Ep. 1303: You're gonna love it in an instant
Ep. 1303: You're gonna love it in an instant

Ep. 1303: You're gonna love it in an instant

Twenty tonight Jason Howell. I'm Darren Kitchen -- -- -- welcome to buzz out loud tip podcast of indeterminate length episode 1303. We have just finished watching. -- -- Bits and pieces of Google's latest announcement just and there are actually as we speak I think they're still doing Q and they just launched instant search. Acts and it was instantly mind knowing it's actually instantly cool I've been -- it so what what it is is it was when you go to google.com and you're logged in. And you search there's you don't need to press the search button as you type the results go on the page on a popular and they own agency and they change. Should still resisting -- no longer have to. Press center I mean you can press interview want to look to what happens if I if I type in answer a K enter sandman and then you -- -- and -- it just disappears stops. Doing little yeah you -- actually certainly closing because those like no no it's got this overlay thing that must be now they're smarter. It's already I have a correction instant correction thank you instant chat room. I you don't have to be logged in in the US in other places where the other country for our rolling it out Marissa -- that ray -- press conference. You have to be log in yet Leo we log in here. How does is change sorts. It makes it faster and Marisa you know she is all about the numbers and the metrics and -- had this chart showing -- -- -- You know a couple of second to people enter search 402 milliseconds the network -- traffic. 300 milliseconds of school server time 400 milliseconds back and fifteen seconds to -- the search results. It's like we've. Basically got our part down pretty tight. How do we make it faster on the other side human side. And that's what Google's saying is. People read faster than they -- by law order of magnitude you from what I read an article -- literally one order of magnitude of about ten times faster. And so let's start give them results at -- typing so they can read at the typing. And it EP is that it's actually pretty cool yeah what -- -- off the top -- think oh it's gonna load and refresh the page with every character that I hit based on the top suggestion. Part of the of the characters that have rendered and you think -- -- -- really slow but it's actually very fast it -- -- and I. That was slow -- don't know why do with it before the official announcement they'll -- link click that league. Leaked out maybe -- after now. So. -- a part one of this is of course the page kind of automatically -- -- it's you know thing as you type. Part two of the announcement is. Predictive. So if you type in what we've always has that we perspective yet Russia but now the page changes and -- Always been a fun game to hype and why does my brother and then -- yeah well. That's -- it but now you can just press the down arrow and click on film like you're. And like you don't need to why does my eye to this I remember to underline on is a -- for yeah. As my cat lick me yes and -- is your cat loves you and and this is just so cool because the -- here in just -- well he can't -- it's not like the hover over but that it would be neat to be honest the thing that late but it's -- what's next how they can only completely inserts where I can never go to another search engine -- what. Have to hit and -- that's so yesterday it. When you mention order of magnitude being a scale of ten -- actually. Pop that in India that was actually a lot quicker because order of a man does it down and -- -- any you know like you just ask me well yes but. Wikipedia told me that it in most cases it is skilled and it's -- who -- But. So it technologically this is this is. Actually. Kind of a trick and this is this is hard to do I mean -- basically the entire -- -- infrastructure is laid bare in front of the user if there's any hiccups. You'll notice that whether it's in your computer the network connection or in Google. Anything slows down all the sudden you get used to Google instant what's called you'll notice that being slow which is what you did during -- right. Yes we'll have -- I -- you're on our Wi-Fi -- Yeah actually I I was playing with this tethered with my -- -- -- my own Wi-Fi puppet and trust years or anything but -- and yet it was totally fast and -- on and three G and it's that the thing that that threw me off though was just moments after playing with Google instant we are -- and I'm looking unused -- -- -- com I type something in. And then it was leading yeah here did you get the right -- isn't -- -- -- I have depressed and terror that Felix study with keyboard now I know and no computer. Now if you and I don't know we mentioned this but if you. -- on a slower connection actually opts to not do -- right. If I -- is the instant refresh that's what they say yeah that. Also right now it works and computer browsers -- works on Chrome obviously Firefox and I. Does not work. -- haven't tried on safari but it doesn't work on an iPhone or an iPad right yet I can get its work -- him yet. Anyway so the interest -- questions I'm sure many many questions will emerge what. Happens to your search history. That's exactly where it's going with this break before its third -- was. You know I'm I'm one of those guys that especially being a Chrome pop on huge -- -- control shift and open up and and hard need to think sometimes you wanna search something that. I don't -- -- warm history and they did just had a pleading on wanted to know something but I don't need to know the other people need to know that and now and you know with a sense that it -- if that's because it. Does it go into your history when you press center -- -- it. As you start typing maybe I don't know if -- if you rely he had people up a search and then end up clicking a link as a result of that patient registers that as the search you know I finally just got -- -- -- turned -- -- history anyway. And -- also its its its interest in what happens with advertising as you type the -- shipped as well the search results really -- and as thing. So now of course Google. The the advertising coming works and clickthrough not an impression but they'll see what I -- ads and. I want next is and if this will make it truly instant -- hate this but now so I type in the -- dynamic I hover it and then -- -- -- dynamics and Wikipedia and I wanna hover over that. And then -- it just kind of expand a little bit and give me the first few paragraphs where the in the search results and -- And -- that it I am into this okay let me yeah that would that would be the next thing and there are some search. Engines. That give you hover result -- -- -- -- most recently apprehension I mean I've seen where lake some search engines we'll give you more than infect I think there's awaits tell Google to give you more than just like. The that like fifteen words they give you but. And being -- people go up in arms I think that who agents to search and -- the chat room -- is being does that rate I'll -- video there instantly awesome so. The other question is -- it really upset. You know there's some people have some Google and that's my method up. Would they might think -- -- it up. You know like if I'm gonna type in quote index of quotes file -- a colon and and it wasn't doing any sort of recommended -- recommended. Now it actually looks kind of weird when you get this blank screen you know the euphoria disappears when all of a sudden there's no results and I get president -- -- and I'm gonna I'm going down the wrong path -- -- Google which isn't suggesting me anything. I'm scared of course people are already accustomed to -- lists are not pressing enter on search. If -- -- desktop search spotlight our you know Microsoft windows search appointments of -- finally that's coming to the web as well. Anyway so we'll we'll see of -- development it notes it's very -- -- and what to me. And severe -- the thing that I'm most surprised about is that with all the activity on mobile that this doesn't work on mobile. -- and yes a million -- militia remembering I think it is Andrew mentioned that it's coming to mobile and fall ultimate they hate us attachments with announcements that part. I'm just excited to see late this roll on to more things in like what else can Google make instant yeah I could imagine what would -- instant bash. Terminal -- -- where it knows when you're done typing the command. Move you know don't wanna be presses enter for you you need ask Doug our ram intact RS -- we we we know you need bash goggles yeah. Anyway so what there was a little preview of this yesterday that it before wrote this thing called Google -- began to roll out and Google -- -- They tool that automatically fills in. You words -- he types like auto fill except its community based. It Daryn what are you so excited about that. -- because you never okay. Sure you don't need to remember your friend's phone number because it's yours -- and I don't need to remember how to spell. Before the fact not not after the fact not the negative reinforcement that is the squiggly red line under the word -- IE. And then a type AB SO and it already knows I wanted to type absolutely love actually it didn't wanted to say I absolutely love but -- -- -- and hit and then says the I absolutely love to them. And they are not nothing but the -- depressing because they have no answer -- as -- making this -- poetry is read poetry is here it is hat. I have the best one earlier today about Beyonce and her prescriptions -- this is like. It is kinda like -- poetry of the old days. And it's it's. And auto fill on the iPad with a with keyboard really bugs me because it it auto correct things I don't want you could do an entire show -- Molly should do an entire country only sound way to correct with this. -- remember if you can -- you auto complete me. -- -- All that is that -- -- and love that that's I think if the -- she's the I think your between this and my other trick which is to make awesome dialogue. You read it out and then you go to Google translate it translated literally from English to German and then you take that babble fish and you can put the -- -- English mean. Because you don't end up with exactly what units begin -- -- marathon yes yeah so you do that you throw in some Google scribe and instantly. You have a word winning screenplay it -- Galveston residents in psychology one of one word salad words -- -- all the ingredients are complete but there are mixed up. Again but in all seriousness those -- pretty neat in that you know you conceive some time this keystrokes and your time trying to type you know -- -- long words maybe you. What's wrong with typing I -- people type 10050 works in mid -- its own candidate you need instant -- The world has become instant. Sounds automates and copy it seems like quite as quite a -- thing to reprogram your brain cute from typing out entire work to typing part of it and looking to see what the numbers the represents the word -- -- type -- -- -- -- yeah yeah hey if kind of makes an -- and again that that's kind of thing that really make sense on a mobile. But you do have to retrain how you can text entry. So if it does what you -- -- reminds me a lot of the of the awesome bar or whatever it's called in Google Chrome and start typing in it and -- even if -- just put a portion of the URL with in the center. And it's weird thing and it Edison's funding while you could use it in any text field with a bookmark click I don't see why it would. But it's still just a fun -- Now in other news of changes coming to the world the web Mozilla is saying it's time for browser based games and we're going to help. So they've launched something called the -- Mozilla labs gaming project to encourage programmers to use new browser and web technologies too and I guess though that created a directory your kind of a store. Online games. Wasn't Google just recently talking about -- is that. The Tokyo Game Show or which game shows yes Google is doing similar thing I wonder what this means for flash. A -- which -- flash -- that the only reason I want I don't care what music for -- the fact is though that they're all these games. Probably tens of thousands if not more. Written in flash that's really nice to have an index them now again -- and there are sites there congregated around my favorite physics gains. Yeah well there's no reason why that that have to be flushed out and this is like. This is totally a step in the right direction and it's kind of like -- taken -- this long to realize today. You know little JavaScript in a whole bunch you know awesome stuff lake it's the web GL you know it you can play. Quake you can play quake three. In a brother so why not -- like victory. Because it's like Tajikistan -- well second best game next unreal tournament. -- -- I don't have everybody anyway. So this is -- and this this -- project positioning be one of the indictment with the finger at the is that. It's really and a printer specific it's from Mozilla but it's not -- -- -- -- this kind of thing should work these -- should work at all modern browsers right right in the -- is good good for -- yet but without that. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- news follow up news from yesterday as. We report yesterday Mark Hurd has been given the job of co president. Oracle after being -- -- -- if he. Not surprisingly as expected HP has filed its suit against Marc -- Not. Just on his non compete clause which is as we've said notoriously difficult reports but. Alleging illegal competition and stuff like that because. Oracle and you'll Packard are competitors now. HP yesterday after telling our reporters that we have no comment came out with the press release saying. Or a comment we have a -- and it is this Oracle have long viewed HP has an important partner. That -- CEO Larry Ellison. By filing -- vindictive lawsuit against Oracle and Mark -- the HP board is acting with utter disregard for that partnership our joint customers. And their own shareholders and -- It's after. Well this is just shape yet to be its delightful little -- -- And I don't know if you get editing though but the thing -- -- say about that this that press release. Come on Oracle since they both silent and HB -- would direct competitors. Well it and as welcome what they say is that hey you know it's our hardware your software they were together great. Yet but now Oracle's like -- our party -- it's our hardware and are software. That -- it's not. So they're -- -- -- competing with HP and of course HP and hurt who knows more about HP than the former CEO. You have to explain -- me because I don't understand how the non -- non compete clauses differ in California being new resident. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- They're not they're not compete isn't gonna be that the core of the argument here's the court argument is going to be theft of trade secrets and proprietary information not a non compete per day. But the fact that -- has deep knowledge of how HP works and that knowledge proprietary HP is there any way to really like. Specifically point out that that has happen like if he if he goes over to Oracle and never so simple thing but advocates he can't but he can't do literally possibly do the same in a reasonable job -- -- without noticing a person thinks that he can do his job at Oracle and taking knowledge -- -- -- -- It probably. Today and using it against the company absolutely so just needs a bit of the -- 82 you know on knows things might -- he had yeah and -- he has taught me that some things never be unknown. In the -- -- on done -- -- and things which were not done. Or better to regret things you have done things. Until you're sued -- I heard will be making apparently. 950000. Dollars per year plus stock options -- Hundreds of millions of dollars nine millions of dollars. No wonder what that job. Anyway. In other news of the law a -- growth of court. This -- in Philadelphia Philadelphia. Has agreed with the Obama administration that no search warrant. Is necessary for police to the -- logs showing where a cell phone user has been. So if the police want to track you and they have -- connection -- relationship with local. Mobile carrier they can get this information without filing or war. This is an carefully and this is the information that is already stored by the -- and duplication. -- with -- and that. Well what -- -- -- and whether whether the storing it or streaming it. It's scary to think that that information which -- can't I can't find out where myself when it's been I can't call up eighteenth he say hey. Where's my where's my commitments somebody steals my iPhone clinically if you say in saint. Can you tell me where my when -- no but the police can do it without even a war without even me saying it's been -- now. This obviously makes the job of our local constabulary much easier -- the job of the -- -- much easier. But if they're if they're rather scary precedent to get this private information without a war well in this case -- Texan. And clarified that the judge has some discretion on whether or not I award is necessary in some cases. And that's very confusing to me -- it just like a cable that for the when you were. Yeah yeah finally well you know once you nick and worms. League of worms -- -- They say falcon. Previously. Another court found that in order to put a tracking device onto a -- track that you do need a war. So I wonder if they can get around this now but just throwing itself -- and somebody's back -- hoping goes under the rug where nobody sees it under the chair seat. Yeah that way mrs. I -- The difference being in one case they are specifically like using a device that they have -- -- over to track you -- A person that just uses their phone and it kings you know. It pains throughout the day regardless. They just -- access it so this just means that when you go down to the -- to make your -- weapons purchases from some former Soviet countries -- just. He Q -- and you know mom and I do every time leader -- we'll talk I'm in the -- and now in. Related. Locations. -- related privacy -- the ACLU has and other groups that sued the US government over border laptop searches going to bat. For us for the -- this is this is the good side of it will go on. Well pattern it's just is you guys remember from 2008 the the how the Border Patrol got he basically you abilities to search -- -- electronic devices -- or in your laptop your iPod whatever in in some instances actually make copies of it. You know now the CLU as well as a few others are have -- The C on -- Claiming that this is unconstitutional. Yeah we'll see how that does is -- so it's uninteresting that there are these you know this is -- lists this requires a worn when you go cross of order all the sudden you know all that all the rules are suspended. Other countries of course do this I you know. Flown out of countries where they actually look -- -- years and years ago actually look inside. People's computers and quiz them about PowerPoint -- they had their interest -- I am so again if you're going to cross the border to buy your illegal weapons. Leave your laptop -- well. Yeah or TrueCrypt it or leave it in the cloud -- -- in the TrueCrypt at Yankee trust the cloud. Yesterday we reported on Craig's list self censoring their adulterous that they put -- little sensor bar over what -- be felt -- this. Attorney general -- Connecticut for -- general Richard Blumenthal was one of the several people and organizations that -- put the pressure on Craigslist to do that. He has since said that that's not enough. He wants Craig's lists assurance that the ban of the censorship it's permanent he wants to know more after -- this is done so we we we criticize greatly -- being little -- -- -- the sensor thing up there at that those will date. And Blumenthal thing you know what make it permanent. Go all the way after he wins it's still not enough -- break it down for. Because I'm new to those that the -- thing and also this. This developing story so this has been removed. Like you said permanently is is known him no horror it was just look at them they they they replaced the adult services link with a little while white on black -- looks like they'll bark and saying censored with. And you click that you can't click on it just text. Though it's not like adult services has been removed. It's like this it's not there and Blumenthal is respondent that kind of passive person living -- yes them -- -- site. Now if they wanna play it -- -- game this game is much bigger than that because of the whole. Sex worker. Child predator illegal activity thing this is a very big game. And crates of the plane and a very strange little weigh weigh it almost seems like crisis doesn't want to obviously does want to get rid of in the and weird. And gather round -- -- the -- argument about this yesterday and a again and just ineptitude and -- -- ship that. So that is developing we'll see it we'll in the polls pressure. I just think I think it's election that he's not giving up it's like okay I -- I want so far but I'm not I haven't won enough and -- as the New Yorker -- -- Anyway -- Now an analyst at Piper Jaffray has said that arm the Android army's victory over the iPhone is inevitable we will be victorious. While they will be victorious. Saying basically that that we -- Google will control fourteen point 9% of the -- -- market through Android in 2010. Growing to 23%. In 2012. For Apple we expect they're -- twelve member to be seventeen point 6%. It stands the reason would look you know because five billion different model numbers for Android -- thing out there. And there's only one on. And one line yeah well right and then you've gotta figure you know in the future you've got you know. Your other Smartphones that will die off -- and quickly go the way that palm did and that is to say. You remember when the Palm Treo 700 you know there's a windows version you know it's like -- -- -- -- -- -- -- running windows well. You know it's not last -- the thing that a beautiful handset that is a Blackberry. Could maybe run superior operating system. Man I'm so glad you said that I'm not gonna I have learned not to say that there that I've got ordered. A turn your blamed -- or a but there's there's no you know there's no reason why that wouldn't even but it is it that it really good operating system. It does stand to reason and it is much -- PC and Mac world and it is open sorts. So I can build an Android phone now and pay Google nothing -- who'll make its money and -- through advertising and other services like that. The thing though about the Apple phones is that the iPhone may have only 17%. Of the market. But Apple is going to make money on every single one of those phones sold plus. App store purchases plus iTunes purchases so. Now Apple makes so well developers make out actually really well I think because you know between Apple and the booming market place there and Android which has the potential to just be gigantic. You know that the developers developing for -- -- -- -- -- make a lot more money than aren't totally and then they can get that new you know Adobe stuff and write it once and compiled nevermind. Wait a -- -- and it -- -- -- -- and that the business models between Google and Apple who so far and we're we're gonna get flames from the web -- Blackberry and Microsoft. Nokia and two though the game is really put between those two copies very very different business model and I think Apple. Doesn't need to have. Market absolute market dominance in order for to be one of if not the most valuable consumer electronics company on the planet but most -- that -- model. They they were with the iPod they -- -- be 80% solution for your -- replaying the right so. You say that Apple doesn't need to be the eighty -- -- I don't think there's anybody inside Apple who is saying you know -- will be happy to be second. But what I'm saying is. For the company to be successful for the revenues to be strong for the company to be valuable shareholders don't finally -- an 80% yes and a MacBook for 5% of the market it's still successful product. Well that's cool because you know -- it and is gonna keep it -- Apple. Indeed. Exhibit -- -- -- -- And if that's very sexy. Amazon has acquired a digital music store called Amy street which I've been getting daily email on the last four years as one of the things sign up for and never gonna add -- -- up for. Priority in box yeah save -- Amazon bought it and it shutting it down -- shades of all of Apple and allow life here. So why is that that sometimes. Amazon -- all like it combines Apple -- overnight and change any that I. The police we we like them and then what what what's this all about why I think they're buying the developers. Gotcha well these -- the same developers that have moved on to do songs which is music streaming service and that Amazon buy songs and no no no it's Amy acquired phone. Oh so app Amazon -- -- -- little fish bigger fish really big -- So the mama bear pitches getting you know picked them curb -- on basically bought songs. Via any street and the get the developers -- is -- -- -- service. Hit it as this one -- so funny Justin Bieber. Has his own servers. At Twitter. So this was reported as. -- somewhere by somebody at Twitter and that yeah right between -- says that any moment just to be -- -- 3% of our infrastructure. The beaver that and you just been. Anyway if you have that much traffic about you going through Twitter basically you end up with their own servers and in -- racks of servers that at Twitter. I just -- that -- that it's frightening. -- -- -- -- Yeah did you make sure -- reserves that it is that you Twitter servers just for me. And I do it. -- I'm just gonna is gonna if you find that if you Beaverton don't buy that I was just for fun. Yeah do it's basically anybody that that is trending topic for a long enough period of time servers dedicated I'm gonna steal your answer is yes it's always address -- it's already created a server named it like -- one. Which you directory I -- the -- a forklift full of racks and stuff like. CP. Being very appropriate place I think that. Posters on the side of them in ups and stuff and -- you need you to your neighbors servers are here where they are. I love -- -- back a lot of the thought of of the forklift that sounds like beaver. Beaver. And in happy Twitter news. We -- story of a a journalist who was captured in Afghanistan and jailed and has been there for months. -- and nobody has heard from him. Managed to convinced he was talking to a guard at his prison in Afghanistan. In the -- is asking and they were just chatting about Smartphones or cell phones. And this as its -- -- arcade -- in the Oca. A Japanese freelance journalist managed to get the phone. From the guard and -- out. Italy social engineered -- -- my Family Guy and a brilliant I'm still alive but in jail and kind of glad its way and still alive. And in jail yes and this is just you know -- for the social engineering -- -- -- in jail. Just. Wow way to what penalized if -- -- they they were just like children with the -- with the guard -- big in regards had a new phone and use basically showing them how to use that they were unaware of this thing called the Internet -- obviously not very adept with it and he basically told regards. There's one thing you really need to check out its Twitter it allows you sent out a message to a lot of people that show. Show me. Well I mean. Having never been in jail much less -- jail in Afghanistan I mean who knows with the relationships are like whether you know via. The -- than any guard as a true believer just the guy doing -- job with. My little journalist who's in charge of yeah that -- Anyway till midnight express without the -- so hopefully come back soon we hope you -- right back right back -- -- Shortly. And we have voice -- 00 yeah have a we don't have voice -- we do have relax makes it wouldn't issue with you know without the we -- taking over -- well atlas slithering and everywhere is that of the creepy it's robot is. You had -- with it and start for people know this is all -- just both they'd start if you're watching if you're listening to this and audio there but yeah others there's a robot snake with. -- -- I love those guys over at Carnegie military to our current and that you know whom are now you're gonna email -- -- Mulligan. Unit. Liberties adamant that it invented a snake robot that can climb up trees. And it and it instead of it -- -- head it has a at camera if that data creepy late it's that creepy lifelike robot with a with -- camera I pattern of the glows red at night that would be really cool and takers for its nostrils. It can swim and -- can climb up. So here's didn't. And it really tricky about this there are lots of -- -- -- wow it's climbing a tree and twisting and turning all around this. -- intended to North Korea come on and off the -- America. And ice that has cited globally I exceed the have a pet snake when I was a kid I like -- but that courtroom honestly isn't very -- No voice no but if you would like to take you tried sending us a voicemail it is 806162638806. And six C and -- -- make -- make it snappy. And we'll if we need to on the air we have an email. -- to -- the first this is the well actually from Adrian in Romania. He says writing -- that's the -- you know to which you discussed the Nokia N eight. With -- neat. Mainly because he got it's got only two things right about it. Yeah this is true well actually the screen and the fact that it's manufactured by Nokia as for the price Nokia states and -- -- the of 379 Euro. Though they've never shied away from shooting themselves in the foot so pricing it at 999. And management -- dollars not -- of the past them. Maybe you think that -- and nine and Mali wrote me an email this morning she can gonna show today saying yeah I think I got the -- nine -- they can pretty and they so thank you all for the -- we got a few of us. But DNA -- coming and -- cool. Right now support a broad and say hey buzz crew my boyfriend is an assistant manager at a local convenience store in Wisconsin and used -- -- That their partnering with blockbuster. To get their boxes in stores and that they would also go ahead and provide discounts on food if you rented a movie like bella pizza or fifty -- ultimate -- And while you said it that they were filing for bankruptcy but as far as I've heard all the boxes are still coming so. One last desperate attempt to adapt personally. Would. She -- -- to -- personally I would rather have a rather had red box if -- So what no love for the blue box. -- man. Right it's good to see blockbuster keep trying well although Leo putting kiosks in physical locations that you know convenience stores is not -- scalable model as owning the -- have -- Short streaming where -- cost to transmit the media is near zero right and that that bankruptcy was it was a restructuring bankruptcy and there you go that's the liquidity restructuring -- -- -- more. Blue boxes. Block boxes order whatever and I I don't keep a hundred. And of the we get news from. Wisconsin. It from store managers in Wisconsin this is -- kinda stuff -- to -- the audience. That -- detail anyway. And send us an email hell what is that -- -- cnet.com. About it we our Blackberry campaign has ended. That's right but we have results from the questions we asked like weeks -- -- when -- vacate. Yes -- this was last week August August 30 Monday and Tuesday the last two days of August and so on Monday August 30 the question that was passed on the way it was. Audi versus Lexus and I think I was surprised -- wins almost -- -- -- -- It's surprising to me in some -- been out and others both their very geeky cars but Lexus obviously targets that's somewhat -- that they experience the -- today. And Audi is a total geek car is -- -- brand. Plus they have the -- four and the RA. Not that are more than I know it yet there -- pick up. I just like I'm with -- -- And then on Tuesday August 31 we asked do you think novel should have the same product placement as TV and movies. Big surprise known -- You go after that I. Don't know it yet the thought that such open and I -- And exactly. All right that's it. That's the end -- -- we tell people but we can tell them that they can go over to H a K the number five dot org and instantly watch some videos about injury development and other cool stuff like. Building your own Boxee box program it it's -- -- some. Instead Android isn't Boxee instantly go there instantly can follow us on Twitter what are -- -- Twitter. I am instantly Hak5 -- a ticket the number idea to -- and I'm -- -- the I got 01 and with the at all tomorrow that's right -- -- cnet.com from the show notes for today's show hand yeah I figured I'd see you tomorrow. -- -- Us okay so speaking of Justin -- one hearing next. Also who is this just in -- -- how does he get his own servers like -- do. And it's them the it was a Nickelodeon bidders from you or something like that active yet though aren't. Is not with the young keeps kids these days. But anyways Thomas. 8800%. -- -- -- the buzz out -- being slowed down 800%. And and you get one now I know I've -- -- writes all those songs. -- -- -- -- -- Connect citizens and for -- entity I was going to leave your voice on my iPhone does it to -- -- -- Locally. And it raised. We'll -- yeah we're out. All. -- nearly pollutes -- yeah.

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