Ep. 1399: Waiting for Lady Killer
Ep. 1399: Waiting for Lady Killer

Ep. 1399: Waiting for Lady Killer

This Wednesday they're great but. 11100 million dollars. -- -- -- -- I'm gonna buzz out loud unified -- of indeterminate length it is episode thirteen 1990 -- anything -- indeterminate length. So that when we give you like a ninety minute show like -- -- -- today. You'll be mad -- -- do. We don't -- If you are joining us live you know that we just -- live coverage of the Google Android and -- home market event. If he didn't just join it live and we apologize in advance for all of the -- -- -- there were about me. That -- that -- -- this episode waiting for lady killer ha -- about it isolating forget to analyze them. Is -- if you so. Will get to the actual news -- -- there was a guest on that they were trying to -- -- covers the whole time though it was that. Horrible joke that wouldn't go way it was lady killer and -- little green made his. Awesome appearance that was as awkward as any other celebrity -- music musician to tech guy could be. It via -- it is bad they don't do exactly the liberty integration that way you don't have anything to talk about justice though. Like you've got of their that the that they haven't and then and you think -- Would -- do it with. If if the logo they grammys and then make. Why is it that every guy who feels like you think trying to be cool and -- cool report with another guy have to put the word man at the end of every and then not -- CNN hey what's going -- man like you haven't said -- a single time -- Ever in it may be your life and many of the agreement nearly payment dance -- meant to look at programming environment that you're gonna get tenement house you know what about the -- men. Antenna too dogmatic nominee elves doing -- out -- -- Let it snow I swear at the events waiting for lady killer -- if you cook with it it. There were things that happened for example they showed off Android honeycomb in great depth absolutely -- -- I gotta say some parts of it have -- I think this event held at least to some extent had to put Apple on notice. I think it definitely when we are watching also a kind of drew. A line in the sand that said this is actually how we -- going to -- tablet OS's. Which is how you guys do it is distinctly different and -- had more features that felt like an actual mobile computer on a tablet form factor instead of that a phone OS on a tablet. A lot more advanced. Even just the hardware inside that we've all been kind of getting giddy about for the -- was actually leverage with some and animations. This interfaces that they used. It looks really good. Yes it really edit it looks remarkably smooth and it's a total overhaul of the Android operating system that you're used to seeing on phones -- much more of it's kind of a marriage of the -- -- operating system on the phone and Chrome OS because that it has. You know there -- some sort of desktop computer elements like there appears to be what basically a little taskbar. At the bottom and you can bring up a settings -- from their directly but it has the widgets that you've gotten used to. On Android and and then it has like multi touch support he can operate -- widget that once that you'd like a widget in dock. Also if you're a fruit ninja you -- do the tax law a move which is multi touch that's that's an eight -- the most important feature of a mile trademark me. Figured -- would the man but even like things just. Things as basic as dragging emails into other folders with your single finger then that's nice yeah we saw a lot which is a lot of great killer cool things and honeycomb. I can only to get our hands on it let them -- They did the job well done I -- a -- and a media and notification. Or new they say the actually ending a push notifications. The -- settings panel that we mentioned. Pulling a few bullet points from our live blog. That. And -- settings panel and fire at an awesome. There they've got this the port developers they have this thing called application fragments we all freaked out when -- and -- you think it. Don't -- that are all but there it's basically it sounds like -- chunks like nuggets of reusable code. That you can implement across apps so you can you know make sure that you've got good interaction between a phone version of your -- and the tablet version which just makes it a lot easier -- -- report. Those. Phone versions. Today that the big bad -- or developers but also for you yeah yeah we also saw an improvement on the Android marketplace now with an entire web browser. Based interface are set up so you can -- -- a website download apps -- the really cool thing is once you download them and pay the transaction. Then it automatically starts downloading directly on your phone which it without. Without without detonating date they -- a little Digg you no longer have to -- your device exactly they're like no note. No wires there anything like any nonsense like that we are also treated to a new word in the lexicon automatically. Turn on magic items have not had -- in the mentally I'm totally new to that yet know it -- them -- if it -- and use it nearly as much as they did some kind of hoping that now they're all fired up about it they are everywhere can pick -- stuff that's pretty -- Dahlia the web store is a huge development grander -- and it's good to think is the only I think Xbox does this or Microsoft does -- with Xbox. And and Amazon does -- with Kindle purchases where you can actually and then there implementing -- -- you can. You could register several devices that you have a couple different phones are you 11100 tablet and phone you can download content specifically to whatever device you want wirelessly. So just -- -- it's not new but it's like -- vehicle they also integrated social features recommendations to friends. -- out emails or Twitter post that lead directly to their apps or -- other ways to get people into the marketplace. That there's a lot more exposure and it's easier access. Com we also then we're told about in app purchases. -- -- -- big deal for developers that he can. Added value add they can make more money you can enjoy your -- more developers and users though. And that's a big thing that is just up the game with them the -- pretty interesting I will say though it is clear that Google has not built -- developer. And company relationships like partnership relationship that some other companies like Apple may be -- because there. Cutting their partner demos were like a little -- -- -- CNN with I report with a with airport is not new it's been around for on time and then they had Disney with some games. And you know granted I like. Like an event where -- all make me pay for an hour and half that watched like fifty different companies -- demos. But it's clear that they do have some relationship building to do in terms of some really supporting these devices -- with content and a -- is good bill at least from a gain insight on that critical -- we saw. Basically the best graphics up to date that we've seen on any Android platform and obviously like you said the developers really haven't -- their hands around this too much the power of the hardware is there they're gonna see a lot more advanced stuff from Google Android in that I mean from honeycomb. As well yeah so it's I think across the board. It was all good. -- all get -- -- -- yeah like I gotta say. A paper paper technology. Effort lady killer. -- -- All that was more that was all may be slightly maybe not as bad as the Sony press conference at CES with Seth Rogen. And -- out dates haven't found what -- imminently. Now. And then they admit that they know they got it let's say landing that they don't even say while this looks -- really cool. -- likely came up -- anti Syria is there's something the device. But by the way data -- mentioned this but they had just -- demo running on the Motorola zoom switch -- bet big part of it was as you mentioned. The theme the power that dual core processors in action and that I think was another area where like this is -- true this really felt like. A computer. Operating system optimize for tablets are just way more functionality than we've seen from Iowa -- be -- But it also I think puts Apple on notice in terms of iPad you'd like but that there better be dual core -- -- And we we we think -- be so. Speaking of iPad due is that the rumors we do think. It's neat thing that has the I think that I think them. -- -- an -- have to be that I didn't know how much I I've kind of been ignoring the rumors of you know they get a little like confusing out that Robert read it is back in the chatroom dude continuing date. And says it will have an upgraded processor. -- -- But being an iPad -- -- news that the elite Murdoch Rupert Murdoch's. Project for iPad the daily for iPad -- Hot off the -- so they just announced that the exclusive to the iPod iPad. Which Molly -- and will probably have more content about later this -- will deliver an iPad owners are up to 100 pages of news and information each state. Of Rupert Murdoch and -- -- they treated division -- news corps it's treated division specifically to build content. For the iPad. You know it wasn't like there obviously I regain some things but the platform. The content isn't there trying to make -- they build a specific apartment just to build this daily. -- iPad newspaper -- price wise on it'll be a yearly subscription. For 3999. We read in another article that it would be 99 cents per week -- here -- has also 99 cents per week for the publication. So at least on value standpoint let's. We multi about the content on specific devices yet but from value standpoint 99 cents a week pretty -- Yeah that's actually really good pricing -- if you're gonna do content. Specific to a device you definitely can't charge. What you would charge for like -- newspaper they can take anywhere or -- Journal charges for -- even the online edition. I gotta say I I do think that the pricing. Is right like it feels right the price is right the use of Elizabeth the printing and the button. Get other residents to come on now the -- -- threatening. You know the studios are. I think that's on -- level and -- nine units on the Wii that is if -- content is good enough I think that noble prize idea being you know people have said that. Murdoch has talked about. Bringing this content to other devices right now it is iPad exclusive and that mean. That's kind of -- separate because right now the iPad is -- the only tablet on the market still but I don't like the idea that this is an app not a web site. Like that you're gonna you know because anytime you look at are now and I think that. Device -- -- -- and is disturbing but if they've invested this much in a division for mobile devices. The fact of the matter is that they should be developing an exclusive version for those other devices that -- leverage their hardware and software ideally. So we'll see how plays out I would be really surprised that dating Lander and once -- -- you have to yeah I mean I'm sure they will. It's available immediately at the daily dot com featuring HD quality video and 360 degree photos that users can actually do stuff with. And then of course lots of social networking features -- try it out -- I'm very curious about it. I but before it launched yesterday people -- already offering like rival apps. So the New York time because now everyone is gonna be doing if my artistic content with this just -- -- -- The New York Times is doing what is -- news dot meet. That the one. -- -- -- It's. -- there were just several different so there were several different. Competitors like. Yet -- pop press now. You're -- young Iranians that means social news that the -- to -- -- aggregated article links from Twitter streams. And chain links from -- ranked. So they're really -- an interesting yeah ultimate -- you're gonna have a lot of people that are trying to get in this game and what was kind of different is that the -- they didn't really talk about we don't have many details to be. -- and -- yet but I've about the daily is the whole subscription model. How will that translate over to other -- devices and they don't -- none of the story so far that report I have talked about that. I'll pass subscription model actually works how it's built into -- in them the -- are what. One what's interesting at the you -- you subscribe to this on your iPad can you watch it on your other. I mean nothing else even write an Iowa device or your computer and there might be times when you know you're at work and you watch this on on -- the a computer whether it's in -- -- the right now. Via I don't think so and I think that this parent might know but it didn't look like they really talk about that that -- and that's like that is the biggest problem in -- -- -- that rated the it doesn't cross it doesn't leave. It's trapped trapped on the device. I mean if you're in love their iPad and you're probably happy but ultimately -- they will be able to extend those -- you can only keep it on the iPad. But there yeah. And at least they should make it. You should be able to use it on. Other I don't know because the format if they're trying to make a daily newspapers at the largest screen at the iPad -- I don't see it on another island devices even now. If -- just seem counter intuitive at -- like -- -- on your Mac maybe. But hey guys it's the best experience. That's what they all say that word is this the best optimal experience -- -- -- to be able to find me everywhere you know I get that if that if the idea that up. That there was some famous quote someone said someone was -- like it in a millennial or whatever and -- Japanese -- in -- it will find me via but I think that -- really become kind of true. And I just want it on every obsolete in news that -- -- -- -- -- in -- that is still live absolutely important Egyptian government. -- a multi journal has restored Internet service to the country. As of Wednesday. Ending their week long shut down. Making it harder for organizers to and protests and whatnot so and it looks like -- flip the switch back on. On Friday protestors held what they called a day of rage filled with violent clashes that the police -- the media blackout. Though apparently the media blackout is remaining an expert in. In fact. And then unfortunately -- if they turn it on just -- it's only been a pretty violent man I've seen in breaking easily that at least one protestors and today. Also Google is looking for the Internet to help. Find one of its missing executives on its marketing executives in Egypt is now missing -- -- name. I'm sure that's rock has been. Missing since Thursday night he has Google had a marketing for Middle East and North Africa so essentially because he was kind of inspired by -- happen over there he headed out. Yeah he he went out in place themselves there'd be a part of the protests -- one not and so -- Twitter posts one dollar basics and like I know my friend told me. It's probably not the best situation at -- but I'm going to go because he believed in it so we hope that. He's okay we we don't -- you know we don't have information what's happened but at the moment they're trying to find them. Yeah so and they have posted a phone number a UK and amber for -- amendment in the information in action. It's okay I -- I -- every night it's it's awful that. Felt situation. Seems like -- and -- When we come back. When we come back they TSA which has for -- -- said that it isn't actually invading your privacy is gonna try to invade your privacy just a little bit less with the whole body scanners and AT&T -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Yes -- -- and the you know it is down to that it -- the ZS made it. That looked -- viral video Gonzales very very smooth very Smithson are right back the news to -- -- -- -- or. The T -- TSA is -- looking to test. Privacy enhancing software on whole body scanners the new technology will generate only generic images of the passengers. Of this in the test and it -- I feel about that better. -- right I mean if it doesn't it it doesn't. We don't know what it looks -- yet we know it looks like and it doesn't address any of the claims -- they know about that the safety the safety concerns -- there -- a lot of people within the safety concerns are overblown but again you never know when they refused to let -- -- -- where -- fact that we don't -- what makes it a little more -- -- concern -- and they -- -- revealed that and they won't let their employees wear the same radiation -- that -- -- -- where that's and that is you know that it doesn't address any of those but it's certainly. Concern about being basically stripped naked by this technology in -- getting at least. That -- are now looking into new software but it also puts the lie to all of their claims that it like -- navigated via a software is gonna be designed to automatically detect the dangerous items on a person. And indicate its location but the generic that outline -- -- -- a lot more generic and so however it. Maybe we'll all look like the little -- out so that the outline traces on the ground. It definitely out be a lot nicer it is it is certainly not enough over -- -- to -- the passenger outrage but it is some -- then there's that. Speaking of outrages the US has apparently resumed its shut down of domains on the Internet. All part of like an I PV four protection scheme. Maybe it actually editing to deal with copyright violation and -- didn't know. They US department of justice and immigration and customs enforcement. Department obviously an intricate how -- have engaged in is very controversial process or practice. Of its taking -- literally taking site offline taking entire domains offline. When they are suspected of -- accused of -- -- infringement. Which as you know -- a slippery slope like. We're reacting to block length of the house and -- its yeah and the thing is they've there. -- easy in the site so without warning without notice a site like god this is a peer to peer download site. -- -- which basically takes a broadcast streams of like sports matches and puts them online. There -- domain was seized without warning to them they've actually been on the declared legal twice by the Spanish courts and they don't even operate in the Iraq they don't operate in the US. A day idiots they fought previous legal battles in Spain and -- actually won them. The only link at least to the US is that the fact that their domain name. Was purchased or as you know is owned by -- US company but all of their operations are done. Outside the US's jurisdiction. The dot org domain is maintained by a US company but decided not -- in the Catholic is that all of that I mean it's just. It really honestly it's an outrage it I'd like the US cannot you cannot go stomping around across international law. And you know over and and sovereign nations exactly and also you -- just hate sites off the Internet I mean this is just this is our government out -- freaking control. The the site pays its taxes in Spain and also the US is basically over I mean. The the legal process that Spain had reviewed or this web site twice. -- though you might as in who cares at this rate who cares no side as safe as -- -- as -- matter regular whatever you're doing it doesn't matter. It really era I mean if it actually out of control. Also it's a little quick breaking news that they -- WikiLeaks was apparently just nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize while. I'll -- yet allow after announcing that WikiLeaks had been nominated snow water bottle and a member of the Norwegian parliament. The site one of the most important contributors to freedom of speech. And transparency. They were nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize is and when you know Wayne and also. -- amana Nobel Committee button at the -- for you. AT&T trying to put the smackdown on Verizon ahead of -- iPhone on Verizon released they're starting to realize that that's probably -- and -- for them. Kind of -- there are now pushing new ads that -- that basically. Highlights. Fact that ATT's network lets -- surf and -- and -- really one of the only difference -- they have left by the need the only app and a mobile top and then you know Verizon's counter will probably be you can use your iPhone as a phone -- And we still laugh at that same link to show. Every time it's. You can say it in -- -- you go through your family it's still funny if you wanna be the funny guy at a party. Just say that joke when someone brings up their iPhone it to get a call suddenly I'm just telling you it's funny everytime we're we're making you a funny a person -- -- -- stereo through go. -- the act on -- amber and it is available for pre order to morrow -- February 3 you can pre order it online. And maintain due to high demand that's murders will be fulfilled -- -- for them. Birth certificate that I don't think you can go to the store. While we're on the she was that there are lines for the pre order now anybody to do that you can go online or call guys had to do that I mean maybe our listeners -- -- doing that let you tell your friends don't wait in line for a pre order. Yeah call it. Or -- -- to then use the phone and totally weird anyway it goes on sale for everyone on February ninth but -- -- be an interesting. First test again -- how many people are just two million switching to -- Also if you guys want to just get all worked up about the iPad to. There's leaked images of some of the display actual component parts and everyone's trying to figure out. Is this potentially a retina display or not because that's been the whole brouhaha we've kind of talked about it but it looks like the actual component they're using. -- would indicate. At the iPad two will still use the same current -- when he -- -- 760 resolution it'll be a lighter panel. A thinner panel so that will help the form factor. But all indications that we talked about the price seen. Of the components of the parts would drive the price of the iPad two up too high and they're not going to do that yet so home from what it looks like. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Doesn't look like. It'll be happening the we've been here and that Jeremy -- wild -- not going to be in a remnant display -- there are no sorry. Interestingly Motorola still have been an eye color photos bill. And -- that's like that dual -- danger of. Motorola's. Google has a new project that Google art project it. Pretty -- they're basically bringing the street view technology. Indoors into art galleries -- that you can really like examine individual you know plastic. Master keys -- even if you can't go to the museum this -- sweet stuff. Any -- and nothing will replace been able to go to a museum and seen a person but it's just not that accessible easy for all that and leveraging the Google street view. And hopefully not getting people like climbing fences or -- in the corner at the museum is probably -- good thing. But it. I love this this. Not everyone at the ground -- grown -- enough to handle the responsibility for him. The hottest -- in Europe a lot to halt that -- know yeah yeah if they on average there -- seven billion pixels per image. And some cases you'd be able to me he's in enough to literally see the -- through you can probably get closer to that anything that you could actually get through. I mean that's very true -- -- if you've -- to the -- I mean literally at you know moto recently behind. Stanton you have to and accolades he probably could see way more. At -- that really -- and. I I think -- it's time for a patent -- -- handing. Out. We now have proof empirical proof that -- tying is a genius he sees the future. I am of the magic eight ball or you -- secretly an investor in who -- dot com. Food really stands for food I love you food ILY. There's a new -- social networking site. If you this isn't the prediction show I'm I feel like if I read. What this site is about. It was. Almost word for word what I set it every -- -- get out -- on FaceBook and Twitter. There needs to be a place for -- -- joined together share recipes blob blob off food as the next big social network thing. -- is listed -- it was an -- the start up is. Generating plenty of buzz in Silicon Valley it even read it raised five million dollars its first -- yeah I think this is going to act or -- I had that indexes millions of recipes from hundreds of web site including Food Network -- curious that common rich array. Plus. The whole foods William Sonoma and your time and bloggers. By comparison all recipes sacrament of Canada one -- always of them and Google -- has 151000. You guys you guys take up the site though is with you pretty lean I don't the thing about it is it you have delete your FaceBook profile to the site and -- can start liking things someone not. But lid there's this really cool I know it didn't seem comforting hand -- -- -- notice a little look he's -- it but the creative to start a party yeah yeah you can also type in -- recipe. And then. It shows all the recipes in -- indexed but then you can -- removed like if you look at the injury it's of the recipe of one of them that you remove salt and then it shows all those recipes. In like chocolate chip cookies without -- Or you can re add -- -- I was playing with it I'm like. Thanks yeah well that's so often make it removed -- They're like oh yeah you're -- next few days yet that sued dish you're just eating celery having found -- -- accelerate now that the super cool most. Lee I think that the long overdue social integration is -- part brightly to the fact you could create an event on FaceBook. To start planning a party we get the out of the -- -- universe and -- universe where actually have friends. You know that where my friends live that I would want to I mean this is just I'm gonna join aside purely because that's what I predicted. And they are my and they need -- -- that's not really they really do because I'm just saying Brian Tong with -- release. I -- -- -- her and get through. Lag if you're waiting by the way for the meat back Olympic movement which we talked about yesterday -- -- haven't -- and you wanna go back in with that incident. We're gonna save all of your Petri meet comments. And the meat back live for tomorrow shows the that we can dedicate all the time that one what you just said it was kind of ridiculous. It's like a lot of youth talking and I'll be giving you didn't hear it if you're conflict that showed off the -- -- it's your chance we'll catch up and participate in our Petri meet. It's a conversation that's. Whatever they are coming our -- meet the and then also we asked questions about the Samsung Galaxy Tab are your thoughts of it. Will get to those as well tomorrow can we -- a lot of response than that really -- -- Cuba but in the meantime I do love the feedback that because you also often have a. Really good ideas. Like -- here. A district could say we're -- park Pennsylvania a disorder to my two cents and about Apple's new policy change have to happen in app purchase option reporters' notebooks through their -- devices. Integrate lately booksellers district or -- an Apple as it works simply charge 30% more. Which is Apple's cut for the in app purchase then when you go out to web site to buy. I -- I wouldn't pay 30% more voluntarily and I'm sure nobody else would either take that Apple -- -- show. -- -- Costs that is -- Is that allowed in terms of service. I'm sure when I ask you that they didn't necessarily. Have -- -- variable pricing URL. Love it all right on the emails this is from Chris in Tulsa guys in case you didn't notice we -- in the midwest got a -- snow flurries yesterday. Of the many things that closer -- also the local paper the Tulsa world was -- able to print -- Wednesday edition. However they have made their the year edition which is different from the website available for free you know what. It's pretty awesome and even able to view it on my Android phone without any additional software check it out you guys -- want to see this. Also world dot com slash Wednesday paper -- -- isn't really silly little. -- -- -- -- people I've talked people who wouldn't you know is the impairment of like in your -- this kind of doing something similar to this but I -- take it -- like there's a ticker at the top -- it's not just a static. Media like it yet also scroll little marketing -- -- -- to the very top of the page there. Wall into the voting happen anyway go there and alienating other area if they just figure at the top out there that -- -- -- suburbs digging out from snow storm. -- -- -- Does not messing around and kudos to them for just making it free for that day he should they're smart his views on this is really cool. -- I mean this could be like the bump that like -- we should like. Online it's really for free and then drop it really. I'll say cancer every -- -- road crews are losing the battle at the record breaking blizzard crippled health under fourteen uses now. Think that distribution of the print edition was dangerous if not impossible. Most newspapers delivered Tuesday morning were buried in -- but where subscribers can even retrieve them -- sense of first time in their 106 -- history they've not printed. But Tulsa world wow but you don't feel on the -- -- that it is great public apart and got -- Not ready it and -- level of downer and what it out and could. -- -- and then -- down here in New Zealand that you believe. -- that the term -- uses a usage based billing metered bandwidth as the norm and I'm not aware of any ISP offering unlimited plan -- that. And its dial up. While the obvious effect of you media people are not consuming media online also affect other Internet services that means no useful -- like Mozy or -- Our local satellite TV company started offering TV on demand over the Internet but -- ISP -- the largest in New Zealand is -- a partner though any viewing will come -- mile -- Having been under UBB -- for ever I can tell you that it will slow down progress of common services -- to back slide Canada back slide. Downer either down here are right that this off from show. After a mini -- On the Internet streets. Internet superhighway of Canada the -- minority government is reviewing the CRTC -- this is with the usage based billing. That is the Canadian short political hand for -- -- -- going to overturn this because we wanna get reelected and we are a minority government so we need to make people happy but at the same -- we don't want -- -- how -- we just seventies. Then there's. Also somebody just sent me on Twitter there's a petition -- if you do live in Canada or really anywhere from. But mainly in Canada stop the metered -- the day is where you can go and sign the petition to register your disapproval. Of this kind of and anti consumer and anti innovation move. And hopefully it will be like -- quickly and decisively and then America won't even think about it there when you don't even think about don't go -- I that is it for -- slightly truncated show today we'll be back tomorrow with the full Monty. Really really. -- -- -- and a man you gotta pay -- -- -- watching those TSA is only seems like to make people stay you know what I mean. Via I'll get back out there -- I -- you'd like to request the full Monty in tomorrow's show what they are England signal. Creative and and -- at cnet.com their email address you'd like to complain about the inappropriate Internet service has taken. And we will you the --

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Vision Pro App Walkthrough -- VisionOS 1.0.3

Tips and Tricks for the Galaxy S24 Ultra

Tips and Tricks for the Galaxy S24 Ultra

TikTok Is Now on the Apple Vision Pro

TikTok Is Now on the Apple Vision Pro