Ep. 1401: Fail! Fail! Fail!
Ep. 1401: Fail! Fail! Fail!

Ep. 1401: Fail! Fail! Fail!

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- For us all happy Friday everyone Hollywood it. Welcome to buzz out loud is cnet's podcast manager related that -- fourteen foundered and one -- -- Pentaho. -- -- the gondola we have to do this big break on vacation. All amendment. An idea hopeful we -- just -- it isn't tunes that rises. Over the rainbow -- dislike it it's a -- send off. Against them up again and again and -- -- -- bittersweet as the they got -- isn't like an emotional moral evil right now I don't know. -- -- place so tons of our great day I really like -- -- and that -- -- Konami -- totally geared up on board and think it's on the big the baby's bones. The number -- panelist -- detect that it's all right again we got we we thought our computer -- action again absolutely great we can -- love all the way background that I don't forget all it is Friday at the wanna hang -- them and examine it but it. I -- have computed you. -- -- -- -- -- And change things start coming out a major Apple shareholder. Proxy advising service that is a major shareholder in Apple has joined it basically. The call for Apple -- would disclose a succession plan for CEO. Yes so basically all the shareholders obviously want to know because. And one of the things is because Steve Jobs is so linked more than any other CEO that we could think of two didn't name the brand the company Apple obviously the succession and its shareholders they wanna know what is Apple's plan because it. At the end today it's gonna affect what's happening to their pockets. -- and they're starting to really get very vocal and really demand and I admit. I think they're well within their rights to do that it was really inching attacking your friend last night who is an Apple shareholder and she was saying that she was -- -- she was like I can't. What I don't understand is how Apple's board. Allow -- it. The company to continue along the -- where pretty much the only guy who could keep its successful with Steve Jobs -- after he got sick. And came back -- kind of interim CEO. She said I as a shareholder think that the board should have started to establish a succession plan should have started to -- publicly. Like sorcerer's apprentice. And she said I am surprised that with a publicly traded company. They would allow it to remain such a cult of personality was really interesting perspective and -- like a shareholders and before. Yeah and the thing about as it. It has so much more -- arm momentum behind it because before. Villains like well maybe Apple should -- release you know some some sort successor but now that it's really more of an indefinite thing and he's there is no timetable for him to return right now people really wanna know what the plans are. Apple says that they do have the plan but they're not willing to make a public. Which is understandable may -- and via satellite -- mean obviously they wouldn't happen. They would they would have to have some sort of plan -- was that it is unprecedented for the moment it's probably not unprecedented but it's rare -- -- shareholders to demand -- succession plan from a company like that but it's sort of like. Apple doesn't. They maybe don't get the habitable place -- like you don't get to say. Steve Jobs as they Guiding Light you know like he is that it is they charismatic cult leader that keeps us -- on track accused the reason for this season. But we don't have to tell you with Kinect what we're gonna do with the company when he leaves the -- like in -- now if you're gonna run it that way -- if you're gonna have. If you're -- elevate him to that status then. You have given shareholders every reason to believe that they're gonna start losing money when that's -- And you know after a year of 53% gains in their stock price. They'd they want to know what's happening project -- they telling us -- best. Raid I'm not tied to meet. Obviously it's because -- that are driven by this from a financial standpoint but sometimes I think -- that back in July irate shareholders like Apple. Has performed amazingly you do. I guess what I'm trying to say is it's sometimes to me a little silly from the outside having someone. Bitch and moan about a successor when -- when -- the company is done so well they have every right to but it's so silly to me it's like you you made 53%. -- on here for a returns. On your stock and you know it you've you've done well but it's still not good enough. We'll -- and it's never -- -- but -- apparently they yucky part -- -- that is what happened -- shareholder driven society and and it's part of the reason. That companies can never relax -- part of the reason like. Comcast -- -- via -- SP they have to also get into the TV business -- -- -- also you know come up with all these other. Arms of revenue because it's never enough and and -- -- -- -- was like. I'm sorry you need 53%. Returns carrying out on your quarterly call yeah your stock is down because we want it -- Now if there's no logic in -- but I have to admit I mean. What they wanna know is like I need to -- now. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- that but if -- -- because you don't wanna lose it all it's like not even necessarily that thing I wanna make Mars might have been like I want it all to get wiped out. And selling -- -- you know him look at the guy and intent in charge of products -- -- like they don't wanna sell now because it'll feel comfortable because they don't know it it. They they could use the -- around like a right. I you know every stock shareholder owner to be like arms and it's a way I'm happy with what I where I -- Totally yeah it bizarre that this is weak -- we -- experts in all kinds of fields you campaigns. But I would now. All that I decided that does if you think gains yeah I'm selling or maybe -- fell after -- -- -- a few months of I've found more often it's on Verizon and you -- -- it's not going to be out to conservative like while that turned out of the popular and then found my -- -- absolutely I mean the company's they have a road -- they're gonna be okay. Like really it's just the charisma. And that that sales aspect that Steve Jobs -- the table but again the day it still going to be the products. Tim Cook did more it was more than ample he has no Steve Jobs no one at the company -- Steve Jobs now -- meanwhile Atlantis can -- and looked out at Wall Street loved -- -- And they still have Jonathan like I think with -- onboard. There there at least their design aesthetic is still going to be there and they clearly have a product roadmap that'll carry them. -- five years now and also I mean let's be honest the way that jobs is from the culture there the people that are right next and right below him. They have been essentially trained to think like him that they act like him operate like him. So it's it's not only is it -- below limit someone's part of that DNA but also think about jobs but jobs is like his Pollard is the node thing that's really what his big power or his or -- -- note that -- that none of that and I don't know. They're people. Under him who can have that same he'll still hopeful that I don't expect that no guy you don't mean -- -- visionary I mean as long as he is alive. He will be the -- so much a part of Apple I mean the fact that he came back at all considering how obviously ill he has been for many years. -- that he is so committed in his public life you know. They've -- you also want to see is how this all plays out the on the shareholders is that Steve Jobs is known for being very cocky brash and outspoken about certain things in the industry even. Putting other companies and awkward positions like Adobe and flash and you wonder if like. Someone who's a more gentle leader who's not as outspoken. -- -- Apple loses that little that little edge -- copied isn't an -- you we already I think recently. I can remember what one other a -- a competing CEO recently kind of talk little smack about Apple's operations and Howell in -- was now that Steve Jobs and along -- the hell he was out right bold enough. The -- -- talk little trash about. Exactly. They don't mean -- that jobs had not yet. Nobody else that is beyond rabbit I can't remember the last thing any elderly -- dying -- that when I found that there in now so yeah I mean well and then. I think that cuts -- -- like you could definitely ask yourself whether. At some point he wouldn't become a little bit of -- liability because. He was starting Q you know -- answering the emails with these crazy you're holding it wrong -- for you know really like getting into public -- with people like. I mean -- Passion at some point sometime in cross -- -- you know it was it was Netgear CEO Patrick -- Recently was like out within the past week herself yet he he got I got our friend you'd you'd normally don't see that you really don't well there I mean there -- Unquestionably there always has been in that tech journalism world. And there is an. Unquestionably in the rest that it is -- the culture of fear around Apple because of the fan boys are terrifying I mean really like they have and army there is insane is being or be -- mean they are otter declared insane drones that will come after you with a hot the white hot fire a thousand -- If you dare to criticize and at the in the same in the distance while an Apple -- and -- to obviously know. If he does not hesitate -- -- like you did mean he kept it a lot via those components we were using in our devices yeah we we -- you guys anymore. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- It rebels see how -- -- takes out if Apple actually does release one in the future via. And I doubt I would be shocked if they -- a shot at it because they would be tipping their hand for years to come. You know and it could affect their hiring their future hiring which is part of -- treatment been given for not doing it. -- -- I I would be really pretty as long as those share numbers keep the share percentage of profits keep on going up. You're gonna hear less and less about this you'll feel like I really and then of the day and the Verizon iPhone will -- that we -- -- spam is the thing about Apple is -- -- they make good stuff. You know there is -- and that they make so much good stuff that Verizon broke its first day sales record at. With the iPhone four this is just for pre orders -- a limited pre orders in only two hours theories in this is only the people where Verizon customers this is not even open to that didn't even the plug it broke its all time record her first day sales of a single device. Any other phone in the history of Verizon. In a single -- sales the iPhone just -- pre -- and limited amounts. Broke it. Ridiculous and an over the same thing on -- -- -- -- the Verizon store it was gotten between 3 AM and 5 am. Adding an apples -- they've they have stopped taking orders to your prayers -- how many hours -- that the united a. Is -- in -- release they are released numbers but we can coliseum is probably. A lot of that Ayala gave few were wondering whether they're gonna be lines around that Verizon and Apple stores on February percent yen -- ten. You'll get an -- OpenId -- out. AT&T we mentioned last earlier this week at that time to ramp up their attacks on Verizon they're -- a whole. Basically trying to spend little. -- -- -- -- To some of their and their customers -- you know you really do you deserve this is the letter sending some people deserve to get the most out of your voice and data services wherever you are how about if we give you a free micro fell. -- that it's. As our way of saying thank you for your continued loyalty as we would like -- -- you offer you an AT&T three G micro -- at no charge. We -- do you mean those same -- cells and everyone was asking for like six months ago. There aren't they you know these should be free because you haven't bothered to invest in your infrastructure in any meaningful way and make a lot I figured -- which is why you are trailing in getting made but that's. -- -- -- That those Mac. This is amazing that Catholic 200 dollars. It's amazing when you see companies what they could have done and when times are so desperate. Act like they're just willing to okay you know let. All the things that you really wanted were asked for what are people were hoping for you know we're gonna -- them to you and likewise we need you might incoming now that I deserved it must -- -- -- served as YRI and not have done that when I was looking for a competitive solution that. And services that I will would make me wanna stay with -- they loyalty you yet that in thing that I snail mail at that it's -- That's only catch is that you decide to get the free micro which actually you know might be perfectly -- once -- with AT&T. If you're -- you have to use it adds another twelve months to whatever contract period -- -- on. You'll also have to return the device AT&T or pay for it at a pro rated talk to be Catholic contract before that twelve month period -- up. However it will not affect your ability and it -- and to upgrade your handset -- a contract and eight. And then some customers -- -- yet taken that the mop up on the operative that there were no hidden charges. -- -- so that's good anyway being extended to select customers. It perhaps you'll find yourself among maybe you'll be one of the -- people. Maybe -- one of the select people who is now. If I dial I feel like I'm gonna bring it into the studio and uses we get it we need one right here you can -- that it. You really wanna see how many bars I don't have now you know now that I've been through an unfair those are gonna bunkered at the bunker are lobby is weirdly it dead zone -- like -- -- -- Almost like that no cellphone service can get into the CNET lobby with the weirdest thing ever. But maybe you are one of the select few whose FaceBook profile was apparently donating an imported intimidating thick. This is this is ridiculous -- AMs though can. The so basically a new website launched called lovely face lovely faces dot com. On what they did is they access people's publicly accessible FaceBook pages so he got the very least you have daily screen account to get into FaceBook. And -- -- that information using profile names locations and photos. They created algorithms so you can search for some regional area based on kind of how they look if you look at the -- there's like. Easy going men mild women. Funny women climber -- -- I really think you do not want to be like let's is sexy to more of sexy than climber woman climber will. And I. I'm I'm hot. In -- they don't know. And I'm I'm not attracted a -- and every -- -- -- That the -- Ten people actually here being answer behind that and they say that it's actually -- That they aren't -- intently like a real wedding night that they are -- -- We provoking case but it -- -- they're trying to make a statement to show how easy it is to just take the data that FaceBook. All you have -- you kind of have the choice and sometimes you don't have the transfered to be so -- but -- kind of mocking -- -- -- because this is what Zuckerberg did. It whether you've seen the movie or know about on call on a -- called campus but he think a database of all those faces. And made that -- reading what they called -- they smash a smash and so everyone on campus this -- basically what. Zuckerberg did on his called camp is yeah they're just doing this with FaceBook. So -- Google wants to be mad at the same time they can't really good -- it will that's kind of how some of the origins of your company came from well. They can be because the -- Have terms of service that they can't do that think they we have taken and will continue to take aggressive legal action against organizers that violate the terms that -- are guiding this site is already out why the. I think you -- try to click your lovely thing at the dot com you'll get a. Yes. Sorry the web -- not work you should try again. And they download a gallon everybody. I -- -- to take a little break when we come. I've Kenneth Cole and -- a little bit hot water on the Internet -- being. It is shockingly tasteless favorite board is coming and those computer -- it perhaps a little. I Geisel back -- -- Hollywood Medina Gonzales in the house of -- -- The lovely Friday so they know sometimes companies they hire these people called social media experts. And sometime this. They might be a twenty year old kid that happens use FaceBook. And Twitter on this case they improbably Kenneth Kohl himself. Needed some -- because he's learned the hard way and he's -- hard when he's feeling the wrath of the web after earlier yesterday morning he put out a tweet. Sane and I quote millions are an uproar in Cairo rumor is they've heard our new spring collection is now available online. So. Tacky. So making it you know making light of. And they any use the hash tag by the way -- -- -- it was like to hash tag on Cairo -- this only shows in the third like whatever you know that -- effective. Not. Cool yep not cool and not surprisingly. As the Internet sometimes does it got up in virtual arms. Cut coal later treated that he did not intend to make light of a serious situation that we understand the sensitivity of historic moment. And they have -- removed the offending tweets. And then -- issued a link here apology and it but it yet the if you look at the apology in the -- -- page Xilinx is in the article. Basically the response to the apology is not very Hamas. I can't really repeat everything that I've seen on here -- in the Internet unfortunately is not about forgiveness now. His -- I mean they do like let's be honest the mob love to find it. A mistake basically and then -- you to death for it in the ground. Into the ground but now it's I mean they they put up a fake Kenneth -- PR Twitter feed eaten. Kind of like the BP global PR which you do sometimes wonder like. -- -- -- -- -- I mean really. That's it. Don't -- on that's not nice. And it was night with a super inappropriate thing to -- you. That really is that the worst thing that's ever happened at all bit pattern -- anonymous can go after chemical now taken off line -- I wanna be like okay the mob. Cool because this really important thing in our entire actually -- happenings and maybe you could put some of -- energy into. That or into pattern L donating to a cause or like using some of your -- off the web skills. There will help not a charity doesn't have a website better now I just find this like -- -- the mob reaction to be a little bit for conspiring with. Yet it is a little time but come some the united -- -- -- that it is. To make -- a little light of how -- sense of Kenneth Cole was. Canada hash -- where people put technical tweaks they wanted to kind of relate maybe some other ideas -- tweets that Kenneth Cole could himself put out so he said. Now there's a -- -- I didn't like I don't like that is -- the seventh money has chased a -- we know what happened Anderson Cooper you know in the in Kyra here's one. Chase down Anderson Cooper's style of their new lightweight canvas loafers. And -- -- -- Thing and get over it it's like knowing that are allowed to make in Macon state I don't know -- I think that it put sport to be just as that the huge corporation. That's pretty mean that -- it wasn't just social media present it was -- -- console -- -- -- And I'm nothing it -- even remotely appropriate I think you'll click crappy -- and stupid. -- and but you know what he apologized like how many times -- but he supposed DuPont and they they took it down people at the bigger -- like you know -- you're right. I was trying to be funny which. People -- -- -- funny all the time and it fell flat with terror it was you know inappropriate or whatever but like. Okay he apologize. For each if you know Internet announced resistance. To -- men have. It you know it is it because we sometimes make mistakes you and then get beaten into the ground -- and inflict. Pattern on the pile on culture is just. People are frustrated and on the way that they release will make it when they -- yup on people like this -- -- well that's not an on the Internet and it -- -- -- that are on the job via I'm angry about again. Not sure that they're frustrated they just think it's fun with old people to move on from pinnacle -- to remove ammonia in -- okay. There's a survey according to on the USA today. You guys might be part of this 32% of people admit to new -- Their neighbor's Wi-Fi. -- them. Down like -- saint Luke can accomplish in Europe for some company. Some 32%. Of respondents that's -- lack locking someone up as kitchen and I don't know it and taking a cup of sugar. Are -- Yeah I -- When you -- -- or like Arlene you know maybe your friend or roommate -- use without asking and will -- don't do that but girls that all the time. Right so -- like a dress or blouse or shoes I'm serious. -- this is like. Then they David that he steal their friends. They -- without asking unit and -- -- and likely never did girls do you. You I'm curious as all the key items Syria is I think you can drop that act I think hey maybe you it's like a -- girl that you have ever known -- that a lot and turner told me that girls don't Barley to the closed out asking I'm telling you. Girls are not actually -- -- easily. Categorize sub species of humanity and all do the exact name on the I'm just gonna I'll stop I'll drop it but I'm just saying that I think everyone has always bought one piece of clothing from the -- without asking. -- And saying I know are we gonna talk about -- story more. This is an amazing surveyed. The national survey admit it did. That respondents were -- and an encrypted Wi-Fi connection everyone here in this room is done that -- Yes saying that's on the Wii and I am totally -- that on the clothing thing man united IMAP and I -- I might add -- out when -- in and out on them and implement. And that nearly has doubled nearly doubled eighteen -- -- a party and why Fy 2008 and really there's only who admitted it 32% admitted now select who how many people actually do it. Via a lot. -- Although Iowa today and that the you know I've beaten -- I'm -- -- Security for network security firms that both the thing people that still don't understand the technology excellence and Western Europe and I mean. They don't but -- right. The Internet blames the people -- Internet blames the victim. You don't always -- diesel. At Hotmail is launching throwaway email accounts and mechanical link on the money you know time in other things county's bar email -- that just Hotmail or any that's I was gonna say that's -- My Hotmail account -- I. Harrowing account -- it's here that they've they have the new feature aimed at email and do the estimates lets anyone create multiple email accounts to be read replied in management everyday email but that if they and I. If you wanna get a third party in email death when you're signing up for things. I mean by our email address Berkshire right you don't wanna keep on me what's cool that is also as -- fuel you don't have to treat different passwords or log ins for these such accounts. You just treat your main account on hot Millman you have these acts essentially like an accessory count that's nice -- like that actually a little -- I especially like when you're -- mean -- -- sign -- you know because bacon and I swear at worst problem and spam. Is at least you can filter spam yeah -- if you accidentally signed upper -- newsletter for example data. You get that like no matter how many times and the guy from like that the blind place -- I tried to get. Quote the bright -- aren't they you know and then they sell your information. And act like bacon is so bad that I -- -- -- yet. And you'll need to make -- -- -- I right now. And now is rated M I but -- you know I'll hold up amendment making making -- after the show. -- sportswear is enabling its first ever promoted. Him and you look. And also -- redemption code for the Super Bowl. -- time and make them -- they're taking if they'd have promoted tweets promoted users idea from Twitter. And saying we're gonna have promoted trending then you and then it won't actually be the venue -- be Super Bowl Sunday. That's a statement everyone checked into Super Bowl Sunday when they're watching. These this can experiment they're also said when she checked in -- gonna give you some sort of code to get 20% off on nfl.com. But it's not sponsored by an -- by the NFL also there's gonna wanna see it -- actually attraction between deals with promoted champions. -- -- -- Ray that they also -- -- -- -- it's not a paid untested at the trial than on actually mimic human although I can only assume -- had paid them or -- but. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- In a you -- -- those words like an Olympic he's right it any kind of promotion that it's time well Milton Wharton. Also look Google gets a record 75000. Job applications in a week. It it kind of -- announce it was going to add more than 6000 employees this year. Everyone. Trust me. If you -- -- -- you know -- stock options and shares and get hooked up with one of the biggest coming that is machine I only got so much about are doing and just even beyond software I mean -- that Google car. A you know -- -- -- there are Andy's all the other it will have Google moon. It now mean their balloon while they're there like earth for the moment it's like earth for the moon but -- and then there are also pushing. Aren't they helping with its act like they have there are there part of the prize -- for exactly. Google you know it tentacles everywhere -- it -- meaning let them off and -- And well known as artists are working on stuff on their -- to -- like -- I can just pop up and -- -- -- and mean you know it. Don't get -- -- -- perfect and over the past few years people have started to leave Google more but believe me like if you wear it in at that scale that. It absolutely people at and working level tell you that their food may not be as good to schools -- did leave the -- Here yeah there. And I just wanna let you know that okay I think you have no Google -- -- that it but but they have the total wash. The superintendent at the public prayers -- that at least in the public areas -- And house like I went there don't like how known as reported on the fact that I. Didn't know it. You guys can tell as of -- facility has -- Well over the place and. -- -- Apparently Nokia also and the -- is considering at least according to rumors. Windows phone seven adoption they might actually announce something of windows on an alliance perhaps. But the rumors were sparked by Nokia's EST -- comment. And he is formerly of Microsoft. -- over the letter apparently -- I'm sorry that he stated. On January 27 during their earnings call that Nokia must build capitalize or join. A competitive ecosystem went nuts -- rumor from Tennessee doses -- lane and Nokia is hosting an event -- eleven. Potentially to reveal its strategy. Well they needed these of them we've been -- Nokia and Android and consumers Nokia and windows right the bottom line is that all the chatter on the does that. Nokia's Symbian it's OS is a good enough for what people want yet again. I think that in a gimmick that the lines of windows that would -- -- It's great. Or just an open Nokia like Nokia makes the hardware and that the but I went and no -- -- -- -- they do -- -- and -- that we just aren't even if we don't see it that much because they're always on non contract plans and it was gonna by 60700 dollars hardware and now -- US can happen. Not even in gadget news. Not even if it were the Motorola -- explored through which. There are now reports that AT&T will begin selling the Motorola -- -- -- or 19999. After contract. With that contract by the way the laptop dock will cost 499 after reading. While the -- that I -- -- is a little 500 dollars. -- -- -- -- -- -- Well I don't think that I don't think I don't think people are in early. I really thought it was part of -- bundled together we kept on saying these are separate pieces so we've been -- They were it was always think -- really I mean maybe they didn't at Motorola at the -- the night. And with a laptop docking. This laptop dot. Will make it -- I -- One any nine it should be when Dana for the phone and -- mania that Latvia nightly porn and then the that they are -- -- -- come to the laptop -- doesn't even have a processor in it it's driven off of the phone. Yeah why would it -- four main it's just a shell. The national -- be entering the entire bundle should cost as much the net. Upon the ideally I'd write up things you Kosmas and -- retirement thing though the -- -- it'll be for 99 with the bundle bundle with the -- and I don't think so now the story says. By itself the Motorola laptop dock will cost 4099 dollars. All I -- you can get the H export G and a laptop dock for for 99 after a two year contract and a hundred dollar mail and read it at. So there in the morning and bundle that includes symbol. Indonesia. Three thank you tavern and thank you for clarifying that -- -- horrible port -- -- for the whole thing. Now it depends on about now -- on performance -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Horrible but when you dock it into a -- -- it slows down a little bit. It's annoying to want to think it -- -- gamma and -- if you need a new netbook and maintaining -- -- -- and are ready in the market for matrix. I mean I'm not gonna hit on the for trying something new and different because it is cool and really cool I have it is pretty sweet so we'll -- we'll see how it -- via a pain for -- in an as a bundle is not quite as -- that I've -- one thing happened also a lot of release states -- on the Internet from obscure places best buys FaceBook -- -- -- every 24 will be the magic date for the Motorola zoom. The thunderbolt release will be on the fourteenth on Valentine's Day no one better way to -- some new of them. -- by giving them a thunderbolts. -- -- This is so interesting that there's gonna be this and -- lake. Gold rush. For the iPhone on Verizon -- these phones coming out our parent I know but how many -- general users know how many you know. Moms and dads and kids know or -- that -- -- failure of the media is our fault. Typically get double whammy -- are well you have the consumers it's like I don't care you know like I'll and one is what Apple makes. But then and then you have I mean you do have us back in like. Like a plane crash everytime there's news about it but these phones -- The -- is amazing and I mean I think I think that's gonna be getting in -- -- -- -- for the vulnerable. Now label what phone you have right -- -- -- went by and a half right now just as the clear cleared out for me because I can't. Remember loved big old -- on my a why did jump at this man is making it practically from like three fires -- -- But that was that around the Jurassic period you -- of that phone. And it -- from like it is that a Nokia sore wrists I mean my god limit let me tell you live and giving from robotic leg time to post industrial revolution. -- room. Given that part of the technology was too fast that's like device market and limit -- that can be an excellent -- -- Smartphone in it too much is it an excellent plan. I think now we're kind of leveling off that plane -- and violent -- -- per year. Subsequent to -- more like pre fire to large -- -- -- and. Hey David Farrell -- that fell -- point out. But -- and I think that's a solid choice for a phone and then back to that the then zoom we have heard that it was gonna be February 17 everything but the last Motorola within his weakening. -- we have not announced we have not official affirmed the date. Now but now let's may be -- gnome do an announcement -- -- really is. On the twenty. All right well that's -- is let's get the happy and. But get this started as a happy ending story -- been kicking around the web for days now the toll like hilarious clip from. The Today Show in 1994 beating arrow and -- courage and our own and Bryant -- all of -- -- lady. Basically like just trying to figure out what it now what do I haven't even seen this so we should -- -- -- and we want a little bit is that but mainly hilarious -- takers don't. What Internet. With it. Or at least that's what I said -- -- it's achievable and above. But I've ever heard a laugh -- -- -- -- And that's what -- -- it pilots at least -- -- -- -- take care of violence at UC -- com. We'll -- -- out what they say it wouldn't Internet. That happened right -- announcement -- nearly eight now. But not quite like me who do not believe that indicate that I think it -- that -- -- right. Our net income -- -- and I think ultimately it's. Apple be if this is apparently what it. You -- you have to thank -- -- accurate tell what that's like that it. -- you know we wanna know how things what does that -- -- -- -- and others. -- -- -- -- -- -- He is currently I'm -- 1994. Gold and that in trying to explain -- you know you wanna make fun of them and imagine Chinese mainland and believe the Internet. In 1984. I thought prodigy was the Internet yeah I did not know that there was like it being. And then Friday -- -- you got there yeah I was like prodigy Internet -- -- -- -- oh yeah exactly so when the threat as they know what was up with -- air that's important knowledge Friday's style environment but then they so then. Internet and also I learned that that little app with the thing it did used to mean around like around or about sort of like a roughly. M and the Internet tainted evidence in that changed it's you before it wasn't at and the Internet speak it was -- about or around about her around -- -- the Internet in. That they announced that it might not stupid but it sounds stupid and an experience that it always sounds stupid and then if that thing at the Grammy NBC did not like how it -- -- even though we all thought it was just really funny. And they've hired reportedly the employee who uploaded the video solves and then they have pulled most of the videos from Internet. That's like except for this -- always look a lot Cynthia but I wanted to handy cam on keeping all our. Shallow like that bid seriously is like but now -- -- this is classic stuff. Miami -- actually. Like hood as low viral PR justice know how we use the V I now put your logo on it -- let it go -- and not having no line maybe you know -- -- probably also could have been it will even though currents along with NBC. The people in it were like I don't wanna look stupid. That's when it comes down to more than anything else think that Athena -- announcement of humor because I have to admit it's not like the internet's response to -- death. Video has been like that so funny 1984 I know what Internet is of course the Internet responsibly. I want to do name. Not even exist because they're so dominant now but now that first. Now first -- -- alternative can't send -- personal. -- -- guidance of that I did not expect -- -- had it and not expect that it would have -- I'll. With international. Nine taking kind of the landing. -- Let's get the next article has given that the about the beyond the united. -- -- -- -- -- -- Hey you guaranteed government -- -- -- -- -- -- care when. And it until -- our our we are left. -- to have Cogent and erudite listeners with really helpful and good things affect. For example Tyler who read -- and -- just doesn't FYI. Most people don't understand that the decision to overturn the usage based billing decision doesn't affect most Canadian retail customers. And you it is still on Rogers bell -- pellets that has capped plans will still have capped plans usually in the fifty to sixty gig month per month rate. This decision only affects smaller ISP -- lease space on Bell's network and then resell that there's been a lot of confusion about that -- many people in Canada Ottoman that the caps are going away for every one. This is not the case amount -- good first step. It is still only the first step in fighting the unreasonably low data caps like the majority of customers -- Herrington and anything until there's a link to the source. -- -- Yes -- -- point interest and -- to really they had to reverse I think either way but. It in -- spec does make fuels that potential -- that's the sound quality seems like it sounds like they. A lot of their eyes he's already had some captain but the problem is that then bell went from that -- -- or to mitigate the -- I think. -- -- All right next up I guess we can finally say Brian was wrong. Once 11. -- not bad I do it out there I did not declared of Lisa A spent 100%. Do it -- I can state for a fact that Smartphones on the sprint network three G and -- data is unlimited and -- throttled. Even using the hot spot as a bonus even with in limited data Sprint's three week. This periods and and lower case letters that are throwing up here. The it as a bonus if even with the unlimited data Sprint's rate plans are still cheaper than Verizon and AT&T and who is loved the show Stephen. Obviously a sprint customer. Obviously although that sprint customers like elements around when it comes to defending their -- -- them. It turns out because -- overdrive and I -- think about them limited thing. And. We got a couple of emails from people about the MacBook Air revelation yesterday that redundancy and shows yet but maybe nine acting as on an ad that says that the trickle out into the public -- I'll make sure I read -- -- them on Monday -- always a line. Says he can't hear them but I did like -- plan that really they called me out for all of my attempt at justifying my business and. Broad and subject line sure Molly and then then and Ferrari is making great daily drivers. Absolutely disappointed. I completely agree I completely agree they need to. Alright guys you know what time it is it's Friday the and that the show the one thing about earlier choir I don't know if that's case and a hit me -- It's. You. Tests are -- Here we go first is now this one's coming from C Adam. Buzzards tiny help. My wife hates jewelry flowers and candy is impossible to buy from Valentine's Day inspired by -- story of the affordability of the dash. -- gonna getter that until I heard that Molly then hated it so what else can they -- he's very tech savvy that we don't have many tech toys in our home. I don't wanna spend more than 200 dollars so I was considering. A -- I Kindle or a -- something for iPhone four or anything else I need -- Please buzzards help me make this Valentine's day of the best day after the. Game ever. And we can do that in a lot of talking about -- -- I know she received hate to do worry flowers and candy as possible while this is anything. -- if you're reading so Molly you're a woman. I mean if you hated those three things. If you did I don't understand there are there any suggestions you might get this Seattle I'm sick of those Caledonia. I was no color and color that color -- in -- -- wonderful and it's so like it does give her a Nook Color and then some kind of gift certificate for like uninterrupted. Reading time in the -- there's something like that you know because I notice. I did I mean it -- -- -- -- I don't like you know what they can a lot of women honestly we just wanna let. -- on the -- -- but for four hours or you know or just being urged. -- -- So it's sort of like different than Nook Color and then the gift of time to read the romance there's an overly burdensome to the government and Adam honestly if you're if you are pretty decent looking to secure -- -- the formula that does. -- -- on their home cooking and if you pull up all lady is -- -- think they they can't hold back maker breakfast. The net color loaded up with TV romance novel has struck him on and -- it is really -- get the lake. Tech police at -- is good read list for like cost them. -- -- -- -- -- And like that kind of thing that seriously the -- and then put some of those on and that is the -- -- -- -- -- I'm gonna -- -- rather -- -- Catholic lay in bed and read -- -- -- And by the way need to finish -- on on my PS and a -- and then and then I'll be back for you in that the -- how I love. And I -- I like -- your -- -- -- in the EP and Barrett and the parents of my wonderful girlfriend and I have been together for nearly a year but unfortunately we've had to deal with a long distance relationships and we go to different colleges that we can only see each other every so often in person. We've resorted to having virtual date on the weekends -- -- We both want the -- movie the magic for Amazon and Netflix streaming and pocket that we were together or have dinner and talk -- -- -- At a company -- might have some good ideas for other virtual -- that we can use to stay connected via the magic of the Internet. -- I -- there in our in our pre show. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Want to spend more money because if they have Amazon Netflix streaming they might be doing it on their laptop but one way that would be fun and I'm just saying is that. Playing online games with -- early influence is really fun like there's games like you know casual games like LittleBigPlanet. Where you jump around these little -- Sack boys like. An online game together and it's not nothing play call of duty with your girl but if she -- that then she is a -- -- totally. But you know going -- those co -- advances and its authority but it's fun and they can kind of give you something to share with us and talk about and enjoy it with each other says. I -- play any people that -- the dinner -- that respect that is an hour call for one thing. You gotta keep him alive. -- -- I won't say other things you could use the -- have. And clapping and connect. Like maybe it last time I -- As they grapple. Scrabble app my brother and it's up on lightly without America -- -- immediately you know like. Online I am I was thinking am totally with you on that yeah on the gaming -- -- like Yahoo! games -- like dictionary and Steve the stuff had -- -- Play games all kinds of games they don't know enough about and you could John Strickland saying it backed -- expecting connect together virtual -- with the -- -- avatars. -- you could hit a -- also what's cool is if you happen you have an Xbox-360. For both the U yeah you can not only he watched Netflix movie but you can -- live chat like because sometimes it's hard to timed the start of the -- -- the on two laptops. So you can actually -- for watching Netflix movie if they have Netflix invite them to watch and you see at the same time -- On separately on -- X boxes and get lucky and right on that it hurt me. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- they you know it's still get out there and meet you don't don't hide yourself oncology and share stories but that'll. You know enjoy the called experience again and that doesn't mean -- you know with other people. That's not what Michael Smith mountain. No no. And so everybody. If you if you would like to post your own helpful advice to our computer load. What are -- people need help. Computer -- writers help it might even stories we -- -- your computer a computer lovers are computer lovers they don't you know my stories you know aggregate lovers or your own computer love story is. The allowed us cnet.com is our blog -- -- -- excellent sixty victory is our phone number but -- cnet.com or email address and or any of you are going to Austin for south by southwest. Accident in -- earlier this we like Canada should probably get the very top -- -- via. We it will be having at an event and a lives show taping. At south by southwest march 13 Sunday march 18 from fixed at 9 PM we'll probably have the live buzz -- -- show at 6:30 that the -- central time. Share and preachers often times and yeah yeah. Ya think 30 PM often time included. But be able to watch it live on cnet.com flashlight as we will be live streaming -- but if you're -- often come to our party it's gonna have free -- Special death open bar did you hear that open bar people. They'll that he at at a press a lady get her a drink at an open Marlins he doesn't know it's an open bar is clean and and obviously I'm Molly and -- different party every. That's. -- -- -- yet to get off the bar we have action but it does them in my sixteen X 9 PM locked into it at cedar street. Live but not taking special -- free -- give -- -- Joint NASA NASA buy outlet in your -- -- -- the author of -- will be there Arabia and Valentine day's coming up yes so well we want to do. -- we want you guys did not only -- computer love emails but we also would love to have some voice -- experiences. At -- Discuss that we've been -- right -- everyone's right me it feels more anonymous you're still anonymous and it's literally it's organ have a special Valentine's the addition. Of the show. With a lot more you know and then you -- in a room -- -- yeah that's right. That's right so we'll keep that will keep that makes it on -- of what I going to be you know I mean again yes. The price they also. And I say I will -- you guys. Aloha Bob. Leo miles you guys.

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