Ep. 1296: Booty type coming to a PSP near you
Ep. 1296: Booty type coming to a PSP near you

Ep. 1296: Booty type coming to a PSP near you

It's Friday. What he says I'm games now I've read solved Hollywood -- -- -- buzz -- -- in a podcast and determine the length it is episode 12196. Yeah well. -- is on vacation yeah preparing for our buzz out loud summer vacation in case you hadn't heard that's right we will be off. We're going to summer and am who I believe a lot of people notice -- -- -- -- I think they are but we have good news for you allowing you to know that we have carefully chosen -- select select. That's of the can actually just like. Like going -- the great that the -- -- a -- month. We -- chosen five classic buzz out -- episodes that will be in your feed next week though it's not like you're gonna have not been listened to. We've got we got good stuff of the classics from the entire library or from a certain time well it they have to be from video time -- that -- that kind of have to do but I'm sure they're worried there's no classes -- there's the onset it's on -- -- -- though if there will still be some fun to be had anything you don't worry in the movie. Will be back that we got and those of you who hate reruns of what's happened this summer and there are always greener on camera through friends and signed -- battery -- -- sellout -- exactly that's and then I'll be on the forum for next Thursday that you learn Justina alive I don't know man. I'm a Mac I'll come back alive but not so -- mountain XML little different that's mr. -- -- -- And let's do is -- didn't fit into the value anywhere near the for a port that native spray. And yeah. That's right -- -- -- some tech news. The PS3 has apparently been hacked and that that the hackers who -- it. Are planning to just give out and start selling -- little USB dongle that jailbreak that's -- This is some basically it's a little USB dongle -- 150 dollars that they're selling online. At Oz mod -- -- on -- what this does is it an -- -- you put you pop in the the USB stick you boot up your PS3 and you can actually allows the copy the games from the -- Store them locally on the hard drive it doesn't even. Change any of the need of software on the system itself so it's all contained within the USB stick. And then it's gonna allow you guys the select the game -- you want that's popular hard drive and directly plea yet. It's okay so what is the benefit of that that that's not -- If it's not there reason they want to -- they stay home room. -- yeah -- -- games that I know it can Sony has been death on comfort and now they keep releasing patches that does that tell it. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- It's available for pre order right now. According to ars technical of the ship date on or about August 27 would suggest giving them -- PO box. Address because -- think Sony. There hasn't anything so far but I suspect they'll be screaming out of the woodwork pretty you know with them fees and this one one -- thing -- article doesn't mention which is a little fishy is when you order the pre order -- charger party force ships. And just when you know that. They do yes. You name yeah when -- did a little digging and other places so yeah. Just be aware content aware of awareness is probably a winner. -- it turns out that touch sensitive screen than the value devices is that think we're itty bitty guy hurting. Bode -- is coming to potentially a PSP near you know red teams can't over in Europe over in Germany -- -- obvious dislike even announcements but. Allegedly are reportedly that -- Sony has been essentially showcase -- The next gen PSP that trick now is that it is still going to be physical media -- they tried out that whole PSP go experiment bank. Was hell in -- hand basket it was just horrible and. Oh no copyright in just that it's -- think that's. Oh yeah that's why there that's -- the next gen PSP is not going to be digital content only. Yeah they're not gonna do that anymore but it was -- think that yeah but the answer here is that on there is some interface that its taxable on duty. And we like that I really I think although I -- joystick came up with -- funny suggestion if advocate called the background and that a a little -- -- of yes makes money but come on we all know we literally only -- allow interpreted with in the future. The -- to reach up. We talked with blue dot and I reached staged. Now you'll never now you'll never had actually you can't -- just say you have to actually do you actually when you top though it's gonna be like a little nine. But worth it we'll get used to it we got used to we you right. We need three -- -- not surprisingly -- -- -- places rolled slowly across the country and to get the habit that I am. -- having yet but it was thrown out and it was of course igniting privacy concerns left and right. Right north and south of people realize that I don't know why this is so much of -- -- that they had been in fact opted -- Q FaceBook like this. That it had also opted them into that thing where if you share your location and not visible to total strangers who are also -- application but it also puts you. Even -- -- yet and then. That there was some confusion about. Whether it had opted -- into your friends being able to share your -- to check UN because I think because when I checked it. Much it's a drop down that you can either enable or disable minds and select one yeah exactly same one I checked my in this -- -- -- and so yeah. When it's on the select one option as it is by default is that it has to -- one -- the other right now because I'm getting up. -- -- disabled yeah I can't beat in the middle. As though I really I'm gonna leave it as select a line and then yeah and then when -- doing testing I haven't exactly. -- we talk about is the the the tricky thing in kind of annoying thing about this is obviously you using places on your mobile phone. But you have to then go into the settings on the web site on a computer browser actually turn them off and change them yeah if you wanna do that so it's it's one of the things like. The general consumers like -- places. Let alone you gotta get a computer to successful switch that. What that's -- top. I thought that was insane the fact that it's those controls are not available in it in your device and then some people are saying that that their friends checking you in was enabled by deep pockets seem to me to depend on your previous privacy settings but what privacy settings would you have had before. That would encompass allow my friends to -- -- Yeah and maybe was a percentage if for the percentage of a certain percentage of your privacy settings -- restrictive and I was like okay atoms instead of all your stuff I said everything there like you don't have yet -- I believe yeah I can. I did a little video yesterday yesterday the new black was to put out a video or an article saying like how to turn -- -- -- -- I did line but. But the and the only reason I bring it up -- not just to -- it now only two have been there and it. But also -- point out like when you watch the video you'll see it is so much. As usual even though -- whole deal is I'm we're gonna trying to make it's important you -- it's so cool. Hard I mean it's not like impossible to do but -- did to turn it off to get to the point where you're having checked games only for you it's like. Two menus -- And also when you have to -- there's not a thing in the -- that -- places settings right up to go to your customized settings and then find places with in there and go inside there. Yeah that they're not it's ridiculous it's really badly cute it's like customize and and -- the places thing and then customize again and then another dialog pops up and then you can choose only me like it's totally up to use and then they didn't even. Put a note. On FaceBook does that hey there are new places. Privacy settings in your privacy settings while you go there and check it out -- everybody wants some everybody clearly wants everyone to know where they are no matter what generally I just. I have to say -- to the point now where like -- and and I even -- the video. I -- I think it can be both fun and useful it's useful but I do not believe FaceBook. All any time that they tell me that they care about making it easier for users it's not even it's beyond this one might have accepted the fact that they're gonna up to me into everything and they don't give a crap -- I think about it. Yeah and that's exactly why they continue to do it because they lose nothing here yet and they have a lot of bad press and bad publicity and everything like that let. It's not like they're hurting -- for members -- -- subscribers but you know there was there where some stats break apart interviewed the -- but. The Chris Cox got to meet your product. There were some stuff that that the that there growth had slowed. Dramatically. And and a couple months right -- and the couple months -- and herb immediately. And to -- the privacy flap that he can fit -- and that people I think are I think there is a little bit of a backlash and I feel like at some point if this is the stuff they keep doing in the keep making it so complicated like even if it's only annoying us in the Presley they say. We're out again we her vocal minority and it's gonna like I don't know any adults really depresses our -- -- -- Don't I was just gonna -- when you roll out a new feature and which they continually do and they continually opt people and then I mean it makes it seem even even. From the privacy standpoint it's it's not a good thing but it makes it kind of seemed like a big success -- because there's always people that suddenly are using it and not all those people are going to opt out of it even if they don't end up using -- they're still. Using it. Yeah there are opted in stated yeah it's client of stereo. And all those people -- camping out how to delete their -- accounts they'll count -- either the they have not touch that crap and month yeah now so -- here. I mean obviously you were little different here but you guys actually use the location services that I don't want people nor am button and use any of them haven't really you wanna use -- sportswear for awhile just to check out -- yeah yeah I really don't although apparently. And this was very interesting. And possibly kind of part of that backlash the people who do want to -- location based services. Evidently a lot of them chose air -- -- yesterday Dennis Crowley who's the CEO -- -- tweeted. That that one of the guys who worked that. FaceBook airports where -- engineering lead Harry Kamen said that. Yesterday was -- -- its biggest day amber in terms of new users sign -- the people heard about using a location -- to check in service. For the first time and presumably a lot of them yeah -- I don't know. Or really interesting or said -- that's interesting but -- but -- signed -- places yet know what it's worth a thing or I have a -- is but I can't use it -- now. Pressure because I haven't -- -- Al how hard I can do other I'm -- CNET but I can't use it. -- -- -- -- -- I mean -- -- does obviously have series reason for concern -- but is treading on their territory but it could turn out to be. Start and the fact I mean look -- that isn't it validates what we're doing yeah I think I think they. For foursquare. Those that thing that they have over face -- -- I don't know if the general casual user rover will really get into places but a lot of its location based services are for people that really. Care about that knowing that they'll foursquare offers BC that game element right you -- you -- -- that so there's does this -- -- -- sticky factor that. Places doesn't have brain know it now yeah places on faith that starts yet. If they start doing that may it'll change but a lot of the you know the religious -- uses of the location services love that Dini became you know at all yet -- -- Foursquare -- a game it's more than just I'm here. It is it's NP and those game -- affiliate that might seem like a bad idea or whatever it totally worked well I guess the people into competition. Which is huge panic and get people interested in -- then on top of that they added. Discounts to union an actual cash incentive and it. What -- FaceBook app developers can create apps that intertwined with places to offer things like that so that app developers come along and create games around. Please check it probably there's there -- -- places API now yeah so presumably they had. -- yeah I mean it seems like the value that might come from other app developers meant capable realize it and shut them yeah they -- -- yeah. We're gonna shut it down for about thirty set a goal and when we come back. The music industry wants to get on that it get in on the Google Simon and tell him what he did on it. Several groups -- is that representing the music industry including the wrote to Google CEO Eric Schmidt Wednesday. And they -- and if hold Google Verizon proposal that net neutrality packet also include like maybe some filtering. For piracy and child -- -- -- child -- -- -- -- lets you know just just get their name in the conversation and everything because they clearly. You know -- operate -- Intel or Intel -- That's what the RA is therefore they according to an ars technical put it they want to make sure that it's hiding and filtering Internet traffic is okay. And in and that that would -- -- part of their proposal because they wanna make sure that they don't have an Internet of chaos. This is the new media rhetoric basically that that the Internet will go to -- -- basket if they don't make sure that they have tons of filtering to make sure that piracy and child porn. Are not getting her and lest you think we are -- I think -- child pornography it is. More than a little specious or the music industry absolutely claiming that they are -- this torch on behalf of child pornography it's like -- -- copy -- -- apps like shoe -- the Hitler. Kind of you know into an argument the while this. Little -- like it's. Docking is shocking and automatically to pay attention to let it doesn't minimize -- -- we do need filtering that -- almost certainly break it in a network than ten -- iPod non stop Apple from in terms of because that's what advantage rallied is all about and not -- actually exactly it's like they're saying oh we are you gonna -- -- networked and we finally get in on that you like it to you. Our way it's. Anyway they they sent the letter that let. -- on know that they're deeply interested and that the current legal and regulatory regime is not working for American creators. Our businesses are being undermined. By technology. Which I'm pretty sure like. The the that cotton Jane industry would have similar thoughts in the -- the -- industry and -- I'm I'm sorry but not happen that it that is true businesses are undermined by the forward progress of technology you're not gonna be able to stop it by breaking the technology. It's does not and -- also. I am happy to report that things seem to be settling down a little bit in the iPad content and distribution arena. Some magazines namely people. Are starting at a time -- in fact are starting to come to their senses. Means that V that's digital distribution on the iPad and say okay okay okay not to pay like six dollars extra. Yeah or an iPad only subscription. Now if you've got to people you can get the iPad version for for. Yeah this is really cool now at the moment subscription models specifically for the digital version still does not exist. But if you have the pro version you can get access to the content might pumping your account information. This was not able to be done before because Apple's system essentially didn't allow it to happen. So now that apps Sports Illustrated is also part of this come under tiny I think it's fortune in a timing publication. I think there is well expected to adopt the same pricing structure within the next thirty -- it. Which is great yeah because I mean the main complaint I mean I love digital magazines but the main complaint is sometimes they can't even more than an individual copy yet and I'm not create -- version. And if you subscribe -- previously you subscribe to these magazine you're getting the paper edition in the mail or whatever it is and now it's like twenty dollars a year through the but then you would have to pay. Like 399 million to get the issue of people on -- iPad that was -- -- required which is like that's when he dollar a year Activision area the actual issue was -- -- that was wave -- way to go on this I mean -- this is one example where you do have to give Apple little -- for open ended up enough -- his they have -- -- -- -- -- -- this takes on the Apple -- -- -- because Apple wanted to control they want to control the revenue. On the iPad so they wanna make sure that that that nobody is they don't want time to be in charge of the subscription process -- they. The other valuable part of selling content on the iPad for Apple is that they are able to not only get a cut. But collect the data and keep the data on those users which is hugely important in terms of advertising to think up and -- at this great thing. Several months ago on his -- where he -- like book. Anyone who put Apple in charge of their subscription and distribution. Is an idiot you're not only are you giving them -- -- -- you're giving them unbelievably. Valuable demographic advertising information. -- It is surprising and it is really about Apple that like -- If they want you they'll find -- -- Though apparently also. Finder at least be looking for ways to reach out and break. Your Jill -- can devices that climbing in your Iowa some. Just that's yeah. Break out. -- basically Apple has applied for a patent that would essentially allow them to remotely. Lock your device if it's detected via jailbreak the -- piano this is a -- application this hasn't been passed but they have at least submitted and -- is a sign of aware what the kind of thinking about. Yeah but that's not remotely -- able your device and then. It. The device itself those sensitive data can be -- -- -- the device to be wiped. Then the device -- automatically snap pictures of the unauthorized user and record GPS coordinates of the -- As well this is unbelievable as a -- of logging keystrokes phone calls or other activity and then that information could be sent along with an alert to any useful. That'll email -- Twitter -- -- service like movies that like what they would reach out. -- yeah steal all your data log all your -- with keystrokes and an unpleasant but in real friendly layout and and the picture -- it's going well. Yeah I think that what you and the stocks in the town square. So sure it's Halloween legally jailbreak your phone but now Apple wants you to be completely exposed -- -- -- it until the world. Well and the way that there apparently that boundary and if that's that it is now in fact considered a -- old hands like it is protected under the law to treat your device that claims that Apple's responses to file a patent for basically -- nuclear option. Which is -- destroy your stuff and out you. Could this just be like a a patent that they were working on -- before -- -- -- Many many years and maniac design in years in the making -- systems and methods for identifying unauthorized users of an electronic device it's like the scariest Big Brother thing -- it like I don't know we've we've spent a lot of money developing its patent in my mother's release that it making it double think about -- -- -- right we. Yeah like okay I'm doing -- I'm just breaking my iPad umbrella like I can -- and and normally I'd just -- I think I don't want to do that now they're gonna running gun battle with Apple always. And now that -- might within. Did that my picture really way you're Guinea is okay among the methods considered to wear identifying and other ideas -- -- have an electronic device. Our boys pronounces photo analysis. Heart beats analysis. -- hacking attempts. Or even know -- particular activities they can indicate suspicious behavior. Beautiful just her heart -- analysis is the best and Arab there's a new sensor for that one. I am nervous about that maybe -- worry you won't see the results of this for another ten years. If editor because the iPad doesn't yet have the heart beating -- -- -- This is the vitality sensor. By the time and by the time that rolls around we'll be free can -- and a the other thing which is that e-book advertising it apparently coming soon to a book very -- near you -- -- through about what you according to The Wall Street Journal which argues and big kind of an editorial that. That it's inevitable that app that Amazon. Publisher profits can only be kept afloat. By. Adds this -- an. I hope this isn't she visited -- this is it's sad because that I think a book is one of the few places now where we can escape without any advertise. Yeah like one of the few media -- where it doesn't it's not intrusive and it's -- your face and if you -- could imagine she does a little David banner while you're reading a book. And now now that's doing thirty so he's already Brian. I think you just answered it right there it's one of the few places that you can be without advertise we -- yeah exactly. There are well 2000 and now every little people like this is I would put a -- -- Lewis put advertising an e-book. -- you know it's somewhere somebody's working on a patent application for how to get ads into your dreams. I -- really -- I'm sleeping or reading a book I'm not subject asthma like going to be it. They do say though appearance will surely -- -- both but historically the reason that they haven't had ads and but doesn't actually have anything to do with that you know the sanctity of the product as that would journal put it but more to do with fact that both are -- lousy medium for -- Because they've -- the exist forever yeah really focused today. But. Yeah I mean this I mean this is. You know we it's easy to sort of laughed at the music industry though and -- like your horse and buggy industry is being destroyed by technology but the fact is. They have every industry will respond. Yeah kicking and screaming if they failed and dictate legislation. They'll have to respondent and try to keep profits -- and that's you know. That's not happening it may be that this is an inept like we never want to accept the kind of inevitable byproduct of progress -- this may be one of them. And he said it would be. Don't have -- him relevant manner notably better. The timber -- -- that Google wrote a blog posts you've published late yesterday Thursday and he called the Nexus One. A little too popular. This is an hour after its Google news -- Nexus One available to purchase unlocked for 530. Dollars to developers. They they bought and they in -- they've made like a zombie run on that sucker and they -- Like donuts for cop because it all that stuff up slightly. Earlier about the island -- it I mean and they're Saturday -- -- is good. -- happen so anyway other totally filled out they sold them all. Well I mean the policy it you know the hardware obviously has now been surpassed but the processor itself is still -- enough for developers directing. These at one gigahertz after I -- -- am so. And -- -- -- inventory it's clean amber. Link and adroit right now is the only other from the plan like untouched and -- as you are an Android developer this is the way to get plain Vanilla and and it is this cool hardware it's interesting -- because it does make you you just kind of go okay well Google. Yeah I know I my cell phone and I'm sorry I got -- area. -- -- people wanna. Obviously people want to keep announcing that they're going to someday make iPad competitor HP has now that. Confirmed. That yes so web -- tablet for dun dun -- Early -- eleven. Mom. And not wow now. So good at. And we can talk about we've talked about -- that that's how companies really need to get audited to -- -- get something out for the holiday season. Before the iPad explodes even more now and the fact that. -- let's -- is one of those you know. Hopefuls it's gonna be early 2000 -- instantly announced late it's waved -- -- -- there if they cannot be serious again there's stockholders partner shareholders are not already angry enough about losing twelve billion dollars can record scandal they're gonna meet. When they hear that HP is planning to just like. Cruise -- on by the holiday season plant in pleasant and timing of all this apples literally -- an excellent in early 2011. So I don't announce it in January you know they are -- generally generally -- for web OS -- -- for iPad now that's. That's going to be horrible. While there's even need the rumors about the seven inch iPad might about the Christmas. And you get a lower cost iPad -- -- out for Christmas. And with all of the buzz and publicity behind it already. And everybody else is that the water you know it's not soon enough I now and funny and. Really good that's the other side and on top right it has to be of having an easy on the same level or something different -- that makes it say cool I might buy I think it has to be beyond good and I mean it hasn't -- you know it's going to be to counter that basically like I don't care. A fat man you know it's gonna have to be strict and perfect. -- That ended up buying a car tablet a first generation tablet has to be perfect that that's gonna be hard to -- I do for any company I can't believe that that the industry seems have been taken so flat footed by the iPad it's not like it you know it's coming it's not like. It how do you how embarrassing is it that this is the level that this the technology industry that that they basically just sits. And wait really what Apple got her Apple -- and then a year later tried to do the same thing like you know adding out of it let's go back and tell you that is a losing strategy and I get some grow a pair. And one of the problems also -- just you know developing in a lot of people have OS is right you have with ginger gingerbread will be coming out you have web OS tablet -- but. They they haven't really been able to have enough experience of using these -- other previous devices with that -- got a it is the touch interface for larger screen that's going to work. That's I think that really that's what's hole in the back the most is developing that OS specific to a hardware device that really don't have much experience with. Yeah I think that's furniture and I think there was all that and there was the confusion I think about Android versus -- life and what LSD use and I think a lot of them. Probably put some develop a lot of development time into Windows 7 -- -- before and didn't Anna yeah. Yeah so it's not it's not as though these worn in the development cycle but I do think it's pretty shameful that it's taking so long because I present it's -- -- -- -- Yesterday we mentioned that Google might be putting out a Chrome web store. Well today -- they released a developer preview of those who -- store which will be an app store for Chrome. Them to their browser slash alas. Yeah I find this really cool just because on this web -- or web browser app store. Will essentially be offering apps specific to the browser and a lot of times now we know on a mobile devices were specifically seeking out a single -- functional we go to -- wouldn't and that. Behavior. Is now essentially kind of gonna be coming to a web browser -- on -- on your desktop computer. It's a little yeah it's pretty sweet but it does -- raised the concern we talked about it before that hopefully it will not. Be completely divergent from -- market. Place like a spam comes back on its own it its own thing outside of Android we didn't if it becomes the app store for Chrome OS and it's like totally different from Android. Because it's still I still think that's again that's a meaningful hit and hit it doesn't it sound like it's going to beat -- -- way really does make it. Flickr as the Google thing like -- this will be to get one. I just don't understand how they can have one like this and not the other yeah especially considering that Android is actually out and has been out for. Three years now or however long it's been and now it's still this still doesn't exist for Android and needs to you -- but does as a way to get web apps. Through your browser -- -- mechanical anyway we'll be keeping an eye on the okay it took you guys weeks that you finally got the -- -- -- -- your heads. Yeah and a half. It's climb right back by a letter right. Anyway no the Gregory Brothers have a bona fide hit on their hand and then. There's a -- this it'll make him park he's climbing out windows this. Hi it's -- -- in -- a lot of people out how I noticed that whenever -- -- here. They've done the odd to the news the UK -- those -- just for the I just remembered I had read sorts and -- had a little. This guy hands on -- -- this guy commits them yeah. -- -- he can't go all the way while they need to know that I'm gonna have friends and I like less than originally -- -- -- You I think you're probably right oh yeah we see we stopped so that none actually -- -- disturbingly accurate and Zelda but bed picture I had no idea -- there is a single like the Gregory -- release there oddity in the news that engineers on as a single and that single. Debuted at number 89 on the billboard -- added that so. That's great yeah they have billboard top 100 chart. And what we are talking about this I had to come clean in what is it about me before days ago I. Because these this is provide you with so much entertainment and -- to myself and other people I purchase the song on iTunes. So I love them I'll get it. On the billboard it is this and that you are one of many apparently -- design is currently number 35. -- I QU -- download. Out one point eight peaked at number 25 and apparently it's solely because of those I can fill that in on the deliberately that's off the billboard hot 108 that I'm like nearly every. Other items that -- Gregory in the hot 100 -- the digital only release. You could run itself that you can all unable of that -- and -- that. Wow hostages until of those. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- It congratulations angry about it enough about we start to get the answer when we come back I -- -- -- -- support. -- Oh yeah now they have to anybody else if I by the sun made up mind you could run -- -- that and black friend went up that this is exactly kind of what the digital age is supposed to facilitate which is the democratization of -- Like you know -- for all of our a -- is complaining about how the Internet is bad for America's creators. Look at these debt like look at the level of innovation that they have have displayed and the packet it's. A success yet you know. -- good job well well played Gregory -- -- hey -- -- onto the emails buzz at cnet.com is our email address. Garrett from Utah reds and into -- apartment tiny five you pointed out that the Mac versus PC ads and died as of late 2009 it with disgusting contention. With a story about Windows 7 not being officially horrific -- I heap of I don't think of those that died because Apple realize that windows -- -- true contender and I think it's more because Apple has consistently been pushing -- I OS devices instead of their desktop ten. They would much rather spend their advertising effort and voice on getting people to -- a less expensive device. Where Apple can get a cut every time either buy the song by the movie buys the book buys an app. And sees an advertisement why -- -- attracts the -- it everyone riding a small car that only takes the death used. No. Good point and while that is that it's not that windows is worth heckling anymore it's is that it's not as profitable as heckling Windows Mobile. But wouldn't you like email like because we had the -- on ahead I was listening like me I as a sign plaza the live via buzz -- plaza -- he's -- because the -- anybody around here I'm Fred they shot they didn't -- that during agreed to I would think you think. I don't wanna sit in Iraq I really like the. The idea would be possible as a unit and tell me with a reasonably -- did think I just I didn't want to interrupt your reason. Well that's I would have been mad because I was totally -- Diana say that everything's starting out like the -- -- convergence. Are you -- this emails from Michael. He's referring to little McAfee Intel's story back that we did the at Cisco I think that Mac be CEO David the wall. Was driving to work on the freeway. And cut off Intel CEO Paul and Nelly. -- appalled till now. A little Otellini I don't independent ravioli. With audio. While had a bit of -- an apology for allow that Dave took the same exodus ball Paul continue to follow -- right into the Mac the parking lot. As -- part in the CEO spot up near the front door Paul came up with a plan. By the company to fire deeper cut him off symbol. I seven. We talked about how they like just write down the street from -- -- -- this is obviously Hopkins -- -- work yeah. The simplest. Out of solution may not your favourite ones that obviously -- -- average purchase I had totally iceberg that men and layer and our -- all -- we've been doing the Blackberry questions and we do have some answers for you know -- waited. No the into the sensitive to find out one of the Blackberry users thought about our questions from earlier in the week on Monday we asked. What is your favorite Trojan horse virus slash virus name. Peter from Branson whose name will always cracked yeah eight minutes that's -- favorite right there. -- in the first thing we heard from Peter says quote I love you. Because of the back story Abbas who is also the -- IT for a company got the email and double clicked on the attached exe file. I was in his office at the time and -- -- out box numbers started to clients that he jumped under the -- little -- -- the -- from the walls picture I'll never forget. Along. Are -- okay not bad in the other ones well I guess -- love is the actual name of that virus spread subjects title is island -- Naked woman -- V Diaz who could forget got one for obviously added I would like Thelma and -- to Angelina -- -- I'm still don't compare them I know we told the guy yeah I think it's too bad it's a -- a -- -- -- if if it. On Tuesday we asked the simple question Blackberry torch or windows phone seven and what do you think. We think he answers were for Blackberry users apparently I was not that convincing and I didn't. And others and that windows -- that another because you 321 ratio Blackberry charges over the George -- -- exists and everybody had been burned -- -- thinking that some windows thing with school to the one of their marketing ideas that would mean fair not yet there and Putnam. I'll. I'll Wednesday we asks how -- -- your packet loss and we receive. -- I can't everybody billions Darren Kitchen from I have and figure out how to paying a website and little AMP Allaire talk losses and then. And then even and then messenger Austin tell us that -- Ehrlich. I'll harsh -- like now I'm just to get to the end of this episode -- -- -- Atlantis and as an up and down and exactly. Or maybe the packet was lost it never got to us through -- but what they're. Thursday and good. The other simple question think FaceBook. Or foursquare. For location based check him and foursquare one over FaceBook by two to one ratio how ever. Neither. The dark horse in the race that was not even given as an option beat both of them. -- way way you dabble yeah you -- making your own neither. Category oh yeah. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- No black -- question for today. Because will be off next week but we will be back with more the following week. And you can find buildings everything that we talked about today at our blog -- -- -- dot cnet.com you can email us about that cnet.com will be collecting them and -- I would save the voice -- probably. Yeah that are admitted and I yeah listen to the other side of the break we gonna be like in last week's episode nearly half the one from four months ago -- -- -- -- don't so. -- and -- are on vacation I'll be on other -- there's no buzz out loud and next week except your feed will still be populated with plastic. Awesome that's right -- don't worry you're gonna get some really really really stuff Molly crappy -- around that time to get a good one. It hits the fan. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- So. -- okay so yeah yes is -- time. It's time for remakes I will say that I forgot to pull the -- that you were talking about yesterday -- -- that however during the show today. A -- a spring it thank reverend I mean. New remakes have money now. And -- by someone that submitted before although this person I only recognized. Their name by their email address which is no brainer but only give you but as but he didn't include is actual real names like entities that do it is but no brainer. Sent in a submission called Veoh all rock and I'm gonna go ahead and take leap of faith that we can play it without previewing it before. -- -- and going to be good it got exciting. -- -- -- -- -- -- I always genre that is I don't know it -- place it it really made me think I -- again was I was is -- eighties hit ten of the whole time. You'll. And that it would come back to the theme like just when I thought the threat o'clock completely and then it went into the tango or has literally that was. For the little Waltz the movement but that -- -- a little -- add a note really that complicated. Yet John -- -- don't early eighties action television series like the I can do that you know exactly or behind like. Like -- Canon and I writer air wolf the whole genre or other and didn't -- Canada yet given -- no brainer. Package outnumbered.

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