Ep. 1465: I left TiVo because TiVo left me
Ep. 1465: I left TiVo because TiVo left me

Ep. 1465: I left TiVo because TiVo left me

Today is Monday may ninth 2011 mining Steve -- I am -- and am Molly Wood and. To buzz out loud -- -- -- didn't -- think that that -- -- that -- to safety and who chairs this show mentally and tackle this diagonal that they need to keep taking these weak the that we can and public happy reunion -- with the band getting back together everyone's like. Weren't so. -- like we were thinking on an ally react so the question question right -- the -- was the vacation will you know well needed you arrested. You back to back it was pretty amazing a little sleeping. But I -- back might be a little bit thrown -- Back Andy Andy here now I'm back and I got back -- Have a couple weekend in and that's a -- -- -- like under Al know you have. I'm all about the -- travelman comeback for companies that home and I got back in time -- -- fast which is really important here. The morning matinee I was tweeted about it -- -- mildly. At that was great and in case you're wondering about the keynote presentation and working on it a little last time I -- -- review -- Manhattan where and what happens well I -- dogged the doggie too MacBook Air via the argument MacBook -- awards and replace the solar wing element when you think people can expect to have potentially see it. -- -- And I'll have it -- it for tomorrow. Okay I am thinking of hasn't -- and are okay okay yeah we'll we'll we'll see I am I'm excited we'll have the what I -- -- -- spring vacation because viewed as a lot of critters. And there in life. I've never been an -- But but that's all say for now. Yeah exactly they submit -- Kelly to learn about all the variety of -- oiled wildlife knows boilers. -- -- we actually do the news again. After. Apparently. It was uncovered last week that BT was bright as usual. Now -- at least in this case about speculation that a breakaway group of anonymous members might have been responsible for the big package tacked on with the new PlayStation network. Now I guess the whole anonymous group is like splinter. But even if -- assuming that it could be called -- group in the first place. Now there is -- there's recruited top. Apparently civil war has broken out among the anonymous three -- -- -- -- -- So there's you know there was -- little leaks or indications that some of the members -- left kind of part of their. There -- messages -- mission statement on Sony servers it wasn't really the I don't you I'd almost say what -- -- it's the OG anonymous. The members of the anonymous -- they were early part of that -- but it was kind of some of these newer members. With a different philosophy that conflicts with. Kind of the purpose of how anonymous started -- the message boards and -- now there's -- behind it and what it happy and is this one of the Rogue operators. Username I guess -- -- is Ryan. The key area in general they got very very scary -- -- Verizon accused of stealing the IP addresses and passwords. To users on two anonymous sites. Before launching a denial of service attacks against them on and on -- Not net enough dot are year old -- about -- both sides are used by anonymous to provide communication services. Such entirety chat between members and they were key those two sides were -- in organizing activity like Operation Payback which was against arguably an antipiracy groups. They also -- -- and launching the anonymous activity and support a -- a present in Tunisia Egypt and ongoing protest and Syria. And now former admin. Isn't it this -- -- irritant -- The former add me and its -- -- Storm nerd though only in -- Blair again and our Q all. Declared themselves quotes roof -- sorry for the drama and issued the following morning to anonymous members urging them to steer clear of despite. Is that we would strongly advise our users to stay away from a non -- dot net and an on off dot RU and they should be considered a compromise. You know this whether it's anonymous or any type of group or. Large amount of individuals that are sixteen year old males. You gonna have stuff is happening. If there is no such thing -- organized. When you get a bunch of boys. Okay -- there's probably some men in their but yeah it doesn't matter I mean it's always been an anarchist group it's always been headless in the sense that there was no leadership -- centralized leadership and and this is big -- basically now -- sort of it's turning on itself you know which is not actually that the right now. Why it was never really gonna be the hero like police the Internet police horse that we expected to be that some people made -- -- -- -- However it seems that. Although they may have had plans to attack Sony again over the weekend which is exclusively reported by CNET news.com last week. It looks like Sony may have actually headed off. You hate -- -- -- at least shut down this one and yet stop them from -- and reported that there are -- -- another tack because of Sony's and a lackluster response in their opinion of how they apologize and reacted to the whole situation. So the hackers were at the time planning another wave of attacks but. Insiders -- side of the Internet relay chat channel that -- used by attackers that told us information. Said that the servers. Or one of the servers that they had access to. Was no longer available. Right so Sony looks like they reacted. Maybe they were and what have Sony was actually scooped by -- story. Don't you read this on CNET and -- to get on this and we were anticipating actually that's why our stories says yeah they allude to that CNET has learned that our publication of the group's planned may have caused Sony to secure their meaning servers. This that the groups that it had access -- and Sony at the time had alluded to the point that we would see the PlayStation network back up. Ideally by the end of where this most recent weekend. That didn't happen in part of this may have been for them to beef up their servers they heard about this but now. The word on the street according to one of Sony spokespeople is that they're places -- -- and curiosity services the -- remained shut down the restart is still uncertain. And they plan to restore the service service is fully. This may be before but -- deadline date may 31. Hall we. This is the first time -- Sony makes it sound like that they've used this may 31. Date before. But from all of us following this this is the first time where they've actually set down a physical being of a we're gonna go by may 31 everyone thought to be within a week or two -- -- about. About a money -- shut down yet and only about a month the -- You are lucky -- be almost six weeks of total shutdown time in April 19 impact yeah I -- -- I mean that. That is a major major -- thing though. And -- he talked about elastic but I really like Howard Stringer letter I was glad they finally put out that kind of communication about it you know. And it sounds like they're trying to be more transparent -- are against Britain on my name and her awhile yet and it also hurts the game developers who are releasing games high profile games during this time. And -- It it trickles all the way down at the Sony platform people might be like okay I already have an Xbox I'm not -- -- the cylinders now Leo Xbox and one. I mean if you're you know if you're ready to start playing a game and it's a game that's unavailable on multiple console. That can definitely a factor prime minister and there's no question and they're not even trying to pretend that it not. It's hard because I feel like we've been beating everyone to death with -- -- story but it keeps on it keeps on -- developing keeps on don't. One other thing that keeps on going promises promises and now that eventually Comcast customers are gonna get a Tivo set top box and end when a Comcast bought an antivirus software on -- hold your breath or. Yet it in fact that one unlike the DirecTV UN where they keep promising it promising and never delivering at least we now have news. The that in income and account yet gone gases officially scrapped. They're Tivo set top deal. And we do you know if you were called back somewhere around 2000 summer so they did have a trial run in the New England Boston area for a contest you and everyone was so excited -- -- like it's -- mean. We're gonna see this being rolled out in never got beyond that in -- -- wondering what was gonna happen so they've killed the release -- we will not see. TiVo's interface on a Comcast box but what Comcast is doing as they haven't really it's really you know reached a new kind of agreement. To deliver their on demand extended ETV content on Tivo premiere set top boxes. It. I'd like how to get the -- little confetti found in the world and they need it and Internet public. In the death has not even while popularity is now -- at -- thing -- parties over. And there. The party is over for Tivo I think -- I really do think that this is just like this is one of I mean. I got U verse this week. You what you would uber for the first time. -- -- years I mean -- literally had a Tivo and actually longer have had it he doesn't like. 99 or 2000. I do not have a -- The premier killed if oriented and it and -- -- and their own attitude I mean they've just I give up on Tivo with -- give up on me a -- maintenance stopped. Delivering they would you know I mean you can't promise but DirecTV box for five years you can't -- -- that you can't -- -- -- I mean that's it and stay right you can't test Comcast TiVo's in New England for four years and then never deliver anything more than that -- you can't. Put out a premiere that half baked and never update the software you need just it's not. They're not thinking of the customer or if they are -- do and it. All wrong the thing that sucks for me those that I that I love and hate Tivo -- -- they should be doing more they should be bad as they should update the system for older Tivo boxes but it. I still like using it Canada's slow and clunky and who isn't -- -- -- if you really like the U -- experience and maybe I might give it a try I don't know. I have to say so far. I'm pretty impressed and -- are actually things about the U -- DVR. And this is the thing that -- has always has had to watch its back about relic they would have the best interface but they haven't done anything with an interface is significant in ten -- he. Or longer and there -- -- about that you bursting -- that I actually like it better for example it has navigational tabs across the top so when you need to get multiple menus deep. You don't have to like gold -- -- totally new idea and you literally can go like boom boom boom boom boom this is -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- this is a whole new -- The -- -- at the heartbreaking time for Tivo but you know what they have only themselves to -- And yet not on demand library into the -- that's actually pretty exciting that kind of cool or whatever but that's not gonna be enough to make people buy that -- -- -- let them -- no way. It was always about those deals implement on the map for five years meaning in an on an in care. I don't think they cared enough to eliminate understood I don't know. I'm so they'd -- -- their patents let's just like a leadership issue -- -- -- -- buddy -- half billion from Echostar yeah yeah duper but. I think it's too little to -- -- lot of customers. -- -- little icon that happy note -- Well we you know when we come back -- will be talking about happier things like violence. At an Apple Store in China and I tell -- that so loyal lets you -- it was should down after the break out. Welcome back to buzz allowed on this beautiful Molly Wood Monday day money back in the house back with a team had this guy is. -- -- -- Generally in line and line and a minute -- in a while I don't -- of an eyeball like five times and put on them make up that morning hourly I'm not a new anymore. -- muscle atrophy wow aren't yet -- that out my mascara muffled or not what they work. RI. People need a lot of muscle over the weekend because in bay at bay Beijing's Apple Store. See it this is one thing you don't ever do no matter who you are Apple decided to release the iPad to. And the white iPhone four last weekend on the same day now if you guys have to even take a look at this picture arm from an article. That's not a Justin Bieber concert yeah that is the lines for the iPhone iPhone four -- in iPad two so what happened is going to witnesses. A man thought to be -- scalpers with trying to cut in line to make you to penalize people make multiple purchases resell them at higher prices. Three security guards and an Apple manager tried to escort him away. Then to the employees were foreigners and -- a while the man was taken away people started shoving each other and shouting match erupted. And Apple played a member of the scalpers family were part of it the situation escalated Apple guards then shut down. Locked the front door and -- we're not having and its people who got pissed. So group then rushed at the entrance. Shook the glass to hold her until it shattered that -- -- -- And metal -- was seen following from the door he's a security guard on the head that. Humans UN and suffered minor injuries in the clash one. And then they closed the store first several hours although they -- -- the confrontation was resolved. Peacefully that did they have to I think that shut it down. It was okay -- the yeah let's close the public on Saturday to repair the door that -- -- up. Cooled down that if pick the for indoor is that by Sunday Apple had resumed normal business hours lines for the iPad two and white iPhone -- were visibly shorter. Then the previous few days -- -- because the front door of glass shattered yet and maybe purely you know -- maybe it is not worth it because they're just little dinky computer. Maybe I suspend my Sunday with my mother didn't celebrate -- -- island rat has an anti -- of those when supply and demand goes wrong Apple edition of that the -- have been as you out there meanwhile is that just steps away from the Apple Store which had visibly shorter lines the gray market for iPad and iPod continued to -- On Sunday with -- hot -- freshly purchased product for sale. Still package with Apple's signature white shopping -- Some Albert offered passers by receipt indicating -- -- purchases. While the main thing is like you're gonna be -- -- when things don't be trying to cut the line would what's the point glad they got -- -- Trying to cut the lying. But look into line team also I'm sorry that's it now and that is media manipulation and marketing manipulation gone horribly around me know that there is demanding. Steve Jobs ended -- physically well I need my I. -- -- -- -- -- Six. It's work in it is -- everyday there is that -- that there and the parliament hearing. -- -- because Apple for the first time. Has overtaken. Search engine giant Google to become the world's most valuable. Brand. The Apple brand value climbed 84% in the past -- to a 153. Point three billion dollars. According to -- WPP PLC. In a report -- Google's brand lost 2% 211 point five billion dollars. I'm not even really sure what the brand thing means it's not it's not necessarily about. Amount that they make I don't think it's like yeah combination of like the marketing value consumer awareness and how many you know -- -- -- is valued at and when you total that up how much do they -- you know -- have a footprint and brand recognition -- have -- So by comparison FaceBook. Has. A nineteen point one billion dollar brand value their number 35 in the world and -- you know that would make sense is when you talk about world right you have China. He's using like. Other other networks I forgot what -- network there and a social network over their China's called. But instead of even using Google to use -- so grant went -- and -- worldwide app -- it's not really that surprising. -- the Amazon is the most valuable retail brand twelve of the top 100 -- from China. And that does explain why Google did like you said lost that first. First place mark although. Apple clearly as we have seen for an amazing story not having any problems and that -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- HP of all company that's getting into the prepaid data game which is totally. It's fascinating the service -- HP branded it's called data passed. And it lets you buy three G service from your laptop or your laptop using Sprint's back. And a coup for sprint and in time adjusting -- if you buy elegant UHP machine apparently there are also showing off like a -- Series of third MacBook clones today Aaliyah are presented their new hardware -- -- from that presumably all have 3-D built in yet there's no contract plants are five dollars for Sony five megs didn't and you know that which -- small and then stretch up to thirty gigs for one to thirty dollars for one -- -- they say that the 75 -- they think is enough for about five hours of -- so -- in Armenia could -- could -- of -- instead of like airport -- -- you know for five -- -- five dollars I'm not so bad about it and -- they say it it should be an -- across their -- -- didn't -- -- Yeah also cut its -- cool. We know how they're looking to hire thousands of thousand more employees this year supposedly they've kind of put out the -- and everyone just trying to rush to get into Google's doors. They also announced they're gonna be planning to build. Their own office space recently they've been acquired a lot of office space because the need to store them all his employees that they keep on -- -- onboard Google has hired. In general in architects a German firm and they released the specialized. In -- sustainable buildings using energy green designs and they've developed a lot of different -- but their -- take over. This large area in Mountain View thirty million dollar least nine point four acres near shoreline boulevard. Whoa. That's gonna be massive and -- and they already have the gigantic Googleplex with houses more than 65 in mountain via lake area have so they have 65 buildings alone. Does that -- -- what they've you know what they have already in the Googleplex and they've Googleplex proper. And then they're just out there out of space yes so they say constructively starting as early point twelve but. You have to -- by a lot more buildings before than just the store all the monkeys -- it was it's fascinating in that book actually have. Of -- but -- like -- talked about how though during the -- the big tech bust. Google is right there like Donald John Manley is buying -- real estate left and right so as companies would leave they -- in fact one of the the buildings that they're looking into buying is on Fairchild drive just west of one a one formerly occupied by Nokia. As well as being nearby former Netscape headquarters -- -- three and get back to your literally that the -- all the dead soldiers. This is -- and it runs -- Leno -- Google's pay no real logos. Sorry dot and this is the three that I'm telling you to be acting quickly to the -- Amazon cloud player -- guy is now works with IOS -- kind of so. We don't work out a few workarounds but if you do launch the Amazon cloud player there is a warning that tells you this may not be the best optimize experienced a try -- out. You -- -- songs but it. You can it's a lease on my iPad right now you can't scroll -- -- -- -- I have -- 187 songs than I can only see like thirty of them right now on there was no page term but. If you click on the song -- -- it it actually plays. Before you had to and a launch -- it as -- it was like a multimedia file be downloaded but. Capital works is that the fireworks at ten scanner. Windows phone seven cats are not keeping up with the joneses. Turn by turn directions which I OS still does not have -- and now. Voice to text and it being audio slash vision are all coming to windows phone seven mango. -- -- Among -- all. -- -- -- of them but it's built into Bing which is actually pretty awesome -- -- the Zune marketplace is member of that service where the song is playing you can hold up your phone and openly with lung it is meant. Offering a link to buy it and then being vision vision of the full blown image scanner I -- that uses the phone's built in camera. Which is -- the -- can detect and identify and search using bar -- -- not tagged you -- CDs dvds books and. Also SMS dictation you know use that on an Android phone all of the type that constantly Alice never I mean I literally I'm -- person who watched through a crowded -- or -- like. But the outcome of -- exclamation point thing. Also Angry Birds developer of their -- -- IEP yeah oh. In three to four years because if they haven't -- taken the world over with their -- like 100 -- fifty million downloads. It they plan on making it even of the day number one within three years they wanna become the world's leading entertainment brand that seems highly likely we -- -- when -- we talked about how. About other than hello cutie and what was the other brand something else and -- number one knock off brand and generate -- -- really. That's how you know you may -- -- saying orderly. My my cousin in Alaska who has it doesn't have -- barely -- -- the computer but in Arabic TV here and think he got the iPad and Angry Birds. It up -- -- I would send him an iPad with Angry Birds on it except that he might like never make it work at. Is completely Catholic what do you this or find -- high. -- News from the lower 48 buddy you're you're not alone. The hub of -- -- level -- commitment is that it -- -- group and is partnering up with live nation avenue joint venture to develop a new online ticketing. -- service they're calling it group -- live. And it'll be like this local resource for live nation events ranging from concerts sports theater arts and other alignment and clients and that of Ticketmaster which I gotta say. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Also -- -- early double twist users. This is that this is -- and I'm not even an Android user double -- the app now. -- -- you pay for 99 kind of like to get these additional features you have the ability to stream your content directly to an Apple TV box. And computers using Windows Media Player twelve also. For multiple Android devices using the newest version of double twist you'll also be able to send a file. Like a song or video from one to another I'm not sure if it's specific to -- NFC chip enabled phones -- there's still not too many out there. Or if -- due considerably to the Wi-Fi connection but that is also an of the B two -- Apple -- -- That's pretty adamant that -- it says both phones must be even though it uses Wi-Fi or Bluetooth to use that most mobile phones must be enabled with -- Analyze that in -- but basically double twist. When it's awesome its like they -- -- iTunes for Android but it better that no matter. Pressure. Speaking of better. Let's look at them pretty cool little against all kind. Or maybe not about little actually in this case I'm not there's not. The -- not a little gadget now AT&T is finally getting its first four G -- how adorable. All. And it is the gigantic door. Samsung infused forgy not so you've heard of like four inch screens and four point three inch -- this is a four point five. I'll. Led screen Bonnie -- reviews she actually loved it alive it's awesome -- announced the Google -- synthetic. I think women are totally fine with the giant -- that that was a million times that we carry on bag agree that it like not a pocket issue and I am totally -- not to linger at the I think. The -- is for my for men specifically the large amount of men and some Cisco that we're skinny jeans. As you ain't gonna be able and your thigh with a four point five inch screen find your skinny jeans good you know let. Did you know what if they go would not the big phone. Skinny gave dvd and -- I don't -- bottlers skinny jeans trust me trust can we can't see below the -- here but -- I'm not -- -- In a few -- of your content. We can keep your entire. -- is not why are you doing that it's like. And really when a guy is that when a -- like. Calves and ankles are skinny here. And his like you know waist area. It's not it's not -- -- now and I'm not looking for me personally I'm just I've just heard. Well let's -- it unavoidable sometimes big dam billboard. I don't need to -- that I don't. I don't even underneath my child at the ballot put it away guys -- Norman amber and I -- showcase the legs are skinnier than girl's legs that TO that's a huge issue I do not that I have personally. -- he had sent anyway back to the infused orgy it. And then I. Did doubly Liverpool like we've been added to AT and his birth or Gphone the big downside of that -- -- Huge wonderful amazing phone with a gain -- displayed whenever and -- -- HDMI out. Long trying to make their own skinny right Alltel I have to admit I don't I personally I actually don't get that big deal an -- Also if you wanna check out some cool gadgets gaining tons of moment that -- you would you open your mouth Oracle. -- general decided it comes with a copy of Angry Birds that has a hidden level only available to infuse donors. How -- plenty of out of -- that should. I'm glad I was here but I honestly dot it was something important -- -- on or am -- but you're like so excited. Right now who. -- -- Samsung galaxy is still. Amazingly enough without any pre orders or expect the release date -- US has gained. Over three million pre -- this is -- hot phone in Korea another super slim super skinny four point three inch Android based phone. It's kind of being touted as. Even at right now to -- one of the hottest best feature rich phones on the market we still -- C in the US but Samsung. -- at. -- -- galaxy S was -- hugely successful on that was the on the basically enabled -- content topped Motorola as the number one seller of Android phones. -- the program -- It but. But there's nothing you rod you bought and there's nothing wrong with the phone itself -- literally just -- on Verizon it was ruined with netware. And so it and and there have been rumors that -- like kind of gonna put us out -- -- -- this thing comes. To the US without some of that without being preinstalled on Verizon and things like that I mean it's amazing hardware and -- out fifty who is. Like four G in even more often him. Also -- follows some of the news that. Does occasionally see how that galaxy is doing overseas verses like -- that phone that -- cancel time out the iPhone. It's beating out iPhone pre orders in Treo where it's sold pre sold an axis of 120000 units and. Perseus yeah look for that to continue to -- it's really it. -- -- -- Makes ninety's and I need -- yes it's -- that are gonna want. -- let's move on to science news. So everybody knows that. Those kids that like to -- pay attention and -- -- like -- -- -- like me like I'm typing and talking in time and it down and whatever well it turns out. That the reason that we're so easily distracted from the task and there is actually it physically bored driving -- -- -- and time aboard and looked -- them. -- -- -- -- -- -- have to -- brain. -- and I'm glad it didn't do much to bring the funny thing is it's not actually that these people are too smart -- -- what callable at the researchers found is that literally it is and back. Too much greatly too much gray matter in certain volume. Certain areas of the rates are too high a volume so I can. It's fascinating -- image to people's brains birthday assessed. They're distract ability about by quizzing them to think about how often they failed to notice road signs how often ignored the supermarkets and become sidetracked the point that forget what they came -- -- -- And then the image to the volunteers brains using a structural MRI scanner. They have the most obvious difference between the most easily distracted and the least easily distracted was the actual volume of gray matter. In the region of the brain known as the left superior bridal. Those that we're the most easily distracted had more gray matter -- I actually think this study is amazing because seeing guys now when your lady or your significant other -- ever. Says pay attention to mean I think they'll demand and smarter than you about now -- is that it -- so that you went brain managed. I got too -- -- honest a mistake. My brain is bigger than yours get over it. Terrifying navigate than the -- dig into that we'd love today to distract wired to -- get the ADHD and then I'll be like -- we did -- do little brain liposuction. Look out an agreement they will not be -- Like in. Starship students went. They actually -- death or -- they actually suggests that. A greater volume of gray matter -- indicating less mature brain. Perhaps reflecting a mild developmental malfunction and that theory. It would fit in with the observation that children are more easily distracted then adults commitment to public access matters though because and as you grow up. -- you just killed my plan announced distill -- and now I really want it I -- I really wanted it to me like smart opinion but you know if you or are they an -- too much brain. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Anything crazy crazy science news phased out are I -- -- is still -- see what's on our little happy. -- Molly was so sad about this he -- -- like I don't know what would memorial on vacation on vacation -- -- -- -- got producer tap that cellulose. They're gonna talk about this -- and navigate the you'll wonder that is planetarium and so cool -- it is my brother Lincoln have been scattered and easily confused her out. And it's an iPad -- that clicking galaxies style visualize or for the music on your iPad it's free and it. It launched like does it just launched early this month and it is I mean I've seen this thing everywhere look like on CNBC's. And it's all over the place and it -- it literally turns. The music on your iPad into this 3-D interface where. It's a universe and every planet is an album when -- -- these are all these are -- artists and then I click on an artist here. Not that I was in the Blink-182 easily be an add on songs they're fun they're like mini planets that hover around the sun album -- And then you can -- fed it to -- -- -- there's all these stars and it's just. It's a sweet visualization. Of your music -- it figures there's American -- -- where's my songs on it. If they don't have it unanimously and -- -- on let's go here. The Rio are right see here's an example here's an album cut it up your pants and you know I mean -- -- -- what on earth. So now this is the actual songs to take this out. In the rings around this planet. You'll see it increase in size yet -- can zoom out and that's the whole ring and everything and all the songs are plotted on the ring. And then you can zoom into it I mean its its -- -- -- With the fact is the irony here with look at that menaces like beautifully rendered planet Linda said it has been -- all I love that it. It's so in fame and then I I after nearly you guys you all know how I feel about DJ. And not deputies -- the -- and the guy but again the -- baby blue velour outfit but I gotta say -- -- dvds bag have a little dongle or nearing iPad display in the near the iPad display on the Big Three like move. Written making the planet moving its zooming through the -- the -- I think things like I would be like. That's not dvds bag that -- and -- Good job planetary and it let me remind you that -- happen to -- my iPad I don't know how it got there it's not -- -- that -- and -- like -- like -- You know I would try to show use something cool and it was -- -- -- Don't -- I could have picked something sappy here but you know. Because there -- mean I'm not gonna show you my secrets of brilliantly display actually I don't even know if it's on I've an argument -- -- for iPad. Yeah it's absolutely gorgeous -- It and if Angry Birds of music visualization software. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- And I put music on my iPad because of this this could be an iPad -- to get girls. I'm just saying no serious are you her -- that amount needed each bag and if that new -- win me over -- those I Kentucky eager. Absolutely -- selling cool happy ending is Osama bin Laden's hideout recreated in counter strike three. Honestly what took so law. This is amazing so. Already flexible -- there's some screen shots of the compound the triple. Three story house in the center. This is. How I got it remarkable that they were able to get it done in this level of -- -- this quickly and in fact they said the ratings -- already been positive. And the mining community game banana have been commie tethered down down and switching calls too soon. -- coal mine at a little that you you have the link up at all them -- -- -- but now and in the in the chat room here. This you guys have see this it's like. Fully rendered very detailed. It was -- That they got that an immediate really -- details is pretty remarkable how the -- of these photos weren't available with a little sketch -- the details so as not. Your your -- your attitude canceled again and crazy yeah I got one of those like are you watching -- -- -- -- -- -- was like O'Donnell. You know what happen. Because it's -- -- fairly fully realize these images of pretty nineties. An -- -- program that now. -- -- Or dislike Intel's kind of a Monday. I know I'm big I'm not exactly sure what to -- about it and on the one handed and slightly port -- but he man -- handling of the earth. And an -- clearly are like let's play it. You none of its -- taste but it's kind of like it feels a little like ruling but look at the same time and answer how to build out exactly except that it impressively -- And that's that good call let's will expect your feedback on this -- this topic tomorrow this. We'll -- -- but in the meantime let of it that other feedback. Well your voice -- I'm -- if there were almost. With almost cell like way too long we got there we go along lines we had villains but you can't you really just -- really cumulative 45 -- I don't explain the story that we talked about to say I think in a reference to. -- -- -- -- -- -- Peace yeah that takes a like Tony segments he has finally talked about it if need be waking it up for -- and helping out the yeah it. But do you keep callers one and it's excellent sixty victory is our front -- onto the emails Melvin from the -- -- wants to clear up. The deal about anonymous is that its ties something's getting on -- -- a little bit -- statements like. Anonymous came out and said and other treatment of anonymous as being an organized group of scary hackers -- -- the media love this view but it's a sensationalist approach. The background and -- on anonymous is -- that it all started on certain kind of message board where everybody posted anonymously. The lack of distinction between people -- the whole community a single personality based on the way they would all post act and think -- that community is what is now known that anonymous. Sometimes a lot of these anonymous people agree that a certain group should be punished for its actions or at least have them brought to light Steve Scientology's. Sometimes someone posts let's -- prank act and -- catches on. There's no membership no official statements there's people posting those. But frankly they're usually teenagers like to think -- some part of some Internet mafia and that are referred to you rather unkindly. By many in this community these teenagers who try to post the official statement is that I -- I -- -- good enough job of explaining it -- me a lot of looking into it to grasp the concept myself. -- -- but the seems to be the general content. Okay which -- kind of I think as we've described. A little bit like headless. It -- I don't know that we've really categorize it as like a really. Well fine -- will allow any machine you know -- they real strong structure percent now. But okay David thank you can't think for -- -- Thanks. Also this -- comes from Toepfer. From under a lot contained in response to -- -- episode 1464 about the I just wanna say that my local theater has had these for the past couple years the first movie released with. Fast and furious. And fast five was awesome in these seats. -- -- -- Tell me where the theater -- ago I wanna go right now register -- -- -- in disease. You know low stuff Stephen in the trunk if not possible. -- -- be impossible. There's no strong space their -- -- -- it mean in the the avenue Washington last -- that he got -- to date about it. On a -- united if that's on that -- -- answer to. Ethos that. Keeping good data ideas -- developed you have voted gain it back out of line. Like that and everybody in thick and sixty to create the blogger publisher and it -- be -- -- cnet.com. -- -- -- -- -- Email us at the buzz at cnet.com decent little idea of listening and okay analyst Jeff and I will see you guys -- The fewest. Number of an active. And it does.

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