Ep. 135: Diving into the new MacBooks
Ep. 135: Diving into the new MacBooks

Ep. 135: Diving into the new MacBooks

Now everybody look at that we're back at our regular -- day and time. If you sell a bit extra -- last week that's because what do we do we guests -- buzz out loud CNET Joe Brown hair. Video podcast and I like to think we did a very nice job and now back here at our home base is -- right just Kaminsky got standing Julie Rivera. We enjoy our little vacation. From for the ordinary last week. Where there was an addition to the ordinary or was it was there is an intense addition -- -- was -- is I was okay and -- sitting at our desks typing we were sitting here -- There is great to be notified YouTube you -- -- navigation. And it was -- -- -- -- that's that's strict script we have to follow all these rulings show ended up faster and to stay ahead it was fun to step in that world to -- the news and to analyze all but it was difficult to do because last week was one of the busiest weeks we've had all year especially for just -- -- -- -- for -- it's got as well but especially you guys because what was that. It was new Apple stuff weak and that is always. And if how crazy -- -- just there was there was it was it was an -- That was annoying and -- visitors. I actually am appears now what -- what was a knowing about it and and as a quick preview will talk about the new MacBook the new Mac waiting equally OS-X lion problems but what was -- -- look what's annoying is that. We all know and Apple products -- -- the door. There are many people that are eager to find out you know hey -- what's what's different from this risen the other version and we need to get our testing done as quickly but as efficiently as possible we just came into a couple snafus because and things they've been changed. And certain things you know certain things and work out. Well with our benchmarks for us it was a troubleshooting is the -- it's a challenge in new products launch day in day as a new operating system exactly very uncommon and that's. Which isn't it brings it that's a -- which brings us back to Julian my cells prediction that they would release. New hardware with the software right into -- -- -- Yes or -- -- was gonna happen and Harris -- two products plus the plus the software. There's lots of gone. -- publisher procedure just when you hear this is definitely happening. New Mac hardware in down. What is the first thing that you do it puts everything else on the events -- aside it's an editing doesn't do more than using its push to decide because you know. It's -- -- something big and and and you know as as you know is and who's in computer -- it's like ourselves we also like were curious as well how they perform so we wanna know. So everything gets pushed aside we knock it mountain music we start comparing -- significant -- you know -- -- We're actually in in in perhaps slightly more detailed and -- -- decided not get out -- we put everything else aside I also I got that. What -- what you do when you here for sure that there's a MacBook that's brand new and it's on its way back to the office. The basically whenever and whenever is being tested. Presently it meaningless -- the back burner treatment and an -- -- it as possible. Especially with this though we did mean dynamic He said before it and it's -- A lot of problems and so I had to move and move back in -- ethical and and and get situated. As I have you know I have that extra -- -- battery drain testing -- that needed to act as possible. -- that's why the problem I'm having with it but that -- -- -- -- -- all in town that gets parity now lot of people had OS-X lion problems with various abstinence. But compatibility and actually -- of the test while there were there was some were there are definitely on patent conflicts between line in and -- this -- surprisingly Adobe. That's so. You know there are some Adobe Photoshop issues it's the week we -- and -- history and we're running. Running CS five as well so we had problems of both -- So that that pretty much but you know -- -- as I mean. That's -- that the best places so the performance mean iTunes is like you know to native applications of the through -- OSX you know environments -- -- -- wanna see something and cross platform. Being even though I to distrust government really but is really built around -- built around a matter is that time which we also used exactly so that the Photoshop was really important that. Showing the -- of is between -- all of our new hardware but also. Cross between windows and Mac -- -- you also think of Photoshop as being every Mac centric programs that some people use it on there I'm sure Adobe is building. A new version of Photoshop they really look at the Mac first. And then maybe that windows versions second but that still at that but they still have problems with the lion -- a lot of people that. But then again it is you know we won so -- pupils and we're coming ugly -- little credit mean I do like I do like the the operating system it is it is nice and smooth and I like like the options you have. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- But now it's inverted when you pull down would go up and when you push up there isn't a kind of like how the iPad work. With with scrolling isn't at the same direction and I got that is which are where you flick your finger flat which makes sense -- -- -- -- -- on a screen ads and art it. -- a Mac but get a good it's got breaking I'm gonna -- -- style it used to be you're basically moving the scroll bar and now you're actually moving text on the window to see -- -- my way out of its analog. The guy actually. I've -- Saturday got this guy Anderson is it'll feel different but you're right and it's there at the same. There they're gonna hold up and a cellist review real cut -- -- I already -- -- and I also I also couldn't help notice that when you when you when you installed. OS six Liam are OS-X lion whatever you people -- today. As I hit it gives you the same Green -- gives his game gray scale screen and as when you install IOS fire button so I think there they're making a lot of similarities and the visual similarities -- gonna Munich when you go to place release of the line. But the gray background when installing and I noticed because I put the beta I was 50 my iPad. That had -- pretty -- same gray background as well -- so you think they they are integrating the more and more but. -- definitely and I'd -- -- scroll that's just me. In the same I did not even feel that way when I was using it but they they feel totally different when you're working on a track pad -- screen itself. It doesn't feel reverse in a weird way when you when you're touching it directly when you're doing and -- track -- Very weird -- I had to turn it around right away in an answer to the old style and destroyed two finger scroll on the iPad is likewise -- this working because we -- this product does not the closer they get together than you start adopting. Mannerisms they need to get closer. I'd like to see if they're gonna -- -- -- crazy. At least -- -- -- had or have them grow together because otherwise you know it's like antennae value gestures like you're gonna start getting so close and it's gonna throughout even more the -- a little far. That's entirely -- got a problem with some of the new -- in mind either willing to look because -- -- -- even further. From the windows standards for you have to learn to -- languages right now the iPad is that -- -- if that diverted and you need to and read -- -- languages might -- -- -- -- -- brings -- a good point is -- -- -- the same gestures don't work on the magic -- which is true. -- -- -- is -- puts -- -- widget which is for Apple's -- Apple pushing you to buy the pad to track pad. Messenger doing they wanna get you of the measurement exactly so for those who -- 69 dollars -- Get rid of it does not track -- time because all those gestures don't work -- -- -- -- at least not -- not as -- yet maybe -- -- -- it will but not right now and that very large area mean even on the eleven inch -- which has a large track pad for laptop sized. That's not an island plant to be quite enough space to pull some of those searching Google this unit that was blocking and I didn't find this to be enough space to those that forefinger spread movements like it even -- -- and reader email was crazy and it. C like check out if it is Scott's hand as if I simply cut another three and a random. It is because people feel like they're gonna they're -- idea that -- -- -- to consider on the gonna -- they're gonna download -- and -- and load up and other pedestrian and onetime publishers and -- astronauts instincts. And at least that I was shooting video out -- Where park goers with the video guys and we were demonstrating one of those little my five boxes that I don't have -- -- I think He stopped working as code that that would it's it's it's it's a moot point now. When I when I showed them how -- -- and on the back to the -- -- plug -- They showed the code there's with a blur it out and they didn't for one frame and people kept emailing me through the code for the MiFi device. That's pretty funny I got the opposite the most annoying thing about lion and the gestures was the used to do this thing I called the double tap and hold -- -- tap. Tap and hold on the title bar of a window and then you can move around -- finger it is the same thing with the resize in -- -- on the corner. Now they replace that with essentially three finger gestures just -- three fingers over the title bar and you move it. Okay that's fine but you still wanna do the traditional window style tap tap hold especially when selecting text. On a web pages and He can't do that -- and three finger but it's excellent getting used to I found. -- Within -- the ability to turn their back on undersea very quickly right now because it's under system preferences but not under -- pat Hagan a if you can believe that take take your screen. I'm showing you the system preferences menu India as you can see track -- and -- a point that it is right here. Against the -- there -- Thailand is right there -- -- that's -- that's ten. This is under universal access which is the icon in the top right corner. And I'm gonna go into the universal access -- have right here. And there are four -- seeing hearing keyboard mouse and track paid to click on mountain track and then you click on track pad options which is -- -- at the bottom of that particular window that complicated this is. And this is this little pop up screen and showing it and you have to click works has -- you want that to be activated. That that is how you actually get. The traditional tap tap hold. Method of moving a window or highlighting text on a -- -- -- copy and paste it to work again. Though it's super hidden it's very not very obvious. There you go -- soak up I call that the single most annoying thing in line. What does this copy and -- thing -- give -- the middle finger scroll because I can beautifully and I little parrot by double tapping or triple tapping but what if you just highlight a couple words. You did or you're able to do where you could double tap on a drag. It just like you would on any windows lucked out. Exactly the thing here it's just -- to click I Yahoo! I'd never click on a touch and I never -- that bad I never will on the no clip. I'm gonna click got a guy it's sometimes because it's coming it's valuable likely move cutting pacing like having not exactly tigers and tap a little too much sometimes I use tap all the time at times over ten. I I thought I'd like when it's universal gesture -- all windows laptops almanac lab tucked into universally. Understood gesture and mixed look at out. We have to go find it to put it back in and the three finger touch replaces it but -- very obvious. And difficulties -- that the one feature I just heard from some random posted an even know was in there it's a small thing. It is a new edition which it sounds like I would've loved this is a freelancers that apparently in preview mode now. There's an easy way to -- signatures on two PDFs. You can -- even use the camera captures signature. And insert it into the documents -- get. There are so many forms so many invoices -- listening during that period of time that it it was it was actually incredibly -- Fortunately I've already gone and He has his little gathered signature samples from each of -- -- -- -- to have them as as -- denial all iPhone like. But it's on you guys are predicting a way that I guess it's a problem I guess we if you -- If you plan on using -- if you plan on continuing continuing to use Apple products -- males ages given in -- in the new gestures because. You know the can implement it and everything moving forward you're just gonna be left behind the curve so that's the -- You may as well as your turn on the tapping it's kind of a transitional phase seeking -- -- at the same time. -- it used to it. This complications sees it and I have read this and that's how I felt happens and the thing is this is Apple's way of saying we can put a second -- and we can for the secondary button in of that facility. You can tap the whole -- and gamer trouble. Or you just use two fingers to right click on his computer. Now. There's -- that would not reported that didn't they just don't wanna give it they don't wanna give you Blu-ray and they don't -- give that right click button just don't feel like little kids with that we are not giving -- union. -- down now tell me briefly -- about your experiences with the Mac mini which is the other big piece of hardware last week and I wanna hear what you thought about it well -- good what was bad how are tested on -- -- -- now what's the CPU it's Clark are five that it. -- -- That -- while -- that was pretty much. Game. Test. Bed -- -- getting all the -- resident who works about a Tom everything was said and done. Had to -- it no optical drive. So I did download line again. Install -- again oh my god appeared wherever. Everything up and down and I've actually exe where it over it's you -- you just like to -- -- it and Bob lie like Google would go dynamic can't find the install. The RC yeah can't you can't yet -- He got his. You gotta -- recovery mode and -- Clear and -- again -- I don't -- the -- -- to the optical drive I appreciate defective wanna put a decent processor and -- open -- discreet graphic card and there. But it's like it's typical Apple that they did you finally get the components in the -- want -- take. Complement its that the optical away in in in in what would make that let the perfect ideal home theater system Ehrlich and his TV rack system. Would be a Blu-ray player and -- in these guys just refuse. And refuse to give people what they want. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- That hold little you know media center interface on the they're pushing -- -- is trying to push people towards Apple TV they don't want a Mac mini and the I mean if you're not gonna have a Mac mini in your TV world where you gonna use this thing. I am I mean I'm I didn't mean funny answers where would you use it -- everybody's as a -- -- a -- that is so expensive I would I would go to an air. That things like what maybe 2300 dollars off from a MacBook Air I'd go with an -- mean where -- -- -- using -- again. Probably the -- I mean they kept the HDMI port that it acknowledges for TV -- -- -- basically is a for the TV but exactly why would you. Everything makes sense yes except the optical opera via. Just because there are people who still hooking TV is in fact many people. -- dvds or -- things like Netflix where you can get the movie you want is -- and and you're much less likely to go out and buy or even own a dvd player -- I feel like I've did you play functionality of other stuff so like you come to rely on that so when it gets removed. It's not a have a dvd player. Anymore or that they got it how many things you want a new TV you put a Blu-ray and that there you have that this ghostly. Blu-ray dvd player takes up little space boom. You can get your iTunes library on it the way I mean He would be the perfect little device want it it didn't she gave them a scientist -- -- As abnormally thick with an air something like that you get rid of the optical drive you straight off size and it -- -- that was -- part of the equation. Is part of the vexing. You know Michael and its -- -- -- -- as you know -- -- but -- -- drive back and an excellent and in and that's what I was saying to their gonna take it away and -- -- gonna give you dealer. And people -- -- with the greatest thing ever and it's uncertain if you wanna it's funny you -- you -- do -- without the optical and and the things I think rumor has it that they're gonna release online and on on a thumb drive ago a thumb drive for those -- idea. And Canada and in which it which is telling you this probably going to be even fewer products -- -- the near future with optical drives of what was left -- used in optical drive away from work. On any computer. I music. -- on my mind. -- per watt. For any time that I want to from watching dvd or -- one -- -- budget CDs. If I want to make MP threes and it has pop in a -- so let me just not very -- is -- where last time you're in your house that you watched a dvd on your left out. I'd say in the past year did it may -- twice okay and -- the last time you put in audio CD and ripped the MP threes from. Again in the past year probably about -- three's. Okay with these new CDs are just old -- headline the -- -- -- like children's music and things out. -- read interrogation are so clearly. You were using the optical drive that often I use it every mr. Apple now -- you know I just get on your eyes are these people always say oh I know you don't I just curious are you know little -- it's nice to have it when it's -- any piece of free. Packaged with -- I write is what I want to -- an extra sat in on -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Tell me about our optical drive usage every week I put -- like asthma my son of a stack of like Disney movies every week if I'm using my PlayStation 3 is the Blu-ray player. Or news in the the laptop to play a movie form sometime in the bits -- and maybe watches surf the web wide right there. Our -- aren't I will say -- -- I put it for -- YouTube. YouTube Netflix have taken place through -- the -- for video. Because I'm lazy and they -- it's easy. But there is executive -- it's great I would say okay laptops I'm not even arguing I understand it's not use that often I'm just going back to. Desktop especially under a TV. In a box that's large enough to fit an optical drive why wouldn't -- But -- -- that He why don't have another box under their TV that holding a dvd. Why wouldn't you have the optical -- -- I'm not saying they should or should happen I ask you not why would you remove it and replace it with nothing that is not mine I am not concerned with that question I'm just as you should all be concerned I might try to get questions not only that I've spent a lot of time limit their risk of becoming a father I spent a lot of time. Stacking drinking -- has no a lot of dvds of movies I want my -- to watch as He gets older I have. From Georgia is bizarre -- to the entire Dragonball Z series on dvd to like. I have the entire rowboat X series on dvd these are all things I would love to sit down and watch -- -- -- look I want embassy would -- and -- and nature shows no He had -- -- -- the nature shows all it's obvious now He has a Nat -- my radio visited. According -- October -- we get older coincidentally. This it would -- so what's -- them. What may break out to some really really really -- funeral should ability but that's a little that's like that's like eighteen plus when you started your list I think you're gonna -- jump through to answer your life is -- Nokia know -- bizarre I checked one of the greatest series many -- -- an additional content and streaming I'm men's and women's chronicles ninja scroll which -- -- -- mainstreaming is prevalent everywhere but it's still it's still and I'm somewhat murky days as far as. The amount of content that's out there that's reliable accessible in -- a storage space people have to put it there. You know the fact is you're gonna have some disks lying around you're gonna wanna play -- right maybe you put some rows but. What is the Mac mini serving as -- think about. Maybe what is it exactly -- -- under TV what for its its convenient but it's all. What. You want dvds because they're not dead yet dvds are dead I don't need -- -- it is very soon first I -- I mean who really trust a hard drives other than a solace interview I you know I don't trust my stuff on -- drive. Mean that's what people have -- grades been and the these things are expensive and these easily -- stack of dvds in the corner. You can you can duplicate that easily you know one gets -- you can -- when -- you -- one dvd may be have a series not all of them. I mean you lose a hard drive with a series you lose the series and you know. Let's face it you know the entertainment industry wants dvds to -- absolutely because they -- -- get that content again. -- another source and harmony re. The question is for the consumers are -- some use for it there is but is but it's it is decreasing rapidly. So. And they're Kong Mario we're we're fortunate people with no where -- really don't have a candidate they -- well don't. True Edison reports -- -- or not individuals where we have multiple devices that we can put our content on board about those who only have one computer. I mean you can't stuff puts so much I mean -- -- -- I guess I don't its -- in terms of space on computer whose only gonna. When I -- I would log -- Our -- -- the zone where you brits are adamant stacks laptops like decks of cards mag and I agree that we can birds and here's here's. Here's my he's like what I agreed to get completely I was really just curious. As to how often you've used your optical drives and now I wanna just -- Julie to -- the same question. How often do you use an -- -- -- -- -- actually an event and Nicholas audio CDs for reference outside. Because I may have Wednesday that -- you don't have a mixer and that's not have a mini controller but yes so I'm because of back have a huge library until insisted she -- new CD. I don't realize -- affiliated automotive -- Daylight doing about it as those usually is that argues aren't a delay you know I had some -- tell -- a -- -- -- a couple how many EX rays. As it. As. There fair enough it's got you know it's working on what -- you -- it and it goes down menu reach for the dvd. I I don't have to me yesterday I had sort of playing the count America's leading UK -- -- mine and I. -- you did not appear to -- -- bill -- -- giant that's got you were just working on what was that again the which thirteen inch laptop at the Dubai we looked at mean. As it has a pretty streamlined and they they've certainly one product for each category tab and type of thing like one product for screen size -- but there is this area -- especially a couple months ago. -- -- 313 inch laptops and -- the white MacBook and MacBook Pro and the thirteen inch MacBook Air the white skyline. So revising that looking again about what thirteen inch Mac laptop you might is -- two options out there and they're really really -- our -- does it as a. -- -- A close -- -- good size. You gotta laugh out there. And standards at all around -- example of this tunnel -- and -- -- -- success in general Doug avoiding whatever reserves sit through an urban com everyone -- -- mix you. -- People spoke of how we gradually removes Ackerman -- -- -- returning returning reining in and get us dollars I'm sorry it means. I I. Our analysts and the -- I want to make states from everybody. I described as I want to when it -- top five -- Back to be fun we should tie liberal on the -- from June by tangerine dream number to us that. Now -- mean. So. And thanks for just. They are doing a weird limitation a month that I know that's that's you that's -- boss actually -- -- that embraces -- -- -- do you know where -- really yeah. Now that I -- my old boss from Yahoo! only literary movies to video games on -- and -- The Beatles. Benedict so that there were discussing the point of a lot of people emailed me over the weekend. And asked now which thirteen inch do I get because these are the entry level points. The eleven inch air is a lot of fun let's face it a lot of people final of an inch too small and it doesn't have an SD card slot you're looking at thirteen inch model. Now before the thirteen inch air as you as you would reviewed. There -- a gap between the two and now their performance wise. Really identical in -- to the thirteen inch air in the -- -- view the -- put up by edges that. Now the question is is that recommended over a thirteen inch pro am and that goes to that question really goes -- under the old -- question of optical drive. And hard drive space are the are the two biggest features I think in the in the larger pro now you would say are some -- -- c'mon that's not enough reason to get the pro. By the -- -- -- cheaper as well and those features. A lot of people still want my dad when I explained thirteen inch -- to him. And said you know what it's a new -- you might wanna consider doing that. Usually turn off by the storage space than any likes they give an optical drive because -- again He may He burns discs for his car. Now this is like you know what I was what everybody's gonna use -- -- but some people do -- He thinks it's so important him. That He would not -- drifts from. From the pro fall to -- and upgrade. I I was a discussion pro is is -- -- -- -- each time -- went to one weird thing about it is the pro has a lower screen resolution narrowly. It's like well told me He made handwritten verses which we're going by Klansmen you know it's it's -- it's Apple's fault it's Apple's very aware blockbusters going under no optical drive -- blame Apple -- the air is so attractive at that for the battery in the performance and I think it makes it really exciting. I feel like -- might mighty. Shoot from -- -- prediction for next year is literally be 113 inch while I'll see if it's true the pro -- you would disappear I'm guessing that's the case has received optical drives vanish like it's. Reverse Halloween you know like -- taking back all of the optical drive from -- from medicine I think the thirteen inches classic territory where they might say you know what. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- And we hit the united all button hang them very quickly the district one point which is that I have to cool prizes to giveaway and we're gonna do it in -- in a slightly. Different but still the same quiz style so if you wanna play -- -- it is now. And they'll take out three guys and I have a really great to have you guys are three girls and guys -- girls three cling on to whatever. And then secondly what we're doing that. Personal reads reads Scots more in depth story on which thirteen -- should you buy kind of goes into all the different variables there. And gives you basically you know does not want to answer for everybody but hopefully -- -- you figured out for you. Where you can just email -- What we're getting rid of player game I just wanna show you guys a couple of pictures from these crazy fake Apple stores that are popping up in China. China smaller town now with the big cities you know not a number one or two big city beat -- at one level below that Steve like the new work of China over the Philadelphia of China. And that you get these fake Apple stores that look like the real deal. Except they're not and I and I -- a couple of pictures here these are these are from me a blogger who found these. And -- took some pictures see it's called Apple Store but in this example Texan spelled wrong -- -- up. Is another one and -- it's an Apple Store at the top if you actually go to an Apple Store they never actually have the -- Apple Store now in giant letters the -- of the other little bit arrogant and you should know what from the Apple logo giant Apple logo the at the in the visited there's another one. They can tell it's because it says Apple -- That's the that's one of the people who who took the pictures look look pretty convincing -- for -- convincing. And look at that there is that that's the story really looks like an apples to sign -- you know silence those good employees at the -- at the little white now records that's that's except for the little placards all the state employee and that of the -- -- -- government could edit a photo of -- -- do that you entered the last one. -- -- a -- being the campaign of the row they've got their own version of the genius bar over in the corner. So and fat and fact according to what I've read that up -- that the people who worked here think they actually work for Apple's. I'm kidding I am not getting a military dimension that is so -- the yard long drink and but I I. I brought there what do you know center -- hurricane I'm sorry it took to the people who that the Chinese authorities are currently cracking down on these are there -- many of them this is not even an authorized Apple reseller. Which is what Apple uses -- lot of cities in China that -- like I think for actual Apple was in China. Via distributors authorized resellers is just a random revealing -- ruling by the somewhere and then resell them in a market to people but to make it look like an Apple Store in a crazy is raising its in the thing arguments are contestants. Or have the same but go ahead that I get to 118 James W have figured Julie grab and -- -- nine okay if the governor M. 99. Item you gotta and and who do who has got play I was gonna going to there were called in India's IB JW and undermine did you and hoses when it got a 41 -- was. Thought to think about is that wiping -- US -- drives are going to go away is because. The last two Macs that have emerged now since at every bit of software that Apple makes is now -- non disk based. On an optical drives the air in the -- simply do not need them anymore to distribute software and -- McNamee discs and stores but why I think. You can get final cut from the App Store in Apple that's the thing they they want you buy everything from them they want to spend a dollar distant Call of Duty 4 rock out in beautifully twenties have been dollars and it's just the software that man made him exactly -- they weren't -- that -- -- -- happen. Partly -- endowment but to show you -- -- have to give away -- public people pick whichever prize they want and what order they went in because some of these river PC people some of them are. And it basically Ackerman saying just take it gets its games. Since many votes as standalone games -- three generations Expansion -- if you like The -- a lot of -- millions of -- if we -- I don't know how you play -- game I got the -- you know what if you wouldn't tell -- which -- what you -- because -- other modalities we -- dead -- the book. We got halo. A book that just got -- Until it today dungeons and dragons plus hour of video game and -- well yeah guy says -- get to pick whatever but you want and that I have we respect that right they. They're very very early July I -- -- chat that I -- -- spaces -- special. Flower pot in seed packets from the Alice game from -- that just came out -- -- -- Who knows what kind of -- these are a way to the morning on the back etc. -- -- when your hat there's a warning -- -- -- have maybe if it's a bit at what those seeds of the pop over with on the thumping that it expert rebirth of intoxicating beauty but -- within the beautiful dreamlike exist. A theme this nightmare when ingested -- opiates. A can cost her MySpace and -- -- they owe him. Don't -- -- -- -- OB IR IV positive -- -- -- got to see you know -- -- -- animal plant and its deadlines aren't what they go so here's a good idea plant manager mushrooms and sent Wednesday and our friends. Act comes guard. I've actually went back in time to 1996. This question doesn't look great and we're raises their hand first there was no I'm going to -- you -- this. I graduated college. On the Internet was born I've discovered power. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Our estimate that goes straight measurement and -- I have in my hand right here a list of the top twenty web properties from 1996. On the Internet was just starting now and desperately if you style to start with. -- -- Actually -- and if -- go around this -- it and then you're gonna tell me what you think the highest ranking site was on the list of top twenty Internet properties -- 1996. And if it's on the list that's great if not obviously you're in reputable -- and experts and guess what higher the just like a family US -- -- minimized having a clean up on this. And Syria as it's like to magnolia. I think -- -- one of yep yep pretty much that's going to get a well as a number one -- -- I know I think -- look at it alone that popular unless they think that that for the next Fries let's let's go let's let's try again Julie -- -- prize just -- now what's the question. Named named the most popular web site you could think of except Nextel. Netscape Netscape dot com okay that is on the list asked number three. Netscape navigator OK number three. Scott can you beat number three. Excite. Excite excite. They're gonna buy you a homer took about a -- to excite dot com was number nineteen of sorry nineteen there have winds that outline of his cousin has won a prize as well we have one prize left to give out James W who -- video and which is what do we do -- -- an analyst. And -- executive. Let's let's do another round and we're gonna start with Scott this time okay never okay Scott. I'm here what you think -- With the most popular web site was in 1996 got a really -- -- -- -- you've already got number one number three and number nineteen out of the top money blue -- merits not count. Blue blue mountain arts and vaguely remember that ultimately -- card people out. That's not an analyst at all. You didn't know was announced yet and that's that's -- well I gotta go to Julie ask of you mean I got it right to edit with trying to if you -- she -- -- -- is not good English yeah you gotta say it. It's like it's. Light -- Lycos an excellent guests also -- unless you know this is on this this. Yahoo!. Effective and accurate and put out a good number for okay. I got an added bonus and receive anyone can be -- -- -- Wanna if you lose them -- beat them to -- number two and doing very -- -- -- on a second Tom Alter Vista. All fifth and now not -- 86. Maybe these and even launched yet -- like sociology that's like cereal. And and there's nobody got us in and explore. They didn't -- it differently today -- yeah. The at the equivalent. -- -- month. This right protect them. But He got 99 and right. And a rotten dot com I think that regardless of two who. Who with the U 11 and you 11 I want to -- want to it didn't have reprise this man. I thought I read this Arabic and other. The math and then in the next batch info seek after Yahoo! -- And then -- stuff like prodigy Compuserve. -- dot com -- these shows out of the wow and everything the only real commercial. Contents item there at number sixteen and early an early adopting here obviously penthouse -- dot com. -- New Zealand doesn't match it entered into and does it really -- -- that's -- just to find out which book -- guy wants at a weird listeners yeah games that -- is it me Edmonton which I want. Anyway that's the into the show contacted Justin to in the chat room or by email I personally -- nine chapters and in Africa The -- -- -- -- -- can have a book. And or or who -- -- of Clark might get without. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I think Catholic elementary -- -- I got here -- -- the James James what's available I was so proud about I was gonna cleanup I think as a -- oh my -- that's right Scott had a great folks at the beginning of this at about -- -- and -- now is an agreement -- -- 98 to 2000 what do we have wheels quite -- as -- as much level of plugging residents are 100. It's all just like you what the lot of -- man got about it didn't actually I gotta hubble's eye gets at -- -- anything I have beefed up big -- -- -- geeky but. Archives we can bring up that Xbox controller back and I want to try to win it now surely genetics make sure you got it done as good as the difference and I like about everybody -- every Monday from PM eastern on FaceBook and digital city podcast. All of this didn't listen to do anything against -- for under under undermine nitrogen -- -- that are relevant to book of the files out whatever they want. But we gotta go oh yeah our lives should have ruined because I want -- things thank you very much. And an isolated -- convicted. By everybody. Talk tough and it's.

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