Ep. 1473: Rapture at the Apple chapel
Ep. 1473: Rapture at the Apple chapel

Ep. 1473: Rapture at the Apple chapel

Today it's Friday may twentieth the last day on earth. 2011 my name is even -- full year. I'm grandson. Molly was blogging about it out loud and -- -- -- -- episode 1473 the rapture episode. In which we hope it is not the last buzz out -- ever. -- even seen the posters in the billboards on the streets and people walking in this with their billboards signs on their body meets when he first -- You'll know actually if of the raptor not because people on -- when he first Ellison of the show. Don't know if we're still around until now you'll know you'll know. And then I'll say again here be teammate Natalie and -- -- -- -- and -- it's it's going to be a little tribute to Randy savage recipes Randy macho man savage higher breaking news read our rationale and this is a hopeful it is awful moment home great memories great -- -- -- exciting events we played a little a little. Pre show trivia and that. I know -- -- if you grew up on it like my Brothers that -- huge wrestling -- that we watch it every weekend. We went to that we -- to the Mac is -- you know I mean it is he was spectacular -- spectacular spectacular them. -- -- -- RA another tragic news that led the top of the show -- kind of a -- not just because of the rapture. A large explosion has ripped through the Foxconn high tech plant or one of the Foxconn high tech plants in southwestern China and killed at least -- people. Also suspending production at the facility. Yeah this has been identified as the facility near Chengdu that has been identified. According to local media as the manufacturing location for Apple's. IPad tablet computer -- We don't. We don't really care about the iPad right now we care about the people there -- two people have been dead they sit around sixteen people. Have been injured and taken to the hospital. On here's some video footage for those you watching a live stream where -- -- -- -- -- you have ambulances running through. Can't let -- body that. Foxconn is really had a lot of new negative news and published the over the past year so. Because of the suicides are happening on campus they installed nets. To prevent jumpers from encouraging from the -- -- also had investigation had improved. -- workers' conditions as well as increase their wages so this is just another. And you wanna save black -- just another piece of attention that's negative for talks on its its sad more than anything else -- I think it's. Think it's just -- intensify. Attention on the conditions at the facility because they stated that they have that police have. There initially investigating right now but they think that they ruled out human factors -- it might have just so who knows what caused it but hopefully. Mean I think we can all thing that we're hoping it's not. Who knows shoddy electricity or something that you know I mean there are definitely there have been a lot of standards questions about these plants. And this is kind of only -- continue to attempt by now and it mean in some ways. It's good that it's a place where such high profile products are made because there are there are places like this all over that have. Terrible working conditions and unhappy employees and he would never find out about it if iphones and -- -- made there. Let them -- lets it. I mean you know what time -- clothing manufacturing. Textiles all all kinds of different industries yeah exactly so -- given Hyannis of course and then you know I mean our thoughts are with these families at this really it. Extremely tragic basic three people -- mean seriously injured. In addition to the -- who are already killed and sixteen overall. So we're pretty guys posted you know to get a -- and a Wiki buses that are moving on the tech news before -- -- -- That would assert and -- end of the world macho man has gone you know -- -- people -- that I allow you know can make me feel better. The on Comcast's orbit. -- can either can -- this tee off on comptroller and they'll make myself feel better and the Washington Post and others are reporting battle little flap. That happened with Comcast apparently. A nonprofit educational program real girls which -- which helps teenage girls learn documentary script writing editing in -- making. Have their funding yanked. By Comcast Comcast actually. Does help fund this this nonprofit program however they -- they're 181000 dollars of funding when some an employee of real girls. Put up a tweet that was critical of Meredith baker at -- moved to Comcast -- refugee. Commissioner has -- -- -- one of the employees wrote OMG at FCC commissioner baker voted to approve Comcast NBC merger. And is now the lean mean -- CC four in all caps. A job. At Comcast's and that turns out wanted to come to -- executives in charge of sponsoring the real girls program. Was reading it they weren't too happy about it so Comcast and decided to pool their money and they even directly cited. The quote on Twitter as no other reason because they. The executive said that put him in an indefensible position. With his bosses we can't continue to approve the funding it was 181000 dollars a year this has been a program that has gone on over the past three years supporting the creative. Arts. One. An endeavors and because of someone's opinion. Yes aren't they know that -- never actually. -- condition of receiving the money didn't you know but nevertheless. They did pull the funding however. Yesterday in response to media inquiries the Comcast spokeswoman for the company is sorry and would like to reinstate the funding of course once a media found out about it before getting into did you not think that the media was gonna find out about your acting like evil -- holes. Again. It did -- not did you not think about might look like a little bit I mean what pump dear Comcast what's wrong with you what is the raw if you. I think also you talk about the mentality of this company okay this is a company that is merger with NBC we always talk about. Companies' cultures drive what they do you. And this action by Comcast kind of dictates you -- tells you how the feel about other people how they would respondents -- they're going to look out for number one. They aren't going to carry and if you are against them. They're going to go against you so why does this play out how does this help the consumer -- -- this is kind of in their DNA of their culture of how they reacted to this girl's organization. How is how are they gonna treat us as consumers. Once they have more the power. I mean if they in this company does not care about people rightly. They they don't care about impressions they don't care about a sense -- -- whatsoever. I -- -- company with a corporate culture that was built around a sense of decency and propriety does not go and and and hire an FTC commissioner that it. I am sure cheerfully -- -- rule in their favor you know I mean then and the fact that -- Ella baker would take that job in the first place after such a short period of time. Is equally indefensible and shows that she's probably just African great match for Comcast but -- I mean. You do not it is not a condition of giving somebody a relatively small amount of money by the way 181000 dollars that that company is never allowed to. Have an opinion about you even when you do something that is frankly indefensible against just. It's just outrageous that they would send -- like. PST letter and then after they get called out for it try to apologizing of the Mac mainly -- day at the joke am pretty sure you need to be tripling or even quadrupling the amount of money they -- to give them. Thank you chat room for that suggestion. And men be the real girls executive director says they're not even sure that they want to accept the -- Now from Comcast I would it if it comes with -- like you're not allowed to point out when we act like total evil bit like. Comic book villain again then no thank you will get our eighteen -- -- Now the director for real girls also so they want to ensure that their employees. Who believe it or not can freely speak about their ideas. Even if they're politically unflattering to their sponsors what a novel idea -- -- what -- concept. This is outrageous development. The public interest group free press the thing really only when the press and attention on Comcast this -- to stop giving -- to aspiring young women filmmakers. -- -- -- -- I makes I don't control the cable in my home but when you hear things like this makes you just you don't wanna support companies that do these things. Well now like I you know what I could not be happier about recently canceling all Comcast services to the -- -- it could not be more thrilled about that. I would do almost anything not to do business with them. The eight because they're not just in the running for most hated company in America Bay Area. -- like -- nearly map pack mile wide margin and believe me I sort of feel like wherever you have the competition world. Take advantage of it because these these these you're you're -- right Brian -- Well thank you -- well I sometimes think that she sometimes uses my first and last name -- conjunction with each other you Brian Tong is correct. That if this is how they feel about the world at large -- then yeah that you -- -- pretty much come -- standing. Evil okay evil kitten. And not as Yahoo! and it -- Teen years a little bit does the fall of two -- Apple story about -- securing licensing music deal music licensing deals for their iTunes cloud service over last night Bloomberg. A reported that they've also -- -- agreement with Sony Sony's music division. That puts EMI group and Warner Music Group. In their dock it and there's everyone is pretty close they predict that Universal Music Group will -- some time by early next week which would then. Have all the big four music labels. Aligned directly before their announcements whatever announcements we here at WW DC from June 6 at the little update -- -- -- -- -- yesterday I'm interested -- -- -- didn't see how this plays -- I wonder what. Real. Offering -- services will be compelling and different enough because now the labels are worried about Amazon and Google rate we've talked about -- -- look open arms let's go play with Apple now. -- how that service really play out. I know -- talked about -- of yesterday at the the ongoing irony of the labels mean like -- their last best hope it. And then but then being the extreme likelihood that it's not like the labels actually let Apple do anything handler with your music and Amazon and Google are offering you know. I have to respond to the people -- -- were totally freaked out because I've -- that it could be our last show and ever and things like oh no cnet's closing and so we always -- that are the rapture signs in the end of the world science I didn't explain -- three very well I guess there really isn't a panic that we're gonna take a quick snack break while I will be back while -- reassert Twitter that that was just an inappropriate joke about the rapture. And I. Will blurry will be back. Trust -- low V. Back elect Arnold has anything in this they about it. I'll be docked. To the -- them yet. Guess what guys and we're back we're here here are still there I've said the literal -- -- -- -- it's not make when he first but we're here now okay now -- -- actually thirtieth eleven thing forward art is that -- -- single called single Hulk that bodes well. And -- man thanks for them and -- drills are back to stories AT&T showing off it's a real world. Attend this at courses at their headquarters but the real world -- point eight megabit per second LTE download speeds during a -- the research lab. It easily download some of their four GLT network that will be rolling out by the end of 2000 at thirteen. There lab tests so download speeds more than seven times faster than their current -- being network. Up loads over their LT note posted even more impressive improvement more than eight times the current speed of one point 21 -- bits per second over agents PA damn. Now company did note however here again this is -- to engineers noted that -- is the 28 point eight megabit per second eatery is meant to model real world situations. However it noted that sharing those speeds with others on earth -- will bring those. Not mean everybody -- that you know we're an antenna on the up and making it my phone was rocking when he. Megabit per second I'd be in had been consistently now. -- -- Yeah -- dead by comparison Verizon's current LT network. Has real world data rates between five and twelve megabit per second downstream and -- refinement of its upstream. So I'm sure it'll probably be along those lines once it actually it's. Normal daily usage but we'll still be pretty yeah yeah no I'm excited about healthy. One man in the Droid -- the during next to. Came out and is not an -- Yeah yet -- three G phone. -- -- That we added our story yes that we had in Iran elegant they're cute and I don't know that we didn't kill because of the time it and I didn't I totally did not realize that and -- later -- -- -- -- that -- -- like the Droid -- -- is enough authority on -- -- happen. I mean completely at least now I don't have a bunch of buyer's regret I can still hold out of the dramatically chilling part of it is the -- Droid XT you haven't. Tool core processor yeah that it does there's a pirate call rate now it I -- it does not it does not because -- -- -- right. I think I missed I might be mistaken but you guys -- me up with this the orgy LTE chips currently. Are compatible on dual core processing phones in there you only working with single core processor single core processor phones at the moment. It is and that's why right and it's a dual core -- when pirated. And again present many it is. Okay just to wait like I I -- pattern and her future proof like I understand the battery life concerned that -- It is it but it is Verizon's first dual core -- Now that's what makes it special the dual core one gigahertz processor the first progress and that there you go. And I'm not that that about it I think they make they make good on my good old XP. So. Is that it came -- or laugh so that that might indicate -- six months to a year before we get dual core. -- dual core LT phones -- really. And then and his end and that's when -- came down money. Although I will be pretty bummed out because Branson Mo Verizon CFO has stated that the company well -- a Brandon -- -- -- no problem. Right. I'm in -- -- that is scheduled class. We know -- -- illegal trade -- the was like I am not rover at -- on data delay we're having all the fun we -- and nasty to beat him more -- elaborate wide awake he's got Mike over there he -- -- -- -- week at 8:45 in the morning. You'd like he little heed these words for words. -- -- really feeling chipper today -- like. Opening and then -- ugly really. How. Any ago -- Jamal. Boring stated that the company will give up the current thirty dollar unlimited data plan. Long line end of unlimited data plan from Verizon and switched to new tiered pricing plan this summer. Because not -- right after admit has been the most and knowingly aggressive in painting people who actually -- the data they pay for as data hogs. Does not matter where it matters not my favorite thing that -- -- are doing right now Verizon. Acting like even though I pay you thirty dollars a month for unlimited data that's not actually a limited I'm not about the use it possesses -- and -- -- -- But -- there there. By by their obviously not doing it -- that the eighteen -- and emit unlimited plan last year. And then Verizon has not released any information about the featured tiered price -- but I assume that it will be. Similar most people assume will be similar to AT&T and just FYI if you wanna play a little devil's advocate Nielsen did -- -- a study last year that revealed. You know -- they conclude that nine 9% of all users. -- actually spare money if they -- tier plan pricing -- that an unlimited data I think that's totally true it's just that maybe could offer a plan with unlimited. And it still offers a variety of other idea that data and offered tearing that would now now would be a perfect world we don't live in or lake. It's not is that -- really trying to help you save money. Now that I'm not like their plan is all you know allow people are paying thirty dollars a month for -- planned you don't really need that much data. Not -- you're not gonna try to help fill you when you go in for the tiered plan. And I don't is that much I'm definitely on Wi-Fi animals all the time I can think about governor and a fifteen dollar plan by but I have a mind but they don't add it it's disingenuous to keep trying to act like people who use data on their phones -- villains because the -- is the trends. Increasingly. Our toward more data consumption even as an attack at some times and even -- -- with prep providers -- time that cracked him. Also you have so there you go also for people to -- that we like innovation because it brings -- beautiful things. Microsoft is closing out there pioneer studios it was kind of a skunk works operation -- was used to develop. A lot different consumer electronics and experiences think of it is almost like -- innovation lab where they where they put together some of these great consumer devices. And some of their other project he everything left about a year ago for the original Xbox in their entertainment device division. But this group the pioneer skunk works they were there and put in place to tackle a different ideas for you know -- which was a product that we all I was very asking -- in -- -- education markets. They use the stylus it was into double sided color is -- And erect and -- -- the windows phone seven Xbox and Zune as well as the -- mobile phone it was a brainchild of who was the executive and the original Xbox launch. -- -- -- -- He does have the size of a bit I -- -- like. I did more like this it. On Allard today. -- -- -- -- stupid think its cue from our own Jay Greene who is the a new addition CNET news.com so good object. But this is kind of a bummer I mean it's not that much of a -- considering that most of what -- -- Everything that came out of here that was really really cool Microsoft ourselves like the courier project is still don't understand -- and make the carrier. That was completely -- But I wonder what they're gonna do with the office if it. It is -- -- is amazing it's like these that blond wood floors. Exposed brick walls. -- white slanted angle tables a lot of the employees though have been transplanted into different offices of Microsoft but. The key thing about this is this is one of those divisions in Microsoft that was against the counterculture. To how they've been run yet you know part part of Microsoft's you know. Large offices cubicles. This is this was for like designers and you know to get their creative minds. Thinking so kind of it's a bummer more than anything else at -- department shut down yet I what did you want to work there would you be creative if you work there now I would of that. On -- in Seattle on alma in pioneer square area. Running -- live there. Okay in other news today FaceBook is going to use Microsoft's photo DNA it. Technology to stand its profiles and look for child pornography on the site and also look for images of missing children. Now yet this algorithm was developed cope partnered with Microsoft. And what it does it creates a signature for every image count the fingerprint and it compares the -- in the known signatures so converts an image to black and white. Resize it and -- breaks up into these grids. And in each grid or each cell. The changes in the brightness or analyze it creates a signature and then compares that signature to other pictures authority went gone through something like two billion images already. And microphones and -- And then it well the technology will help FaceBook report incidents of the national center for missing and exploited children. And to the police and and hopefully allow them to take immediate action -- for some reason for -- you know. -- -- -- -- So cool now the job the job -- there are some things that can go around that but hopefully not. Good news for Microsoft in the fuel you use Internet Explorer nine. No player out there -- -- -- -- may be converted -- I would wear Chrome -- I knew and I inane. -- -- -- And a little -- I don't -- Carla I Chrome ball banana thinking about it you will trial a try to find it not available now. It's really hopefully it'll it'll show up at some -- the miles of -- again anyway. I. That occurs when an image attribute is invoked so basically when you load an image on a web page. And every other browser has a memory leak flaw that allows it to sort of keep. Loading in the memory can never gets freed up the memory that it takes to load that image and so the longer you leave that page open basically the -- -- your browser and -- I. I am definitely know I mean we've I think anybody I don't know what you get you Google and I leave the office for the day after another -- apps open on few different -- and you know on our continent. And then after repeated the might not working great. I. They got the bragging rights on -- so they still think Chrome and Firefox and safari have the memory leak issue. Yeah. And. The college doesn't affect me -- -- and Chrome is still we -- at the heart it yet I also hard to the Wall Street Journal in photographic team. This is so cool they -- the other this this. This whole special basically a week on foursquare so they collected every check in on location serving serving. -- while they collected every foursquare check in for a week. In new York and in time that's correct and they put together this cool -- graphic that shows where people are taking in and Steve pointed out it totally looks like doppler radar and check the weather if you guys to see it. Very top there's kind of a time stamp. And a it's funny because there's -- -- on the left side there's like random dot kind of gets hot during certain times and an always on me like. When as a place. It yeah you don't like I -- -- only return the Michael Liza. Remote place to keep on getting wouldn't it. So they need Overland map that tells you what these with our data comparing between new York -- -- Cisco. They found some of you know some of the similarities in some of the differences. In many ways the city is the same categories that are popular in -- likely to be popular in the various they had what copy shops and borrowers. Of -- on the differences were that. Public transit in California was pretty popular -- -- parts in America. American food trains movie theaters and desert places as remote similar interest in Sony Vega feel sorry -- estimates in New York's. New Yorkers go for bars train stations and corporate offices. -- Bay Area residents prefer coffee shops grocery stores gas stations and light rail thing. That now it that -- -- -- any -- -- even know it doesn't really -- if anything it does look in its -- in those graphics. Are in and they're not they all say if -- -- allows -- -- gender breakdown. They have they wanted to kind of showcase -- figure out -- who. Where do emails purses -- check in more often so areas that -- more female -- places like the beauty shop. In cosmetics shops and doctor opposite. Tech startups and gave -- had -- -- for martian proportion of men really yeah and look look at these go down here top food top nightlife top offices -- a fun. -- -- -- yet does have the actual -- as well fascinating and now see this is good to get the little list public places -- -- -- -- rightly point -- and manner and there you know. -- market with number one in New York. Burger joints to locations in New York came in at number two and three. -- top area -- obviously in New York where -- where headquarters and in the Bay Area at the Googleplex. CI they are all on foursquare over Google if I was resistant to foursquare and solar deals associated with it but. It be into -- inched in to see how this changes as or if foursquare becomes more means. It would it'll definitely be different. And now nine and that's the that's Superfund went with I don't know -- urban didn't have attempted one of the Bay -- nightlife clubs DNA -- face to go their own -- -- in college. I'm totally yeah I know I don't like. It's. Like nothing we've now done honestly not like that I don't even go -- -- don't go there. They sometimes have like all Asian native -- don't go -- if they golf club. Evidently gotten a lot man I mean that that -- -- -- even called the god like called always announced it. And I don't Timothy. -- let's move on to the crickets. Google is apparently seriously thought mock up months ago about a new version of Chrome that would actually let you kill the oral -- bar or maybe even kill it completely. But evidently Google. The URL bar is still active by default in Chrome but now there's a flag. To hide. So then presumably -- -- news. There. Yet it's flag is in the afternoon and preview build of Chrome version thirteen. People are kinda freaking out about it but it really looks like it's an option this is -- what they're going to change the default when I was looking at this more more though I think. First of all to me it doesn't make sense to -- -- the URL bar but in a smaller screen -- like a mobile phone or even a tablet. It might make a little more sense yeah if you click the tab and in the URL bar shows -- that's what they're really showcasing here once you. On Yahoo! on a computer browser once you activate the tab. A little Europe well pops below it instead -- taking up the whole screen concede upper tablets and mobile phones. How such Aaron tacked on -- -- okay the second also Microsoft. Jumping and a packet of Apple with a big back to school from a OK guys. I don't know if you even have money. Just go buy a windows laptop because the deal is if you buy a Windows 7 PC over 699. There are going you're going to receive a free. Xbox-360. A theory a -- eight X eight lake. I've -- -- that it takes some Mandarin classes or something to simulate. You know how I am with you now -- how we asked me how can land. A really and a -- here. -- -- -- His mind right now I'm getting my lessons from Nickelodeon junior but if I signed up as a student I can get a pre act. And the. So I -- yes -- -- given -- the forty dollar retails for 189. Apple's those yet to do -- backed school -- but honestly this is first. For a college kid in -- oh my gosh of the remarkable -- you already have an iPod Touch that you allies here you -- with -- does PC get to Xbox yet eleven -- A quick update on that link and insane IPO yesterday the final closing price Remington shares was 94 dollars a share. Giving them an eight point nine billion dollar market cap pattern of Vietnam in CNBC yesterday that we were all talk about how this is in the that's in -- battle is -- you know it's linked in right. You guys realize that rank and that they don't have a hundred million users than a hundred million profiles as one of our emailers pointed out and you don't even know how many of those profiles are real and okay whenever. Go crazy go crazy. Also I -- Not to pile on Sony but recently it was found that a fifteen site. I was -- readying -- -- -- -- I was running on one of Sony's servers it has nothing to do with the Sony PS and -- it was taken down immediately. But -- It -- Night. And we're really -- and talent that can move past studies. Have sound effects for this but we've been waiting for just the right story to view our new. It so he's a little that a geek pop news geek pop culture news is what we mean. This after years in development Nintendo -- though it Natalie is near Al Mansur movie. Is finally moving forward obviously based on the William Gibson novel of the same name tell us your story about. The -- Told the certainly -- -- in the pre show I went by went to William Gibson book signing for pattern recognition here in San Francisco and I have I actually have a signed copy of her romance there. But there is an act and it but hilariously it -- It's literally the little trade paperback. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- In his. That's his book I mean it's it's basically. Like if the book where what -- -- cyberspace the term cyberspace was invented in -- in the near an answer but it's a story intention. Yeah I I mean I haven't read it -- definitely know about it but it's -- retired as a visionary for telling serve certain aspects of the Internet. But ultimately was done like the eighties rate via an I nineteen I think it's a 1984. And that way ahead of its time yes I know I'm Leo with concepts that we're not way ahead of it you could -- even. You'll you couldn't predict some of the things -- in the -- Now is really cool and I'm pretty excited that the what the -- in. Cyberspace cult -- space thriller. -- -- -- they say the film will be a Canadian European co production with principal photography occurring in Canada is -- Tokyo and London. Work on the visual effects authority begun. With an anticipated start date in the first quarter. A point hopefully within the map point fourteen monitor -- -- -- movie on being directed by descends on the tally it he says that you really want to showcase the new world being used and subtle ways and not make it like. A matrix over the top comic book -- via but how it integrates into our everyday lives. So it. In my focus more on story but be in the near romance or world. And Adobe should be -- it'll be interesting to see how he. Kind of modernize it Reagan and then it was so it with predicting a future that had not happened it was really like the the first to sort of create cyberpunk culture and now everybody -- done that sort of cyber -- culture thing. So it's like how he make its. So. The prescient. Now that all the technology described in public comment even said that the which askew Brothers -- -- -- tricks from his book. Now totally at -- at it like the first Packard and also there's a character name Molly. -- -- and I'm telling us. Other cool news today at this is really -- -- -- team of researchers from UCLA cal tech -- the University of Louisville have given a man who has been paralyzed from the chest down. The ability to stand and take his first steps in four years -- An electronic implant. So it not an -- skeleton like we've actually we've been talking a lot about there was a paralyzed -- -- -- actually got to walk across the graduation stage with the nexus skeleton. But the idea of being able to like. Do it as an implants. Is a whole other level of hope yet they -- instead -- -- nervous system to directly. Stimulate the leg muscles the signals electronic signals. Provided by the -- re stimulate the spinal cords -- neural network and so can use a sensory input derived from the legs and direct to muscles and joint movements and features here you know Wolverine -- kinda -- -- invincible. And and now know -- anti M that I know of but you never now. But wolverines -- ability was healing power. That's the -- so hence the mention was able to be put on his skeleton. And his -- actually did have a clause. Like that people mistake that's the -- him gave him -- -- wrong no he was on his bone structure. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Is one area that comic -- I have an affidavit makes immense feelings -- you -- strong right now. They are applicants -- last. Year. Believe -- highly didn't give him out and I -- I'm here. In case you've been missing -- on your iPad. It's all here. -- -- now offering every issue of the magazine online. For eight dollars a month or sixty dollars for the year. I dot Playboy dot com. Now awesome now you know -- there's something like eight dollars a month I have not a lot of -- of a lot of money would you get easily you can final lot of that stuff for EM pretty damn theory is the -- leeway. And -- out -- and one night if yeah. We know you are we now Leo how -- and data over here again. And in less happy ending news as we go. Tomorrow is there after. Coordinates or -- sources -- resources and billboards around. Apparently. You know it wouldn't be an apocalypse and -- there were plans -- -- post apocalyptic looting by those of us who presumably will remain. Of that commitment both to be that it's like an apocalyptic -- of the world and in all that. Writers -- going to be on that haven't thought everybody has laughter midi music assuming that they're gonna be laughed is joining a FaceBook group. And letting their put department. And and again -- -- And so. This is a group for them to organize and vehicle on a common bond with each other fellow leaders there -- and -- 8000 of them. Understand you know line. Don't even make it. Here's the thing I can be pretty -- actually if this if it's kind of like down weird crazy -- thing. -- to the extent and where like allegedly in their own for the on Saturday there's gotta be some stupid people on the streets like the news via. -- -- There are always there's always that -- -- people can now -- It lets -- tally this time -- partner. Crew. -- -- -- -- doesn't get old. And never salt to the Dniester he keeps it -- -- it. Fanning -- enemies and we got we got them Friday calls for in fact with our first caller would like to talk to us a little bit about spoilers. It was true the only spoiler you get your -- is that survived are still on thought boat show got -- awful long time ago. -- Walt why. -- well if you are to get the reward the course. Then again. Our explicit apology is for both shows where we revealed. The spoiler that you know someone once of that island treatment. Plant -- -- and let our dollar would like to practice a little bit about -- and malware. People literate person AK eight patent -- was looking at yesterday's story about how Apple can't possibly have any sort of virus or malware. I realize they just read by the BBC documentary about neurological research and how Apple uses -- Mr. jungle religious responses from -- users. The documentary covers people who have not only show on their look and act like eating bumper stickers are as cute but -- -- -- treating Mac trying to miracle. Therefore I just want to take that and say you on top of -- and boys and -- Mac bullet pure and cannot be corrupted by the battle -- but I know you plot to -- style and never returned to Apple to Apple and look. -- work. Wanna remind you that reads the data all the only known around them with it makes it even view -- -- -- and is totally and its characters like it means that I did it is really nice layout and doesn't know totally week. -- -- Apple to Apple rickets it's pretty that's pretty -- never -- through an Apple Store and buy anything but Apple to Apple to Apple knows it and. It. -- -- captain planet thanks. Satellite that's why you guys cannot -- apparently that was then when you're -- your -- -- lady human like. -- -- -- -- It is due for -- catcher but like -- It gets better. And -- let me guess -- it. Don't -- time to show off the for the green thing here -- have -- -- -- -- -- -- put it up next week by air and -- and -- -- losing depth that fourteenth avenue Q and I was shocked by the no more snow days story back to meet. I'm graduating from eighth grade next weekend have been with a virtual academy for awhile he -- -- -- -- a bit off though practically all my schooling is on my iMac and I only a handful of books. They even refund us for our Internet just like you mentioned as well as provide us with computers. Other we're not allowed to download anything on them which is why I bought my own. -- and Christian academy onto. Pilots to bring out -- -- -- -- and now we footballer that's how schools should be -- also this one comes from anonymous but our friends from Canada. Thanks for your sympathy brand regarding the deprived state of technology availability in Canada we even have a page that lists all what we can't get. You guys -- this in your browsers immediately. It's -- -- -- CA and T -- DA but CA can Canada. Moon. Hand -- I on this list can now immune based on music made -- -- not available in Canada. Amazon Android market. Apps not downloadable outside of US Amazon payments not available. Kick starter not available requires in -- -- and Google checkout merchant services not available zap votes not available on Amazon cloud drive. Not available -- -- -- Not available spotted by -- available Google place -- how -- allows Skype Skype in numbers not available. Pandora -- Not available with Netflix. Available with limited slice -- you guys. There is no technology in cancer and a -- Because what they out free healthcare. -- You didn't have to clone and -- particularly the Mexicana am learning group they -- camp and a the candidate out comes the best name -- -- -- that that's amazing you and opening up like -- -- -- -- -- But while I think that's CIA I'm not that I'm about I'm about to ease up on candidate for ever actors in that -- that district and Herbert Moore is. So wrong. Other Canadian listeners just if you can -- -- -- -- -- -- is indeed true you deserve a -- via. Now -- through and -- that a big. I had -- line it's under either turn off the show or get fired up. Because it's Friday you know what that means. Our. Only -- Can. So let's thought out of there okay we're gonna first start things off on a computer loves segment with a voice mail from a computer love -- You know -- little update we like to do little to follow a Freya. I'm feeling as if they're ignorant and -- business decline and now we can't let him -- business in order to our emails. And -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- the country but a lot. Get online once. Editor. And -- other. -- -- -- -- -- Any -- getting it in Daytona live a little a little far away lady friend -- -- some online an outstanding thank -- for the update current one is -- -- Add on -- the amount it. -- not a threat to meet with an -- -- I have a lifetime subscription to Star Trek online at and a recently joined a fleet. Someone higher up in the blame resisting the -- to -- -- vice that I just -- -- the -- -- the last -- as someone higher up in the -- seems to have taken an interest in me although it may -- like we're just friends we talk and Skype and play together on an almost daily basis. I'll ask them come to the that they live in -- am stuck in -- most tech backward state next Iowa Georgia. Any word to the device. I mean I asked him to commit it would know you and I think know if he's the guy. He -- visit -- and say I'm in town. You wanna hang out. Yet mean you know they don't make them -- if you really think I would -- and that out of the place. And does go to LA you know you'll love LA and if it doesn't work out there are planning at things that -- -- knowing it and I have a dirt then insert it. -- most -- state next Iowa you know that went bad it couldn't happen. You know some -- -- I was. The first time I read these things you gotta understand I read by -- -- the us as a regular. And I saw Iowa comet Georgia and I didn't read the previous and it isn't -- and the the -- it anyway I would day I'm gonna go the -- -- volatile weather beam him up. But definitely like auriemma you feel like you're ready to meet in person and you know arrangement sedating him and say what state they're from you that you -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- The Arctic online market. Let me anyway yes how does it and I'll go visit blogs are humans especially if you RD meant typing go to -- go -- like -- and -- I'm with you I agree with you Brian -- thank you. Thank you again and still. You know perfectly and. Could a narrator gone next that this only come from doing it from Chicago a little buzz to a while back faster buys about a situation with a woman of my job who sent me. There is suggestive texts. I -- not respond because it was a sensitive situation -- -- one embarrass myself well. I took random -- and bison -- a chance by asking the woman out we'd been dating for a couple months everything was awesome and intense. We did a lot of sharing. -- -- But like all good things the relationship came to an end to become increasingly stalker ish in regard to my online activities. It's gotten so bad and I had no other choice but and the relationship. We're on good terms now but I do have one remaining issue. During our sharing days. I've accumulated a sizable collection of videos and pictures of her that are of -- Compromising -- -- low I was wondering if it was in bad form to keep these pictures and videos. But -- discard them I wouldn't share them with anyone else but it would be nice reminder of the time we spent together. What do you think thanks in advance love your show coming from -- It. Doing. You had a hot relationship -- that -- made us think -- praying. Also -- I I think there's anything wrong with Georgia. And -- that anybody we do it anonymous who wrote in Star -- person apparently being stored at Canon. Messed up -- -- -- -- actually something wrong with Georgia John Strickland there. Ouch that's the problem come and nightclub is help. -- destroying me with your mind John Strickland priority acknowledged that didn't come on the cynic you should spend. -- And you are back to the back to the porno pictures that you have premier super hot relationship and dirty -- crazy lady. Sometimes it pays to -- creative people -- that'll I'll just put it in your back popular really. Here's the thing down the road you wanna get rated these things because you're gonna have someone else in the picture yet and when they. He or she sees these things and binds -- your screen exactly you are discovery that -- has. They're gonna compare their old was he didn't mean what does that have blab about -- -- -- -- those -- still remember that. Get rid of them they're an item data -- totally. Also -- -- Martin the chairman of the really appointment of electronic photos and videos will always make it -- the Internet in her later. Always. Get rid of them. There's out of respect for dirty -- -- nearly I think probably it's a favor for quality of and your future relationships. I and then finally got an email from anonymous he says of -- friend of mine has been slowly getting to know with someone. And she's wondering how soon you should try to FaceBook friend and you -- Like when you're dating a new person or you think you might be gaining -- it's -- -- it's -- -- right when you went how house in your FaceBook friends are right now your rating. -- -- -- -- -- like that will we don't know if there is you know. They've kissed -- not at threat back and it seems that every but we -- -- -- you know sometimes. I like being old school and it's better to get if you -- -- are actually establishing a -- -- the -- It's better to get to know them before finding out all about them. On the Internet yeah -- you keep it almost technology innocent and popular. Before you each you know you go online and then the -- pictures all the friends see how they really are -- type of things they think and say. I like finding -- a person without knowing about them on the Internet. Think sometimes it's not how they really are you know like if I had looked at my. Like my FaceBook -- is very personal but it's a highly -- environment like my -- there you know -- not totally an accurate picture you'd basically think all ideas like read -- medium include inhabited you know -- it's not well. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Also I don't think we can all agree -- -- people. Ourselves we will we put up on -- know what we kind of think or project ourselves to be which isn't always the real person. Yeah now it's definitely not and I don't wanna know about that trip he went on a month ago or six months ago and then. When asked what you've done lately the person tells me oh I was in Hawaii and I'm like I knew that -- -- -- but I can't seem to think they're as I know that yeah. I can't say I know they -- a much can you -- I know they ate at the -- -- -- brought. And -- be honestly girls. Where's -- we're Stockard aligning here we -- not -- is the only reason that we wanna be a friend you immediately is nothing you can find out about us it's a that we -- find out all about you what that's of the -- -- because you apparently are good at your privacy -- Yeah I know why it thought -- that's a tough one I don't believe -- after two -- I think we're officially dating. A new friend each other but if you discount like on an out like -- solely in Cuba it's an industry again well let's keep it human -- go digital later. We'll go analog right now. Pencil like tell me about it it. The docket saying yeah we can't don't really know everything winning Google search -- -- department and that yes totally okay. I that's it for us today everybody but I feel free to post your own computer allowed comments in out our blog BOL dot cnet.com call -- -- -- and it's excellent 6638. An email us -- that unit dot com just that you know though I will not be here on Monday. -- -- -- -- -- shoddy it's your birthday -- body like this event -- don't know we actually got to talk to listen and think about that we muted. You get to bond with that he sent. Anyway I -- the -- -- Tuesday after I -- super. Preston glowing from my holiday oh. Then that in the meantime guide you consent check out our show notes at below that cnet.com all the links of all the -- we talked about. 806 -- 663 you can polyps. And -- that you don't know. -- media and. It's Friday that it may have -- and I didn't opposite number the -- are at the -- -- as good.

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