Ep. 1536: TouchPad frenzy ignites the Internet
Ep. 1536: TouchPad frenzy ignites the Internet

Ep. 1536: TouchPad frenzy ignites the Internet

-- -- -- 22 2011. My name is Steven -- -- One good way but I'm Molly Wood luck in a buzz out loud -- podcasting and intermittently that the episode 15136. Where everybody. -- -- on the Internet this -- and was apparently hunting for touch -- yes like they were the rarest. Ivory bill Allison attempted to to violence on -- -- and -- now time Yahoo! here got to test pattern they can't. -- -- -- I heard about all of the and where people standing in line before best buy opened that sort of thing you don't like him that it had been for that I. I have to -- well Saturday I was completely out of commission linked. Cropped out on the couch -- -- and now whenever I get finished in appearance. So it was worth it. But then by Sunday everything was just like Amazon -- out of stock and but I couldn't it was so fascinating watching the progression -- Twitter. Of people being like. You only got dates between -- -- 99 dollars and 449 for the 32 gig do you get when they're gonna get your body. It was gap with rending all of a sudden as HP like completely screwed the -- -- the touchpad and killed it dead. It becomes. The dot must have gadget of the -- If we had that happen like in the bizarre irony there that kind of if those -- Mosul -- convenient. Her whole family HP's plan all along is a spinoff wouldn't -- -- -- and -- -- on the bandwagon in the -- Now they love it -- you -- have the habit of its new slide did what we have I definitely did treatments they like it -- it. Would it have killed them -- XP had the money to absorb. A bit of a lost leaders situation -- would it have killed them to put this particular product out. For less to build those developer relations to get an install base for webos. And then continue to develop products that -- can sell at. A better. -- You do not even a premium but a better margins because a day when you establish an ecosystem. I -- at means that it went -- -- and so when someone who wrote one of our borders and into announcement that. That we think that's what -- gonna end up doing with their tablet. Is just you know once -- -- she -- in the door of the tablet we can -- back a loss on apps and music and books. And and it seems like that something needs people could have done mean. Dropped -- if if if they were still in the situation right now take advantage of the hundreds of homes and -- however many. Tablets canceled this weekend. It'd be really good for them. Yeah absolutely I mean hopefully it will. -- will spur enough developer interest that they do you look seriously at licensing webos are making it open source or something like that I mean it's it's pretty clear that. But let's be honest it was pretty clear that the fix was -- for the touchpad now looking back and the actions of the past week it was pretty clear that Leo pucker a guy from a sleepy. With was all along gonna come into HP and and take it in an enterprise and software direction -- we talked Friday about how. FHP seems to follow the whims of it's CEOs as opposed to be a company that has -- direction of its own in the CEO accounts for the after action and down. Obviously. A pocket -- was saying like hey you do -- low -- last thing -- adorable your little consumer thing you got 48 days to make it a winner. -- -- -- -- So we'll see but apparently it. It didn't that the fire -- actually didn't go that well for HP. Because they were selling them for 99 dollars in their own on their own site. Problem are at prices and then there e-commerce site. By the time they even expect -- problem -- commerce I was serving -- -- these errors and in the call center was totally overwhelmed and they. The kind of -- that yeah I mean I personally know someone -- -- on the phone for two hours -- -- seriously yet. -- -- -- And hold. Like and don't we understood Roberts -- with a touch and I totally what about for 99 -- -- -- and if it were easy yet but people -- sitting on the -- to how worst -- we -- some -- easy. It's amazing that it's that matters it's fascinating. They -- so. Who who wrote blading and over the Nina had a good write up about this this kind of the backlash -- the result of the spires now. One of the things he's speculates on is that retail partners might be wary of HP going forward because of that kind of mess ups with the liquidation pricing them come. Not all of them went with that and then they had to refund the difference in it was that was kind of amassed although I don't think that -- -- worry about that's a much longer and -- ethernet -- -- doing consumers. And then but He also point out that tablet pricing now. Is -- Like this. Is gonna completely change the game for developers and yet -- everyone wants something that's awesome press yet. And they're saying that at this point. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Yeah I mean. I. It's I think a lot of people. There are thinking about getting the tablet in. Maybe even hacking it immediately if they do think in this is gonna be like the next Nook Color yeah where it's just like you didn't do very well. And then just on the brink of failure. I -- came back -- through like small. Grassroots sort of thing but I think even if you don't do that if you just I don't care about anything particularly email and and browse in the -- So the Internet -- the Internet regardless of what's reportedly looking it through and I mean. -- -- -- -- It's still really did -- -- candidate at this point. Price point. -- that the price point is key are you actually think it is gonna bring back it -- I mean if they do that they're neck and reveal mean that it -- it would seem a little weird peninsula were bringing it back. No price yet net and -- I kept seeing commercials on weekend with with all the celebrity's that there haven't for the touch pad -- -- like the full price and everything else like -- -- showings commercials and using. -- -- -- -- going to let you pay for. More than three -- the door that's again that's the other main -- being post buyers now. Now. The must have gadget of the season is still going on eBay for -- -- -- -- Cuba now a wonder if that's just the key is people who are in the new words it's like 200 dollar tablet. But people who aren't in the know just see everyone's excited about this touchpad and I've gotta get one in those and people are gonna eat balanced and they do -- -- see the breakdown means limiting the tariff adjustment in this what was the breakdown of liked techie people -- went out bought them verses to everyday people rejecting anybody who locked in to best buy and -- HP device. With a like -- pretty looking L Aston it was 99 but I can imagine that. A fair number of them. Well probably not actually connect again to be in the -- -- line of yeah I mean people. If there's one thing I've learned about people of that they'd like to stand in lines. So if they well -- lining up for something. They just jump in line if He would it was all about what they're there is the percent of people who just what's dislike for a really hang on -- -- Canada. Event but a Canadian thing immediately I -- -- think -- into Canada or -- -- -- pulled over to the side there have been up all the way to the side you know. And then it would happen haven't liked and the elegant skin is really computing and then. There were all these cars behind me and about all only saw this big light truck in public comment on the cops come and really moved me alone -- -- -- now there -- like six cars behind me because. -- -- -- Think they saw me sitting there in the car at a. Tide of on the site there out -- -- they are all these pictures from the land and riots -- of -- like out in front of stores like lining up to leave the stores and -- Nicol mentions of them. -- Eight none of this though is turning into great news for HP by the way which as of the opening bell this morning. Their shares are down 20%. To a six year low. Carl Howe an analyst at Yankee group says investing in -- This is the very sad looking chart it is -- and like the look and -- -- cannot. I've never seen a lend their vertical and partner I -- -- that there are confident that line graph that some Grand Canyon lake drop off -- -- Not -- It is the lowest level since. August 16 2005 mere month after Carly Fiorina was forced out as -- Electric -- of the Kirk topic are now the speculation begins who will buy webos if anyone. We'll HP sell it while they license it what will -- do. Meanwhile though we talked a little bit last week about. Microsoft and how they had like the best week ever. -- -- Between the Google Motorola announcement and Google like making all of its partners' hardware partners areas and HP getting out of the webos game at least for now Microsoft would like. Have so. We see that door opening and they have been I hope that behind the scenes -- -- attend Friday they've been sending fruit baskets to Samsung and HTT like you wouldn't believe. They've also been reaching out to you. All the webos developer's Brandon watts and his like their being evangelist has been reaching out to webos developers and saying. -- -- -- We'll give you free phones development tools and training galore and we're not doing anywhere and we're not going anywhere and a. Well proven that ordered ruled -- behind. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- London. Just a outs now it's true though Microsoft is serious about windows phones currently there are not going anywhere with the mobile platform that's actually -- And apparently it's paid off -- Watson said He received over 500 emails from interest interest to developers and under 24 hours. -- -- But this is that a huge opener. Opening for them to some -- also because the OS -- them interface is a little bit similar to I think the developers may feel comfortable. Moving -- -- meanwhile Apple still does. Do an Apple. Although there are watching their Smartphone market Terry road. Like their and their iPad director's great but the actual numbers of tablets sold -- often anemic -- now. They in Owen get so -- over -- I mean if that's what Apple does have -- -- you know they're gonna you know -- before. Representing an and pretend I'm Apple I'm just channeling. And I don't and -- repeated channeling Apple. It's true that you gotta think at this point -- Apple you're right that Apple is sitting back and -- -- you know we are right now where the easy choice. We don't have limits we don't have Android fragmentation issues that we had students -- and -- like I don't know -- symptoms and things ever gonna make a phone again that hasn't heard on an. We don't have. Did disappearing operating system problem of -- -- through the Apple you're an apples and prettier and has been Apple. They -- is composed of her mind when treatments in Hilliard it again. Too expensive. I think they have lower the price if you think they should do the cheaper version yet -- They're there like they mean after seeing -- hundred dollars of -- lining up -- touchpad when it's dead in a month or the price. -- -- -- -- Possibly. -- -- I in news that quickly before got a breaking news that is not related to HP or the touchpad or Smartphones. While -- Skype case you've been wondering if that group messaging thing with a big deal or not Skype has purchased group of messaging service group meet. Financial details of the deal were not revealed but -- speculation all over the Tweeter in that range from like 25 to 85 million dollars for group me. Yeah they're they're they're doing the thing and apparently FaceBook and -- Beluga ranked about it that group messaging service beluga yet everyone is getting into -- game group me apparently they say that there. Super big that they were sending a million text messages a day. I am and I as you know that M -- -- Well now a million a day -- a family matter and for. Excellent and that they're pretty new. Skype says. That the it's a perfect addition. The group messaging to the voice video and products in -- and in as far as I'm concerned anything that gets you off your SMS rip off Leo. -- -- The finger me weren't underestimates. -- I thought it was messaging. -- bewildered on how else. But it I think it also -- also works just -- estimates -- note which is the reason why had. Having used it -- it kind of freaked out a little bit and use Google Voice. And -- number. It's a little weird like that. -- allow we have with. -- that it. And are excited for them I'm excited for Skype just hearing in the -- -- gently in new thing means that you -- -- that was less than batted around for -- And then after a couple months it'll be under the couch and to think in dozens of cat toys. Just look at Skype will be up -- every -- sounds like whatever happened to that little kitten at. Melts and -- a little group messaging thing -- had over. I let's take a quick break like pop it out for us -- -- gonna come back FaceBook censors even government officials. How quickly TV will kill you can -- -- it was going to you and the re is then. The aliens will inevitably until it. Burn them. Back above the allowed everybody -- Molly -- here and Antuan Goodwin. Joining us -- What would it would take the opportunity to pick yourself a -- -- a little bit those view audience members. Associate editor -- -- -- I've read about carts and car technology. And bandits and over on bullet related stuff overconfident and I -- out -- -- -- -- of weekly. Cnet.com slash injury yes that's well done thousands -- Aren't back on this even meet him of course man in the -- -- -- -- and Brian -- that -- mile and. Yeah where I understand it and start where did his tweets are cracking me up is that it -- -- it's a little boy it like it -- -- -- to make. -- sticker thing you've been there -- of outlined in absolutely adorable new installment going and I can't wait to read and you start toward trends and what I've been waiting for that was start -- Start -- you don't know -- -- nurses. -- one. -- -- -- mean it's been involved in the best start trying to ever be it's in this thing and now -- HD and the median. Home. You're you're -- -- -- forgot it. It's not even detonator its complete ignorance. Usually. You know what they have done is an annual Allen yeah yes they got in and -- And -- -- world coupled. Even -- Disneyland and I am -- I'm in a rumored to be -- never been -- lands. Mind blowing been unfettered -- the government -- And cut school and then. These are useful -- in Portland and some things are -- let's get back to tech news a little bit this is more. Eight -- censorship -- I we've gotten a lot of emails over the years about its beacon of capriciously censoring posts. Like they'll take on your picture of your -- didn't -- -- or they'll like take down political speech and in it it's really unclear why because as we talked about so many times censorship does. Difficult -- slippery slope. Their latest move was apparently and they removed a post by Arizona governor Jan Brewer. In which she criticized president Obama's recent decision to halt prosecutions of illegal immigrants -- FaceBook said. That the reason it did it was because she put -- this image. And illustration depicting her as Rosie the riveter. -- -- and ultimately com copyright infringement something I think I mean they they said the -- violated their FaceBook community standards. -- the presumption is that it was because it was. A copyrighted image. -- I think the actual images but alteration does not -- they altered and sort of like put her face on it. And then said Arizona doing the jobs the feds won't do a molesting in this -- just an angry beast that employ -- to step. It's hard to say -- -- To that I didn't I didn't understand it's got this automatic email from them and I had been feeling quite proud about the post because -- generated so much interest. FaceBook said of that -- the post was removed an error and apologize for the convenience the funny thing made during the -- The adorable thing to me as was weak governor reversed thing right now understand and I was just shocked -- one of their bigger capital. So there's an exit exit like her tab endearment star -- something you know -- We did that then of course let me the lingo and -- What kind of site had more likes than hers which is she's got like partnering for 2000 -- -- something as compared to. The mad men show which has over a million. Like AM. Means anything to them and then be. -- Your test -- like a weird way of thinking about it didn't yet again Italy but exit they -- -- and -- -- but he's. Pumping money into -- but it's a -- but had they been so much money here I am when He your league beat your account a finger at almost. Out of -- duplicate antiquated way of looking at how social networking work it's totally is but exactly -- it's just there it's just so. -- both of the same person -- Using bruising the reporter imagery conflict in -- modern day. Political. -- -- -- With adorable anyway expect it's not with time only a matter of time against the -- someone. Of of high profile of Argentina and Newburgh. Got caught up in their kind of weird. Such a thing like they do their dislike the big does appear out of the sky in posts off of -- -- in the cool. Also apparently at least according to German officials that FaceBook like button not cool. One government official in Germany has ordered -- web sites to stop using Facebook's like button He says that they give away personal information. When -- that. I -- who -- heart is the data protection commissioner in the German state of Schleswig Holstein. Anything and analysis by his office shows that using the like button transfers data to FaceBook servers in the United States. Which He says would violate German and European Union data protection. So so when they -- like then then we can track them from the United States people in Germany that he's worried about. I guess so quote I don't think that's great and we'll figure out of -- in Germany credits -- will figure out that they like. Canada but I thought this up although I got validated Germany like selling -- -- beer. Like a all the things that it but it's transmitting alike by nick -- released only -- -- -- -- anything but Apple wagons and beer. Look like -- -- very and it pretty much it under the agreements level only looks like -- -- -- I'm super pro -- and -- At the same. -- VW beards and I kind of ironic part of it but at the same time -- but does transmit so much for like you ever do anything like. Think that maybe I totally understand how with the FaceBook like -- works but then again He may understand better than their etc. I don't like. When you click anything on the unit doesn't transmit data via somewhere via in the world it. An unnamed fifth president of the company can see information such as the IP address of users who click a like button which was news to me I didn't -- that -- and -- Actual but but but but. But that information that -- deleted within ninety days and -- that's industry standard. Meanwhile though in a statement that that like her incurred in just flat out -- people not to create it but. Yet aircraft in Google last accountant. Who -- -- -- -- to the you can you can trust Google it you can. MySpace let's bring it back people who have his -- that's what it that's how -- gets back in the game via MySpace is like you can test. -- in an editor of all -- of safety and privacy. Teaching. I -- study published this week experts -- where within the British journal of sports medicine. -- -- concluded that after the age of 25. If you watch too much TV and too much TV being like six hours a day which is -- metric Butler high in the I think six hours a day it seems. Reasonable well that prior -- that guy that's to really aren't we all. -- -- all six hours of daily viewing though they say like it literally could be as harmful as smoking it could cut up to five years upload your life. You'd lose 22 minutes -- day. And that's. There is pretty Lhasa you're sick for five days every -- so. How many how many hours is opulent then yeah I'll watch you do a lot that I contributed so much media -- the -- by author at three -- Now one thing to actually gain back time maybe I wonder and it -- There's history notes at time although the books -- -- the hunger games series so they weren't exactly stretching me. Although they did -- -- -- EST and neighbors -- -- brought -- -- intent. Seriously anyway in case you're wondering if TV's gonna Hilliard is some more room movies like if -- movie theater. That -- -- -- about watching online. What -- out of watching Netflix on my phone on the tree. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- He was quick I don't know if it -- that is -- is ridiculous because what does that mean they in this case at least they actually said. That they were taking into account things like. Your lifestyle. Over all. You know and that it wasn't just because the usually. I read -- and like all. But the reuse it that you watch TV six hours and days because you're not exercising and you you don't care and -- depressed or even seen yet -- attributed to just sitting and doing nothing to staring so that's that's why it's -- healthy which is what we do know all the time sit and do -- And -- it while watching TV via a -- -- to friends. I want you to view -- follow what's TVs. I really I really want there to take that into account link -- that. I'd like -- here that's what communities medianews in the and I'm -- -- -- Awesome deal only watch YouTube is -- in the commercials like while axles and it just depends on when more interesting room looking. At that exact. If is it. You're the line and excitement and the percentage of people that like arguing that and I -- Apple's I was on my laptop there and only tech name or whatever -- Pretty rare that watch another video -- video although it must -- They get pretty bad. Yesterday -- -- As both were really -- videos of listening to in the TV show and I kept having to rewind the TV -- to texting that I miss Washington should get -- Only the modern humans and hurt our listeners retaining all of that information that it is that -- and Jacqueline at -- Google plus has finally finally thank goodness -- if you've been wondering if that's liberty and Google -- relieve them. Google has rolled out verification. Badges. For its proposed. So you can now. You can you can feel totally comfortable I love that they like -- this improvement helps you feel more comfortable adding people to your circles because god forbid you would -- the wrong Ashton Kutcher. -- blow hard circle yeah I need to know that -- talk like. Posting to the correct in real celebrity that -- wanna make sure that actually MySpace Tom that -- management plus circles. It's more important. They I shouldn't be -- study about it because -- -- me. Is it -- Because they I was I got curious because they rolled it out and they said that there they're focusing its not public -- you can't request to be verified and there's no method for you to verify yourself. They said in case you're wondering about that for now we're focused on verifying public figures celebrities and people have been added to a -- number of circles. And while working and expand its markets and then of course I'm such an it immediately. -- I gotta get him. -- I like it a -- like and abandoned it for awhile clinic Mac. I can have am -- have abandoned FaceBook and favor of Google plus basically her and so my -- my EMI social network news. You know mostly. Twitter in Google places also about if -- meet 45% of that. I can accurately. I just relieved at and -- -- -- -- -- -- -- It's a little hard to manage because have to log in FaceBook as myself and in going to remain human in like -- -- -- my account. And it's just like a weird thing where -- Google plus I'm always logged in as me and I just decide. What's public what's private -- -- where it's easier for me to think about what that has also -- that the discussions are contained. And it is sometimes the little comment on something that I -- like hours ago and I'm not really. What they're talking about. On Twitter sometimes people just like that was cool Adler was cool is it like mixing cool things to -- -- -- -- It's so hard for me to track it's I mean well they do have a -- you can click -- -- what they're responding to sometimes it does that work. Tickets and candidate and unload that -- generally it and if their client doesn't. Support that weird thing I have to say -- Twitter has suffered the most from me -- -- term neglect as a result of Google plus and -- but in my. World but. I will never leave FaceBook because all of the people I like the stock personal investment but more important me -- city. I do wish I'm not -- it. And I'm not getting even the little -- I do wish that is because -- meet post feature that Google plus has author of the new comment on someone else's post like this is when it happens to use someone has a baby. Yet a FaceBook and that I might. Doesn't every day for your -- And then I get a notification every time anyone else -- all 101000 people comment. And many -- -- has not. Well I hide people whenever they have -- -- there. If any of my friend has like a BB it's like automatic hide if -- their -- baby. And that there eleven eyelids -- -- -- the -- and. -- look at their -- -- HTC is holding an event on September 1 boy genius report. Reports. Can change the name to that I mean think they're like ATM of blog named because I'm always in the position of being like boy genius report reports. BDR reports and then I know it's a little mini mill means you'll have to report this review we did get that -- analysts -- I like whenever there's an -- -- of her right. But that won't stop the literal that from emailing me -- they're wrong. Anyway -- -- says that HTT is only going to be showing off. Windows Phone -- devices at that particular -- they -- they're getting behind him 100% because. Who actually been telling them -- fruit -- They are there are -- -- and the -- probably believe. -- listed it in time forming -- I'm Amazon is seeking and has quietly applied for trademarks on the name and logo of lab 126 which is the internal group assigned behind the Amazon Kindle an. And it reportedly. The upcoming Android tablets of people winner of this -- It's getting closer. The drumbeat. I want to -- -- is going to -- or whatever is on in India and I it is -- Slash -- reporting that an -- earthquake what actually remains in importance but that. Apple is building in an early earthquake warning system to IOS I have for Japanese users. It's built into I -- It's built in Kenya and they say to him very important functional feature -- it -- do you it they say that it it it sounds like what it does that integrate with. Japan's earthquake early warning system because they have this unbelievably advanced earthquake. Detection system they really do in fact I think they detected Alan Cumming is that they couldn't. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I asked that'll integrate with that because my first response was like because -- California blink yet nobody in there. Yet -- everyone has like an almost sort of feel like if we're gonna build that into -- five put it into every idled in Paraguay warning for the school. Mexico area right but -- and Yang thing they have hurricanes and tornado warnings for it and it went in and then totally. However it sounds like the -- then that is being rolled out to Japanese users only is because it. Integrates with this particular early warning system that Japan has developed and -- -- -- -- decide what type Alastair. That Adam. Most or all phones in Japan for -- that they're really they're just catch. But again a -- -- I like that we. Where we're headed about it as -- if. Now we've just Darlington the -- Slits you ample space shuttle lately -- a -- -- Ari Ari. Well speaking out against the blazing -- -- -- tempers and He -- Cornell University has just published a study. That was carry out carried out by researchers affiliated with NASA. Not funded by NASA and apparently NASA was like we -- -- and we don't have money and head right back. And Pennsylvania State University has to have -- have published a study entitled. Would contact with extraterrestrials benefit or harm humanity -- scenario analysis. And among the scenarios examined they examined several different. Extraterrestrial encounter scenarios one of them of course -- like okay well what if we -- encounter this alien race that wants to destroy asked why would they want to. And I have to admit -- heard and seen many scifi -- than its it was like well we want to because -- weaker than -- we wondered. We want your readers are presently on -- called the gulping bottled up or you got it up -- spoiler -- In this case though. The aliens are like Alter -- from another part of the universe and they want to exterminate us. For the greater good of the Milky Way span and -- -- span and ate it because we are like nothing but trouble and they have to protect the galaxy from. Which looked at ourselves. But just as you know one of those like preachy lake eco -- client. Where there's really aliens legislate. It which you've done to your own ring for totally annually to -- in the universe. In an in the and we have to take a moment and think about our environment. Exactly -- a very good -- you spin me like 1015 times underdog the little avatar. The day the earth stood still habitat rooms but yeah they -- so they may get you know in this -- is to use scientific credence to this -- and they say that that actually. A preemptive strike would be particularly likely in the early phases of our expansion. IE now wish when we're just starting to it like -- operation get off this rock intent. Yeah into effect -- moon and Mars and amp -- Because they saint. A civilization may become increasingly difficult to destroy as it continues to expand humanity may just now be entering the period in which its rapid civilization expansion could be to. Detected by an ETI extraterrestrial intelligence because -- -- expansion is changing the composition of the Earth's atmosphere via greenhouse gas emission. And the sound a lot like cancer. So maybe getting the thing in the -- -- The authors do explore other scenarios though including other destructive outcomes of encountering an alien race but they also. Include positive and neutral up patents like one positive outcome -- that -- would bump into a friendly TI whose -- -- -- while you have issues but. I'll take you wonderment little wing. Flashed into cool flash whenever and help help you the Lindsay help you to. -- And help you technologically pushed deeper into -- -- neutral outcomes. In that they they eat yet arrived in that they're too alien earth to communicate with and any meaningful is that leaves each course -- Thank and then somebody called on one of them and they all died in the coming cold but right. Totally. The were the world's approached -- Olmert for the web view. -- talking about. Well hopefully the good aliens get here before the bad ones come in -- maybe beacon -- to be here to protect us from the bad ones like transformers. And I. Only they're already hiding among. They do the the the right up on this does point out that. Obviously our view that such a thing is likely to be anthropomorphic -- and seller -- -- logic in the market the end. And so it makes sense that a lot of these. These plots in this scientific Paper and a lot in movies in both heat from but still -- that are either at the Paper to that it pretty elaborate. -- right let's get to let you guys -- throw -- the -- Austin well. Only you enemy is actually gonna talk and that. Is Dave from Florida and today it's a low voice. Although this is David the -- portal for hurricane. Well the podcast but not all cell phones are not to radio active. Not in any way shape or form. That's I agonizingly. Age and this is -- -- dramatic electromagnetic. Radiation. Similar to light. Or radio. Totally different thing. Expect a much lower frequencies enlightenment -- are an average -- -- and -- the show keep it up are you listening. -- -- That's kind of my -- and sometimes I like to use dramatic words in the interest of entertainment and humor in it was like cracking me up that -- that -- -- radioactive even though I knew that they -- it. Thank you for correcting them because we do we to be responsible. Give good information on this but you're saying that's at and -- my cell phone. From my body could have been trying to get -- superpower. Each ticket will see about the kind of thing that happens when I -- and making -- when He joked I've been sleeping like. I don't mean that -- honor the men between that and all the -- Muni lines. Think that the -- is -- -- -- all He wants the -- ever. School missed the -- tech are restricted in that they basket -- -- -- about my HP touch -- Odyssey. I bought -- -- touch panel on -- for 521. Dollars. Including tax and ten dollars off coupon from -- I -- the same touchpad for 350 dollars the day that eight people -- On Saturday. About a new -- -- on eBay for a 131 dollars shipped. -- back to best buy after they started telling attachments for 99 dollars and at a price match they refunded me 425. Dollars. I basically announced with a free it's -- touchpad and a 123 about from a pocket. Not to be smart very smart -- -- enterprising -- yet. And we take -- excellent. I will think -- says a press crew. I've been seeing a lot of stories over the weekend about the -- nine dollar HP touch pad. And a lot of them. -- why you shouldn't get one but most of these stories talked about the lack of -- lack of support Federer. And is actually a great thing for the ecosystem no matter how did it is or may not be. HP probably meet at least. 500000 of these -- best buy -- 200000 alone so that's 500000 new app customers and also 500000 new webos users be street smart. Which is questionable these days they would license it out or make it open source so that people who got a -- dirt cheap and realized they'd like webos could. Could still get a device and so webos developers still have some platform to develop for. And a feeling the webos developers are going to make a lot of money in the next few weeks. Also HP just kill the hardware -- still providing support when your warranty for the touch pad took not a completely dead product. One of the show -- computer -- Ryan from New Jersey. Interesting also. Doctor comics can put in the tavern which is look out because apparently -- -- -- reporting that there were a bunch of Phishing scams out there are known for its speed test as. As people are going to crazy aren't that bad neighborhoods like -- dissenters among institute of development and yet. Look out your 500 rhetoric and so -- I was -- out of Stop & Shop yesterday and noticed it the hand held -- check out devices you can manually used to purchase in store. Also -- Motorola on them. I -- this is Motorola mobility now the Google acquired mobility will they be getting into the consumer shopping experience as well. I can absolutely see Android as a vital component to large food chain shopping stores everywhere from cashier corners to -- in the Tories when in your thoughts. Yes -- but that's for mobility. I am pretty sure it is part of mobility there were a bunch of articles about all of the stuff that they make although Allen seems a little -- -- Motorola mobility with all consumer facing. Like that in areas. Check out and -- Anyway if indeed that is the case then that has yet another because we know that Google wants to get into NFC who's in Italy phone like digital wallet and -- That would make perfect sense but the -- -- that is in fact not mobility which is what Google says -- -- in that case no but. It doesn't mean that Google -- RA connecting him to call a halt to the feedback because they can't you -- -- -- -- I could read this article good things -- -- -- -- and loads -- now. By its -- Taylor from Canada here I just finished reading your Windows Phone 7 challenge for it can and can't believe some of the comments people are leaving on the story I'm shocked and I thought you give a very good unbiased review of the phone and -- you gave her review with you give you gave her review from the every -- consumer's point of view. Who just want things to work even if you even tried a few services that were suggested to you and you didn't really like them that's fine. You're allowed to dislike it people just need to realize that as you said the Smartphone is now -- lifestyle and clearly a Windows Phone 7 just isn't for you. But for people. Sorry but -- But for people to now dislike you -- say you're not its technology is ridiculous all the Windows Phone 7 of them boys and fan girls -- Molly an apology law but that's just my opinion of sixteen. When aligned so that later Taylor I'm just happy that there's a sixteen year -- sixteen year old out there who's gonna grow up to be so like. Reasonable and logical. In the -- and even killed. And I'm tailor these days it's so real that people are you know that you actually have to say you're out -- It's a remarkable and it -- as opposed select out of your opinion is different from -- so you should actually die yeah and cease to exist which is frankly the tenor of quite a lot of -- items and really realize that when I signed onto the Windows Phone 7 challenge that the only acceptable answer. Was going to be I will devote the rest of my life to the service the -- an undying service actually have windows on -- -- as opposed to what I said which is. I like it. I like it. So you really feel I'm just not gonna but that's another. But -- -- Turns out Windows Phone 7 and has -- justice and of -- and ingredients that Apple wants. Yeah a little bit the other thing that -- -- normal to me one other thing -- -- and life. In addition to affect people like this in -- -- -- people also don't really like to make their own decisions. And that's what if you if it's like they kind of wants you to make the decision that they want to to make. As opposed to take in the information to arm them with in making their own decision in -- like -- cool. Irate though this is the information I have this is the phone for me it's like the -- they just. Just want you to agree with them. Well -- in this -- -- clearly dead in these people aren't these people are not. The day angry at all it's like they're facing abide dilemma right now -- -- ever is then they have pledged their life and in dying. Service and loyalty to this particular. Mobile phone operating system platform like really guys. And the fact that I liked it. But not enough alike I can't a -- frankly I'm kind of afraid of what might have happened if I -- -- that I hated it Ehrlichman and super meat about it because they think they -- -- just drag me through the streets. -- behavior -- Really. Technical and that and the -- earned -- the world is youthful that is the it's remarkable. Like a -- of it was unexpected. Let me say that it kind of -- like we we did it in iPhone -- reaching -- on Arctic this weekend. And the story is up on the -- it -- now but in the comments. People started calling the basically and it you know they basically say -- where iPhone bias in the and in in that you know of course typhoon you know your iPhone -- as -- -- -- it's like you realize that. I pretty much to injury stuff all duty in their late night show but let's look into the vehicle and those that -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Stick it it is in fact has long been my philosophy that by impacting this change may -- by -- this weekend's Mueller that past -- and. But a five enraged even one can -- today. I've done my job. Have done it well. I thought that rationale -- -- if you would like to yell at me in the comments bring it kinda. -- -- of cnet.com. Is where you can find the links to today's stories. And of course all the emails letting hundreds excellent 6638. Is our phone number if you want don't yell at -- buzz at cnet.com is where you can email and yell at me. And really mean and planning -- dinosaurs into them and that's enough Apple users for years. Effect dinosaurs in yet. It thickened scaly it is not like it but it in -- me metaphorically. Active quoting doctors. At the it's the aliens are bigger than watching it all week and -- -- management think you can have you come back and I'll be here -- are you hearing Wednesday. Maybe I don't know but tomorrow we'll have shared back -- because Brian Tong will still be adorable in Disneyland. The multi -- lots more T. The impact. To get the --

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