Ep. 1451: Apple: finish Samsung!!
Ep. 1451: Apple: finish Samsung!!

Ep. 1451: Apple: finish Samsung!!

Today's Tuesday April 19 2011 my -- Steven -- of. Hi. I'm -- -- -- -- -- -- -- It and Hollywood welcome to -- indeterminate length attempts at 1450 -- Brian Todd has quite a little I don't call it a Mortal Kombat. Hang a markedly really have a -- -- I'm a big problem okay so we're gonna -- out here to talk about ridiculous things that we've been doing that. -- literally the past 24 hours so Mortal Kombat and I know that people are like just tell your site by an -- we'll get the actual tech news we really will Mortal Kombat launch last night. And I went and this is that iconic franchise. Everyone that in plain view games -- knows anything remotely about sub zero scorpion -- well a little like a British team of they would they would totally get incidents. So I went to the lion. A line at 11:30 PM for the midnight release and there were over. Few 125. So we walked in the I get my mortal and there's like always posters and people playing the game on a kiosk I want and I get my Mortal -- box about the tournament edition which has the huge arcade joystick that is as wide as the screen theory -- -- -- -- its arcade stick. I walk out and I hear some -- go to. Turn static. And my friends that let me my girlfriend. Her brother and his -- -- product clan like by people who were innocent bystanders as wanted to hang out -- -- via Wii to get home wind up plane. Blinded -- up till 3:45 AM he saw my last. If you saw my did you read you. I have I sit up to 345 of my mates are to come out as early this site was prepped for the so I told -- like. I'm good for the -- identity -- morning like everything's going to be fine make it but I like -- than the dock. -- -- only -- with my laptop last night hot and 1130 at night in he had beaten in line for the game -- a -- of certain. I know I now think a lot. -- man so. And that was. Here's my quick synopsis synopsis if you're alt M and -- and -- love this if you're new and there's so much content diseases like seven -- story mode. There's this cool feature where you complaint King of the Hill where their retreat like an -- environment where we've lost the whole thing -- -- a bunch of strangers watching people play in talking crap about each other via that is there now night and you wait in line to -- everyone like pre Q whatever. Ultimately this is an unbelievable fun game and it's. We weekly the best players and it with a two -- -- often be utilized really. I didn't even though I need and -- some special moves sounds like I'm just Jesus I have no idea issues. And everyone laughed and it is but matching -- -- but -- -- so check out the game that's my little ridiculous night but I found out that. I wasn't the only one that has been some ridiculous things recently so I'd like to turn. The camera over to my premise Hollywood you know portal two is not one that's big news portal -- Apple is evident that unless I was on the topic now I -- portal two is an amazing game pretty Britain Sweden we'll see you okay so religion we're gonna go back to -- About on something -- you Molly could your reality show list shell out and portal if a case that we get the weekend that can you tell us you know what might have leaked out in our in -- morning meeting today. Because there's a story in a rundown that's related to -- -- fun -- -- That one or the fact that then I'm sold that they discontinued the thirty dollar discount I -- -- I just bought. -- -- I turned my head I said it well -- okay. IPhoto. Okay comes on your machine imovie all of a sudden I had in my demo realign our when you start buying -- That's a whole different level you are now. The Kool -- has started to intravenous and we'll be answered and I'm just getting my so small -- can you rationalize this YA. I love it and why you did this because I was -- an -- that in -- passing -- to realize is that I'm like. That's. Like I thought they might keynote last night. And I literally is like old. And I isn't needed it's needed it ended deeper than -- and it's more beautiful and PowerPoint and -- anomaly if I had that would -- college I would in the master of presentation. But. I couldn't. -- -- Didn't register until publicly. To see that -- -- you know. All -- If the machine I use all the time now it is my -- -- and I just. It's shameful but it's totally -- -- the machine they -- all day everyday and it's way cheaper than PowerPoint in keynote and I need to do something very specific. With it and I hear the keynote really great news -- the file cross compatible. Okay then I mean right make. The sexy graphics and transitions -- that's -- -- -- -- you know but. In the mine so I send it to someone else -- -- apartment and I admit though -- -- able to view it. They just want some of the really killer transition that happened those across the transition. But yeah in the minds of some people -- Ehrlich. While I'm finished. You just lay down a fatality I did and you just. Reality -- State's ability. -- -- and so that's our ridiculous past the -- I felt a little bit like myself. Again over the weekend because I had an -- photo -- and rant about how it takes control all your photos and you -- if you're trying to -- -- upload them from your drive. US service that is not one of the one that I've noticed the support of -- like. -- why would you want uploaded to Kodak gallery because my friends already have an album their inimical share -- -- you can add that and then if you browse to the iPhoto library it's regain its grade out. It's great out because iPhoto. Give it you know it whenever it's an implementation of the Unix library structure that takes control and ownership of your photos like it doesn't need fuel. And you actually have to export them yet the photos -- As copies of the vote regarding this and iTunes on -- -- your iPad on your desktop or whatever yeah I mean hot hot. I remember this -- You know -- it's actually easier it was it is annoying I'm not I greet you but. I dislike the because dragon month my desktop like you don't have to go in the menu just like them dragon and then -- -- that nearly 95 copies of everything. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- And -- -- the copy of the -- 39 they're both easement -- space. Man it's it's ludicrous. It's it's you -- -- you know it tie in might be ludicrous but RT with ludicrous Mali but keynote. -- -- -- -- OK how about this hot August for a project that into Google get a second -- alien virus that today rather I'm gonna give you two weeks and buzz -- hold -- -- Let's have Molly make her first keynote presentation. And present it here on buzz -- L five slide presentation a five slide trees and these are -- -- chat room if you would like to see a five slide. Presentation in a keynote by Molly here in the -- -- in two weeks. Say yet what topic like my -- I don't -- -- and fortunate to my and my a vacation in my day. My love of technology -- yes yes hells yes do it seat. -- -- And -- thank you RM Molly will you read these terms when. Out here okay okay okay okay okay out -- we -- we -- and -- could feel free in the hourly brightness and other project I know I have a few weeks two weeks to me and it. It how about after -- I wait till after my trip okay fine I'm going a little vacation the first weekend. And we'll have and I can -- like my make it sent okay agreed and so the second week of -- friends. Molly's deadline. Her tech book report -- keynote presentation. Okay dear god I'm gonna get this. What is now -- -- -- news show. This is -- it. -- all. This -- It this year okay in the tech news today this is actually huge Apple has filed a patent lawsuit against Samsung over that doubt that very very successful. Galaxy line of phones and that -- tablet. The so that. It actually doesn't come as any surprise because when we -- put a bunch of prized by its recently we've outright called -- like. While that Samsung looks like the iPhone three yes and in fact. It's like -- -- Look -- look it looks like a 90% replication of it via from the design to the icons so they're suing because it's taking some of its lightness the -- -- the apps are laid out is like the Apple Apple's app icons or -- The back of the phone is kind of -- be -- Basil there if you scroll down on the article there's. A few pictures of what the actual phones look like so this is the galaxy S series. Of earlier tomorrow there you go. That -- -- I said it looks similar. It looks. Recently oh yeah definitely so their first complaints. The first complaint is trade dress which basically covers some of that stuff it covers the rectangular product shape with all four corners uniformly rounded. The front surface of the product dominated mainstream service with black border is substantial bipartisan above and below -- a -- even their packaging trade dress. They say that the rectangular box -- minimal metallic silver lettering and a large front view picture of the product. Prominently on the top surface of the box infringes -- their trademark. They're also going after the Samsung Galaxy Tab -- computer tablet as. Copying several of the elements from Apple as well. They rounded corners -- the -- the UI design. The way the phone is packaged with the doubt with the tab as well. Similar black borders. And array of icons yeah it's a little crazy and out of what it really make it's it's crazy -- makes -- even crazier is that. See there's one thing when you go and see -- -- file a lawsuit against a competitor. -- you really don't have many relationships -- business relationships with but Samsung provides a lot of components. That are part of Apple's products button one of the namely being -- -- state disk storage that is used in probably. 90% of their products from Samsung directly so you have this now you have this kind of relationship. They may they make everything from I mean it's amazing learning everything from the and that the iPhone iPod Touch Apple TV and I -- They make so many of the -- of this machine like they may as well be. The lungs heart and kidney of the iPod and they and their -- now and the taller and of this complaint is so. Brutal they're like. Instead -- pursuing independent product development Samsung has chosen to slavishly copying Apple's innovative technology distinctive user interfaces and elegant and distinctive product and packaging design. In violation of Apple's valuable intellectual property rights. -- They're just not messing around -- their fifteen different claims he got -- read it enemy action has been me I Patel. Part of a little gadget now of the next new whatever -- whatever they're doing and know -- -- -- engineering now. Has as usual and a great breakdown of each and every claim I mean he points out but the trade dress claims alone. The ones that deal with just the look the looks of it. Will cost both parties millions of dollars to litigate and that's just one of them and possibly not even Apple's strongest claim. The strongest claim is about that basically covers icon name Apple registered trademark and several -- system icons. And TouchWiz the Samsung interface includes six of them that look almost exactly. It is it is written and they really do in fact and -- throw this story unitary -- -- if you don't have it. But if you scroll down the they -- he put the icons right next to. And it is. Oh always said -- only said they lookalike we aren't kidding man look exactly American and -- now. Samsung though how they enter react to this -- Samsung is valley and a counter action. Over Apple's patent suit -- -- some respondents said the -- -- actively to this legal action taken against this through appropriate legal measures to protect. Our intellectual property yeah. And maybe they do point out also Apple is one of murky buyers of semi -- and display panel however we have no choice but to respond strongly. At this time and isn't gonna get ugly yeah I mean Apple we know that they've sued a lot of people on their lawsuits are often a big deal that this is -- -- it's and it's a unique one now mainly because these products are so successful Samsung -- they've already locked down that. Huge financial commitments in contracts to those in a play -- but what happens after that point. Is gonna be interesting to see them -- -- just comes down to a dollars and cents Samsung and Apple probably would be. Yeah -- we're going to work with each other because -- but now you throw this. New elements. Into the mix it's not it's not it obviously -- used to -- Yet it's this is a -- this relationship -- got a lot more unfriendly. And it makes you wonder actually what Apple has lined up in terms of alternate suppliers wouldn't let you wonder if they have been working on securing some alternate supply routes and then now they're like -- From time to soup and -- a minor stuff anymore. -- and a hard core -- -- on the other hand. Apple's lawsuits against HTC and Nokia are ongoing. But the staff of a US international trade commission has recommended that eight -- the Nokia should not be found -- infringing those particular patent. They said at the start of -- -- trial in Washington today Apple is actually seeking to ban imports of the phones made by HTC and Nokia. -- outlook like. Not messing around right they are -- -- the tech world with. Serious lawsuits right now but at least the ITC. It right now -- saying that there's sort of in a narrow enough distinction. Between that. But basically it's too hard argument that they actually in for. It's all all these -- of these companies going after and just they go back one gripping Samsung did say that they have. They have information that's credible to show that Apple could impotency ripped off some of their wireless -- as well -- that they were gonna you know use that is part of their you know legal action. But going back to the story how all these companies are suing each other. And ITC judge last month so that Apple wasn't infringing on Nokia's patents and because Nokia -- -- C are all going after each other. Everyone all these three kids in the digital sandbox. Just need to put their shovels in the middle and just be like a -- create your -- -- castle. Basically and -- we'll see what happens and that they're and they're saying and this is what's also really suggesting is that some of that the Apple patents for signal processing that it's using to attack both companies. They're saying -- advances in these technologies have made the patent moved that's at least one and Nokia -- -- saying and that the Apple iPhone doesn't practice the patent. Which is a whole other level of you know I mean it's like. It's it's what we talked about where -- is becoming a patent lawsuit stalemate. It's it's good -- precedent if the you know -- this thing doesn't go through. That people like Paul Allen who are resting on these -- that are insignificant in today's -- mobile social real time communication world. And as well as some of these little petty things that these mobile writers -- our mobile companies are going against each other with. The illegals is -- a saint you know you guys just don't have a good enough argument to make this happen -- -- -- -- open -- because the more they keep on sending it down. There are cases where people blatantly rip -- -- you know information. Graphic design design elements and you know specs behind the scenes but this is not one of those cases. Yet it's really not back to the Samsung case at least realize saying that taken as a group the sixteenth -- claimed that Apple -- and Samsung do you feel like a remarkably. Politics. That they may not be able in -- So maybe Apple -- albums when an island -- and maybe they can -- but anyway union -- I don't know if it gets a little and all of the -- of the key constant copyright war it's. Also in the news today the Wall Street Journal in -- The Wall Street Journal on -- headlines lately how lot of headlines as one time journal which date to love. That actually has -- Like they have this really cool story about. The some university teaming up with NASA to it -- for the first let you -- Colombia to for the first time in investigate. The viability of colonization of space right and the headline was. Like you'll need it and it'll take a moon shot to pass this class. But at that. Anyway. In this random story where they say to return to widen appeal to more users which at least has -- -- -- -- goods -- whole. -- the drive me crazy lately maybe it's just because of what we do right we've -- but we'll have mind in anyway. -- in the seventh paragraph -- -- They mention. That Twitter is in advanced talks to purchase tweet deck for around 59 dollars -- In a seven prior mystery about how -- -- of people. In addition of that going on in the journal of -- world. In addition of that. The article also discusses some kind of -- -- more important things how Twitter. Is also trying to organize things more locally and highlight tweets from people -- geographic regions the -- from politicians and musicians so. There are elliptical sees some sort of additional bar or tab that is more localized to Twitter posts that are relevant to you which is -- it. And one of the main things that Twitter is still haven't challenges people -- know what Twitter is but not -- real -- feels that it's useful for. Yeah -- -- -- unit will help that to a certain degree. Absolutely. Although it sounds -- some of the things they're talking about -- a tiny bit might. Blake I don't think that making it a little more heavy heavily oriented -- celebrities and and. -- They say they're -- make the breadth of content more visible the first time visitors than they can easily discover information about stocks sports and other organization out of and individuals that they care about. I'm just one possibility is showcasing three by well known people or organizations located in the -- region not -- localization but if it's displayed in our from certain types of users. That's an athletes and these are simply totally downplay. That MySpace redesign where you went there it was like oh there's Rihanna a month and -- -- -- -- try and tell people Twitter is not about celebrities and if this is like a featured column gray area okay you know it it is about and it basically says like here's another interesting content but it's not. I -- Twitter works -- I think in some ways Twitter works best when everyone is contributing -- if you encourage people to consume more than contribute and Twitter becomes a little bit more it just becomes. A celebrity playground again you know but it has always been kind of the dirty little secret of Twitter that it's not -- fun. If you don't know if you don't have a lot of followers we don't know you're doing when you first get -- like. It. Also just be clear this is all part of the kind of new collection of initiatives that have returned to the company along with line. -- -- Wait so you're saying this might be a vision for that particular night rather quietly -- -- -- that this could be from that tech will reach -- -- Dahlia this is these there it did that moves come as. Jack -- Formally returns -- product chief. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I think -- -- -- -- -- and I think I think that Jones actually over for attorney and I Caroline McCarthy is wondering if in fact there isn't bidding -- a retreat to -- if if Twitter is getting fifty million dollars and -- out of that -- media I guess -- -- added in their honor and I'm working on -- but. FaceBook Akron. Really good idea at 1050 -- in the banks even there you go -- strategic. Daughter nobody still an idea. But that's for Steve he has dibs on this but back. I Wii are gonna take a quick break while he worked on his business plan -- come back. New moves for Netflix. Pretty good gadget I think at least on the Nintendo Wii and a surprising little -- -- and to get to -- Welcome back to buzz out loud it. Joining me in the studio this Hollywood talent show Manson effects David -- -- Attic -- -- and the border right dependent on our right. The mortal commenting -- still hear the keynote hangovers -- here yet but what's next up for Netflix. Family plans. So according -- Netflix will introduce stream plans later they'll offer you guys the ability to stream multiple devices simultaneously. This this'll be kind of bundled. With what they wanted to do an upgrade plan to rate now they said if you have the higher dvd plan and I I didn't notice knew he had the three dvd rental plan. You -- currently. Stream more than one -- at the same time. In the same house I never really realized -- and -- at -- about it but. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- For those as the transition to streaming only plans as a whole that would allow you have up to three people to watch in the same house of the same time. I've I've put my Netflix account -- multiple products and I believe there was a -- -- At least one time where I was able to use my Netflix on Xbox well my family members and their other -- -- -- what's at the same time I've seen that happen before people's that it happened but. This is just another way that Netflix is -- bring more value of the table. Yet they say that one of the things they're doing is they're there it's part of a larger shift toward targeting individual subscribers as opposed to household. So they're thinking that instead of household relationship where everybody sits and watches a movie together. God forbid that. You -- like we -- don't get together enough already people we don't need to hang out -- -- they're they're thinking of changing that to more of an individual relationships and streaming is viewed on personal devices like phones tablets and laptops. As well as on shared large screen television for the ideas -- junior can be junior junior junior on main street. On the Antarctic politics for the what -- be met you know -- to be hanging out newsrooms streaming Blue's Clues on the iPad while I'm streaming world map on. TV oh my goodness he can unlock them. So the -- -- profiles can also a public family members and Netflix user recommendation engine better -- really trying to integrate -- -- social stuff so. As families and individuals in that household use this new streaming model they can also have. Unit dedicated feeds -- updates on their FaceBook post and you know what user is using it at the same time. -- interest and it actually does Netflix they point out Netflix has not. Crackdown on account sharing can sometimes -- do you account cheering Vietnamese -- -- family plan can actually helped convince people to go legit. Without adding any additional restrictions could turn off on users who aren't necessarily capture and chemical electrical and -- people that are currently -- Netflix stated. No he didn't mean to get that in there we dvd can vote for it yet as I wonder what it. A week as we hadn't heard all the time -- you know we need to -- we do we need other atmospheric -- -- This may or may not be one actually Wal-Mart according to sources. Just paid over 300 million dollars for some sort of social network being called cosmic. Let's start to the -- and ends of the next I am never. But it will join the newly formed at Wal-Mart labs. Because Wal-Mart. Way more than just the store yeah we were talking about this. -- white is -- -- matter whether you've heard about them or not we'll Kosmas was founded by the team. That's sold the jungle Lee which is -- e-commerce company to Amazon we've seen how Amazon has taken off in the e-commerce world. The Wal-Mart also awhile ago purchased voodoo and at the time -- voodoo is trying to figure out there thing. -- -- trying to figure out there thing but it's been very successful because we do is now I believe ranked third for all streaming services out there. Due to be Wal-Mart up in getting the -- -- on not only other devices and TVs but wal -- TV specifically as a value that. -- so when you just see them transition is that traditionally is coming they may not have thought was the most tech savvy your tech aware. To making some of these moves in the tech world. That are making -- a lot more viable and profit. It and they absolutely are. Union -- -- Dino so and cosmic does not just it's not a social meet its social network it's more of it a social media platform and what it -- -- organize content by topic. So you could see that if there's some chance for them to integrate this into kind of there -- digital. Presents -- cabinet that is open -- like applicability to -- for in social media can open it. And let me -- extend your digital presence of final number of bamboozled youth in your digital. And delivered -- synergies and -- It's going to be real trends -- Low. It's scalable and a variety of mobile devices that is integrated into your mobile experience. That. Away but if they did roll -- out of part of their website. And you could see where they might have a stronger recommendation engine they might have you know things that are way easier to find. And and recommendations from your -- -- pretty. It's Mac limited Mac excels not so with Matt while -- A day and then there -- -- candidates thus that I think it might sometimes get back. I'm not gonna get myself but you need them and then when it comes to Google removing. -- shark from the Android market place. -- -- It didn't take into -- match and finally broke out. They basically just put out -- the an open letter to the music industry -- -- and digital music news and otherwise underwear. It was -- -- it was shared exclusively with digital music news. And they said basically. There is nothing that set the record straight they say there is nothing illegal. About what -- -- offers to consumers. Yet some are confused as to how we are legal. Those earth there's a distinction between legal and licensed. -- come from congress licenses come from businesses. -- -- is completely legal because -- comply with a lot passed by congress but we are not licensed by every label. Yet. It and it wanna make it really clear they believe they operate within the boundaries of anti DM CA. That may pay for streams and actively negotiate with every single content owner if at all possible they've taken down files that followed the safe harbor rules. And takedown notices and that they will defend the service. And a letter in the spirit of the law in court and in congress. Yet at at at this point they've taken on over one point 76 million files suspended upload privileges to two -- over 20000 users just to show that. They do back that up with actual action. And -- the also mention that they don't just rely on the protection of the law. They have worldwide licensee from over a thousand labels -- is that some people some eases the way -- -- -- group charters are what's. They're like the bad apples -- -- Yeah a little bit -- -- group -- thing like that were using licensed material wherever possible when we did take -- and we -- -- -- -- it is a very it's a good argument to make that there with in the letter of the law yet you know and that they are following the Indian gaming thing we -- -- Google and Apple embrace the spirit of competition. And do right by users and making applications available to consumers immediately. Basic job protect them they're just saying and dread just let us have on your. Systems. And now and and unfortunately the labels are not yet willing to do with anything that we -- -- they're probably not getting -- -- groups are -- and they would need to meet. The stringent requirements of stringent at Apple and -- and or music -- problem and they are gonna make a labeled map you know even if they're not trying to shut -- shark for competitive. Reasons and that like an open question. They don't want they cannot afford to make a -- mad because they like apparently. And -- -- trying to get on the cloud we still haven't seen you know major cloud services at least from Google Apple and they're not gonna snapping up right now theory -- the really good point that would is that if YouTube -- allowed -- shark should BTU. I mean there's no question it's a double standard and I do think that they take and groups are to protect their relations -- the labels and that's just an ongoing part of the problem between. The platform an -- -- matter conflict of interest. I guys were shake Internet calling in and out they know that you're preparing yourselves right now for the punch in the case that is the cricket. It's. Who isn't that. And -- inspector data it doesn't we're gonna do we're doing we're trying out anything open and and at first. -- -- Okay -- Wal-Mart target game stop if you guys weren't thinking that the new Wii XT is coming out this here they have all cut that we price to 179. So a day ago I had an opportunity. Or anywhere 200 of them if I had -- 17 im sorry 170 dollar in I had the opportunity. To sell my Wii because I have not turn that thing on in over. A year and a half. I should have. But I was too lazy. And now it's. Probably worth half that amount could have sold at 40 right now I -- and -- half -- via everyone has a -- now known carriers now now so that's on evidence. Yeah but it's also probably evidence of the fact that they're working on the successor to the week -- last -- last -- where we -- left here. Last week reported seems like that's and it does that mean you weren't here to detect rare but like let -- drives Ide chains colors that I was done it's been -- -- he gave back a whole different man. But it doesn't lend credence to the rumors that the Nintendo might be -- -- -- -- yeah super surprising is actually from the world of hand held gadgets. The PSP. The Sony PSP. Is still. Selling better. Then the new Nintendo 3-D S which we also reported sold 400000 units. Overall it was like an amazing achievements except that the -- is that it. Yes so from a what's that based on the latest a report from media create media -- reported that Sony's PSP moved. 35478. Units ahead of the 380 S. Which sold 32009. -- -- ten units on April 10. So they you -- you talk about game releases there was a huge swell for the TS but. From what I've heard the three -- still in stock in leases area. And so it'll never happen you'd like -- you'd like to see a tale land a little stronger immediately after the release of your product. But it's planet it was all the hype was there and now the hardcore fans got it but it hasn't trickled down yet. And the PSP. Still does have better graphics than the 3-D -- and a it at three S has treaty. Some people are getting sick of greedy but the PSP still has better graphics and more -- you know story type console games. Now I totally agree M and I think that points to. The Q biggest problems that we originally pointed out with a 3-D S which -- the price. Still very high because what the PSP is the best deal in gaming right now what is not a 149 -- -- de -- the price a couple weeks ago I mean it's a great little deal and then the 3-D thing is really. People are very ambivalent about and in some cases actively hostile and or not. I think we're seen though the trend is that consumers don't still. Don't really care enough about 3-D and now on gaming on a on a hand held gaming portable -- Sure console games are pumping it in there and that might be the most compelling reason people still are buying treaty TVs -- Only three TV networks. That are pumping out content it's how many your friend said all my gosh did you see that game on ESPN -- You don't because no one as a three TV signal and now. It let it -- it's not happening. And -- they're -- Politico but they said. It's not happening. After I love this this would lead to ban -- on -- news.com after what seemed like an unnecessarily long -- T-Mobile has finally gone and announced the arrival of the T-Mobile G slate which of their tablet. Or April 20. Which would be skewed tomorrow because all the -- mar two morrow also decided to take -- G when a mine I don't know. It's coming out tomorrow as well Alan I think -- you know late NT two acts yet looks cell. Few of them work and a better now in and to -- and get sucked up by AT&T. No no came out now -- -- addict. Also Android central dot com has a firstly get that though OGT tablet which I'd never even heard of June but then once these are looking at -- like. Keep an -- and that's -- -- the world they're billing it as the world's thinnest Android tablet it's seven millimeters. Pick one gigahertz processors sixteen gig and 32 -- flavors and a working micro SD card slot out of the block of the box yes. -- and the industry's first true color display. At a 180 pixels per inch which is the highest pixels prints on a tablet at the moment and we don't know about -- -- And that's always curious. So but spec -- it looks critical -- wouldn't have any record they think they turn it to the side and -- content and in his or don't think they dislike. So right now I think the iPad is very thirteen millimeters in the -- is that around like eleven millimeters then yeah so. Cynical little McLennan doesn't analogue picture and then with the most get out of hell at ten billion that's that's the web baby sometimes that is definitely the -- -- that we guide to -- we've -- and then now all I know already had so confusing now it's time for the cricket. Oh well -- now -- content -- -- think that's very heavily didn't take it -- for real to the revision history. Unbeknownst to you at home sometimes we have serious issues with Google docs. -- -- so hard. I dragging and -- Google docs. Above the fold or below the -- Is very typical I'm not even -- it'll make you curse you have to have precise ninja reflexes to let go that -- to drop that it plays it out and story that was gonna be used against him -- house wearing actually does make. -- -- -- Like if you're hurting yourself and your swearing loudly like that scene and a forty year old -- that actually makes the pain better -- to release via. I at a bakery they said but they found that shouting words that were not dirty words. Did -- make the pain matter like you gonna -- at the same amount raids and your body or to think like -- And like you know. Well they didn't make him and ultimately same dirty things makes the pain better and a -- a -- -- -- they have an event at buster's. -- -- But they've now that -- news site integrity and they actually to convert people and an ice water. -- they shouted curse words vehemently they were able to keep them in longer than one curse word that rules the one where that's not a curse -- -- that will still help your pain though. Will always be. Kelly -- Well and -- it. Again if those are back -- -- gadget news. The Blackberry Playbook dynamic crickets he now I'm all locked -- -- the playbook is now on -- on the listing candidates -- that 500 dollars you may recall with sixteen gigs of storage the wait is over. -- -- -- And news that. Hurt -- a little bit. It appears that mobile mean and I works which includes the keynote as part of its packaged. The deals have disappeared -- -- updates are imminent they've had a thirty discount thirty noticed on about mobile me and I -- -- new Mac buyers. But according to resellers they were sent a memo and both promotions were discontinued effectively. On Monday night and there's been longstanding -- -- was gonna get this huge -- revamped cloud service involved. Potentially free part of -- pristine product Apple products are wet not so. We will see how this shakes out -- and -- so you missed out on that. Did human settlement ever now actually you could of that only about a one -- and in -- suite -- you could have had pages. -- Iowa had no one used -- -- demand. Ethernet aids network got I got the only one and we're having. Seagate has victory yesterday we reported that Samsung might be looking to -- tired -- business turned out we -- China. Seagate has agreed to requires them I'm tired our business or one point 375. Billion dollars. Beer and dollar billion believe they found a -- or else we gonna have part is some -- -- -- 949 point 5% under. Ownership and yes they in the company's all right yeah that's though plants and -- to make some money -- they can use to defend themselves against that wicked. Apple and people that are mad that I said no one uses pages -- he would only say that. That's Italy when not that many people use it but we know people. -- -- -- -- -- those are -- like he did it. We're not you're still cool -- used pages -- a you can say mean things to us -- own it is now seriously. C Molly has a Sony -- She -- it and you she also had bought keynote. I'm gonna do a report. And three weeks she owns it what I did -- and bring things. In keynote drop box also is a little bit tidbit of information we -- we talked about the successful numbers of how well they were doing. Also in in case you didn't know if the government requests. Access to your files. In their terms of service. They do say they will have to decrypt the use of files and turn them over and this is standard practice for a lot of online -- is I have no idea and it really that. You know who reads those terms and services that says oh if we need to we're gonna give all your files -- the government will now you know so cloud storage can be good and can be -- And yesterday it was it's so funny because yesterday were like drop boxes brass had then Carly is -- totally -- -- to app plan I don't switcher -- terror -- and. Or anything that you don't want them feel like you're all your all plans for how to counterfeit money more -- -- -- than anybody ever you don't -- about -- drop. The uploading your pin numbers and passwords on a document you traded may be delighted to. Verizon is eliminating early termination fees for its DSL service I was mostly just -- -- because -- remember hearing that in fact present -- early termination even bios and Vietnam conflict. -- -- have that date and -- and other getting rid of that though I was right. And that they're simplifying their plans for broadband customers now you it will just offered two tiers of DSL service basic and enhance. Otherwise known as slow and slightly. In other news for people that have talked just about how blockbuster is still -- viable comedian option to them. It's reported by the AP that DISH Network is soon to be the new owner of blockbuster and the plane on key keeping the leases of their 500 blockbuster physical stores. -- we had totally wondered why there's an interview with blockbuster and that's the first indication that they are as as we talked about. Apparently gonna trying to leverage the brand and -- -- this equipment there. Oh cell disclosed that the -- Maybe but I I think television to blockbuster still has a brand name and middle of the united -- even -- middle America even in you know -- killer app. -- -- -- we -- California unmanned moon and then immediately I don't know when your -- that -- Those are quick hits for today and now don't worry don't worry we shake -- -- well we didn't take it up so much that we got rid of a happy and. So the first time -- that book pride and prejudice and zombies I was like really. And then it became a paying and then they made a new line with the with a new one of them pirate the whatever anyway. I actually prejudice. Now home -- an -- one after prime bombing but anyway. Now apparently according to my favorite Twitter feed ever in -- Hollywood reported -- Lionsgate has hired Craig Gillespie the director of large than the real girl and fright night to direct pride and prejudice and zombies and Natalie Portman is producing the project that's those of crazy about this clinic who brewed green -- this Natalie Portman has -- own production company. That is that is -- that is behind this it was Sense and Sensibility and -- monsters thank you David on board. Authenticated I'm going. I know that Abraham Lincoln vampire hunter gather not a whole bunch of -- and apparently they're really popular. I love it that's kind of -- them. Pride and prejudice and that means that's Jane austen's novel in regency era England where zombies roamed the countryside. And interfere in the lives of austen's classic characters it was -- three. On the New York Times best seller list and its first week and it's sold more than a million copies. While template I -- it's gonna be like scarier kind of it has zombies it has to be scary -- -- kill off a bunch of the main character's clothing and -- that happened I mean giving going to be scary in the whale Blake. There's this game music or the going to be like sort of -- -- an ominous as this does filmmaking. Straight forward. -- -- So it would be kind of funny if it was more like Sean of the dead but not a comedy right where -- -- Canada through like matter a fact he. Gentlemen -- -- riding funny carry your IL Friday shot of the bandage. Child rather than anything that has -- -- and I had to guess team colors and the real girl now I have seen I've started to watch it. It's been testing it out there and that's really wonderful place literally like I downloaded at -- -- Atlanta started to see in this campaign and and India now. Also guys didn't know it -- in the -- fourth. I think everyone here we should abide to this on its screen free week. This is endorsed by the commercial free childhood dot or where screen for. Screen pre week is a national celebration -- children the only school in communities -- seven days turning -- entertainment screen media and turning nonlife. It some time to a plug and play. Read daydream -- explorer and spend more time with family and friends and so guys that means don't watch because -- allow for only. I don't know if I could do we we can't do it legally we can't ethically and we actually would not get paid. I think -- mainly it's like 03 for your kids -- were never -- I think people need this steel I have my health -- free week last week for the most part people do you need if people do I do understand that people need especially -- children. Get them away from the video games that are actually apparently making them smarter and making their reflexes better and -- and send them out into the world to play outside with those bullies. That beat them up and emotionally damaged them. I don't view screen for -- on social skills on the rest of their juvenile life goes on there now that. Big -- shall inherit the earth. Screens Kaydon. You know they make you smarter and bastard shooting zombies that you're gonna need that. -- ballot social skills. All social -- today's -- of bullying. That's not true they get you go and manipulation. And jobs. No way and it did -- -- I'm reading in the plaque and all the geeks at the job at. Are able something that -- geeks -- and I haven't really figured out what to do is. We talked about the matting covered I was -- here but the voting -- voting for the -- cover is now down to two people it's either patent. -- -- -- But it's not that Peyton. It's not -- many -- Have you to patent Hillis because I watch a lot of folk. Article -- never either and -- I know he's like Canada -- you know regular running back whatever but he is in the final two. For the Michael Michael -- -- cover. Thanks to an online campaign on -- -- neolithic man covers man dramatic government based on length of a manic by Cleveland Browns who pushed -- hard. They use the power of social media and the Internet to get -- -- the top and I think. He's gonna win because Michael because so polarizing. As a positive or negative and more people. Probably still can't look past -- what happened that this guy patent. Well -- superstar on added -- super. Maybe you're done MB ER no no that's not what man until the end of -- authority on one when he was left -- -- garlic and not know they exploit unit -- He had already have I guess his rookie season got hurt competed he did suffer an -- -- -- -- it's. -- everyone it's Wednesday you know -- -- knows why not. No right now -- -- in a letter and you know it. I'm a developer I wanna be part of the Internet up crew of bones were voted for -- -- Also not that it matters because igniting going to be -- the that the whoever on the monitors -- in recent -- is trying to about one that didn't count anyway and now. I and then lastly in the eight -- happy ending. This is awesome so there has been an ongoing. 800 number shortage and people you know even like. American Idol -- immediately -- -- -- 899866. And all these different toll free provide toll free numbers and apparently it turns out that the real then. Is because. A Philadelphia company called prime telecommunications. Which is a -- -- company. A qwest has acquired and owned that operate they controlled nearly a quarter. Of all the 800 numbers in the US and Canada one point 7000001800. Numbers more than any other company. And almost all of those numbers redirect you have phones and that's. -- keep that name seriously. It. The -- -- I'm sure people in our chatter of and I talked about their pre show I've missed out an 800 number and it was a sex line right now. It happens all the time -- Yet dial -- 800 Chicago. Really get sexy -- and instead of -- -- tourism hot line for the windy city you'll impact yet one you'll hear him and offering. But the way it's only one on one talk with a nasty girl. -- united adamant about nine million at that and let them know that sounds like noise that sounds like that that's sounds like computer -- On. The eighth similar thing happened that you punch in -- one -- -- Metallica. 100 Cadillac these like these are the domain squatters of what 800 numbers 100 -- know -- -- 800 camera. 1800 -- Or 1800 at whirlpool. All of them redirect. The erratic and I -- the kid is -- -- -- employers. Well I mean that's Israel as you can get in its history and there's an actual woman on the other side of that -- which is probably six feet long. I'm delighted to ruin a great place at six and long distance I don't know what's -- on here. This is really weird anyway apparently. Gillis the point that the anti cyber squatting act apparently does not apply to 800 numbers -- the -- and alignment of the league instincts are. That they can -- Control a quarter of the Internet pop that is that -- 100 warship. And not cool. -- prayers are right so we check out -- feedback loop. I was not for we do we get to -- -- -- -- with those updates that we don't overdo a system in there I love that thinks is best -- hidden. All right Larry Ellison and agility dozens from Rodney and your -- rally north Carroll a rally North Carolina just thought I would send a note -- how amazing social media is these days. Being here in central North Carolina and growing up in Sanford North Carolina. This weekend's tornadoes proved to me how far social media has come in such a short time. Whose relatives in the scene in his community hit hard by the storms we were able to help -- -- friends buying. Missing relatives on the day of the -- so -- the connection plus a charge cell phone equals relief. Japan is great to see been experiencing similar activity here was great love the show with. Pretty darn thing and it really it is also phenomenal how -- warm -- to us now -- definitely a threat. Kevin from Cali erected and says -- the awful hard on Chrome OS could you imagine this though if they can make it Chrome OS netbook for under 250 dollars how much cheaper would be if you remove the screen keyboard and battery 1599. About the -- -- -- has HDMI out. You now suddenly have an awesome Google TV. I did not see that -- I think it -- wasn't gonna be the new Google TV a real real browser with flash integrated plus all the games and web apps available on the Chrome web store. Bonus -- Android device could work as a remote with the Google TV app I now. He says mind alone. I liked it I actually like I think -- and -- like -- out of the box thinking to have and that is basically -- Eric -- that you like will put out there and people find a way. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I like it. -- to puzzles and episode 1450 and I agree with Molly and I think that Apple sorts making TVs would -- you know we years. I mean what would happen if they started making household appliances can you imagine the fridge the world's latest -- I sure can I think that -- in the Apple should stick with what they're good -- But if Steve says magical -- -- violent. That's from -- a Bradley I do if we -- for five years ago Apple had nothing to do with the -- -- communications industry. Which also led to the iPad to. Would you said Apple don't -- a phone. It was completely different. Product category would you would use -- to saint. -- companies that go Ireland has been thinking is that do things that don't succeed it sometimes. Does it lends to the that are their culture of the. Trying different things to potentially break out of entry to mean Apple. That out that TV is of the corollary to the rumors like they're there's meant fifteen years and of rumors basically that Apple would make a camera. Right and they never happened and to me that the TV is in the same category as would they make a camera it's like a little bit too far afield. I -- I think they'll now because TVs are so Internet connected it's not as far off. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- So would I seventy dollar bill to go around my my -- to -- prediction was that an Apple TV would at least be announced by the end of the year I was very like a man I gotta due to date. -- -- -- and I could be wrong because. The -- I could be also know -- wrongness. But it lives you we're gonna knives can look at. -- On a flight data yellow flag does give out a blast at what they have -- ads thing you -- -- on the outside battled a ton of food and keep that Russian blogger. And many alpha says sadly -- Ben and Jerry's because -- ice cream -- didn't pass the food store Apple. Not allow. If I -- late nights that pretty get you. And then finally it doesn't permit literate and doesn't have that -- -- -- be secure online identity system that the president called -- with uber raised. As that that was the best thing since sliced bread really would've expected -- -- -- privacy concerns regarding such -- -- by Steve this is a tool that can be used to attract individuals. Electronic money transfers purchases and possibly web usage. I don't think that all sides were considered in the broadcast -- one until you know that -- freak me out a little I think the upside to this possibly possibly standard. But I see the upside to this possible standard but the implications could be devastating to -- privacy. I think we did -- kind of alluded to that we just didn't talk about it in Allegheny -- members China India and you know I just in years thank you for calling out specifically to that is totally all through and we had such a money show that we indirect. -- did I think we didn't think having a picnic lots over. So we said like you know would you want everything on one password that could that could be an issue and I just kept but the way that you talked about it absolutely and and that's been people's main concern too is that it would become like national ID. That could be used to track individuals and that is definitely -- -- think Serena. Alright guys that's gonna deal for our -- you guys would take -- the show notes the links to our stories and all that other good stuff. Check out our website -- -- that cnet.com with all of that also. Where we're fixing the voice mails. We realize that our voice mailbox has been fooled because when you're like -- Even more of what everything is every -- to do -- -- that Mac. But in fact about it us but we're cleaning out the -- -- mailbox though. You know just to make us feel good to make you feel good sent -- -- bunch of voicemails will level -- -- in the show please do flee under thirty sell around thirty went under a minute visit. And like 3830 to forty variety at a 45 will try to have a little extra voice mail bag -- yesterday -- somewhat. Also. Cnet.com because we read them and we do them on the show. Totally and we love it and then right after tomorrow's show so tomorrow Wednesday I'll be interviewing Stephen Levy of the author of in the plaques which is -- -- -- Crazy insider story about Google. And we're gonna stream that -- it's -- pre AM it's rescues CNET CNET to the rest is gonna -- and it leaders -- -- marina to use. Between those two like -- But that -- -- registered every. And I think it's really gonna be a good run because of the book is any indication that the enemy it's breaking apps and. The Beverly a real inside track -- like how they're thinking yeah and out of me yes I mean I really that's the real more than anything. How do their brains worked there from from the top down his remarkable. Remarkable anatomy at noon Pacific tomorrow right here at CNET. -- okay we'll see as I get -- But.

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