Ep. 1305: Work for your booty
Ep. 1305: Work for your booty

Ep. 1305: Work for your booty

Today's Friday system. -- -- -- -- I'm revealing -- Hollywood -- buzz out loud is cnet's podcast of indeterminate length that the episode thirteen 104. Welcome back. Welcome back and be back there -- still think it's not so long time but you should only -- happened utterly -- that was -- and Apple guidelines announcement but I I suspect I'll find a way to work in some commentary later and -- -- there's always a way. But we're not starting there we are actually starting with the Nokia N -- because that long last after lots of speculation. Micro are Nokia has named it you CEO and it is Stephen you up who has. President of the Microsoft business decision. Division yes decision the -- and he was that picked the decision also -- the decision The Today -- is apparently actually they're -- five. That I -- our -- was mislabeled. And though that the chat room totally products that -- -- -- I'm Hollywood it's episode thirteen 105. -- -- -- -- Yes we are not using office auto increment these things bad if we work. We -- on it so yes beating you up with director of the office division he's the guy responsible -- as as bombers that CEO Microsoft. Being a good Steward of Microsoft Office which -- like don't let the door. He theory what on the way out and come on the faintest -- a note of where Steward for the brand out although that has led to speculation. Silicon Alley insider had an -- and that -- -- that Nokia's hired another product. And -- they have not hired a visionary of any sort which is exactly what they need is somebody has got a strong vision for how to keep Nokia irrelevant. When at a time when the competition is -- yet they needed jobs. And right Steve Jobs somebody who's gonna you know kick some -- that there wouldn't and that the word on the street value up is that he's not that -- he's a very good Stewart he's very good manager -- -- -- Well so -- video of the lot is that he was as -- a very good Steward of the office thing the other other kind of the other part of the story is that Microsoft is losing division heads like crazy they -- Robbie Bach. Or will be losing Robbie Bach head of the entertainment and devices. Unit and and now they're they're losing this. But it does -- there isn't anything super sexy about it and it does make you wonder if that. He ate these bit cocky and that's that's a -- Filipino who knows you up from covering Microsoft yeah if you like -- he's a great hockey fan he's he's. Really good at navigating. -- -- as being an outsider. And navigating internal politics and stuff like that he's here even tempered. He's also worked with Nokia because Nokia had a partnership with Microsoft and had been collaborating with them on strategic implementations. And evening up -- the partnership from acts outside which is how he know that it's right that was their cocktail party month. It reminds me a little bit of Howard Stringer who is another outsider going to Sony. And by the way is another guy who I don't think speaks the native language of the company's going to be running -- again just. An unusual thing to secure -- enemy it is interesting that he's a non -- although the thing that Nokia needs -- most right now. Is -- a better presence in the United States we've been talking about and they they're their biggest problem is they have no carrier. Relationships in the US which is endeavoring consider target and they are rapidly losing. Any foothold that they want to hear Nokia used to be like you'd go to a cell -- store -- it was you know. All Nokia -- And those are the ones you got everybody's first cell phone the Nokia yet I mean we all have that little candy bar candy by Nokia -- for -- -- my closets at different models and they are still I mean they they are still holding on in and sort of slim fast into worldwide a global lead in terms of of phone distribution but they just don't have that US market. And people are now. Obviously ditching them in -- for iPhone and enter it in fact I'm gonna move that the story -- related it. There is news that Android will blow past Apple and -- to become the second biggest mobile operating system in the world. Yeah sometime this year according to report from Gartner I'm not so surprises us that you know with the Android oh -- phones packed carpet bombing the various carriers -- -- there's a billion to model them. They've got a whole gamut you know from the -- -- expensive. They'll continue to go down market to was going to make Smartphones available people who would otherwise not be able to -- and they're good it's a good operating system right. But that will by the way that will put them second two. Symbian gap which are -- -- -- like Nokia India this serial number one -- -- -- -- and especially here in the US. Yeah because we don't have the presence at all but Nokia needs like they've got to be panic and mountain. And in case you're wondering to this is where my commentary and then why Apple might have released those new review guidelines yesterday and opened up a little bit. More on the developmental particularly the third party developmental. It's because let's be honest it's not -- they've been listening to the developers finally. It's because standard is -- on everybody's. No more fart apps I don't go whining to the press. And if you want to criticize religion to read a book yet I mean. -- it didn't. Like and we. Why because what Apple if you're developer. Apple will make you rich. Now for long I mean what that Apple knows right Android is knocking on the door. Then there's no I mean this what happened yesterday with the review guidelines is the perfect demonstration of competition in action -- Which was glorious to see. But it's not don't don't -- Lincoln. I -- and haven't seen I know there must be -- developer guidelines to. Because they have a store and they have a development platform and -- like to put them side by side yeah one written by. Basically megalomania maniac and a bunch of it -- eleventh engineer. I believe we -- developers right here. Oh look at ago it is nowhere near as interesting. Made it clear -- probably not as many. About land mines in there either. As are an Apple play not as cure rated I mean don't you know Apple's still a very highly accurate and environment and they made no bones about that -- -- still some very subjective. Thing -- that's totally out and then -- so they can they can say whatever they want that this is this if you look peek into their brain threat but they can still say. You be doing that like it begun. -- definitely they can do -- -- I mean really the biggest news yesterday with their relaxation of the IOS developer role which causes me against her rearranged because. -- thought oh yeah believe it's all coming together. But that that the most significant news to come out of it so far is that Adobe has re started. Its work on flash to iPhone app development tool which they had abandoned and if they said we are giving out. On any flash related development this is not the flash player. Right not the ability to bring you know flash video playing playback to be. And -- -- an iPod who -- -- it. No it's the ability to just write an application using Adobe tools. Which then -- -- be able to re compile for the iPhone but I iPad. IPod and that was illegal until Apple said finally you know what you can use whatever language you want. And everybody was wondering whether. Adobe would resurrect that are and whether they were to say you know what if you wanna and if you wanna compile and flash to stick with -- platform because they had put a lot of money into. These packages right -- the ability to do flash I'm compiling and and then just abandon it completely so I'm actually surprised that that this quickly they said. And we're gonna review my development work on -- feature. It it is kind of a it must be difficult for Adobe to stomach but there is there are so many developers. Who. Can't help Adobe make money if Adobe makes this possible for them -- active. You know I mean that this this is them saying okay we're gonna put our developers that every. And you know that -- Adobe for doing yeah absolutely and Sanford not think about it I'm a big market. Yet in -- That for the stockholders. In other news today a a big virus has been spreading -- -- an email based virus that is. It enough you have. Severely impact and organizations including NASA Comcast AIG Disney Procter & Gamble Florida department of fish and Wells Fargo. It is it has apparently -- out hundreds of thousands not millions of emails. That are -- -- just have the subject line here you have and if you have enough. Yeah or just for you this is the freedom and download sex movies you can find here from no wonder -- gonna. So if you're at any idea Wells Fargo and you download -- -- -- think gonna doubts that movies on your job. And you think you deserve what's -- -- And it PD oh yeah and so it is a PDF based it's obvious skating team that piece of malware as obfuscating -- the PDF according to Dmitry helper objects. VP of threat researcher at McAfee it is they say that the risk overall is low unfortunately it has. People were apparently so. In -- the sexy video thing that they've been thinking like crazy and shutting down corporate networks now -- the the social engineering part of it is. Is. Worse than the payload right. Also -- Google analytics worm. That was propagating yesterday -- I don't know them. Carolina we're gonna them ignore that -- -- one -- -- threat copies itself to a machine the third says that if the user even opens the folder that contains the threat on the new machine will launch the -- and cause that spread further through both email and over shared drive so it's -- -- -- very. Pretty it is and it's running really fast and type one and there we don't usually report and more -- -- -- but this one has. I mean. Pretty serious -- the news to me like a yankees on business. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- NASA and one apparently one IT guy NASA posted on Twitter -- service online offline due to spam -- no email for anyone now maybe I can get some work done. Got it for productivity enhancer. The -- than NASA's lunar science institute -- Houston we have a problem it's called spam button. Follow up don't you think if you were enough that you're constantly waiting for -- community where the problem where the problem. That's the question go to colleges and he -- -- I think if you hook again it's probably the new guy yet OK okay. -- a rite of passage -- an update from the rumor -- yesterday there was report well. Reported a little -- a rumor that. Blue being would become the default search engine on all standards mark on for Verizon and future Microsoft has responded and said. -- yeah they -- gonna accept the deal for Verizon for devices is not exclusive. Can't have it both ways -- the story first of -- yesterday absolutely -- -- -- into Canada they can't beat it. Let me give me a fork and a -- and has been let me immediately give this one a shot so yesterday it was really mad and everybody involved saying it is. Saying that you know Android is cool so to take strip Google -- -- veterans and ridiculous now on the go the other way and say. Look Verizon if you going to take Google. Change the default on some of your Android phones change it on all home. Why well because I was just confusing get one phone is that Google -- -- -- that -- -- what it developers write for what the people expect on the phone to just confuses everybody does just make. That Android phones. Android phones -- not mess with it. So we really want an iPhone. No because really that's not what I said this is exactly the promised an answer that or for bad or are good. The promise -- Android is that you can in fact implements. All kinds of features you can implement different kind of it you know software packages that you can -- it because it's open so the promise of openness often leads to the frustration with -- -- that Steve Jobs likes to tout. As the reason that what you really want Israel totally locked down super -- -- I didn't say lock down no -- I fled before I said don't. Mess with -- with expectations. Mean the thing that Verizon was saying is that. They -- gonna lock it down. So they change the default make it difficult. -- a possible but difficult to change to the back -- to give users what they might want. Right but we are we also have an email saying it already difficult to change from Google to -- if you actually want to do that on the phone and I mean I think the thing with Android is you're allowed to do that I don't. I definitely don't like the idea that you -- buy some phones that have one thing and you know the -- but the thing is that's a standard promises and nothing you have that are fairly it's already like if you really want. You know complete simplicity and and and predictability. IPhone is for you and and that is. That's either gonna work rendered -- not. You know it's there it's both the good and the bad about. Now open operating systems -- to Verizon store you'll be able to picking Android phone with Bing are Android phone with Google depending they'll be you know budget -- would mean if I can erase free market. -- I will support that -- right. I don't wonder if they're going to make that -- because that's Canada being. And -- skier you have read like I think actually going to have like here's the price in it has GPS and oh it has been. Right okay yeah lets people really got to know that this phone that's being an -- as well yeah. That are they gonna care I mean that's the thing has really had it at like the idea that you have infinite choice and infinite possibilities and you can customize it as you one of -- and you can customize it as you want of the carrier. But you do -- some left you wondering what it consumers actually in camera don't think -- -- -- with the screen like that you organize well hang on. He hadn't called the camera cool if the user doesn't care and if it's not selling -- -- and do marketing advertising around it and why add confusion. Which is what this will do. Yeah. If he does via phone and -- bang on it in confused because he didn't it's not like you look at the other ones that are known as -- You get home and you haven't kind of like comparing you know TV displays in the store like -- you get home and look how. And it is and -- company in the world in the world in. Well choice of competition but I still think -- is better than -- -- There is a burglary ring in New Hampshire which is. As predicted. Targeting people. Who they know their homes -- -- at -- -- but -- did we not see this coming. So this is and has does not happen before this is this is getting -- a press especially New Hampshire where -- happening. They recovered police say more than 100000 dollars worth the property from over fifty breakage and these -- people using FaceBook I guess FaceBook places to check in when they work at home. And then the bandits would go to their homes. Via their threes and it's unclear whether it was places or not I'm -- -- and status updates that or like trick it you know there's. You know that service yet I have I have or friends on because I want everybody knowing when I'm out of town and you can have it auto I did not realize this but when you first sign -- and integrate with it but it'll Lotto plus year to your wallet mountains going manager reported. I don't know you don't do that my friend like hello -- -- -- and. -- -- -- But at the same but there I am on sweater thing like I'm on a plane right now I mean there's you know there's always that possibility with with that's important -- it but this is this is one of the few cases where there has been. Apparently a burglary ring with. Specifically organized around -- -- -- watch out yes don't yet it totally -- it do that and people that the things. You have to be pretty lazy and it to rely on FaceBook to -- people are -- easy enough to figure the case. But you know what I'm not gonna be him that private bytes here and up on the front. How to commit crimes if you work harder not smart. Company went. It. It didn't work for your booty a half days but -- Yet -- do you live in London they and Google. For the first time ever. In -- crucial time spent on this night. Metric now this is. Interest -- because Facebook is basically one site in Google has like fifty. Different services but this includes all Google sites and apparently the because I thought like -- -- hang out on Google but it -- Jason pointed out. It's Gmail. Yeah -- or it's you know it's chat or whatever and that is pretty remarkable well I think with FaceBook first of all. People hang out on FaceBook and turn dozens and dozens of pages the very -- -- secondly farm bill. I mean let's not let's not forget all the -- that are linked in the FaceBook where people get become zombies yet totally plus the rational and in the face a problem I have definitely. The network this is too -- a Friday night it involved six hours looking you know high school people and it's -- I'm not proud. But it happens. Yeah. But that is the -- should be very very worried really. Yeah because that's Google's model is not get peoples that and Google the end models noble smuggle model is to get people to click through to the advertising. There models that people off their site and onto their partners' sites based model if you stick under the site and it with that the -- They have the same -- They both deliver advertising against their product annually see the advertising if you spend a lot of time on the product. But with -- you go you go to Google. You you put any result you come back you -- on an -- feeling bad for the -- and forking back and forth that's a mistake I was making it we're not talking about Google. We're also talking about Gmail are also talking about buzz were also talking about chat or whatever that the different products and docs for the reader like all the various products that they have them that they also serve advertising and that the -- them and you've got -- living in the central games. And you've got Google trying to figure practice social networking I mean they are trying to do all of the same things that FaceBook is doing is keeping people on the site. Right but they have succeed in any of those yet I mean aside from I mean they've got that. That's one -- -- want to be learning. And apparently they are because they are apparently they are throwing hundreds of thousands of dollars of people to keep them from leaving Google and going to -- that is the -- yet that's really would if you work at Google right now all you have to do is I think whisper. Spoke to your manager and they'll give you half million dollar. Expect a little literally that is happening people again I would be able half million dollar retention that according to reports probably not that much -- most cases -- -- all its. But they're getting gigantic retention bonuses yet according to at least one report they were they -- one mid level developer with a half million dollar signing -- -- and a 15% -- on his 150000 dollar. Salary and then an ex Googlers and FaceBook -- -- blue kite like he recently went to -- but who invented Gmail FriendFeed and the slogan don't be evil. Confirmed that the -- report is true that many people -- -- -- using FaceBook offers true or otherwise. In order to get a -- it. Well FaceBook is pre IPO Google's post IPO. Google stock is you know. It makes perfect sense and -- water port people have no loyalty and they're gonna lot of reports that have Google is not as cool place to work as it used to be like that there are you know. That there are dissatisfied Googlers out there who have probably been looking for tomorrow to go to there was -- -- of silicon -- That's the label thing I'm hoping that easily you know the company gets. Successful gets but he gets the little. Stuck in its ways thousands and thousands of people harder to innovate many of FaceBook it's like growing with leaps and bounds by leaps and bounds. Is pre IPO which means you get stock options now will be worth blogging you know have their -- million dollars secretary's thing. Yeah I could see it the -- -- apparently that 80% of them plays that the counter offers. But then now thought to deal with the fallout of the and it inequities that they have created and calories and eventually you know eventually people are gonna. If they weren't gonna -- government even if they had other reasons that money. To leave and -- -- -- -- -- be -- people but that's that's one competitive marketplace and for the coming years as if a person's Google once. FaceBook IPOs in the whole equation will change dramatically because the ideas to get into the company. Before you get the -- public option and then the thing is though yet it's -- four years old that. And now so the company you go there you get the options the company goes public then becomes boring and miserable awful and you're stuck there. Hey how miserable and start to drink that's what happens. Both state and -- states. They have -- -- Another Google news. Apparently Google has been saying. That it sort of issuing little verbal into the marketplace that Android 2.2. Is just simply not designed. For the tablet form factor. Are we surprised -- Because remember Google has this other tablet operating system is that he built from the ground up for tablets called Chrome OS. Initially say those those built from the ground up for netbooks yet -- -- And it's not like a month was always supposed to be into -- it -- it was to be a bigger device yet -- that -- but tablets are at least. You know if you follow the iPad model tablets are -- closer mark on Americana yeah but the Google's of my I think the Google model was that -- -- phones -- and I don't for the next step up that they had they saw bifurcation of the market. It in the market itself as saying no that there's a continuum and Apple's -- that and the -- developers with. But Google I think is trying to say no they're different but I just in. I'm frustrated by that because that wears them whispers that Andrew three point oh might turn out to be the one you can use on tablet. It might be more tablet friendly and this if they're putting this message out but keep what you did not plan for the tablet form factor. There either trying to -- three yeah or. They're trying had an -- restaurant or had an opera drama back and from an -- different -- models -- completely open and free. I don't -- Chrome. I think it may be slightly different enough -- million at that I would hate to speculating that the inevitable correction. Here everyone and super sorry about that any commitment. Good lord. But I do not want to -- -- do that. As much second choice is good in in terms of amber at variance and standard implementations and Martin's I think -- -- that you mobile operating systems it. Let's -- the million and can just really stop and it momentum quickly. -- got good news for deal breakers I OS four point one has apparently already be in jail broken that did not take long but where. Jailbreak for 3.2 point two is that -- -- that's when I have on iPad and an eight in there of the month. A hack at journal Acura with your with your not 3.2 and I know how to do it at 3.2 point -- is not to unbreakable. Right now well without one it's the new -- -- and hasn't been. Well wait for four point its commitment. We don't November flash -- that stupid they think it's. -- Anyway apparently this reply whine don't go for it apparently this jailbreak is actually pretty difficult to fix around at the very clever -- very clever -- -- -- -- -- public yet. Hillary the one I'm using -- -- public -- -- -- -- -- It's for who for iPhone users -- and got it if you are able look at that. You should jailbreak today tonight and -- -- about it whose -- -- a little Craig's list update there are reports that. Craig Newmark. The founder and whatever is now chief customer relations officer has been. Asked to testify before congress again again at this time on the topic of domestic minor sex trafficking. It's when we were doing -- on the story we looked up -- Craig's list Newmark congress has story from 2009 popped up -- top of the list yeah this happens a lot and he's gonna get there eventually. You know yeah congress -- gonna get real and it's not gonna be pretty but it's notable that it. The political pressure has just been getting stronger and stronger -- -- strong enough that they had to take and that child -- sensor bar. Right so they finally did that if I just took -- -- offline as they should have from the start stuttering is passive aggressive thing but to be fair he's at it such a public that he sent by congress which most of these hearings are -- up there all policies congress that is what it like you don't get CEO. -- -- faster than the CEO -- does for ten years from. And Craig is just kind of the face but it's not like he's the front man it's not like he's began making all these decisions know he's been made into -- -- man and I believe if if if if Craig. Says the congress that look I understand that you want. Craig's list the testify now. Get the CEO. I mean legally that's he's the guy who's responsible for -- he might be able to say this that'll make any sense and that's totally plausible now possibly. More efforts to make quiet cars is louder. For safety I love that this is the cottage industry now so that I make your car louder the danger with electric cars of courses that they run people over. Because they don't hear them coming. -- and there is this companies -- tunes that makes a clever sound generator for electric cars. That it has speakers around the car. And it directs the sound its direction and speed sensitive so if you're backing up. You'll be beats going backwards -- you're going forwards that rear speakers cut out and in front of you there's the sound of an engine. And as you speed up the noise goes down because you know on the highway and a commitment people in the road noise we'll take -- anyway. It reminds me though of of a pimp my pimp your rivals that -- antivirus in my ride. Where there were actually businesses that do this they'll take a little four -- your car make it sound like a big V8. Yeah the same thing is that that makes sense this one actually makes Android TV is that it -- there's that it making -- letters always been a cottage industry and flow masters number 88 Hebert but I hope it's. You should it strip that -- the whistle -- it in an all in Oakland just -- Decker writes it. Anyway bill to make your silent -- -- -- don't -- people themes like a slightly better use of the cottage industry. It's although the great thing about electric cars as the quiet in the neighborhood and we finally get -- all electric via this the neighborhoods will be quiet again. -- -- -- -- -- and a little like. And to them that's true that's gonna make it louder in animals are gonna like it either. All of the for the animals think of the critters actually the -- -- the water where you know animals I know exactly am sorry everyone for and ever and it says they'll be unity and locked in the road. Kids don't watch -- out. It is now. Like it's not -- not it every day idiots need to be protected do you see amendment and that crop up on time and -- -- -- we -- is that I'm like I'm sorry society is kind of about protecting us and them right dated from themselves maybe it's killing. -- and and also. The babies they don't know any better they did they -- the ball. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- right now we have an email from Kevin who says I'm here a lot of trash talk about king and frankly I think people are not using it or you're holding it wrong that's what you think people are not using at the right way. As has been mentioned countless times on this show. -- -- -- -- -- We have plenty of social networks do we really another one ping is not a social networking is a music discovery tool when you sign up for paying. He finds some friends yes that -- could be easier -- follow music journalist who respect or even slick conditions who don't use -- social networks. To always sell their latest releases. Now each time you sign on to iTunes -- just see what your friends have been in.

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