Ep. 1405: Verizon drops the line
Ep. 1405: Verizon drops the line

Ep. 1405: Verizon drops the line

It's a secure access. When -- -- I'm human brains. So fast right size to the here and welcome this -- in its contents of and certainly we're here episode 140. I've. And -- personal -- chat room is coming -- -- -- -- -- on Thursday -- a lot of people there for use for -- -- listening to our show. The fact we do you have a live chat room you -- in Iraq this week we reader. Posts and messages we -- in -- while we're doing the show it is quite a discipline have to say it is hard to do this show read the stories read the chat room or do other shows we have guests -- -- -- like. We have a chat room but on the -- -- So we wanted to show loves the -- of everybody out there thanks so much for join us on but we're gonna jump into the stories today is. I guess it was -- -- a -- -- it was the official launch -- launch. Of the Verizon iPhone four went on sale Wii or it's so exciting so exciting you know how do you know how many people went too -- in the line. Did you get -- how many blocks where they wrapped around my -- -- 00. So. Obviously a lot of you were able or the right and I -- -- the pictures here we put out. Arm and a bevy of -- myriad editors the different stores we covered this week covered the story like white on rice I was gonna say that really query yes -- where parents think it's -- That that will mean it couple more than we would be insane. We yeah well I've I've -- all right so what we have here is on the pictures in your -- product cameras out there -- they said there were only about ten people from in the morning. They had the barricades rate already to go that picture the barricades and barricading -- nobody. And there's -- need them to hold -- the reporter back from doing her investigative journalism is this might actually be the first time there or the ratio of customers to place at the Apple Store with and the one incident the other way around this -- my favorite picture this you're seeing the video years you're getting the full picture not a means that it -- picture. Yeah this morning San Francisco sun has not come up cable cars -- by home with people label line street Apple Store roll it up nobody in front of it. There there's -- coming out event Zia and saint. I don't know if people are ready for this but everyone who's smart enough now they they know the -- pre -- everybody got on what things if you really. AT&T strip strip and if you're gonna switch carriers you know why do right now you know rush so I don't know if any of you guys annually here in the chat room did you actually go on line in right and I've -- at the time because we -- -- of people. Maybe one of you guys did now in and out and that in and out things like that. So what we need you've got no idea I. Mean appropriately that we were gonna for the Apple -- in a covered in the lines like it's the my gets added that it be -- there and we really -- -- -- -- that -- -- the -- of the -- -- and at -- -- Note that like -- and move forward he will talk about -- -- little bit but. -- to get an idea of what analysts are expecting them everyone's favorite analyst gene Munster predicted that one million. Right and I've known to be sold in the first three days when the moon -- -- that's actually when you think about that. Even if they handled these pre orders there's no way they had actually one million pre orders online and if you look at -- -- turnout. I don't know if they'll be able to hit one million in the -- -- -- -- you know -- -- -- going to be great. This is gonna be great for Apple and it's great for Verizon customers who want the iPhone -- -- -- deal with the eighteenth -- horrible main -- service but. It's not very. The buzz was when the phone came out and it's not about the carrier. Like is that if you really want of the phone you have the phone and you're dealing Q I still think yeah you're right but I don't -- a 1000001 statement. Maybe in the first quarter we did what they project. Said -- about 25 -- -- -- around 25 million. Really Verizon iphones. He on the customer base I I don't know I answers I haven't figure -- how many stores there are how many people there there's pent up demand for I think though. If the Verizon iPhone have come out a year ago -- may -- but now with these really killer Android phones coming out and many man I don't harmful whatever but with the really killer Android -- -- -- -- -- -- -- on the palm -- yet they are and I'm once. You know who only wants. That's trick me once yeah me too I think it will begin this. I still like it now -- -- -- them -- the Android phones have taken the heir -- -- iPhone. -- you know Verizon's. They have that -- authors in the -- into it yet but they've kind of again they've become Natalie when -- we literally like they're going to be the carrier of 2011 to be on. -- yeah via their forgy layout plan called a QWERTY phones they have the right -- -- now there's really they are the carrier. But 2001 we've been to -- that orbit also before it is the ABC become like the place for every phone that's on iPhone. Mean if you think about I mean sprint -- what major under the -- forgy one meter like -- on really has drawn people to that carrier. -- -- -- -- -- About the like the site give us a while ago but -- -- really Verizon has has really done well align itself with -- a diverse range of products that are high quality Cella. -- -- will see what the numbers say very very is Verizon being very very aggressive. If they really wanted to get eighteenth -- -- over. They would pay the ATF the early termination. I don't know many carriers -- that I don't think I'll be uneasy but that's what you know I I I'd. -- I -- the the -- -- phone will be kind of a slow burn as people you know term out of their iPhone AT&T contract. They'll they'll consider switching over to write an 1880. Customers definitely Apple will gain many. Absolutely now in other phones that we were kind of alluding to -- moral effects each of them literally -- -- what I read that is an ailment that tired. Motorola -- fix forgy the dual core processor on phone with the reviews are out. And Bonnie -- Our CNET mobile editor senior editor in the -- is is like a -- her bottom line. Is this is the phone that in the dock into the laptop and of the app on laptop accessory. On to the laptop -- topic it. So anyway as I thought it was decidedly cool yet but the dual core if -- -- he is pretty much them. The boss that this is -- -- this is that the first dual core phone. That is out on the market I think when it came out of one of her yesterday. Are so anyway is one of the first dual core Android phones and as fast as an iPhone is cool features. The cool thing about this phone though like you say is this little dock. Which reminds me of the palm Foleo means they're not ring connect palm against though the idea that you take this little phone and you put in this little thing of the back of this. Expensive. -- keyboard and screen and then you can blow up your. Your phone screen he looked at them touch screen. And you'll get a browser and by the way that browser it's Firefox if you -- which is that it makes -- really weird weird. The thing about this is love the innovation -- -- like we said Wheeler who who is this relief for. Really liked it for -- -- it's for us to talk about it. Because the conversation if you buy this thing you can buy this thing on contract I think and get the phone plus the little -- -- port thing about 4500 bucks. Or 500 bucks by itself post -- I'm not that human. And that come with anything I've never think about that -- is it anyway. It's an interesting little product. It it kind of the use case forward is I think obsolete the -- that the phone -- the senator universe and then when he wanted to work you put the phone in the thing that you're carrying around many of the keyboard. But -- that its its. Different experience from any other computer and with netbooks and ipads being price competitive. Absolutely and so much data being put up in the cloud some -- doing email and files. Not stored locally. Do you really need. To make your phone. Baker when you -- and I just don't know people gonna go from a kind of doubt it. It's hard it's hard it's our proposition -- an always on just wanted to get out there kind of the -- but. The phone itself even just of the phone it's getting really good review -- -- good -- excellent stuff. I mix plain about this them laptop dock is why does it go in the back and it should come and should in the front of it where you can still use -- an interfaith. Yet on itself. Right and it's why it's -- and and -- during its hidden by the screen so when you're in a coffee shop working on your on your dock that -- no -- -- comes -- -- -- just -- and others and it locks in that be good. Will -- work -- -- got this thing and in the phone goes behind exactly and and it's walked by popping out like. And then your whole thing apparently -- Nathaniel -- that's what they know what it is jointly. The -- -- they make the phone part of the thing you know like you already. Authority there -- -- sliding into the basin is invisible and parties and visibility is always to happen again that's my super power -- in nursing much. Friend if it all right. Moving right along. Nokia we talked about -- of their plans of their potential announcements coming this Friday. A little more evidence that -- -- more solid says that they are definitely to be near a software partnership. With Microsoft I'm so depressed. Because it's because I want to -- to do a deal with Google you really didn't yet but they have -- even if they were like. -- world most valley where anti Android we don't wanna do -- you just want it to happen. -- -- because I think the I think the the Android mobile platforms have more -- than Microsoft's at this point could change in five years and knows. Of course with EU up coming from Microsoft this is kind of inevitable. But. And I think Nokia and Microsoft kind of they're each other their from a -- they need each other and from at them. A mind -- perspective -- the corporate might that the kind of the same big companies a lot of control. And decent relationships with developers. But. Nokia hardware running Android software Nokia engineers contributing to the to the development of Android mobile -- -- that would have been much would have been better for the world that's my belief. Well at least from Microsoft's site though if they gain that engineering -- -- I don't know how much you've been able to play -- windows phone seven but from an interface -- its -- -- -- whatever else I would garner no idea I mean whatever because who cares about the interface on the mobile phone what you care that's not an official what you care about -- is the apps. Yeah and that of and the infrastructure and the world around just. The waste station to those apps which is the -- that's absolutely part of but it if you if you really are -- -- -- who cares about in I -- not joking -- and long term. The front end of the interface on your mobile device them doesn't count for hill -- -- if you don't have. Great apps great integration with the networks. And all the social features -- systems big group who cares what that what the pretty pictures -- -- I hate right I did not except for a lot of people by phone based on well. Whenever I think that's their problem. I don't that's not my problem but that's all -- problem. So anyways. The Nokia. A source this is according Bloomberg the source of knowledge with dozens said that -- CEO Nokia CEO Stephen you Lott has had talks with Steve Ballmer Microsoft CO. About putting -- all OS on Nokia phones. But they wouldn't give details because of the sensitivity of the information but -- find out on Friday really what Nokia's you know we're looking at or to see what happens with that. But I still like windows phone seven's interface and one at the lay out I I think it's beautiful it's fine if he's used -- -- need a packet where teachers now will it will it sell you know I'm not seen. This I don't dislike effect I agree with you I think that the windows phone seven interfaces is courageous don't care about -- and while I. It's complicated I mean I think the interface is really cool one I think they're really logo and that's -- that as many people have written about this. Is that it finally breaks the tradition of trying to have a a fake. Desktop or windows or physical. A metaphor and it's actually designed. In a new way and I think that's really cool yeah I just don't think long term matter lets you -- developers who build -- -- the four. -- absolutely okay excellent now if you wanna think about phones and cool stuff in May be cool interfaces that you might like. -- -- UK based company isn't unveiled two new Android Smartphones you've heard of kind of the rumors and rumblings of a FaceBook phone -- this is clearly. A FaceBook geared. Phone from top to bottom there -- two phones that they're showing off is the -- Q cloud tax and the I in Q. Cloud Q so cloud touched and cloud Q and completely integrated with you know your -- -- -- your -- your messages or wall postings but this is really. You know the first iteration of the face the -- that we've all the talk it out. And that this makes perfect sense. This is this is very cool because. As we -- talking and pre show you my kids that's in with my phone number moments like it doesn't matter what matters we use the phone for is -- dispute to show your social connector. And by putting you know that'd -- facto social network in FaceBook -- senator on your phone integrating it with everything. I actually think that makes a lot of sense and this could be. A really killer direction for mobile is -- technology is it's usually more towards the skewed to the younger generation -- you -- across the board. Let's say whoever is on FaceBook and yet. Yes the the younger generation probably more of them will you -- this phone then you know guys my age. But it's also pop quite possible that there will be a whole swath of people at all age groups are like you know FaceBook as my primary. Connection to the my mail my friends electronically so by the FaceBook phone -- makes perfect sense -- -- -- we we talked about in previous episodes even recently as this week how webmail usage by -- -- it was dropped like 59%. You know because they're using and interacting -- but as a primary communicate and also some cool things about this phone. Is arm on the entertainment side it will be both of these phones will be integrated with spot buys music player. Obviously that is a service -- we've been. Waiting forever to come to the US will happen there's indicated that -- supposed to come here sometime once they lock down the deals with the big four labels. But come from an entertainment simply -- -- -- spot by is the main vehicle for that entertainment. This phone is coming up first in Europe which. It is really -- thing I mean but that's how -- Spot -- thing or to get -- first of all. You've got a more pervasive three G network and spot -- a streaming service that streams your -- -- your your your own media as well as you know. -- -- the equipment. So it makes perfect sense for spotlighted -- -- media player here where you're signal isn't as reliable. I don't -- work. But you need a local you -- local storage for media. Yet -- the I think an outlet -- about the price point for a phone like this. And -- says that they're really making it to sell affordable prices for the mass markets that your time on a contract this could be potentially 49 dollar and 99 dollar well. Yet like the -- should have been. -- it's actually it was -- that label as -- data plans were too much yet so on but this is it's really fun stuff the guys that were watching like human. When not thought and it's on the video that we -- -- of the the interface and -- so on the -- phone. -- -- -- All right -- will be back after a break and what it's not funny anymore are you. -- -- -- -- -- -- Musical literally -- you find mr. and you don't Gonzales. You know -- unionism. No really creative idea that's -- -- and the mountain minerals. Arm and arm. What's the focus group -- what's happening up here and I'm telling -- I could use that music and a lot of situations. Are right on in situation I won't be using it didn't actually. -- -- -- the headline of this -- he dangles all right anyways so we missed the story but we want it. Kind of revisited because yesterday HP had their webos -- event and because it ended pretty much. At the time our show and -- one key thing that -- it came out it was like the one more thing or the little nugget. Is that. HP is -- -- to put their web OS. On PCs. -- interest thing that kept HP HP is the biggest PC vendor out there they sold 63 million PCs the last three days I don't know what I hear that's what I don't know what that's impressive yet very. And they say obviously with this direction that they don't need and that this will anger Microsoft. Microsoft said in response -- all their valuable partner Bob -- -- but this obviously anchors Microsoft. And it its shows -- of the declining. Import. Especially with consumers of the windows OS. I don't know this will work I mean the idea of a new desktop OS competing with Chrome. And then nor for this to work you again you need to developers and eight people have to sell this operating system to other computer vendors -- to get the critical mass. Meanwhile competing with them by making their own PCs though it might be a visit from a business perspective might. Go -- but it's really interesting if they're they're taken this operating system trying to put it out there. -- which are also seen here obviously first of all the the independence of them to be like you know windows. Down the road we just don't even you know we don't need you on a mobile platform and we don't need on a desktop platform but you can see here HP. We mention this before they're really taking that DNA that Apple has which is instilled in Jon Rubenstein then throwing it into an ecosystem of desktop. -- a little you know laptop. Phone and tablet and when you also show off what they did with the touch -- with they should interoperability you know they really -- -- of how you could -- certain things like your bookmarks your contacts -- look at -- link. On your phone and also on the Apple's of the web page on your touch -- if you had a level of integration here between the the phone the tablet the desktop and the fact that like you mention HP is the largest desktop manufacture at least you have. A large pool where developers know that they're gonna at least have a significant customer base properties -- and but does -- -- in -- of -- -- -- great developers -- -- -- -- -- the -- -- -- We've seen now with eyelash so I mean -- from a standpoint of if they can pull -- -- I just like the fact that there's this is part of the room I mean. HP is showing us that there they're gonna come and at least give -- a hard -- -- come to play hard for you know that the next couple years yet they. Will be. Eats -- -- only -- the and again this goes the point. To the fact that the action right now is not on the operating system on the techniques he's trying to put an OS and -- -- -- there -- interest thing but really what people care about. Is is all the information which now have to be in the cloud avoid -- and on machine. Absolutely imports of the operating system is waning although everybody's trying to -- -- -- business because. In you can make money by selling apps running app stores now -- -- the question about these desktops though is -- since webos is optimize for multi touch. Obviously they tablets yen when the idea that the death -- by the into the multi input. I mean they they could make it it they even mentioned article that it could be that. The level listener base at least initially would be almost like it's in order additional row of windows that transition happens though you know they're thinking it -- -- -- and but -- they -- -- that. -- -- -- -- That it would be -- gates in -- I think Steve Jobs rightly says that you know -- going -- the monitor to interact with your computer that that. Very tiring via Eden nose print in -- pace yet there are some people in the chat -- -- I've been reading these things like. Who cares if he makes crappy hardware about -- in the HP mini -- and the netbooks anything -- -- netbooks that are basically like. -- like you know kind of clothes like all metal exterior like some -- our -- rated netbooks -- they can they can make all they can make decent hardware so they can but they don't I mean that that if I -- -- -- I remember when Molly and -- -- Andy yeah. The voodoo -- how excited she was. And then the whole thing and she's not alone I mean HP's had a real use the all the programs -- -- -- and -- -- ultimately if if they're following this DNA line of what they did with the touch pad in there one that really. Serious about changing that image in the -- I mean you we could see some cool things from a New Hampshire it's definitely there all right moving right along to music that you guys care about. Guitar Hero Activision recently. Drops. Or you know what we like to say. Acts that. Don't fret that on no. -- this penal in the college -- can't string it along. -- I love -- units in -- average -- that story. I love it -- -- the Guitar Hero business unit has been disbanded uses. Com a division that racked up two billion dollars in sales in the -- the prime time of its -- with when music. Games are just going off the chart this most recent iteration. Guitar Hero warriors of rock only sold 100000 copies -- was -- point where. Everyone who had plastic instruments was no longer going to need plus it's midnight -- their -- a lot of money -- sales fell flat screen but. But on after announcement of -- -- but where's the where's where's where's our inside and I can annoy me that you're just. Honor what what happened not only did sales actually not often but declined when attitude but. No -- forgot at how -- the the problem wasn't that. The novelty factor wore off and then they're paying these huge royalties for this game is not the money machine that it's supposed to be. So. I guess they just you know -- that. And let it defender now Natalie is no honestly an -- and that's an excellent reader elements. I almost feel like though that like a lot of people who start upping -- game it actually started an immune from a plane really really I feel a lot of people got -- -- the the -- part of it but really it's. He -- the atom part is treated. That's because it also shows you that you don't need actual real music experience -- around. Because I can't go from playing Guitar Hero to playing a real guitar dad if you -- can go from playing. Drum hero to playing real Leon have a so this again now all of -- so you what happened to article drummer -- a -- right how. That homeless. I loved overtook the it's okay -- -- so anyways Activision stock dropped to present what they announce that -- -- -- -- like to print ads which no longer it's pretty easy for them on. You know recipes Guitar -- and rest in peace. Our -- Salina on it and recent -- it's. The venture capitalist group has invested more than eighty million dollars in Twitter. Via purchasing stock in private secondary market for this. The market we can access. It well. Although you. You might be rich in effect I'm not so what's interesting about this is that entries in -- with this of course mark injuries and and its -- Has -- has bought Twitter stock but not the way. Venture -- which he is now used to buy companies which is by going to the founders in the board's and we wanna buy if your company sell to us and and the founders get rich. Or beat or somebody does this element to the company guarantees the valuation goes up in this particular case. They're buying the stock on these new private markets though. People who have already got. Shares of Twitter but they're not public shares -- like public -- They are selling them and other people are getting. Getting rich but the public can't this this is weird intermediate -- hit -- -- that it's very scary exploit club. It's a rich people but yet. In order to get young you can buy the shares there are shares -- There's another one his name I forget Goldman in the in Europe with selling FaceBook shares act -- -- -- fees yet if you're really really rich. You can become and what's called an a sophisticated investor and you can buy some the shares that. That the terms are ludicrous he can't selling at a -- -- all the stuff that's not a real liquid market. But and but you but if your entries and you can you can take a small piece -- control of a company without actually making a -- company itself and their very interest. Rated at that so obviously you know they have to have their money in basically what -- of -- cult like some big debate I've done -- they've been at the time in Zynga. Foursquare group on and FaceBook and other. With Twitter -- them. Smart companies to buy into absolutely now on if viewed you don't even have to be -- to get this the first published. Information of the Blackberry Playbook. Eight we sought at CES we like did it on they are still saying it's gonna geared more towards corporate users or whatnot. The sixteen gig Blackberry Playbook price that. For 9019. -- adjustable. And heading to Office Depot. Whose. Gonna buy this thing -- -- a fight with an iPad or webos to have or whatever someone who wants to different experience on the Blackberry just -- but -- -- -- to the selected. That's by. Is that no office -- old this announcement -- this week -- office the policy but so but that's no interest in channel. Because that's the consumer channel but the business product and this is this they're visiting pictures of business products -- corporations -- -- for their -- toting you know. Drones and it interest thing. It's about ultimately -- in the point 99 price point that's not gonna scare people at least. -- -- is I -- even you know it's people that aren't even inside it like I know I cannot afford to buy some 1990. I'm sorry yeah yeah but 500 is okay. Upon -- more than -- visible. This is really top level it's comparable to -- the iPad I mean don't -- look at it is like 500 -- that the no it's not her gloves. It's a it's a tablet to a tablet. That that that's definitely -- I -- I I don't know I I these things are all it's not -- you got an iPad I did and I'm happy with it and I don't -- -- -- immediate again without the app support. All these things you cannot launch a product today without Angry Birds and in fact. At the -- -- thing yesterday the pump the -- less thing they say it reverts. An -- look like. Are right it won't die. It's it's here to here forget. -- but there are reports now that Apple is lining up -- surprise all product. And now people are -- say it is. The iPad three no why why are we meant to -- jumping ahead a little bit here -- the -- a late -- that is not out so. There's not always the iPad -- -- but basically what sparked this is that. John Weaver of Terry is -- are well blog mention how the HP webos touch pad was in becoming on the summer. But he said oh well if it gets pushed out a couple months too late it's gonna smack right up to the iPad three -- -- -- like -- everybody jumped on that that was like that was. Throw a rent speculate vulnerable are a way to total the early speculation and -- Techcrunch on said that according to their sources that. Yes on absolutely there is actually a Big Apple surprise that is linked to the iPad three. Now I'm a group first -- recessed than techcrunch that incidents are and what's gonna happen for sure and but I mean that the agency thing about his. You know they both make good points that we talked about how it feels like this next iPad -- is gonna be iPad 2.5 or other previously as yet that the three G -- its not gonna cover -- the display it'll prop it better have dual core processor with without their but not the eight year revolutionary -- -- this is policy that may surprise you and I think I'm out here. It -- my predictions was that Apple finally come out with their own TV set. They're all -- going to be TV on the night. They did before June they'd -- there was an Apple TV once before. And to -- -- with alcohol or -- born via. -- that you simply looks like about black and white collar at a competitor -- -- -- -- called Apple -- -- Yeah you can do very well. And knew -- I think it was in this in between Darwin dropped out there are you guys were at the point where we're talking about a product before the other party has really that's gimme a break. I mean we're talking about right now but I just -- -- this one has had some light on how how bad it actually -- now Apple has come out with the new iPad. It's time are absolutely pivotal that we don't yet they will build -- an -- good all right also on the something that might be coming on the horizon. We've seen indications of the -- or point three beta it's obviously out there but in gadget digging inside the code found -- indications that the Apple TV itself. Had a references to. ATV teams and ATV -- that was like in in the code and with reference seen as an elected controller setup or game. Gamer Alex Indians -- like leader boards or whatnot. So could it be we've always talked about Apple TV getting apps that's the thing that beacon activated differently because really it's not it. It's not a strong product. -- it right you live in the Apple world. Yet it needs app and need it if they go into gaming which would make perfect sense although -- I don't -- -- powerful enough for casual gaming. Although Angry Birds with -- motion -- Village -- -- you know that they're gonna connect. And they already released -- -- actively yet you really yet. It's Angry Birds with motion control I HU not I am all over that idea idea wow. Exactly like bird -- that you I've got him that you've got it yet Burton upon us now I gotta get Angry Birds and about when connect. Yes schools saw an Apple has tried again going in the -- that -- -- Apple Apple that -- gaming platform for physical and that's right yeah and I've been in 1996. Attempt to treat. -- well I never heard. It was a long time and it did vary portly. Failure -- so I mean I was. Definitely around and alive in colleges that time and that he's right that's right -- -- -- the games at the time and I never heard a with a terrible flop and fly. I mean there was no keynote where it sees that it was magical -- -- -- -- it. Right but beyond that are at a third time -- Steve Jobs. Word on the street. Was that he was spotted at Apple headquarters this from. A since -- blog -- was kind of worried about like ala house -- doing well he's been spotted in the flash in person in headquarters. Looking pretty happy I guess and -- so as a result they're stock jump 20% control. -- -- This this and out of the Steve watch this is that caters as the Steve this is -- tabloid stories from -- writers that I saw him and he was looking good and and he lives. That's like those -- okay -- and I asked you know it is a question and -- would help him and he walked away and it scooted off to his private. Rain forest hovercraft -- It's not that being said. Let them -- obsolete it's it's it is an important and the stock went up 20%. Okay -- you wanna do a story that the sprinkles them about Google their double that you back up and Asian. Yet -- Google is rolling out what's called two factor authentication. For their email will -- with -- login and this. Is a form of logging on that takes. It's very common in the corporate world you guys corporate -- -- enemy. Every time it opened up the computer if the pull up this little credit card thing and and and they look at a number on -- -- put -- into the computer that's two factor authentication. -- to get that number they have to have this thing in the idea is that. If you. Log ins are more secure if they're not just something you know but also something else you have something you know something -- with two factor authentication and Google what will happen is you log on with your password with you know. And which can be stolen. And you will also then it'll send a code to your phone and you have a an app on your phone in the number the pop on your phone. Which will only work on your phone yet put that in. So you need to -- your phone now if you forget your password and or somebody steals your password and your phone your post it can but they are you. But the chances of that are much slimmer also Google's gonna make it will be easier. For that -- only have two factor authentication. Optionally you'll only happen when you're on a new computers in -- -- every time. Log on and -- guy will increase security to very very good thing and yes guys you yourself have opted to this this is not automatic yet -- -- -- like now this is -- -- that a Smartphone but. It's an option I don't think there's any I think it's at least -- an option that's out there. I I think it's had this for a long time on the market there was a lot of -- are yankees were -- and you can buy an indicator that you happen again and -- World of Warcraft and a better allotments and then we'll -- -- that's hilarious and. I highly believable but. Alright guys -- or ability transition over to of this science -- pretty -- post news. New -- and you get it so. Now -- and thumb though Watson NASA's JPL have come up with this idea of making it easier to drill for -- microbes. Mars. What -- -- uses lasers. He uses -- instead of drilling into the surface and then. You know digging up the dirt and putting into the mass spectrometer. They're gonna use a laser to vaporize the surface. And then they have this I out of vacuum cleaner which will use this. I -- a breeze or something to basically sucked the particles of of dirt vapor. Into the mass spec. So they can do the analysis -- they don't have to -- and shovel all the stuff and I'm telling you from microbes this is gonna look like a giant flying saucer. You know being the -- up from earth this is what it's gonna look like if you're on Mars -- -- replicating everything we've heard about. Yes missed this. Everything that -- urban legends are true because army. 1020 years now and we've got the laser ion probes scurrying around Mars a little probes you know the wow Kathy -- gonna be like they're they're stealing our cows. So this is their new technique for finding alien life. When did they say they're gonna implement this I don't know it's an idea. It'll be on a probe in the future -- just it's easier than than shoveling up there yeah it's it's pretty it's pretty -- Our right -- and we're gonna -- -- a happy ending. The race was loving this story in our reach out not ladies and gentlemen boys and girls -- if there was something that would for you would say like love is forever what what would that be. -- -- -- -- -- -- What it represents you know it's something timeless. Well. Here we go you have the ability to name a mentally but coming up from -- -- okay the other billion name a giant hissing cockroach. After. Your Valentine. I mean this is this is awesome is this it -- -- this is thanks to the wildlife cancer conservation society. It's a simple online form that a ten dollar gift. Of the colorful. BX and you name. The -- so you are you doing it right to doing it. On -- -- you don't because -- was like we're not doing this story this is the the lame and -- might but this makes me -- -- that this is a lame and I'm you know what the downer story I'm inspired to name a cockroach after you know -- donates. I'm gonna see if -- -- I would go to one of the star registries and I would name. The brightest most beautiful weekly star in the sky after you -- and you wouldn't well cockroach after only thanks a lot to give us that a little Bryan Adams on like this are even worth trying to. Does that that's what I'm hoping president -- -- this looks like right here. Anyways on the -- wanna take that I'm saying -- it's only clever I know you know -- bug lovers. Get on now here's the thing they have apparently tree that has like a hundred million pounds -- it and they say we're gonna name that one after you know mark though whatever how to find it again. A data reflect market look like it's a -- that the numbers that I'm -- and then and then they when you wanna see when -- wanna visit Martha's -- what you see Martha. And how to get it down again. And annuities or four inch long hissing cockroach eight do you I'm -- happen. I think I guess they're gonna -- turned this public know what I'm deathly scared of operatives because my dad freaked me about -- -- if you've been in. Obviously in -- -- tropical conditions. They need are used to -- through produced the optional high I mean when it's a bug that if you step on it in light. Have in -- -- network its broad uses and that's tonight -- a bug that has got that you can see when it crashes that scares the crap. You don't schedule for academy let the bugs that they put in -- -- -- wrath of com that's what I. Allow -- -- -- thank you could opt. I'm just saying I told you real concern because -- additional resentment I was in a dressing room and -- and it cock -- -- Crawled under and was calling around like you know what it's like -- -- -- -- I was scream like little device -- -- out the door and that he came back in for seconds -- its copyright and I I jump on the -- and I was at I was. I was in the fetal position in the corner I would love to see that I don't -- could you can't -- a -- it's not it's truly heart rate. Yet you if you want you can pressure and it just takes a lot. You know -- -- of them fly through it particularly the animal. -- -- -- you know this is why is that this is actually why I don't live in New York. All we know -- ants in the answer like a micron long. Whenever people would target a man of about the congress I if you've ever been in a room with a four -- cockroach -- trust me you -- if -- said that. Let me -- let me out -- -- because trust. It's -- okay now. You want you -- anyway yes it's alleged that. There's a store since its local Paxton gate where they have mounted bugs and taking -- -- it's so cool. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- You wanna go back up you know I think I'm done this is that for me I think of what is Canada's -- -- like Wyman yeah landing Tom. We are right we got it voicemail from -- UKE you know he's on about our lighthearted price wanna give us the little information. One. I'm -- -- this for the United Kingdom. I have a -- with reference to Detroit which you display. And Good Friday when he arrived. We have -- -- -- -- UK. So we -- Friday has reached -- It's an acronym for this -- Tomorrow accepted. I better make this -- Excellent content tension and an -- thank you. It I so much so that that's -- -- -- Asia it was making called for that called -- to formal called like to be time Alec. But that's -- of their week I feel good being generated. Dear by users regarding episode 1404. I also use my head can increase the range of my car -- I do have a metal plate in my head at. After three brain -- -- my goodness and as Brian suggested. My -- does not have any greater range than other people use their head as an antenna for my -- After you mention this on the show we went outside to test it with and without the metal plate. Without had booster fob triggers from about ten yards and went head booster Bob -- from twenty to 24 yards love that -- -- -- his metal -- as a removable for testing he had to use someone else and while the daily news someone else -- -- metal like at. Okay right -- you know the way that I read is like I do you have metal plate in my head is right suggested that was like a complete -- -- there. So do we talk about why file explain it to I don't know why the theory. What I read somewhere and just think is more entertaining than plausible but it's. That when you hold the -- up here and your -- you know like. Feel like -- type of thing. That it's the parabolic shape of the roof of your mouth that reflects the energy and if you've got it and you've got a metal plate in your head again parabolic reflector. Through the head blown out. Increases the rate at its. It's it's XY ZX files there -- but you know people are seen -- -- But a tweet post up about that whole Internet -- like -- -- -- it's better. Yet what I highly technical people that put it the -- you can import and got a -- -- about it and -- can edit the -- of the chairman saliva has something to do with the water you know it emulating the signal. Speed -- -- and Steve Jobs is iPhone radio engineers. They need to hire the the remote controlled. And is Canadians when you hold it should be better network should be better culinary business -- -- Shore. -- from -- yes there. We showed up at 809 AM to the shopping center where Verizon is located to bar margins Wi-Fi the attached picture should be X self explanatory. There was no one in line for the release of the new iPhone after all -- -- we were here late last night remove the snow from the parking lot using -- shuttle. We have to take a picture because come on funny. 45 minutes later a -- security guard comes at an oath so casually observed that while pretending to read another storefront. -- -- -- -- the pencil. And the -- and it. We went back inside presumably to -- -- he went back -- to get occurred and they came out to our vehicle would demand to know who we were. What we're doing sitting in the parking lot of the freaking -- -- -- -- the way is that. He'd had several report that we movement taking pictures which is criminal somehow after brief exchange that was apparently and that's factory fled back -- site called the real police. Said police only expressed puzzlement to us that this guy call them in first place and chuckled and told what -- photo. And miniature photo you I mean -- on the call the police on us. You -- yes PF went yes they have the with the craft and -- -- With -- -- you -- -- he's gonna send you cockroach that followed a plan. -- -- -- -- -- -- I thought out dozens of hours of -- that was apparently planned to yes me but -- note that you but he email Jeremy appreciated. I'm sure a lot of other people's rights and experiences like that I can imagine Francisco and New York product that -- anyway. It happened the flagship store near it -- ten people it was cold. It's a little that one of the theories is that it's the the cold snap is affecting Verizon -- -- sales. On that outside and we -- degree -- will tell checked the West Coast results discussed in Manhattan. And -- with record. I tried -- and it's been really warm at night he had a happy -- and beautiful -- really lucky. Alright guys the island check out the notes from our podcast link the show and listen up and check it out -- dot cnet.com remember. Still please send -- your computer love. You're not the note that segment we do little -- -- threaten percent of we're gonna have a huge computer lunch on Monday we will also talk -- use all party listeners -- screen as now we will do news and computer love with some special stuff. Also give us that the ring at 180616263. -- voicemails keep them under a minute. You militant -- at cnet.com that's gonna -- for today's show. They become an -- again -- -- -- -- able to invite you like whenever I feel like it. You'll try again -- that aren't I love you -- I love you guys love the and so that's a lot of check out of -- apartment so please alright thanks like -- you guys I've moral.

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