Ep. 1406: Nokia and Microsoft: BFFs
Ep. 1406: Nokia and Microsoft: BFFs

Ep. 1406: Nokia and Microsoft: BFFs

Today -- Friday February that when you left. And you can tell I'm Donald bell and I'm Bryan -- -- -- cnet's buzz out loud podcast that -- -- evidently. It is episode. Fourteen -- six on this bright shiny freaky Friday -- who. Anyways it's been a great week we've had at play -- Donald times too many times to. -- so we wanna say they threw -- -- -- with this Molly Wood will be back on Monday. -- redder than -- -- red ball here but we'll -- -- I I would assume so. Data to get also -- for those of you -- in please -- -- they also live chat in the chat room -- live dot cnet.com while we do our show. -- is good time to get on and there you guys -- kind of like our our fourth brain anyway. And everyone saw this -- -- -- in the chat room and I cannot do that but -- -- an -- -- -- -- -- confusion this -- some good. Yeah incite others ask him that I -- my brink now allow for nearly a number of times it points them to execute the -- Also on the site has over the top to show. We're having a special Monday edition -- computer love Monday on Valentine's Day we will be covering the news stories the world's gonna dedicate. Quite a -- segment and -- we might even have a potential. I guess. Interview and I'm working on who on the -- you know number. -- Maybe radio and an -- All right so let's get on the -- is the big news -- it's finally happened Nokia and Microsoft. Will be were -- Very closely together on was just announced at that'll be having a broadband will broad mobile phone partnership today. Joining two companies are really need each other we talked about -- deputies community founding tethered it's lately both in Seattle portfolio -- it. What happen is once it. East Stephen you -- went over to Nokia. There were rumblings about that -- -- might you know join -- and some type of partnership but this is really -- to be a tight partnership beyond just having. -- Microsoft's windows phone seven stalled on Nokia's phones so they're attempting to build what they call the third ecosystem -- operating knowledge. Everything now we've known. Not Apple's island's ecosystem and Google's evolving and continues growing ecosystem that is no -- that an analyst but -- the continue to gain a lot of steam. So what their -- to do is them they will. When anything that the view is through the agreement when it's on seven will become Nokia's. Principal -- system. So this is really saying good bye to Symbian man saying goodbye at amigos saying good -- to the DNA at least from a software side. Of what Nokia was on this is also Microsoft flipping a switch and having windows phone seven being a lot of hands a lot of fast and a lot of quality hardware as well. On Microsoft will also be using there. -- group to insure that -- -- as they develop board they'll be putting them on a broad range of phones globally they wanna put it everywhere they want to. Also on Nokia will be able to leverage the Microsoft online services like being -- being in their maps. And their ads -- -- for advertisements and then as well as Nokia would be folding its own App Store. Into the Microsoft might Microsoft marketplace via so there I mean there there -- -- there emerging in -- Now there's a lot of Nokia employees who are not happy about this if there's a walk out today where a lot of them and it show forest and lake you know. We've been working on Symbian for years now and it couldn't hook it turns around says. Again that and just drop the access to -- now we're gonna go Mac stuff yeah I think if it. I mean I think it's a smart move means Symbian it is a thing that's been on my death watch for -- the past. More than a year now we're is that whereas going what's gonna happen in the document the Migo I like operating system -- for their Smartphone future. -- -- has been stumbling in -- Here is instead of just slowly watching them -- -- -- away. This is I think a firm grasp at something that a partner who really wants to be and has the muscle to be. The operating system that they need. Yang in an open in the letter from both the lot and -- together they said there are other mobile -- systems. We will disrupt them there will be challenges we will overcome them success requires speed and we will be swift. Together we see the opportunity and we have the will. The resources and the drive to succeed. He -- -- a library both have the drive not fail to stop losing money if -- camp. That's a lot of incentive going on there to stop the bleeding and hopefully this'll be a measured. But yeah I think that this is this is gonna be interest and see how that shakes out I think this probably -- -- be -- people losing their jobs over at Nokia. Especially all -- people that they've -- working on opera is Indian software and trying to make that work and grow that -- Oh yeah I needed and I always find it amazing though light you know how technology moves so fast and when you see companies joined forces that. Mino maybe five years ago would have never even looked to -- You know they would never said no let's -- -- now the -- I'm doing my you know -- dominating I'm kicking but globally you know what Microsoft you can you windows. No Smartphone stuff over in the US like I don't care now it's like we need each other -- so it detect proteins the past but this is. I'm I'm sure we'll hear more rumblings and I just kind of maybe get more information coming out of mobile world congress which starts on Sunday and we'll have plenty of coverage with that on each. Ten terminal be out there bar sentinel and -- I get -- thing that did it has conquered yet -- that it's gonna be a big incentive for developers to finally not think of windows phone seven as kind of like the joke third. Party to develop for. If this is really an Indian it market. -- expansion for when the phone seven and hopefully that will bring people into it and see this is a money -- opportunity to develop for them. -- we mentioned penny yesterday briefly -- what you said just the hardware making sure that it's going to be on quality hardware that is going to be in people's hands now. So on -- -- -- Also in other news about kind of company is potentially. I guess it's a semi -- -- merging forces. Rim said there's a Romero while the mean that -- -- -- -- that they were planning to. Put software on their playbook this is their enterprise -- seven inch tablet. To run a Google apps it looks like it made it looks a lot more strongly like it will be happy -- A mobile mobile world congress to allow the device to run. Android three people familiar with the matter -- when a Bloomberg which would give them access to more than 130000. Apps. And -- its interest in its kind of it. It almost is it's changing their -- -- -- at least they're singing wanna be it is anything but saying okay now we're also gonna we're not good enough to. Developer -- -- we don't feel that developers in a common put out on our platform is we're just going to build an emulated idle. Aspiration Meehan you know like and I also I have a have a hard time believing it's gonna work the way people are thinking it's gonna work at his things and Google apps I mean Google. A lot of manufactures have a hard enough time even if -- Android devices gaining Google's Android apps and marketplace on there devices. Now Beyonce that you can run the apps is a different thing than saying that you've got Google marketplace on your on the playbook. How people are going to get the apps on the playbook -- selection that you'll have. And also just how can work against -- I think because -- whole thing is like security. How -- we have always protective measures Amaechi information secure. And always disliked as wild west as far as the apps are concerned and like what protective -- he have against making sure that -- information the care. It also just waters down the their brand when you're saying that they were bringing in an drain on our tablet which. Should be good enough to stand alone now and if it is enterprise geared YA. Are there really major and -- seen major enterprise apps. That are being developed on -- and beyond that like you said will it actually worked I mean we already see how some Android apps perform differently on different -- -- and you're -- Not only is it harder that's not dedicated for the apps events on top of -- different OS. Yet -- -- -- -- rethink the kind of headline that Blackberry doesn't need for them right now it's like look with -- with Google we can be relevant and interesting you know I think now you need right now with it you know hopefully coming out in the next few months. In the headlines need to be about how well that they -- comment how the developers are coming in and brazen about it. How much you know people it's getting revived in saint competitive and how much -- -- -- that you know beat your iPad to the punch with a lot of -- features. Hit the headlines this failing look at my appeal to play with Android apps from Android games or whatever is that it's not it's not -- -- -- -- about the -- Yes so rim mom after looking outside -- source developers they're gonna be developing -- offer internally. And it says according to article that they may have it ready sometime in the second half of this year. So we'll see how -- go through them busy. But I bet that -- you'll be the one testing that out -- also on the in the mobile space Apple you we have always. There is. I don't know it. I mean this is this is intriguing because they definitely they -- definitely working on this but Apple's that'd be working on a cheaper iPhone essentially to target. That lower and -- phone or that kind of entry level phone. Based on on competition that Android has continually taken -- from there and -- diverse. Variety of phones from and high -- level and to an entry level it says but this is also according to Bloomberg that there were -- Al -- behind the -- they've been working on a version that would be cheaper and smaller. Approximately 13. The size of the current iPhone. I want 13 maybe getting a third smaller O at thirty dollars sorry if it pays any -- -- them at. Now here are you gonna and I didn't edit it's you can't have Larry -- You wind map and aching to display the icons or an -- -- -- -- smaller is what they're saying yeah but even then it's like a maniac and pretty small as it is. I -- if you get third smaller -- -- gang doesn't that baton that HPV years size where it's like oh my god this has. It'll be easy to -- listings and a prison. -- -- -- How this can be is usable but cheaper is always exactly and more of I think more than anything it's a cost it's -- cost proposition. You have an Apple. IPhone like product in your pocket at a lower cost because the brand speaks for itself -- on that's also it's just the power that. I mean I'm sure Apple see that if we just lowered the price -- mid -- not the biggest. Problem for people adopt in the phone we could probably just blow this thing out and really company is also the -- that that. It's he's doing with -- here and the -- -- and touchpad and they want people have both the have a little Lime Wire to the phone use the man then got a pad. -- -- in the ecosystem also some interesting news coming -- from here is that -- Apple is also looking to. Potentially use this phone as a kind of a launching pad with to make this a dual mode -- so this would be using have like a universal Sam. That it would have a GSM mobile communications in it and also the TDMA connection it but it would be able to be activated for mobile multiple. Mobile carriers instead of just being like this is the AT&T don't. This -- when they can just sell a single line. I remember that and I'm in my opinion even last year where there there would be like speed to market place on the phone -- booted up and they need. You tell it. But like -- and client and use what services you want to use and it wasn't that you got activated at a store yet the pop in a different -- which I am a totally admittedly that's. Now that's a messy situation especially in international markets where it is going from you know. Italy to prod you got a cheap swap out SM or something like that to. To be a feature found on. Yes so -- this article says they've aimed to unveil it somewhere in the mid middle of the year. But it may be delayed or entirely -- any we know Apple or every company -- on plenty of prototypes of their products. -- I think more than anything if this thing. Happens it's really gonna come down to will they actually be able to pull off that universal system and yet because now it -- be kind of a game changer not only for that product but moving forward. How how phone carriers or phone manufactures you know build something like this and if the carriers are okay with that. Because and it's why does someone even need to go locking your store any -- -- those other accessories and all of those. -- -- -- -- If that's as well as a consumer I think -- Monmouth pain yeah I have to -- it's awesome I'm totally behind the I think the acting the carriers lots of them think about that. So there -- Also on the here we go in related -- you Apple we've heard about how Apple recently rejected Sony's. Because of condition that they said that there are now camera in -- -- To require an app that offers in app purchases if it also offers consumers the ability to. Like for example by an e-book. Through Amazon handles web -- -- always take up -- the browser -- that they want apps that are being approved now to also include feature to purchase inside the app. Well after that happen Sony probably -- a little wasn't very happy about it so Michael. Speaking about their music unlimited service that's launched seen in Australian very soon -- -- where's -- coming out. A sorry debuted in late 2010 so it -- came out but he was essentially talking about how. In the future Sony could pull its music from iTunes. Under the condition that we problem reminding the audience would be able and the model would change they offer compelling reason for people not to use iTunes as much. Yes and god bless them. -- that I got I think -- we can totally pull out of -- IT thing if only every would come in you desired service instead. The question he poses that if we do get mass take up the -- -- Sony music need to provide content to iTunes. Currently we do we have to buy its iTunes is that the format. -- -- like the girlfriend has -- -- relationship that thing. Well as soon as they get a better job of totally leaving this guy in around. It's not bad for now I'll totally discounting them again -- They threaten the sun really it's been afflicted with the toothless -- management and alright guys though will be taken a little break believe back to talk about President Obama and -- -- -- -- back to buzz out loud my friends. Mr. Donald bell in the house also -- adults manage that -- -- do not ideal working it right. So we're back here and we want to talk about Obama and their push for forty speeds here in the US. On the early yesterday alleged he'd made announcements -- that he wanted 98%. Of Americans. That acts as the four -- speed wireless on doubt with the idea would be that local TV stations. Would essentially. Not be required but they would give up or relinquish parts of the broadcast spectrum 500 megahertz product allows broad and broadcast spectrum. That's currently signed to them by the Federal Communications Commission. -- give -- up we're gonna. Option it and then we're gonna have roll out nationwide four G what I. I think that that the main take away from this aside from the fact that -- probably mean one in Vegas poured into. You know carriers which makes me kind of not that great not that happy he but they're there concentrating on making sure that wireless access gets out of rural areas. Yet -- they want push it out with in the -- this -- -- within five years on calling it necessary for the US to mean internationally competitive and win the blue care and satellite. -- -- campaign. How much Robert how much money the could save by district convincing all the people who live in rural areas that come to the cities and -- that are like. Do -- had to move a little bit closer to -- solar power. Sees America the big country are right we can't get all of view. The idea the -- of this baseless I'm White House estimates it would raise 27 point eight billion dollars over the next decade. And he proposed -- ten point seven billion would be spent on the -- ports for police and other public. Agencies. I'll be happy if we just concentrate on -- edge. And three GP out to rural -- -- okay -- Ernie Ford G everywhere I'm not and not sold on the idea of authority is gonna save you know our country edge would be an insult. Edited and don't pay an age of like here you guys -- -- -- connected to the Internet right the past decade. Can you imagine how liberating and amazing -- going to be. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Palaces. -- -- or -- do you know. But in the well that on the Internet on the edge in the gonna find out about accordion like where's my lord I guess I think it could be one of those things where maybe we'd be we'd be freaked them out please flip the switch and suddenly there is going head -- -- the high speed Internet. This baby settlement -- the future baby -- in the future podcast area. Are a lot of money. Also in a follow -- yesterday. Verizon iPhone four launch -- though mullah we had -- dog bella pretty much considered a dead. Due to the pre orders analysts say -- -- supposedly would during -- theater they had an estimated. There's -- -- some numbers that are being thrown around now there's an estimated 700000. Units that sold out in only seventeen dollars and then after that the second theater period. Which started on every night. Open that up so. -- if you combine the extra cold weather. And the fact that people -- again this to me more than anything shows that consumers are even -- much more smart smart are so much more smarter than they were before because. You know. The whole crew remodel I remember even when the initial iPhone -- came out for AT&T and there were plenty people who -- -- one line to pre order. And then that like all. I don't want a pre or I'm gonna wait in line it will they realized that all along it's not our daughters Alexa. The ability excitement of waiting as a lot and bartering for -- -- -- -- -- patent it. And so you know it. It's and it's not I thought there at least be some decent ultimately I know when -- -- stores now and are Apple like this ramp up this staff it was like -- Juanita lottery she or -- -- to customers. -- that that's Apple -- right after night. In my -- I got it that day at a question that at that that that is definitely -- -- You know it was pretty much a done overall by it and I'm glad people like -- smart about the that -- -- appliance. For eighteenth what would these people -- initiative -- retailers. Like -- Now it's it's the thing and of the Angus I think there's also it's like it's it's not a new device thinking -- -- look silly getting -- getting pictured with. The iPhone four on Verizon nearly. I love the iPhone bad really everyone -- he had a year ago but like it. If I'm Verizon now can you -- now you really can't be that -- -- Apple hasn't even if -- even a guy that is always liked the very front of the New York shoreline was like screw -- fascinate. -- bodies like I've got enough but at least at least make it a white iPhone or something though that the visually it's it's more growth this year. I wonder if they release the -- eye on on the same day. If there -- regular fuel line I think I would. -- -- -- you'll -- people are suckers for novelty is latent having this thing looks so. Identical to the iPhone every minority has the yeah yeah -- get people up in numbers the -- Yang and another follow -- -- -- Verizon iPhone the first. Update has already been pushed out and available. For customers who will buy device when you -- in that it will comic -- it's supposed to fix a bug to ensure that your personal hot spot in data usage. Is accurately reported. Now I'm not sure whether he -- at your -- feature that I'm not sure what the inaccuracy lies staff but ultimately and there's little -- That's so there's there's an option here -- for twenty dollars a month you get two gigabytes. -- -- -- -- -- And an EP -- twenty dollars for each additional gig. He -- -- reporting op on that you're like you're -- twenty dollars with the -- -- -- by going over so yeah and I'm glad that I update -- -- I mean I guess I takes in more for people that. Aren't gonna be locked -- the unlimited plan then right. I guess so I hope I hope that unlimited means unlimited. Use -- for now never -- Also on in other news guys PayPal as their micro payments solution at the opening up the public. They've opened it up to game developers specifically targeting more of game developers media publishers and people it's been selling their digital content. On a global scale it was first announced in last October. -- but this is this is kind of trying to make it really easy for other people want should be content to be able to go directly to PayPal for micro payments like. You know. I don't know if that's -- steam would use this because they have their own payment system built in. This is more for -- independent. Media producers yet many also prepared pretty boat people who don't wanna have to fork over 50% or whatever it is that Apple does itself -- -- -- episodes through iTunes and people want to go direct. With some kind of independent content. One of the examples they show here is like. I can yeah -- -- interview with the pale like. -- magazine interview with like a famous artists who live by that particular article he -- for fifty cents through PayPal incentive in going through my other route I think it. It -- as more flexibility if you -- -- tool for independent publishers and game in design and that that. It's you know and also -- it's more like you just mentioned -- of more of an ala carte. -- if you wanted to specific sections you know your more than willing to do that. According a PayPal. The auto magazine auto sport online magazine autos where they saw Sony 5% increase in new customers sign up with the beta version of the micro payment system. -- -- And -- the competitive fees for my opinion present a 5% less five cents for any purchases under twelve dollars. So. It doesn't take into bigger cut them just a right. It's about people -- also Twitter is now telling advertisers. -- did dig a little deeper. With their promoted trends that you guys familiar when you -- or Twitter homepage you have -- -- trending topics the promoted trends. Previously. For one day. There is basically a purchase price for advertisers that'd settled somewhere between seventy to 80000 dollars and then and I as it would go as high as 100000 but. Now tweeters telling companies are advertising agencies that. To -- part of their promoted trends are promoted via promoted trends it's gonna be 220000. Dollars from pre K that's a little bit more. It's I and I look I'm -- -- bankrupt the must mean they have they have the metrics I'm curious how many like whether the number of arrivals actually click on the I'm glad -- making some money when -- -- that's at least they've got a strategy is used to be working for them and ended the this could be -- -- promoted tweets who would have thought you know. And it's -- multimillion dollar -- -- that the human everyday yeah and it's only one it's only one is a not. Pre nup promoted trend on every single tree -- is only once they're not gonna be you know. Blasted by it and it when -- when we first thought oh that you would direct you to their -- just the mention of whoever's -- and then everything else is just the -- its -- -- in -- versions. As -- I mean it's it's crazy to me you know that -- I would be the future of marketing would be like a 140 characters promoted tweet. You now in like this. Stream of user generated content -- and by the impact at the top part. And it costs you 100000. Dollars. Euro while -- and be worth it if. You put that put that in the NL it's probably worked AM by itself but -- in the bank. Also on to some. Information about mobile world congress coming -- Samsung's. Ten point one -- honeycomb tablet will be debuting in or is looking to debut at mobile world congress this according to. Pocket lint -- home so. We'll see how looks. Yeah I mean and that would be a honeycomb tablets it was pretty pretty cool and -- -- to. And this short list of other honeycomb announced honeycomb tablets to be like Toshiba's. Technologies. And of course in the -- some some of the specs on the Samsung -- double feature a dual core Qualcomm chip and an eight megapixel camera. And any other from the Samsung has done right so far it's that the at least for the tab can mom every -- The only problem against I say it against Samsung is that. The -- is still need care career on the device -- there's no Wi-Fi only version of it out yet this must be out soon. But if this is another kind of you know. Doing the exact same formula but with a larger screen running honeycomb. I think that allows same problems and complaints we had last fuel -- -- as far as the way to keep -- Google by. Problems with it so we'll see but it app began letting this remain -- more product. -- -- Stack Illinois that would act a monkey on -- great while a tablet and also you know it also means it means that maybe I'll be on deck for Barcelona next year. You wanna go to Barcelona. At first as thinking it's currently is its threat to see yes -- -- -- with math and mean like I'm not going back to back. I like I -- seem -- -- at this point. Bill press -- unless I'm gonna happen after CS would probably get over that and and -- departs on. -- sauces and flavors Berry you know you might my pink skin tone just eats up the the sun began to think like a natural lives are being -- -- -- -- never been. -- Also in other -- report except Britain and that an active back -- -- and I'm also another mobile world congress news. Specs released for the galaxy S to the desire HDT use the desire to. And the wildfire to. Have been leaked online this is according pocket now dot com. These are not the final specs but the galaxy ST will feature one point two dual core processor the ACC desire ATT will also feel. The -- also have a dual core processor and then the desire to its scanning gonna be either sat down -- holds its standard one gigahertz snap dragon and you know kind of all the there's no major. Features sticking out that you know you're really going like. While but this is just kind of the steam that come before the storm mobile world congress and so much so it's announced -- -- And I'm scared -- all -- -- if they did it. I'll -- dual core products like at. Now in -- we just like a nice buzz to have -- -- product but. We haven't -- how the battery like really really -- -- here right here do quiet in the mail that's gonna be -- -- -- battery life yet. I'm vitality and can switch them on or opt in -- -- -- -- -- -- all the benefits to seem like things I do not wanna do with my Internet radio instantly talk to pick it dual core processing on that and radio print head and an interface. -- -- as far as like. I mean gaining would be neat you know the optimize gains in game graphics -- revealed that -- dual core I could see that that like. Movie playback from a watching movies I think the real advantage of dual core is multitasking and you can now a lot of things from Japan have achieved yes it should be -- yeah yeah -- -- -- So why the lion in the -- loves his -- shift 512 megs and dual core. -- -- -- tells how you know how the battery life -- moment in general in and -- -- -- things you use because. Why else say this thing battery life even on single core products on -- never really know you're rolling the dice say it seems to be good or bad bad -- I I still I want they it'll be amazing when there is like that iPad as product that just. Guarantees that sets the bar higher for what you can expect matter like this the maintains -- performance you know. I I just I'm on medium sector for -- made -- crazy -- May -- -- -- because you wanna use your devices has been bad for consumers that's that's a lot easier thing to. To tug at them until amendment like oh my god the battery will last you all day instead of lake. Dual core job multitasking ability all -- talk to that section and ad campaign. I don't know I feel like he -- do show person not recharging their phone halfway through the data that would be standalone -- battery life of any mobile device twelve hours yet talk time. Yeah I mean and total -- -- that in alongside having the capabilities but it just. Which that was more on people like main factors radars to make that better. All right on our radar -- hands. Or something through the -- wow -- -- Low and as I. By Alan ballad this I like that the thought that got on the drug you know -- -- -- to -- keys community. Well. X. Microsoft unveils their Internet Explorer nine release candidate some of the features. -- -- you guys can expect to see and will have a full review and video posted on a CNET TV and cnet.com. You'll have you know they're tracking protection lists where we talked about -- There's a preference for their privacy which gives you a sense that all white list. For our organizations you trust and then it can also -- -- block or allow third party content to control what information. Users share with the sites also on the new tab page. You know this may not be the most revolutionary but it's. Site icons you know are some of the favorite most visited -- people need -- have -- so it can go over the your favorite sites this. You are simple I expect it'll it'll quietly really gain a lot of a lot of users back -- -- It's not gonna be cast are Emmy RD IE has such -- It's missiles says feel so horrible to say he -- -- IE that the really browsing and and that. I know that's when I couldn't believe how -- we say but you know -- and -- there and there -- -- Internet Explorer is my -- director. I thought that my grandparents speak like and I hope my parents and that. Exactly. Allies got lost in the -- -- lets them present it can you help me out here -- Let me get this out. -- slots and central place. Some. -- -- -- A -- -- -- a hacker that employed sql injection vulnerability that essentially. Treated a file or obtain a file that include username your email address and your hashed passwords man and year -- long walks on the because. Imagine someone taking over -- eat what if someone took over -- eHarmony profile change it up a little bit and you actually had more responsive. But I actually like a really hot so what I'm saying I think that most damning thing would -- be the fact that I have any army profile okay I can -- papers fell on. I don't just -- you're using it pearl worked in research you know reach age are trying a harmony happily on tablet it's like someone told me it's the new FaceBook -- -- -- and stuff. The dating services and main site uses separate database and web server so at no point during its active hacker actually get inside of they still how to fill that survey of fifty questions that matches personal his personality among -- integrate -- I'm just any you guys are likely -- -- can make a pair -- hackers together. And common interest. It anyways so I had just if you are in harmony and -- we've we've recommended online game for people and you know. Different situations here on the -- through our computer -- -- on this mixer. The change that also Amazon -- -- out of taxes. Over 269. Million dollar tax builders in this ongoing dispute with Texas and Amazon -- has facility -- -- distribution facility. Armed and they wanted to essentially the building is not owned by Amazon. And Texas says they oh and collected sales taxes on based on you know all the product they've been pushing -- now so as a result Amazon is -- -- And this would potentially kill plants hires mini 1000 additional workers to move that going back. Do it -- patent. -- -- You might like this I think Donald has one of these -- the front of the bad -- -- and my pimp out them take this out. Star Wars with AT AT imperial locker. Built from scrap computer parts. Come on who -- Is this all like is this literally all scrap computer parts I'm guessing it is the right they wanna put this up here and get in some cases and yet I always like hold him yet plastic cases I feel little -- -- -- -- -- enact them yeah I'll let us. You gotta do that little -- you mean that the school so -- user Fujian Smith. Crafted this with roughly this this ATT weighs in at roughly fifteen pound wow me from a to power supply boxes. Floppy drive -- means and scrap metal. He welded the whole foot high. And foot long well. You know what it is well that is some metal and plastic I'm actually much more impressed that this is a lot nicer than toys. He has like the boldest scorching of like the blasters only decide -- stuff -- that's. That's the job well done it for outlook plug and play historic as a computer that the Austin gas hesitated because hadn't done that case -- that case month yeah yeah and -- my school that could actually as -- -- from -- the belly of these is eight years as a speaker built bond act in -- -- of the month -- -- Howell who moved. Boom boom -- little light at 10-Q which is companies -- the -- goatee. At that what they do after that -- that you wouldn't actually these to be a little light the light ball -- underneath there and you keep that precedent little guns of that -- That it. But -- want to hear him. -- -- Technical hungry humorous news sites -- humanity itself can store 295. X bytes of data so if you basically -- all of this stuff like thumb drives CDs. Chip -- -- credit cards video cassettes even the clay tablets from nominal. About 295 -- -- like the storage exists that's basically researchers at the University of Southern California found. The number of course if you wanna break it down an -- buy is 1000. Data -- not not Peta. And then up unite as 1000 terabytes. And a terabyte obviously pretty much is in many desktop these days. Thousands at a bites into by its -- -- a thousand acts of bytes. And that's how -- got to get -- humanity we need to get and it has set up by territory. While I know silly creatures so who want to back up all of our data that we've ever generated. I mean imagine -- spyware this question came -- that how much storage -- we need to back everything up on the plan. -- is that few few hundred acts of bytes. Just to give you perspective but then there's also a humanities broadcast. That's the key and radio and I'll -- that -- gets out -- location one point nine that a Dan button I think early because the broadcasts are going -- outer space Spanish yet so well -- just rely on the fact that there's an alien civilization that I -- Canada -- out Kenya were denied -- and they're doing -- seasons and I Love Lucy and -- that it. Jersey shore. My god now we're not going man has been actually I would want them let's do -- -- because then they will not inhabit our planet and there will make. Hell no we're not doing that they are right on -- happy. Things wrong. -- jeopardy champs will be competing against Watson that's going to be happening. On Monday. Actually on Valentine's Day they'll be competing for three nights it's Ken Jennings and Brad Ryder to. -- most famous champions. And we've talked about the Watson machine and -- I'm gonna watch summit he that is going on this. This the first time that my final jeopardy and -- -- they're not on it. But Stephen Baker -- -- -- -- story about this the final jeopardy man verses machine. Is a sudden panic covering this and -- shelving the I. I'm floored by this like to actually see I wonder. If there I don't know if you guys those are as the computer and actually -- -- voice people that I had to be into I think you'll actually speak out the results and the thing. An informal question. And the these are all -- have already been taped episodes -- -- to generate fourteenth. One kind of point that -- -- made is the fact that this is shot. On location it is that I at IBM's Beasley offices are IBM's homer arena says brown home -- -- -- -- -- -- as well as any said. No one was cheering for me. It -- at their home arena that it was -- no -- game for humanity. Mammoth -- -- -- for the role violently come alive and well liked on there of any other bills seven lateral or consecutive game winner. He's like this you need -- home home field advantage I think he's doing just fine. -- writer 33 he's his accumulation of which means three million humans 55000. Dollars 102 dollars. Three million dollars. Went on earth. -- -- -- On the predictions show I predicted that the lot and I said I kind of back and how I really I think I think there's certain things in the process my prediction is that the end of that show they're gonna go office space time -- Still moment that -- The -- that's such as like. I mean. I know -- -- sometimes people when they're like trying to do their final jeopardy. And they put in that amount and -- -- like why did you do that -- it would not have put yet either higher or lower like. They're kind of you know would be asked -- and -- does -- does like to get access to the totals at the other contestants have audiences -- that. Because answering questions but failed to -- an idea. Idea will be -- that you know like when they -- it keeps track of that's the dollar total add that on my computer. Is an immediate consequences if -- Libyan -- machines do. If the bruising at community's ego. And it is finding something smarter -- -- -- will be really jealous. I don't think they're promoting this nearly enough on TV and -- about I don't know I've seen -- -- -- -- Yeah about the -- it's bad PR for humankind that's why I can count on a time when I was going how many people actually watch fly because if you sought to contestants and computer. Would that like freak out like middle -- there lightly plan planet. Computer a guy. Like this I wanna see human like you would think they'd be like to see how humans react -- -- wrong get right. Well that they need to do they need to put in -- like defects grow by going to be hard to watch at the same time the facial expressions of -- -- that -- -- -- -- -- kind of -- Mine is -- one computer there all right let's go check out our feedback. You remember you guys consent it's your voice -- -- 80616263. CNET or emails to buzz at cnet.com. Donald first you know. I paved buzz team as wanna say that you're not alone Brian and has -- New York with my buddy we had a terrible bike bug. Experience and return to the hotel room from -- from dinner one night and told me that there -- a huge bug. At -- they didn't believe in the and I thought it was -- this all caps he huge. Horrible experience but I love the show. Science. Stuff peaks occur at night I didn't know I wasn't following the threatened to like him that the pre -- him this morning -- the -- is in the congressman that. The origins -- -- eat it on the like the wildlife. When you get there it is you can -- by you can do announcements yet I need mean I'm using opera for ten dollars rape was actually. Religiously against using the story in the show so I -- I'm -- I don't put everything on it down like want to put in in the show because we can. And then it became like on this conversation yeah that -- I don't know what his problem -- -- -- -- alien overlord aren't treatment Cochran all right this. Emails from you know and I'll -- -- read this the -- -- and -- buzzed through I live on a nearly uninhabited island in the middle of western of the western Pacific north and it and do. I am well acquainted with the various large bugs attended -- living space the -- thing to remember which with roaches they should never. -- -- kill one in your house apparently. The smell of a dead or suffering cockroach is a party call. Or it may eighth and able -- in the dozens -- -- dead come check it out very bad or -- with them with the issue. And get there intestines glued to your bedroom wall. You'll -- get the -- and I can attest that when you kill some Cochran's in my grandparents' house nuts it needed update once he's nationals on its -- -- yet it's it's cockroach. It's like that the blog as a hundred dollar bills he's still from the bank at Paxson had hit explode like oh god. Now as -- friends know that you killed him if they can get to -- now if we get the best way to deal with them is to. -- -- creek -- my finger on their head it. Expect that this will -- them so that you can get them out of the house. When you are far -- use a big rock to finish them. -- I -- I -- it is emotionally harass them down all -- Cochran and -- correlates and the anti invasive strategies is to allow. Big enough spiders to live. Are about the care -- Wrote the for -- cockroaches are out of the range for problem's size ones but they do keep the senate -- that. Moon. Although -- impedes that pollution and -- this all. That. Enact -- -- -- around and I'll I'll in the show O'Brien goes and now it's out there. The airplane. But have yet another email from accessing your computer science grad -- talking about Watson. -- -- I just wanted to remind listeners about Watson playing on jeopardy next week starting Monday the -- I was fortunate enough to look -- IBM research center over the summer and actually played against the machine. It beat a collective five or six -- its defeat in China pooled their resources and that -- Needless to say what that showed no mercy and crushed -- It should be fascinating to watch the best human recall -- it against the best natural language processing. Machine learning and problem ballistic reasoning algorithms computers -- have to offer. Plus a robotic voice in jeopardy says there. Thank you for that -- that's meant to be privy to is like an option right. It was it fund and also must have been demoralizing if you had five or six people -- Like let's let's take out this electronic guy like they tested the moon by hand if skirted disputed all right here's -- -- -- -- -- -- was talking about. The 100. Point touch screen. And had said that he had an opposable toe dominance -- the first thing I thought of please see the attached. They accident well. Palau although -- -- I don't know where you found them and I -- -- I can confirm that that is actually -- picture from my own personal collection that's pretty great. I got lucky -- maybe. I mean I RU -- the monkey problem -- absolutely you'll absolutely drunken monkey call manipulative and a oh and don't -- -- to become apathetic -- my monkey foot. I feel like you don't like the kid -- where capital to Iran that they are eclectic to my -- I've -- Shiite you know I can't wait to see you rendered in the Street Fighter characters and -- great lenient if I am okay -- Demonstrate okay. Alright guys that's gonna deal does he -- now remember the next week Monday will be launching our special. Valentine's Day computer -- him but we'll have plenty of tech stories to satisfy your hunger for people that really like screen that. Also on Donald thanks for coming -- today answering -- with -- Molly will reach bird. With their ten remember take at a senate of -- -- at cnet.com -- 806162638. -- -- -- at CNET dot -- And it's the only man -- gates had to sell some. What he had to get get the -- idea. The figures think spider didn't get so excited. We'll see you guys --

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