Ep. 1402: AOL and the Huffington Post Unite!
Ep. 1402: AOL and the Huffington Post Unite!

Ep. 1402: AOL and the Huffington Post Unite!

Right tests when you ask. I didn't stop -- I'm Donald bell I'm -- song welcome with the buzz out loud podcast of indeterminate length it's episode 1402. What is it favorite to 7011. Then the Molly would Ramallah this scene is gone in Hawaii into into my type trying to get -- -- -- hands. Maybe meaning she gets threatened Oakland the home in my -- he's in the right place a room you want that up and so then -- shouldn't be on rival she's gone for an entirely we're gonna -- lot of -- villain in and help and out Donald -- B in the house here opportunity is dropping my my my -- expertise as -- will also have the return of the raid. The gallery he'll be in two days chasm and that'll be great also tomorrow just in case -- Angeles at the -- -- show. -- -- -- The Dell announcement event -- at 10 AM. Life here myself and it would unite you'll be over there as well our -- with that the myriad staff members from -- -- were rolling. Beat had a -- -- if if if they'll -- as though. Apple -- becoming that's the way it on -- -- things have to say there you know like YouTube can ability to let everyone in so will it be a lot of it from a lot of news they're now. There are a lot of us and I felt like if someone has come out where am I welcome I can't -- invite more people -- into the guest with. But done via II think it's gonna be more business oriented that's -- -- That's -- the day and night seemed to suggest is going to be -- more in the boring enterprise exempting them something exciting levels will set out yet I don't know I got all these things -- this week for some tablet to drop out of this -- -- And this is the week of announcements we have Dell's announcement. HP's announcement. I think sprint is doing one as well and this is the week for Apple did -- tonight at our same last week where I'm at Apple to throw it in -- on the Thursday of him we might announce something this week to. Yeah and and it's totally. Let it flip on the -- the -- them all -- didn't. A -- talking about -- big announcements yesterday obviously was Super Bowl Sunday and we will gets a little bit of that but first dubbed the big news coming out of everything. AOL. Purchased seen the Huffington Post for 300 in nineteen million dollars. The old brand meets you know the old Internet. Flagship -- will change in its identity is now. As -- -- trying to figure out what to do is looking to acquire and change to a content business because obviously. -- a subscription to the Internet. Model is not where it's at anymore and -- ultimately -- trying to find their identity. On the first link -- the Time Warner and you guys are familiar with that have an old school large media company that never really worked out -- separated 2009 so. On the big thing Huffington Post all their content will now be linked and essentially owned by AOL. This is crazy Daniel that the thing that AOL owns engadget is right tech friendly as well AOL empire of a media sites is -- pre -- It's I mean and especially with. Huffington happen at that India that a big -- in executive editor position anything directing and -- Him if we get. I'm not into the -- could -- -- -- scared of the amount of like power that's gonna be wielded by the thing. Yeah Arianna Huffington -- take control all their editorial content to be the president editor in chief of the new created Huffington Post media group. Here's the question on a lot of this is gonna be based on right now coming to -- has grown significantly. They have something like 2.5 million unique visitors each month. Ten million. A hundred million like page views per month -- visitors in the US each month so they've grown into this you know. I guess it's a media darling on the Internet from a standpoint of traffic. I -- honestly gonna try and monetize that traffic through advertising and -- -- have that -- -- it all starts with content and have those eyeballs drive directly -- AOL. You do you think this is -- a big guy you know it's a big -- and -- that. I I didn't see it coming no one was really even talking about it but do you think this is this is gonna help ill will or will it will actually work will be you know. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Content yeah I admit that but like this is this is a media empire to rival CBS interactive certainly yeah and it's if -- -- the 1 thing I am like kind of I have some pride in for the way that the unit and news.com and all the CBS interactive enterprises especially CNET. Andy's need to comic speak use that we have a really strong editorial. Like voice fleets -- also like ethics and I had did he leaked out last week -- well. Way that was being drafted up about like. Really paying attention to like advertiser relationships and how low -- is gonna the other profit on the page views and that betting that direct. What you gonna write about I don't know if there's any credence to that and that's -- what's going on but if they -- -- wade -- doctrine is what can be guiding. Huffington Post and the new kind. Assembling -- of all the editorial staff that can be kind of yellow journalism and -- directive animals theme. Might seem like that the bottom tapping out editorially but who knows it could at least be fun to read that. Yes the possible see how this all plays out by -- it's it's a big move -- olds you know really trying to -- significant again. Well you know and that's at Kennedy it's an all the best thing about this for AOL east. Is they've always had that brand identity and brand recognition but over the past let let's say five years or so. They haven't been able to really. Do you anything -- utilized that you know from them for monetizing standpoint means that in that content driving through their portal and one not that that's. That's it's pretty it's pretty huge. Pretty can be scary have a interesting I'm sure this'll be something will be talking -- for the rest of the year. All right also on May be scary depending on what ads you were watching or with humor what -- Stack returns the Super -- we saw you guys all saw plenty of text ads. On you know we finally -- seem to -- site putting out some ads -- -- and living social on we saw lot of references the first time there was a hash tag. In an actual I had it was -- -- some it was -- Thad Allen however progress is with John we're the guys -- law in the past that now package with everything anatomy and the Kenny G you got -- -- total bird -- and the idea I mean they slide -- escaping from the slight mention building. On the so now ballots -- the and then also should be crews had an ad that. Showed how they're shabby I guess I don't know what their interfaces that they're using but you could. Speak to use the system and basically say check FaceBook status and this -- goes on a date. And then it reads verbatim. Your latest news -- This they -- but there are -- -- you know and to promote a face then -- the focus on that right is going out -- -- had a good time as the focus on the FaceBook integration of the card it was like. I was that was the solid. OK I've decided man and indicate they keep repeating as well as the fusion in lake was it with the Ford rally that they were gonna how the little. Sitting in traffic -- that they kept repeating them and government it -- -- you've got social boring but L attachments are pretty collecting donated you know -- favor -- favor on. My favorite one. Problem we. Actually. It might have actually been the -- the -- one -- always -- general mansion one ahead for attack. Manhattan. And most memorable one for me was the Android the grafted thumbs want yet do we have gala you know you have yeah I don't mean. Phone dialer is bizarre I didn't see I didn't -- -- one until we just walked in Thompson offers this. Book this guy. Data -- -- I gotta say Ares I. I don't remember seeing him but I -- for the experience -- -- grafted human thumbs -- and raid doll thing. You just -- got back to it as and when I run my and -- -- -- kids' eyes got this this is this -- night near territory yeah I want one thing Obama. -- look at. -- going to have him back alleys off. -- Looking to -- just keep factories. The economic want to buy the product. -- But it's okay from I feel so bad for the Android to think of this so the serving. So basically the Android guy in the drafting of human -- -- -- and -- saint technologists and experience ready to play and it also -- -- logically does make sense either you can you needed thumbs and fingers W. And -- before. He owned up. I don't know right now our solemn video -- go back to the paid one though that ad campaigns we saw for the first time to deal the deal web sites but. I -- -- I've gotta say I thought it was a little. Tasteless the way they group -- did their thing like -- the group on the site is awesome but they kind of made light of disasters or -- control. A trained you know -- -- it's like let's watch this whale one it's only thirty seconds. But on its with Cuba Gooding junior and it's that you have it -- okay let's take a peek at this and you at home can listen. The most spectacular creatures on the I am Cuba Gooding junior. Today their numbers are dwindling. Somebody's gotta save but it's more fun watching them jump in and plan. And since 100 -- body -- dot com where he's getting an 86 Delaware watching crews for just 49 dollars. Saved the money. Plea deals in your talent to move on dot com. That's just -- -- -- -- sold us Gooding junior that the read that script if I was very private seriously. I and I am selling I I'm buying -- selling out and selling out humanity and whale kind. -- whale I guess those well you know what I wanna actually -- what's that about one also dislike. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Where their minds -- were held in Allah I put a whole premise is likely very disturbing that -- teasing you into like a legitimate look like -- -- like -- like like some emotional yes and I likely for money to help save some kind of cause another might if you let I was when he let the media I'm getting a little provides thought it was. And tasteless variant -- aggregate -- -- -- One of the most beautiful places. It. Can live today and try. It very culture is -- But they still with an amazing fish -- -- and since 200. Upon dot com -- -- thirty dollars with -- Tibetan food for just fifteen dollars instantly and restaurant in Chicago. -- -- -- -- I like Alaska than -- like are you serious. Where is I mean we're talking about it -- -- the leading social counterpoint to that they do is in. Thank talked about this -- -- There's cross dressing in any other and it is weird yet -- now -- a little and a little tasteless overall my -- and I'd have to say was -- -- one. That was -- that was creative and find and so. I mean yet and -- slick moves back and happily that they were throwing the whole 1984 reference from -- -- at them right back at them and it wasn't like you're -- it you are the man now Apple that we seek about it. -- -- That position for Motorola Motorola is a pretty big yeah company absolutely have a lot of Italy I don't like it when when companies trying to prove that paint themselves in like the only about a -- and -- -- a -- and -- done -- so overall I mean we saw a lot attack in for the -- lives. Entertaining but I -- wanna point out some things that we -- we like I mean you guys can definitely tell us are rated. On the -- VO well that that cnet.com just -- find out -- -- -- -- that's the buzz at cnet.com sorry thank you and I'll think what am I doing on the way it. As you liked -- didn't. Because that's always -- conversation piece and there's also the two different there isn't that Verizon. IPhone -- and the eighteenth the iPhone -- -- -- like action against each other bag like the one with the voice to -- right girl is like I can hear you now I'll run for the Verizon one enemy team team one with the guy who lake. For guys like my anniversary tonight order flowers are like the idea is scheduled at the the restaurant restaurant -- don't use my on the phone. The patent battle one with icons -- that could -- -- your customers as these that could actually remember is I -- -- -- -- you know it it's not that feature. And when Verizon announced that featured a man like. We asked -- what would you guys want and you know someone who uses it by public absolutely blindsided and not to mention obviously -- the it's like. I now I don't remember what it was -- is another commercial that was like. Might keep the meetings that Florida what if we kept walking around with turn tables attached to it from listening to headphones and what if we were all there's a guy talking on Sega. Star -- old school had -- -- but promoting the idea that now we need to keep buying new technology. Our own live in the now or watching them thinking. Probably not universe where people are flocking around it -- and enabled. -- really does sound like it's my world reverse effect I mean -- -- homage tendencies came out that yes she walked around the giant cellphone heavy rat and that it do that again. Alright guys some of -- -- -- Story on the FCC is looking to overhaul the universal service fund. -- what that means is if you are familiar universal service fund has created back in the ninety's. To basically ensure that people in rural areas publications have access to the phone service so what's been essentially happening is. It is. The program is paid basically through our bills so a small percentage -- -- cut of our bills essentially go to -- so that it can reach lines of people. But now on the what that CC and Julius genachowski the chairman is looking to do is to retool the program. To reallocate the majority of that money to operators can provide high speed Internet and to those underserved areas which makes a 100% -- It's yet totally and because and he mentioned this late this program was designed for -- that was before Skype before there is voice over IP. In general and that a lot of these services if we can just get a really good -- pipe to all these people on the outlying areas and -- is gonna come along with that. As like to stop a fraction of what that service can provide yet and we talked about a pass. Episodes how the US is definitely behind when it comes to infrastructure and high speed in -- infrastructure compared other countries around the world I. I swear I -- -- -- we think below like the top fifteen or so broadband adoption -- yeah sure yeah so on. In -- this is this obviously makes sense just somewhat examples of how like inefficient it was. In some cases like a single line -- connected it would cost 40000 dollars to connect to single rural home. What is it also is that it's the government subsidizing -- technology that is data handle it yet again exactly so it's as if you're gonna subsidize the technology at least meet. Subsidizing the the future and now like. Some of old school rotary telephones field Connecticut to mom -- barn mom call mom pop and still I guess. It's not as -- surprise. That we'll see about that are -- I welcome back about -- everybody join he would be in the house Donald bell video Gonzales from -- and it down that in. Alright here we go best buy on Wednesday an image of one of their ads -- -- come -- out. There's been at the rumored debate about how much the -- with activity 699799. Wilder's best buy ad appears to reveal that it will be. -- -- -- -- every -- -- which we mentioned a few last week. But the store -- -- also the device is priced at 799. And here's kind of a little nugget that you may not also be too happy about it. -- a essentially says if you want to use the Wi-Fi feature on the zoom. You'll have to pay for a data plan. For at least a little while to essentially -- -- that's. That's candidates that's -- started lean and really. Dad had -- really -- -- at this pretty and I mean its -- some principal -- -- apparently the lowest cost plan for one month has been dvi. For twenty dollars you get. I can understand like the mentality with -- we want to get them. You know we -- -- given the taste of what that service can be like for them so that they don't just -- letter off to get the best price. Can understand that but like you -- just though it and -- -- to give them a free month I don't I don't get -- service and let them -- -- the big subsidy. -- -- -- -- -- To have a to have a feature is basic as Wi-Fi and locked up until like -- -- the going to Verizon -- you know that's the kind of stuff that's like. As as -- before -- can you can't -- that you -- tell me I guess -- club can't even figure can make that whoever might have faith that -- that the price they would not have been intelligent enough to think that wave that evil yeah here's what the fine print actually reads -- forward to activate wife at functionality on this device a minimum of one month data subscription. Is required. Required. Practices. I mean the price alone is actually every when we said -- 699 for the tech. The outlook because it like we're -- a whole other different about 799 I'm not even OK with that price and I'm not afraid I've -- -- -- the price either that's also an insane yet because it might have Blake. I'll leave it. If that's the lowest price they can go is and it is gonna be over the heart itself absolutely and that if that's the lowest price they can go and he thought that how you doing get Wi-Fi out of about -- I think it's such it's filling -- and you record -- -- This is -- -- -- pants everything -- seen about this product we love again. Don't make this a product we dole love. That's that's what it comes -- active -- -- even thinking about this win I was late kind of instrumental in in in nominating and getting the theme approved of bird enthusiasts. -- -- This is gonna come acted by -- think admitting he had the hottest thing in the world that we can get away with murder kind -- in the market -- -- Think if he knows out of the air -- and to give us something that can compete and don't try to like. I don't know but they should be working and undercutting the iPad and absolutely and it excelled themselves -- the upscale version of that. At least -- I mean that we know what they're up -- might more upscale than Apple. And and what happens when Apple announces their potential iPad. In our iPad two in the next month or so -- it has all the same hardware features but the entry level price is still like -- -- -- of I 99 that you're like c'mon. C'mon. -- the other thing that's eating away at a lot of the the -- editing announcement now -- this assumed. Like thirst for four G. Like four -- is a cool technology but is not. Alone is not going to -- the thing that's gonna meet people people -- They know what's one more GN yet they take a little like I'm gonna spend 200 dollar 200 extra dollars to have an -- -- and that's gonna make things better. You know it's not -- thing that's really gonna hope people when. I will be doing the show them -- and viewed -- -- -- you gonna -- all right here we go on in other rumors here from pockets. Residents website and -- love the names Android 2.4. On is coming in April -- -- a review sonics' -- -- told pocket. When it's announcing the view pad for Smartphone. Elite packing 2.4 when it launches April on the update will produce a list. That has the ability to work with clinical maps through -- -- -- in the article according to their sources the reason. -- 2.4 of them brought forward is because it it is compatible. With honeycomb apps where as. Apparently. Or allegedly 2.3 is not so that's -- seen. A lack of 2.3 roll out devices because they are not compatible with some of those other apps. Though. -- things that this one actually I saw the view sonic keypad for. At CES -- -- -- -- tablet a day they'll know -- they're calling this Smartphone one pictured here. Is the life and its -- Seattle that's the point of view pad for they're calling it -- -- at the at least that. CS is the calling to view platform like this is a Smartphone like -- but it is a tablet. But that's designed genome of the dimensions of a smart humble we're we're columnist at Apple okay that's a tablet Smartphone -- but. Kind of chunky -- -- this is the premier device for Android 2.4 combat. -- horse. It didn't if you get that it put that on but down. It was a powerful device I remember that. But the other the other thing as the economy -- 2.3. Gingerbread. A kind of like a non starter now this is gonna be the thing that people want because no one wants. The version and -- as I can be compatible with any comments -- and then even saying we're calling this we're also calling -- gingerbread. -- they're not they're not looking we had first heard oh this'll be called ice cream man but it's not gonna be -- I mean it's so there. Ultimately. For us. It confuses us acting biggest market that the brain wiper in seemed to us and I even see Android 2.2. Point -- and 2.3 right now obviously is only on the nexus S now. So -- -- how lake. It up all the apps that are being designed not -- -- yes but if a lot of with some cool about the apps they've been designed for honeycomb is that they have that that. The different pane interface to -- they're calling it Wendy can. Program different little. Components. Like that system on the small screen is a -- has announced that it doesn't it doesn't. So -- will see how the shakes out also in the article. On that mentions -- -- that it is not going to be ice cream. The source of -- sonic tells us that tells them that they believe ice cream. Two B three point one and so making it. Some believe that -- is in ten -- To split the two. From of the three. -- the OS versions going forward again. Q excitement. Do we have what some sort of fragmented. Market. Including Hillary back need to work on that -- are right arm and try to make things less fragmented -- You know ease things a little for the Android platform -- -- -- -- Is a company that's hoping to make on the Android phone designers and making it easier to use -- an FC chips so essentially. On Android 2.3. NFC is near field communication these are the chip that -- anti malware you could potentially use your phone to. You know order products or scan it oh hey guys. -- -- -- sell -- -- friends they're visiting. So essentially. Near field communication chip frank use your phone as a wallet for transactions. So look at the exchange telephone numbers at a club. -- that can actually announce like you don't need -- seniors don't you do not need to Bob Zoellick indicated above would help a guy -- that is -- your phone number out. Hypothetically all the -- them -- because you -- the way you can actually waved to a person. But it would NFC -- it I guess and it's now. Anyways I'm right according to the article right now old and -- C code on the Android ape that only works for one manufacture on an XP semiconductor so. In safe secure is offering basically an open -- An FC tool. To allow other hardware to be compatible and -- program for Android -- Good -- open it up. Right okay I'm gonna jump over really quickly a little a few little Verizon iPhone notes because it's the story we -- escaped but we don't wanna put at the top of -- show. Raise an iPhone pre orders are now are writing to people are getting them in the mail. There -- video shots though they're illegal they're coming out a little -- at least -- pre ordered them. Through Verizon's website that -- the website that was down after two hours and it was the -- the number one or the single most sold. -- and on what is it. The single highest volumes sold phone that -- and has ever had been. And it was and they they are -- -- disappointed at two dollars -- made before they had a there's we don't need the we're far better where better out of that all -- that phone now we don't. So people are seeing them now and again every -- visited that you can go on directly to use the -- in physical stores wait in line. -- with your friends and pick up the phone there. All right also white iPhone four starts. To get shelf space potentially at best buy and the source there -- some pictures of the actual labels that use the on the shelf. So he didn't think -- -- white iPhone was coming we still don't. I'm gonna wait till I see it in it could be the week iPhone -- that hasn't told I might. -- And it's and a 599 and locked out without doubt -- could be the next. IPhone -- Also armed with that we talked about the succession story for Apple's plan shareholders were asking Apple to give them a succession plan. But -- you gotta make them susceptible to how you know who their target is an expert in how they wanted to go about doing that a global survey according to do on all things. Thirteen thousand companies on the surveyed by Korn -- 90% companies believe. A CEO succession plan is apart but only 35 of 35%. Have one in place. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- We'll go to the top -- -- you know people or shareholders that -- c'mon Apple give it. Give us this is such -- at least they have one now you know that the fact of the matter is that. -- releasing that information. It you know gives rivals unfair advantages of Intel also if you use if -- were outlined plans of who might be your next successor or -- The blueprint of how you wanna record company -- it would stop another another company from -- -- -- you know -- I wanna go after Powell. -- you have to be to think that the most secretive company in the world this is gonna -- get out this information if they don't. Exactly and think that I only -- as last label -- you know that. Total leader of the church of psychology is there an Intel and I know I've been attacked -- -- -- -- myself -- -- the largest -- thing. It's -- there. There a lot of -- continental and Apple -- they're not most. And they're not gonna the most forthcoming open about. All right let's transition over on to -- work wish I. Our wanted to do a little follow up about on schools' executive while going team who wasn't as of last week when we talked on the show. He was missing on yet headed over to. During -- -- protests on he has been found. On he was released from government custody in Egypt after going is seen. On the during the protest in her twenties so he has been released and we just one at least if you guys update that he is okay. And down that's obviously the good thing. Also Julian Assange you might recognize his name from the such popular web -- as WikiLeaks. You might recognize -- So on and on Monday he's appearing at the del march magistrates court. To have his extradition hearings kick off in the -- Rules rules we'll see how that'll please ultima. And also on -- -- stuff. If you are wondering when the iPhone five might be coming out when WW DC might be happening. An Apple rumors that I can't really say their name here but obviously they've found possible dates for W deputy -- you guys certainly calendars potentially. June they would -- and between June -- -- June ninth film -- recently have their events page laid out and it shows -- corporate meeting. Com but. In the past. The corporate Meade dean has been linked to Apple's WW DC then so if this was true it -- surprises we've been expecting potential -- June to July iPhone five with an -- -- modem and they'll do it -- -- June announcement the gonna flat here. -- -- -- I know because they with -- -- and is that during winter could actually work and -- can't job of that but at. I -- back I would remember that go Apple don't -- my birthday in June 15 all right now. Also I lets gamers if you formerly with the company game law. They released a ton of games on the -- platform specifically. BC blatant knockoffs of games like Modern Warfare which is calling modern combat. Uncharted which has. Ridiculous on the I was curious well now they're looking to release. Their own version of its -- craft on -- devices called star -- collision. So if you look at these I don't know if you know what's our crap looks like the one game lost copies you. They do a really good job like they changed just enough so they can't get sued for this stuff I mean. Who wouldn't want a player RTS a real time -- game on their -- patter iPhone. -- -- that they get much more mercy than that like. I'm looking at this video and I'm like you know it I'm gonna try this. -- habitats and sparked a huge stock aft fan and -- this looks pretty much exactly like that I don't know how how well translated. I am gonna try it but the races. Look. The dreary if an infidel sir I'm it looks like light -- means inflate its its -- fresh fish and it's gonna be -- junkies about this game anyways and it needs something that item over it commute home that's -- -- -- -- I mean they. They've done it time and time again and there -- pretty successful doing itself. -- -- lets you know that -- law is still up to their shenanigans but at the same time if you buy a license and are right arm onto a big guys jets. Not gadgets but the gadgets on HP's unveiling a cool reclining touch screen. PC. Fade out of Star Trek this is point three inch diagonal high Def display -- sixty degrees -- sport up to five degrees wide -- display it's very light. I could see these in hotels that things right with the little mining console meaning that it's almost that -- It almost is a man if with a reclining backward slowly but I mean we've seen -- -- -- an entirely topples over and Vietnam we always seen a touch smart on the desktops so there's basically -- -- the -- the next. Degree at an. And again he offering you a reclining oneself. -- -- Pretty cool I still think that would meet with the never show and in which I think this is all the cables that are still -- back you know on and on things that. But -- it is still pretty cool but man it really is the time to invest in right. -- necks or polishing clause and anti bacterial clean touch screens now at the time we don't you know we do like the whole scare tactics like a company needs to really -- the whole fact that look look at how many bacteria. -- -- -- this friend put in the Petri dish and -- -- Drill here and anything they knew I robot right to be like the touch screen cleaning robot like a little an initial one of of this chemical clusters include. -- kind of people working on it all right here he goes on designs -- didn't -- -- news. I'm ready about the teachers really yet. Okay dude you wanna talk about this article if -- -- NASA has their first 360 degree view of the sun that they are -- they've released out of the public. Courtesy of to its two -- that two different imaging. Systems that can see the sun from when it's about one thing about. Three weeks in the future in three weeks in the path that -- -- and so let's put it only you can feel one side of the sun. You know and you can see both as -- -- -- the same time. As going to dissertation till you get a complete picture. Of what the sun is doing. So that when there is -- giant solar storm that is going to kill us all will at least get a three week heads up on. That's -- that's really cool stuff. Analysts -- -- yeah I mean who doesn't wanna see the senators. I was just be honest. About it -- actually it says three months three months in the future and few months. Did you plan on or in that your -- where NASA shirt can -- day hoping that they'll be some amazing news. -- and I just others perfect timing. History and -- makes. At the odds of -- happy ending. Oh okay here we go -- I know it I wonder if you guys on as -- you have to let us know the other -- about -- argument Angry Birds because I feel like half the time are happy -- -- -- to do with Angry Birds but anyways. Angry Birds is coming to the 3-D S and the Wii and for all you lovers out there the Valentine's Day edition is Nadine said it. Suite has not been says I love you like -- birds to a stack of pigs though not at all else. The -- you'll get to -- on. Now we got a lot we had a lot of email responses about this on the Samsung Galaxy Tab we said we would talk about -- -- lastly -- -- any -- on Monday but we did -- so. The CBO flavor. On here's a voice mail. The unanimous. Feedback was everyone that wrote this wrote -- -- -- loved it but here we have a brain telling about his reasons like -- I don't. And from Green -- on the typical 45 -- Much. I'm I'm called vote the galaxy tablet I purchased -- back in December. I did return mine but only to get the hundred dollar outpace production currently. Offered rate -- -- -- -- up on it. I -- the tablet it is essentially a large. Android phones. But have provisions so that it's been just -- Find -- Use it mainly for social networking. And chicken and -- -- -- -- Thanks frank -- so we found we found the target market have -- -- that probably won't wanna expand you know beyond people who have a hard time seeing Android Smartphone that. I'm glad that they are finding -- with a cool product -- -- -- not the game busters and magic product in my opinion that you know people who want -- more than. The large print version -- -- and via phone but lot of you guys are ready model about their photo bloody guys in Gaza wrote in -- love the device and that's awesome because. I mean like you said -- -- just -- -- like almost there for me but its its Soviet gas and and I still hadn't yet except for CS yeah. Never really -- -- yeah that's -- All right -- we also got another email or voicemail responding to some of my claims from. -- -- show. I present -- this is a comment about clarity shall Bryant's comments. A boat was born -- women's clothes. -- comment is 100%. Right. -- Molly would not agree or even. Just say it's possible is beyond me but. Brian you're 100%. -- and women have done that all through the ages. -- -- -- -- -- it unit. Now. What I'm just IA and I'm not gonna comment on that yet so I don't know but. The fighting about is our expert -- confirmed. -- is my A claims them was a guy who I I would just hope meeting here 00 girl a few Mac only right like say yes. -- -- -- -- Now our expert our expert is on the field -- -- -- gentlemen -- what made him want to go in and research that and become an expert on ticket -- objectively. -- he also have in my if someone with. I wonder if she tried it when she. Like and I don't wanna guess what it was that you are absolutely your eyes to it as originally with -- to comment on if you couldn't do it exploded right now. -- we needed like a still picture of her brain -- it. She was he was completely against me like I can tell you how an -- he was. Against the -- and now he's adamantly no it doesn't -- -- doesn't happen all right on the emails and kind of format wilders Santa Rosa. -- -- -- -- thought you might like to know. Now Yahoo! mail has had a similar throwaway address feature in its webmail service for at -- The last five or six years now. I -- on many occasions when I wanna sign up for something I think I might end up being a spam vector or even a -- vector since I can see the address the suspect email is sent to you I -- that address has been sold. Or -- the original site is spamming me. Love that show me. They think you -- Gmail users also told us that they have something similar so you know. We return of -- little -- -- right you wanna read this one even the and I'm -- you off means a conductor its content -- below them and -- it was that cracked yet the Gregg says I laughed myself silly when you said that -- loved one. And educate your loved one at thunderbolt for Valentine's Day and -- just happens to be one of the karma -- -- feature in action. -- -- -- movements -- -- These are in the wrong but while. Yeah I if you can't let mixtures that day you know your audience you're talking about -- into positions and then Google's. -- -- now of our guys painful because we're gonna we're gonna wrap this show about it but. Thanks for hanging out you can take got to show notes and all the details at feel old -- cnet.com give us the call. 80616263. Try to keep them under a minute. The concise clean charmed by and we will play -- my promise and you can email us directly abuzz. At cnet.com that's gonna do for today remember tomorrow we'll have a live stream. From his -- This deep recesses of his brain. And -- will be gets so thanks for coming out and we see -- tomorrow. -- -- --

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