Ep. 122: Apple store shootout and the best TV shows on Netflix
Ep. 122: Apple store shootout and the best TV shows on Netflix

Ep. 122: Apple store shootout and the best TV shows on Netflix

-- -- Biology at the Qaeda. I'm fine. Excellent excellent. But cut in on the on the bouncy theme music that I had no idea you and you might hate how -- -- -- lyrics to your theme that's right that's right we shall we were writing contest music. Styling art so here's what's going on I'm here today it's Monday -- is here today -- here today and Julie is not here today sitting in is. Television and web cast host and producer and personality TJ Allard also used to in the video games business and perhaps. Not best known but -- -- to me as my former co panelist on legendary. Cult shows like best game ever and play value. People to this day once every six months of an email with them to -- -- here with Quigley comeback thanks I get one and -- and a Russian. The -- in Russian or some other. Eastern European language that it when and and it and when it's just me back and what your bank account login information is because they have some important relationship yet -- -- excellent excellent. We've all been very busy the past week we -- a lot of exciting things to talk about and if the iPad mania sweeping the office is going to places I never thought it would. We were served from Netflix -- that's TV shows. What gets more great prizes to give way but first -- -- -- -- if that happened this morning. Breaking news almost -- a couple hours there was apparently. A frantic gun battle at. They -- in the -- Apple Store this very morning. Outside of San Diego and Chula Vista one person is dead. And two people have been taken into custody after a -- smash and grab robbery attempt and an Apple Store outside San Diego. Just before 7 AM a security guard confronted two men and woman who didn't they called a smashing -- -- you know that is right. Not out. Might -- good Joey no that is Good Charlotte city like -- I got this matching -- he -- that there are black or city overtime and use -- -- we -- -- -- grab and then you grab stuff so they try at an Apple Store. Well apparently turns -- Apple Store cards are armed. So based on the the united I was -- -- -- for five years did you ever try to rob a store by smashing into the -- and a. Now but I never went to the OT ranch Towne center act like that's not that's a little peripheral and the mission valley -- look at our -- we checked out okay approval. Hey Tyler I didn't come -- OT ranch as sinners but I know that a -- San Diego was for peaceful place and they might cylinder on land that really surprises here. -- -- -- video well that's why you're talking this is the cops chasing down one of the suspects and handcuffing them. Okay so just a security guard shot and killed or the robbers the other -- got a car and drove wing crashed and then fled on foot and then they were both captures the job Google's guys gone again that's that's concerning to me that I did not know that they were aren't they're guards are those -- don't don't cost -- the genius bar. -- -- Some looking up on Yucca you're on but we always insurers should be okay I know where to ranches it's -- -- is developing its its its. Up and coming it's like south -- and says it's not a agree neighborhood is noticing. Com it wasn't that great to have an analyst there can't be that yeah as of -- to look great when I lived there in 1996 -- that was a long time ago Apple stores are usually east side of gentrification. Apple Store that's right price but it really gonna -- -- district has one honestly and the idea. So did they get anything -- one of them got killed into -- got caught at that they've done here. He got something. I guess now that I can't believe some attack killed from and that's that's the that's when you know I can't shortages are are -- thing when people try rod in the -- Although I went to the Apple through this weekend just. With a getting up and forgot -- -- satisfaction yet right and they hadn't. -- Stacked up behind the cash registers that you that they seem to have the supply restrictions seem to have lifted but really there -- -- can -- -- and get them three weeks it looked like. They were there -- -- and it didn't didn't hologram there were all 6416. They weren't the when -- whatever you're looking for -- when I got that -- -- -- -- -- on Verizon. Get a Verizon's everybody -- probably to three g.s in you have Verizon's or the -- The lame duck are -- on the iPad you. Yeah because I think -- so what is it that people really want in -- I'm and one person. What are people really -- in it and in a three G connections the voice connection Verizon. The data service people who sings actual -- -- -- and they're not great for -- so that -- -- -- It's toxic. I see Wi-Fi. As -- units and doubt now do you have an iPad one or two I do try they have got at one. They get it straight up to the iPad it is no I'm going to wait for the arm he's you'll be -- be -- by one -- -- -- -- to -- -- -- -- I -- you -- -- -- -- today. I thought that they'll say okay this is good -- working our little story about that and I ended up getting. 357. Dollars from nine. And when did you get an army got February would you agree and I -- when it but I got 400 really. From where Amazon Amazon's a year -- so I have got and I -- -- -- -- -- the united twenty -- right you do thanks to David Katzmaier who. -- an analyst put it out just how easy it is. And once and that street in -- we get more appealing to create authorities you know where he's here I was surprised to resell value is still alive the problem was again and -- other got a as a gift for Christmas and you know my -- and for a machine -- So show -- money. You can't don't -- -- -- you know notes to significant -- for -- to net about -- -- -- -- -- kids are gonna break your heart attacks used only only ultimate customized -- OK okay you're not tech. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- You could give it away I thought I'd just open up at best buy saw it -- -- -- and really I almost all for your feelings for the one up too high and I think docking at -- -- Are about how. Forget I -- -- of pocket for this for passover -- -- -- -- -- jets fan and having an I would be here iPad and he because you'll have been nice cases the nice until the new the new flip it. It all work on -- -- -- -- not that that now because yes -- needs -- nobody's figured out a way to -- you've gotta hate you reverse engineer but to get to accepting. Yeah little strip to the side of the iPad event and it works everybody hold your iPad deal with the fueling that it actually okay if race -- color green not a surprise I consider my fan affiliation of those asked oh that's right that's right it's chaos is that it. But I really artful little bit of green plug in Russia downed -- -- of this on the back of mine which is a -- and controversial move came down. This is my body got our greatest metal -- it's art it's it's a bodyguards that critical carbon fiber skin it's actually. It's actually not carbon fiber it's -- looks like a plastic yet if it's in its class these are all like a cover up -- metal to vinyl let's let's. With this -- final scene of the symptoms and -- -- something's -- Apple sold its its taken it's actually if he if Google more comforting when you hold it but. They're knowledgeable but expensive and you when -- taken off. You can't put -- -- But the gun comes F it should lead any resident at the peninsula and has -- -- If -- ask -- that is a little -- to the data traffic over the president I thought -- -- nice idea because. With a smart -- feel like that -- Olympics but -- it -- -- to things like outlook itself -- at them from your little -- case they can slip it into even with this on for the -- that's not -- green he's jetstream this -- skies -- I'm gonna just very quickly that day. -- -- Got had a better idea for getting more money. I I was extremely lazy I just wanna do to get -- get a quote from one of those online resellers -- the box and it and not worry about it but it's got does it you can get we get more war or Craigslist or eBay app you just have to monitor the sale to find out who it is you do here actress and -- -- As -- have -- as the lazy way. And is the get more money go to little more effort anyway right it's still worked out good and they -- -- -- to get now. I am IF format forty bucks more than I'd -- but. He is there anything you like Jordan Iceland but right I like the price of a long time ago -- I'm currently on his -- -- to forty that's right and Atlantic three million last -- yet. But the you know look I -- have the assistance of they they. Highly valued. Ranked seller who's in the office who guided me through it and I -- to my iPod to my original iPod Touch and on Amazon. Yeah an it was easy definitely that helps make I you know that's my problem with one the online because I never really done it before so I hate the process here -- the processor you have a good rating. We know is gonna buy from if you have a one star -- one thing to. For years ago that's half the reason why I think it's also quickly for me is that the rating under its so he put -- up -- his exactly let's throw a place like gazelle where you just how much to have to give -- quote and if you wanna be distributing and -- send a -- that's it I'm selling things and has Margaret. -- the -- that he was thankful to get the rating and I'm I'm definitely gonna personality rates for the original -- have gone down a little bit night. -- I think it's a great device for you know but for what I use it for my -- is. Can you know. Entered its teleprompter. It's -- Telecom getter that there is around and -- to use this teleprompters don't need. And plus it drops are so often that accurately. Years are starting to -- -- it's like. A teleprompter. So but when. -- becomes out -- -- make the jump again. -- some where you don't you doing when when they announced three just sliding into really an expensive. But they never do that Apple never seems to do that they'll never drop the price of the previous generation. Well they did this time but it was it was sort of like a hundred bucks Sani my discounted and you know it was yet it was everything I second -- -- the one right before the two weeks on the matter before the two came out they gave like -- that's yeah that's right yeah so they did some. And are well that he that'll be -- iPad news except for Chile dropped a hundred bucks -- after long weekend and as a new iPad -- and he fell into that trap but. If you -- always the Iowa is do we can use them do you do it yourself -- it is -- -- have -- myself I've had. Does anyone who has everything -- had not thought about my god these -- not have the right to talk about my slingbox for -- number -- -- I had it for. Palm OS. I've had it for Windows Mobile I've had it for injury I've had -- for my iPod Touch one I put the iPod Touch version on there. It look like crap so obviously. Thirty -- going to -- for the iPad version that's there are very rare that I argued that they tried dancing and you're -- -- out real quick it's like a life -- you have drew a refrigerator to TrueCrypt gonna get me to fifty bucks then. -- horn -- that DJ app that's twenty bucks so -- fifty. You've bought high priced at US so the plastic -- so that's the ten dollar that is out it is right that is all I have great that's grabbed so -- -- -- got to spend at least then you and your love of dance night. It's about it's I know I love and only I love ala Kudlow and -- too much I love the Don blue. Classic dragon's lair I have -- for the iPod Touch I have the dvd for my PlayStation. Have you got that version for five dollar wells showed -- now -- 2000 -- parent page is devious spoiler but it has evidence you died dad. Then we're in theory yes like I -- -- -- them then you know you want a couple high -- Movies as you can't get caught up to them -- with the iPad looks like out that we which they haven't we debate on what we're seeing -- height difference yeah and ultimately you have to have at least in -- of course. -- -- -- Marvel Comics of what's in DC comics but then you gotta have a high Def movie on there because in some cases and we got on your iPad you gotta -- a general. To the -- electric in. Gonna start from beginning I got all star Superman here and I definitely enough. This is it is nice though that I -- -- but I got iTunes -- with tiger and heard the sound out the -- now. Yeah I agree with what Rick -- on CNET had an action and that anybody that's like ISD version. Lower priced but smaller manned space taken up. And why don't notice much of a difference yeah I didn't really -- -- -- -- on the screen debate over -- let you know you do that but -- what you what you're you're leaving -- the equation is. When you finally shell out the 39 dollars for that it's not iPad and you'll have to an external TV that will notice that difference. Suppose so what you do -- do you think ahead that's why beat your head seed oils whole trust you if you had -- Big Ten eighty. You think not to mention the fact that I mean all sort -- the 64 -- so. Negotiate with a panorama -- -- -- the stuff on it I suppose I. What you're saying no to touch them with it should be a license when you buy an application that is sold frustrates me with -- -- -- and I agree PDA -- Immediate you know I bought. Egos okay critical achievement begin at no we're not gonna transferred over needed to buy it. Again in that's in -- animals crossed reading things I just said I'm never using you guys are -- Really nasty email to them like no I feel like you got your price gouging me know that unlocking your gonna -- -- -- and therefore use music and that was -- that. I I don't think they should have like if you have an app for the Android development you have got for the iPod Touch the -- phone. And you go for the iPad version she at least a discount -- you just make it one. And downloaded -- what is there to -- -- -- idea of running -- to highlight what I understood universally but that's the thing I can respect the fact that the developers have to you know spent ten right over the iPad version and like thirty bucks like what I'm saying but I can understand I guess this if you will trying to get a little money because they have to go back and rewrite some things and make some adjustments to get. This -- it can get good at the very these him at the very notion of the very least give me this. I'll take I'll take -- no -- they're able to do that all in the but this -- ecosystem but I I don't suppose that a social activism door that's a future -- coming up as an economic growth and others -- -- -- they have discount but if you find other science. This router he and I gotta start lining up my freaking software to start doing the magical things and -- to get down here. Just to wrap up the iPad covers its permanent time. I'm immediately positive shout out to one of the worst companies in the world next Time Warner Cable obvious agency -- But it'll ask you -- -- -- particular screen shots could -- really only works in your house but you know what if you wanna just tune into the TV news and a different room like the kitchen is some it's awesome -- a couple screen shots here from. -- much New York one. Which is my favorite local news station. And a little CNN on there. And -- you don't get the channel downside you discount when you want and the interface is easy to picture quality is great I've never had a drop down never had started it dug into channel switching is really quick examination and now they don't surprising to me. The channels they dropped a bunch of channels and had an -- which sucks but then they added a bunch including Europe one which is -- I really wanted good Islip New York one that's wild to be a cord cutter economic or real time news junkie yup I just that there wants an -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- And the slingbox a -- out is it's one of those first -- problems because there have. I want to get them you know that it's -- -- this is. Rewind that you can't rewind on the -- -- This is nice but it's so close. Close but yet. It's it'll get there in yet definitely well but it's -- it's one of those it's almost features and makes me wanna go back evil. Because I like the idea that it's or turns into an additional I still feel there's an active and healthy chance got you could try it from your house even a united cable subscriber Richard Internet time where I I I I would -- him I would bet you. You would work I would. I'll put some money on -- I -- -- -- you I believe it's only -- maybe 6040 against I think there's a good chance. Well everything is that by that you have to call -- Time Warner and spent an hour and a fellow at the -- to resell -- username and password you can deal with that is not what what I -- -- I did it all who do I do online and to go in Canada but if you don't remember the past for decent at ten years ago when you first sign up for cable. It has not -- at least I I just been a long telephone. Auto exports and I never did it because. My cable goes back to do the due to do the letters but if you're so that it's difficult not to go back for HBO's aid -- -- and cry about why don't you ask us. -- have a password on an -- If you did Lieberman I don't remember that that's really old -- -- HBO -- that one HBO -- so Tomlinson a Mac but doesn't copy of the time doesn't help -- get the -- that we're -- we're gonna -- I'd I'd -- the council all that it didn't have a -- season and we're not so when initially went -- I set up everything and I rationalized with -- like ten years old and still didn't know what it was my Tacoma in the canceled -- reset it because if you pay your bill online and Time -- that's a whole different account. And an eye -- that he expressed its different I have the same time full numbers from like when I was born and so when I call the eleven the -- mouth and flexing our new iBook what are we'll talk on the block at a senate moved twice -- it up -- organisms that twice and you're like my -- really -- -- acceptance of them aren't -- -- -- red -- problems -- once my taxes -- done -- -- my first priority right now really -- in doing taxes. I'll I'll give this whole. Time Warner are anything to try to strike could be the great gift -- anyway. Do any time and in -- hundred running out of time yes we -- McClellan has. That we've been talking lately inside the office is a little inside baseball but is a big tech blog. Not -- full service that we do but just think a blog it's holding gadget in order to know that I think halo owns that. And death a bunch of people they look like well that's where it might have but he -- this you know probably fairly decent gig or turns out they are all starting a new site. For can be called SB nation. And I don't I didn't really -- what they get the chance for sport blog nation and and Scott you've heard of this right. To the artists -- -- familiar with about say why because I go to certain sites for -- I know it's out there. There's a lot of different sources for sports but its a its a huge. Collection. Of journalists that takes and also like user created content on -- place. They sample hired -- -- writers writing for SB nations by. Yes seems to -- other means you've heard of -- like sports news and world. -- -- -- -- -- -- By email but you know -- there's a famous I don't -- from journalists there from my jets and is look I go to -- on Saturday as the and a -- -- -- -- pro -- -- a heck of a lot -- -- -- stuff. -- -- is the AFC things have to be honest in our company but you know it's dredge it and go for that because it's via. If seaside things but yeah I mean if you jets related hardcore blogs. NY has -- there -- only so many blogs that I can go to. Even for as -- jets that. So it's mediation is that I think that would go to -- -- site which is unnamed and will not launch until the fall. Who does like a small file that I have to see -- day they claim wolf the video but cannot marriage but we don't actually stranger things but it's not we -- glad look at and look at how it happens because the that -- VP. Let's try a previous -- resignation. Is the -- -- in Bangkok. Had acquired. Engadget in the first place and use -- AOL and he ended -- -- to do it that's and so they they build this engine that they today he says is meant for you know the usual sports personnel -- can apply to. The tech into. Gadget fan boys and and that's. I thought that basic blog publishing tools work pretty well for the kind of thought they were doing miniature so reinventing the -- you wanna get apparently -- -- and -- -- -- wasn't about to see and that's how. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Open the airport is -- it tonight if -- it. Sports -- -- -- I have no comment on this that sports entertainment sports entertainment all the men that's probably the official name for the whole I think you probably -- actually but I think that's -- Italians. The -- getting ready Italy's longest together and they were gonna -- -- in six months. How much it how much of the energy will they -- by then later when still care in six months that they're starting and yet another tech site -- -- or even existence expects to. I probably will not. I know I X gets a long development time in this world is that the that he seems high now and it's like event in the fall. -- you -- you'll hear from these guys a longtime at least Keith Olbermann keeps up his Twitter account in his new website. To keep you reached it before you -- starts I guess this next month may -- Canada. -- -- -- young and REI diverting us are already two that aren't that -- question my question is only you know in gadget will continue. It seems. You know it's another new -- -- so there's just keynote since -- it's -- continuing galaxy. And it's a sports -- from Abbott has. I'm sports plugs right there aren't as jets -- it also is that the guy -- the only question do you follow those people do you carry them overheated -- People you like you -- site. I personally I think it's just over -- means it's okay court TV yet why lie here I mean GD GT did you -- Cause I mean that's a perfectly -- I could have really set the world on fire them. And down you know it is at the geysers at the sites of these guys all find out whether or not it was then that people follow where they just like engadget. And you -- that's often a question illicit I think got me new -- all the guys here we do a great job we're fund guys but if we look tomorrow. She would go on just fine and and I did the -- would not -- logo on it out -- -- -- -- -- -- follow you know I I. I mean I -- I don't have I brought my ego is is correct so you -- help -- out with not it's -- to that would not happen. -- part of an frequently mentioned that we -- -- -- service journalism last week actually Jolie came up with great idea. Netflix we look Netflix streaming. But it's hard to find stuff on -- sometimes so we pulled every one of the office. Enjoy got everyone to contribute whatever their favorite streaming TV shows where on Netflix the jury what did you find from talking to people look at it shows are big. I actually found that they -- a lot of shows that I wanted to get in there but do the fact that you know it it taken so long that the flu that we can in. You know that the getting everybody else to get their choices and those are because there's lot of things that put their that I wanted to put in there. You know like I -- intent on adding Lawson in the -- you -- and adding some more shows and you ordered -- -- -- what was in there that you thought was really get. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Actually Julie got me -- -- just to use well known got this -- her stuff before was added but I got to read her long long. But writing a bomb Dead Like Me. And it actually got me to watch a couple of really loud so it was pretty cool -- they -- there a lot of shows and efforts of the Wii is wanted to point out some of the want to just don't stand in the front. In day can help people selling out of the -- a lot of people got -- I think a lot of people think that -- view select all and all these are our top third. It's not a top -- is just the quick ones that we have is our personal favorites it's something that we can we plan and -- -- -- as well as of our favorite movies from Dell's movie and my -- their movies -- probably -- you. And that's just like we always remind him in some crazy -- What you're gonna TV -- I think to on their -- -- the things it does want to think people should watch at that Larry Sanders Show which handle the whole run of and I put the Granada TV Sherlock Holmes. With that -- -- Which which I I've -- is just super fun to watch and does he so crazy. And Libby was actually watching the show me one time and just from -- is kind of tactic. I think yet that's why I like these you could do that totally hold everybody by Robert Downey junior was too great cast into Dallas that you know what it's -- similar portrayal a lot of ways -- -- -- -- Nomination for me like I mean -- ones I like more -- -- thought it was a combination of ones that are very useful in a moment's notice like dinosaur train indicated and was -- a -- on because. -- -- Is essentially free security paying the subscription was -- stuff what I normally never really tried it for me primeval is that once I like Doctor Who. And -- -- but I nibbles on of those ones like a kind of a kind of tapered out after couple episodes but. In Arizona -- circuit between primeval and -- -- and. And then I felt when it was first -- -- -- -- historic yeah and that's that's a pretty good the first season takes a lot like the second half the first he's pretty good second season is great. That kind of Peter that the third in the flag and announced that it no budget left no cast members but. It's time to move on Joseph. Has been -- the chat regatta -- ready to play our game. It's called winning it I went -- I get tired -- that I went I went I went with -- first -- -- that I collect it this -- -- longest -- -- -- real fast before you get too into it because people may not now. Scott Joseph and -- TJ are going to play as. Representatives of some of our live chat -- listeners I will ask them questions. If they get the questions right than -- and in the chat in your polling firm wins a fantastic -- that price is right here. So Joseph who are who are our contestants and aren't here -- -- -- are these though to do that up Scott is happy Hank. OPEC acting Hank obvious set and he despite. Being who you get doesn't set -- -- CET alright I -- more and I like. Feel like he's got a bad idea they have played I went and the next week at LA responded. In email -- email digital city at that cnet.com or just pop the governments -- point and looking beyond our next week quirky -- -- fit the -- that he won a collegial get out of it. Our so -- got this feature yet that is good idea for those who don't human lives when please email us and if we grab your name and and you can watch T neglect and yes you complete win for you incessant -- of the forward -- yes. How -- how Digg -- nasty million dollars fellow staffer that the first noticed that yes I know that is what has really quickly how. A -- Internet fraud I think. Happen Sony thought they fairly happy -- Some frost or send email to Conde -- saying hey I've rivers and -- printer. We change our bank -- -- the new info start paying -- here and Condit has paid -- eight million dollars to the state printing company before anybody notice. And all based on one email the guy sent and that's it it took him like six months to figure out the ultimate fishing success story right he did get caught them sell. I am so in Indiana today it's a bad or destroy it but -- privacy filter on -- -- -- either because it's too tempting to look at figures in the -- -- -- those -- don't accuse retarded or reading but sales management. -- -- Yes justice PJ outlets are -- question what we got -- walker so we're gonna start with that Scott Scott are right. Here's the prize first -- -- it is a spot together -- it is a civilization revolution collectible. Xbox -- -- how about that people always want my Xbox these plates will now and giving -- -- You want logging on civil the first one -- could grant to kick it into a vote is now broken I did it bigger Britain's safest place Yahoo!. Not available in stores is further -- a number game number 675. At -- 2000 allow the -- you need one of the nine. Xbox 360s lives that try to most of -- were not yet but you know you want we'll get it if it if you don't rendering you can you might -- questionnaire. Of the and again what is the maximum achievable score possible in the game of pac man and -- take it rounded up to -- -- million. Well I -- -- thinking music it. Classic and actually -- king what's the maximum -- -- for the machine breaks its. And in 1999 million management 1099. That -- correct and does have. In. Can easily hire a lower. This is not the price is right rob -- guess. Am 999000. Now -- at fifteen million. All correct the correct number is 3333360. That's where the home she breaks down -- -- for. Right well they -- nobody wins that's besides it's a great job guys don't forget about just explained. Do -- dream isn't right up next you're gonna get this stuff away. Listen you guys got less than you guys got four or five questions -- at a whenever -- Ontario because -- two win not to hear -- this is great collectibles Dragon Age two inflatable -- articulate Dragon Age two the and the -- items -- didn't have coming early 2011. So it's super cool -- -- Dragon Age that make any tickets to. The area just -- yes what the first product ever released by Sony. Sony was their first product. Couldn't do it. For Sony product -- not -- what. But when -- the thought process. I wish I had this slick and it's between may be -- TV and -- mean these experiences that are -- what I -- -- -- -- music and -- camera. I don't know if you tell me I don't think the thing I'm holding -- that the public to know your answers -- Okay that's your answer that is that incorrect TJ well first product and I just product category like -- said I'm going a bit and -- thing speaking. It's gotta be some kind of cassettes each -- or. It's a it's photograph something. Interesting into it and thought process and it was a finalist ending an eight EH VHS that is incorrect they got there or beta one -- -- -- you gonna created in American very Sony product. -- It's a camera that's also an X and -- also in contract. It was a rice cooker. Over just who never would've gotten a wild Miller you can before -- -- -- to bodyguard is basically right after world war two and to -- get into a technology. Only -- technology is right I Reuters Nintendo playing cards -- right they'll start a process they don't like pinball games and stuff fire -- -- -- gotten circumstances what Sega stands for rice -- of our Microsoft -- amount the company I just -- my son Jesus also dial easily sky visible as a product and you've got -- minority government government. Colonial because personnel -- for real it's where -- subject and us soil and I wrote I can get together for competing to be okay real TJ you get an X starter question this could be easy if you were -- videogame business joke rates -- look at a classic gaming question we stole the show is about that if they regularly have efficacy. What Atari 2600 game was said to have the first Easter. I think. I -- we've talked about that we did I'll launch and oh I'm sorry and the prize is gonna be this Xbox-360 jacket. He got triggered -- -- -- -- they. -- -- -- -- What once it's in my head -- either it defender. It is but your final answer but here throw it out at -- -- entered. Month Garret university India joke or no defender is correct and I'm the I'm sure you know -- got. You do which I don't think you wow okay I mean but I. I don't going to be wrong -- that they've got a CET that's an excellent gas is my guess that's incorrect but that was my guess that would ensure that -- he took my journal -- -- -- -- -- this -- idea was actually -- -- didn't show how did we really did -- -- -- -- I first generation video game yet -- what I just -- I'll give you a -- -- In the V -- the game's main design -- well with. I can help people at the pad -- his main designer put his initials in the game somewhere which was not only people didn't get credit on game. Moon. Options just -- what what the chorus of corn actually charge for it just made any target it. I know my archive what I'm glad you came up negative right now stroke or -- takeaway combat experience -- do not to the season is a command to answer -- Interact and give the right answer -- real with the right -- -- -- no no what's. -- -- -- I can't have also begins at first -- -- expert. Well and if they had I don't remember the initials though dude we. We're back and you have to -- -- bonus squares that we get the job is not I had -- much question allegedly got to bring -- -- -- every week it's empty the badlands really cute guy that I'd like Florida the five question -- light -- for -- -- you -- confident the -- anyway I'm really -- I thought these -- all -- Video -- question to got to do great the opening question affect the -- and other video -- question. Volatile price -- recently -- and I thought -- You'll this is the try to give -- -- This thing collector's edition box if the operating -- the new M demo games -- mouse pad that the game's gonna bulk that comic book very definitely in my mind that -- -- Aren't this is this is gonna be a tough one but I think we did I don't see how tough I wanna make -- a little easier -- a list of dances and obviously only if three of them okay. Wow but if we eat just tell it's an easier when you three rift. If you -- economy yet there's a new game that just came out you're about to come out called the Michael Jackson experienced -- -- with Ubisoft game yes. Name three other video games Michael Jackson has appeared in -- care. I can -- okay. I -- we got here -- I got -- ones let me let Scott -- space channel five. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- The third is going to be a challenge. -- to the third I feel like his -- on my face I just don't remember. Men in black. Now it's. Days I can on multiple -- something. Isn't well is that -- do you do not have a third answer. I I -- -- gets a third and it's going to be super smash across -- I had been here every also it was there that really would've been -- come on I have to admit it I'm getting ideas Nintendo company's. Okay -- And a moon walker. Regarded as the game in the console will probably be next -- bomb. What was the other team. Dude. Yes I'd pass it on them all right -- -- -- -- today. How -- -- not this won't be easy in central. That's a good gift that interact at okay what he does that two of them the other one was Scotland's director is very close ready to rumble around two. Seeing that at a -- that's I mean you gotta get a whole or you could said. Or you could set -- -- channel five to. It's been certified to solve will wind up going out there have been no prizes -- -- -- -- the closest point in time settle the I don't know -- how much you know is that the federal programs. What's my fingers behind your back in the -- I have been deserves. Prize wouldn't -- that -- -- -- -- We only the only consolation is that everybody's later it is so the fact that you out innovating that if elegant engaging before our I've got at a great price euphoria that this is that he's -- -- he's not here to bring up the competition Julie Nixon tight. That's true that you -- on file as a hard question does this is. Dancers I think I gave another one of these away before but I have another one it is a Disney. -- portable speakers. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- In -- to lower. Nintendo forget it. -- -- what is Mario's previous Sony question I gave -- Sony question not a dream question look at their market Nintendo lure. What Mario the plumbers last name. The assets four. Is this you'd like deja Vu all over again in an -- by sarcastic responses that Luigi or even know -- Mario. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- What's your thought process Mario linguine. That's an excellent they like that that -- is an -- -- -- that -- -- -- Are right so. Indeed the entire history of -- -- comes from -- yes. You know I used he was based on the characters who exposed to the landlord for Nintendo's very first definitely are aliens are -- city. But will block I never knew that he had -- an official last name although it could be in my estimation Mario. The landlord or Mario the plumber if you think it's just think but there's I don't know of any official estimates -- Mario the plumber. Interesting okay incorrect Scott. -- Alaska's flag about I have white you know I have one more question have probably -- is what is really tough and and well and edit edit edit and and there are multiple way to interpret this but haven't managed to get yes. And -- it probably has to do a Donkey Kong I can't remember the details and history naming. It's like it's gonna be wrong -- -- significant Mario jump man say that that's. -- analysts there's Stewart and and a fantastic and is that -- -- was the original name now. I did right what if the low that was it that was equipped -- another question you asked -- and noble failed dot I will say I feel you guys didn't misinterpret the question but he read it. Not literally -- I said in the gentler what is Mario's last name title lore I didn't -- his official name because officially the character does not have -- -- I would accepted that -- an answer however. The deconstruction of the titles Mario Brothers indicates that his name might actually be Mario Mario because they are -- Mario Brothers. -- wow. They don't -- February oh yeah they fetched now that gets tied Mario Brothers it of them are Mario Brothers -- -- -- the Mario Brothers. Little doubt Mario -- and then is very likely Mario Mario and we just need to -- -- okay Rick how are -- how do we not know there -- just not referring to -- his last name but who produced -- tomorrow -- don't want -- and why so -- -- -- an arcade games are Mario's first name. Mario Mario Mario I think it really could be I have another I have a bonus up to because they knew that won't be very tough and and and little -- -- little is you can say he does not have an official if they -- except that as well so that they had a real question now so we can now. Just to get that question with you and like I -- -- Results are here that the movie got anyway. We classic controller regularly once some extra -- this -- all these gadgets are one terabyte -- it isn't usually they went all the prices I don't know why this additions and the much you do what adjective and they just have you ready go for. Where does the name Xbox. Originally come from what was the meaning why didn't it wanted Microsoft called -- console the Xbox. There's an actual reason behind it. What if -- US UVs. He's with at. Xbox. My big bet that it. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Why -- the Xbox him. When. We does that mean comfort. Wasn't just rent -- they didn't just make -- -- -- -- stuff. Box. Against cross platform between PC and and console. In X because it's cross platform that is an excellent news program crossfire from between windows and yes and -- and -- -- -- old -- -- I like to -- their answer across box. Guess that's a great impunity that he's -- -- -- gaming console that is incorrect that Tuesday. I don't have to put out our it was -- -- version number it has to do the version ten version ten Newsday also excellent death there -- ten model ten rush you'll because we're we're we're repayments over ready Scott echoed that view. That's -- the -- -- it has to do with Generation X. I also noted that only Mozilla saying why marketing reasons the explorer isn't all -- you lie to did you do go extreme because everything will expose I think have a great answer owners are older uzbeks -- you could -- -- was wrong. Very good job. Well we all knew Missouri -- so that more and all I was wrong answers garbage -- -- -- -- and virus you'll have great answers but their -- correct because the key result we are. Was originally dubbed the direct X -- the other Microsoft multimedia -- BI director max them out when it went to the console version of things you -- do with direct to the days ago. Up for a first is that I got -- -- straight weeks we've been doing this I should have the bubble. Maybe the chat -- can play and you because it's got in and Julian TJ you guys he would try it I get the I think what we just we just put the question given the first -- Internet -- -- gets is an area didn't you just want a whole bunch of prizes this wouldn't. As it does you have a rift to name you want -- home I apologize we're sorry -- lost her dignity. Try to apologize for the crazy question America's very -- -- -- -- -- to get you guys -- start and often they value again. They think everybody and its -- -- other that we needed this didn't. -- anyway very quickly she did everything to plug plug way right now to time. And the you may just have plugging away me doing this show with you guys right now the -- you check out our website TJ -- dot com by -- -- -- for Bloomberg which is great. All video game related stuff so supposedly it was a video game. Political expert but apparently it is proved that very well here -- Christians today. Twitter and in my Twitter at TJ Allard are excellent and our and our apologies for those you when -- fortunate no sorry guys from -- Thought I'd associate -- up next outlet next Monday while crazy becomes obsessive definite and give it to diversity that cnet.com good faith. -- two -- CNET. I -- with the fact that FaceBook that's actually not a bad idea Curtis. Birds that are prepared they -- -- -- -- the CNET floors and representing out there and have a private IRC chips you can actually work on the question together now they can just looking out everything and what the hell -- -- you look -- -- quite a week if did you buy everybody -- give us less time and -- that's all 32 quick quick quick quick.

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