Ep. 1303: Where stupidity will be punished
Ep. 1303: Where stupidity will be punished

Ep. 1303: Where stupidity will be punished

-It's Monday, July 15th, 2013. Happy Monday, everybody. Thanks for tuning in to The 404 Show. I'm Jeff Bakalar. -I'm Bridget Carey. -I'm Ariel Nuñez. -Ariel is making like offensive gestures as I say the word Monday. -Yeah. -We're learning a lot about what Mondays do to a lot of people and you know it takes people away from their regular schedule. We talked about in the pre-show a little bit. You're much more of a Monday person than I thought you would be. -It's more of a-- just, I have enough energy to take on Monday compared to Thursday or Friday because I'm just worn out by the end of the week whereas I slept in a little bit more on the weekend, I feel like I can come in like, all right, I can handle this, I can handle this but at end of the week I'm just, make it stop. -Yeah. -So, people get happy on Friday because they know it's nearing over for me. By Wednesday or Thursday I'm just dead-- -You're spent. -I'm dead exhausted, yeah. -You're dead in the water. -Yeah. -All right. Well, as you can tell, Bridget Carey here is in for Justin Yu today, who had a personal event he had to take care which is all good but he'll be back tomorrow. And then Wednesday, you guys-- -I can't believe it. -You guys-- -Already. -Breaking Comic-Con 2013. We're gonna be out there in San Diego on the floor for a few days. And to celebrate Comic-Con, The 404 has an awesome little contest that we want you to participate in. Head on over to CNET.com/the404 and click on Th3 404 SuperWeakness Contest so you can-- -SuperWeakness. -SuperWeakness. Oh, you don't know about this? -I read about it. It's pretty funny. -Where you can win $404 by telling us what your SuperWeakness is. Like you know, and you know, you don't have to put yourself in the shoes of a superhero. You can just-- like your personal super weakness. Like for me, my personal SuperWeakness, like I said before, is the ocean at night time. I'm terrified of the ocean at night. I think it's the most-- -You don't know what's lurking in the darkness. -terrifying dreadful environment on earth. -Are we talking deep into the ocean at night? Or just the shore on the beach at night? -If-- yeah, if I'm like walking around on the beach, I will have the idea that, oh my God, the sand and the tide and the waves, it will just suck me out to see and I'll be-- -And no one will be there to hear your screams. -left for dead with the circling sharks and all that stuff. And I just-- I don't know what it is. It's just because the ocean to me is as big-- is bigger than we really can comprehend and when I think of that, -Uh-hmm. -I think of like space and I think of how-- -Are we just thinking-- yes the same. -Incomprehensible, the enormity and vastness and infiniteness of spaces. And that becomes very-- not almost like claustrophobic to me because I feel like it's weighing on my chest, the weight of the world. -So, I hope no one at Comic-Con is dressed as Aqua Man because that'll be very threatening to you. -No. Aqua Man-- if I'm Aqua Man, I'm living the dream because I'm just slipping and sliding through the water like a gold fish or something like that or like a shark, like the kind you'd see in-- -A Sharknado. -Sharknado. That's my SuperWeakness. I don't know about you. So, you know about that, right? -No. What is this? -You don't know what Sharknado is? -No. What is that? It just sounds funny. -What? -I didn't want it to go there today. -I'm sorry. -I didn't want it to go there today because-- -It's a hockey reference? No. -No but there was-- there is-- -There is a funny story about that. -There is a funny hockey-- -Yeah. -Okay, so Sharknado. And I'm only bringing this up because it just-- like people need to know about this so that it can never be repeated. Just how like we learned from the great tragedies of history like the Holocaust, we don't want that to happen again. -Yeah. -Right, right. -I would say Sharknado is out there with the Holocaust, wouldn't you? -I don't know about that. -Like in terms of like an abomination, like the most offensive thing you could probably do in modern times. -There's a fine line between offensive and amazing. -It's-- okay, so there's this Sci-Fi movie on a SyFy channel. -Uh-huh. -Right? -Yeah. -And it starred Ian Ziering. You know who that is? -I probably know-- -The blonde dude from 90210 Grown Up and Tara Reid. -Yeah, there's a few blonde ones in 90210. -Right, right but it's the dude. The dude. -Yeah, okay. -Yeah. -The main dude, okay. -Yeah, right? The main dude. The main dude. -Yeah, I think so. I never watched that stuff Grown Up. -Honestly, a relevant detail. And then Tara Reid, the expressionless monster. -Right, okay. -Right. Okay. So, Tara Reid and Ian Ziering, you know, they have a lot of acting opportunities I'm sure and they afford the luxuries of being a big time Hollywood actor. So, they're like, oh, they're always cycling through all the scripts that they get and their agents are like, you know, I really think you should probably be the next Iron Man. And they're like, nope, nope, we're gonna do a movie called Sharknado. -So bad. I think they like know it's so bad that's why they wanted to-- -See-- -to go with it because they're gonna be amazingly awful. -The movie is so incredibly awful. It's tough to watch because-- -The tornado sucks up. -Yeah, yeah. We did say like the plot go there. -Yeah, basically tornado sucks up a bunch of sharks from the ocean and it rain sharks onto the land and the sharks have enough energy to flap their bellies-- -Yeah. -and come and get you or they follow on you with mouth first so they could eat you. -Right. -But if you have a chain saw as they follow on you, you can make your way out. -Oh, yeah. -Like multiple and I've seen bits in pieces of it because my wife which I will never understand just needed to watch this because it was like this rubbernecking thing. -Yeah. -Yeah, yeah, yeah. -You know when you're driving and you see a terrible accident you're like, oh, I must look at the awful gore and blood that's over there. -Uh-hmm. -This was a similar experience with Sharknado. Multiple times during the film, they imply that Ian Ziering was able to raft up a chain saw in the time he saw a shark falling from the sky and just like slice it in half. As it was falling, okay, let's for a second not even argue with the fact that the sharks seem to be like swimming in the air. Right? Because that's what they do-- -Right, right. -when they go up, because they don't-- it's not like hey can-- -Falling with style. -Yeah. Oh, my God. -Yeah, yeah. -They're swimming in the air, they're aggressive, they're still living I guess because they've been out of the water for so long, they're fine. They're just okay because the tornado must keep them alive. It is the most-- -There's a little moisture in the air, you know. -Sure. Hey, whatever you wanna do. It is the most embarrassing thing any production company has ever produced in the history-- -But what happen was it blew up on social media or wherever, were just tweeting about it because it was so bad, -Right. -and people thought, oh wow, it actually worked. Well, it turns out it didn't. I think some of the reports came in on the radio saying it was still a bismo. -Yeah. -So, it doesn't matter if everyone's tweeting about it. It's still-- -That's the best part-- -Yeah. -is that indeed terrible. Even though it had this amazing social buzz, the buzz was not like, oh my God, you must watch it, it's so bad. It was just like, arrest these people. And that's what they should have done. Like, don't you think they belong in jail for making that movie, right? -No. They belong into a group of people who should create bad movies or people who have done terrible crimes and they're forced to watch this in jail. -I mean, I'm with you on that too, like there should be some sort of capital punishment like, that involves-- -These people have a talent for pain and they should-- -They have a huge threshold for pain. You know what they should do, the producers of this disaster should have to go to NYU Tisch, -Uh-hmm. -where the-- hopefully the budding filmmakers of tomorrow are studying and they should bring this and knowing how insanely tough it is to make a film to get or produce to even get funding, to even have a producer, a studio give you the time of freaking day with something you're so passionate about and these a-holes get to make a movie called Sharknado. -Yeah. -Which probably had some budget, there were some budget there. -Uh-hmm. -I mean, I know like-- -Flying sharks are expensive. -Right. -Yeah. -There was a budget. There was like-- I mean, they filmed it on-- it looked-- -Some people got paid. -Someone got paid. There as a boom operator. There was all of these different, you know, people who were on set catering, all the way down the line through the production cost. They should bring this whole studio, show it to the kids at NYU who are about to graduate and all the kids at NYU will jump off the Manhattan Bridge. -Oh, my God. -Because that's-- like I'm trying to get a film made and I go-- I turn on the SyFy Channel and I see Sharknado got made and it's like it even has recognizable people in it and then you say, okay, good luck with your film career. This is what you're competing with-- trash. Like that. It's kinda depressing, isn't it? -I guess, you know, people kinda hope for that colt, you know, fame of like I did the worst movie ever kind of thing and [unk] reason why-- -Yeah like Snakes on a Plane. -Yeah. Yeah but-- exactly. It's that kind of concept of like terrible, terrible but it's beyond even Snakes on a Plane. -Yeah. I really think we need to try these people in a Federal Court. I just-- I wanna-- like I just want one of the freaking Supreme Court justices to be like, you know what, I'm into this. I understand why this is so terrible. -No. How-- -I'm giving these guys 18-month. -But we'll see, SyFy Channel is known for these awful, awful movies. I mean, I'm sure there's something like a Sharktopus kind of horror movie or-- -Yeah. -all these terrible monster movies so-- -Sure, sure. Well, I wanna move on. They-- Ariel, they try and stop tornadoes by blowing them up with [unk]. -Really? -You mean that's not what you do? -They take like homemade smoke detectors and they strap like a flare to it and they throw it to tornadoes and that kills the tornado. -Oh and it worked. -And the tornado is like-- and it just falls over. All right, we're done. We're done. I just hope everyone can appreciate how much we hate that sort of stuff, right? You're on board with me Bridget. -Sure. I don't-- -The world will be a better place without that, right? Come on. -I guess so, yeah. -Without that, right? Yeah. Come on. -[unk] I wanna watch it though. -Don't give me any of those YOLO stuff, okay? -I'm gonna watch it now, though. -You suck. -All this stuff. I have to. -No. It's illegal now. Every-- -Yeah. -It's illegal, it's considered contraband. You'll get put-away if you're caught watching it. It's illegal for your eyeballs. Yeah. So, speaking of sleep, I didn't get much of it this weekend because I was taking care of a 3-1/2-year-old which is my niece, my niece Sidney was in town. -At that age, they're having fun though, right? -They're having fun and she's-- like even just completely objectively speaking, you know, I can be-- believe me, I am the first to say, "My God, that's an ugly child." Like you see one on the street. You don't say it to the kid's face but after they walk by, you're walking with someone you're like-- -Like I hope they grow out of that. -Yeah, you're like, oh not for nothing, I was an ugly kid. Right? Like, oh not for nothing that kid looks like he got hit with an ugly stick or something or mommy and daddy dropped-- anyway, this kid is unbelievably adorable and I'll say that just completely-- I'm not being biased. I'm being totally indifferent. You can judge a cute kid if it's really cute. -Oh, sure. -So, you know, but taking care of a child like that, really tiring. You know, and this is the first time I was left with the responsibility of being alone with her. -How long are we talking? -It's like 5 hours. -Okay. -Which is an eternity in babysitting time. -Did you like, what else do we do know? -So, we went to our pool. We're hanging at the pool and you know, she's a girl and I'm like a grown man, like I'm not clear on all the rules with like having to go potty and stuff like that. So, you know, I tried to maneuver that as carefully as I could and I said, "Sidney, you have to go to a potty because we're gonna go swimming and you know, I don't want you to go peeing in the pool because that's just classless." -And she's like, "Oh, yeah. Don't worry. I don't have to go potty." -I'm like, all right, so we're leaving right now. Right? So, while waiting for the elevator, she tugs on my shorts and she goes, "Uncle Jeff, I gotta go potty." -I was like, "Wait a minute, we're just inside. How did it happen in the 13 seconds that it took to walk?" -Because you made her think about it. -Because I made her think about it. -Uh-hmm. -So, I'm learning. See, the trick is, you don't tell a kid that they have-- that there's even a chance to go to a bathroom and they forget about it and they just don't do it. -I used to never go at all for days. -Yeah. Right, right. You just-- you wouldn't know. -Yeah, just forgot. -You just-- at that young age, your body learns how to like reuse that stuff. -Seriously, I doesn't even-- I doesn't even [unk] I would just never go and I'll be concerned. -Right. -I'm like, I'm having too much fun. -Right. No, you're right and you'll probably be like, oh, screw it. Let's just make the best of this situation. So, yeah, there was a bunch of that and it was funny, you know, she's really cute and it was definitely a lot of fun. But I didn't really sleep because you know, 8:00 in the morning goes by and you know, when you're 3-1/2 years old, you don't really understand like, oh, people-- if I wanna wake someone up, it should be like a gentle, soft like, hey, let me do the rub of the belly or like a soft touch to the face or something like that. No. At 8 in the morning it was just like, "Jeff." Like literally like that, screaming, pointblank. -Which is sweet. Not, Uncle Jeff or-- -No because she doesn't know [unk] uncle. So she just called me Jeff. That's fine. That's my name, right? So, it was pretty cool but she was a huge fan of all my-- all like my Batman figures. -Oh, nice. -She said those are big boy toys. -I'm like, damn-- big boy toys. You know what that means? Hands off. -Yeah, right. -So that means that freaking thing is worth more than your life. Yeah. -Girls can have appreciation for all sorts of dolls. -They can. That was cool. She was really psyched about that. So that was my weekend. -It's cool. -What about you guys? -Oh, gosh. I guess I was busy doing stuff but I'm getting into like just trying to do boxing now for like-- -What? -as of exercise activity. -Nice. -Yeah. -So-- -A lot of cardio. -Yeah, exactly. I bought awesome pink gloves because they must be pink for me to wanna have motivation to do this. -Okay. Fair enough, fair enough. -Yeah, I'm just trying to let you know how it goes. -Okay. -Everything I can do to stop the grandma arms. -Stop the grandma arms. Nice. -I think you're fun. -Yeah. I don't think you have anything to worry about. Excellent. All right, and what about you, Ariel? -I went for a cool bike ride, meeting Justin and Mark went on a bike right up the West Side highway, it's pretty cool. -Really? -Yeah. -All I picture when someone tells me, the situation you just explained is like that scene in Mike Tyson's Punch-Out. -Yeah. -When they're like running and jogging. -When jogging. Yeah, yeah, yeah. -On the side of the river, you know. -Yeah. -It's funny. We took a quick stop and then just to hang out for a little bit and Mark all of a sudden started doing back flips and like little side flips and hand stands like perfect poses. -On the side of the street. -It was like a little side area with grass and stuff like that-- -Yeah. Like off of the path. -He is so weird. -It's amazing. It's like you just keep doing amazing things and then stop. -It's crazy, right? -Yeah, yeah. -You'll just be walking down the street and he'll look up at a really tall building and be like, I could climb that. -Yeah, yeah. I could jump over that. -And then you're like, "No, you can't, Mark." You turn around, he's already halfway up the building. -Yeah, exactly. -Like what the hell. Where did he get those wonderful toys? It's really sad. All right. Let's jump into a few stories. You know, Mondays are slow. There's none a whole lot going on. But Bridget, I wanna talk to you about something that the United States has recently decided, which is so typically American. Is it not? The East Sports Players, you know, professional video game players. -Uh-hmm. -That they're now actually gonna be recognized as professional athletes. This comes from Forbes.com and yeah, apparently, the U.S. government now recognizes these fine women and men as professional athletes and par with the likes of LeBron James and Wayne Gretzky. -And-- -And who-- and name one other professional athlete. -I'll say anyone from the Olympics. Yeah, I don't really see video game players in the box of Wiis. -No. -You know, I'm just thinking that. -No. -Now, I understand there is-- -It's true. -there is important and I brain coordination for having quick reflexes and problem solving. So, it's more like a-- I see it more as on the same level as someone being witty or smart and have to quickly analyze the situation and be quick enough but not exactly a fitness requirement. -I don't-- I mean, our professional chess players athletes. -That's what I'm saying. In terms of being smart, you know, you could say that you have to be cunning and quick but athletic, once again, I don't know about needing to do any pushups or-- -And you're right, you're right. There-- I mean, I've seen, I've met a new professional gamers, -Uh-hmm. -They're not-- the ones that I've met I wouldn't look at them and be like, oh, there's an athlete, just based on their body type which is fine. -Correct. -I mean, I get it. There's plenty of golfers and even baseball players quite frankly-- -That's true. -who are messes, who are just, you know, they are not, you know, toned and they're not ready for any sort of cardio activity which is fine. And the reason they are getting this title now is more for the paperwork that's involved and recognizing it as a profession. So, saying, oh, you can get a temporary Visa under the guys that you're a professional athlete, you're a professional gamer. So, you're talking about the international community can come here and get their, you know, get their Visas under that identifier. -And where does this free slop end? -Right, it's true. -You know what, I blame all this on curling. -You do. See, you know what, curling is freaking tough and you don't see fat curlers. -I was saying like all of a sudden it becomes like a strange slippery slope of like what is now going to be an Olympic game? -Right. -Like Wii U is gonna be now in Olympics. -I think someone playing Wii is possibly more fit than someone who's just, you know, clicking and playing Warcraft. -Well, yeah. -All right. But I don't wanna start this whole big, you know revolution and get everyone upset. I-- you know, these people are talented for sure but the same way, a stand up comedian is talented. -Yeah. Like brain games kind of thing. -Yeah. I mean, I get it. You're really good at Call of Duty, that's awesome but you're right, I don't think Gatorade is sponsoring your team anyone soon. -You know, yeah. I mean, we think about it, shooting is also a sport and you know, that is just the matter of you know, having good aim. -Right. I mean-- -You know. -skill shows its face in humans in many different varieties, right? -Uh-hmm. -And you gotta reward all these people in their own ways but casting the giant net and labeling them as athletes or maybe that's not the right nomenclature. -Yeah. -I think the athlete-- just the way I think-- -The word, yeah. -And just the way like a bowler to me, like if you bowl and I'm a really good bowler in a weird way like I can-- I'm a good bowler. -I have bowling in my family bloodline. -Right. So-- -And I've taken bowling classes in college. -So, you're probably a nasty bowler, right? -Yeah. -Now, when you're done bowling, are you like, "Man, I need to hit to shot Jim."? -Yeah, yeah. -You know, like, do I need to load up on [unk] and throw it-- -Give me another pitcher. -No. It's like, yeah, I'm not drunk enough. -Yeah. -That's my reaction. -More cheese fries. -Right. -Yeah, exactly. -When I'm done bowling I'm like, I could really use another shaft. -Yeah, exactly. -Right. -If anything there's a need for a shower because your pants feel kinda grimy for how many people touched the ball. -Oh, you're right. Oh, my God, you're right. Oh, oh, you totally jumped over that fact. You're right. So, maybe we just-- and like the way I brought that up because I look at bowling as more of a game than a sport. -Uh-hmm. -Right? -It's a game. -You have to-- okay. The professional ones who do it for money, for the Dennis Champion, or whatever sponsor of bowling now is-- -For the Friendly's Invitational is what you have. -Yeah. -One million dollar winner take all-- -You know, there is some skill, I guess, in terms of arm strength. -Oh, yeah. Oh, for sure. -You know, there's still physical thing you're doing than finger movement, you know. -Sure. Right. Yeah, you can't just play like by blinking, yeah for sure. -Yeah. -All right. Fair enough. There is some skill. Did I ever tell you about Sweet Lou and bowling? -No. I don't know. -I might have said the story. I mean, we have it on 1300. -Yeah. -My dad, when he was probably I don't know, 20, early 20's, he was offered to become a professional bowler. -Wow. -Didn't do it though. -Why not? -I don't know. I never asked them why. The story is always, I didn't do it. It's never why? -Yeah, yeah. -He's just like, "I didn't do it." And isn't that crazy? -Wow. -Wow. -Is there that much money to be made? I kinda think he's making more money now. -Yeah. -Doing what he's doing and if you would have been a professional bowler. -Right. -Sponsorships, you know. -By who? Like Brunswick? -The shining companies. -Right. Like the Ball Buffers. -Yeah, yeah. -Is that even a company? -Your dad's name could have been on like those things that dry your hands. -Yeah, like Sweet Lou Ball Dryers. -Yeah. -You know, something like that. I don't know. Anyway, that's all we gotta say about that. Yup, we're the-- and it says here, are we the first country to recognize these people as professional athletes? I don't know if it says here but probably, right? -Yeah. -It seems right up our alley. -I wouldn't be surprised if something else [unk]. -Yeah. Have you heard about this story? The Apple being sued over-- over the fact that it can play porn. -Yeah. -Not because it distributes porn but the fact that it's really just a monitor that can play porn. -Yeah. I can type some keys and make it-- and make porn view, right. -What do you know, do you know a lot about the story? Have you read it over? -I skimmed it over and laughed in how ridiculous it is. It sounds like a sad lawsuit by a guy who just wants his girl back. You know, maybe he got caught while watching porn and got in trouble. That's not my fault, it's because Apple hadn't waived for me to do it. -Again, I think if you bring such a fruitless lawsuit to the court, you-- it should be turned around on you and then you go to jail. -You're punished. Yeah. Like, you sir, have wasted everyone's time here. -Right. You're trying to-- clearly trying to, you know, take advantage of the system in place that's designed to protect the intellectual properties and rights and safeties of everyone in the country and here you come along, this some lawyer jackass from Tennessee and he says, "Oh, I'm gonna sue Apple because its products are exposing me to rotten this." -I'm gonna sue McDonald's for exposing me to fatness. -Yeah. -I'm gonna sue-- -It's that same thing. -the city for exposing me to the homeless. -Right. -I'm going to-- like at how far do you take this? It's so funny. It kinda reminds me of that same dentist story. Have you heard about like the dental assistant or coworker there, I wasn't sure if it's a hygienist or not, who got fired for being too attractive because he just couldn't resist her, so to save his marriage she was fired and she sued for discrimination and the court said, "No, it's not discrimination." But she's like, "Come on, the only reason I was fired because he says he couldn't resist me and is for his marriage." And so, it wouldn't happen if she was a man. So, once again, it's like really doing this because you can't control yourself? -It's ridiculous. -We live in such an ass backwards country, right? -Oh, man. -In 2013, things are still all eff'd up. He insists-- this, again the jackass in Tennessee, he insists that he was trying to log on to Facebook.com when a completely innocent maneuver, a simple spelling mistake brought him to a different kind of Fbook. Let's just say it's not ACE. The C in the right place but that's about it. This appealed to his biological sensibilities as a male and led to an unwanted addiction with adverse consequences. What is-- like hairy palms? It's a little ridiculous. Our buddy Chris Matyszcyzk goes on to right. It's quite obvious that apple should have known this would happen. After all there are millions of porn addicts roaming the world, causing havoc and even standing for public office in New York. -He's talking about that Weiner guy. -Yeah. -So, yeah. What a disaster this is. I don't know. -There'll always be someone, God bless America, who'll be an idiot and sue for a hot coffee or whatever it may be for it's not my fault. -If I'm-- I will start my campaign now. If I'm elected to any sort of office which I'm not running for, this will have to be like a writing, I will put these people in jail. Like if I think someone-- -And if you have a campaign, sir. -I just think if someone-- like stupidity will be punished. -Uh-hmm. -That's my thing. Stupidity will be punished. -Oh, that sounds pretty cool. -I see-- -I kinda like can shake a finger at that. -I see it on a bumper sticker already. -This country will suffer for its stupidity. It will not stand and you will be punished for your idiocy. -Yeah. -Mark my words. I'm sorry. That's how the freaking platform I'm running now. -I could already see like a bunch of reasons why you would punish some for stupidity. -Right? -You know, from going-- here's a trash can, I'm not gonna purposely gonna drop it on the floor. Stupidity police command. -There it is and you know, they don't have sirens. -No. -They just have like, you know, little bats that they [unk]. Right? -Lacks of sense, boy. -It's like if you try and sue someone for breaking into their house and cutting yourself while you're in their house, you go to jail. Right? Like that's the thing. Little blanket of common sense. All right. We're gonna shift gears again. Going to a site that we like to frequent a bunch on this program not because we're piraters but just because TorrentFreak.com has happened to have some decent journalism going on within its quarters here. So, this is an interesting story. A convicted music pirate is refusing to work for the RIAA. Jamie Thomas, a 36-year-old woman from Minnesota owes the RIAA $222,000 for sharing 24 songs online. -That was kind of a famous case, right? -Right. Which is a fair exchange, I think that, you know, quarter of million dollars for 24 songs. Like that's fair. -Yeah. -The case is one of the first. Like you said, one of the first file sharing related to law suits ever and has cost the major music labels millions of dollars just to combat it in legal fees and whatnot. Still, the RIAA is now offering Thomas a discount if she agrees to do some anti-piracy work with him in return. However, like we said here, Jamie is not biding and has resolutely refused the gesture. -So, instead of paying the full price, they're like, hey, do some ads for us and-- -It's basically like a public service thing. -Yeah. -Yeah. Do a PSA for us and she's like, no thanks, not gonna do it. -Yeah. I don't blame her. -During the last decade, the RIAA has targeted about 35,000 people in their file sharing lawsuits and Ms. Thomas is one of their most famous defendants. Now, we could go on for days about this especially since we recently had Alex Winter, our buddy who put together the Napster Documentary. Kind of it's amazing that this is still showing its ugly face because it seems like the RIAA learned their lesson and said, you know what, maybe we're not making the best PR move by suing our customers. Maybe there's another elegant, more you know, classy way to handle-- -Or the realism of being able to yeah, for 25 songs in your computer, you're hit for $250,000 but-- -Yeah. Maybe that doesn't work now. -And so they're saying right, it's a good gesture to like offer her the chance to pay it off in action rather than with money and I think she's probably going with principle here. -Yeah. -You know, and I don't blame her for that because she can't just file for bankruptcy and handle it that way, although-- I mean, it burns her credit but she's kind of in depress right now and/or why she wouldn't have done that. -She's holding her ground, she's making a punch, she's denying the chance to lower her fine to expose the absurdity of the entire situation. -Uh-hmm. -Why it had reported that the anti-piracy group offered to reduce her fine if she agreed to "work for them" by campaigning against piracy? The RIAA probably has the best intentions for someone who fought legal battles against a music group for nearly a decade and now the whole story thing is blowing up back in their face. Thomas said simply enough, "I'm not doing it." According to her lawyer, they haven't actually put a number on the discount of how much of the @222,000 would be removed should she play ball but she's not doing it and this wasn't their first offer either. It's crazy. They're like negotiating with her to, you know, to see here they can resolve this. This wasn't the first offer. Previously, Thomas was given the opportunity to settle the case in exchange for a donation to a music charity. -This has been a part of her life for years and years now. She's defined, you know, half of her life to like fighting them and it's like, no, I'm not gonna work with you, jerks. -Yeah. It's amazing. -I mean, whether or not, however you agree with, I can-- I'm saying I could put myself in her shoes, is what I'm saying, you know. -Sure. Oh, absolutely. I mean, what are you supposed-- I mean, by now it's-- like you said, it's become such a prolific case that I'm sure the money isn't even a problem anymore because I'm sure plenty of private people have contacted her and said, look, we'll pay, you're fine. Just be this, you know, sort of spokesperson for the movement. -That's a possibility right. -Right? -Uh-hmm. -Either way, it's quite the jacked up situation and either way, it will be interesting to see how it ultimately plays out. All right. That's all we're gonna run down. Anything else you wanna chat about before we say goodbye for this Monday? Yeah, just one of those sighs, huh. -Yeah. -All right. Again, don't-- and thanks for being here, by the way. -Oh, always happy to be here. -This was a lot of fun. -It's always fun. -Hopefully Justin's back tomorrow, 866-404-CNET is the number to call. Again, I wanna give everyone on our Subreddit a big shout out. Thanks to you, guys, we've surpassed 1,000 subscribers in our Subreddit. That's awesome. That is-- -Wow. -To me that's amazing because we-- you know, the only time we talk about it is on the show. -Uh-hmm. -So, we're doing something right, right? -Yeah. -I don't know. I can't measure success. I have no idea. Anyway, go over the-- -I can measure success in Reddit though, definitely. -That's it and as long as we got over 1,000 subscribers, we win. Now, if we could just somehow like, I don't know, bring this to the bank, like can I bring this to a-- -You could-- yeah-- -A bank can be like here. We have 1,000 give me money. -Deposit this. -I like to transfer my Reddit into Bitcoin. -Right. -Yeah, yeah, yeah. -That's it. Can we do that? Don't look at me like I'm crazy. 866-404-CNET. Check out the Subreddit. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter and Instagram. Watch CNET Update everyday of the week with Bridget Carey, that's cnet.com/update. -Thank you, sir. Yes. -Rock and roll with that. And then only one more show for this week tomorrow and then Justin and myself are flying out on Wednesday to San Diego for Comic-Con 2013. Don't forget this Saturday, July 20th at Lou & Mickey's in San Diego, we're having our 2nd Annual 404 Meet-up. Okay. You must go there and check it out from 4:00 to 6:00 PM in the evening. If you need the address it's 224 5th Avenue in San Diego. It's right across from the convention hall where Comic-Con is going on. So, make sure you stop by, get yourself a t-shirt and then enter the contest of 404's SuperWeakness Contest. Go to cnet.com/the404 for your chance to win $404. Did I say it all? Did I get it all in one take there? -I think so. That was good. -That bad, right? -Yeah, not bad. -Okay. I need like a cigarette or something. All right. We'll be back tomorrow. Thanks again for tuning in, guys. Have a great Monday. I'm Jeff Bakalar. -I'm Bridget Carey. -I'm Ariel Nuñez. -This has been The 404 Show. High tech, low brow. We'll see you guys tomorrow, later.

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