Ep. 1417: Malaria > Steve Ballmer
Ep. 1417: Malaria > Steve Ballmer

Ep. 1417: Malaria > Steve Ballmer

It's Tuesday march 1 when the eleventh. And video Gonzales I'm Brad song I -- Hollywood Bob -- a buzz out loud is cnet's podcast of indeterminate length episode 1417. -- Otherwise -- out the gate or iPad today Paula Yang and that's that's why everyone -- in the Jared you guys -- the coming out -- we have quite happy Tara in gone. -- all of the guys and how it great that you -- I think it's helping that we're telling them it exit. Yeah the a lot of you know that the lives -- -- did not like what ever since we started the numbers keep on going up and up and I mean it's exciting. And these guys last lives and needs 10:30 am Pacific itself. Tomorrow as -- -- important in addition to me iPad eating. If you are -- it is -- For the what features -- the the I think you can implement them thinner and lighter. -- -- comes in light and now. That's one thing Apple can't plan. Nice. Nice. For you tomorrow and then adding that they carry the record in a vacant mechanic and placed editors only gimmick and had little -- had to bring it giant particularly. With -- some help with birthday. Minus that -- life but it never written a policy Qaeda I gotta admit we're all little power button button -- buzz now so AM oh are you gonna go it. That Internet. That doesn't yeah so buzz in some people are are actually on downers right now because Gmail although they said that everything should be back soon. Those still affected now the numbers didn't have -- -- -- of zero point. -- point 02% which is equivalent to around 35000. Users which is still. A big chunk there's still having issues -- -- their information Google has said that on their email was never lost and they restored access for many of those affected. But it may take longer than originally expected we thought we were -- -- That'd be back up by today but that may not be the case is well. -- -- It sounds like the little worse than they're letting on and I suspect that it might be a few more users may be -- down to 350 yeah they've restored audio there's -- bag via. These so apparently people are still freaking out the cloud service or private provider is they're restoring from backup tapes. Apparently that's where they they -- the -- actually got that out at cape. I think it back at the server logs to tape and then they're trying to restore from a tape is partly what happened with area blaming a bug in -- new software version. What's crazy about this is that the bug in their software affected backups of backups. So it didn't make the process easy for them to restore everything via an on top of that it's you know we all talk about how -- and gradually migrating to the cloud. And that there's going to be learning steps and baby bumps along the way but. You know when you come with software updating your in the cloud this is stuff that will probably -- happened -- -- not every day but more often than not in the future sure -- have -- but. When -- services and erupted like this I mean it's it's it's an indication of how the cloud. No matter what happens will still never be like having it on -- computer. I -- I think you still have to. Be used so you -- -- like -- -- the way it is an even if you're backing up to another cloud service you still need to be backing impeded if you care by date. I mean you're using free services Google has no guarantee. Of like a time and or retaining your data indefinitely and so -- you know -- that though and it does come back to the user to make sure that that you care about is backed up. That said I haven't -- prepared -- What I want to -- do also though I will say that if they make no -- Google -- needs to make it easier to do that they need -- -- like I really think that the outcome of this should be at all webmail providers. Offered you the option to export your data. To -- The deal that. The number one reason why people don't back up is because they're lazy in its -- the -- Yeah I mean the bottom line is that millions of stuff that you only do after you've already got hit in that you have gotten rain has stopped -- video editors that lost all of their files and are literally crying -- their life I will never not back up again via. I think I really do think you need to and I think that these service providers like. I'm sorry nobody you don't need to be pretending it's not the Titanic -- anymore like you don't need to be pretending that the machinery is infallible because -- not. So give us the option that reverend -- when Gmail launched Google did tell -- that in -- to delete an email and. -- -- -- -- Stopped moll. Instinct right now on the show that it or is that across the -- -- -- -- Also on we've talked about kind of the whole controversy or algae the -- up at Sony. What had recently happened and develop now is that -- PS3 shipments have been blocked in Europe. As LG has won a preliminary injunction so what this means is PSU that are being shipped. In two over into Europe according to guardian are being collected temporarily in warehouses. Until that -- -- can move -- Now for the case to move forward. Either they're going to -- you know rule in favor of algae and that would mean. That in essence what LG is suing Sony for is a patent where -- Blu-ray device. Would be incorporated. That's certain electronic devices having a Blu-ray disc player and components thereof so what that means -- It includes things like -- TVs. Other combinations I've set top boxes and the PS3 but. LG is specifically targeting the PS3. And in this case goes in its favor a centrally Sony would have to pay a royalty for every. PS3 that has been shipped -- -- Apple and pool hall what they've already they've already been able to at least -- the injunction. To stop shipments related so that's a cheaper local retailer to have about two to three weeks -- on hand stock. But at that point you know -- -- we like -- it -- -- until. It's gone that far. That is remarkable I mean you see these patent and trademark related -- all the time that you vary rarely see an actual shipment injunction so LG must have. I mean it's hard to say on the one hand it could suggest that LG has a really great case on the other hand it could suggest that there -- -- friendly court system you know -- it was and civil court of justice in The -- And no idea if -- Remington and the candle and elected to knob and an injunction at any point especially in -- devices popular history in India the. A year -- Motorola Motorola is saying -- that Zune tablet sales are off to a good start. One and I mean every you better say that. It -- -- name. Did think that sales were a little bit better. Then they were hoping and that the who are comforted more importantly in the -- hilarious -- Motorola mobility CEO Sanjay job. That that they were relieved they were comforted by the fact that things weren't worse than they had predicted. Well -- how or Verizon with iPod -- he's. -- -- -- -- So it so there at least feeling happy with the. -- they're not given us any numbers yet because. I -- and I wanna know we cite ballpark figure numbers animal because anyone I mean that's just marketing speak were -- at the start of tickets are. There was an Olympic manager targets -- Wall -- also Motorola's Sanjay jobs hinted at the fact that a seven inch tablet would be dropping before the end of the year from Motorola. And he did not give any specifics but at the end media and Telecom conference he did promise that there would be more coming by the end of year. There were notes units since even the pricing or whatnot but obviously he feels like the seven inch form factor was more fine and portable and in addition of that. News alert he -- tablet prices dropping. -- -- Okay grant -- a new device category we'll I nandrolone -- you that's what you think that's what that's crazy talk it is I can't even believe Younis. -- -- -- evolutionary might see the future also you don't want have you actually don't wanna start saying that. Now have when the big complaint about the New England a one day remembrance of under the amended that statement and an -- -- -- He thought how memory selling -- -- -- -- I'm not tasting prey continental. And talk about how you're the best of CES winner by CNET. As CES 2011 and -- -- about. Prices will drop talk about -- so cool word but it would cut out the power of metabolism masked by any other device on the market and -- -- -- but -- -- -- just a little advice but none of the like don't worry don't get cheaper and don't buy one right now not now. I -- -- handler is content. Also while Motorola pricing even -- obviously the Wi-Fi model coming out on in the UK price -- for the Wi-Fi only. Has been published at 450 pounds which is basically around 730 Dell US dollar asking price. That's about what is that for that's for the this is just for the Wi-Fi version only so -- looked at that comparably. That would compare to the 32 gig. All currently currently iPad but with you know Wi-Fi and three GM. Obviously things are gonna change once tomorrow happens want to see what comes out I -- honestly. Next -- like Apple might mean to -- three easy. But because of just all of their product -- that the what the and the -- of the iPad are actually -- hundred dollars lower than its current gen. -- think they could do it. Yet that -- what I -- that's what I would deal. Not -- think about the exactly I mean that's the waited just like keep. Just -- major that you continue to destroy there -- that not there was a report saying that it was the camera the only thing and I keep them from doing that is that there was a report about zoom. Saying that it was -- some of the camera elements that mean the price so high. Brilliant -- and a camera that bumped up the camera a little bit market that the provision antennas. And HD camera reading it -- it's a dual HD camera I think community video even so if -- it kind of maybe depends on what kind of camera stuff. Because Internet like already I think the for 99 iPad is basically a loser for them yet. May be marginalized from what we hear or it's very close you know in terms and I'm not sure -- of -- kind of a loss leader -- -- but so I don't know that they have a lot of room to go cheaper but if there. That would -- Killer the reason the reason why more than anything why they might be able to do it is because. In a lot of these third party companies they have to sell their products -- -- stores and those stores get a cut of the margins brake will Apple has their own retail distribution channel. And so that they save those margins they can essentially build that into the costs now that the working on the production side the retail side. So they have that advantage of this you know all those different vertical and that's why. If they could you know people sale Apple is a premium price but we've seen over the course of time. But their laptops and their other products are have been going down in price yeah -- they are trying to make them more affordable and in line in sure it is still a semi premium product but if -- If their entry level iPad two with 399. Through air -- -- know -- game over aria team omitted that would be destroyer of worlds right there yeah yeah I mean if they do that you're absolutely -- A real. Done for and there's and I'm -- saying that right there's reasons why they can do which makes it even more like while it -- -- stuff and if I of the ultimate color lecture at the new colors are black or four dollar iPad. I mean that's the thing is that you -- -- you have to ask -- how much those. The components might the components literally might cost management -- I'm -- surprised if they can. If they can afford that and still make any money on what dual core processing machine politically minded. 350 -- 450 you know even if they drop the live the whole line by fifty bugs or kept it. It even if they keep at the same it's still going to be a better because there is no other tablet apartment in you know I mean to get cut from apps and than the old -- that are still going to be in demand a total looking go to and -- 150. I usually let him in an original iPad opportunity ninth inning I think the united and I and I -- -- -- -- like. I -- planned to create down. -- drama would be an expert on that that -- the I don't think that the -- can come into the US elect a model at any more than 599 and that's. Absolutely. And -- like that. So I -- Keep talking about pricing. -- it. Keep going lower now in other tablet news because we -- for this one Microsoft is prepared mean. To showcase. Their windows eight tablet designed demos. And for the in June. And we're not even trying to be mean here but they're gonna show the designs of their tablet product in June when the zoom with. And clearly the iPad to -- and -- though the touchpad and so many other talents are gonna be out they're gonna showcase it and -- If they wanna be a competitor in this market. My. That you don't hear that that my heart breaking down and like my atomic drop for them Alec. What are they thinking what they've been doing truly what -- David -- If this thing through the good thing Xbox if this is true that -- -- that humans and academic goofing off on Kinect bundles. Not -- -- author of the -- let business. I mean really if -- -- -- -- witness -- tablet Indian and their shareholders need to get their pitch forks out. Now link the torches and pitchforks and get Ballmer out of there when I read this headline I was in I was honestly -- -- -- like while. You're killing yourself here I mean I understand -- at the terms of their tree like Apple didn't -- pay if they wanna do it right. But -- it's different when you're already weighing eighty years behind us travel so Microsoft and the long in the windows phone seven really -- -- -- last year. You -- high island Yemen if there are only a deal without a hot product. -- gray like this where people are trying to use still it's still very young and people trying to figure out where to go with this when you're already that behind the game's second generations are already out and you're still in young human release the first -- of your product. But that's gonna -- -- An out and I just. Why -- and I've I don't know. -- I'm concerned. Microsoft. Particularly. Has had fifteen years to get tablets right because they have been talking about how does it really does for -- -- that they've had had devices pivot table top devices for awhile and I -- it out surface and you really. Fifteen years they have had to be -- -- in this market in some form for that long. And now they're just talking about making it look like iPad sometime around -- you've gotta be kidding me that's embarrassing that's nonsense delegate to collect. -- thing comes to you like I'm saving the world now guys -- MicroHoo. About malaria from the malaria is looking better than Steve Ballmer right now -- -- -- -- -- -- The problem make sense but I thought. It -- is that it doesn't pay -- it's the cigarette pack and the number. I -- O rated take a break will we come back. I mean no longer be the notion -- -- -- -- -- and so we'll be active figure out how that all six also. In an iPad channel inventory and its dwindling. -- is a -- -- that -- actually haven't and satellite and the like car that you -- and I'm glad I mean it's not ultimately. Came close to cracking up there must did -- Not that no after the song in the funny how why and how did we just -- the Alaska public did not freaking genius right there. So are the -- on an online phenomenon for content -- pong and telling us that time is -- Like you gotta gotta start with the words you get the word that -- didn't answer anyway. Our our in house knows you're talking it over your have been -- -- -- Genius in predicting things so far through 3001 -- plenty of of the earth after eleven. I think -- -- you might have missed one weekend and judge yesterday. And David meant -- you know that. I do not think iPhone four and Verizon has sold two million net it and not there's no way it's ultimately I do not think no way that sold a million -- like. Random number to pick out -- -- that's. I mean that it seemed like. It because -- the first three days. -- is beginning to get -- million and in the first three days of generally and that an is that an avenue and ultimately get and we would and we were like method ultimately -- -- would -- An -- today. -- eleven and then today. Apparently. Analysts at -- Have -- that. I want the official lord but continue. That one million iphones -- -- on the debut week and yeah recent analysts' estimates that communities of what we've seen what the analyst excellent and I think in about. The other at eighteenth -- Wednesday that never and I know I know. These I'm just trying to get its -- some credibility back with to have done now but if you're -- like 80% -- hampered on fire capillaries and analysts say that iPhone pre orders totaled 600000. On which was 60% -- one million iphones are sold on the debut weekend. So approximately one point 61 point seven million and then there and -- -- in a million and three -- -- then disable iPhone bills rated ever. Dan mead is that is that the and use -- CO Brazil on the current wireless call me on the -- mobile thing out the numbers. This only has 999999. -- -- I wanna hear you can get -- review. There have I mean there had to have I know I sort act like I know a million people personally or like when I told them to run and -- knife and -- at the -- right. And there's a chance -- this is reported by gene Munster have a chance this. I am just getting timely as is its -- chance. -- of fame that with like 80% of people prefer iPad when he literally. Pulled all adults under sixty you people make up 56 people polled and -- would -- -- alert but. Exclusive and it was literally like. 60 people in Central Park on the sharing portraits of -- -- burglary codes you are you know like. Rich white people was this particular that really -- now lists I'm -- -- -- ownership. It's really -- visit the site you know make amends they deem it okay -- from what he really gonna they're going -- -- to meet demand. We have to make an -- -- the app. Maybe -- -- -- group and are in doubt you got three. The secret genius what we really need to do it Inco in photographic of how badly wrong then I would be -- A charge it -- -- -- also it makes that I remember this author predictions like that it was a year ago Apple release a tablet in the next few years. I I quote I make. You not just -- look governor like public let's. Lot. -- five it -- often it was really are they gotta admit the man -- -- -- when you make eleven and we know Gutierrez you have no idea who we are so. -- Hopefully now. In other -- news' iPad -- channel inventory is apparently dried up Apple let's stop production actually if you were hoping for a 249. You know. Original iPad. May not yapping -- stop production and cut supplies to the channel it looks like they are now considered. Constrained it. -- pretty much everywhere. Yet this is a product procedure that's happened for years but -- -- you'll pay attention Apple more. Third party resellers and our official Apple stores before Apple -- existed. They -- let them know an inventory is drying out just like many retail operations so but those people would be privy to like -- a new product refresh is coming soon. One good thing I can tell you guys though for people that you mean honestly care about the iPad it's actually a perfect time. To buy a burst and iPad if you just looking for tablet when the new ones come out they drop the prices by around 15100 dollars if they -- the original gen. And they will have some inventory left so -- swoop in -- that first week or two from when the new new one comes out then you're doing -- -- that thing. Yet if you live -- where there's like a couple left over in the best buy or whatever the market has for the money back with the -- -- rightly that. And also Apple CEO Tim Cook apparently strongly suggested. In a recent interview that we will the a cheaper iPhone in the near future he -- that we don't want the iPhone to be. Just for the rich -- norm anymore. This is after their share shareholders on means than Bernstein analyst Toni suck 170. -- -- -- -- -- -- And I cook also said that price is a big factor in the prepaid market. An Apple is not ceding any market in which the lens you know we talked about all that you have the 49 dollar three yes but. You know back. And that they're just gonna keep making those versions and they haven't had for the 3GS -- like Apple line -- the Almaty on elsewhere in the registers a lot of people -- that. They have -- -- -- by the during the prepaid but there. -- exactly if they if they keep if it -- up 49 dollar 3GS into prepaid. And all the boxes and getting all over the world. Think about it -- now we can't buy it. We can't buy text. I can look -- friend he's telling everyone to buy Apple because of you think -- -- and global. And if they move into these cheaper market and they really start gobbling up market here there and they've truly go global -- the only thing as far as I can be holding them back is just production that they can't ramp up the production and then netbook -- In who -- at the oil where there are buying up all all the touch screen yeah that's I am and via. It's gearing their machines their machine my count is gonna be an Apple -- in three years. Dole -- called real bad notes it's obvious that I'd say that's not up until the -- -- prediction. It lets -- a little marketing genius -- -- let that isn't Apple actually little -- -- 26 year old Amanda hawking is the best selling -- writer on the Amazon Kindle store. Without a publishing deal. She is actually like she's doing the whole thing. The way it's supposed to be done she -- on book. She published her own but she's selling on the Kindle store she can set -- prices that basically whatever she wants to sell them for three dollars. And some for 99 cents and then is just. Raking in the sales. Yeah what what -- -- the Dow. But the sale and -- that lets you anonymously and yet so what happened is she restarted again volume period -- -- volume but called outlines that she replace she started first -- stories on her blog and -- turn of the Kindle she's selling -- brought you around a 100000 copies. Per month and -- projected based on this and with no notoriety all right here as she helps if you no one knew it. Who she was at all. So -- -- her books for three dollars based on the -- you potentially could make. Millions straight to her pocket yet this is not even like after the you know this is just -- 70% of -- and this is exactly the way the system is supposed to be is it takes up I mean it. Don't -- on this is also the definition. Of disruptive technology this is the one that has this July are double A is trying so hard to make itself relevant and you know because they've got eight they've got to find a way to keep. Artist -- -- we've been telling music artists to do this for a decade now. And -- try it these guys and they've been trying in the and an -- at least are in a position where they can be like. And then they got the -- to promote it. But as you've seen you know -- -- seen -- -- in the -- market the thing about this is at least beforehand you know having all the tools for music creation. Was a really expensive and you had to go to studios. But now as things have evolved people can literally do it from their garage or you know a soundproof room in their bedroom and make. Top call -- -- is just a matter of time until. There becomes ace a true go to service. That evolves it -- true music discovery where you know we might actually see true. Independent mute music artists like -- hockey blow up -- -- I mean the -- Bahrain -- kind of -- many not model from happening but in time it's going to happen. If you think about it like the Internet use for music you want to be very and got them -- a -- and don't they don't beaver no matter what you guys said. These. For pretty pretty ridiculous fun of listening to -- I discovered -- -- serious station at that you. -- -- beaver and -- -- -- -- -- like indeed like you know DC radio -- university station on our Canon fine in the -- community as you can -- is but the got -- it out I thought the neighborhood immediately picnic that can don't know -- analysts government house. You'd and we can do it all in play music and but -- but that's the other thing like. You have to have talent the beaver and only gonna get it in discovered on YouTube and good and apparently her books are amazing. I think there's even talk of a screenplay. For some of them well -- -- you know you stuff to be good but if you're good enough eating it straight to the masses and you know what as the way to do it could always cut the news. Yeah I'm gonna crop will rise and it's thought that maybe it -- well it you know -- American -- milk will mean or media. I'm kinda have until Honeywell and yourself -- life. -- China and the state. And facts. Also on -- A in a sad story that touches are our old friend. This is this is so sad and yet you're right to free copies -- -- -- report that T-Mobile. Is killing off their Microsoft danger servers ahead of Android based -- now. For those few that aren't remotely familiar with the -- it really was one of the first heat -- phones that true Smartphone not only that. It was the first cloud phone before any of that existed all of your contacts information was stored to the clouds -- -- ever had to reset your psychic. It would then -- that information back to it also was the first phone many people may not know with an App Store that had its own built in App Store before app stores existed. And also was the reason why well I broke of Islamic book had because. I seriously like she cannot stand how much of on the -- Like really does look like -- -- -- to know it was my first computer love like I'm not even kidding when room because. You have like -- team at the tipping your fingers everywhere you went and -- didn't happen and -- -- college and I was with you Leo with that 2000 I mean -- -- -- it was around 2003 maybe when I had my psychic on the right now. It was -- that you think about eight years ago this -- the cloud Poland with an App Store. Meeting it was very variant of its time and people really do love it I mean it that duplicate. Microsoft bottom and then -- and on our also though it it was severely damage the sidekick brand with severely damaged by the huge outage. In 2009. Where people were out without their data they -- -- that the data per week. Display area it was a big cloud probably uses -- servers you. T-Mobile has said that it plans to decide to go around the brand Iran but it will be future models around standard operating the the wealthy and -- For sure and and of the regular news. Hulu is that for meteoric growth in 2011. Or -- that. -- -- I thought golf kind of accident -- is that according to the budget and Clark. In its who says -- is on pace to Holland half a billion dollars in advertising and subscription revenues totaling eleven. -- which would represent nearly a 100% increase. From -- and sweet if they can keep the -- wealthy. Now we'll see how the model to their miles W -- -- -- here yet and its its its stake in Berkshire also Barnes and -- now selling the Nook Color. -- For 199. So this is. You know eBay's really started changed -- lot because if you -- -- -- -- front door now. They have this little daily deals them in the top right hand side and it's becoming a place where I go to look to actually purchase products not as an optimist directly look to purchase products so really Barnes and -- is now. Using -- you know I it is -- official Barnes Noble's account with interest in about those that. There's a fifty dollar coupon applied which makes the Nook Color through eBay only 199 which is fifty dollars -- and it sells on its own website. So thing. I don't know if this is a limited time limited time offer per say but. If you guys -- we've always talked about the Nook Color being like one of the -- Android tablets based on the price point right now. That's good and -- and then you can have a great market. Some phenomenal. Meeting at the OK you -- -- okay okay -- -- Connecticut Google street view is now going places that cars cannot it lines on Monday its largest ever collection of street view images that also include. Hiking trails amusement park's historical landmarks parks and gardens. Basically because they were -- Mapping cameras and its tricycle and driving around with that part and go home that's that's the museum parts that -- And now -- -- that I mean it but they didn't have the blur out a lot of -- -- you can actually walk around and rental and that it was. Failure that -- -- -- if the but this is cool because yeah I mean even going -- -- -- I'd I think. It's just like an Alley and next thing you know like if some of the Bay Area open -- district -- -- it's great we want to get people the word out the community about opened it deserves -- -- That are available and sometimes if you tune you know sometimes -- -- you wanna go for a -- him to let talent for have a trail map and now calling it you know. Now if you could just like check out ahead of time -- -- at the loop where he -- and that the water collar could be worse we'll see how high -- incline that -- really is before you attempt to do it or that you're not tech that are meeting topographical. Map which -- -- I got to Cisco legally flat line or BR I know they won't all the trail maps that really need to program because that's entered teacher. It can be real like it I'll -- all that it wherever you go to moderate a no gun. Your -- really. Can't turn back -- theme though it didn't in an -- and now. All right -- -- gadgets. Some pretty cool prototype laptops coming out from Lenovo. They have just showcase I -- controlled. Laptops -- that are in the prototype phase so what these. What this does it has eye tracking technology it catches the user's eyes and -- but -- the way you move it the way you look around. Control a cursor and select icons only using your -- -- by Sweden based Toby technology. On just -- -- -- computer more interactive and more intuitive I do you double -- -- To open apps -- now to do like the little in the thing and 23 once do I allergy. -- -- -- -- Hell wouldn't I wouldn't feel awkward at all that because -- like Baghdad with the video and think man which was debunked violently -- discovered a little. -- -- -- -- -- -- Through this thing -- it. They've they've thing estimated release the video show or hide that it it was like he was a brilliant. Follow that is making mad. Well anyways just a little about signaled he would -- -- -- completely safe Apple have a patent on it. They they probably do I don't really I mean that's like -- and a couple of question -- almost elegant. And it -- pretty -- That's really that is kind of a feature -- -- tracking Pena. Here distances one that I wanna let people know to accomplish these feeds by shooting out to invisible infrared lights -- to users redness. That. It's a it's probably not its -- is that I noted that just like though all my dad got. If you're into that explicitly that the people that I just started a little -- -- A -- was at the start of the terminator that the -- -- -- -- like. You look up here -- -- -- -- on the -- about the person to they've got an app on the other reality Iliad augmented reality that this -- It totally they -- the IO earth -- the user interface there are augmented reality sparkle like diamonds. Beautiful cities and -- -- -- beautiful. The beautiful. In the -- on -- and China. Violent and little -- -- and Stewart like Cory came pioneered it's nothing an -- and -- did. Sparkle like diamonds I we have -- with some pretty great. -- -- Create deep creek in grades so I -- -- when I saw this pop up on the Twitter feed us an email that myself with the subject dear god in Israel and forget but it -- but luckily BP was all over the. Realize that I like. -- friend finder network penthouse division said Monday that it plans to launch the first read the Han channel. -- in and out -- EB. In Europe uncle YI. It's -- -- Mobile -- the channel will launch on March 1 2000 that'll live in the from 11 PM until 5 -- obviously the primetime hours for you know the -- that. -- -- -- -- -- We are very excited about -- We are very excited about the launch of penthouse -- channel our goal is always deliver the latest technology on the world's best platform. 100%. Full native 330. Hours freshman monthly. And a program that includes soft core and hardcore -- Qualcomm I just resent -- and now I'm just thinking hard currently is not okay whoa now. It's gonna in the -- currency that's on the idea. So far it pretty much solved and sports in the 3-D world there has been made -- of -- programming. But thank goodness penthouse and dirty -- -- are here to fill the -- -- -- OL. -- will hold a. Cornell and other important news and -- better like about things fairly cool and -- enhancement here in. They Nintendo Wii that we -- game which I guess also would -- -- for PS3 yeah. Caused such an uproar. As a result of -- quote startlingly sexual trailer. That it will now not be relieved. This Leo -- this is a horrible. And the -- okay. That's ridiculous parents and -- -- their outrage by commenting on both the game and its trailer that. The Daily Mail and telegraph quoted a mother -- -- be appalled if she found out that her thirteen year old partner. Was played since it it would have -- Another father games like -- there would only serve to fuel sexual tension amongst teenagers silly teenage don't have hormones that news. You know I am sorry that's ridiculously you don't have to buy it for your kids what is wrong with you America what is what went with it puritanical -- so well that it and oceans. -- -- I'm gonna bring a Wii mote and we just dangling from the -- and Ian Molly from the show. I mean. Just in protest of solidarity. I'm -- that's embarrassing but the Wii has been trying to expand its user base its only known for casual. Family game this was clearly clearly you know I -- -- -- grownups like it's not like they had teenagers in the video. -- -- so child actually. I'm sure that is tired of -- Wii tennis the Wii bowling once put a little we dare and also come -- -- -- as -- -- -- -- -- -- -- bunch -- people. Seriously I figured you would buyer -- Halo 3 but we don't exactly do much that we dared dangle a Wii -- in front of your -- I mean. And also it was startlingly -- it really knew there was no life there at that little bit of thirteen that the and I think as a -- -- -- but seriously people. That's. There's worse than that on Hawaii five O on any other commercial out about deodorant or shampoo or whatever blunt the -- commercials -- mares you the list. I thought is way. More startlingly sexual than anybody and athletes I mean really that's just that is. The worst sort of like rip accurately I know that this particular level of hypocrisy in America has been -- -- many times and if for honestly on the do whatever it takes to import that and make it work on my weeds just. So we can try it you'll. Now -- now. Actually nine be weird but I -- -- have it. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Give -- -- break yeah and also good -- you know they're gonna make for the PlayStation move that -- -- that like you know how that it looks no more you know. You know who looks way more I think -- they'll only you -- users can favor with -- -- and you call him well. I don't know together our call today is about I guess how one -- may be avoiding a little product -- public. It does true excuse from here on -- episode fourteen and sixteen in -- -- about Apple and a product placement. -- -- -- -- -- L a lot of hair seemed like Macs and looks even -- wondering where -- -- would be converting to Apple. I thank of the so. -- -- they -- someone emailed us and sent some pictures actually of the little Apple computers with a pair picture over it. That what I suspected at the Disney produced -- -- Disney Channel. I am sure that an FCC regulation that they can't put their own products will -- also with kids programming there's a lot of other law. Of rules and regulations about marketing and I don't think you can view product placement in kids shows in the first place and then I'm sure you can't simply your own company and -- that's if that's not the case then this is the clear they don't wanna pay the royalties -- to show off the Apple ago. Yeah but that's also makes sense that. Make the time -- -- for any other channel but I suspect that any. And it is he mentioned Nickelodeon which is not Disney we now but for them but two of the the shows that they sent us pictures from where Disney produced shows that Disney Productions that were then syndicated technical -- and then anything else that's just on Nickelodeon it's not also Disney I'm sure that's -- that's you feel like kids show -- -- rules. At an Overture but I would suspect that that enthusiasm. They're like entire departments. Of networks that are just devoted to like regulation -- there'll be thumb rule. In their life 101000 acts and a little light color print and you miss it and that's a hundred grand. -- The home it's crazy out there. Let's move -- to the emotionally. To the front -- -- right. Christopher and Toledo -- as I've been desperately wanting a radio Tivo for years this was the Michael Robertson project that the dar FM RFM Adam. -- I am unfortunately it Cleveland Browns fan and that they really stink they get the worst TV announcers that CBS -- I used to be able to mute the TV and -- -- Cleveland Browns radio networking get much better announcement announcers but that all stopped. After the wardrobe malfunction during -- -- verbal. American -- is on display again -- -- ever since then the NFL has instituted five or 72 delay on everything that has broadcast therefore. The TV action lags behind the radio. If this radio Tivo works like the TV Tivo you can listen on a delay that this is the answer to my problem. I didn't buy it and -- pointed out actually that. This is very. Idea sports landlord -- and generally across the board. The thought that have been a great news that I was thinking about my vote would be good for the -- -- -- perfect what's oil and games for you. And out the really good idea to them especially is not broadcasting your Iranian only here on -- partly. The deal. All right this email comes from James -- -- this is -- -- from that town and at the right in response the story yesterday about Google's algorithm tweaking army some peripherals smaller companies. And of economy is in top shape and I don't want anyone to lose any jobs but at the risk of sounding like a total jerk. If you -- your business solely on traffic from Google but that is your problem. Not mine. And not Google's -- use Google many times every day I do not use your tiny site and I'm sick of searching for things and getting half a page of worthless. If Google wants to kill the awful content farms and does some collateral damage in the process sorry but I guess it sucks to be you. -- And if you're saying -- -- we do but it's just that. I would argue that some of the businesses that are being blocked are not mean every business. It only being built around Google at this point -- -- your businesses online. Everything that you do you mean the end as CEO departments and companies are bigger than that he's the compliance department. Though if your online at all everything you used -- and Google and so that's kind of like saying. I'm sorry launched a new car company based on road designed you know and I mean it's. Not all of them are content farms some of them are new businesses that you might wanna use it's it's the new world I mean businesses are made on the Internet via. Barcelona comes down any new business also could connect the next Google could have been shut down. Now the next big thing could have been affected. Yet buy exactly and develop its own form of throttling Writely can hear it if this new algorithm changes bearing some branding doesn't that you really -- -- is next living social and then you know -- knows what it is. Yet exactly it's not. The same time a little bit different and like you built it around something in it that didn't -- -- Google is changing constantly changing the rules you know. The same time I would hear James say but the cream of the crop rises to the top. Well it is -- obviously all about the tough love and you know. -- aren't we but as we see your point we see your point please help locally -- threats would that it. -- -- that thanks over today every -- you can find all the links to the story that we talked about today if you wanna comment about the tough love or anything else. The -- dot cnet.com is our blog if -- also like to make your own -- your video for our enjoyment please do. And that's. Maybe about that the unit are now. Be creative we don't we don't have a present you with in nevermind all that creative -- back. -- prizes that. And all about money and littler won 806 -- that the need to either intimate TX 38. And -- before we go in the -- to bring it up again. CNET dot -- bright dot com -- south by southwest -- out party six to 9 PM. Taco stand music. Yes feature sure it's an apparently tired -- yesterday that in addition to pretty rendering -- you know and the director of the new -- -- or Brett Ratner is in Internet yeah I hate that -- -- -- X-Men yet -- -- known for a -- arts -- and potentially destroying the Batman franchise but details on how you look at how you look at it. And I see it had a chance to talk to before so he's -- good guys. Terrible also. Tomorrow as you know -- -- -- And also I've tested it but it. So we will be doing our usual buzz out -- live coverage bullets here at CNET the CNET TV dot com slash live if you want a lot -- will be following a live stream and -- -- -- With all the announcement and of course. Our -- and are usually carry -- -- lean original exclusive angles that you cannot find anywhere else via. But Leo 10 AM will be starting or a little before 10 -- we'll probably be out private starting at 9:45 Pacific in and game domain event starts at and -- -- and then in and you can trust us will be old. Will be here -- -- unlike apparently there's. Okay so -- gonna do pray yes that actually is it for real delicate line one as usual you can buy another link for the dialer documented -- -- blog below about cnet.com. But at cnet.com is our email address 100 excellent -- the NET eight is there an amber and we we'll see you bright and -- You're tomorrow -- -- big day. -- braille lite iPad -- -- but. -- -- --

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