Ep. 1288: Web Exclusive
Ep. 1288: Web Exclusive

Ep. 1288: Web Exclusive

This -- camera support -- -- us -- with hugely deep space. Upper right. All. I don't know but -- I -- I was very I was thirty fetching about this yesterday -- and Apple and say. You have figured out you told me that I didn't need -- case screen protector he took -- -- out of the store I believe you and I made eat it anyway and this is what happens now that -- about it I've got years of look at this freaking scratching as they what you're. Entitlement incidentally the customer data it's gonna do Google search and a fellow that we get him like if -- gave him a new phone and everybody's gonna give me that he's gonna blog about it now that. May I tell them -- look I'm I'm a journalist but it -- new well I won't tell anybody in it you -- -- you didn't you vote hush money. I've. Oh he now evidently the planet in -- and again and we kill the -- -- -- a -- story indefinitely. Because that's an epic. We're Louis yes I'm with you let's find Q veteran have the right implement it. Up comic if -- -- have Tommy of the well I didn't that's hilarious they got the reds kill other red and that's -- -- I do his -- -- gonna. You know the lab and kill the lab it. Okay much better so if that I finally got Netflix. -- mandatory for the idea again and could god to watch district nine. Offices accidentally violently. And Hitler player. They -- to TV man -- you've still in. And I -- a banana and -- I'm just kidding there another source on the movement and. -- what ever. That's a good movie them. If I -- and I like that the heroes such are really -- He's just an unpleasant guy he's come up. -- anti you gotta have an anti here figures here he retained as their can be totally redeem himself but he was finds them inner. -- And yeah him. Even try hard enough to him -- needed. -- And it seems very. Especially on Blu-ray. -- -- And -- -- but he did. Yeah. They did. Light and Maurice and they wanna stricter budget or something. The now it was not at all it was you know Independence Day you know. Quality bars the aliens -- for the most. There -- a couple of overhead shots right but it was with are there but they you know ships we're gonna. Check one gently. Back to coolly coolly -- make you gave your non working at that. I don't know -- must -- Our. -- -- it's okay you're missing something than you can just on the we don't want ugly. -- games. A world away and check in. Arrow. Gonna take -- -- job. So. Everybody in the chat -- what do you think. How about how about we all wear one of these. I don't see the problem -- only a month for a few minutes until it -- -- it. -- for me out there. I am good at that party general -- speaking at the door with a smile that. Why now why what it around with it and take your order please. What what I'd like gay and number three animal style. With. I love headsets and or you're gonna problem is. That. I -- -- -- what. That you. Moon moon moon. Yes absolutely safe spot rant about net neutrality -- I know that you'll be able and take me seriously when I tell you that the entire future of the Internet and possibly humanity is at stake here. -- -- -- The -- a -- -- type in it. And. Then create them together on the -- Now that's a look things. And that's gonna have to I have never quite a bit. I don't think this is what truly -- -- it should definitely get paid over -- -- -- This is November -- and -- Bravo requesting taxi to take out -- my 34 left. All signs yeah. I -- -- an inherent. Sure. Complete the circle. I -- -- thing is huge load them. It's here and you gotta say it isn't comfortable it's more comfortable on the headphones are we gonna -- that -- -- -- her diapers milk right coming -- -- okay bread okay got it death -- calculator got to go and I bet. Yeah. Hello welcome to -- 800 dentists. Yes some you have an over whether -- not provide ascendancy of it will be in this one packet -- we right into an approximately three more weeks thinking about. Thank you have -- done everything to address your needs there. It's -- short survey answer yes short. -- before we take off or listener to short service. I have not have dinner and Hungary S note the very majestic moment. I'm not hung -- -- get my kids polymer I'm hungry I'm hungry okay yes sir I can't confirm I am taking off the list thank you caller. Totally not taking off the list. So -- now. -- identity. Yes right so the best thing about isn't fully I did that last night -- hasn't seen any of what we just did and sweetening the Linux side he's on the show. Is gonna be like hey Jason you got that hasn't from. Yet that how how does that work out. They yell hey how are mums get hundreds of Woodward was it was is that. It's -- seeming in my office on the phone I am always on ads that. I -- -- -- and he did this are you on the world's biggest head so I'm out of the world's smallest that's. When those can go and get many more so wireless long range wireless that that. -- -- -- Went -- Opposes year in the in the case and -- that's what it's falling apart like sixers. Anyway I don't think we're gonna I think recently that the of that and often not used Colleen I -- -- had to have always been yeah how whatever I'm doing I'm wearing a headset. A. Security and it. Though -- national all we thank you. Thank you come again. You don't even when I did actually do telemarketing for a few months ending up where you get telemarketing Edmond -- Our little -- I -- and on the telemarketer and it -- worst I've been coming -- more noise canceling microphones. That's and enjoy -- -- all the other 500 even just housed there all the other -- policy errors there. Yeah I was selling vacation packages -- you don't you can hang up. Because this -- only extends to having your folks if you need talk to your spouse. You can do that just don't put me on pulled an -- I gotta say Jason if you're it's a marketing guy you kind of sound a little warmer friendly site might at least yeah it will give you the benefit of the doubt it's that I really I was gonna say that was a very good. And -- I sometimes especially if you it and if you're telemarketer actually selling. Entirely like you don't have any sort of the salary don't have an hourly it was all commission all commission -- But the commission is good if you -- vacation package 800. He disputed every day you'd like -- -- that and that's. He would treat people -- -- Three -- basically what you that isn't much that is involved that you thought you have -- -- list or if I based on region was based on means there are region. That you're dialing can remember there was definitely a list may be given like a staple list of numbers -- -- of -- -- you know different I don't know -- region days now yet. By. That it's much better than a summer job I had so -- -- worked on -- or Cisco. Or for -- -- a teachers and -- this idea. The -- -- -- in the bill good to sell hermit crabs as pets. That's that's actually pretty good idea no wasn't counting on the -- -- -- barely made enough money for lunch most days I did every day. It's an EE learning graduate and they're not very -- that I mean that milieu right it should have been practicing -- native is a little things -- this -- analysts and to be your daily fiber. This I might open up that's gonna and yes for its which for the desert people -- hand -- Right. Moon and stars like orders of the extra so that's about as light is the show it's today it is is a -- show -- -- and indeed people. Put on your year well it's gonna get much. Its its gonna get a monkey. Mikey who who. Although if you hear -- I know. Our radio Molly that it as the I'm studying I am studying yet studying. -- many. Excellent. Consumer who want them online. You're gimme gimme -- in. Fifth and thirtieth way hotter yeah. -- studying in a world where it's episode -- 1200. If you going to see you have them. That's awesome that's without any vehicle dividends and that junk but currently in the hope you'll never have more fun reading about your time and if you get this to be John -- -- Read -- about a siamese cat who pretending that Shalala. I love it only got in there my emulator for that matter what's this this that accomplishment -- -- -- -- -- I'm so happy etc. we can learn right it is 12880. Cracked the -- -- I know you're not panic and -- -- Iraq. For out of that not live up to cut back back not. -- yeah -- Apparently -- At least half a -- in the -- JJ is you know yeah launch. Nano in Boston that we use that generation key we read it and -- the don't I. -- -- Yeah yeah I have -- You may have the most and deletes them the world -- I think you're right congratulations if actually. That is strictly true I think you people just got fired for getting busted by -- -- for watching -- to let you guys and get back. Yeah that's gonna it's gonna -- -- your theater all the group fell from 292 to 298 did it while that was. I mean he warned us it is and given them it's time to get pet about. -- -- -- -- -- -- Don't we just don't wanna do an actual sort of everything happening here we go out into the news is the president is have a fun show and not the -- the Internet is ruined. Things we want to do. -- my iPhone they looked at yet and that -- School rate tong you're out. Kelly on the line. It -- not exactly an imminent. Two islands when we love -- ship around here and we need a word of the day GB of courses. And -- -- and nun who. Actually -- Special. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Yes. And it's. You see it again -- credit that yeah. -- Missile. Attack alright let's do that -- here who we go yeah. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Usually the hour -- I was actually pretty pretty happy that we got a list of and we still are able to laugh. Yeah yeah itself. Close as good mix. Well yeah but that's I want -- night booty tied. Sisters. Take what it did take these in the -- The familiar -- -- -- -- -- -- Welcome -- you got there at the but he keyboard and you were yeah. It's adults under the cherry and I am not unless I don't think him on the show tomorrow if -- wrapped up in time and will be nice ticket and they'll violent and -- he had part because of but he -- party don't stop. Reboot pretty -- equipment. Quigley group included movies a -- -- like nobody type articles -- body type are you dosed up couldn't put it to include beef sales and actually go on so. I well done and Daryn is on tomorrow. Yeah though. I don't even -- you don't need me you have Darren Kitchen. -- if you -- yes. Not. I am shooting me. I'm hosting a web show for CBS news that is oddly enough about parenting. You can find that. -- On parenting. In Ireland Ireland know but -- -- Why why was I part of that show. That's where I have offered something you already graduated from high school -- Jose and we'll see if they can it -- and group. You can you where. You've allowed -- scroll wheel on the planet. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Been filling in little strong marketing it but that's. No -- to put too. And can and and -- now comes the I mean it. And -- now. -- only now. But what -- weapons and. She -- -- -- only for like three months or so. Tong versus tank should be -- -- -- it wouldn't even be close. -- club's prize fight the if congress and Alex and and -- night that would be so pathetic. -- -- them hard. Nation what is the -- of what. Who would win with hair. -- tank depends on what to flavors. From an -- you up if you want the bobbled than paying the table and although it -- the and being culturally insensitive -- Yeah -- -- And while it's normal -- knowing you know. Note that I'm getting back into -- but it had to listen to the benefit threaten their damaged. Somebody remind me what I was gonna write up that are. Go some. In. Palo. Through dot dude you. Empathy to the UK yeah I -- And what's so for -- -- -- same -- stuff came up. Only that's that's the song -- or he or she is referring to. Once. They know they know the sells them in. She -- oh. And when -- -- -- -- Right and choking -- releases meaning Angeles had to do. -- department then what you can the -- -- the Internet in at nine. That's accurate the -- thank you the option. It's good a total with factor. Definitely it it's straight up -- number in fact today that's -- Did the of them there and that while. Don't worry -- liberty type pretty but he gets the -- in the back it. It's the and a -- I don't know if seniors and make it like you oh -- so the library totals. All night and the only after the movie okay now -- -- I don't need idea but you wanna have Jay said hello. And it looks good news. Of -- with the booties. All you want recently with the booty with the putting human types of right I think boon baby food they sell have been on the back type -- -- attack. It's -- So it's a minute we're gonna hang out while the idea. Being that we need to do a -- -- -- and -- I. And it's the fact that that what you created so -- -- -- for the -- Jason and we're gonna handle more. Only to teach you have to be not yet know enough I need to be honest I don't wanna use the full QWERTY booty that we just did to -- that's not regional into the box to follow you around an -- agreement that the now I really know. -- -- -- -- Credibility in the end of the Internet everywhere you go have -- cake and -- it -- Have your cake and then eat it to have -- -- now though. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Well. Only if you hate Biden -- Right fund police that here age Obama put his -- Kick I wanna try it out wait until they have a copy desk at -- -- -- and we're gonna. An entirely connected you know that -- I finished. -- -- -- -- -- -- I haven't even that you -- that it really. Can we highlighted cannot -- -- agreement. Forgot about -- actually -- actually looked at this belong to them. That -- let's say okay -- Harry and Dave and oklahomans both. Let's hit. See you I think forty billion the end of the Internet -- my favorite -- have -- headline ever ever. According booty and the end -- the Internet it's just working on some the. -- What Vista fixed them. I feel -- thing oh. Best on the world. -- hundred it was like. The British Army and actually they -- -- -- a way to make an American company needed me. Before the fourth of that -- it works -- a little is it on TV now on our part. You put them through the ultimate test drive ability at the restaurant it I have been totally property. Ratings giant running. -- -- -- Back in the game moonshine runners had to be fast reliable and -- content wouldn't play -- on the revenue it. In their -- ground loser race each other which led to the beginning that's. He does let you read about them in me talking about it very about. The -- catalog over -- -- always really grab. Hello hello and all this. Friday -- the same -- shared I don't know whether I'm concerned. For I had everything. That work report. And that's the officials. This with him and -- even without a helmet. And only when I'm in my. It feels like okay well I know where I live in the movie about them having -- I -- you were just kind of there have been hurting. So basically what I'm seeing as this is jackass little -- yet I'll. When -- unbelievable. It's a negative reviews -- -- -- you -- to do it was awful the not here piracy OG top here is so free and off the hook the -- Because they're like big facility cars likeness it would have a lot of production value -- lights up here. The original. Both should do they get did none of them -- when you're -- mean none of them are. May or what's the Jeremy what's the battery pack from Clarkson. Our captain. That's made here. -- -- meaty on. Anybody into it. Go CNET group and -- -- -- radio I'm not making I know. Exists a little -- though the we should go my -- and maybe be by is due -- that is totaled and is that okay maybe I. Jack the standard should all blogs in front of the theater and see if we can raise enough money to get it is in the says it's basically like twenty dollars per person that we have -- reason forty dollars. And I would say if you want us to stop you mean by books yet there. 54 people to do them. Where there he's hated politics life -- is one of those like guilty. Pleasure things although I could do a lot to do I -- does -- -- rose that's disgusting. But I can't. My department could not -- -- the paper part in the. Could you know I don't I had read what I do now wanna talk about -- -- in the -- kids -- watch iron out on -- I can't even hear it. It into. And it -- compared with my -- powdered sugar is wearing out now. You've got the waffles regularly and a lot of -- well grouchy and Matt in her blood and then -- pulled into the garage and then it was like. What is -- -- one. So -- just. And they -- the creek truck I don't know president Carlos and useful -- -- because they evicted us from the good luck. Europe everything I was I like that put Allah I think though that when he -- and but I'm happy that it's likely they'll -- -- Sony fox network's original available -- you -- you to create truck on the corner area they have -- now. Please consider it over and mission and not some other issues like we're in dynamic that's great -- your you know. Ten feet away now and am good and it. -- -- -- -- -- -- How can -- which Hydro is whipped cream anytime -- probably got up I -- -- -- now and sometimes. I've kept -- -- and let them we need Gurria now -- they keep telling me that they're gonna come turn -- that would occur across the street. -- -- but can -- corn dog truck carried out there right now is really for that gross thing. Listeners that's we -- with the it would be as part okay. Yeah merry yes is not seriously we have -- -- picture now organic banana yeah now and it's ridiculous. It's they're like cupcakes that the -- of them are injected with -- ridiculous -- and this they have one that's likely -- like it -- chocolate. Cupcake with Carmel in the middle with -- -- on. I could die while -- I like the Linden modem Ireland and one about it but in the strawberry -- as pregame ridiculous human injected that strawberry butter cream. Catching -- that game. When we always talk about the middleman and let's it is good. I'm glad that's over at lunchtime lesson is accountable and aren't like all made entry of the hole I hit yeah it and -- I'm still digesting food is also another month if this is both sides I went on yeah all mean any. You might wanna go see -- doctor about. And tell you store all the Alexa -- and a thousand dollar burrito I want blow it -- -- cinnamon sugar sure -- -- with the Dalai history where tell me now you've been here -- attitude. -- -- -- -- I'm going to be a couple of the ones when Isaac in what olive oil and salt on a good Allen it's -- -- -- -- -- it's oh yeah I mean. When the ice cream place -- -- The mission -- -- Diana got some silly name the -- I read better remembered as per -- and even -- lady building faith they get the -- -- bland name amber. -- I read about a minute votes do it now they'll be swamped you guys AP is nothing that senator Stephen got killed -- dumping trash. -- -- -- -- -- -- That's my alma. It's not a big truck. Numbers. And -- I wealth -- -- and for that giant downer. Alright. What is next -- you know. I should have an -- of magnitudes literate. Not something you just dump something on. Here in. -- next step and out now are there. I'm. Thinking cap and they have. Changed in the change in the page to -- -- a more a former remote promoting movements like David coming up at all -- under. Every that you are asked -- is that the one that has -- -- we'll. Aaron Leo because I -- how far away and that's. It was nice to was the spinning -- it's actually in August if you cross and is nearly Dolores park labor's. Now none are gonna with a mean there's really did those Scotland might be. If you feel like standing on -- -- -- -- down through the weekend afternoon. On come -- Alright I admit that you know DOK let's go guys -- now I'm hungry and hump and integrate whatever the hell was that it. Hi guys thanks for -- -- -- and -- elves. Or MF package. Good finally. -- figure -- great.

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