs. They're magnet. There may be a couple. In fact I think it's. Pretty much what all of what it's about it's called putting America back to work. They got. Now you know -- -- We are going to take a break when we come back how FaceBook is caring image -- out of you again today and all the -- is that you think you might be fixing it but aren't. Meanwhile is but it also -- the -- this out of Google plus a few more iPhone rumors and a whole lot -- Like Eilat. A lot cinemanow. -- it would mean climate Jack -- Then orbit that Kinect bundle. Where baby seat belt. Apps. He's the -- started it all by the way -- that said a black -- for him silly boy and I T got from Boston he's one started all the -- -- IDs here's the first one is that. -- -- -- Now I have let's have a yet I -- -- shut up if you cannot I cannot -- the -- the -- the time as president of a thing took -- from new. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- The last daily show this one's actually an official but the last buzz out loud daily show we will be commencing our weekly show this week on Thursday it's been wondering about -- schedule at cnet.com slash live. That show will be taped live on Thursdays at 10 AM Pacific. And posted you know and you guys I know we have a lot of people excellent okay what are you guys gonna do. Coming in and live my life there's -- there's -- just how to power. The. There's a power user -- okay we have to do is listen to I ten minutes twelve minutes of the show each day. How how awesome is that seriously slowly dying is -- giving you bite sized bits of news that you can. Can -- -- -- five stories. -- -- -- Integrates a really important there's it's an -- power -- power -- of the. -- Our our. -- had an interesting story posted by Dave -- over at scripting dot com over the weekend FaceBook is scaring me. I mean he's not alone but it with that sort of an interesting ride up. The kinds of things that can occur in the new world -- Facebook's open graph where web sites and apps are able to auto post for you. In some cases without your. What the dire expressed permission per behavior so He said He was reading an article -- read write web which I never talk about the show on the show because it's due for ignorant thing. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- So integrating this article -- -- -- -- that just creating an article. On their sites could generate an announcement on its so. Like so and so just read a tutorial how to -- a member of another crime family. This is I mean this is what we were -- as we were watching it live yet they're like this is cool but is also very freaky yeah exactly it's going to do this without any known notifications -- app developers have that. Choice to choose -- what points. They want information we sent to FaceBook with out you been able to even put any -- roadblock at that moment. Right yeah and there's no there's no like button there's no comment I mean granted you will agree to that. When you sign when you install the but you don't necessarily know like maybe you did FaceBook connect to -- -- sign in to read I read. Like three years ago. And you don't you know you you kind of long since forgotten that use FaceBook connect to connect with the site that is easier than creating yet another damn password in yet another registration -- -- And then the next thing you know this thing -- auto posting for you every time you read an article. -- Weiner says let there could easily be lawsuits divorces maybe their arrests based on what is made public by FaceBook. That is a little hyperbolic maybe. But then again maybe not so he's saying look until FaceBook owns the browser that you use which is actually not a -- you have to. There He says that there is there a couple things that you should start with if you're concerned about the sort of auto posting behavior in one promises to log out of FaceBook. Even though that may not be enough although it turns -- that is probably not because another article. The talks about some of the fierce birthing should be aware with -- but. It talks about this is unique Cooper little -- talks about logging out of FaceBook -- the some of the things I needed to follow. And research what's happening with their cookies but by logging out of FaceBook and only. But -- the cookies that are still linked to your account number. Are still being sent along to all requests to FaceBook dot com so even though -- log out FaceBook still knows. And contract every page you visit. You ever you ever log on -- FaceBook like an Apple Store. And then log out. That's a -- -- how to get -- not a good idea. And -- cookie -- goes deep. With based but there are I mean you could potentially go and and tried to delete all of those different cookies that's -- there are are a lot of them so the suggestion is that if you're really concerned about this. -- you can definitely log out and go and delete all your FaceBook -- but in the future you'll just be generating more whenever you log -- so. What you should probably do for maximum kind of FaceBook silo behavior from is -- out of FaceBook and your browser delete all your -- is and then use a different browser the next time you log into like. Just give it its own regular doses -- magic in in kind need to tap on -- mine yet where this is an amazing opportunity though. Opera opera should tout itself as the dedicated FaceBook -- -- that that. Opera -- fans unite the fat lady has not -- her song. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- And a dedicated browser for FaceBook. Solutions you guys this is -- you listen to ourselves solutions. And also for operatic the scenes. Me personally I felt and last -- It appeared there and everywhere Bergen bottle still intact. -- -- -- Got a plot lines at at -- in fact possibly freaks Google -- the hell out and if He needed any other explanation. For why Google is getting into social. It is this particular user engagement. Charts from city investment research and analysis that just simply shows the amount of time that people spend on line at various sites. And this before. You know Facebook's implementation of all their new you know hooks for media with music and Green and movies. And their goal is obviously despite that user engagement -- -- even. I hear him and tell a case here if you're watching this live and you watch licking at the chart -- the solid line a solid black -- -- -- but. And it's. Time spent online. Amount just keeps. Going up yet while US share of time spent online for these different sites of other sites there are -- there's a dotted line current -- Dashed line for Google sites which is like email and and the services sites that that most of their competitors are doing that Yahoo! and Microsoft may allow. And then so it out the list of the site Yahoo! sites Microsoft site and Elan and it -- the user engagement to steadily dropping -- on those sites while FaceBook is like. You need not a lot normalized you can still feel as if that's been incredible and I'm and -- This thing about this also -- FaceBook dot com is really its own site -- since November and a little more -- -- of face the but the Google sites has is a suite of plenty of different sites -- -- different services. But you -- maybe if you added at all let people might actually spend more time on Google sites but -- it's not the case with this chart says US share of times online. FaceBook is now hitting somewhere around 60% of all share US share. Of time spent online where you'd look at something like. Google sites which is coming around summer between ten to 12%. The FaceBook is 16% and I mean them in this. Gotta be a direct correlation tuna and employment in this country. -- -- -- -- -- Saying that I would yeah that'll that'll let you shouldn't be only inch band is but also I'd also like -- the time spent on my work world warcraft. Yes. Can someone do like -- diagram of unemployment numbers times and amp is a time spent on the -- I think the World of Warcraft numbers pretty -- in constant battle in British secret here it's I deliberate and it's just yank. -- so that you re adding you know that number the reason that Google wants to get into social is advertising and the fact is that the getting into social gives them access to -- -- trove of personal information that you turn over voluntarily and also used in a long time on his web sites look at -- No wonder they're pushing Google plus -- the wonder. Google also apparently internally testing and preparing at least according to business insider -- preparing to finally launch. Google drive which would be its drop box clone which has been rumored for roughly 175. Years -- I mean seriously even talking about G drive on the show for her and not Internet -- -- academic year and half and maybe you -- -- how I get to them. Well most when is it gonna launch officially soon. -- -- preparing to launch I mean -- a thing preparing. So who knows. -- -- was apparently. An interesting little note in a presentation. That and -- at a Google sponsored events something like that which would be great. In terms of integrating all your Google services regarding how like docs and -- have everything else and then you can store all of your and their media drop box I'll make sense energy giant it just me just give -- two months. And then that there has been a tiny bit of skepticism. A little bit since. The announcement the astonishing news last week from cern. That there were neutrinos discovered to be traveling faster than the speed of light and potentially demolishing Einstein's theory of -- special relativity and an opening -- door for time travel and so much more. So they're -- to -- and retest that. So the -- you can bet that the US accelerator lab is -- to test serves results. So -- I wanna do that yet they're -- -- -- and see if they can and that's good I mean that the scientists who initially. Whispered this. Possible news out into the world like please -- that -- slick as we don't. I mean it would definitely change everything we know about physics that'll be yet to be -- -- -- now Fermi lab near Chicago and -- attempt to replicate the process -- the results. Within -- four to six months. They'll take a little. That blog -- actually at Discover Magazine dot com. About what they're going how they're gonna be retesting and what it could potentially mean. If in fact this claim has to be -- -- -- -- it it would if it were true it would overturn so much physics that they may as well have discovered that gravity push is not Apple's. That's a good -- pretty media they're gonna go ahead and take a couple more looks at -- -- -- and pretty soon discover that it's totally enter and. Feel like -- more jiggle -- it and put it into something's wrong with your tiny little tiny -- -- tolerance it's very pretty pathetic. -- right guys have a -- -- some of the quick hits for you. Believe they're not everybody according to pew report Internet is a top source of local info. And now what the pew research institute it is pretty much highlight tennis and the major news topics and ask people where do they go to find this information. And the Internet did take a lead although the studies did show it's really combination where not one single source whether it's newspapers. Word of mouth or TV is dominating they're all pretty much you know around let's say -- meet somewhere between fifteen to 20% -- -- but in certain topics Internet like for restaurants are -- local businesses jumps up to around 30% on they did say though there's still a spot for local news. We talk about local crime coverage and the behaviors of people now using Internet apps not really specific resources for stuff like whether. Traffic and things like that but overall though Internet is still the top source of local info. And that's actually a pretty big changes one thing for it so Internet has been gradually becoming the top source -- -- -- in general. But like broadcast TV was still the top source of local information for a long -- -- the fact that people are now moving. Online for that information as well. It is yet another cultural shift although let's be honest weather is by far the biggest topic whether breaking news biggest local topics. Whether fortune Apple's iPhone five event event which is going to be held on October 4 in case you hadn't heard and where is calling -- the iPod and iPhone. I've I've owned the iPhone five -- bank you know earlier only -- and the iPhone Molly is that is our iPhone five on the brain. When an -- Arctic if you've had your chance Android. Anyway you heard it on the bonus -- -- make up Monday's show but Pittsburgh and so I could be totally it is an. And am now a diet and a laser treatment is getting crazy thing about this -- that it -- -- at the company's Cupertino campus. Not in San Francisco where all the previous iphones and ipads have been announced an animal like one of the first and most likely many changes to reload the real glad you know maybe it him this is Tim -- -- now maybe you must -- -- -- more comfortable anymore. Private venue the thing is also at Apple's campus Italy holds around 250 seats I know it's really small. This is really bad news for us think we immediately starting crap now organized to fight with them even more than usual -- again -- people and they don't like me anymore I know I'm not gonna be getting analysts across the sewer tunnels -- -- And I will -- that easily Gaza Strip steel and we can find on the -- also another console schedule conflict is the year between a center for arts where they normally do these things. They have in a whole Oracle conference going on that we -- those conference rooms and buildings are been reserved by it only article didn't put a link that yeah. Write a book too late to make it ain't so bad that their iPod events -- committee Scots for it. -- if you're also if you're also excited about the iPhone five which Molly is there's some cool -- the corny story -- that -- Mac. About some of the new features -- Stored in an iPhone four chassis this whole time but they're they're touting we've heard a dual core if -- processor. One Diego and internal ram and one of the reasons why this will help out the system is -- implement this new software feature called assistant. Which is not only speech to text. But pretty much does you know -- speak into a you can use search seemed very similar to like Google's voice features him but will be -- on a variety of different levels. Also on -- It's like your personal assistant you can talk to it not just directions and that would insert. It sounds like this is actually similar to. What -- that's actually can hold down the windows button on any windows on -- mango phone and then get. Roughly system wide speech to text or voice commands and I love that and I really wish him that I had 900 -- that would then be pretty cool feature it'll do SMS IM message they say that part of this because it. Does some of the -- back on that the one gig of ram is crucial for this to be like instant via cell definitely will see its its -- like bill arm. You don't Iron Man Powell -- -- -- Jarvis know that voice oh yeah. I don't clarity love this metaphor. This is like jar analogy of -- -- -- and it will it'll be back -- that's one's definitely it could potentially get very cool -- a and I get better. It's -- its -- also. Apparently cutting orders to vendors and supply chain for the -- patent. Which may result in slower sales for some of the companies that I'm not sure why. The -- if people should be free and out too much I mean we're expecting some sort of iPad announcement that may be -- the first quarter next -- is so Manson iPad three but people started freaking out. You know that the stock dropped like 5% I I read this because they keep on reminding us Apple's stock in every report that they rate up enough based on these news and how it affects it. Or they could just be diversified over to -- Brazil production factory. The people freaked out about this -- you extra 25% what are not selling as many ipads well. It -- -- -- thing and that the tiny tiny tablet market may in fact -- saturate this if I wonder what's gonna just holiday season. I wonder what tablets in general and it is I'm very charismatic and I do think that not. Not that many people have found a significant need for them their lives especially at a time when people's spending right now really is -- -- to -- than it ever has and you know. I think there is every possibility that the tablet market can be pretty weak unless they're very very inexpensive and it's. It's scary because you know how we I agree with you we always you know talk about that like the market is tough. And then people still going drop 500 to 600 dollars an iPad even when all indications point like people are scaling back that those people are -- the. 10% of people who have a lot of disposable income -- -- -- and it's really only there's 28 million ipads. In the world. That's like not. You know that's -- people. -- and Amy -- who here has ipads. People and people -- forget jobs and its Atlanta. I. -- -- -- competitiveness. And I got a lot of friends -- they know it's my job to have an iPad. The -- To -- eight million tablets seven billion people. Still. Pilots let's let you guys do the dock in because between Netflix and -- -- going lately. You have a lot of update of get regular feedback loop. Pilots start with the voice -- we got that we have some on topic voicemail to -- this line actually. About the DISH Network and blockbuster announcement from -- week. A bus that allow crew this is -- gains AKA brother tech -- from Baltimore Maryland are calling -- to show number 1558. Where you guys discussed the DISH Network blockbuster deal. Where they're going after Netflix as far as they're streaming and -- dvd. Program that you just looking at all the wrong way. I think this is DISH Network going after DirecTV. And not Netflix going after our blockbuster going after Netflix obviously look at DirecTV they don't offer streaming slash. Dvd rental programs so I think this discourse or DirecTV and not. Blockbuster going after Netflix love to show -- hate back to you guys are going to once a week but -- -- too -- anyway. Other tech good point and I think we talked about we -- like it's kind of coming from both sides right. You have DISH Network compete with trek TV to which we did not -- three new processor and aperture yet but then also blockbuster. Strategically trying to at least take something away from Netflix had an I think -- it couldn't have -- -- and what it is. In effect. Is DISH Network going after DirecTV. You know like they could have they had an opportunity to go after Netflix. They kept it very small scale which puts them in great competition with DirecTV but doesn't necessarily grow the blockbuster rhino -- is nice and that's when I told him yeah that's an adolescent and. And -- very old and about one thing in I was a -- sorry this is a random tangent and but -- listen to it but -- -- it if you guys listen carefully and a brother takes call. I believe He was in the car and it might have been raining because I heard like this white with sound out. Again I don't think you keep on time I think I think you're in your car and it was raining in using which -- Let me know the only reason I care about this is because of -- in prison break and they're trying to find out where a video was shot and -- using -- environmental sounds to locate the position. I'm just a little prison breaks and they can from Chicago lead -- and. Did the math in the chatroom on the percentage of homeland world that tablet that point -- zero point 4% in the world population. The hasn't. What what percent of the world -- the rich people they're taking us -- with a little -- it's -- -- -- many parts -- wearing comfort ran out of literal that. I'm pretty street and but as long as we're like Vietnam angry -- that that's a perfect segue. To our next -- who would like us to do. All clear -- -- -- -- with our first world problems and whatnot. Callers should call well -- -- outraged. Over -- rate hike. And then splitting the company. It -- These people like that. They worry so -- so much an arms. -- basically. We're going from the -- movie you going to the price on movie country. And now you have yet to separate queues on might. -- so. -- it -- -- and it goes -- First world problems. Like -- -- Upset and worried about not. Or you now so that's pretty much like two cents picture guys what Russia. That's why we have to -- weekly because daily on a daily. If this means that then. -- -- not nonsense -- been holding on to that -- -- for quite awhile and we're doing a weekly because of that was so they puke. Bitter Netflix diet expert les thanks for trivializing everything that we -- -- all -- have site. -- -- That's our show you can choose to listen or you can leave. Will be here on Thursday. I write a little from the Bronx you -- -- well. Science -- Ellison please. Below the -- abroad. Want to comment and retrieval sort -- normal. Below to complete geek. -- -- -- -- Or tries to be actually like travel apps -- talk about slow trek sure to -- to kind of show. -- It. Had -- who obsessive about being -- I don't you have anything better to do with their -- Its -- So Jared I'm gonna point out the irony of him calling in to angrily complain about that. Like I was so annoyed with the problems in the world to -- -- among them. Being these annoying people are mad about Netflix. And it would I like -- shows we can sanity of what we want this is -- yet -- you can you hold back other times yes sometimes I just commitment. We also love loves them. Inside behind the scenes and Craig. This little scoop about what's happening with -- -- be -- idea. A boat crew. Earth like -- But it's a structural work. And it -- you -- -- -- I get there. Our world -- something about that daily show being canceled. And outlook or outlook or not. Only -- but are. You guys are wearing -- daily show. That's the God's honest truth or the best deadpan delivery that ever and frankly. I just gonna have to go and take bets on which when it is and what it like that's right now. You think you're not I think it's true as we do we gotta get what got to voice a long time ago about John Hodgman who is one of the daily show elect reporters -- -- the system as a long time that may be weren't -- -- -- -- The Daily Show listens what is the -- -- art theater did a -- my ideas umbrella. But. I don't -- and actually -- -- ideas. -- you know to be like a whole different. -- -- Onto the video of I don't know like this -- it does get. I'm gonna -- -- and of the show that video only about we have video voicemail from rename Brazil. That's. I love it it's -- epic she's very human act in them. This is the case and I'm suppose you. This is that it plans to use and use. -- and well thank you. Here's the news. Who wouldn't do and it's. -- -- -- Comedy. All schools use. And this is. Loose. And -- and and I didn't let things -- model -- programs. -- use. BE. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- If you follow your network. Here. Sometimes -- at the. Thank you not you -- -- He was emotionally affected I think. Anyway we've been doing this show for years and years and years and He has seen in -- These years. It is I'm Bonnie is the and a 32 years old -- clinic. Lava that I got -- -- Thank you that was great I onto the emails -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- okay BT. Will forgive you for buying them. If enough people like -- this may be Lucas will be convinced to get over himself and give us the Han shot first original trilogy on. I'm gonna after the show I'm going to sign up for that. Yet I'm gonna I will petition because ideally I'd have to with -- like the Nazi. An analyst zero please -- zero US. That's a possible did you just did you just make listing and it just started. Ramon are you gonna made -- put it and we'll put it in the in the show -- and I'm leaving me it me or let but let me. I mean He downing -- -- making guarantee you this one thing. George Lucas is not ever going to -- On how he's gonna actually CD himself has -- -- -- the next revision is very like. RI this only comes to us from a special mr. David in Cincinnati Ohio neighbors that was Google and clicks are today I think it -- shows how much quits -- is going to -- When Jason just deals Twitter he's the guy with the clicks her name already is -- count is higher up in the search less than the actual clicks -- site. Why it is Netflix paying gain a bit on the show that it's have a image and -- -- it is right above extra dot com. I don't know how long -- last but He said that his decision screen shot -- for himself really -- and pulled on to that moment in time. For a lot like catastrophe distracts -- -- on him. -- it also. Let's see here what the name. The palace avenue -- that -- that I haven't heard anyone give a good defense of Netflix on the show not out of attract. Yet admitted yourself -- dvd business is going to die eventually and I think it's really hard for a company ever let down their original and main product line once it's out -- If Netflix continues offering dvds -- always -- that company that sends dvds in the mail. The only way to differentiate themselves make sure they're known for being an innovative company that isn't stuck in the past. Is by cutting off the -- of their business that is on death watch dvd portion is still a great product for the time being but I think Netflix Netflix wants to be seen as an innovator. Not an online blockbuster actually think this move is pretty ingenious although ultimately it's genius -- may not outweighed the poor reaction. From customers. And then He has about warrant their -- and sometimes they -- the -- email but it's a good. Yes there -- this email accounts is Janet. Buzz could -- -- two things are really long time one was Nabil from the very beginning mom telling -- days and to -- -- from Netflix Netflix in September 2000 -- not naturally comparing -- -- -- -- I -- -- -- well -- only once a week now and a fifty something senior executive -- gal who's managed to stay somewhat tech savvy. I was -- a deal well all these years I'm gonna miss my daily dose but unlike Netflix is recent decisions. Moving away from a daily podcast makes reasonable business sense to me you kids are doing -- -- so many opportunities for yourself -- -- I can imagine. The time commitment has been become a bit much. Netflix on the other -- whole -- What up. You'd either love them from the beginning and relied on them in my living my rule lifestyle where I finally got DSL two years ago when they still can't get a pizza delivered not sure what other options worth S three but -- hated me some Netflix clicks or whatever Al. Love the show hang with the buzz to no matter what. T in the foul -- very found the. Brian I can with a nice to email you guys to be proud of the best podcast on the net. I listen to about twelve hours a podcast a day so. And you really are the best show man's personality knowledge -- spontaneity history. The -- into your show is over the top I am mesmerized by the two energy of tapped into between your audience and your content. Others to try what you do nationally He didn't save my life. We certainly made -- better keep them coming and excellence I'm thinking -- our favorite addition to the idea for share for share it's all the ten minutes trying. The -- -- industry. Without a patent and is trying. Ammunition immense imminent with the idea oh yeah and -- them yes suggests Wi fi not just. None and and I mean it's not obvious you. Our Edison knows us from Jason AK glacier ID in the chat room we know -- you are. Animal analogy with an extra hour or so I'll -- -- -- once -- goes to the once weekly format I'm pleased to announce that I've signed up at the Santa Monica. -- culinary institute have planted a patch of charred in the local community garden. Once I master frying in lettuce a plan to launch the rainbow -- -- -- -- for it in an Alley near you. This is in reference to RF eight. Talk English that is actually the one unitary vehicle ahead who Fries let -- could edit a bubble. I remember this is why don't let it come to our live events because some -- happens that is referred to. Inside jokes live on forever forever. -- and then last up to play out the show one of the most amazing things I think we've ever been sent on the show -- so appropriate measures -- on time also did. Owner of the coolest name ever ever for good guy or bad guy furiously just like everyone else it kills me inside to see the sugar we can kind of musical -- So I composed the short piano -- to say goodbye. -- -- -- -- -- The -- it thank you for hanging with us. We'll see you computers. A.

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