Ep. 1334: Where no secret is safe
Ep. 1334: Where no secret is safe

Ep. 1334: Where no secret is safe

-It's Tuesday, September 3rd, 2013. Hey, everyone. Thanks for tuning in to The 404 Show on CNET. I'm Jeff Bakalar. -I'm Justin Yu. -And I'm Ariel Nuñez. -Welcoming back to the program, a very tanned, a very good-looking and a very married Ariel Nuñez. What's up buddy? Congratulations. -Thank you. -All right. -I appreciate it. Thanks guys. -Way to beat man. You survived. -I did survive. -How was it buddy? -Oh, it was awesome man. -Yeah. -It was-- everything was perfect. Everything-- everything I couldn't wish for more. -Nice. -And that's all you-- right? If it goes perfectly, what's there to be upset about right? -Absolutely. It was a very happy day for me. -Awesome. -You know, I wasn't really nervous or anything-- -Yeah. -I know a lot of people get nervous. -Sure. They're losers. -I was super-- yeah, exactly. Well, I'm not like those losers. I was very happy. -Yeah. That's so awesome. We saw a few photos. -Yeah. -Your wife looked gorgeous. -Thank you. -You looked very handsome. -All right, thank you. -The party was an amazingly classy affair. -It was great. -I remember before the wedding you sort of trying to decide which song to walk down-- -Not the aisle, but in the banquet afterward with all your friends and stuff when you come out. Did you guys decide on something? What did you go with? -Yeah. We went with Gone Baby by Erykah Badu. -All right. I know that song. I think I know that song. -That was like the song that we kinda listen to a lot when we first dating. -Nice. Yeah, do you and Stacie have a song, by the way? I forgot to ask you guys when we were here doing your couple's interview. But, do you like the song? -Oh, the song we danced to for our first date? -Yeah-- a relationship song. -Yeah, it was-- oh, we have a relationship-- we've chose the song for the wedding. We did The Cure "Lovesong". -Oh, that's right. Yeah, yeah. That's a great one. -Yeah. -Cool. So you guys walked down the aisle and everything went well with the banquet and stuff after. -Everything was-- I mean there were some, a few little things that went wrong but it was nothing anybody noticed. -Right. -It was-- I didn't even know what it is. -Sure. -It was more, you know, Christine not noticed and-- -Right. -like no one else did. I didn't, you know, my friends didn't. -Yeah. -For sure. -So everything was smooth for me, you know. -No one got too drunk at the party after-- -I was just gonna ask that. -that always happens. It happened to the wedding that I went to. They invited the ex-girlfriend of the groom and she like typical-- she got way too drunk and she was like freaking everyone and getting a little too close on the groom's men and stuff like very awkward. -I'm sorry like-- who does that? -Yes. -Yeah. -Let's invite the girl whose dreams and hopes and the ambitions have been shattered in front of her. -Yeah. -Give her unlimited booze. -Right, totally. -Him or her? -There were some people that got wasted. -Oh, of course. -A few more passed out. -Yeah. Passed out. -They're like laying on the floor? -No, on the table just head down on the table. -Just head down? -Yeah. -Do they stack chairs symmetrically on top of them? -No, should have though-- -That's the way. That's the move right there. -Drag objects on their face. -Yeah, get some magic markers. -Male objects. -That's the move right there. -We should have done that. I was too busy. -But no one went too crazy or anything like that. -No, no. Everyone was really cool. -Was that karaoke? All the Filipino weddings that I went to have karaoke, did that side of it-- -No. No karaoke this time. -No? Oh, okay. -That's a good idea though, we should have thought of that. Next time. Next wedding. -But it's one of those things were like-- I don't know if your wedding was like this but it's just nonstop events-- -Oh, yeah. For sure. -if you're in the wedding so you don't really have time to like chat-- -And it's like that and until it just over. -Over. Yeah. -It's sick-- how long was yours? -Five hours. -Five hours band. You turn around, you're like over-- -Yeah, I'm married now. -And you're back here now from your honeymoon-- -Yeah, and now I'm back here. -everything, it's over. -Yeah. -I was in Jamaica two days ago and now I'm sitting here. -It's crazy. -So how was that? How was Jamaica? -Jamaica was awesome too. I didn't wanna leave man. Everything is perfect. -Yeah. -Food every day-- -Yeah. -we're in a resort, all inclusive. So we went jetskiing, that was my first time jetskiing-- -That's awesome. -and sknorkeling. -That's sick. -The food in Jamaica is the best, right? -Yeah. -You can always like plantains and then jerk chicken and things like that. -Uh-hmm. Jerk chicken. Yup. -All these chicken jerks. -Yeah. -That sounds delicious. -It was the best. -That's great man. Well, congrats. Good to have you back. -Good to be back. -We're gonna need you because the rest of this year is gonna be wackadoo. -Uh-hmm. -Yeah. -I'm ready. -Where everything going on in this office and we're excited about that and we're excited that everyone-- so while you're gone, I was telling you about this in the pre-show a little bit. -Uh-hmm. -I don't know how this happen-- this 404 UN thing. -Oh, it started because we got an e-mail from someone. I forgot his name but he was talking about how he learned English from us and he lives in Brazil. -Oh, wow. -Right. -So he listens to the show a lot and he said that the 404 is the way that he's been practicing his English. -Right. -'Cause maybe not the best idea-- -Yeah. -on how we speak. -We can't be held responsible for any sort of thing that happens to you. -Right, right. -Nevertheless, we went out and we said, "Okay, we want 2 reps from each of these 50 states and then 1 from every country on earth, which is a little ambitious." -We decided to do a 404 United Nations. -Right. So not only are we pretty much all filled up for 50 states. But we're getting numerous entries from countries that I never even would think of. -Right. -We even have listeners let alone multiple like for some reason, we have a lot of Indonesian listeners-- -Yeah. -which is amazing. Switzerland and-- look, I feel terrible 'cause we've literally got in probably to 300 e-mails regarding UN stuff. -Yeah. -And if we don't write back to every single person, that doesn't mean we're not grateful. It's just too much. -Yeah. -It's just too much. I didn't think it was gonna-- we are gonna have this sort of response. -So what's gonna happen for the countries that have multiple people? -But we can't just turn this people away. -Yeah. -This is the United States. -Yeah. -We have open arms for this people. -Let them in. -Let them in. All right, so we talked a lot of the countries that we represented last week. Real quick. This week, and I don't even know if we can name everyone's name but we got people from Turkey, Ireland, obviously Canada, well we'll passed the 10 Canadian thing. It's gonna have to be 20 by the end-- by the time it's all said and done, Antartica-- -What? -Yeah. Australia, Indonesia. Did you ever hear of Gibraltar? -Yeah. -Like it's a country? -It's like a street. -I know, I know-- -I've heard of the street. -I've heard of the term Gibraltar. -Right. -But this guy is saying-- Paul, he says, "Gibraltar is a country." -I don't even know what the street is. Yeah. -Malaysia, Bosnia, Switzerland, obviously the UK, Spain, Malta, you know that island Malta? -I mean, it's possible that some people could just be e-mailing like, "I'm on the top of Mount-- like Everest right now. -No, I believe it. I've done IP tracings and all these and all check-out. -Right. -Portugal, Hong Kong, Istanbul-- how do you say Istanbul? -Yeah, yeah. -Slovakia, Sweden, New Zealand, Ethiopia. -Wow. -Do you think Ethiopian listeners? -No. -Wow. -Mexico, Guam-- there's a bunch of, there's like 6,000 islands near Sweden and we have one gentleman say he's from Alland. -Yeah. -We got Brazil. We've got-- we said New Zealand, South Africa. Remember we're like, "Oh, we probably have one South African." Seven-- -Geez. -Russia, and then the list goes on. Now for states, I'm only gonna call out the states we haven't heard in anyone from only a few states. So you're saying Kentucky is represented. I didn't read every e-mail yet. -At the least so. Yeah. -You're saying Kentucky. Well, in addition to what we think might be Kentucky, Alabama, we've got no Delaware. That's probably because no one lives in Delaware so it makes sense. -Yeah. -Speaking of states, no one lives in Idaho. -Uh-huh. -There's no one who's chimed in from Idaho. Surprisingly enough no one from Indiana, Kansas, Maine, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada-- -Wow. -And then New Mexico we haven't heard from. North Dakota we haven't heard from, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Carolina and then Vermont. -Yeah, get on that. -Okay, and then obviously West Virginia and Wyoming. -Yeah. -But every other state has multiple. The state we've heard from the most; California. -Right. -The state-- that's California. So these are tied for 10 each. California, New York, Ohio-- how about that? And then, when you go beyond that, Florida, very well represented. -What about Southeast Asia? We haven't heard from Vietnamese listeners or Cambodian. -Nope. -Laotian. You said Malaysian right? -Malaysia. -So we got that. -We have Malaysia. Yeah. Come on. Speak American, will you? Massachusetts, we've had a lot of people from Texas, obviously, Virginia too and then surprisingly enough, Wisconsin. -Nice. -And we did have-- we do have one person from Alaska. -That's cool. -So now, don't forget, I still-- I'm still 30 e-mails short. -Yeah. -I haven't read 30 e-mails so we could very well fill all these up. Little disappointed that the great state of New Jersey only has 1 person. I know we have listeners from New Jersey but only someone-- only Vicky has claimed territory there. -And your family. -And my family. Yeah, but we've got a lot of international listeners. You guys-- you know, it's blown me away and we're all, the three of us very grateful. Everyone was a part of the show. We're very grateful for everyone who's participating in this. It means a lot. So, you know, just sign your life away to join the 404 UN, you don't know what it's for but you'll find out soon enough. -Yeah, right. -Well, that's it. -I want people to start sending in photos of themselves holding today's newspaper from their local, wherever they are. -I think it's okay. I think we're gonna trust-- -That would definitely get you into the UN. -Yeah. -That's proof right there. -Yeah. I mean, look, if you right in from, you know, a really unpopulated country-- -Right. -you got a pretty good chance of making the cut. -Yeah, yeah, yeah. -You know, from our buddy from Rodriguez island, you know,-- -Right. -it was between him and the 12 other people who lived there, so he won. So we got that. -We have Brazil but I'm surprised we haven't heard from Puerto Rico, right? You didn't see Puerto Rico? -Do we count that as a separate country, right? -No. It's part of the United States. -So then 2 from Puerto Rico. -Right. We need 2 from Puerto Rico and then I wanna hear more from South American listeners. -Right. -We need that. -I want Chile. I want Columbia, I want Venezuela--- -All that. -I would love in Arabian. That would be nice. -You know what these means like talking about all these international listeners makes me wanna travel to all these places. -Should. -'Cause now we have basically a place to stay hopefully. -I think-- -They would house us. -That's part of the secret. That's what we're doing here. This is our personal Arabian that we're writing up-- -That was great. -All right. Well, keep sending those in. This is pretty awesome. It's a lot of fun. -Yeah. -And where's our Jamaican one too. We need a Jamaican-- -They're too busy relaxing on the beach. -I know. -Who do you wants to go online there? -No one is on the computer down there. Fair enough. All right, so that's the story with our weekends and what we did over there, right? -Yeah. -That's-- -Oh, I wanted to give a quick movie review of something I saw that was really cool-- -Okay. Yeah. -over the weekend. -What was that? -You guys heard about a movie called Black Fish? -Black Fish, no. -It's really good. It's a documentary that I saw over the weekend about basically the dangers of having whales in captivity specifically in SeaWorlds. So there's like 2 SeaWorlds in the country-- -I've heard about this. -right in Florida and in California in San Diego. But this is basically telling the story about one whale in particular named Tilikum that ended up eating one of the SeaWorld Trainers back in 2010-- -I heard about this. Yes. -during a live show. -Right. -And so there was footage of it and everything and they-- -They show it? -Well, I don't wanna spoil it for anybody. But basically it talks about how SeaWorld is a Whale Farm in a lot of ways similar to a puppy farm, where the orcas are the Captain Captivity in very small cages and the water, which is obviously a very messed up 'cause they used to swimming hundreds of miles a day. And it talks about how the whales can potentially go insane from being in captivity for so long. And it's really interesting. It talks about of how whales actually have a different part of their brain that allows them to feel emotion much more than your average mammal-- -So, but that that's-- -which makes it even more messed up. -But that's the thing about the whales. They're smart as hell. -Yeah. -That's the problem, like you keep a chicken in captivity and no one cares chicken stupid. -Right. -You keep a cow, you could put a cow on a closet would have-- wouldn't care. -Yeah, right but because these animals are above normal animal intelligence. -Right. They can heal these things. -That seemed-- -And you can tell when they can take the babies away from their mothers. They make you these-- -They freak out. -sounds for days trying to find them by SONAR, which is tragic to hear. -Yeah. I feel bad though. Do cows have a little like separation anxiety? -Yeah, definitely. -They do? -Yeah. -It's bad too. -Cows shouldn't be kept in the closet. -What about chickens? -Well. That's the thing is that, watching movie like this. I went and saw with a friend and afterward we just talked for a while about how it's so hard to parents to say no to bring their kids to SeaWorld, right? Like when their kids come home and like, "Hey, five of my friends are going this weekend, can I go?" Are you gonna explain to them this whole idea of Black Fish and how, you know, whales are kept in captivity. It's hard for parents to stop their kids from doing that. You know, and that brings up questions about zoos and petting zoos. -I mean it's clearly all unnatural. -Why do we still have these things, where we're teaching kids that, "Oh, well. Here's a fake habitat. But for some reason, these animals live there. It's really not an accu-representation of how animals really live." So why are we teaching our kids this? It doesn't make sense. -Well, it's not that-- I don't think I understand. There is educational value. -Yeah. -'Til like bringing the field trip to the zoo-- -We'll that-- I think that's-- -seeing a [unk] up close and understanding what a real wild animal looks like. -Right. -And I get that. -Right. -But you're right. You gotta feel a little bad for the captivity-- -Of course. -and the humane sort of stigma that right goes along with it. -Right. But living a no impact life is so difficult. You know what I mean? -Sure. -I mean, you just don't think about these things and I went to an aquarium last summer. I didn't even think about it. But now after watching this movie, they're awesome and you get to touch the animals. They have penguins. -I just think it's-- -The penguins aren't supposed to live in Coney Island. -No. They're supposed to be really, really, really far away. -Yeah. -I don't know. It's never really been this controversial. -I know. And it's only been around for a very short amount of time. SeaWorld started in 80's. It's unbelievable that we still have establishments like this. And it's really just all PR, that sort of what Black Fish exposes. -So-- -Is that they placed themselves as a research facility, right, to take care of dolphins. -Okay. -They researched diseases and make sure that endangered species stay alive. But really, it's not like that at all. They get abused and-- -So-- okay. -if you wanna see more, watch this. -But what's like the takeaway from this doc? Like what are they really trying to say? They're obviously trying to say like, you know, zoos are inherently evil. -Uh-hmm, right. Yeah. -It's kinda like the big mess. -Yeah, exactly. They're saying that SeaWorld is an evil corporation that it's crazy. They actually talking about how SeaWorld is banned from coming into the state of Washington because they have been fishing for so long that the orcas are actually endanger of extinction in that localized area. -Did you've seen like a very unenvironmentally-friendly-- -Well, it's all they sell dolls, right? -Yeah. -They all sell like Shamu dolls and seals and stuffs like that. -Isn't the-- Oh, Shamu-- -Shamu is that like that baby that was born. Yeah. It's terrible. -Yeah. But, I mean, you know, there are other ways to enjoy the majesty of these sea creatures. -Yeah, go whale-watching. -Go whale-watching. That's a victimless crime. -Right. -Right? You just go to like Alaska and you go in a boat for 6 or 7 hours. -Yeah. Easy. -And then about 70 mile away, you see a little ripple and the guy goes, "That was the whale." And you're like, "Sweet. I could go home now." -Yeah, exactly. It's just as fun. -Right. -That's going and touching one. -It sounds like just-- -You can flash by its fin. -Right, and eating popcorn in the process too. -The saddest part of the movie is that, you know, have you ever seen a whale and its fin is all flapped over, like that? -Yeah, that means it's upset, right? -Yes. See, that's the thing, though, SeaWorld will tell you that-- -They only in captivity that-- yeah. -Yeah. SeaWorld tells you on the tour-- -It's waving high. -Yeah. It's waiving high, yeah exactly. And that it's bent over because a good portion of population is like that in the wild. But in reality, it's never been recorded or documented in the wild with a flip film before. -Right. It's basically the-- -They're only-- it only ever happens in the captivity. -Yeah, well. -It's the equivalent of like putting up a white flag. -Yeah. It's basically a big frowny face. -It's a big frowny face. -It's so depressing. -Sad. -Yeah. We gotta-- what we're gonna do about this? -Let's go to San Diego and protest. -Yeah? -Yeah. -How about we just start free the Mahi-Mahi, can we do that? Can we just free whales every where? -Start eating whales instead. -No. That's not the answer. -Poor whales. We gotta save the whales. That was the big deal in 90's. We gotta bring that Mantra back, right? -Free Willy. -Yeah. -Free Willy was the-- it was the kid who let them free, right? -Right, right. What we have like Madagascar now where the animals-- -That's CG, son. That's CG son. That ain't counting. -We need real ones. -Yeah. We need real-life whales to real-life save. -Yeah. Well, anyways, let's go and see Black Fish, save the whales and save the porn stars too right? -You realize we're gonna get 19 SeaWorld employee riding in to being, "Look, you guys don't know shit about SeaWorld." -Well, no. The thing is, the SeaWorld employees are the ones-- that are the most outspoken about this. -Right. -There's a whole organization of the ex- SeaWorld employees. -You would imagine a lot of them are very, you know-- -They get attached and they realized-- -and they love animals and they-- -right. And it's get harder and harder for them to put them in their cages at night. -Man, it's messed up. -Yeah. It's not right. -You think SeaWorld is very too long for this world after all this stuff comes out. -I think hopefully, we'll see SeaWorld die within a decade. -Okay? -It's not right. -Hopefully, everyone loses their job there. -Yeah. It's what where we can only hope for. -I'm with you man. -Yeah. -But, yeah-- -It's not right. -It's sad. -Uh-hmm. -It's super sad. Man, those dolphins, feel like, we should be having dolphins do another things than like doing flips in the water. -Well, that's the weird thing. -We should have them looking for like sea mines. -Well, they are really friendly animals or mammals. But I think with dolphins and especially orcas, it's easy to get fooled because those animals always look like they're smiling like French bulldogs. -Like dogs, they're so popular. -Yeah, exactly. But they're probably not smiling. The problem is seeing the FU to whoever telling the [unk] in the captivity. -But those sea creatures are not-- and those sea creatures are not domesticated in the way we've domesticated cats and dogs. -Yeah. -I mean, cats and dogs are pretty much useless without us. -Yeah. -Helpless rather. -Right. -Whale is someone you petting their tongues. -No. They'd rather be like swimming through the vastness of the ocean-- -Right. -doing what they do. Taking those big whale poops in the ocean-- whatever they do. -And SONAR. -Can you do whale impression? -No. I haven't tried it yet. I'll be back on Friday with my whale boys. -Okay. All right. Let's move on to the stories of the day. -Okay. -How happy are you to be backed Ariel? -Oh, super happy. -We got a good show for you today. -Yeah. -Well, okay. So we've talked about mattresses before because Dr. Breus-- The Sleep Doctor have been on the show so many times. Well, NPR has this weekly segment, where they exposed new tech. It's called Weekly Innovation. And last week's gadget was really interesting. It's a mattress that makes it easier to cuddle. -I saw this. It's brilliant. -It's genius, right? -It really is smart. -So anyone who isn't forever alone knows that when you're the big spoon in the spooning adventure, it's really hard to get your arm underneath there in a comfortable position. Usually you get that dead arm, right? -And just gonna fall asleep. And just gonna fall asleep real quick. -Yeah, this gonna fall asleep and then- -Pins and needles. -You just gotta deal with it, unless you sleep by yourself. So this is cool. It's called the Cuddle Mattress and it was developed by a research designer named Mehdi Mojtabav-- -Oh, yeah. I like that. -That's how you pronounce it for sure. -That sounds really good dude. -And this Cuddle Mattress is cool. It basically segments the bed into upper and lower parts, right? So slide sleepers and couples that are cuddling basically have a place to wedge their arm underneath. And so there's a slot, a separation, where you can easily throw your arm underneath. And there's one down below too. So if you're a stomach sleeper, you gotta place for your feet to stick into. -That's right. I didn't even think of that. -Yeah. Even wedge your feet right into that gap. -So the torso sex-- so imagine it's like striped at the top and striped at the bottom. -Exactly, yeah. -And in the middle, where your torso is-- -They just cut it right in 3s. Yes. -I could use to slit there too. -You want a smaller vertical stripe as well. -That's what I want. All right, that's the next version of the mattress. The Cuddle Mattress-- so now what I'm curious about, though, is how do like sheets part? -So this is where they get you. -Yeah. -So sheets are sold separately. -Yeah. -Right? -This is like you buy the funny-looking garbage bin. You gotta buy the funny-looking garbage bins. -Right. -Or like those Vibram toe shoes. You gotta buy the socks that-- with it. -You gotta buy those stupid skeleton toe socks. It's awesome. -Yeah. You're not a savage. You're not gonna squish that sock in. -What is this? Kuwait? No. You gotta have it right. -So, of course, you gotta buy the sheets, which are probably 3 times the cost of the mattress. -Right. -But they come with special ones for that. -That seems like a really big pain in the ass putting those sheets on. -Probably. But this is the genius part of it, is that each part of the bed you can flip over and once side is soft and the other side is firm. So each person can kind of tailor the parts of their body that need more support. -It really a smart. -Yeah. I really like this. Not smart enough because apparently, according to this article, they had a Indiegogo campaign to fund it, it wasn't successful. You know why? -No. Why? -It's not a joke. -Yeah, knock, knock. -Because you wanted the [unk] either. No, because people wanna try beds before they buy. -Sure. -Right. -Yeah, that makes sense. Also, if you're single and you buy the cuddle mattress and then you become, you know, and then you break up and so you're with someone then you break up. That cuddle mattress ain't gonna give you too many fun memories. -No. -It's gonna give you all the sad feels-- -Right. -and then you're gonna have to cuddle by yourself. -Right. -And then who knows what's sticking in between these slits here. Okay? -Yeah. -It could be your head, you just wanna suffocate yourself. -Yeah, that's it. -Right? So-- all right, look. It's a couple sort of prototype thing. Maybe this is something that should be in like a hotel. -Yeah, definitely. -And not in your bedroom. -Yeah. I could see plenty of dogs and cats getting stuck in between the bed too and that could create the problem. -Oh, where's muffin? -What's that smell? -Oh, it's a pancake now. -Yeah, yeah. -Because we've-- -Put your hand in there. -Yeah, we flattened it. Yeah. -Just go ahead and put your hand in there and see what you find. -You know, this is one of those really, you know, sounds great on paper, maybe not so much in the real world. -Yeah, yeah. -A lot of yes about this one. -I am concern about this partner sleeping problems, so I did a little bit more research into it. Check this out. It's called the Partner Pillow. Is this kinda like the same way but you don't have to invest in an entire mattress to get the same effect. It's just a pillow with a hole in it. -Yeah. -And this way your partner-- that's the smaller spoon lays their head on side of the pillow, but then you put your arm underneath so that there's padding in between you guys. -I've-- we worked out a way, where you really prevent dead arm and everything. -Yeah. -I can't really describe it. It's just-- you have to, you know, when you put the arm under. -Uh-hmm. -You're asking for trouble. -Yeah. -I think God forbid your partner falls asleep it's over. -Yeah. Or it's tough to like put your arm underneath your head too. You gotta become a [unk]. -You gotta do like a nook sort of thing. -Yeah. -You know, like in the armpit sort of situation-- -Uh-hmm. Yeah. -and easier way to do it. It's like-- it's spooning for the sophisticated modern male. -Right. -You know what I mean? -The gentlemen spoon. -The gentlemen spoon. -I like that. -It's a teaspoon really. -You know-- and that really solves all the dead arm problems-- -Yeah. -that so many people faced in this day and age. -Yeah. It's tough. These are the problems that we're working to fix today. -But you know what? These are good problems to have. -Yeah, that's right. -Yeah, exactly. -So that's the partner pillow. That's available for-- how much was that? It was like-- -Sixty bucks. -Sixty bucks. Forget it. That's a lot of money. -You know what? I got-- I have a pillow that I paid. I wanna say I paid 40 bucks for. -Yeah. -And it's like a temperature pillow. And it's also-- it's not down or anything like that. It's more of like the memory foam sort of thing. -Uh-huh. -And then the top layer of it has that like blue gel that always stays cold. -Right, yeah. -It feels good man. I forget-- I don't know who makes it so I can't give an official endorsement. But, I mean, it really changed the way I sleep for sure. -Is that the "gellow"? I've seen the advertisements for that on TV. Have you seen the "Gellow"? -You just made me snot out of my nose when you said that. Oh, my God. It's the gross. -Yeah, I believe that's called the "gellow". Yeah, they have like the thing you put in the refrigerator and it keeps your head [unk]. -No. There's no refrigeration needed. -No? Okay, this is different. -This is not-- -This is a different commercial. -Yeah. This will stay cool without refrigeration. -Okay, sounds different. Why don't they just make a pillow with an arm-shaped cutout underneath it so that you have a designated like a tunnel basically to put your arm into. -Yeah, I know what you're saying. Well, don't they have the beds with the holes in it? You could put your arm through the mattress? -Wait, what? -Not like with the one we just saw. -Right. -It was like an arm-shaped hole. -Oh, really? No way. -Yeah. And you're just like where you bound to something in the bottom of the mattress. -Then you're just like tickling your-- -One of those Jimmy Jams. -Oh, man. -They'll do anything. -Interesting. You're just rolling dice underneath. -Or you're just like putting your hand flat on the floor just to prop yourself up. I don't know. They have a lot of strange sleeping solutions for sure. -Yeah, interesting. -Well, from the advancements and sleep technology to the non-advancements in any technology come a story about the Amish people and their non-technology community. Their [unk] community. -There's a perfect coincidence 'cause last week we talked about Amish people using technology and Rumspringa. -Rumspringa. -Yeah. -Yeah. And that's how you have to say it-- -Okay. -I'm just letting you know. Take note of that. -We talked about that and it's cool because NPR over the Labor Day weekend, they actually published an article that talks about how the Amish community is slowing starting to embrace technology just a little bit more. And I think it's something that most people would make fun of but I also feel like we can learn something from the Amish community. -Learn something from anyone. -Yeah, of course. -We don't dislike the Amish people. -Yeah. -If that's the impression you got. -Of course not. -Well, you're just the simple-- -I have plenty of Amish friends. -No I don't. I don't have any Amish friends but that doesn't mean they're not a bit a great people. -Right. And it turns out-- -And I love Kingpin. That's a great movie. -Oh, it's great. Ernie McCracken. -That's it. -Turns out the Amish community isn't completely technophobic, right? They're just a little bit more thoughtful about it than we are. And do you know the reason why I didn't realize this when we were talking about it last week. But the reason why Amish people don't wanna use electricity and technology in general is because their idea is that, you know, they're living this life to achieve-- you look so exasperating right now. -I'm just-- I wanna hear an explanation. -Yeah, the ultimate goal is to complete this journey to heaven. So anything that distracts them from achieving that oneness with God is basically unnecessary. -Right. -And they deem it, so that's why they don't use electricity. -Yeah, no-- hey, if that's the reason, you know, as long as no one is getting hurt. -It's getting them more embedded in this world. -Or what's their feeling on like modern medicine? -I don't know. I don't know if they use that or not. -Right? That-- yeah. 'Cause you're trying to hear about all these religious people opting out of vaccines and opting out of like very standard, normal, live-saving procedures-- -Right. Like an epidural during child birth. -And people are just dying because they think, you know, a guy in the sky is gonna be mad at them if they take some drugs. -Right. -So that's where I draw the line into whether or not I have a problem people doing stuff like this. -Right. But with technology though, it can really help a lot of these fledgling businesses that Amish folks are setting up. -Sure. -And that's what this article is all about. It sort of profiles a few business owners that are using QuickBooks to track the finances of their dailies in Lancaster world, a big Amish community exists. -So QuickBooks has like a caveat-- well, that-- -They have an Amish version actually. No. I'm just kidding. -And then you just stack of papers. I don't understand. So why is QuickBooks okay? Why QuickBooks not interfere on the road-- on the path to heaven, where, as an iPhone 5 will? -Well, their argument is that, they're using it for bookkeeping and so this is sort of helping out their business because not all of them can make fake fireplaces for example or run pop e-mails, which apparently the Amish community is very happy with. -Involved in. We're gonna talk about that though. -It's not like they have like a board of Amish governors. -Yeah. -And that they all decide whether or not each new thing that introduced into the Amish way of life or potentially would be introduced into their life is or is not a compromisation or-- -Compromise. -compromise of their path. -Yeah. It's not the normal Amish citizens that are making these decisions. It's leaders that sort of look at it first. -Right. What are they-- that's like, what's their King, with their pope. They have an Amish Pope. -Leaders in the community, whoever they have-- I'm sure it's the elders. -Right. -But anyway, all joke's aside, they actually do sell Amish-specific computers that have no internet, no video and no music. It's probably like an old compact computer that they've recycled somehow. -Right. They're all Smith Coronas. -Yeah. And that can't even connect to the internet. -Right. -So that's kind of cool. -Just QuickBooks. -This is to just QuickBooks on the computer. -Yeah, exactly. -[unk] old QuickBooks. -It's fun. -Yeah. -Yeah, the fun never starts. -A lot of people do consider it cheating though, almost like an Amish hacking, right? -Yeah. -It's like the same way that a lot of Hasidic Jews use devices to get around using electricity and the internet during the Sabbath, right? -Yeah. -That's really interesting to me. They all do have like telephones that you don't have to take the receiver off of. -Sure. -And they have a constant electric current going through it-- -Right. -so that you block the current and by doing that you're not actually causing the change. -I mean you're teaching me here. -[unk] facilitating a change. -Yeah. -And so that's how you get around the electricity. -Yeah. There some really wackadoo rules like-- I know this Jewish-- this is hardcore orthodox people. -Right. -Like there's one that I just never really got-- oh, tearing cloth. -Oh, yeah. -And that-- and for some people that involves tearing toilet paper. -Okay. -So I've-- -So the pre-tear. -Yeah, the pre-tear. -Okay. That's interesting. Yeah, I've read that a lot of businesses in Jerusalem during the Sabbath they actually have elevators that go up and down constantly and stop at every single floor and they're automated that way-- -So you have to push the button. -Yeah, they're automated that way with timers during the Sabbath so that they don't actually have to push the button or conduct electricity. They just get in and it takes them to every single floor. -Right. So even in context that sounds crazy. Now think about-- like, yeah. This is it. -I mean it's also kind of productive because you're arguably using more electricity to go to every single floor throughout the entire day. -You don't have to tell me that. -Right. -I've never heard of that. -Yeah. -It's crazy. It's all about being a person that activates their current-- like they can't be that guy. -Right. You can't curse the button. -The current could be there, like electricity is obviously everywhere all the time. -Right. -But you can't be the guy. -You can push a button that pushes a button but you can't be the one to push the original button. That's real. -You could set up a Rube Goldberg contraption. -Seriously. The toast pops up. -Right. -Then activates the ball that rolls down the slide. -And then your egg's open. -Right. -Of course not with bacon. -And you're fine with that. -Right. Yeah, and that's the story man. I don't know. A lot of weird-- so I would-- I know we have a couple of Rabbis listening through our show. -Yeah. -And I don't know if we have orthodox Rabbis or orthodox citizens. -Yeah. -I can't imagine they'd be happy with that we're talking right now. -Do you think there's a whole separate business or a group of Jews that actually work on this technology? -Yeah. -I mean someone's gonna invent these things, right? -Yeah, for sure. Dude, for sure. -It would be great to get a tour of that with you. -For sure. [unk] send you. -I love to see that. -They're just-- they're gonna find out I'm Jewish and they're gonna be mad at me. -Yeah. That would be cool. -So let's-- once they sit and get a load of you, they're not gonna be like, "Oh, this guy's a Jew." So-- -Oh, do you hear about the call-waiting thing? -No. -I've read about that one time. -No. I have no idea what you're talking about. -So apparently in the devout Jewish faith, you're not supposed to interrupt your fellow men because that's considered a sin. So a lot of Jewish Rabbis have banned call-waiting and that started in the early 80's, when cellphones start to coming out because taking-- -No. Call-waiting was landline. -Right. But like on cellphones and stuff. -Right. -Or when you would call people and use call-waiting, they would ban that because it's technically interrupting someone and forcing them to make the charges. -Insanity. -Yeah, and forcing that to pay for the charges even though you're calling them. -It's total insanity. -Yeah, crazy. -All right. Let's get out of here. Let's talk about something else. I'd really wanna talk about the PostSecret story. -Okay. -We might only have time for that because we're quickly-- -Okay, we could push the other ones to tomorrow. -Yeah. -We're still pretty good. -Yeah. We're quickly approaching the one o'clock hour. -Okay. Let's talk about PostSecret. Yeah, do you know what that is? -Yeah, we have, you know, we have the guy on our show. -We did? -Yeah. Mr. Warren? -I wasn't here with that. -What's the name-- Frank Warren? -Yeah. -Yeah. We've had him on 404. -What? -Yeah. -I didn't know that. This is before my time. This must has been like 2007 or something? -Is that his name Frank Warren? -I believe so, yeah. -Yeah, he's-- he was-- Oh, my God. So get this everyone. He was on the show March 31st, 2008. -Wow. -That's like-- that's the episode 67. Yup. -And that was before your time. -Wow, that's crazy. And then he was on Geek Gestalt in 2010 too. He's been on the bunch of 404 properties. Interesting. -CNET Properties. But, yes. -Yeah, look at this. Wow. March 31st, 2008. -Yeah, he was-- that's the episode 67. You go back and check it out. I'm terrified to hear what we sounded like. But I think we-- I don't really remember. I think we just like went through a bunch and then I'm pretty sure we had a contest to give away his book. -Yeah. -And it was like 5 years ago. -Like this animal-human-hybrid contest. -Right. Yeah, something like that. It was cool. -Wow. Okay, so that was long time ago. I didn't even-- I wasn't even on the show that time. It was Randall-- you and Wilson. -Yeah. It was before your time. -Interesting. Well, anyway, PostSecret is backing-- -He was really, really good dude, really good dude. -Is he? -Well, he was a good dude then. We also had James around the show and he went up killing a few people. So, you know, it is what it is. -Yeah. -Did you know that? -No. -You don't know the dude right behind you man. -Oh, really? -The guy with what he's folding his-- -I don't wanna look. -He's not gonna kill you now. He's in jail I think. -You're scaring me. -He's over here. He's over this way. There he is. -Yeah man, tell that story. -So every knows. -No. -We've brought that up. -No. A lot of people don't know that story. -So James Ray, before we get to Frank Warren. -Yeah. -A lot of controversy with Frank Warren PostSecret, right? -Uh-hmm. -James Ray was a motivational speaker that he-- so basically he came on our show. I don't know how he got booked. This is before we had really any control over the program. And he came on and something happened-- -He was putting-- he was doing all sorts of weird magic tricks too, where he was like inserting like-- -Oh, I don't remember that. -Yeah, I remember hearing you guys screaming from inside the podcast. -Are you sure about that? -Yeah, yeah. -I don't remember either way. He came on and he was very aggressive and he was trying to be like the Alpha male sort of thing. -Uh-hmm. -I was uninhibitedly of it. I was trying to be cordial. Randall knew right away that this guy-- it just wasn't working out. We did not have a good experience with him. He was trying to pitch his book-- -He's a motivational speaker. -His book was like, "You're an idiot. I'm not." Listen to me or whatever it was-- -Right. -And it went, you know, many, many years later, it wound-- he had these like spiritual getaways in Arizona near Sedona, Arizona. -Right. -And two people wound up dying in this sweat lodge exercise that he did. He was arrested with the connections of those deaths of February 3rd in 2010 and then he was released on February 26th, after his bail got reduced to $250,000. He wound up going to jail for 2 years on November 18th, 2011-- -Yeah, he got up. -He was then released under a supervised condition about 2 months ago on July 12th. So he's-- -Yeah. -he's at large. -Yeah. -He's roaming the streets. -That's crazy. -He's gonna come back here and he's just gonna sweat us to death. -Yeah. -Even though it's not fun to make one of those people that died, that is very sad. -That's crazy. Yeah. -And he took advantage of people-- -Of course. -and then killed them, obviously not on purpose but by accident. Nevertheless, the history of shattered pests-- 404 guest continue with this guy Frank Warren now, right? -On the side note-- I'm pretty sure that the news-- have you watched the new episodes of Arrested Development? -Yes. -There's a sweat lodge scene in the second episode. -I've seen like half of the scene. -And I'm pretty sure it was inspired by James Ray. -For sure. -'Cause it's sort of like a corporate building dip sweat lodge. -Definitely. -Really strange. -Yeah. -But anyway, PostSecret is back in the news and it's something that sort of questionable and it might make you reconsider the sort of like the moral fiber of the-- -So a quick background on PostSecret. -Yeah. So PostSecret is basically this website, where people will go and anonymously post their confessions. And they write them on to cards and they submit. And those cards are then posted on to the website. They confessed to things like all manner stuff, cheating on their spouses-- -A lot of sexual deviancy. -A lot of sexual deviancy, a lot of stealing, a lot of just jacking people. -And then a lot of it is just like people just admitting that they're just assholes. -Yeah. A lot of people like-- -Feelings and stuff like that. -Right. Or they confess to their self-consciousness and like, "Oh, I've always been ashamed of my life." Or something like that. -Right. Like, "Oh, this damn cankles." -Yeah. -I hate them. -Some-- they ranged in heaviness. -Right. -From, like a little white things to really crazy confessions. -And I'm pretty sure the PostSecret phenomena started as this experiment that he did-- -Right. -where he just wanted people to mail postcards with confessions on them to-- and address, he would then compile them and release them as coffee table books. -Right. That's exactly what he did. -That' it. -Yeah. He sells them in the book stand. -And they were good. They were good. -Yeah. -They were-- -There are experiments. -I've submitted a few. -I'm sure you have. -Have you? -No. -Okay. Well, I had. -Well, I'm sure. Can we see what you wrote? -Or we can talk about it right now. -Yes. -No. We're not gonna talk about mine. But we're gonna talk about one that was submitted on Sunday. And this is really crazy but somebody put up a PostSecret of a basically, it's a photocopy of a Google Maps screenshot. Right? So here it is and it has card on it that says, "I said she dumped me. But really I dumped her." And just in case you didn't get that and friends. He put it in parenthesis, "Body after her." So "I dumped her body." -You know what-- -And then it's just a screenshot of this Apple Maps location. -Wow. This is crazy. So this is so-- he cut out an arrow. -Uh-hmm. -That's how you know-- that's the sign of madness. -Yes. -Cutting out the arrow. -Uh-hmm. -Not even drawing it. -Everything showed off cutting out each individual letter from a magazine. -Yeah. That's the sign of menace, how calmly the handwriting is and how crazy [unk] that arrows point. -Right. -But anyway, so turns out this is real. -Yeah. Well, we're not sure yet. The investigation is still on their way. -Let's make that clear. This is not necessarily real. -So let's not say that. Yeah. So, what would you do if you went a website? If you're this guy and you got the submission, what would you do with it? I think the initial reaction would be, send it to the police, right? -Right. -I mean, this is a serious matter. Any time someone confesses to a murder online. -Yeah. It's serious-- -It's sort of natural reaction. -I would say 5 years ago in the internet. It wouldn't raise flags, now it most certainly does. -Hundred percent. -Daily Dot, which is responsible for posting this article, has updated the posting said that the Chicago Tribune has confirmed That the anonymous tip associated with this has turned up nothing. -Well the thing is-- yeah. So this-- the PostSecret guys, they didn't send it to the cops. The first thing they did was put it on Twitter,-- -Right. -which is never a good idea. -Yeah. -I thought we learned from the whole Boston stuff that putting stuff on Twitter and, you know, spike lead to the same thing. Remember the whole Zimmerman-- -Zimmerman thing. -Yeah, the whole Zimmerman thing. He posted an address-- -That was a dumb-- -Anyway, it's terrible idea to crow source information about an ongoing case. But they did it. And after that, got too many responses so what they do? Not report it to cops. They put it on Reddit. Again, a terrible place to crowd source this kind of thing. -Where everyone is a detective. -But within a few hours, the users had pin-pointed the location of this map to a driving range in Chicago. -The best way to get away with that. -Yeah. Bury him under that driving range. -That's it. No one ever digs there. -Yeah. So anyway, this is like-- this is a terrible decision on behalf of PostSecret in my opinion. -But you can't imagine that he's choice, right? I'm sure he's got a whole team of people now. -Probably. But as the webmaster, you have a final say to that. -It wasn't handled in the greatest, you know-- -Right. -etiquette and whatnot. -Regardless, one person did the right thing and made an anonymous phone call to the Grand Crossing Police Station and apparently the cops did search that park, Jackson Park, where this driving range is, turned up nothing. -Yeah. -But the ongoing-- the information is still being checked up by Chicago Detectives. So it's kind of like a little mystery right now. -It's a little mystery but I think, you know, there is some sort of like artistic freedom you have with these PostSecret thing. -Yeah. I'm surprised someone's done this already. -Yeah. And I'm sure someone has done it before and sent like, "Oh, here's what I-- you know. You have some sort of map that you send in." -Right. -And, you know, I don't know. It's just weird sort of thing. The problem is that PostSecret took it literally. -Yeah. -And then did the Reddit thing. -Right. -If they had just taken it, kept it-- you know, as a thing. It would have been a lot less controversial. -I understand where they're coming from. Trying to find out whether this is real or not just based on-- remember last week. We didn't talk about this 'cause it's kind of bloody story. But there was a guy that murdered his wife and then posted a picture and the confession itself on Facebook. Remember that? And it sort of started as a domestic argument. And yeah, it was just on Facebook for a little while, enough for a lot of people to comment. What is going on? You know-- -It's crazy. -Why is there's a real picture or what's going on? -Totally crazy. -So I guess people have to take these steps seriously. -Yeah. -Seriously now. But if you do, send it to the right authorities. Don't put it on Reddit. -Right. All right, lesson learned. -Yeah. Save the whales. Don't put it on Reddit. That's the two lessons to take away. -But seriously, just give us a little hint as to what your PostSecret was. Just like-- make up one right now. But just really-- come on. They're right on the top of your head. I can see-- -Oh, they are. -I can see you thinking. -There are things that I wish I could say. It probably makes me feel a lot better if I could. -Yeah, get it off of your chest. -To everyone. But you know what? The person and it's about-- it involves. -You're sitting 3 feet away from me. -It's about one of you guys. -But really, just tell us. Your life is an open book, is it not? -Yeah, no. -No it's not. -No it's not. -But it's like-- -These are the things that I don't-- nobody knows. -it's partially open. -These are things that I haven't told anybody before. -I think now is the better time. -What my friends don't know. My family doesn't know. Why would I tell the entire world now? -I think because it's gonna be very cleansing. It's gonna be a cathartic sort of experience for you. -[unk] this. -Yeah, how can you? -It's about someone in my family. Yeah. And that's as much as I'm gonna give away. -Well, here's-- well that-- see, that's not how I would handle that. -Okay. I wish you could handle it. -I wouldn't have said it's about my family. I would have said it's a fictional thing about someone I don't know. -Okay. -And that's what you should have said. -Well, then I'll go back and said that. -So is it something about your family in general? -Something that has happened in my family. -Wow. Okay. -Not necessarily a bad thing either. The thing is most people think PostSecret is all about horrible stuff. -Negative confession. -But it's not. -Yeah. -Think about that. -All right. Man, I wanna get some confessions from our listeners. -Yeah, tech confessions. -Tech-- -Or any kind of confessions. -We did that as CES a couple of year ago, that went really well. -That would be cool. If someone sent us, you know, not necessarily a tech confession but any kind and then we won't say their names on the air but just read them off. If you have crazy you wanna admit to. -Yeah. -No murders though. -No murders. -Yeah, no murders. -And no really bad crime. -Yeah, yeah. -We'll air out your dirty laundry for you. Don't worry about it. -Uh-hmm. -We'll leave and fold it up and make it real nice and deliver back to you. -Yeah. -Right? -We'll make a fortune teller out of it. -Right. -Fold it up. -Exactly. You're probably good at that. -What the hell is that suppose to mean? -Anyway, we gotta go. There's a lot of voicemails in the queue in the hopper. We'll get to that hopefully tomorrow and then we'll have a lot of fun with the shorten week. -All right. -I won't be here Thursday for the holiday. Justin won't be here Friday but there will be a show every single day. So don't you worry you pretty little faces about that. -Yeah, just you and me on Thursday Ariel. -Oh, yeah. -All right? -Just the two of us. -Yup. I have to pretend to be Jewish for a day. Yeah, I was joking. All right. That will do it for us. 866-404-CNET. Again, I'm gonna get to all those voicemails, I promise. Or you can e-mail us the404@cnet.com. That will do it for us Today. Welcome back Mr. Ariel Nuñez. -Thank you. -That's awesome. You had a great time. Congrats to you and your lovely wife as well. I'm gonna see you guys tomorrow. I'm Jeff Bakalar. -I'm Justin Yu. -I'm Ariel Nuñez. -This has been the 404 Show. High-tech, low brow. See you guys tomorrow. Bye-bye.

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