Ep. 1522: Is there ice cream for WiFi Day?
Ep. 1522: Is there ice cream for WiFi Day?

Ep. 1522: Is there ice cream for WiFi Day?

Today is Tuesday August 2 2011. My name is Steven -- of I'm Bryan song. And I am Hollywood love in a buzz out loud is cnet's podcast for of indeterminate length at that so it gives money to welcome back -- and -- that it happened also gush Nelson and. -- -- -- Dirt about we're so happy that the show -- back in effect is -- -- the lovely and talented Sharon -- an excellent job killing spree yesterday. A you know what I'm -- out I don't look is good -- -- but I could -- There's one thing that I can do that insane but now it's gonna be back I was gone on -- a little trip out to Vegas. And but -- -- -- firfer -- reasons I was their for the evo. 2011 that is the world championship videogame determine where the best players around the world and some people might -- -- You go to that's -- -- -- -- it is amazing so. Sony was amazing it was this huge ballroom at the real probably packed at least. Locally over. At least over four -- 5000 people in house and you've got guys screaming like monkeys that there are -- -- WW turn of -- -- -- -- wrestling match. But these are people plane on a really high level it was -- a lot of fun it was a lot of energy. And it was. You know you -- people talk about could video gamers really become professional video gamers on the level of I won't -- a little athletes but it's getting there. It was his days it's ever been in the stream was over 75000 people -- live as it was happening at the main thing but it's grown and from this may be -- ballroom. They might go to at a convention center to a cool full on ballroom with like sponsors and boots and it was it was awesome -- -- Industry history and actually I think that shows the professional video game tournaments -- of wave bigger deal -- South Korea and Japan -- that only a matter time before growth and under here that -- the champions from Japan and other countries. Come to evo -- that this is the official world tournament. I go who is like the -- -- -- fighter He end up finally losing -- but an everyone went went bonkers like. You guys were screaming so loud like you could yield a spit against the back here next. I was people are jumping up and I had slowed growth but I -- it was awesome and just Serbian the same time but it's amazing and by the way I was in Vegas with. And there's not I'll show that just to be clear that He and his own time and is on diamonds are I know I -- that was like. I was lucky I was watching Ricardo update -- part of -- from games by. Update about it out of step on it -- probably would Alex find out of any value. Ricardo snuck up on mean he's like. We already filled our quota for Asians in this building and I'll that is your editor in chief of gamespot -- one. -- -- Now they really have him on -- that they don't mind that an elegant gaming or enhance these hours ago funny yeah also in other -- news it is Wi-Fi everybody. An outfit that have a higher YY day you guys. Will -- shot is 80211. Day. -- -- -- I beyond the -- by all day. Whilst I just you worked in the lobby yen in VP and there's some people though right that we did that didn't know why it's Wi-Fi and I can't -- I've put in a little search for pound Black Friday. The thing obviously you know -- -- -- black -- tailored to letters I did the search and there's someone and I love that she'd like didn't bother to Google it right T doesn't like. Feeling down dot dot dot what 80211. How to do with Wi-Fi at the fact that. And then pound -- Friday. -- -- so some folks can't be helped yet but at least they're trying to learn. -- I appreciate the effort anyway I love that it's like -- and think that outstanding 80211. -- -- eliminate you know a lot of things. It's -- congratulations guys. No place in a Wi-Fi router reset it for the day just to show that you care that it does this go get a little -- -- you -- -- 100. Oh but opened up to Wi-Fi network for today. Let's string of zed hey hey open your arms open your Wi-Fi there and let people in and until -- -- -- do that definitely don't. Safari it's just not that kind of world anymore. Now that -- it like whatever it is fifteen years in jail and 500000 dollars for acting linked them to them than you did don't you -- wanted to. The feds have pretty much made it no -- -- hook up anymore. Also no fine -- -- -- -- -- A bad press with that reports about the vandalism in the first place and then how they supposedly had shut up or blogger and then some other guy came forward relate. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Not for me. Might make that clear yet and it sounds like basically that there. It's been about a month of back and forth between one particular blogger and here in B and the bad press finally reached a peak this week and I have to say in my opinion. -- -- -- the right thing yesterday. This was a letter that is posted up on their own blog to their community and they out right. Apologized they say we are very very sorry they admit that they didn't handle it correctly. They felt that they were over the past four weeks they really screwed things up -- they did everything right to does explain that they were pretty much in the wrong the app for what they -- dead. Yeah when you first hear these knee jerk reactions as a company and by the time it trickles up to the top it takes time to put all the pieces together so blogger who is a victim has the power to. Pretty much throughout all the dirty laundry while this company -- reacting but they they did right in -- it in addition of that. They also announced that they're gonna be implement -- There -- new 50000 dollar air B&B guarantee in this is a good thing because this'll help legitimize people. To use -- service in case horrible stories like this. Ever happen again so it protects the property of host. From damage by air B&B it's a 50000 dollar guarantee they also added a few other producers like 24 hour customer -- -- -- The doubling their support team and they really want people that processor is because it's is that amazingly well it's it's grown and exploded in this -- -- one of those things that they're really taking them down. And they've added a ton of different safety related features -- -- a dedicated trust and safety department are reviewing suspicious activity manually. Verified profiles now. Safety tips are like basically suggestions like put yourself in a safe before you leave and -- -- -- product suggestion polls all -- the all of those kinds of things and and you know some people I tweeted about this yesterday and I said job well done they're -- me because it's -- -- rare. As we've seen with a lot of easily big high profile things like Sony taken note from this blog post -- you know what it says. We years sorry. We are sorry and it says it flat out -- just a blanket apology like you know we've screwed up. And we're sorry and also that 50000 dollar guarantee is retroactive so it will cover -- And any other host to have had bad experience that's a big deal to -- -- big deal and has a Washington Post. Points out it's almost beyond what's necessary because it. That's a little bit of a slippery slope that could encourage private. But they're still it's still willing to say like we want our service to sixteen. We're sorry we screwed up like I think that's very human of them and yes better late than -- and while that. This is what they say turning lemons. Into lemonade. Pay and who doesn't -- limiting it on a hot summer day the heat wave is still in us. -- -- Its own personal sites I love -- But really every indeed this actually makes this story I want you I appreciate you -- -- we -- have that we don't have them and thank. Now but it's certain they'd turn this disaster into their favorite resilient thing yeah I think -- -- adaptive flip they've got to be flipped at the right way they -- Bad news for Android users. Key it. According to at least one security researcher a new Android -- Trojan is capable that is -- -- this is a very. Recording. -- phone converse face and a previous -- and found by CA. Security firm -- details of incoming outgoing phone calls and then this new malware that was identified this week. Record to the actual phone conversations and AMR format. And then stores the recordings on the -- -- SD card. Dun dun dun him -- that -- the affected. I. He added a scary thing about this also is the Trojan you can only install it. If -- Android device owner clicks the install button that looks strikingly similar the -- installation screens that -- looks legit. It does it totally looks -- And then they say making the phone calls what triggers the payload in other words they recording and storing hospital -- They say -- it as it is. Already widely acknowledged that this year is the year of mobile malware we advise the Smartphone users to be logical and exercise basic security principles. While surfing and installing any applications. -- I -- I don't know what people. Really do with that. And -- they were -- Or it is they were -- in on their city. -- other. -- terrible -- the error or route you know even stocking someone that you know not that I've ever spotted doing this so I'm just throwing it out there but. If you might be into -- a lot of the a lot of exactly power grab the top your head at this clinic has satellite of creepy guy allow lies on the show. You know there's people that want. For example maybe have a circle friends -- you kinda have some interest in one of them but you and you do this weird stuff I'm talking to you guys listen you better not do this. That's a company gets you. Don't do it. -- definitely came to kill they came to collect this 71 year old man at least in Britain the -- who has been arrested this. On suspicion of involvement in the news of the world phone hacking scandal. According to the burglar British police force He was called in earlier today and -- arrested when He arrived it is being reported. That it's likely to be. Has really how many 71 -- -- dudes are probably involved in this -- -- who is a former managing editor of news of the world you left the publication in 2009. But it's looking like He may have been involved in. If you as the united and yet He is the guy that said okay guys go ahead and do this I'm okay with it being told that I don't think she is a key -- Probably wasn't making the calls the hacker. -- gotta admit. Egg to edit it just feels like this is getting closer and closer and closer to home to Murdoch. And it's already come home today across the pond to our side of the -- the New York Post has become involved doesn't last week New York Post employees were apparently ordered. By news -- legal department in a memo not to destroy discard Alter or change any potentially relevant documents. -- But it's potentially pretty widespread and -- into the further arrests stage. Also over in the UK does pretty cider does is -- and in honor of. I find an owner of -- -- in -- of popularized by the and that's the best part about his life I day -- day. -- -- -- deal like. It. And under. I don't know what I -- emitted -- different filming and scan. Now make it all -- possibly. Virgin Media. Call me when -- -- pathetic I know I'm I'm on vacation but clearly I'm not the only one might still be on vacation -- Though my article let's Begin a vacation and I as the -- stop it and again today this is the problem. You'd end up in -- people that are listing that sent here are not support it says I -- why would -- -- -- that -- cap nearly the size of my head. Definitely think -- and -- Virgin Media is apparently planning to try out free of marine public Wi-Fi scheme in London. That would challenge BT's open zone network which charges for access and of course offer free Wi-Fi all over London. Now this is the BT not myself I don't I'm not why am I over London now but version looking to make it a -- thing now BTU do you have to have charges that are socially with it so even though the Wi-Fi is there. So like you just jump on it's it's a paid for service -- virgin. This is interest -- we've heard about -- -- In cities been spread out for free even in Mountain View them you know Gould said there in a -- -- I see the Google Wi-Fi access but it never works then and that's one of the issues rate. Virgin might be able to plug in -- -- won't be enough people find out -- molasses slow. There's still probably gonna be some sort of sign in process we'll just gonna take a lot for them for this actually work I like the idea but we still haven't seen a successful. A real successful implementation of a city covered in Wi-Fi. Meaning -- by aperture. Although virgin is saying you'll be freely available to anyone at point five megabit per second so hilariously slow -- But if you're a home broadband subscriber up to ten -- bits per second to and service. The virgin service to apparently the BT is open zone network. Is -- BT broadband customers but when they charge it's like fixed pounds or ninety minutes -- browser IE which that they can US dollars is roughly like -- 140 dollars. Really know until it bubbles -- it accurately. President but the multi year joke about her porch it's it's ultimately -- -- He could expect. Apple right now your -- in and Steve giggled. I -- -- giggled and finally I'm happy smiling is so adamant. Brent on its so over me today none other you don't -- low or no you don't I'm really over. That -- put -- thing that we just talked about the fact a case so. I have been IA and yet this I have been waiting you know I didn't drooling about -- the gamblers like half. It's you know what I already have a MacBook Air I don't need a Mac but there. I got mine over the weekend but when I came -- the office today -- just when I got like lights and -- gonna go to Apple Store and I was gonna buy -- -- seven inch. A screen because I -- to big screen but I walked out with a thirteen inch MacBook Air war. -- It was a better value all. I think yeah I'm sure the better you went on to -- you're gonna go in and drop. Thousand dollars -- Marley African water is ridiculously expensive way to big mall early glossy -- your friend and I'm your friendly music -- explain this to mean if there is no explanation that's okay. You own an eleven inch MacBook Air that adds up till we could go you're completely satisfied than it did not have any desire for a backlit keyboard thirteen inch MacBook Air. Can you help me. And insane in my friend and -- if you know I have to admit its way. If after it is wait -- -- thirty -- faster that way -- is that. That and all that -- Know about I just -- -- -- to buy a minor and the public at Clinton and miners weight you gain and weight too -- and it's totally ridiculous -- not adamantly new furniture for it. And then wow look how fast that it couldn't -- You know what I think it is to get -- the -- to take it back and -- -- eleven it's evident it's. I've seen it I mean I've been telling you know Begin now that I've used it and see how old much faster and the like well that's why mentally in -- time. I just wanted to read title. The show what happened to Apple out loud there's no reason. I'll. The fact that at least a you know we -- let people know what's what's real you know it almost shouldn't be that easy to -- computer. The other things -- -- valid so it -- -- And there's only four choices and Allen -- went to make it go and click okay and computer like that like seven minutes or whatever and an early. -- And -- -- Anyways guys owe him -- we've been seen an amazing entries in the feedback loop with a video messages and phone called -- and so we'd like to hear your responses. Your reactions to this. I'm happy for Molly I just. Just sent an instant. But now it's technically it's exactly we talked about it's just like -- Our guys that -- its legal ad break but -- -- we return. We will. We will be Stephen will be -- -- -- -- -- during the break I can assure you pleasure he's wrong now believe will be talking about a competitor to Apple's reign at the touch -- to getting an update. Maybe try to make things work when. Hopefully then also the New Yorker. Doing alright with its iPad app. Tennessee -- -- one point two million dollars just from the Apple on things you'd go digital -- thing you -- digital. -- -- The bat out. On -- well. Wow or show worldwide yeah -- why. Worldwide and he's got they Yiddish. That was the from like Middle East -- He -- like a little plop it into the some come with. Had a on the -- that -- as -- popping. Up -- Now they would do little Clara -- of those great. Not yet as I know I -- I would like am I gonna say a word out loud they don't know what it is and and I made a mistake of saying a word in Almaty -- This period -- it helped me now Leo -- please please collar towns with with -- -- He did He included the transit translation well with the peninsula Hebrew thank you and escapes outlook that He grew and -- sometimes it's hard to think of forgive me okay they listen are so they know it's hard thing to apply and now illicit or show just to think like -- -- So. And a dollar okay we get it to Egypt and dumbo and -- with -- It. HP. After taking a beating on the touchpad and -- -- -- -- touchpad leadership and all of that. Has released a software update to the tablet that they hope will address some of the early criticism of the product and -- also rolled out. So word a fifty dollar price. Yes -- this free software update it'll make some changes designed to boost its stability fix bugs and improve performance that's -- and Emeril. Other outside of the design only of the flaws that thing was sluggish. With scenario. It's like walking through hundred -- and I love honey -- it was it was real slow and so that's some the changes they're gonna make it doesn't. Address any of the fundamental things that really it was -- like an iPad one. But two years later -- year and a half later also the rebate it's the it's an instant rebate that they're touting itself. The other saying that it is a limited time offer running through September 10. Let's be honest no it's not ending on September 11 they're actually in have a hundred dollar price cut to be a hundred -- price cut would do it for this thing like. Software updates to make it snappy you know some some programs that run well and then make it. 399. And then I think you will self you know it and there's nothing it's not that it's not bad not a bomb by any means it's just not as good. As the iPad in the county needs to be at this point or it needs to be -- -- to. That's the whole you know these companies are in -- good -- and I've seen Donald sometimes after reviewing tablets and He wants. Everyone wants desperately for there to be a tablet that really He feels a consumer the general consumption consumer will pick up the on the iPad and any -- after He desert as did his review of the touch up but how is it and it's like. You know it's all right it's good but it's it's not good enough. And in the -- as He -- beat up but he's mentally. -- and 58 is it to someone someone offers something. Did it like I I cover. How blitz. This -- I could not have let them. And that's cabernet -- -- under the tab that you can't let this. About one tablet though is definitely I mean there -- all of -- talk about is -- gonna revolutionize the publishing industry. And we have certainly seen people. Take -- that notion design things specific report for good or for ill in the case of the New Yorker iPad app which I also was very excited about -- it seems to be for good. It's working out for them in fact business insider reports that the New Yorker will make more than one point two million dollars from its iPad app this -- 20000 people of paid -- -- 999 for the year long subscription. Another 75000. Plus print subscribers -- also downloading the issue for free. Of their whole companion service that they -- if you have that physical version comes out to one point two million dollars per year. And -- revenue. And that's before factoring in the several thousand people who buy single issues each week for 499 which I've done I haven't on the whole subscription to think -- -- -- Unlike. It's one thing if you get the New Yorker every week -- menus had a stack eating into perspective the -- when you're on vacation or whatever but. If it stacks up on the iPad it's like yes I -- -- and of not reading that stuff over time cycle it's the newest thing out beacon and then -- wrecked. But -- but that periodic you know purchase of the single issues totally worth it there's a bunch of other cool magazines -- that are available for subscription like Vanity Fair and -- communicating -- I did the GQ. -- So it's interesting it -- interest now I want to be -- Girls can mean that of course you can tell you can actually girls should read that because they can help give their man some tips on how to actually -- -- that I should -- wanna talk. -- -- in fact that's -- some people -- -- a little problem when you drop a little I -- prepare yourselves for an Apple block even more than. Hold until your -- I know it's not gonna become an Apple -- -- -- that's what's going on and on and I think one day we're gonna do Apple. -- and Lafayette and mixture of the next anniversary for Apple we're gonna do an Apple out loud show. Am happy with -- and -- I don't know it's just so fast. Pulled. That's even sing is really noticeably its Sandy Bridge baby it's really -- But that's beginning at 1113 -- -- should be their new -- is Sandy Bridge. -- the bridge may -- Are -- -- anyway. And so we're we're gonna stop an -- ridiculous laptop to which by the way love mine but Apple's I cloud dot com beta launch for developers. They look like -- launch sometime yesterday I checked it out overnight but what you can do is if you are developer you can log -- -- the site and I'll show you. The -- cloud service in action because it talks to an it is a companion with the IOS five beta release that they've done so -- support for that. It'll be complete with the web applications over talks that they may not have it web France for these are web apps for these -- on the browser but tell their contacts mail like -- pages. But although they release a price -- users can sign up its five gigs free but then there's like ten gigs of storage. On for twenty dollars which makes it to fifteen gigs total and in twenty gigs of additional sort for forty. Fifty days for a hundred don't fear the thing though the hated like double the detail that they don't really talk about his. When you transition over to mobile me too I cloud. One of the features a mobile me has is is -- -- and it's basically like a drop box -- and store any kind of file from wherever I am from any computer. Put on here and access on any time the new I cloud service is going to get rid of an Apple hasn't talked about. -- -- Apple has not talked about that now if you go to outlet is there yet you go to Apple dot com's mobile me slash transition html. -- you know web page -- it'll tell you the details that they're getting rid of iWeb publishing in their old gallery but I just that's a big deal so. They've even set up with people how to. You know save all the files off your -- disk. And put a minute -- the place but no one knows about this and no one is talking about this and I'm like -- -- remembering that I should let people know that He won't be able to keep your files there. Also -- know gallery locking launching this fall and no iWeb publishing has actually looking at them. But -- little digital camera and does He want to take pictures of everything with my idea filler which ain't happening to -- for. So -- wonderful little mean for you know like forty for backing -- a little Canon twelve megapixel digital camera and it's so cute as anti everything public -- start -- like a lot yet. The photo blog -- in the Tumblr. It's time anointed -- and you can only upload one photo at a time and it -- to take on time and you know -- But I was like. What Apple had a thing for this. Yeah they did which they did and now they don't and now they wallet in the well I think they want right now there is no. Web publishing solution like that whole ecosystem is incomplete in that weird way. I think they realize that a lot of people are doing that stuff and other places now for Eli. L iPhoto would be nice ice is a quick push -- -- values here you know just push it straight from -- -- be great you know but a lot of us users. Aren't really and people. Our for the most part using that stuff -- like the diehard Apple fans again. People are going elsewhere but the whole I just think that's a big deal that's a really big deal not being able to have acquired the necessary documents is volatile to -- -- -- other services and what we say documents CI. It it's integrated with their. I works apps and -- those apps by and that -- those on the cloud but I want other things like my word files picture files that are independent from the whole Apple ecosystem wreck that's the thing. Right here comes posit you want TO -- actually that's mantra Eric thanks for awarding their -- the iPhone five rumors -- -- Not -- today but there are apparently photos that reveal the iPhone five design main. Which the only reason that we think is relevant is because apparently were also some photos taken in the -- yes we can permit. So it does is these are pictures revealed come from over in China at. The presidente anyway but I did it but -- if you -- take -- out this is -- form -- looks like the only reason why we're also throwing this in here. Is that over the weekend on tell trains. Which is you don't mass transit here public transportation here in -- California northern California. A picture was spotted by I was taken by someone on the -- trains and sent to nine to five Mac. And we look at the next link -- is from a distance but it does very closely resemble these pictures of this leaked out shot of these leaked out shots from China. Which act as -- look surprisingly like an access. Yeah -- -- whole -- the back of the -- looks a lot like tea it's like it's almost like a hybrid of like the flat iPhone with the curved edges now. And then also one analyst is nevermind Donna let's let's now and then at that and -- -- survey polled 260. People this time and I refuse. Microsoft and Nokia. Are going to it's time for our Windows Phone -- -- every line. And general windows -- -- -- that. Like guys okay can we just tell people so they know our daily -- ridiculous Piper Jaffray gene Munster stating the obvious analyst -- narrative in a violent ethnic and then we just have to give some context of unilateralist and a well exactly sorry guys I'm I'm dumping that story because. Gene -- is notorious for his in sixteen surveys like the Samsung Galaxy Tab iPad -- where He literally. -- 56 people off the street in new York and sometimes there's really -- release stating the obviously. You guys iPod bug and people are gonna like -- but it will buy it. Okay. And it's based on 260 people I talked on the streets. -- if you use. -- -- Windows -- chaser Microsoft and Nokia apparently are going to hold a special Windows Phone event on August 17. Two which many of us are thinking. -- -- -- It's like okay let's get the show on the road agonized in -- all integrate Windows Phone Nokia found in the go go oh let's do it -- that's gonna be in Cologne Germany. So I wanna go yet -- -- that road -- -- plans are that the physical form factor will probably closely resemble. The recently announced Nokia and nine which they launch with their -- platform which it was kind of their last hey look at what we were working with even. Though we're completely killing amigo project because they transitional to Windows Phone 7 rate the hardware looks really nice actually -- -- About that that's a good that's a good that's a win win. I mean we'll see if -- turned out to be all that it could be they Nokia hardware is. Beautiful it's always been well designed in that could be really a winning combination if they contemporary like. Really at this point I know it's hard hurry if kind of thing you can't -- -- river. But yet hurt. Yet try to find a literature when your whole Windows Phone 7 thingy going down I don't know with a him sent to me yet Aaron they're like still working -- the weapons falling apart we'll just wait till October end of September. 5 and she. We already know what's gonna happen -- just. Dividends here yeah well. -- survey let's try our product they had -- -- drag it. -- -- I am I am not happy I am not happy about -- and it's yours and you are it lets you -- It. There I hear a lot of tears in the buzz and now I milk side are not a bigger -- here a lot of tears but you know at the soliciting. So maybe maybe I'll be -- -- whenever I -- to drive away either love it I am. -- super excited to -- manga I really -- -- and -- -- but Google needs to get it together with and currently you can not. What is happening in the Droid X is arguably. A flagship phone for the Android platform it's a huge Verizon -- it's like you know it was. At launch. There's big. Big deal phone for them and they allow that gingerbread update to come out. Ruin that phone required a hard reset to even get it back to functional and then still like -- the GPS just stops working after a couple weeks unless likelier all the data from the cache -- the -- yesterday like a microphone button for speech detect it just doesn't work anymore and it can't stay connected to the network for more than five minutes and misses like. That's what gingerbread is done to this phone that is after a hard reset and -- reinstall every single app but the whole thing back together and Google has been like this cricket. -- cricket. Like you know what it's partly Motorola spot but this is Google's operating system and if they will not support it if they want not acknowledge it if they will not. Put out some sign that they're working with Motorola to fix it but the fact is that is not a functioning platform from. Like you can't just it's so Google to just like throw this thing out there -- -- your -- That's unfortunate that sounds horrible I do love -- CC sensation -- that iPhone is money. Well that's my favorite Android phone I'm just balancing out here now right now and people have got people not have those problems on HTC conflict I get that Motorola -- -- -- -- the update but there's gotta be a way for Google to support -- -- little bit better than. And I would not buy you know what here's what it comes -- here the HTC phones are amazing and that's good news. I don't know that I would buy another Android -- unless it was a nexus line from like a reference 200. Because that's when the one you know and feel that they're gonna give a crap about -- now I mean I haven't had any should be -- that's the way to go but I've now had a Samsung that was ruined by BS crap -- from Verizon. -- on and am now had a Motorola Android phone that was totally ruined by an amber an update Motorola as well fine but still. So those two are dead to me. -- -- It was like cool segment that we have Clinton smear tactic humanism and everything to -- freshmen in a brand new -- There there's a funny little Asian guy areas. Skype briefly yesterday -- -- on into the lake appeared on the and his beard and then just that people were like. Posting their screen shots and -- -- Stephanie officially reappeared in the -- -- Skype for iPad is now officially available it was I was dive video they're. Local gas there was no I don't -- download them -- -- this -- at a -- plan that. Also being increases their market share but Google guess -- still dominant -- has been somewhat successful market -- decreased to fourteen point 1% in July. From 11%. In June. Yahoo!'s. Also partnered with Microsoft so it's getting some -- traffic by using the being its queries are directed strict directly to being searched. Overall -- Google has increased their. Marketshare percentage points four point six percentage point to 65 point 5% in July. Globally it's it's bleak the -- and 83%. Being had. Three point 76%. But they just -- Growing -- -- -- -- if the songs or even swoop but 10% of that market to grow that that's a lot of -- and that's when I'll just keep growing. -- -- when I watch source code the other night and -- was that palace that it. Yeah yeah it's like things pretty cool. It's you know don't dig that deep on the plot in the math and so on his -- till all the computer programmer pretty not a computer opponents easily -- air force pilot. But he's a smart -- Well he's can archive is constricted is like you know anyway it's it's cool I liked it it was and how little memento thing on Google I like. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- But it added a hugely big product placement thing and think about a lot of -- -- they did everything you watch ads like you didn't. The -- -- a lot of audiences. Google may have failed in its takeover attempt to group -- last year reports the New York Times but it is not giving up on the social shopping market they've acquired deal map. Which is a start -- that aggregates discounts from group buying sites so they're trying to do group on one better and -- tablet deals from all kinds of group buying. Not a bad idea their -- everyone's doing that. Also doing it bays and still -- a big Twitter -- -- 800 million dollars in a venture capital to venture capital deal. -- -- The -- this is the largest venture capital investment in history. Part of an 800 million dollar funding deal. Would have to changing those promoted tweets furloughs that a 100000 dollars yeah today I guess it's helping him out look a little more lucrative. All the -- people think so yeah okay at 800. Million. Because Google us because Twitter has started it didn't sneak little promoted tweet into the street think that there. There -- -- -- this you know make a lot of money for real ring to. Flowery and it words with friends already insanely popular -- and putting words of and the left to right and center. Is now officially. Coming in to FaceBook it will be the first application. To transition from Smartphones to -- -- previously you could sort of integrate it like find out which of your FaceBook friends -- playing. The Indian leader boards. I'd love to see leader boards that look to see how -- dominates that game discredit their. Stevens -- an Internet bet that it's like. Screw this guerrilla leader of a different could be the last time yes actually you never you stop playing -- oh that's right I went out downtown via. I've already I didn't realize that if you don't play for a while it forfeited payments I went on my big like camping trip off the grid and -- corporate it like seven games and all these and other. Well anyway you're going down with them I'm still frustrating note call me call me bitter but I can't stand losing to someone keeps on using Q I all the time to understand why you even wired. -- If that that makes me live -- -- all letters -- and if you can get it adds that the bottom and another got an -- ISS. Are all the way it I think loads -- friends -- layers applied to our. Maybe this speaks to me but I just feel like I'm not as -- as -- -- spreads makes me feel. Actually the worst line is scrabble the scrabble app because it has a little teacher guy. And so -- after you make your move and you press little teacher -- then so the teacher either goes like. Hey did it right or conflict. And. And then hit gonna make this the analysts He blew it is them out perhaps and that I prep school -- -- -- and I should've done -- -- like you'd think -- -- -- -- -- with a word you've never even seen you know -- I mean. -- words with friends the night as I get the live in the bubble of my own smart I think what we'll -- about the words with friends -- of we haven't done this but of we have a contest internally here between the three of us. Add a turn and a challenge. And whoever whoever is the top winner to -- the other two people to do something of their choice. No absolutely not what all is that an -- Alaskan -- -- -- -- -- -- You have a lock the benefit of the doubt and in other ways we haven't even better tetris challenge we -- -- -- yeah yeah it's the event that was talked about an unexposed you know pre -- meeting where we reconvene in our in our last quick -- of the day though the free -- -- movement continues think that teenager believed to be a leading member of the anonymous and -- like online activist groups He has -- Released on bail. But He is not allowed to have any Internet access while -- -- trials going house a boy who lived at the. -- I was Appalachian -- to be rough no Internet access and a curfew that's lean mean. The School of Law that says breakfast lunch and dinner -- street as pretty -- -- -- -- let's get to. What some people call let's go straight at and -- went on to become the -- part of the show. The feedback -- this. That we have nasty as for video voicemail and they -- He has to live our lives that led park is awesome. Speaking -- -- Windows Phone challenge -- we are talking about earlier our first video voicemail caller. That's not on. And it won't record -- -- -- -- little -- because some. Years and the eighteen other com. 81 ordered a new key tips. That makes five dollars and I excellence spot. Where -- show. Excellent point yet and a lot of people have said that about being -- that it that once I've got that in hand. And I tried that and -- it'll -- spot but they did their -- doesn't -- the offer the same thing I swear they offer some free song downloads as well they do yeah okay yes and -- got a lot cheaper it's now on until like three or four dollars month. It's not expired by the only game in town none at all to -- -- -- it was basically the when that was hard to get. It's like the -- the by the kind of ignored -- naturally. While at that sounded very you're close to hold. In the invite I read about it in that He is nothing to you about that that does not story sounded way too close to home are right there absolutely is a believe me I always picked up act if -- he's -- selling its T in the corner in the early Epoch but that. Things are -- next video voice and put those us release date from Minneapolis. Talking about. Tennessee -- price change. -- -- it is made from Minneapolis calling in with the response to this story episode 51. That -- at the Nintendo three s's price would be dropped 250 dollars. I think it's great news that the 3-D -- it's going to become cheaper. I've been waiting for a long time myself hands told myself I went -- -- utility near eighty -- cheaper. Or. Is the same price that is Nintendo DS IXL came out for. And to me that was not a device for -- or for the three yes it is. I know I will always be playing three yes because on my iPod Touch it has on screen controls on screen controls -- my -- I hope you guys take care of -- -- and I love this show. -- -- -- -- All you -- Palestinian thicker. I'm gonna go and find a stick on the road and linguistic name I really do like a standard -- even climatic hander and I really liked what she wants to make -- -- -- -- plus before something. Statement. You want to hear you want in your own video. For the stickers that you don't want you like. -- and no no you don't you want is and don't want is currently there is entered -- is they're probably pretty new. Items that mean I have to have them Nate that we would like if there's someone you can get as reckless. The wounded overnight now we know people we know piece of that stuff -- does that leave that. You did I've done it before. I'm doing -- just if you. Q every line for basically attempting to walk over live -- Defendant. A bit of voicemail or voice element units and tons -- rough I love. Guys I love us and that's I would be hard on unified -- levee as they come on yeah I think you -- think you can harm a fly. I can't. I -- -- argument if you bad. Split I love you evident that make you feel like crap but I love you but you -- people like crap -- that stuffy. Now all I wish our next -- has a story that some of you may be able to relate to impacted you can relate we -- -- Hey -- crew -- from Seattle. Talk about each inch model on grand -- The grandfathers. I used outside of point seven gigs a month so I don't know I'm in the top. Percentile or not but I don't party noted that would be and as -- Monthly bill that. Billing cycle I'm actually. At ridiculously slower speed so -- there are accountable and -- out it is just a parent or adult but it don't respect toward the end and slower -- We'll have to see five point challenging market it probably open top. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I'm reading your chat room dominance that -- laugh -- -- myself. I I do you wanna know that because there have been a lot of anecdotal stories from people saying that they kicking his throttling -- I think they're messing with my Netflix streaming and but I as I'd like to know for many realty is a lot of data on their on their -- -- -- -- -- -- -- And minimizing the circle of Venus with coronary -- I'm sure they are two. And finally. Thank you something. Appeal I wanted to comment on episode sixteen -- -- -- Where you all -- a little montage of Cindy. And I just want to thank you couldn't reminding me why don't want concerts anymore. -- -- Around them are good but that's true. -- don't -- The -- I hated that. Well everything about that serve what is your name of clarity to what other people thing you know and if you wanna talk about her singing island out now. -- how about this how about this. Learned the answer who wants you send us it's a 152 clip of you singing -- -- -- better at singing. Because I'm sure I would -- -- -- the UN concert. I'm pretty sure about that right now. Because we got a lot of people that liked the singing but not you -- not mister anonymous. My mind about the you can't keep -- companies and let alone hated -- These scenarios we actually -- out. That that's. I write emails guys yesterday said that the Logitech revue comes with the harmony remote. But I'm pretty certain it doesn't I believe that the harmony remote technology is in the review itself. And you use the keyboard to use the IR blaster on the device to control your other -- components you -- one it's not talked to Matthew Moskovciak you review the device. But I don't really have the device but a hundred dollars there's a better chance I might get one that's brown amber well -- you are correct. Fish fish. It comes -- -- harmony interface the actual so the that keyboard uses the harmony interface and thinking it doesn't come with a harmony remote. Yes we read that from the story. In gotta run but thanks for the crack and -- isn't that's an important distinction also you can use your you know mobile phones Android or I device. That uses that are Miro technology to sync your preferences and settings yet so thank you think I like that one. Commit a patent -- -- -- code monkey right and that's so cute -- the code monkey island that like a blog. On the Apple iPhone -- sorry I sincerely hope it's not true my 3GS finally bought it two days ago thanks to freak rainstorm in Tucson. And I'm now using my friends Sony Ericsson slider found it's quite experiences -- from the Smartphone days back in the dark in the mobile maybe I'll just -- with the 2005 daemon blog about it. Yes yes make -- joked. I'm a sheep and am waiting for mr. jobs to bestow upon me his latest creation because frankly I'm not about to pay for a phone that will be obsolete in a month. This did get -- think you know about my Android brethren. Apple phones are obsolete in a year. But there's a new awesome Android phone coming out every three or four months of the device arms race won't make you -- your purchase the eventual breaking of the OS well. Analytic geek and an -- developer and it's all very intriguing. But I'm not quite ready to walk away from my walled garden of happy -- garden is filled with hundreds of dollars spent on apps -- you think I'm. Nice -- system. Just a report from out in the world. -- report this one comes us from Jimy Williams dear -- am writing from Tyler Texas. Please use your Molly magic the send some of that bay wind our way and it's been more than thirty days of 100 plus degree. Whether of humid heat today for example it was 107. Degrees in the negotiated. And will be like this for weeks when I step outside the feels like the surface of Venus. By the way I work in the Geek Squad and at three employs -- customers with Windows Phone 7. And we love it. They found any -- processor for love in the middle of the show wanted to -- processor for coming on yesterday also. Red and yet there are. Actually there are several places and country were they having like this record breaking streak of of thirty and forty days over a hundred degrees -- in Vegas those -- I. Those -- it was hot in the day in the ninth and was Jimmy I was born in Texas and -- telling him I'm its 170 machines for real. -- awful it's hot that is pretty terrible although only 53 degrees. Was so cold here that's even comes work and Canadian its secrecy usually flat. I L I almost more manic or as I do lot of middle ground and we all don't we -- And then anonymous -- and that I use opera on Linux what -- highway and you're a genius you -- respectively -- elements of members. But that's not a good job you listen Mardi. -- -- -- Alright guys that's gonna -- for this. Episode -- that -- take out our show -- of the -- at cnet.com please do and if you are feeling brave. Please college -- and hundreds excellent sixty X 38. Or email us buzz at cnet.com we view of the video where thousands are -- I know Stephen you can buttons than an out stickers left and right. There's there's there in the mail over the country's not to bring you -- I -- if you guys wanted to be nice about the phone calls -- off though and I like it settlers could -- a data. We do you -- every year about whether you think it -- the exact Saddam Hussein. And then also anonymous -- opera -- clinic. He deserves to slip it could -- well if -- adaptable -- -- because that that -- with mark. I. And as have a have a wonderful life -- -- everybody commitment. -- -- -- --

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