Ep. 127: Tablets vs laptops, digital magazine subscriptions, and PSN problems
Ep. 127: Tablets vs laptops, digital magazine subscriptions, and PSN problems

Ep. 127: Tablets vs laptops, digital magazine subscriptions, and PSN problems

It's slow have you Monday everybody -- that's. Gilligan you're the chairman there Nancy Julie that's because we've got everybody in -- are here today thank you -- stepping -- we appreciate it thanks always liked this idea urgent effort here really. Yes I while I do not -- asset. Excellent at -- just -- is here though so it's got -- terrible Monday show digital city we don't. Public ceremony here by announcing the titles or names or names that we just get right into it doesn't. To a lot of exciting things going on PlayStation network is still down that's exciting. Every airline knew I had stuff. There's some crazy report about how tablets from start out selling laptops I don't believe it. And of course we are going a little bit later. To do another one of -- infrequent but fairly regular little game show moment -- in the chat -- Dave I'm infancy because this is a good way to kind of explain -- people. Basically there -- people in the chat room chatting along watching the show listening. Later on the show -- to -- gonna pick three random chatroom participants and three view. Will play as their avatars and quick trivia game to win exciting video game Verizon's excellent though so I appear ready after the -- with some -- depending on you -- win them -- Google. Ultimately the bag you brought -- to announce to the -- again with some of that some good stuff really missing you'll have to look if you would like to play going to chat room and tell -- that you'd like to claim he's gonna take three people you can search telling him right now he's monitoring Verity you buried on all right -- is indeed very well as -- he's -- when -- assistance that's a question that's related. I've picked and special questions that pleading his strengths the elect what what's the first and I'm kill them for developers e-book I'm not gonna second -- enabling up on don't it's called -- working -- the -- -- -- -- With the assault and even out that I do I've Google right it's like. Estonia do well it's like when asked the star crash questions got rid of that booklet snow crash will have a I mean subject area that Google is doing is -- incorporated with the with the with yet the people representing the -- and also allow. The people that were -- presenting to maybe chime in their answer -- I don't even know it -- that it just looks -- I always very thorough answers it but then it -- the person looks -- the -- -- what with a -- of the look it up again to -- by governmental system I don't really doesn't adding layers of bureaucracy -- -- -- any any more meritocracy in our game it is to save a couple brain cells in the -- here okay. Our right -- -- well -- -- -- -- and brain cells -- by telling you that you could still not get on the PlayStation network. On your PlayStation 3 and play brain distracting online games of your friends what's going on there. What's going on his -- there's still trying to guess build up that network and make it a little more secure from what I understand that the the information was encrypted was used in all critical information and everything else wasn't that's why it was obvious -- easy. For the -- ascertain all information you should really encrypt everything -- and also keep the credit card numbers on a separate table. You have an on the they're saying that it should be -- by may 31 -- may be signs of the port of their features of the coming up. Through the through the course of the month. But the this -- payment can actually have the sentiment is new cures is what exactly are they gonna give us on I did here or did read. That -- be giving us some mail the -- in my -- yet they think as an effect that's got you this -- a tiny camera I have been touting right in front of Eric and I know they're giving -- -- -- screen about it that I don't -- I'll know -- yet they don't want them like free -- PlayStation plus. And maybe some maybe. Content download it remind me what PlayStation -- and I've heard of kind of -- -- I don't quite get fleas as originally year I got exactly but I mean that places implies to me is think again Islam. A new improved version of core. Number the first lady -- exactly as are what what will core the core with score was a group of the first video game like magazine show. -- -- hosted by our. Our verio Veronica -- now I might add on for. Be formally on my client was she she pops and every now on this is that problems as -- before -- but it's the difference between guessing that when you work for Sony Internet when -- for palm. Isn't -- cool show and it offered like free downloads click on wall paper is and demo for computer -- -- -- game released before the -- available to everyone else. On the network they get Emily Emma it has an alternate and discounts and places -- plus is probably that the next level of that whether there I -- giving you more continues in the month. As opposed to -- of cities -- at the core damage that is. Com -- what went to see him as -- -- the year you'll -- Xbox Live used to be a guessing okay well I actually had a problem with there's a little problem with media not having the PlayStation network right now that I got. Portal to. In order to play it on your keys your Mac you get the code with here. You're supposed to log in through PlayStation network and then blanket the steam account. -- PC -- Mac so any candidate obviously forced to play on. The PlayStation. But with the multiplayer. Yeah -- that if they -- -- I had so -- for was apparently some of that anyway the single player game but you can't play the multiplayer game. Kind of makes you wish you can get over Sony should creator Wright is given a Mortal Kombat either online that's trying to -- more comment online these outcomes is seems to be a much more. Mall online multiplayer oriented game and I don't -- -- -- check that out but no luck there and -- of the -- because of the motor storm -- gonna play -- -- -- Output side immediately get to play area it's it was I'm -- -- right -- -- single player last night ends. It was the first time I booted up my PlayStation 3 in good week or so we just kind of forgotten about it it's -- -- And -- ridiculous I mean 41 is a long time I'm actually -- I returned my eyes it just me or my impatient millions. -- own one that has a long time I actually haven't turned my pleases and -- and stack started. Com my son wanted to watch a couple blues on Blu-ray isn't discouraging everything that I don't -- there and in return on but. I think inevitably are probably turn on but as of August safety precautions and paranoid I'm probably gonna disconnect from the network has been -- try to do -- -- of -- -- isn't. In two was back up and running and -- can change my passwords on it. On that thing you can go and change your password again you -- -- -- -- but I calls to develop a password vortex these days where we ask people to come up with unique. With the call strong passwords for everything -- to mix it capital and lower case letters and numbers. And we want every site -- every service you have to have a different password there's no way. Anybody can humanly remember all these passwords lets you -- elect a look at actual line there from your favorite song -- all of the day -- bright but still -- you have the same password for everything we don't you may get a different line for the whole songs and -- a little solid -- -- -- The agency has hired I've got whatever the waters by an X-Files in there are two and it's a self Joyce had allocated space spider. -- better well you know you which Sony should do is after. Come back alignment should make -- Omnia via the -- and make every game nine cents. Like three days to Akron they should just give you as a member as it -- network gravity -- give you a couple -- -- I should I just -- I think -- I think the price I have I haven't even better idea I mean better. Give me 50% off the -- the MGP when it comes out. A table I think I agree with what I think you guys -- -- about a year PlayStation plus sounds perfect because it one month what is at sixty dollars for an interview -- via okay that's not a huge amount of money to service and you know what nobody uses it anyhow. Most people have no idea what it is it's good advertising for them to. The get an idea what that this thing off for just make it available -- will Sony does just give it to people they do have a three month I think like 27 dollars at the very least give the three month. So you can get a feel -- I mean I understood without an homage to drop a big one though and not a matter of Islamist government does is it a secret that -- this applause for you know of you know gives -- details five -- -- -- -- a move free movie rentals rentals -- again how well let me register -- used copy of DC universe are how -- that -- announced -- entertainment that's another story connected with that -- Loves DC universe online the cable guy who came to install my whole -- DVR last week. And he -- the games habits and around and and retirement DC universe and and so -- you can -- -- -- -- -- giving him a call of duty Cody. That I had this era from for former president ringgit to -- Is and I gave a tip off so you know that listening to any access to have to -- was thinking -- I think I don't think this hole has dvi and got a pretty. We were spending too much time on this very quickly as I ask a quick rather in question. What Sony executive will resign in disgrace and take the fall -- this is it is it is is it stringer or is it cancer rise got. -- -- somebody different now actually don't nobody was gonna resign over this I think that is gonna make concessions in its ubiquity giveaways you think within the within a year all the Sony executives in -- -- will be just to. Six months or whatever no one is going to -- retire. I should know -- -- anyway I think maybe isn't pushing out the door might help I think there there this is definitely push out the gondola yes this is not Apple -- going of the basement. Some of -- -- -- their way and maybe. Quietly casually resign over your -- -- humans ambulatory act parents on what happens I will I will -- one thing -- a quick tip for anyone out there if your email address -- -- -- an account. And pass -- to the same -- are actually email address and has an account. I just change the password to your email address so you don't have to worry about your emails now being hacked as well as -- -- and -- just like just like what happened with -- In an arm and I'm sorry to Darth Saxon that you -- appears through this indeed the that's not where I went out sorry about the ability. He needs to get to software updates I don't -- anything -- -- couldn't even tell you an all time -- Moving I'm moving on Scott do you notice that the whole -- subscription system for Conde Nast magazines on the iPad it kind it -- right kind of easy. Andy said that it was a tiny data mining and asked if you're cutting NASA woke up this morning I heard about the fact that they were gonna talk about last week that. There's buzz about that they're gonna be first to move compared to -- but also announced subscriptions for the iPad. And lo and behold this morning the New Yorker. Had an iPad app update to three point now downloaded with excitement because there's a lot of talk -- these magazines are gonna be about 1999 year. That was obviously unlikely with big mag weekly magazine like -- -- worker. And indeed the subscription is sixty dollars a year on the iPad with the option to get. Four issues for I think 599 -- that's a lot better than what it was originally was five bucks an issue. You know what I would've pulled the trigger in a second for 1989 obviously that's a bad deal probably for the New Yorker because they're producing a lot of content but. Sixty dollars a year you know I just a -- the terminal you can you get can you -- dumb issues purity -- print subscriber. On yet what -- print subscriber I believe that you get the issues the digital issues with it and -- -- -- -- calculator came to about ten dollars a year more if you're doing print. Different is 69 dollars a year -- Vista sixty listener regarding everything -- no immediate professional. The professional who pays the full. If -- -- Lefevre of advancements that I know I think email -- Jerry York deception -- I think that they like sixty for two years now I'm building -- that's what -- you know there are extra and or don't get out of here. -- Apple's -- as they can't deeply discount -- as these I can't subscriptions if they're claiming that these are essentially the same as a print magazines. Because then obviously they're driving people away from that higher costs you know print magazine. You're you're devaluing. That there's a reason -- pay sixty bucks a year for the print magazine. We -- could just be twenty boxing at the same stuff on your iPad. So they have to create a barrier to entry Banesha equally likely to get either one but for some of these creating a market and maybe not for that they're not four. It in an in the magazine market it's not about the cost of this descriptions of like getting. The amount of readers that ads go and you know -- -- that that that's that's trying to change that magazines right but the and other printed page sells for so much more friendly than the 3 PM equal and in the online magazine while I realize that the -- subscribers I think eventually will change once the numbers -- -- -- It will not because online -- and -- rates have always been lower than every other form of media by a law are large margin and ten years later that hasn't changed well there's. Maybe there is saying that via a full page in the near Gaza and 41000 dollars so. And quite a bit muddy but. And I think that the point is you can't start low and then raise the price you got it you'd better start high and he and engage with the demand is and tends to picnic if you -- -- -- -- -- starting free and now one -- sequoia. I mean I don't think the demand is gonna be sky high for sixty dollars a year I love -- I I think -- shoot from the -- and say. -- that's going to be a tough one. I think the challenge is going to be maybe it's true that yet I think eventually avatars -- have come around or they're gonna have to figure out a way to get -- model to work because like you said. Most people get these subscriptions. For really cheap in the print version and I think that it doesn't work at right now logically for something that has no physical property to it people course -- -- painless for something that is. It's digital -- One of warrants in cases that the daily rightly that that was -- knew it wasn't thirty bucks for the year how much was if I'm like -- and I I maintain that it sort of almost had to be free in order to work amended and -- Note to to -- -- strict advertising -- they needed those subscribers because people just weren't willing to pay. If they're so cheap these days I mean with all these and you unproven. Well let me -- I mean I think the iPhone the iPad everything has become. A little bit devalued in his point so it's very difficult. Two you know where people buy anything you know that there -- some a new iPad games that went up and bunch just hit number -- as they they press but. What point 999 and -- and everyone's bottom yet exactly. I -- -- I like I -- the daily news app and so forth by allegedly approached those because I just with a free to download but that the paper public -- -- the website. That's in the iPad the web centers usually yeah even a better. Reading and surfing experience that's totally true there's a lot of the article is because you could Google rating you're really looking for and find it you don't wanna put -- their. Free I'll find it on the web for free -- -- the daily could really get outside links most of the time to -- you -- -- search and efficiently the navigation was terrible. The content is is okay I mean of his findings certainly hired enough reasonably priced writers -- -- -- didn't actually pay most of them anything are hardly anything but you know there's nothing you can get on that -- became just -- -- -- your favorite news sites. You don't get I I personally I think one of the best online news site right now the Atlantic dot com what about the -- report. That's really magazine has just another example stores is music I like it because we're good way to quick fix find everything -- do with ultimate -- -- half woman Nick's blog I see in the. Another challenge not opponent Joey is the right we sit there and yeah yeah. And other challenge -- right and it's in order to with the birth there. I've got the cargo for the pictures is in the -- don't listen the challenges also you mentioned that in this -- -- as well I think it's about the short attention -- features like the iPad. You're quick to adopt -- -- quick to dispose of it. And you have limited amount of storage space sphere and write -- for these magazine issues some of the can be considerable size I mean about a hundred megs is considerable. And that leads to an issue of always had with at least as of the past few months with with another -- -- -- the iPad and wired for the iPad. Which. There's been -- ridiculous from which -- not been addressed back issues. Are no longer shown and has been record on the App Store. They they don't show -- the history of what you've purchased so now as of as a as of a recent update recent meaning a couple of months. That you if you bought a couple of issues which I did five -- an issue. And analyze -- -- of the angles of some stores they originally -- had an iPad will now and it's not available yet to should be available. I think in June for 1999. Buy it. You know at 30400 megabytes download I'm gonna keep a lot of -- Leah so when it updated a lot of people found all the sudden. -- an analyst it is by as opposed to view or download. And you can't remember which ones you necessarily download -- it's a crapshoot because just like the App Store until recently. If you press that button -- now lets you know you can just download before -- and take a leap of faith and browse by enter your password and then it says yeah okay it's free. -- only ISO that's ridiculous. They're assuming -- you -- -- -- then subscribe to IDC world American dispose of it in them anyway check it but -- be able to keep a staff around for a couple months at least and act -- that project I will tell you and I think the the ultimate solution for this problem is it's not the prettiest solution. But it's the only one like into that even -- works and work for the New York Times and for the New Yorker and for -- and whenever. You simply have one subscription that is an all you can eat everything subscription so you you are entitled to the website the tablet version the print version they Kindle version whatever for one price. And no one there let's say they choose which ones you wanna get if you don't wanna kill a -- and get the paper paper just uncheck that that you're just headlines for access to the content. You get the paper version if you want if not that's fine to. -- that I like that is I think will eventually end up happening in New York Times as it closes of that right now if you subscribe to the paper you get everything. This throne and except like the Kindle -- Yeah -- -- an answer it's funny I think with something like the New Yorker. People are pretty -- to the reading that in print. And so I think you would potentially get more incremental. Subscribers through the iPad at it was a little cheaper so having them get there but it's gonna -- -- well. -- found there -- quickly let me switch switch gears and -- says Nielsen. Report out. Recently that a lot of people 23 literally because it said that. Essentially tablets were becoming more popular and -- keyboard not using their desktops and laptops -- much and extrapolated out. You could see -- point in the very near future based on current sales trends where. They would sell more tablets and laptops essentially I of course to -- -- not gonna happen. When you extrapolate out and explosive period of initial growth like this -- than anything can happen but obviously. Now the number of you know I can't -- -- not the new -- to accelerated this level there are too many first time buyers. The -- this soldiers level off though so I don't think tablets will outsell laptop anytime soon. What do you think about. As would have a beat I don't really have. I thought well our corporate diverse individuals -- beats -- -- I think I think at some point they're gonna in the gonna comment. Merge and I believe that about a lot of devices that you see like widgets and Netflix are integrated in televisions and when you get is a product is not as good as either of them individually you to think it's of water down laptop and watered down well watered down phone. -- -- I think -- -- I think to a certain degree these are gonna replace actually. A lot of the -- -- and laptops and because as they get more powerful -- -- -- faster processors there's just that there is there remains the keyboard issue and and the question is whether there it's there that people. Certain things are gonna it's still do on their laptops there's certain things are still committed -- -- Missing the secondary laptop with a semblance -- series of that 13 of tablet owners surveyed that that they use their desktops or laptops. Less. Since they got a tablet but only 3% of tablet owners that they stopped using they're there -- PCs overall. The more you know people go to their desktops -- -- -- percent of an audience or laptops. Well I mean there is a point where. With laptops that we we really get more into every laptop being the MacBook Air. You know eventually and at that point people continue buying laptops but right now on the issues that. You know -- -- -- you still have these bigger -- here laptops and you really need to move in that are actually everything's a much -- -- think they think that's exactly the point beings are lighter the battery life is doubled. India ten hours of battery on the iPad. On the good the -- -- -- gimme gimme some licks in sick voice recognition software even eliminate the whole keyboard factor means you can just walk right into it and it taken down. Or forward and the keyboard no longer becomes a factor with a -- of an Apple mine. -- -- -- -- -- Okay yes I mean so I mean that's a rumor so if you limit you limit -- to hand I know -- it but I know Joey you you'll continue using laptop until. They have flash support on the. I'll edit it in case -- case nor does notice I actually have the the new iMac here with -- as the thunderbolt -- -- -- the right way he's all about ports about the ports baby -- -- plug into it. I'm gonna head -- display port -- news. My other iMac in the Latin and international peripherals -- as additional monitor and very expensive secondary monitor. IPods apparently say that I think we're in what we -- called just like you and housing doubled as a tablet bubble. If we're talking about it but -- -- the iPad -- -- easily buying any of these other tablets every companies are rushing to get them out there. And the broken and have a gigantic warehouses full of tablets on their hands and it turns out people don't really wanna by Joey what I them I don't know what -- -- and then -- -- -- -- the and when -- when you -- Look down. I think that's the laptop store remains obviously the most useful all around device yet get rid of but it you'll -- one item in your house for me would definitely be the laptop because it can do everything there's nothing else. That has 88 he sort of in a limitless feature -- like it like laptops seem to have although. I don't know for me I am using my laptop -- that -- so there you go -- accept the fact I'm mostly lazy just uses a web browser. If after write anything I usually write stuff at the office Oklahoman. Well it -- as a whole. -- technically it's it's a huge inconvenience and then you just pick it up it's instantly -- you can get cracking on tap the app you're in. There's no wait for -- to boot. Double click you look you look at the hourglass not to mention the fact with tablets now because the markets of repetitive and are trying to find a way to tackle the iPad to. They're they're putting multiple OS is a you've got like the the view sonic one that hasn't windows and -- -- -- one point six in the future we could probably see. Ones -- multiple s.'s on it which are really be beneficial to people in in multiple areas if -- quick boot Android OS you -- just demonstrated that there. Where you have a full fledged windows suite with office and everything else. What comes in happily -- hybrid OS in essence eventually as a list and develops and sending packets arriving and inventories I think your -- actually I think there's a huge demand sitting out there for. The MacBook Air -- sandy bridge in this -- people waiting for that thing to come out but just a little bit more powerful. -- MacBook Air I'm waiting for one I'm gonna get -- the smaller one. But that'll be my next computer. Were you also have an iPad using human -- I am -- and I've been linked him everybody here is expensive speaking. It's yeah hourglass on the screen on -- in their right now running at a time to switch topics technically that's got the most useful item in the universe you know this is actually a towel. Not a laptop. Now nobody. Tell them why can't I can't run flash on Intel to expect that perhaps future -- nine -- and -- -- good guys gals you're right and how much electrical apocalypse Patel was far far more useful on I would like excel -- is -- an. Art I want that's -- break with -- the great story aside on the silicon insider which could -- from fortune about this speech that Steve Jobs apparently gives employees when they get promoted to vice president. He -- at how when you're a janitor at the company. You know what -- so that goes around. You can usually have a reasonable explanation -- couldn't clean your office because they changed the lock on the doors -- couldn't get it. Okay that's a good excuse he says somewhere between being the janitor in being the CEO. Reason stop battery and then Steve Jobs would tell you when you've got to get promoted. That -- reasons on matters cost and you become -- VP which you now are so from now on I don't get the problem is there's no excuses just get it right. Which is which -- certainly seems like a pretty. Stern way to put things but -- -- so far for him. The thing I try to tell at a that can sometimes to get fired when something happens I'll admit it excuse the decision under you know that there -- no excuse either of those annoying if there's someone that that -- for previous -- and other -- -- for another company. We're at the active part of the cleaning service for instance that with this course of what was ever restore it back and down out that that -- the company with alcohol that what's certain is that it's that was going -- here. That was the HP pre texting scandal where one of the ideas they had. Was to get somebody in the building as a maverick -- and having ever actually happen. You sure yes I am behind either fairly -- -- -- -- -- you got your -- appeared. That that that that's right that's a good remedied I think you did see that -- with the whole antenna -- situation via phone or not. India the VP. No excuses. -- that's right a game quickly we're running out of time Joseph I hope you have gathered -- three contestants for our little game show by now. Idea would actually scooter one we're not. We're we're alive we're not that -- -- come on take -- -- Hannity Leo broadcast and -- -- scooter one. Okay is Scott from -- -- -- me of J&J one. Okay you're. Again -- -- artwork Michael I'll I'll I'll I'll take interviewed other diabetics and -- -- -- their names -- -- tax. Excellent excellent to -- how it works I have a series of very difficult technology related trivia questions some of that video games -- -- computers all kinds of stuff. Each question is for a prize I'm going to show everyone the prize and then we're gonna go around the room and asked questions simple game -- style let's start off today where if in what would be the it. This is really try to -- -- before but couldn't -- -- talk about motorists are apocalypse got a scene modes are apocalypse collectible. -- are gone wrong run camera there's got I think you're kidding to have me it's -- -- astonished reactions yes that's a cool ten that's decorated inside the mouse pad. There's a postcard -- like motor storm for the PlayStation 3 -- -- the play online Sunday. That's for you first question I'm gonna start with I'm gonna start with. We selected -- the Connecticut today and this is -- up your Alley I think. Dave. And you get the question you get a couple seconds to answer if you get it wrong or don't gets right then it goes to Scott -- -- -- contestants are -- people get it wrong. If -- true people get it wrong then I -- the answer and remove violent. -- project Gutenberg was the first attempt to digitize documents into electronic universal e-book format what year was the first e-book project Gutenberg created. -- -- -- In seven. That is actually completely incorrect to say I sent you a little -- with the -- first project Gutenberg e-book god created. New familiar with the open source e-book concept -- is it. I'm a C. 2001. Okay that's also correct -- that can -- it. It was not 2007 or 2001. -- -- The I know I know you aren't it. Could actually -- I don't have the V or were quickly think about it and I don't know what you're -- known better. The first aid book and has no -- chatter -- -- -- answers until we're done yeah I don't years. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- And -- -- also can mightily -- -- microphone but can afford it it's better but we can't hear you but for just the other orbiter or alphabetical -- what should be. In public -- 1989. That number. That is a good guess also actually much closer pretentious 1971. A what was the declaration of independence. It's now wait -- I can follow them for okay and that those are gonna Jeff has gotten up and it's always a guess earlier always guess earlier how long did it take project -- to reach their tenth book what -- -- -- get the habitat. The project Gutenberg did not sure if it'll as the last one about fish I don't look -- follow up question. 97 on the first one -- -- gonna get ten votes in the the first it was anyone yes it RA. I'd say that the ten bucks detect them to in 1974. And it's actually a lot longer than that. Just that I minimize its second into question. We -- that the first project Gutenberg e-book was digitize in 1971 hello to take -- to get up to ten books. They say that the first book -- something like a 100000 dollar worth of computing time in 1971. -- with such a big project is obviously only Argo will mean forensic. 8619860. That's an excellent -- -- interacts there it. And -- years later. The -- -- 1998. Okay -- just -- the closest was 1989 and that was the and and -- the lacking -- final 89 or should I just isn't safe sex related sectors that 89 again and -- have them while they want to be continuously was and he was a guess I'd project minds is that people type them. Images like that could've been a lot faster you should give it to me because that's what you type d.s tend by accident and you probably would buy you a text file quicker -- -- -- I got familiar opponent could travel back in time -- 971 -- gonna it was -- -- -- like two years before he is after I need to read up on not just him. 1980. Until they don't IDs are no limits in Noel and go activity in the next week I'll -- so that time -- -- -- you just that this is our rift and memo gift packet but I want to. It's got the game I haven't got a -- it's got a it's gonna an art book and its general and scrutinize the game is the ability to get all this stuff. -- -- -- and other e-book question but not about project Gutenberg Joseph Eckert met Steve Goodman. As a 2010. According to a survey and the LA times what percent of the e-book market does the Kindle. According to 2010. -- percent into the market. Kindle has I would see a big chunk I was a little chunk David are probably improved farming -- -- -- -- get it right I would say. Every moment author that is why we're talking now -- on the article accurately it can I negotiate if you cannot -- Sunnis that this way to present that -- -- of course -- like you to decide if I say it. 68%. Now would not be within 2% occasional -- that affect the -- definitely a good -- here. 80%. I doubt that that that's very debts very good guess that's not correct that -- I -- How what percentage that. On the market and I'm filibustered but percent of the market Kindle e-book Kindle. Over last year. I would say a. -- 1%. That's not the other record that's gonna be nine denied the -- -- ISS reader and audio as soon as ready to -- you guys are all very closely with actually 76 I would've given it to somebody into points I don't leave a question for position and I. I was gonna get seven. 68 you weren't bad you were close. In fact I think it was pretty close for any given the prize always -- got to be kidding me on that technically an Internet coalition will witness -- -- having fun. You know what I had to for finally getting a great line purposes I had to -- -- -- and just of course. It allows you guys acted like -- -- -- for you. Scott if you get -- question -- write your could your -- your plane for kids of your choice of Xbox-360. Face plates gears of war. Or civilization revolution and gears -- -- Virtualization likes him some people likes it no overnight over gears of war which I did you get -- gift I will tell them -- yes you do have to use it into the network in the final note just of the Santa Claus is in collectible it's number 675. At 2000 all the news for excellence in its Google against the -- or India there were six every five -- -- 2000. Pursuit of grafts are you the question frequently Scott in the sense that dislike the e-book questions were kind of stuff all day at the phone's got the -- Leo. Most people agree that the Asus Eee PC it was the first netbook like -- -- that product released. On -- we've been talking about the death -- equipment feature that product was the first Eee PC. Mean. Seven inch screen -- -- -- 2000. Area. It's not completely support. You hang on to these and find out -- adjustable find out which one you're I think there are any different to me. Face plates are no words -- you in the space basement scooter. I hope you -- the bomber running at a time very quickly now just of this one now goes to you yeah I gotta get it right expression -- what was the and the price here we classic controller look at it again I don't know don't make I think I already more motivation in this. Then get everything I have is that an Xbox controller to keep them that. I've gotta I've got a -- a -- thing. You got I'm not where's my motivation. Looked at you don't even winning Wii classic -- -- equivalent or better under pressure on. The first dot com domain ever registered. The first dot com -- dot com losing that is very recently. -- ever watch your news your boy lives -- -- All summer cottage. And I like a character -- that -- -- to mention a couple days ago and obesity. The music we -- first dot com. Com name ever ever read atlas and -- -- the news recently because it was the in the the anniversary of that -- that's why you may have heard of it if not you probably have -- -- it -- just making estimates -- And yes but doubt if it gets beaten up. To speed up a little I know it okay Scott. Sex dot com -- that's also offer out the first dot com domain ever registered within but on March 15 1985. And that was symbolic dot com a company that no longer even have that domain name. If you go there says -- the first domain name Gaza last question the giant Arctic and I minimize jets and up to be tempted to look yet. I brother when the Bagwell -- -- the last question. Okay again so. Just cause two airline flight deck deterrent or filled event because I -- very today a line in the economical to put foam in their carrier -- -- -- It never used -- -- -- not it was using -- the prize today in order to. Bank shooting purse I use -- remaining question -- -- -- Characters what's the maximum number of characters a domain name can be. I can't be unloaded the equipment a limit to how long -- remaining to be how many characters backdoor babes or. Okay that's -- guess that is a good guess that is however not correct. It. I don't even on the -- a long time you might -- process at some point. Adam strange and -- was -- CBS interactive -- -- long 256. That's also good yes that's kind of crazy damn that's also about to go physics. When you're gonna put up for February well if we're doing it could get -- from two off to a negotiated. This isn't a specific number everyone should -- -- We needed to for these six of publicity 64. You know what doesn't. You're not right but -- productivity and 63. -- -- -- -- Some conjured a letter domain name but an accurate idea that they can't say I'm not only a little lenient penalties. Well they don't thanks for playing guys -- you. You wanna -- -- -- -- just gave you at a press fear guy it's got you wanna everybody wants something today all Communists and everything and if it didn't take -- to get the question -- real Julie usually gets more the right than anybody else he's very bright. -- -- Okay well good I'm gonna hundreds Arabs and electric they put it they go okay read -- -- glad we were merely download aren't from their light. -- Okay Dave did just that that music means the show's over a red dot. Does have thank you everybody thank you Dave is anything you'd like to upload automatically added to do whatever DVR significant today. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Yes I was -- Nice music as a joke but it's always plugging for me but it's only 399 on the candles being if you look here. And 39 on the note and 399 on iBooks. -- has dress yesterday while reviewed earlier this special discount when our pleaded with city of Twitter -- -- David Carnoy and -- Mac -- and I think. Now -- got a Twitter doesn't. If -- don't have anything that -- know what I do the two pursing her that a forms and with a friend of mine. We'll provide more information on that as develops tactic Hamid enactment Twitter obviously get the show on iTunes or wherever you download podcasting is on the -- -- to. And attitude and every Monday 3 PM eastern life and -- And the winners of the show please do his favorite email media -- -- spike may we gotta get -- and so -- -- -- as of statesman Mattel are evaluated in the city dot cnet.com. -- digital city at cnet.com -- what's wrong with it. As senator sending every week it's Monday you about it and the hundreds of -- -- just -- -- everybody always pops in and if comments are hugely bright dot. And that's something the majority -- the stuff out.

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