Ep. 1433: AT&T: George Hotz and the Girls Gone Wild defense
Ep. 1433: AT&T: George Hotz and the Girls Gone Wild defense

Ep. 1433: AT&T: George Hotz and the Girls Gone Wild defense

It is Thursday march 24 2011 my name Steven -- Jones. I'm Donald bell I'm Molly what -- all love it didn't quite get. Indeterminate length it is episode 1433. At that show where everybody is just getting the rotating I -- -- -- I think that's an import -- has a gimmick for too why no world they give you -- iTunes. Yes they and then I am now just as like a warning for next week and more economical that he led panel each grade -- that's building. It new now be man but that those lately crushing pain she does have a -- -- -- antibiotics here just -- helps -- do you know like. Airborne. That stuff works. -- a bulletin invented by teachers know how -- have that they did it the feel good if anything else. Could. It feels good -- accidentally and -- with the monetary and had to -- that it well and that's not what I meant well okay not all -- multitasking. Yeah here on -- line item. Okay -- here I here's what's going out in the news today apparently. An attack that it and it appears to be originating out of Iran has managed to accidentally spoof. Google Yahoo! Skype and some other major website. Well I think that the majors you know you love -- this is so this is payback breasts you know having aren't you know. Possibly state sponsored attack on Iran like nuclear was stuck on this below. -- we. I think -- the thought about one carry all -- I'm sure that it is and I think -- but this. From what I was reading this is more of Iran -- really try to keep tabs on how people don't like a man in the middle attack to appear to be mis major sites to. So that the people of Iran and they're actually logging in and you know. Talking ill of the government are going to be spied upon exactly it's not even they're not even necessarily trying to bring down the site or or hurt anybody in the US -- gather you know like take over your machine it's not a zombie attack in all it's totally about. Being able to like you said impersonate a legitimate site and grabbed the passwords. Read email addresses and monitor any other activity is that it for the students performed. Even if the connections were -- in the -- -- -- -- which is terrifying. But also terrifying is that somehow they were able to trick Komodo which is this they're based in New Jersey the -- -- issues digital certificate. Into issuing these nine fraudulent. Certificate for these. Major website that the SSL Woodward of the Atlantic yeah yeah exactly crazy. All the affected domain names have to do with communications they were not financially motivated at all. And then according to security officials they must -- -- being Iran must have done some surveillance and they knew exactly how to get into the Comodo partner system like. I guess it's a good thing that it's not financially motivated and then it's really just about spying on the Iranian citizens -- Right now well it's it's I mean that it does point out that flaw that's a cell where you have to have. That that that is that certificates are for authenticity. For these as a cell sites are actually issued by private organizations yeah money understand exactly like that -- and so. Which is the problem the certificate thing and I think people have -- about the subjective thing for a long time -- -- -- -- -- process. And this is just another this is a pretty giant weakness. At evidently it's not the first time that this -- happen. Late last year the -- needing government. Did this a similar thing they undertook according to our story and ambitious scheme. This deal an entire country's worth of Gmail Yahoo! and FaceBook password using malicious JavaScript code. You get them though I think a lot of time to read -- a nation's Gmail yet and it. -- -- And now it's a whole but -- a whole other thing for you know I think human being like an autocratic dictatorship to crack down on yours citizens is not -- the -- -- now -- seriously exhausting. Canada's steel and ever read passwords and everything. And -- at the find next and Microsoft Word for all like India the hot words that you are looking for yet. -- next few hard -- to card. Many -- -- rather have -- revoke the fraudulent SSL certificates Mozilla has updated Firefox Chrome has been updated. Microsoft says an update is available for all supported versions of windows. It sounds like Apple has not yet responded in terms of safari and then opera. I guess does not need a specific patch for the problem but the companies considering blacklisting -- -- certificate and. Probably good idea probably. Pick that scary. The movie on it. Apple apparently weighing an expansion of its airplay audio service which is the thing that public streaming audio and now video right with four point three yeah well it it has done videos to Apple TV's new. Up till now and then now they're considering. Updating anti include streaming video from an iPhone or an iPad two television sets. -- not just Apple TV devices save you to save the hundred dollars on of the Apple TV device and -- had a built into the TV picture buying. -- the exact reality cool that sounds like the ultimate plan fortune says that fit the agenda there. Is to get TV makers -- just like you said -- Apple's technology whether it airplane or chip herbal -- into their television. So the reason people are so crazy about -- one it means licensing money for Apple writes out its stock price of Apple becomes someone is kind of in the TV -- a little bit. And if the war and possibly move the needle on TV sets this TVs have been -- with like 3-D -- feature can be -- into the TV to make it. The -- on -- buying TVs announced that a sitting on their old in HD. That's the -- elect that'll be the reason -- will get off the couch and go upgrade their TV could have Apple TV built right. That actually. Is a much dating a much -- and felt like. Compelling selling point -- hard in the -- -- that compelling compelling selling a much more compelling selling point I think then treaty right it's like Apple T anytime you need -- even -- -- Netflix built in -- streaming services built in an Apple TV's one and considering I can still has. Arguably the biggest library of of rent them all on demand. TV and movie company yet why I think what you that -- you make is like instead of trying to sell people like millions of people -- -- all of -- people want 3-D TV. -- -- and maybe like nothing bundled as millions of the out there who have iphones or iPad Celine yeah that's true. And this is make it easier for you investigate content and -- TV let Donald Donald. -- -- Brian Brian fact that. That Brian has been predicting that Apple can make its own TV -- -- I mean -- been read about a lot of that this year as -- -- but that -- just didn't feel quite right. This seems to make a lot more -- -- -- -- -- -- we -- technicality is right but he's not right. It makes a lot more sense to me that they would go the embedded route that they would say like Apple TV -- built in or that you know. The technology is built into existing TV it. So that we can sell it all over as it is like an Apple branded and yes I feel like he's probably aren't gains. For Apple to win that that that much me because they. It's already such a competitive and like. At the margins on and probably a pretty thin compared to this all the competition again whereas if they say -- just pay us money for licensing software. Right that's that's an easy went from -- and -- and if they just think that kind of contrary to everything that Apple has ever done for example you cannot pay anybody money license Mac and then put it on your machine yet but around it but the Netflix model is -- really successful well this is the other -- it's important to this -- always been criticism of Apple compared to Microsoft. That they still haven't built to really get their hands around the living room -- -- they've got all the mobile have gotten down there at the laptops analysts though. Defying that industry -- But they're not in your living in the way that the Xbox is. Or even my PlayStation 3 or like Netflix. Service via some other set top box yeah this could be -- finally getting the living room if they can then move on to getting. You know all of -- games. The year IOS devices -- cute -- -- the same system. Then that have -- -- -- and start matching the -- The and alternates -- to make. Some actual money on the little Apple TV hobby them -- read our Apple sources thing McCarron that there will be an Apple branded TV with a partner to launch -- everywhere. And that it will be an embedded solution that -- everywhere brand and -- it will -- rightly points out I think that this is that would be like. The final nail in the already mostly buried cop and as Google TV man. And now that's pretty -- Now would -- I mean. It's fascinating link that would really reinvigorate the home theatre market in a way that I think nothing has so park that absolutely true that 3-D has completely failed to capture people mentioning and. But this you'd be willing you know it. It reinvents -- because everybody at CES fun with tram very lonely accomplishing that pot profiteers conflict can tune into. But targeted CES was trying to show off the ecosystem Writely is a video trying to do -- -- via tablet and a phone and then I'll talk to each other and Samsung with an imaging element on and they would all -- each other and all use their proprietary service. But the fact is nobody does proprietary service -- an Apple. And if they make themselves the center of that new ecosystems and -- already operating with devices that everyone has an antennae into my new Samsung owner of a video phone which nobody is. They -- as -- -- as. Demo for acting with Pioneer's new system that airplay compatible. And they're talking about how the airplay technology actually -- -- the problems. Latency for wireless audio and wireless video to make sure that -- all in -- the best of its kind built in. The actual you know software of -- -- I could see that wireless audio. Wireless video. -- missing wireless power a -- Tesla coils and then you've got your perfect wireless everything and now we're so close. Equipment that's the this is a pretty huge strategic move for Apple there -- Will be -- banana at -- that this is like a world conquering strategy right here not just you know. In -- lately taking the iPhone strategy -- -- will be everywhere. You know you will use iTunes you will love it and now and -- -- little like -- community we're still going to be there with -- but he about the public. -- The idea -- -- all over the technique today is that new app called color which we will actually talk about when we come back. Ridiculous break and then when we come back the new 40000040. Million dollars darling of the tech world. -- hot is apparently on spring break. And wherever it -- deeper -- and Motorola is weirdly he's building Android alternative. Welcome back everyone black. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- And -- Though the tech world is abuzz today and we usually don't cover like every little app that comes -- -- get funding. But for one thing this app called color -- 41 million dollars from one VC firm sequoia Sequoia Capital or start from -- -- capital Bain Capital and silicon valley bank. But it's like the most that the -- has ever invested in a pre launch start up -- more than -- -- to Google. The -- is think -- -- Google and under so either there's a big -- brew and or the color rapidly technical all the words. They may be the other -- people are in the -- in a -- But it is also its is headed up by -- don't wins and who was among the founders of -- -- -- and then the Obama over to Apple though he is known anything here's here's what app does it is. Kind of a mobile photo app like those have been the new black lately and -- -- and -- and -- pool rules and fifty million others but this one is socially integrated. And I think some of the best -- the best description -- -- -- -- -- On and -- -- one great one it was just like okay here's what it does. But it sounds like what it does. In a nutshell is like it that social. Photo sharing apps that when you're in an uses location -- and everything that when you're in a given location you can it to its -- who else is around with an about a 150. -- of you and then makes your photos public. To anyone with 950. Feet of use that you're sharing photos in real time of the -- that your app. Aureus or videos again and then those really yeah comes up in the B two and then those those photos and videos aren't. Pretty much set in that location so that the people come to that location even when you're not there are -- easier content. It's all made public it doesn't seem like it's it's going to be the app for anyone want to take private -- those of anything but it is like years. -- tagging places with that the photos -- -- -- yeah and then. Years from now this if this app is still available people can come to that location the year photos on that made them -- Yeah I mean I think the reason that people think this is potentially huge is because it likely that it creates a visual timeline. Of any place. In real time and then these photos are sort of for ever tag to that place. Every here's the Battelle our diplomats I'm. It offers the -- public timeline of any given location in real time and then every single image captured at any given location. It instantly placed at that location forever. And served up at an artifact of it to anyone using the colors application like arguably. It's a location based archiving service for the world -- you know. But I reckon that the thing that makes me excited about is more than the long term if this took off and I'm I'm kind of skeptical of it move -- like. Ten years from now that you can kind of travel back to the you know 2010. -- and see how people were addressed what they were doing in particular -- -- that'd be like this little kind travel portal. Into the into the path via or it can be like the really creepy thing -- you like. At a frat house -- traveling back in time you know and -- -- all the different random -- photos. It would and it would be multiple angles -- -- photos yeah I think -- mean it. It and hit a kind of at least delay the -- -- minority report feel to -- where someone can just sort of go back and -- you know everything will mean. There is a -- of potential in that concentrated like in real time a record of everything hoping that happening everywhere from all possible the limitation is. It's the holy Grail of a lot of things like wind data collection and use buying. Three privacy invasion you know I -- -- definitely good and bad and the police using in the future yet. Capture an out about that haven't made me feel like it had a minority -- because I can totally imagine them being mobile at just about the record in the might. Only need a better -- -- you know. It that's what everybody wants 120 for them and surveillance yet if it goes that that idea of lake if you want to know who Big Brother is its us. It's this spying on ourselves and end. All anyone needs to do with its merely -- to a party doing. Or her hilariously it let members of the machines and the -- -- mobile location based social photo sharing with a splash of group deal. AKA every 2011 social media. All at one company. Is that imagine -- Photoshop opportunities which is totally true and then -- -- stop acting like where we can store all this stuff. Well that the 41 million boxes or the other server farm -- servers and then -- this. I mean I don't -- BC company the -- right and wrong in the past. It feels a little overblown. To me right now can. Mean like you know we we talk to the abundant as the -- outlet and like the fact that -- app. Did use location to tell you who's around and if you could potentially and -- meeting people the US things in common with by creating a new kind of social. Connection in real life. An -- -- weird and color has sent to Cuba and fleet does feel like. And now like really anti -- yeah this is also another reason -- don't. Maybe it's my my -- and self esteem competitor. -- metal plates and Alessio it all the -- and stuff people did there already asked me before talking bad about how. -- but my experience is right now on this moment. And it also does not taking pictures of the ignorant in and do -- -- around it I have actually caught myself. Missing out a little bit and events that I'm happy to them busy like taking pictures and uploading of if but if it what I do -- -- listening to -- -- I will host hostess got back from a vacation when my wife and I went did you know that its ninth. Coastal. Hotel and a and then we have that their breakfast and that's when there's this is -- -- found -- 95 to. But he could -- a concert now everyone like staring at their phone like beef booking and taking pictures -- -- -- I am watching showing that they felt badly -- romantic weekend it is great coastal hotel on the -- to them. Then imagine -- -- this -- before -- got while -- -- look will -- better than the ones I'm having right now and Dana. -- -- through fifth. Like the double click our obsession with recording everything looking around at the timing of two completely ignore everything around us -- think that that it's paradoxical and them. I -- an update on George -- otherwise known as -- hot otherwise known as the -- that Sony is trying to view into the ground over jail breaking the PS3. He has today taken a giant rocket launcher and fired -- smoking crater into his legal defense against Sony. Anyway -- South America instead of suing him to the grammys could bid to South America -- -- -- I find me now. Outcome of the spider hole without epic and he did this to avoid handing over his possessions. That it. As ordered by the court like -- -- -- with gonna have to turn over his computers and. He also apparently lied about having a PlayStation account he made unequivocal statements to the fact that I do not. To that to my knowledge and believe I do not have a PlayStation network account and then Sony said. Dude that that covers these -- set himself up for the standard that those like to the best of my knowledge. May be I don't know how I. I think that the things -- a totally for that. However he identified for PlayStation -- system in his possession. Provided serial numbers for the console and then Sony is the serial number to determined yes he did have a PlayStation network account under the name or manic. And then he ran away you avoid having to turn over any of the computers and and now -- it is now I gotta say. His days as -- -- -- kind Albert now that he's acting like -- -- now let you know. Joint supplement as a -- Mac is gonna be held a lot better than getting you know. Asked him that he by Sony every day and now through the threat of being sued the poverty for the terrestrial life you might implement stay there and. Pity their program to -- not surprisingly according to -- tactic hot disagree it's -- With Sony is content and he has damaged -- -- beyond belief figured out that he says actually. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Actually it's true -- in South America. On a vacation I have planned and paid for it since November I mean it is spring break camp that it and it. But the girls now while defense. And and titled the book and yet I'm on 38. -- Okay George. I plan this month ago guys seriously I totally paid click I have not believe. Fled and not -- And I'm coming back he says I won't let this particular lot -- read my life and the fear mongers -- -- I well I think we can hope we all hope that the fear mongers do you not -- There latest and the music industry's latest attempts to I don't know what prop itself up or scare everybody. -- did little in the South America -- what but thirteen record company it. Are suing Lime Wire which is I'm preacher -- at a business that it. For 75. Three million dollar. -- trillion. Dollars. Using math that has been. Long since discredited the idea that you know if someone pirates won song than the 7000 dollars in statutory damages done most. Most reasonable and right thinking judges have have long since -- like. Actually got to be actually you have no way to prove how much you lost you know it -- anybody who -- -- -- -- -- -- And the idea that 99 cents -- with uploaded to a BitTorrent site -- not entitle you to use that in thousand dollars in damages per thought mauling. You just don't understand how hard it is to be a major record. -- -- You know how expensive -- got a constant aren't do you have any idea costs a lot of money how much to meet Defcon -- crappy record. There's a reason -- has a dollar sign and rename it costs a lot evolve the boys correction. All the producers all hop producers economy does albums as an adjective it is tough to be -- major -- or fail at it I mean it sounds like it should be -- -- -- but. They have demanded damages ranging from 400 billion to 75 million dollars arguing that section -- -- -- won the copyright act provides for damages. -- each instance of infringement where two or more parties are liable. But really Manhattan federal district court judge Kimba Wood who we've heard from before she is in fact right thinking woman. Like a smart not in the political -- Says actually know -- That is not a correct interpretation of copyright law. She said if plaintiffs were able to pursue statutory damage theory predicated on the number of direct and printers her work. Defendants damages could reach into the -- which is hoping to that as defendants notes. Plaintiffs are suggesting an award that is more money than the entire music recording industry has made since Edison's invention of the on a -- in 1877. -- do it. What if they got. Well who they get -- patent -- at that at. They guys and the like you know Santa Monica. Hourly motels that used to run my Lan wireless get it that he and it only think one trillion dollars to buy up like all the cocaine in the world that you need -- -- know. Hell I would -- -- -- the other 74 trillion start like start their own sovereign nation where you've got to -- like nine million dollars on it and you know -- there. Now it absolutely ridiculous though luckily. -- board shot that down and she did say that the question of statutory interpretation -- -- -- -- question. Concluded -- ultimately that damages should be limited to one damage award -- work. You know equal to the amount stolen -- -- -- -- -- -- You know I'm a huge badly -- -- -- -- yesterday I'm a huge fan of overreaching. Because every time it -- over -- to this level of insanity. They get shot down and ends up providing a super useful precedent for -- estimates like that varies case against them the big happier world. Think a lot equal concerts and command actually dollars -- costumes. That it may be a decent record or two. Of them now and probably not I gotta give it a couple John -- box sets up the active in humans -- them them repackaging of the -- with some sort I'm sure. Let's get to of the -- -- Yahoo! is launching its answer to Google instant they're calling it search direct. Which is. A lot like Google it -- As soon as you start typing into the Yahoo! Search site the site in operating results of its new character entered. And then I don't know pictures and whether. Much the -- although Yahoo! says it's totally totally different -- their focus on respect relevant answers not link. Like what -- and they're hoping to incorporate FaceBook results. In -- -- search and then -- -- -- the candidate are ambivalent. -- -- and Motorola. Building their own web based operating system because they don't need Android apparently. -- they don't need that -- and we we make it they they wanna have some alternatives they don't wanna just be you know. Android -- Google's V for the rest of their lives they wanna have their own thing to lift their files they access -- So I I think that they're probably feeling a little bit of nine net since HP's come -- their own operating system. And Blackberry -- can have their own operating system and I. 21 field to brag about that news. -- analyst David it's unclear how far alarm Motorola's operating -- -- -- -- serious -- -- seeking an Android alternate Motorola than. That it they're committed -- an operating system -- Motorola mobility of course definitely two different. But they did not deny the existence of the project. And although Steve Jobs says it that he had quotes. No interest in an app that would measure the amount of radiation that the iPhone four is delivering into your brain -- -- pocket. The app developers dot. Now think it sounds useful though even after it was rejected from the App Store they went ahead and released that top card app for iPhone via the -- -- jailbreak. -- if you have a jailbreak and jail broken iPhone. If he -- live there -- the TW KO and -- The find out just exactly how much radiation yet -- might be in. I can see that Apple's defense already it's like well it's only that jail broken iphones that are radiating that much I. He -- in jail broken your -- on we went to unleash the radiation on probably. This is the company of course they did David jail breaking iphones -- national security. They did try to claim actually -- -- the heat and. Luckily that didn't work well the air force is making the cheapest. Super computer ever thanks to 3000. PS threes that Armenia. Pretty cool so it is that is among the -- fortieth. According fastest computers 17117100. And all attack look at -- -- No it is one of the world's largest fastest and cheapest supercomputers. All made from -- They it yet they are using it mainly to process and manipulate and interpret that amounts of imagery select -- -- gather a bunch of images from spy planes that can use this -- supercomputer to process that but I -- -- -- -- -- -- I like that fifty million dollar toilet and space shuttle and these like that that PS these three can still install like Linux on them than it than that gets the go through that thing where they immediacy consolidate operating system. Anecdotally they did take that away at somebody that -- just as your statement that they had to use George the jailbreak and hack hack out. Given that I -- South America we need him exactly. -- totally convicted of Linux that fervently now. They they took away the ability to -- -- another operating system on -- I've been later on one of the air force is involved in in extraditing. Geo hots. The South America and implement. No no no vision. Maybe that's something to this need to protect -- -- mean VR. Nat. But it doesn't look -- my daughter like that. It doesn't make you wonder if Sony and its gonna come on to the flip the threat of -- -- Alley right to hear about this and be like now we're gonna shut down and then again I don't know can't be violate their terms but to actually. Movie I know let's do -- Science news pretty hair close our eyes news. I love this story and I don't know -- don't know what it means for humanity if anything like I can I think of two reasons -- story. Really ago put okay it's a monopoly by article -- Many. Scientists and astronomers have discovered in this -- brown dwarf star located 75 light years from earth. And it's a failed star they think if the coldest star yet discovered. It's temperature -- remember this -- a star in space. -- temperature is roughly vat of boiling water. Make it's -- might not like the burning hot mess of a thousand suns may or anything that. The first -- -- -- it's like the little thing that it whose temperatures roughly equivalent to a fresh cup of tea. All. Of the British have them. All of that they act that you love this because mine. Brown dwarf is on the -- on board and her husband and then -- is a cup of tea. Involved two of these premieres of the two reasons and I am how encompass team at sun emanated a temperature of a cup T total. I don't know -- but apparently the hunt for cool objects in the cosmos is an active field of astronomy. They look for them everywhere and they're saying though that this I think probably because if you're looking for like active planet that that the temperature could only tell you whether there habitable hidden. Is it now part of project get a -- that's rock. They do say that it's so cool that it may even have water clouds in its atmosphere. May because -- -- through them to may be due to lukewarm stars can -- I get close to. -- -- temperature now. -- gotta take a whole bunch. Of his half -- ours yeah yeah maybe it's just like what copper on never really can -- -- cool. And ethical hunters who. -- -- -- we're getting the best part of the so finally. -- -- -- -- Boating has -- guy and in the consumer's annual poll for worst company in America. I'll love this annual survey because it gives -- fodder for our show for like weeks on end and expert and great and usually you know validates all the things that you thought it was -- -- like that Comcast may eighteenth effect. But Comcast. No waiting it suck -- viewed via apparently and thank you to Adam for spending -- -- -- Apparently -- to read his email account at that decided that rather than actually do anything about the problems that make it a perennial favorite for worst company in America. It -- -- its employees to vote multiple times for the other guy in the consumer -- Have a friend who works there that -- the company intranet and confirmed that indeed yes. They are being asked to do this as many times as they can and from as many different IP addresses again. Like make -- -- best of the worst. It was the worst thing -- go vote for charter we know we're back can we -- these beat number two or three instead and number one this time around. My mind is blown engines understanding and all these letters of course -- I -- contest a thing like we hope you'll consider defending our company name. By participating in the Balkans we worked really hard to make -- the terrific company that it -- today. That's -- breakdown. By our great company and if -- has been nominated by the consumers is one of the worst companies in America when I wonder if you find that if you're an employee of Comcast and -- thought -- of your company you voted for them in the consumer of expiry of they probably will that's one of the bullet points actually. The first bullet point in their letter to employees in all -- Do -- got -- look for Comcast. I would confuse them by you wanna meet -- -- -- Of the. Really lady cast your ballot vote for the other company remembers your voting for the worst company in America into Google and again. I think it's only gonna backfire I am definitely gonna go on there though and vote many many times -- AT&T have to that we that two weeks that I have had with them where they accidentally turn off my idea felt they don't know why. It -- -- four full days to have enough of a chunk of time to get through to the right now any call. As a reservist breaking AT and open area you'll only get U verse customer service and and then half the time they're like don't know it I think an -- it. -- -- use that little DSL -- a robot that mean in your office. But. Filter via the of the filters that can you know he's just me but it is maybe they -- and nose of their -- that you're mocking that's mine that's -- kind of brittle. Anyway then they can turn it back coming in early I think you turn off remotely back -- but they can't and it. What ever. Okay okay okay but now to the story of the day. You don't mind and that dramatic dramatic -- Duke Nukem forever. Has been delayed. Again. For a month. Got you know really it really is there really is data video actually -- -- -- the video has led some people to wonder if impacted isn't some sort of marketing ploy. Because piggy eighteen they don't -- -- it evidently Mario and add yet. Let us know in the -- area it is a very special message. President -- -- opt for an executive producer Duke Nukem forever. And -- -- -- we have in the final hours to music forever development I know it's hard to believe but it's coming. The game is coming I mean. Hey right. If it's -- here and the momentum and energy had focused on the team is incredible. I can't believe it. Here I mean nothing. Can stop us now me not even do Newton himself he did in our way it's it's. -- the unshakable game and we're finally shipped. If you're listening assigned to another kind of happens June 14 -- -- -- may -- -- Andy the oil could -- at the collective data never comes early Kevin June 14. There really are delaying it -- I think this is like a -- cup cover up for the fact that they're doing. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Honestly even. Even if it's a marketing -- -- stupidest marketing life I've ever heard in my life because you know what. -- it's been thirteen years like people were -- -- got married had babies moved on to other video games at the time thinking need to get that did something out the door. And if you really think that it's a whole areas joked that delay for -- month. Maybe you -- remember that the only way that you sell games and in business that the high. Like your grandfather now to tell you about why you should care about Duke Nukem. I thought that. -- While back in my days there was the game Duke Nukem new solid even -- equipment up like that Duke -- -- remember liking the original version that all the excitement about another one coming out -- now. Furiously people relate it to any in the terms that people are going to by -- -- If it. Old -- do you do it. I'm not. I'm definitely not going to you do not care. They are getting a lot of press out of it now I'll give them that. It is that part it's funny yet and and I can't get over the and homo erotic. Cover art Duke Nukem it is it's a little weird. -- it's a little. The little -- -- -- -- fit it into the -- in line. I think -- eight -- and we get here called an email that's. Actually -- -- email today. You take the first one -- -- and I need to get to our enemy here. I think have a -- I just want to share an email I got from Netflix he mentioned in the last that the sudden and Netflix had had a big outage the other night I don't know whether this email with the universal notice -- as a result of some -- in my service but that it's in ET percent credit -- minute now. Now 50% and eight dollars is a pretty small number but it certainly is something I appreciate the sentiment that they're trying to conveying. But I'm sure that this is at this is a universal 3% credit to all customers that it is a lot of money to them. I think this is evidence and Netflix sits squarely in the not evil can't compare them to Comcast woman with -- -- and you got a credit my Comcast outage didn't love the show. Or or or charter charter is just as evil account ahead on -- like you're now -- over charter. I think I got an epic and -- but I didn't really -- -- the credit in there and in open human. I actually -- I wasn't trying to do any streaming on Netflix because they get -- number two week. The death I was using my sprint overdrive -- -- making -- -- Credit. -- Okay Russell from Chicago right -- and says. Nobody ever use the term App Store before Apple. And points -- two links one from information we got common one from -- force dot com a press release from 2005. And he notes it seems to me like Apple stole the idea from sales force who coined the term in 2006 before the iPhone with even unveiled. Which happen in January 2007. And long before it ever got an App Store July 2008. Even the idea of the -- sports App Store was inspired by the iTunes music store. The amazing part -- Apple didn't file the trademark on App Store until 2008. Up -- two years after sales -- coined the term. To save power Amazon I'd probably be emailing these links to -- job at Apple dot com. Who know what is remarkable though is that -- rubber stamper monkey is over at the Patent and Trademark Office and all due respect you guys can I know that there's. Just like a huge backlog of applications like. 1985. But especially from Apple -- it yet mostly from Apple let's be honest. And I do know that sometimes when you're overloaded aegis are like get -- -- and development but seriously like this is breaking commerce you cannot just keep approving trade marks and things like. App Store. Especially if there is prior art that anybody can -- Google like what are you guys doing over there. -- sympathy for you overworked government employees and. He was -- -- all caller that whenever the apps are something else so it became the means that a lake. Ex software make something -- software like soft -- It we're gonna download some softies when you're gonna and we had -- store. -- -- There you go now we're gonna have to do something big is literally like this is the descriptive term now used for the mechanism for delivering. -- is little thought is it via commerce that -- likely. Well am I supposed applications he can do lake licks. And even when they looked like Apple even with the youth and adults or whatever whatever -- -- might go meet you know. I -- and followed your link comment with the -- but anyway if I -- and. -- -- -- -- That they weren't even using it as the name they were just -- like it's a really big adult App Store. Bring it back -- it. Something cool -- -- -- -- yet we've got a suite leaked mod here. They can check out on instruct the rules for actually mining in and yes in -- in any S cartridge. This pictures and only key -- -- my doctor Karl thank you doctor Karl director Cali and her -- and has been hat would be proud and equity. And -- would definitely be proud but yet it's it's it's it's pretty meta. Because here -- putting a cartridge onto a cartridge. And then connecting your controller to the cartridge and so late in case you're like me and it takes to allow that to me awhile to realize what does that that the console is a little any other console but -- inside any game cartridge. Oh -- here's the video. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Audio video line Spitzer -- that he. Here. And bookstore. And it. The thing. Controller. Is that most of the stuff here you can get from RadioShack. -- see now that that's rounds. That's an -- well that Kyrgyz iMac cartridge. It. -- -- Let me see through -- for. -- -- -- -- -- He -- the blow into it yet -- does go well that -- could instead of a power switch you actually had to blow into the cartridge to turn it up. You -- Get. That's that's the next step up -- -- -- it possible to -- and -- and -- powered -- He doesn't want and the maker does warn that not really hard thing to find the Chinese power player unit in the super -- thingy. But maybe -- actually never gonna if you really aren't -- the hacking of things for these little console -- If you've seen them before you post and the like target or someplace for the how lake. Three vintage schemes in cited joystick means -- connected joystick -- You can actually take the little chip out of those things and mothers into another you know to a coconut or something and then. -- keep it for all kinds of wacky myths. But. Which does a pretty funded -- some ideas like that broken equipment like equipment. If you have ideas for videos. -- videos that you think we should make -- the -- blog below that cnet.com -- -- the latest episodes and all the ways to contact us. But if you're like near post it note right now are on -- -- -- -- 6638. And our email address is buzz at CNET. -- expert -- and other after the show and I think I'll even be back tomorrow and hope that tomorrow you know right huge compliment. -- -- --

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