Ep. 1546: Apple needs an iChain for its prototypes
Ep. 1546: Apple needs an iChain for its prototypes

Ep. 1546: Apple needs an iChain for its prototypes

Today is Wednesday September 6 2011. My name is Steven -- of. I have bred son and I'm Molly -- welcomed a buzz out loud CNET podcasts can stimulate its episode 15146. This -- find out just how much damage American bloggers really can cause a home -- -- so. -- so early quicker read Reno. -- out there where it really good idea we're gonna right contrast that. So over the long weekend a lot more iPhone five news broke not all of it was needed and that's true but there is so as we as we left for a three day weekend. As we unplugged if you will got ourselves off the grid. The the lost iPhone prototype story part two part two was getting like so much more confusing to that was the last prototyping. And then. There was this that report may be that there was no police report. Even though our original stories and that the police have -- surged so then there's -- speculation over the weekend that -- Apple employees were impersonating police desert island house which frankly I loved. -- -- -- them at particular twist with pretty freaking great turns out the San Francisco police have confirmed. That there was a search of the apartment at the -- carried out also -- They issued reports. That may have in fact out of the prototype ads and iPhone five because we didn't actually know that. Yet the report was the document was titled. IPhone five dot DOC. -- which is a word document and that's the only. Real thread of credibility but if the police -- that as the name of the of the document. You it it. Think or assume I know it's it's like a stretch but Apple because they were working with police hold and it was an iPhone five. Right that's why they would have named the document that now here's some of the little logistics of the -- that after our report ran. The man who was approached by SF PD and Apple officials. Took his -- and SF weekly to give more details about what happened. Once of that story broke that individuals that came into his house did not identify themselves as Apple employees represented -- -- all. Then the question was -- -- -- PD as a PD first was kind of Monday even asked. Apple to -- a follow up with what what it happened on their site Apple -- said nothing I said mom and then it came its service that. The what -- happen is get this. -- -- police a bit department officers for of them. Escorted. To Apple employees to the location. Where DS -- PD did not go into the house or. Allegedly did not knock on the door the Apple. Employees or investigators. Did that and they also the Apple investigators were the ones who did the search of the house. Which the man said He would not have let them in the house if He knew they were not SF PD. Gets -- they're all nine million. Why. Now turning their little Jack booted -- over there and and this is it's remarkable and it just. Keeps going on and on and it still I think is unclear at this point whether there was a police report. -- -- that is -- somehow they did manage to get. The -- -- -- the police to do this escorting as we know but so far. Apple sorry so far we have been unable to find a specific report the police have the as a police have been a little un helpful. In the sense that what they have told reporters is that they can't divulge information about a search without a specific report number or the name of the person. Not the company who made the complaint so when our reporters tried to look for a police report which would otherwise be available. They were told you can't say like Apple filed a place where they would've had to have the actual name of the person who did. So then now they have at least said. That there was some sort of -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Apple checked his. Living areas or the families -- -- his quarters to see if there was any phone -- they did allegedly according to article also offer money for the phone no questions asset. And it doesn't know at the at this moment there's still no official police report that was me. -- Is you tell me this is the it's -- this legit and also we just wanna make a point and everyone was very skeptical about this article -- not -- -- sold in the back but the wrote the original port that we put out there. So it it's from what we console seems the hold true and in fact is evenly dirty air -- even days earlier than we had it that we had initially report. Yet that is some seriously sketches which frankly I might expect from like -- -- you know technically. -- good thing and I just say and I didn't realize that Apple's influence extended so far north I was surprised to discover that. That they even had jurisdiction up here in winter file so at the moment -- -- police assisted. Apple is no official report I think we can expect. Many many more important and what exactly went down and also a lawsuit from that guy against Apple will -- -- That's the thing indeed gentleman whose -- -- search is up for him to file report because only she. -- -- investigation looking into whether or not these Apple employees. Posed as officers and -- his his. -- -- from NASA we clerical makes it sound like He had no idea but it's up to him to push this further yeah so that that that rests on him if you want to get involved or not. Now back at Apple. They appeared to be hiring their own and they appear to be beefing up what -- seems to meet we have pretty impressed I don't -- -- regardless -- security -- They've posted two positions or product security management. Following the second incident in which a prototype. Was aloha I think. There's a whole new product category that Apple could look indeed maybe not only for themselves but for other people these need to make an Ide chain. Something that hooks onto your waist and connects directly to your iPhone so you'll lose it and they won't lose it. That's what they need to do. Men and since so it does that don't let him out of the building it's only entirety total Earthlink I don't know what it's. It does a single wild I know the other -- -- -- is unbelievable of course there are already are ready round -- Stew about what is going on with iPhone five when in my becoming its -- Let them most interest in -- but I have seen interest in. -- -- -- -- -- -- that I've seen so far is that -- Telecom. Is apparently taking pre orders for the iPhone five in Germany. Even though Apple has not released. No date no official date site and seen by -- they're making sure they and they know what the demand is for -- I guess there's a lot of different things -- around our earlier over the weekend a best buy -- leak allegedly leaked said. That a -- iPhone would be coming in on October 7 but then in the statement to its employees said those dates are subject to change and we started here. October 14 October 21. It's all over the map we know this we're not recording every single rumor that drops a new date every day -- but it's somewhere in that range frank. They I would say that I think it soon enough and I would go ahead and -- line now He gets robbed a -- and -- -- -- I've owned by news up or we go to the break the that this whole story we we actually didn't cover it. Last week but that there was the story about how a Dutch firm had accidentally or inadvertently. Issued fraudulent security certificates to web sites -- posing as Google. And had made its response is basically like oh yeah I know we knew that those were not -- but -- -- -- when epic example. Turns out it's much bigger it then it just keeps turning into a bigger deal as the -- has -- a number of fraudulent securities take certificates issued by the sperm. Which was hacked has now ballooned from the 247 report last week to 531. And the main purpose of the attack appears to have been to spy on Iranian dissidents. Yes somebody's web -- these are major web sites include this yea as well as Google Microsoft and Twitter. That's according to Dutch government now what these certificates allow people to do is if someone has a -- these certificates they can have a site like Google. Look like Google. And a user is interacting with it thinks it's cool. But really what they're doing is sucking all that information because they're they're posing as if -- the site and users are still -- -- in all their information. It's anybody He uses -- is totally vulnerable to this man in the middle attack and it and it seems to have been. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- That it had detected this intrusion. Now one of the one of the motivations are seen before was to attempt to spy on dissidents within the Iranian government. And so. Some of the domain names have also were part of this collection we're Farsi based nano within a government -- government units involved in government involved and -- you know in in this attack but at what it happen is that. That's one of the motivations they they -- -- behind it in addition to all these kind of major web sites and the promised since it's happened so long ago. They potentially also have been spying on these individuals whose information -- access these. Fake web sites now they've been able to you know kind of people these people's activities -- the past month and half for two. Because what it did -- it slowed down the ability of browser makers to respond -- Al. The latest versions of IE Chrome and Firefox of all revoked trust ended in any digital guitar certificates. And users will see warnings if they visit that site. Those sites but around like you said those who knows now what information. The hackers who are suspected to maybe be related to Iran to -- and government. Have been able to to -- And it's the second time I think of the Iranian government has been. Implicated in similar attacks yeah there is also -- was -- called. Comodo -- -- the motivate the moon which is which and it was another additional certificate yet so it. So really I think -- -- at this point is I haven't heard any word about the cart safari revoking trust of -- still using that for whatever -- -- -- -- off it and if you see warnings from Chrome Firefox are racing game where you we don't know we can trust the certificate I would say do not continue. That probably -- best course of action. I we're gonna take a quick break when we come back. What HP and get a deal with webos today thanks but steadily the porn industry again -- shake down. And Google will -- deal -- here. This is a killer robots from Afghanistan. And your listening to so close -- -- Molly Lewis. My sister from another transistor. Hello -- yeah I've never heard that one. A robot from Afghanistan. Its sister and that's pretty money it has called -- but they don't even care. At -- silently. That's amazing alright guys. Welcome back on this Tuesday after Labor Day for those the in the US everyone else -- has to work. Concern about that but back to stories HB planning to split up the webos business according to report. HP will break up the web -- business sending their software component two different part of the company. The hardware side will go away like they said but H webos. Will live somewhere it's been pushed over to -- -- office. A strategy and technology. Where they say it will get a little bit more love to figure out what they wanna do with it. Whether they -- you. And -- supported not really or maybe go back into the hardware business or spin it off or sell it but it's it's gonna hide -- for quite awhile. Yeah I mean really slip suddenly -- if that's exactly what they're doing their put their put baby in the garden is like Tiffany and Lebanon and its. Hardware division as became intimated He has that it will terminate will stay over there under the group that may or may not get terminated answers -- -- meeting. At what about this doesn't make it's there's Todd Bradley head of personal systems group and also throughout the option that. There's less for a tablet we might see it again rate so we'll take it up and I group once you figure that out when last we don't sucks. -- that's what they're doing with that today I I think we can assume that there will be many more clarifications and are confusing statements to count. Meanwhile the long debated xxx top level domain opens today. -- this -- are not not. This week but there's a really got excited for an ever put a -- really -- and X I I bought it. The red light district will be open for business this week -- the xxx domain registration starts in earnest but it's really interesting because apparently some. I mean. I think adult entertainment companies had been balking at this and some with all along I think that we're gonna get filtered and generalized and -- -- that but now that now that -- -- -- and while. I guess -- go along with the top level domain they're now all claiming that there being shaking down basically that the registration. Is. Weighing more expensive than other top level domain registrations and that they're being pushed to register the xxx domains even if they don't necessarily want them. As a way to protect their brands like it would be a shame if something happened to you Brent Blake led the yes so Ford -- got your name with directs -- Let's say like fees involved right we -- there is there are instances where let's say you have Disney dot com. Or cnet.com do you want someone to take that name of the xxx domain. Probably not so you're gonna have for small Sony's larger corporations bigger brands. Purchase scene that to mean to be blocked so that it can't be used so -- pain. For the xxx top level domain just to protect their own brand -- then you have other sites. Site owners erotic site owners who are complaining because the fees. Are going. -- they have equivalent dot com sites have to be transfered over or in addition to -- would cost some more money so one example is that. As a as the owner of -- under the site to set a -- every. Top level domain it's gonna cost -- around sixty dollars per -- -- -- hundred dollars to maintain rank. -- I do that that's gonna add on 121000 dollars to my budget. Which. Is just to cover my bases there was nine England and on to my regular -- of the really -- this is just like. This is money being funneled into the business is for the triple -- toppled -- It totally is and -- end of and it's only one company that is controlling the registration I think which is why everybody feels like it's it's shaken because like is you point out. It's not just a shakedown for adult entertainment companies who have to pay more. But it's literally like they're going to Disney or they're going to Tina under the going to or who knows -- like what they came to me and they -- like now. The other Hollywood wants to register at xxx domains -- the I mean they're trying to run a little bit of a protection scheme and say you should definitely make -- the registers Sports Illustrated that you know. Yet even some of the companies like godaddy and wanna want to may not -- -- -- -- domain -- the triple X registers -- application fees for those xxx top level domains runs between eighty. And 110 dollars or a regular dot com address is only ten dollars -- Says I don't know there's there's there's a little there's a little big gap between those -- Prices it's a total scam and they're also claiming that ICM industrial policy which is the company overseeing all of these answers and doesn't have permission to sell. The triple X version of the trademarked names of trademarked names and brands which is what they're also trying to -- it's a pretty light I gotta admit. It's pretty it to -- -- -- top level domains are as I'm concerned it is tempered in disaster waiting to happen because any country. -- I mean we've been through this so many times but the biggest problem with it is that countries that filter content. Within their borders can very easily put reproductive information and sex -- information and who knows what they want behind a xxx domain and then filter the entire domain. And say it's not accessible I mean it's a huge free speech problem anyway and then when you add to -- the fact that this is like him pulling money -- out. -- -- Never -- to just they know. Not all phones though not every once it's -- now. Specifically. This story OK please -- -- -- now does this make sense guide to solid to me cell. Star Wars it's it's been going on over the past -- weekend and week and we couldn't ignore it anymore. But I was -- operate about my whole Star Wars trip no -- for the complete saga the blue Randy I'm going to get it it's coming in like two weeks. But one person in -- -- we can get the -- and that one person in the Star Wars world says no and it can't happen so. We know George Lucas loves to tinker with a series and the Blu-ray editions are now getting these new improvements. Or -- and the worst most defensible and is. Darth -- seen no in the return of the jet I seen. We're gonna play -- we're gonna play as little clip for you because it's on YouTube and everyone can see it of how they've edited and now give in Darth Vader voice and one of the most. Dramatic iconic scenes in the entire -- Yes absolutely solicit -- hasn't -- -- this I had no editor -- I just heard about and lost my mind. I know. Goal is right. User in my childhood Lucas. You're and you're sitting there like. It didn't -- what -- it and then it's like such an amazing -- didn't think it. How does -- love it doesn't -- them as well the emperor is that like that's just pandering to our increasingly anti intellectual society like the assumption that everyone who watched the movie was so dominant pages were like -- to grab an emperor I don't understand -- He not want him to do that I thought maybe you. Trying to help and I made sense to me -- house while dad could. -- I understand this is one of the more controversial changes they also just actually you with the advent of CD they are also allowing the well thank goodness thank goodness that I know that I gave me nightmares. Now my whole entire -- that they've done a bunch of other tweaks they teens like oh we went to movies shrill little scream at the Tuscan raiders that people are kind of annoyed with of the sounds like. He screaming through an underwater microphone now. -- -- I'm so gonna get the complete Blu-ray series but we wanted to bring this polite. For those -- haven't really -- -- like what. What's going on into an estate sick and I. I can't not by the series and -- Adam -- onto a real player and I'm not gonna tell people don't buy either because its your choice but. It's close at its he's got to stop He -- -- -- August Matthew would have never -- that's so weird said He downplayed the alterations at historically too typical of -- -- approached the to the movies He said quote. Every time we watch the movies he's got something He wants to change. -- No kidding. You know like -- sure that every time. James Joyce read Ulysses there were like fifteen million different in unison and you know things that He wished -- put in -- -- you don't need to lead. Like even some that is -- of those when they go when I several supplements in the second. -- and you could tell it's a pretty huge door now they -- -- -- to make it look like this. Massive door that I think it's like I'm really care does that bode that much -- Argued that Darth Vader was like conflicted inside and we know what He was thinking and now we -- that steals the whole interpret -- -- gold. -- -- Okay. I you know -- look forward -- actually I'm pretty excited for teaching. One is all the differently than people are gonna maps and in you know nearly diet and say I'm assuming that there will be like a -- -- in a weekly and and -- they relate to things like. And then I really wanna -- the hit area there is lines -- I put it up all my -- But it up on my basement we can watch it at the -- so that's why you guys -- a live show we're gonna watch it if you talk about all the changes. And it's pretty damn funny outstanding. I was the longest segment shut up and currently there's there's a reason how about that he's not unreasonable is -- this is the blink He -- years it's creepy. -- -- -- -- I'm I'm paying for the -- He wants them to support that. There at the place that knows that that's to -- their biological creatures yeah they need to lubricate their eyes get dragged seriously. -- -- I'm gonna assume they -- -- member in -- Definitely won't. Elliptical machine -- -- self -- patent on -- memory in public at little and a -- version come down over the eyes and you can still even when your blinking. Okay okay -- -- that you for that -- When I eight I just assumed. That. The please -- it was. -- -- -- DISH Network. The second largest US satellite TV producer provider says that it will introduce a blockbuster streaming movies service. To compete with Netflix and introduce it next month so it'll -- blockbuster powered. But only -- -- All to dish subscribers and this is in their acquisition with a blockbusters assets -- April it picked him up for 320 million dollars out of bankruptcy so. A competitor Netflix will -- We'll see what Blockbuster's library has a Netflix doesn't now has blockbuster has an exclusive where they get at least -- the movie's twenty days before. And ends on the streaming on so. Database in case -- -- graduate the offering is expected to include movies from stars. -- -- It also Netflix we talked about the couple months ago on Monday -- The agency they've started offering their video streaming service in Brazil and Atlantic senator 43 Latin American -- countries by September 12 new yelling at your Netflix down their hopefully this is good desires. He's been through -- patents American and the camera yet. And then that they -- at -- times -- Google doodle hits. -- -- the Internet cannot ignore it its today it would have ideas are Monday would have been the sixty birth -- if. Whole lords -- birth birth benefit if virtual earth -- I. Monday would've been the 65. Birthday. That's tricky as hard to say -- is -- -- singer Freddie Mercury and so Google put up a pretty awesome awesome doodle. It's pretty over the top two -- to a -- of some -- -- minutes. -- You don't rally -- animated pretty. -- guys guys to check -- -- go to Google's page. Yesterday was officially his birthday but because of Labor Day for the US they put it up here on google.com and it's pretty great -- they had it eventually they had it on google.com all over the world except in the US because of the holidays. So that it can't easily get it today. And the video -- -- the whole entire -- yeah we. Want to work in this department it's the thought to have animation -- like I did get them. I bet there's some software engine and -- -- on there and awesome. Alright guys enjoy that Google doodle while you do that was to get -- feedback loop. -- -- -- -- -- It sends a video voice mail we are calling for these so we appreciate them. The suspect let me to task a little is being called out called out -- seven to announce later. I don't sound a little bit of control and hope you guys for kinesis they have this adorable little happier with me -- -- -- give -- some thoughts feelings now. But I just yet voiced disappointment in UT shirt. It was kind of clever joke about the moon Domino's delivery and thirty -- -- -- less but come on that display consoles claim during the councilman and undergo heart six. All of those -- note that that's a measurement of distance not time. She. Also -- -- -- and yes very sentinel no longer have my back to effectively downloads -- -- -- world AT&T but it. Good -- -- weekly and all of course remain loyal listener peace out and. He likes you know that there's colors like you are the reason why -- show actually ended up going weekly. -- -- -- -- Doesn't I am frankly. I am taking into it myself because I can almost always be counted on to be that needed to that sick of the party is like -- -- the -- that Jeremy at year's end and I didn't so. Yeah I annoy both his points and -- I really should -- -- sorry it was sometimes we think off the top -- -- which is what we do the entire show. Sometimes at -- -- I was so impressed that He went there at the -- -- at all. Innocent injured humpback that it -- -- -- can also see was admiring his muscles in his tank top to slightly diminished a Little Rock. On -- not true -- no not true sport and don't even -- I did notice some who noted that trapped below the -- I'm -- who. Throw me under the bus after He gets to adapt to the -- and that's kind of backed him up. Admiral Akbar. Abdullah and on the -- it. In any LAX. Eighty over here no Hamas did have -- Others are Molly rant directed at me today I'm not -- tech companies you don't shut. -- out. -- guys I'm still learning methods that hurts. And London. Polls elements in fact no -- I didn't ask them to sell -- It's RI it still -- -- so. Guys -- Amazon is going to sell a heavy subsidize Android tablet in the near future. -- -- going to happen with all the other Android tablet makers Amazon can afford to sell at a loss because of future sales but. Other manufacturers can't -- what will happen any tablet below 300 is dead because the -- Amazon and about 300 don't go for an iPad what your thoughts about this. Yeah enough you figured it out on your email here right on the money and that's why it's ingenious idea for Amazon to do -- -- -- -- They can't to get me the answer entire goal understand undercut the market and destroy all competitors -- And other companies they're gonna have a hard time coming close and -- I mean really don't think the only thing we can hope for at Apple and as you know China and the -- and -- where our -- -- -- battles in and out that's -- -- other. If only to bump up but about world in the OK let's see movement on helping -- Google -- Matt Wright and it. -- -- the madness that I have not missed an episode since February 2006 although -- my first time emailing regarding Friday's episode to Netflix and -- break up. I don't understand why Netflix won't consider fees for access to start content. I see this as the first step toward the online ala carte TV service I've been hoping for. I don't care about stars specifically but -- Netflix consecutive the stars and one -- -- HBO or showtime. I -- the -- at the beginning of this year in the two things I miss most are one HBO and showtime original programming and two giants games. If I can get game of drones Dexter weeds -- -- on Netflix close to its first air date. And -- MLB get a clue lets -- stream the giants I would never even think about Comcast again. They -- I believe you can stream giants games but it's kind of weird it's like just one camera there's no commentary circling literally just watching like. Just a single shot the whole time but you could switch cameras and different. Places in the field which is an interest think the what's a World Series like a lesser so may be looking and a. Yet and then -- the -- last sentence there is exactly why Comcast. More than anyone. Will never. Let that happen with HBO and -- ever. -- I feel like we're seeing HBO make inroads into the possibility. Of an ala carte service with HBO go. They're making it slightly more -- little and it's still that bundle that particular movie channel bundle is so lucrative for the cable companies. That they are net that will that will go the way of ala -- over their cold dead. Bodies -- the cable companies are the ones a lot of times when you buy that whole package even though most of those channels are loss leaders you have channels like. Let's say ESPN that are making up all the money for that. Now when you talk about the premium services. Comcast and they control that price as well because they're in they are also in cahoots with the studios and so they've got to -- tethered to -- have to make each other happy. And typically when that happens we are the ones that aren't happy He liked it almost -- always the case. And then in terms of Netflix not considering fees for access to stars content. That's I mean -- -- paying. A time for that content what stars won it with tiered pricing so that you would have to pay more for certain things her -- Even -- they want it paid twice basically -- -- -- Netflix to change their pricing model on behalf of them right which. Typically that doesn't work in business yet -- -- -- plan -- And. Anyway so I go back on demand like we do from -- cable boxes which is what we're trying to avoid. -- -- streaming stuff yet exactly me right now they pay more for you pay more for its di and you pay more for you know but that they -- licensing cluster pricing and I am -- happy that -- expect to their guns on that one although they may not be able to pull it off forever. As I mean even iTunes came to highlight and I like that they stuck to their guns but it's like cutting and probably lose subscribers on the road because of that -- that probably but there's no way. I mean can you imagine if lake back to back Netflix had to announce basically doubling their -- at all and also new rent movies cost you know. More. The -- -- pay more to -- -- It right now you just Paper streaming in any constraint I think that stars deal would've had you Paper streaming but have to -- like to a dollar 99 for a new movie superstar extremes specifically exactly so how this would you be about. It's. Not gonna have it yet they can make disc and -- -- that is our show for today everyone we will be back tomorrow with more. Thanks for hanging with us. One that we're confident they -- with in. -- guys will see you tomorrow they -- and out beyond that feed it back on their -- when and it's excellent takes. 263 -- December and buzz at cnet.com is our email address we -- we can. -- you guys.

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