Ep. 1293: 3-D has arrived!
Ep. 1293: 3-D has arrived!

Ep. 1293: 3-D has arrived!

I'm -- -- -- I'm Hollywood -- -- buzz out -- you have podcast of indeterminate length of episode 12109. V three. And man we just cannot -- I love this story heard today show our top story today. Comes -- -- from Mars technique that which is reporting that. The and maybe. Which represents the radio national association National Association of Broadcasters the R&B. AR have put together a proposal a -- work. Under which they they hope to force cellphone manufacturers to include they have the congress will make it mandatory that also phones include a an FM radio. Which. Is an absurd. -- it's mandating them to put in another radio so they can basically prop up the declining fortunes of the radio broadcast industry. Now. There are devices out there that have radios in them and they sell or not based on whether or not people want their devices they have a radio and them. In this seems to make absolutely perfect sense from an economic point of view probably you know they've raised -- has a good holiday -- -- -- a good point that in and -- in the case of an emergency. You know what kinds of radios where you get emergency information. That should be in all the -- -- -- mandatory that that aren't you mandatory. That argument is that whole area on -- that's the proposal with cheap Scotch tape. -- Florida -- -- I hate it and of course the president of the CEA the Consumer Electronics Association Gary Shapiro says. The back -- scheme of the and Avian arguably have congressmen it broadcast radio's. Is the height of absurdity. Such a move is not in our national interest. The -- be an area that layer acting like buggy with industries that refused to innovate and seek to impose penalties and of the do. Rather -- -- right rather than adapt to the digital marketplace and that's been the argument all hung -- to be clear. This is not a bill this is a propeller at the joint -- lol have you got -- an Avian and -- -- very similar to you. The Google Verizon proposal the then that kind of framework legislative framework. Any -- has stressed our -- -- no deals have been finalized. They did say though however there -- the decision made by the board of directors to go forward and seek legislation. Including radio -- chips and mobile devices -- possible legislation seems to us to be a reasonable idea I am not making this up. It'll never asked to be a perfectly reasonable idea and asked for the CA criticism Dennis Wharton from any -- says. Surprise DEA opposes this since trade associations generally always -- new rule that. It's not a rural they have the problem -- actually it is forcing it is worst thing manufacturers. To include outdated technology. As a matter of law right the key thing here doesn't in fact help anybody. -- -- -- Now the caring and -- is that this is actually outdated technology and we have to be clear about this that this is they're trying to prop up radio. Which an -- pervasive digital broadband is. Going to die it's just the question of time and the the the emergency. Argument is going to become completely specious as we have universal wireless broadband coverage which will happen -- just -- question of time. Now. You can't you this -- you cannot you cannot how I -- how dare a day yeah I know how dare they attempt to -- -- him mandates. Inclusion of the day of technology like this in. They're trying to affect -- I mean it's not as the end as if this is new they have so far successfully. Re written copyright law in their best interest they have export and paranoia about -- the worldwide. In the form of the -- treaty and now they're trying to actually affect. What private industries are able to to -- can you imagine Apple again how this proposal me like let me -- Oh yes held so -- now. You know what though I have to say. This happens it will accelerate the demise of broadband not keep it alive because if this happens abroad and -- sorry you're right of radio this looks celebrate the demise of radio because the -- guys -- -- -- We have. Consumer choice whatever you want and whenever you want it interactivity. To weigh the streaming services will get so much better if they are competing with broadband and broadband will go down that much faster if this actually happens which by the way there's no chance -- get through and become law I I I see no that that Congo will even -- laugh at that this is like. This is exactly what that the population wants -- not to do make stupid protectionist laws. Well and -- this is beyond -- protectionist -- I mean you can't you cannot one industry cannot come along and they like I I insist on this manufacturing. Other tertiary product like this rule of a product that is only nominally related to my industry have to be imposed on private content -- that you know when you when you. It is astonishing to me that someone could say with a straight face. That they think this sounds like a reasonable idea. -- reasonable it compatible idea -- Increase now. It's reasonable if you happen to be a broadcaster in the music industry you're looking at the freight train of the Internet coming your way -- it's reasonable to say we need to come up with new business model and they may -- we need to open more stores -- -- you know reasonable -- -- to -- things -- -- your -- -- -- -- absolutely -- -- -- -- -- -- It it speaks to the level of craziness that we. Com Q when companies feel that that they can so directly. Rights law. Or attempt to have a law -- that does nothing. But protect their current business model hello they're just looking at Google Verizon just -- and just -- that model thing -- working program let's try the same thing. This is. What businesses do as they tried to -- law. To protect themselves that's why we have lobbyists and -- biggest thing at all and this is the way the world works and it's flux. Yeah but. And it it will never happen but it's it's this is the way governments -- months old. -- Let's take a quick break when we come back to me. That when we come back what happened to the group -- Enrollments reason he did -- so for a brief policy on moment in time. The group -- Apple is available on the iPhone actually was available for quite a while you couldn't really do anything -- -- that lets you got the paid version but there was. Now though. It's gone it's gone a group chart put a post that thing what happened to the -- -- iPhone app. And Apple sent them -- -- -- note saying it's out because. We got a letter from a complaint a complaint letter from the Universal Music Group UK about streaming the audio and that caused Apple to take the the Apple line. So if you have the app if you got it when it was up for like a week or so you can still use it but you can't get anymore. And it's I don't know its its. Did Apple know. When they put the app but they're gonna get a complaint there's no there's -- that did -- it's easier for them. To put the app up in the -- the -- think that they it's not. -- access becomes -- an absolute surprise then they say they're not sleeping until they figure out how exactly to fix this and it groups are for iPhone back in the app store I mean groups act as the kind of always men in a little bit of a battle. -- with the music industry and it is Apple's I'm -- -- take things only get a complaint especially let me get a -- the music industry don't think -- that some I don't think that it was a big. Conspiracy I think the bigger conspiracy would be them just keeping out of the store they don't have really any problem. With that. With with just leaving stuff out with thing like no. Sorry yeah you're right you're not allowed yet they -- if they thought it was going to be problem may be Apple has. You know -- with about preemptively before but this is big battle for music streaming apps right now so it's a battling and there's -- -- apps out there so. -- -- they still up pandora and I think they just you know turn universal complaint I've always wondered to be honest how group seconds is even remotely. Legal and then after -- front in my about it and venture capital -- I think what of the deal with Britain with groups are and how can -- stay in business because really I mean. They allow you to make a custom streaming playlist without buying any and -- music it's dislike of your stuff theoretically now. -- ever of what ever is on the Internet yeah it's sort of like pandora but -- -- -- forget also managed for in there's a paid version but it you know that lets you do it mobile. And he said that basically what they do they take a bunch of easy money and then they pay it to music at its -- And they they're allowed to just have these streaming right at the other maturity and even like I would never invest in them because why -- I just paid me to get this Peter. And it -- authority which actually really cool but -- as a painter like -- right right right for for yet another part where it is like really that's -- sustainable don't give your -- though don't go telling anybody don't think it's legal that's can have a and as long as they still have the -- keeping and that blood money -- -- music industry I love so it in other news of content you're -- not gonna see. HBO it's that it's not going to give Netflix access to stream there online movies and content with -- which is an and that the -- -- not adapting to the digital age and and there were the reasoning they gave. Who gave the suspect Kessler Palo HBO co president Eric Kessler told Bloomberg. There's a value and exclusivity. Consumers are willing to pay a premium for high quality exclusive content which just is that they middle finger to the consumers it -- me. Yeah that's really true that -- that's why they never pirates employment over priced -- letting. -- that's why they don't love Netflix does and Netflix is so convenient. The price is fair. And the money goes from the consumer to Netflix do the people who actually have the content. The this is -- HBO saying we want it all and we want to use our app and have to install more stuff remember more log ins and have more bills. Instead just making it convenient where we'll still get our money in fact we might even get more of it because more people will be using the -- and -- The I mean that the antithesis of the digital model is artificial scarcity and that's what HBO is trying to retake. Later trying to say we're only gonna have this one Alan and I mean younger unlike a a lot of people do it that's what. CBS has done by not being on Hulu you know -- that HBO by trying to maintain artificial scarcity in the digital age is also charging up but -- For -- And consumers are not they're showing increasingly I mean I think the move toward over the top -- to just that they're showing that they aren't willing to continue to pay a premium. For exclusive content because the end of the day no matter how while it how high quality it is like. It's still just TV. And it's a pain you can walk away from TV. And it you know real pain in the neck to have to manage multiple multiple paid subscriptions. When all you wanna do is just. I just want one -- give me a place to send my 1020 or forty dollars a month so I can see the content they want and don't nickel and -- users hate it the way beyond nickel and dime to invite him. Like dumb Benjamin -- eight -- And they. First legislative response to the Google and Verizon proposal -- -- net neutrality. For Democrats in the US customer representatives have voiced official opposition. To that proposal with lawmakers saying. And this is -- -- that companies shouldn't set rules for how US residents' access the Internet. Nor should they set rules for how cellphone manufacturers build their problems nor should they set rules for anyway yes. So that was very that was all I think we can agree on a bipartisan level that that should be true that companies shouldn't get to -- -- -- -- preserve their under the month. There yes everybody agrees on that of course the companies are just -- Opposing. Regulatory. Frameworks that's all we're -- it just tonight yeah. They if they know about this opposition to the Google bond deal which. Makes a lot of sense from from the platform is that it on the other side of it you need the FCC to have some. Yes and I'm not sure that that's gonna happen. These four represented to include Ed Markey from Massachusetts has been a longtime proponent of -- of net neutrality and and kind of Internet. These are forward thinking lawmaker when it comes to Internet issues says that the FCC should continue with its efforts to reclassify broadband as a regulating common carrier service. In an effort to -- net neutrality rules they also said the FCC should set the same net neutrality rules for wireless broadband. As it does from wired broadband so that whatever regulation may soon. They should expand -- wireless as well if you. Yes I was gonna -- didn't -- -- -- get good things happen. God allowed people -- you can think and I -- -- instantly deployed in the water here who think you're right and -- any name Laura I'm sure more will be coming on that but that's the first legislative response -- -- -- just -- the debate I guess they -- and I note that there every time -- I'm actually glad The Who Verizon did that because I want that argument be very very very public. It is now. Very -- -- think that's not you know some top secret acted treaty. -- exciting gadget news and gadget has a look at the launch titles big -- Xbox Live last -- -- windows phone seven. Because finally with windows on seven Microsoft appears to have gotten it sort of collective -- together -- and integrated all of the cool thing is that it makes -- one -- including Xbox Live. So the -- the launch titles will include. Some kind of cool thing like Pennsylvania halo way points Star Wars crackdown and Guitar Hero plus a new things they've kind of heard of them with your superintendent. And it's the same profile that you have on your console. -- including same avatar seeking you have this this experience three go back and forth between between devices but new platforms right so. I mean obviously halo on a console through fundamentally differ from -- on a phone but yet. I it's it's pretty cool to have like this this one. Avatar that this goes across all all the stuff. The funny thing is that this is something that they announced basically. Four years ago any three -- -- the it the last eatery and it was big -- mom I got a again I think that was four years ago. Bill Gates who was there at the Microsoft press conference announcing you know your ability to -- your Xbox Live. Name and and character across all your -- the of them like check in and play games and -- a lot. So it's super exciting that they've finally got her -- but it's not all first party -- it. First party games either it's not a Microsoft studio games at -- in a game loft can I mean I'm -- -- popped up. Well these guys need or want that the idea of the persistent. Experience so when you leave your house you still have some you know. 10% -- 110 of the experience they carry with you see -- Pick your camera go to your whatever it is -- you go back here Xbox and it's. -- that -- it's pretty if that's pretty often like I have to admit. I was having -- kind of -- -- firm for Microsoft they really need something like this and there Xbox. Kind of division is so incredibly strong it down not do this -- immigration is lot of people will buy into my into windows phone just because this. And the thing is like I feel like it is sort of all starting to come together and I only hope like Andrea Kelly just said that it's not too late because. Zune is a very cool platform Zune pass is a very cool subscription service. Xbox is super -- Xbox Live -- even more fun and windows phone seven looks actually usable -- so there's this part of me that sort of feel like. I get a -- like I could mean I was literally just yesterday evening in -- -- -- like a windows phone seven phone with them being Catholic I really want subscriptions. Do you really article if you really think that Apple can do the vertical integration and this can cultivate the Microsoft can do the vertical integration -- Apple does and actually get people. To get all products in in in -- it in an ecosystem to cooperate with each other. Well this is the first attempt -- and this is the first time we've seen it start happening is what I asked bomber and my teen conversations with them it is like. What is your mobile strategy why do you have all of these different silos and -- they're not talking to each other and windows phone seven appears to be at least in early stages. Them actually doing if they if they managed to pull it off and -- an interface looks pretty integrated so far -- -- to pull it off I think they're actually gonna have. Some pretty -- I mean these are cool mobile devices like I I find them. Surprisingly -- them. If they can can if they can do what Apple does and and more Apple -- this. Apple doesn't doesn't have an integrated gaming -- no right -- -- -- you know media platform you're gonna they have made media. Microsoft going for an ounce -- I don't think isn't about like it an Apple Apple Apple comparison. You know I think -- -- like -- perfect and Microsoft get its act together and and put put out a really compelling mobile platform and I think there's -- -- it looks like they're going to America. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- people out there having ties with -- their corporate email clinic. Yeah well that's that's what we'll get the corporate drones to get these products. Because that's what products coming into the corporation now is people go -- their personal phone with me wanna go and outlook right that's -- -- will make them get the -- yeah. Especially -- all the more attempting to. And light of the -- That summer -- early during two units seem to be happening with signal issues of floor and now these phones do not -- -- -- raw and exposed antennas. So that's not the problem. I don't know how many you can. Yes though they did and -- -- is pretty funny actually they're like don't fire at the antenna -- alarmed at the and again this is a small number. Of review units but they do say. And in fact even mobile crown says the signal on one of the -- review units they guys all over the board dipping from both legal downs and you mean none of opening the same spot. And they -- and no. We're not holding around to get -- some may be via radio issue with him and could be radio issue could be -- issue. I guess -- just a firmware -- you know like the Apple issue which is. Weirdo design via does a pretty standard internal design -- on the antenna just. There's a loose wire software and a couple people in their comments say economic signals going crazy but then you can bet that Apple's -- that's one way -- the other. -- -- -- I'm gonna go down -- -- the idea that an area they're not gonna. It is halo lesson I think at this point they're like him elect throughout but we're not you know with -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Bad news for rim potentially also for mobile -- it -- there is some possibility and only a 150000. Units. The Blackberry -- were sold out launch. -- yeah it does mean is that launch is not actually. Horrible like we shouldn't you know we hold everything in the sort of ten million and to the line weekend. Standard -- line around the block standard which you're not gonna get for a Blackberry I rate but they also though they have already -- -- -- It's -- long really yeah lots of them are done. We're expecting more Amazon authority lifting the torch for nine -- -- dollars and 99 cents with a two year contract -- is what is -- how everybody off giving up so quickly. Nobody has any like staying power in the shareholder world. They you have no time. You know yeah. Have to -- but. But the movie doesn't make forty billion dollars in the first three hours that -- theaters this ridiculous you know give people time capitalism is a hit maker society it's -- -- It's -- way worse than and then they'll hold that shareholder pressure I think it's stronger than ever. And there really like they are feeling the pressure from -- I mean you have to admit it's not another -- pressure from Catholic Blackberry is really on the ropes right now it and they have to have -- hit. But when -- cut the -- -- half the Earthlink we use it just you shut your -- like Microsoft and you -- -- you to show -- -- You know white underbelly say you're tickle us do you think it's as word were down or get down there by -- like note the -- Consumers they can smell fear it makes sense though that they would sell the phone for a hundred dollars in today's they had like three year old features. Then. I now. And from flew off. Looking ahead to tomorrow's show there seem to be rumblings that FaceBook is going to launch a location based service like it's foursquare check in thing. Well we've been expecting this and tomorrow -- The journalists got to note that tomorrow is a big FaceBook a press conference. And we're expecting them to basically do the the -- takedown. What the -- store they pointed to. Oh yeah I know they haven't and the Slashdot poster when he was president lessen the comment is that bush sportswear turn down the offer and how badly are they crapping their pants right now. -- -- -- -- Had had to have known that FaceBook would do this with the without them -- and they couldn't come to terms over apparently a a difference of thirty million appointment something like that. Man. I don't know I would much before or right now we have learned there will be no sleep incorporates unite to -- funny I don't I am not into location based services they don't really you know unease or where it doesn't do army but the way that the FaceBook service has been described. It's actually like and and considering that FaceBook is my one kind of private network they go to it already and. I think and I really easy enough. Be more inclined to use that and to open up and if an app you know he's -- or scrap and yet so. The if they have foursquare is just another -- you -- worry about it FaceBook gets -- that's. Not good especially if they can figure out the advertising which of course they will be able to the -- got those connections via. Not because we're we're. Now and it's pretty that is -- -- anyway we will of course have all of the news on that tomorrow I'm faced with many takeover. Tomorrow and then a follow up on a story that we were covering I don't know the year all imagine a while ago then up on time. It was the huge at Pennsylvania scandal about school districts -- school district that was using software to remotely monitor students -- was turning on the -- and my. Check in on them and their helmet should they when -- and appeals. Federal prosecutors will not file charges against that school district or -- -- -- -- beneath its offer to remotely monitor it shouldn't how does that happen. They were so -- I have no right -- they've done. That's totally true they were spying on kids in their private homes and miners in states of undress theoretically and -- are no charges being filed I don't. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- And in other very. Important updates now we all know that that the rule in fact. Is that when. The porn industry adopt the technology. That technology has officially arrived and I think we can finally say that about three -- -- that not just 3-D multi room. 3-D IMAX 3-D IMAX director Christopher sun is making the first. IMAX. -- -- -- -- -- yeah 3-D effect since then extreme X fifty. Being touted as the first gigantic. Green in 3-D. Erotic film look. It's often more now and again you know soft porn I am not a I don't I'm totally not surprised to see 3-D port. In fact I think it's already out there. But may I just say for the record that there are some things -- really -- not mean to be shown larger than life but especially for stories high larger than life thank you very much. -- -- That's not what that's not what Christopher -- -- the -- educated than that it's not just erotica people want them what how factor. I think -- and you factor. That's. Another -- I nothing is going to make people feel more -- adequate the watching porn on a four story -- Yeah everybody said about HTML. That's the -- on sun's -- cook. And love it glorious 3-D has officially right you know what I reporter. I believe it if I believe in thirty million people but -- look. We're where we. I -- beyond our -- -- It it starts as a literal -- call get enough. Greetings below getting up from our reporter you -- -- talking about users who -- and local networks and climate of local wars. Put it on -- data so. Shouldn't they be it local stores. Optional below. Local rule. This. I wanted to get -- is that but that later. YouTube can column with palace that 100 -- think I'm 663 academy in case you want to. Yeah also you can email us budget cnet.com Jason from Pittsburgh -- and I just wanna read in about Hulu plus as you had mentioned it yesterday I have to say. Bait and switch so we asked people. Yes yesterday email -- if you use it it most of their responses were fairly negative I have to admit some. Are positive but Jason is an example of the -- -- that first plus does not give you all the -- has found on the web site I. A smaller catalog which is exactly the opposite of what it was the both that you're supposed to pay and -- -- of second he's of the limitations of the previous five episodes down and the web version carries over to the iPad iPhone app. Not the back catalog as promised it doesn't -- it -- -- -- certainly -- to constitute a diminished returned from my ten dollars last and certainly not least. Show's in high Def cause the -- to -- directly after the promotional material licenses that it is a constant leap of faith. Met with a constant failure to deliver as promised in his no Netflix. And I'll be demanding my money back AS AP. This was the harshest that several emails we got saying that who plus is -- bus that was once one person wrote that particular. We also got a couple that were like -- that -- positive. But for the most part people are like I paid for this and it doesn't interact well with the other who forget about it. Yeah not cool. Alright Chris from Kirkwood. For instance is just wanted to for this you last episode you were talking about cable card supporting DOD and true two way. Was going to do this well actually it is not since it is dead. Andy for -- along a engadget article. Yeah that's true two way devices are officially -- way. Okay they SS that I suspected that Cox might be using true -- -- in its devices. But apparently not confusing they probably raising the actual working cable card technology that. -- the other -- that's not true isn't this just of the retail -- two way devices. The retail devices -- they might may very much still beat the visiting the same technology writing you know. And cable card like we -- was supposed to support. Two way communication. It's is that they might not be selling -- it sound like this just means -- no longer selling to true two way branded gadgets for the technology so that I might still be right. -- -- -- -- Other account -- I -- I got it. Get Jake and other sorry -- and others read and wrote in about -- data plans -- that -- data plans and on a thirty dollar add on their bundled with your voice plan. For about twenty dollars more month and have unlimited messaging data TV navigation any mobile computer with them over regulation protecting plus voice plan. Yes -- we were talking about the thirty dollar amount tethering plan which you're up in arms about. Well we just were saying that bat phone. Whatever was epic four G is expensive -- -- -- -- found yet to get all that extra you have to get. You to do that thirty dollar plan if you want tethering amendment ten dollar I mean a lot of people pointed out that it is still cheaper like -- -- just -- the ten dollar forgy planned. It is still cheaper than Verizon NTT's but once you add the thirty dollar tethering and I know that that's cheaper than Bratton thinks it'll at a gathering. Nevertheless -- his friends say like it's a lot monies spent. And it's more than the -- that. And about. Dana. From Riley says last month I had the exact same frustration is rate now has concerning all the choices and Android phones cross the four US carriers are made a quick spreadsheet in Google docs. To straighten things -- as it turns out there are 24 Android phones that have been in the conversation this year I hope this helps everyone and Muslims much as as it has helped me. And Dana sends us a link to the spreadsheet which is -- Epic no -- -- -- when I got an epic on it is totally -- forgy one adult in the curb it's great it's like with it's great. Price down the left and the carriers to think this is why were confused about which Android -- to get. You're not longer though if you look at I mean you could figure can -- that any cell phone to -- -- there -- one but yeah I mean Samsung alone makes like 200 separate cell phone model right there -- a lot of Mandarin -- they don't I think that. I mean certainly I think we talked about how the fragmentation of the problem and Apple has a benefit because the -- -- they -- and want the iPhone or whatever but I don't think -- that. There are so many hundred truth is that -- the -- 891. Others now fifteen others that are viewing the spreadsheet at that time everybody who has I was talking you were like -- And anyway I think it is -- super awesome Regina kind of wanna like fact check -- and publish -- in the function of and and Blackberry it and -- yeah. -- time for okay here's the Blackberry messenger question today Q would you rather have a Blackberry -- Or a windows phones and come when those are to come out with a whole Xbox ecosystem and -- -- -- -- -- Blackberry will be open up of what. Then -- answer via Blackberry messenger opinions two or 523. He is entirely 65 vote. You can find that helpfully renowned. Outer blog below that cnet.com along with links all of the story -- we talked about today. You can email us -- -- mansion budget cnet.com or call -- -- 106162638. And you can follow us on Twitter you wanna find out you know like one -- live stream starts every -- I am at twitter.com slash Molly -- I'm rates are -- the and I am -- guns are well that's me. It's super useful you'll love it. Few days. My life.

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