Ep. 1475: I want my chicken and my Gaga
Ep. 1475: I want my chicken and my Gaga

Ep. 1475: I want my chicken and my Gaga

Today is Tuesday may 24 2011 my name -- Steven beach of I am Brian's song and I am Hollywood left in a buzz out loud because -- -- indeterminate length -- -- 1475. -- -- down. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Armed with that we have you have to four day weeks in a -- and now. I'm jealous and now I -- a thread I'm not like let that like two weeks that birthday numbers and plan. While -- Around you don't know I'm gonna -- euphoria. The bottom only gather the month of birth and name them month of -- that you would like. Now -- an excellent -- have and I have to -- and it's now we also got rid of our computers like a big fat chunky desktop so -- I can see a lot more miss -- he expected if you're not watching the video podcasts. It's summertime and in that lets not get them all around for the -- It's only warm here link now because their blessing or -- her -- and I like they are the big. -- we got pregnant again only work like I've -- of the year. -- -- is looking negative -- they've developed a bit like how I feel like -- air and it certainly I know it's not just like it normally we deceit and -- -- From Linkedin to airlines all the time you get the EUR chemistry with Google for the experiment the -- and we don't need to each other I evolved over -- giant when he -- monitors. Now like to. What I -- -- purple mining group. Can I do it yourself with each of additional markets before the -- -- the really opera. Last week we talked about it. Patent troll coming after app developers and an Apple and who better get in the game if they wanna protect their app developer cash cows -- that Apple clearly they were -- Yeah and they were stepping up Apple made a statement directly to -- is -- Apple is undisputed -- license to these patents and the app makers are protected. -- -- out license this is where lots has said they own the patents to an in app purchase scene mechanism. Or the feature of in app purchase scene and they were looking to charge. Several developers to -- around it too close to a dozen developers for using -- and they were seeking to go even further and target word more developers. Everyone was asking Apple to step up the plate -- -- they started looking over looking into it over the weekend and they respondents saying yet. Not gonna happen Apple also fold up and said that's the technology that is targeted in -- notice letters is technology that Apple's expressly licensed. Under the lots is patents to offer to Apple's app makers. Yes Apple is saying look we've already paid we have already paid -- -- licensing fee for these patent. And have licensed that technology to our users and our developers that -- they don't have to pay again. Basically they're they're -- big daddy and which they should be and that's good. We'll see how this plays out in court but it's definitely I mean it's a land grab right now by those those -- holders. Holding companies. Who are who want to -- mean really who literally want to get paid at all -- I mean that's the amazing things like Apple late -- party -- And they like a bunch more times than super laugh at that. Eight I had it out hello Blake only -- -- Knowles it is like summertime. In ass Athens. It really is a game again though I can't even speak it is clear and I I gotta admit ID field and hope -- Catholic can totally see -- -- at -- analysts -- -- -- but I -- -- It is weird though now I know there's so much of -- -- -- others there's a lot of loss is getting used to things that are happening in our studio or having feeling. -- I will not -- than usual appeal if it. It was awkward it's 22 competing tech events happened today Barnes & Noble lines the new -- -- can. Which we've been live blogging over at CNET and apparently at the Kindle killer. Yet this is there a kind of new touch based. 139 dollars. Sleek sexy. This is not a note color update so they haven't thrown out anything like that I think they're pretty happy with what they're -- -- doing. But we haven't seen them announce any new hardware but this is just strictly for ten of their. It's and I thank you Kindle killer ish. And it's a 139 bucks which is why it's really condemned -- -- I think it's a fascinating on the head turn around they're definitely. Acknowledging that there is still that market for the single purpose. But it's so interesting because they have created -- killer mini tablet another link -- our -- -- -- cannot be -- I'm wondering I don't know this for fact but with the whole. -- -- that's really bottom line affecting newspapers because. Pretty much paper to look like paper. Yeah it looks as close paper people that use -- don't really feel that other then. The only to the users that love the touch of it. I. -- into science and it's such a good price point the other thing I like about -- -- -- if you mention is that at the touch screen. Yeah so even though he is an irony not okay -- -- you do like that idea I think that is super cool like because then you get to that is the one annoying -- still that scandalous thing -- depressed outlook saying that Clinton made. But a touch screen if you could actually swipe to turn the pages than I just feel that much more real and looks just like a book or newspaper. Yeah I mean these are. These are definitely whatever flavor you end up buying this is definitely how people are reading now you -- One other improvement that they made it on this specific -- You see that black flash app and they're reducing through software that black flash only happened one out of every six page turns. So when you change your page you don't see that. That red -- -- you know we're used to seeing it only happens when -- a -- -- -- but that's kinda nice together enemy -- makes that feel a little more seamless to the user. They say it is more compact than all of the rivals it's definitely a very small six inch screen no keyboard it is 35% lighter and 15% thinner than the original Mac. They say the battery lasts up to two months. It has built in Wi-Fi but no three G six spots with seven sizes each so you can really pay -- -- And then -- the -- they've also dropped the price of the original that now 219 dollars which doesn't matter because known to -- -- to the original market. I'm sorry if you -- I mean -- like they've nailed it now I'm the second gen and now this looks amazing but don't go don't -- -- -- Butler press 139. The -- that -- that is worth it. India also there's like a -- of a soft rubber self contoured back that supposed to make it easy to get so this -- -- -- stuff together select I have to admit. I do have a general and Kindle that I have been considered. Maybe maybe it's time -- anyone with -- the buttons on the side. The law -- bundle a -- one. We'll have a white Kindle the commodore 64 I do have -- -- -- -- -- totally which I love I use it constantly but I wouldn't kind of -- that although after that story and it was on the show yesterday about how women who love magazines Lebanon -- like. Eighth. I seriously I get the so many are looking at magazines in my house of Alex stack them them. -- -- -- color it's time. -- -- pull the trigger I pardon -- -- over and -- no I'm not really. Also all other announces that -- -- -- -- windows had some of their big announcements on unveiling some of the new features into windows phone. Mongol. Marble and one of the features that they showcase offices slow kitten Hmong and all you watch SNL guys you have to if you know what -- On the when -- feeds among -- it offers search location specific results and it's integrated. Into their being searched so it pulls from the data around you and does kind of -- location specific searches this is critical stuff. Yet pretty -- And that the in the words showing off the new version and we had a whole lab blog about it but those are definitely an -- -- they they showed a new version of -- Have an updated version of I. At the moment will not be delivering flash or silverlight compatibility in the browser it'll also have bill. In voice to text and text to voice support for hands for use but I have to say is has so far -- to meet a killer feature Mandarin -- -- that they're gonna get that. Apparently they did have a couple little glitches and there. Their present his assailant and we lawyers -- the video feed of -- -- bogged down because they -- everybody with super interest and and and using their Wi-Fi. Ethernet weapon a lot of times that happens. If they introduced local -- which offers hyper local search results based on the user's location and recommends nearby restaurant shopping and activities just lament. On that and then quick cards -- Which is a new feature that provides a brief summary of -- that relevant information and related apps when you search for a product movie or event. So the big thing that we've always talked about all these new platforms and -- -- is is to get the developers on board -- and Microsoft is making that of their beta mongol. Tools. The -- tools available today. Some of the new other enhancements for developers that they can integrate within the apps -- background process seemed. The use of silverlight but again it's not supported in the browser -- live -- enhancements -- applications which -- A variety of other things but that. Developer tools are out -- Asking -- -- in on that yet wouldn't get to the developer support is gonna be key as we know windows. -- has had a little bit of a slow start. But that's kind of the Microsoft way -- to put out something that isn't quite done -- just keep generating and -- And it's funny that Google gets the credit for doing number of Microsoft -- the original against the -- OG of those -- beta there OG with the beta and now what the deal -- net yelling we keep saying there's ever there's the potential for it to get huge and I gotta admit. My -- is starting to look more and more complete does still really love the look and feel of windows but. It's just very -- -- is very modern. Modern the only and I definitely I don't -- know one. Once the apps let you use once the absurd to show up exactly that's always -- -- I mean Angry Birds is still not -- coming until June 20 ninth so have a little time. You've got you've got some time to fail another phone you -- before then you never know there's some super killer. Dual core mechanisms in Windows Mobile phone coming out about a year when the index of the Droid XT was ready to go. You never know -- -- the pressure on Android -- hopefully. Meanwhile Steve Ballmer apparently referring to the next version of windows as windows eight and said that it would be out next year. -- -- -- -- Relief and so this is that they're developer conference in Japan and for those who aren't really notes balling what they do they've always referred to this -- -- as windows next. And this is the first time they've. Officially at least according to Steve bombers words have downloaded it. As windows eight re so people like all all what's what's -- sold out so this is led Ballmer said. And this is according to Microsoft's own transcript used in -- out the hard at work the next version of windows window seven PC -- -- over the hobbled by units. And yet as we look forward -- the next generation of windows systems with -- come out makes it as a whole lot -- As you progress you -- expect to hear a lot about windows eight windows eight slates tablets PCs in a variety of different form factors. Which -- so with the eating and helpfully parked his words down to the -- -- what we loved to do of the Internet. And fed -- -- -- -- what is that because that windows X slates and tablets as two separate form factors which. That can easily -- -- Although bomber -- -- have definitely. Talked about fleet being the more stylus driven devices -- it is possible that they're developing different versions 11 that are stylus driven ones that are touched -- and they also though last year they had been pushing that windows embedded compact as the fleet operating system. And so maybe now windows eight slash nexus in power that. Also he did not specifically say that the next generation of windows systems that were due out next year where windows eight system so that led everybody to speculate. Whether they were gonna release a whole new line of devices that would run on windows that it. Yes so. To help clear that out then Microsoft. Sent an a -- response. Bombers statements. From Japan say united -- -- appeared there wasn't a statement. This is that they they Microsoft -- no doubt that Microsoft -- to -- here's there was a misstatement. Bomber -- -- in the whiskey. We are eagerly awaiting the next generation Windows 7 hardware that will be available the next coming in the fiscal coming here today we have yet to formally announced. Any timing or meaning for the next version of windows except when Steve Ballmer -- -- windows they just a earlier today. It that would look and -- moment where he goes operative says of -- totally -- doodle that -- -- the array to the creepy line and over there. And then -- Google have to be like. You know he did that but that's not what he -- the guy at the guy in the Steve bombers airlift as well I have to be that's like the little dynamite -- -- the speaker it is there's like. Cut it out. -- operating cycle when those. Eight cut and I'll stop. And then I love it because then it -- Mary Jo Foley whose very good at this even more material department. It seemed like. Though does that mean the next generation windows releases not in the witness of -- new paint or windows eight is not the final name is it actually like Windows 7 app and a -- windows they you know I. Plus yet but we we I an eight MHP. Said there tablet would be. The next the best one but they wanna call better than once -- calling their touchpad one plus. One plus. Including in the cricket. I'm an expert -- -- and integrate the new numerical HP system into our -- that's so clever maybe could just make it. Windows 7 plus come in so -- can turn. That. -- -- -- -- I'm seriously under -- actually think consumers care about that consumers are sitting there going like -- is one of the -- the earth and must be the next launch -- -- -- -- super cool. I'm beginning. That you name it after an animal or -- dessert that's cool that's cool and only make it. Awesome out on -- after a robot right now for headlines that cameo line. -- -- -- I woke up this morning at endeavor that she -- -- and I think that's Lennon. Falun Gong through Cisco. Yeah. I. And so it for -- you that are familiar Falun Gong is and like us Chinese spiritually you. -- -- -- skill you see them -- testing a lot. For -- you know torture. You know alleged torture and -- of the members. Of their movement it'll banned in China -- so what what they've done is they are -- Cisco Systems. For allegedly custom -- -- the golden shield Internet technology used by Tenet to track down -- -- of fungal. Yet they say if -- design supplied and helped maintain a censorship and surveillance network known as and golden shield they -- technology has been used the -- -- -- is it's not just that you decided that the story itself of -- four paragraph in arrow they'll say the same thing. -- that Cisco then said they do not on they do not customize their products and anyway that facilitate censorship -- repression Cisco says they're going to Mino. When it buy it vigorously defend against it and I was like what what is that those you know the catchy -- -- they always say man with. They although interestingly the suit also claims that Cisco created a Chinese subsidiary in nineteen -- called China network technology -- And that about when not -- that isn't that subsidiary is what created golden shield which by the way of Chinese authorities also referred to as police -- Cyber net listener -- -- I. Yeah yeah via -- on practitioners on headline but yet they are they are seeing that Cisco specific intent was to meet the requirements of Chinese Communist party's two. Identify. Track and -- -- -- seek out and abuse allegedly the members of the party. But I will definitely be interested he where that when I go get it turned up a headline actually -- -- went through mister. Look. More bad news first -- and leading I have broken. Welcome back the buzz on everybody welcome to our new more open more visual studio. I don't know me here this afternoon the honors but if you in the chatter wondering why we're not paying any damage -- -- -- at all because -- miners' gala at the lead and actually theater and completely in the doors to see this is actually eliminated the -- I think if we see in the next week. The fact that we don't repeat each other as much as much. That'll be heat directly correlated to -- smaller screens that are resulting in a better quality it's. Very well. Reducing accidents. We have therefore increase our ability to focus on the story that lets you start plain Angry Birds in your Chrome browser and I did that ever again he promised I -- I don't know if you -- -- guarantee. -- never -- again. -- -- -- -- -- So up on some -- more stories that we have today. Apple we know about the malware situation Mac defender while Apple is telling and continuing to tilt support reps online through Apple care to not help. With the Mac. Malware issues. There's some internal documents. That have been -- leaked or released by as eating that's at bot caught he has so few connections and others a large tech support group. Let's see over northern California and Texas -- -- human organ they have them but this is some of the bullet points of Howell. People are supposed to react to you and help callers that contact Apple support about the Sony not not help sorry not helped -- -- Okay so -- there's a list of things that Apple tells. Calls and things you must never do according to the client -- you cannot -- the customer how -- force quit safari on a Mac -- call. You can't. While that actually would help somewhat now it do pretty helpful to you -- not show the customer how to remove from the login items so when you turn on your Mac uses system preference setting. You can -- to see what starts up on long and you can still -- that three. You cannot tell the customer how to stop the process of Mac defender in their activity monitor -- that's -- utility that -- everything that's happened in you can kill tasks as well. Or you cannot refer -- customer and -- forums or discussion boards for resolution well this includes the Apple dot com form so they recommend. That they tell the client to download or get any type of virus protection. Program but they don't actually -- they don't want to walk them through steps in the Ellis of how do you. At least effectively turn off and Mac defender temporarily now. No yes. Yes -- final item from the list contains instructions that prevents the port personnel from even. Indirectly. Helping client. -- once you know that the column about Mac defender and then the customer tries to ask you general question -- you find a loophole. Such O Paul think -- help block big year gee thanks as the -- then how would you uninstall -- third party program in general or how do I thought programs from starting upon months. The point -- misses things that would be considered general product usage questions are not allowed to be answered. If the customer has already informed -- that he potentially has Mac defender and is now asking obvious questions to skirt. Our policy. On not helping your sorry apps at all but now this comes on the heels by the way of one applicator support agent telling -- -- that the -- and -- calls in the previous week. Were related to the Mac -- issue. -- -- Ebert said and they -- and instead like. Instead of dealing with this and even the demo the he would -- -- -- simply -- someone -- on the street and they need help it. Apple is not even bothering to not kick them when they want but I think -- So what I call in and ask a question like this is unbelievable. See the thing is it's not even at the tech support -- tech support. Technicians are happy about this now they're they're losing -- -- they're supposed you know they do this because they want to help users they wanna help extend the brand they want them to feel good about Apple products. They're pissed about this internally the united when someone says as someone called -- -- announce -- how do lions and install third party program in general. Cricket. Cricket are acting through called metadata that question that I can help you today -- Yeah that rather now we're at the -- are anonymously contacting and bought via email and other with his and -- this is horrid quote horrid. All I heard today from other advisors with how Apple doesn't want to take care of its customers and how this new policy constrained our ability to do our job and directly affect our pay. But even Apple reps are coming -- -- thing you can tell us that we specifically cannot help people -- baby this is a bad Apple let me tell you. This is beyond about Apple I'm definitely looking forward with the and Apple might on the fifth. All -- seriously that's appalling that is absolutely appalling -- 50% of the calls that you're getting about this. -- that you're getting are about this question even if people don't have it right even if they're overreacting. Or -- -- pop -- But you cannot pretend. That this is not happening. I think I think there's certainly thing also is that they're basically recommending that the customers who have the issue. To buy a piece of software that they can find at an Apple Store or -- the Mac App Store. And then. Leave them to -- figured out right -- Really Macs don't get viruses -- They don't get viruses -- -- I mean I think it's just that a continuation of that marketing it like it does then it's his day is just the cult like it like that 1984 like there never was any Oceana right. We never were our with -- can look back attempted. Malware. -- -- My mind blown it's truly and remove on course Sony where Sony noting that only them they need more holistic. And murdered in an Orion and over. So it now apparently the latest thing is that Sony music Japan has been hacked via an SQL injection attack that has exposed user information. On Sony music that DR. And today knows how well I got it yesterday Daria it's a fact they also found the flaws and Sony music back and yet the hackers posted the links -- mall where the sequel injection flaw existed. They didn't reveal any information and it's yet to be shown if they were able to change or manipulate the database information. But again these hackers -- the group known as lol security. We typically attack sites primarily for fun. As they have not been. All they have lots of things to -- that sometimes you better do they they just wanted to you know -- of the party they quoted this isn't an elite haxor -- wanted to embarrass Sony some more. Because everybody's pollen on them I know now they can't stop it actually it's really it's pretty out there and now there article thing like Sony needs. Like you've got to batten down -- but the fact is. No intent. No one can -- I mean look at how many different sites and how many different countries have been hacked how many different people are involved in creating -- want those type of like there's some central Sony. Engineering team that's created everything and can secure everything the fact is any company faced with an. Like a complete. An ongoing assaults on every single one of its properties would have the exact -- polarity problems -- That's the alt on spirit dear anonymous column here dot the thing is it's beyond anonymous now I know and there is no data -- anonymous to call off the dogs again after. They do the attention right now you have other hacker groups say let's do this for fun -- some awesome -- Mongo also another Sony news of playstations network maintenance takes down. Their password and account axis you still should be able most people still should be able to sign in a PS and employ -- games online at the moment but. They are taking it down on just for some mean -- so there are certain areas that might be affected just in case -- -- mean what's going on they still not. Put up their Sony PlayStation store -- And that is mostly coming in by the end of the month according to Sony. So. -- -- There at that it's bad and that's it okay time to -- three decked out. Because Twitter has acquired tweet -- for a reported forty million dollars. The meaning of cash and stock and I'm kind of excited about this mainly because I'm hoping that -- build -- a web interface that lets me use more than one account and and in an easier -- -- does that as a standalone app yeah I know that. Yeah exactly as part of -- standalone app it super easy to switch between accounts which. There -- only anyway apparently they are getting on that has about and it has definitely a lot of features into Internet tablet you can -- posts. And things like. Although as usual. -- bad news for developers -- -- yet will I mean they've velocity scoop up these stupid -- Yeah so. Actually the business model making a Twitter client with one additional feature is actually a good business. An excellent candidate does -- one extra thing that's really cool little later doesn't do -- bill -- -- now and again on it. That's all you got it -- element. I read and idiot makers of the Hurt Locker continued to try to ferret out literally every single person. Who may have illegally downloaded that movie it is now the biggest file sharing lawsuit the world -- ever witnessed as a result of the makers adding I think 21. 121000 additional defendants to velocity bringing the total. A defendant in the last eight to 24500. And EB three fetuses. You guys -- remember the expendable movie. At the time about two weeks ago had the highest was the biggest -- super -- biggest -- it was like around 43000. Page pop lawsuits but. See her locker was the original and they had to step it up and the like no guy is -- we are the ones that started this and we are going to finish this so we take your 23. Thousand and raise you the -- 4000. Don't take -- how. I could do more people and you could do that -- -- days when -- -- -- -- freak out that when and and publish because it's now a matter of public record. -- -- -- 4584. IP address in what I didn't complain -- it is linked to it why not. Really nice work. Mark Zuckerberg. Sounding much like a little kid himself -- kind of whining about how -- expect kids under thirteen should be allowed on FaceBook. And it's super important to get the children on the pavement early because of the education. And it did they need mostly education you -- they -- little learn. You'd think he was winding down and when he really affect will be -- -- said look. Because of the restrictions. On -- You we can't we haven't even begun this learning process if they're lifted then we would start to learn what works we would take a lot of precautions to make sure the younger kids -- -- But here's the thing. I think undercut by kids under thirteen can use FaceBook as long as they have parental from it in its -- that. He can't -- it -- but can't use the data that it collects about children are under thirteen to advertise to them. -- is the children's online privacy protection act. That let people but I'm pretty sure that there is some capability for children to be able to be on line. I don't think it's -- necessarily complete ban on kids being able to use the site. But patterns are behind this okay there's there's humorous first -- Obviously. Mark Zuckerberg has been huge about funding educational I agree I -- it does care about -- -- -- and does not totally sure that that. But the correct interpretation a lot like my sense was that. What you could you can't collect information. On those who are under thirteen on the site but not that they can be. Well he you know he was speaking at this new schools venture fund summit in Burlingame California that was earlier this week is really. It is. Statement was to push for younger people to be get access to FaceBook and on the Internet so they can use it to their advantage in educational purposes as well like been able to. Study with your buddy's. Online that are younger and exchange notes and have you know by giving them that earlier access to a social graph. That is safe -- and he outright said you know we don't have anything in place that we can say will make. -- -- make FaceBook safer for kids exactly right that we have to work on that if we even roll that out. Line. Also they don't have the infrastructure in place that would allow them to make sure that they're not collecting information and I mean the fact is like. These kids could be there it's just that they can be there anonymously enough not -- FaceBook -- and -- is basically saying I want you to change the law. So that I can collect all the information I -- about kids under thirteen and they can learn on the site which is linked. -- you know what. It's cool that they can learn on the site you do not get -- are collecting their for information and advertising to -- that is a perfectly acceptable use of the lot and that's the part -- panel about whining like. The a lot of -- to change for FaceBook to make that -- So in Alison I wasn't totally -- -- from the back from design and Mac and part three isn't cricket was -- To get to get to guide us and. Well here let me read this are one of our leaders Lady Gaga downloads. -- Amazon that's the headline so we did have. An email from our friend hurricane freak in the courtroom chat -- it most honest that was considering to buy lady got his new album at any solid price tag on iTunes. Decided to wait and then he got a tweets in an Amazon has for 99 -- so he decided to go buy it with on his -- like a lot of people. Flock to Amazon and -- this. The store was taken down -- I I purchased album. When I started -- it said error air wait for download air air I tried donated three other times it's still that work and then this morning. I tried OK maybe things have chilled out download again and then it told me that my session for -- -- has expired to acquire -- music. -- -- so I had to email Amazon. Customer service. I still have my album for 99 cents -- and if there's anyone that can take down the Internet with her ten million Twitter callers. Terrorists do it now. Lady Gaga as one of them NAND the other one might have been Oprah went into that whole KFC deal I don't know -- you guys remember that you do whether -- KFC. Grilled chicken deal. Coupon of online and it took down their site and people could it really -- get the coupons and I was one of those people. -- -- -- I knew that the going to ground here and I can't buy it but Oprah. Promoted it -- -- there's gotta be someone and its Arab or -- that knows exactly what -- pocket. I. Danny ink and think in the -- remembers the can't see deal -- fatty located DJ plugs okay thank you guys have validated muted. And and I and turning down -- me and -- -- -- I don't think -- out of of the black numbers haven't updated mail software in an effort to regain momentum in the pre webmail arena. A lot of people do still use Yahoo! mail and there adding new features like the ability okay this is actually pretty often. You could respond to -- they won't do it in their -- I want to think that -- Could set off the ship rocketed this resonated with our opulent. We're getting and so many you know regular public -- I think any path we want to know about another thing. Not about another guy having -- -- You can respond to a bit but methods directly from within an email and -- -- all that the updates from Twitter. It makes a move that dory like a warning. That it. T-Mobile also the first offer only data plan this is awesome because -- -- and wires or wireless was expect to be the first offer and we -- a plant you buy kind of a bucket of data and split -- between two people. With T mobile's plan you can buy it in the all the qualities 200 megs two gigs by the exit ten gigs the sweetest thing that was also includes unlimited texting and talk with this plan. -- They you know I'm absolutely everywhere and migrant com convert if they act like a unified data plan and I I -- -- -- You know that -- actually an iPod into there because it -- importantly it's okay let's face it -- -- -- we do that indefinitely. Anyways so you'll save a lot of money and if you're likely option is between five dollars each. For two separate to -- plans of the T-Mobile plan. You're total data bill would be forty dollars including -- you guys -- -- -- fifty dollars and it -- you're pretty that's. And it's crazy -- T-Mobile again -- I don't you aren't here with equally but they. Unlocked the umi featured you Wi-Fi calling the distance shoot things and pretty much two weeks. Acting as if they're still an independent carrier rate AT&T thing -- -- now they don't expect to happen anytime soon now right. -- wonder if they're kind of preparing for the possibility that they're gonna have to go it alone because that sentiment is overwhelmingly against the merger. And certainly I mean it's gonna take a minimum of the year if not longer. For that deal to -- here and hopefully it won't. In other T-Mobile moves they have doubled their four G network speeds of 42 megabit per second and 55 markets. And then also launch the rocket three point -- data stick. So that you can have a USB what -- US via. Wireless hot -- -- HSP -- plus quote unquote fourteen hour and a clear exactly but now it's fast enough that it's at some not so much more like. Connecting it via a just -- let's has been referred to only 3.2 five -- and now would like definitely like three point 75 G. -- -- the answer. Also -- -- sent to us over email we miss this but it was put out a while ago Nokia. Launching their photo realistic 3-D models a metropolitan areas for their -- -- you can. Look at it through your web browser and if you guys take out you have to. Installed plug in. So we had Stephen had a few issues with battery it sounds like that -- method but it still works it looks really cool you gotta maps -- -- dot com slash 3-D. And it'll let's can you can you notice they're just gonna Bluetooth. Let's go to San Francisco. Of the beautiful cities. Let's try. Okay we're going to the -- guise of incidents. -- all. It takes a little time but as you concede that is we look. I think you know a chance Selma area transamerican and with little coolers looks like a little bubbles -- -- -- the -- out. But pretty sweet. It's fun it's interactive yet. It's known to blow that but it is there are three model so that is kind of cool in school is their equivalent processor intensive be warned -- kind of annoyed that -- didn't work of the water looks like drafts and introduce them and I take it apart down the line what's the what's going on there with it might entail -- -- drop the month. -- -- -- -- -- -- Your eyelids that -- to understand the US. The let's see. Ten -- new species or at least the top ten wait a -- -- a glow in the dark fungus can I got totally hear you know an app. I'll tell you what I got -- -- ballot. Jumping how tragic road that are -- -- -- eating bacterium and a -- named T Rex were among the top ten new species discovered in the world must. Yeah this is according to the international institute for species exploration. -- -- the summit to -- and I I love -- features intruders and I was really excited about it. I first though gotta admit that the headline captured my attention. For one reason it said T Rex and it but -- -- -- and but there's actually this is you know it's it's interesting how they finalize these new species for example this -- -- Which is named after T Rex that I ran a -- -- which means tyrant wheat king. Was found when it was removed from a man's nose in Peru and measured less than five centimeters and its powerful -- and massive heat. Earned its name to -- a bit of color and -- Della -- -- -- -- a few guys go to the international institute. For a busy exploration able bodied -- yeah you can -- occupancy of the top ten armed creatures and speeches -- they found. One that's really cool to -- a luminous and a mushroom up. We've seen a -- those in my day. -- -- -- -- Just getting the common name this is CB it's for eternal light much -- it has this gel. That's covers its dams that glows bright issue yellow greenish light 44 hours per day from -- still -- them. Is really cool and also wondering just like weird little bacterium -- of the new lizard. That was added. The new species of -- this thing called the do you care. The UIKER. Which is based at little -- -- -- -- if you're -- -- -- -- -- the website that has the pictures on a look there first and candidate apparently at a bush -- Bush meat market in West Africa and then upon findings mean there are you know they were like what -- apparently without paying a bush pushed me markets are pretty crazy -- -- -- -- when they had double wild animals they sell it Alec. -- a local IL I mean they did to me -- the what's interesting about it is that the discovery of new species from a well studied group of animals in the context of bush -- exploitation. Is a sobering reminder of -- -- -- species that remain to be described even within those that are being exploited on a daily basis for -- elected a check out. Stevens and you click on the pancake that fish that love that thing now the next do it it -- that crazy yes wow. That is the dinosaur -- in -- right there the Louisiana pancake matte finish discovered just before. The Gulf of Mexico oil spill its entire known distribution is in the region of this bill and as. It looks like it's me and I love -- by the international institute for species exploration says it is also remarkably. Hideous. The thing about that this it looks like the looks like a flat possesses deep fried that someone would eat in Louisiana has -- he -- in the eyes of either the O'Grady. But they do say -- -- apparently its discovery and its precarious existence. Due to the oil spill would leader on -- -- another -- significant a lot of practice. Did the job and it had fish kind of pretty cool. Alright happy and -- -- and yes this is happy. My friends my friends believe it or not. I'm still looking for signs that the the joke I'm salute you for the -- were still looking for bigfoot but Duke Nukem forever. Has gone gold. Should -- -- a new -- has gone gold remember this is the title. What is it initially announce in 1997. -- studio went through a variety of changes trying to state had to but the times -- game engine and a person invest in something like 2030 million dollars they. Stopped developing for a while. Two K games their parent company lost patience with them refusing to give them development you know more development for the funds. It went on to his suburban Texas developer is a gearbox gearbox. And and now finally. It's going to see the light of day I can't believe that there -- some really adult mature themes in this game to some of the trailers have been pretty -- really Alia. Don't you -- look at Duke Nukem comes out. Glenn and Alan Bieber aft of -- forward -- own but they're still the DirecTV Tivo other is inclement. I'm intrigued by this for sure there's also if you guys for those -- are part of the Duke Nukem forever first access club. Actually ordering the game you -- -- -- would sign up ten years ago. -- ten years ago and how they did they like and. If you can have access to the demo on the game Virginian battered. -- -- The tech unicorn they're going extinct exactly. This is sent. Also speaking of that is letting it -- and -- committee treated them aerial photos of Joplin Missouri which was rattled down -- What is now proving it is now officially been declared the -- Disaster ever the worst tornado disaster ever. And -- Modern record keeping began sixty years -- hundred -- -- -- yeah. 118. People were killed in this one town -- misery which is not a big town and aerial photos and test. Heartbreaking flattened yes so in what is really sadly becoming Catholic monthly event if you go -- and -- that Red Cross to act for the ten dollars. -- Really at that and we did have -- email from one of our viewers or listeners in Joplin. That'd that'd sent us some messages about how having a Smartphone or having some sort technology -- -- ally let you know lots of prayers going on everyone in Joplin and again. -- constantly so in nano oddity in -- red cross and 90999. Courier and Arlington. Okay that's not a happy ending and I'm sorry that's important -- it was its. You -- -- and the power of technology again like when you see those aerial photos whether it's Google Earth their from a helicopter whenever you -- like. Just how matter -- -- Implement nine. OK let's -- your calls and email shall -- yes. You -- and put Levitt and voicemail and preparing myself mentally -- -- this this this. I. It was true I have a well actually -- on -- to show where. Said that that link it things that's an Apple where they urged the first coined the earth every -- will actually meet that think like a -- -- -- -- I didn't -- media. We used -- or hurtful for a lot. To answer what they are all -- Hubble. They actually expect -- -- there might well actually I'm sure some real corrected it. -- show and is there are gonna be or any. Somebody speak up. -- that. And I have to go back and listen to the show but I'm pretty -- that went ahead of foolishly as Google day and then something. That what actually said was that it popularized the term yes -- Now we know their -- I might is that invented it if I did okay okay okay. But I'm not -- the popular vote you know it but also. Yet this is nothing that they become a well actually that it love to hate crimes like I just that and damn thing in the. The you know let everybody knows something about it -- -- -- I appreciated his engagement to be to actually call -- really like he wasn't being a -- I know and how it feels like you could tell he was smiling and and he was an innovative I guys I checked it out I'm it I'm an outlet I mean there's I mean I'm -- you guys I -- and all that it's actually then Sony now has been. And no I know you don't top line it -- him but -- -- all of our listeners. -- popular as the Turk. And it wasn't in wide distribution the phrase and tell. Europe. According to Wikipedia got ninety reclaimed island mountain valley -- we did not only did he did he didn't give us a name ray. I don't think but we appreciate your call we know we earlier -- in reality is a little fun Baghdad thank you want it's only fair Cuban government -- and it's excellent excuse victory eight. That is -- phone number and then moving on to the email. Andrew writes in and says I have been trying to remain same for awhile now but alas the -- that not worked the EU are driving me bonkers. Every time I hear about Chrome I remember the many many many times -- -- -- -- you'll never switch back even the tong has betrayed the loyal Apple Safari and switched. I would just like -- -- five great can't do without better than as seen on TV reasons like Chrome is so great. Not a comparison to safari just your Chrome pop group -- got got features you -- -- PS the Apple logo into the back Munich has nothing to do that. -- Funny and also since you switched he says PBS. All the time -- it that way in the back of our precious Apple temple the critique the a KY is better than safari. You wonder why and it's act fast. It is. Super fast like -- -- you want until you use it again because our friend here Andrew. I'm not even comparing it safari it doesn't matter what browser compared to it's the fastest -- and that's what I want. That's actually that that is the most precise. Also getting numbered that number to program -- -- what's your number two minority reason is -- -- back yes I was gonna say yes do whatever you call the awesome bar the -- bar. One single bar where you can type in your search or your website. Well yeah like safari go home to separate little. Little things not get out here knowing now believes that act like any browser that -- -- a separate search bar and to think what they're huge -- dole ridiculous. I mean and it has a built in PDF reader -- can be really wanna go all the way down to throw the line you know plug in PDF reader it does have expansion -- also I'm sorry maps or is often. -- -- -- -- -- And I've -- if I was gonna choose between two I would definitely say. Chrome and Firefox I also like the meant more minimalist design of crow yeah I feel out of all the browsers doesn't get nearly as much either. And this is again and browsing. Nothing revolutionary its opinion how long -- switch to Chrome because like whatever and disease and a web browser on -- and all the way baby I'm Chrome Puff Daddy. I mean -- I'm -- -- really even one through five being speed alone is use safari is the limited booted it. So -- good thing to distract and also. Anybody who remains an Apple fan boy after hearing that had bought story from a -- Are deliberately. Refusing to help people at -- malware problem is if it's. I don't know that -- that the cooling altered. What that it and -- someone says -- IE nine has the do not track list and yet they're all going to have that don't worry about that. And also they're meaningless and unenforceable and lets the actual web sites teams there headers which how likely do you think there -- that that -- -- -- -- -- a -- standard that -- to roll -- for that -- -- even really. Grab and take place -- And if anyone's writing in about opera please feel free to. We always -- we talk about browsers will isn't of having someone say you guys opera. And now you've got days and now so opera fans in -- -- to the balance and bring it bring -- -- This is with. All right ominous in our other our last -- right now periodic buzz -- -- -- -- Netherlands -- from a -- -- -- -- -- a party with Microsoft do facial recognition. The find lost and exploited children. I decided that it's time for me to pull pictures of my kids off my FaceBook account. -- long wanted to stop posting pictures of my kids on -- but because of a study I read a while back. But suggested something like 90% of children these days have a web presence by the age of five. Since I'm so paranoid about my own privacy I didn't think that it was -- for my -- -- all the stated images of them being uploaded onto the Internet without their agreement or even awareness yet. My initial abstinence lasted only as far. As our first weekend outing with my kids are just so damn Q. However if Microsoft facial recognition software is anything like Google's voice transcription. I -- -- just one of my kid's been identified as a lost or exploited children. And you can just imagine what other good stuff -- -- that. -- yet unintended consequences -- that are definitely a little bit scary. Although I think tomorrow -- have a story about photo sharing services and you losing your rights to your own photos that Langley and uploading photos to your kids anywhere amber or anything you'd take her noting world back to paper. -- -- Are -- but that's that the teaser for -- but I'll and I'll come back. -- if you and a you know and if you don't all you can see the show notes of today's awesome show and then be like while I do wanna come back to act on its openness to green channel. -- well that's cnet.com also calls at 806162638. Continues sinister ways doesn't like to hear opera one honestly. That and they're singing at the and I will play it -- -- now how many of you out -- -- -- -- -- They can't see deal seriously that affected me that hit all that them home -- my stomach I'm not gonna I kinda want fried chicken after the show them a better ending data here. I write an -- email email oh is that near the am under the -- -- skillet. Little skill at it -- as the cnet.com. -- mystery and tells. Us -- the guys -- and stick. -- --

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