Dialed In #217: It's now or never for Windows Phone
Dialed In #217: It's now or never for Windows Phone

Dialed In #217: It's now or never for Windows Phone

AT&T has announced two new high end Windows Phone handsets that are coming out in just a couple weeks. And for many -- in the mobile industry Windows Phone is -- -- make it or break at the moment. Plus we have a very important announcement about the show and later we help our listener Chris come to terms with a personal struggle. This is mild and CNET cellphone podcast -- Monday march 26 2012. I'm -- adult court joined in San Francisco by land locked I don't buy special guests and original dialed in great Kent German who oh I technical producer Stephen Beecham. Morning and -- -- it joins us from New York as usual. Happy to -- does it -- you won't say we do you have an announcement and it has been awhile since we've shaken things up for you. But now it's time and we are shaking. Four sons. And I have to tell you that you are listening right now to -- Second to last episode of -- and boom. I just you -- you. And that's why we're shutting it. Now when I have nothing to the midlands had nothing to do -- and so now actually and tents since you were one of there -- on the show I was hoping maybe you could explain what episode we have this just 270. Pounds a week now concede we've -- pass -- well past the 200 -- yes that -- -- with the help of last week's ETF special how can we had to with them. That's it we're gonna and on episode number TV team but I -- is -- joking around and Steven that we should have two more specials this week just to get up to Iran America but not well. I don't know -- and anyone is haram Al listens to a list of Gaza as the -- should you should have. I'm it is you know probably know that that's -- and it's well and we're actually enemy and in a lot of our CNET podcasts and Alex -- for the for four seeking to keep tuning and without which is a -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- and -- -- -- eastern -- 12:12. -- -- no -- -- -- -- yeah -- -- -- I'm and -- you tune in that but we're. -- in the podcast because we are just gonna constraint on I -- is more programming up as more original programming and Molly hassling -- exciting -- -- and. -- well actually they you to trailer and yes we will -- that. I'm but basically this is this is not and of us aren't now anyone Estonia for -- -- -- -- we're gonna be around we're gonna be coming up with some. New things for you guy is on including insurers and people from our reach you you'll -- all over the place and videos and hopefully we'll be able to have -- the specials. Again on topics like last week's early termination fees special. -- so. -- can I really recommend that you follow every line -- on Google+. On Twitter. -- face -- because that's where we're gonna announce what the next thing it is and this thing that were about to show you Molly's new show. Is actually. We really awesome and so on and it's pretty exciting -- room. Make sure you are gonna we're gonna play the trailer right pounds -- if this act now. You have that -- I have it. Okay well anyway -- and it's gonna be. Really awesome and I'm excited for -- to -- sort of like it's like a best of play all my favorite shows that -- is ever -- combine into one and it. And that doesn't create the return of some aspects of mail bag which used to be like one of my favorite shows ever -- -- -- Dennis. We're very excited from now backed out -- you just read and read the mail in -- Sunday -- -- at its. You know again you know email -- -- are always -- -- now. -- -- -- Wood and welcome to always on the show where we test torture and occasionally destroying new -- so they can stop driving you crazy and start making your life better. Every week we will stress test the hottest new gadgets and our custom lab. And give you creative tips on how to master the -- in your life. Plus the latest news in depth stories and interviews with a unique interactive format that makes -- -- -- part of the show. Google deal -- Motorola mobility is. Almost done anonymous attacked the -- again the new iPad comes -- this -- -- surprised we're expecting lines at the store. They say it's waterproof we're gonna find out. Yeah they don't don't use your tablet in the bathroom that's -- On today's -- -- we're gonna find out if Kindle fire can take the heat in the kitchen it's called chefs kitchen times and it lets you run multiple timers and if you're watching your -- you might want to track calories. -- -- -- -- -- -- Yet still works they say it's military back -- today's protest is actually a stairwell test. So words no crap so I you know -- -- -- downstairs ten times but they didn't think today it's their work. Imagine if one single blood test contest for HIV malaria tuberculosis and even some -- cancer. All of the same time and all in about ten minutes. And well. -- -- controlled us. -- -- with my mind. -- -- stop thinking. Basically you get -- okay and so always on is gonna have Blake you know mail headlines torture tests things like that it's gonna be really fun yes. And will have other things. So we'll have a lot more video will be -- Tbilisi are leaders he -- personalities include. And -- potato corn. That was me doing things to little differently and we're gonna be having some new programming remain until developments that just watch for -- by. I it's been great for -- -- and we've had really good episodes we've hopefully delivered great charity guys I'm we're sad to see -- -- but we think different -- in this from the start. And that we're gonna give -- an opportunity to thank us as well and showers that -- of a company says. At next week for the final you have -- -- doesn't care that is my strong plane as you know. For the final show next week out and for -- tents going to be on the way to -- an airport -- you'll be able to join us. And but -- child we'll definitely be here. We may or may not have one other. Extra special -- as well. If you want to sent as emails or any voice mail. If you -- -- express in words are some thoughts about the show -- we able definitely be reading nanos. And we're gonna have a little party here so it will definitely be fine and we will share some thoughts that the U. And possibly some math science and also maybe a little bit of -- of the -- on with today's very mysterious yes indeed. I'm on with today's news. The biggest thing really is that AT&T. Is going even bigger with Windows Phone -- -- party hats. April 08 is gonna be the day for two major enhancements that we cited CES it's -- to be -- -- -- 900. Which is going on sale 400 dollars on April 8 and as CNET uses Roger tang actually got that -- before anybody else because he's -- -- at. -- -- HTC titan Q is officially in a column. Out to if AT&T on April it sued so ranks near tells a little bit about it's latency -- give us a little recap on the. Sure the titan two with the guys members of follow up to the results heighten and it's running Windows Mobile a -- phone must say. Ayala has a really big if is four point seven inch. Screen on as a sixty -- Asking as -- of programs tablet territory yeah -- -- -- I think that of the picture that we used and then in the in the post -- -- was of a limb taking a photo it and I'm surprised -- it's like I did try to infected -- -- hand holding. -- announcing its massive so -- -- this this phone is actually going to be sporting a sixteen megabyte -- -- sixteen megapixel camera. Com which is really crazy idea -- resolution some would argue to -- Since topics really mattered most but in any case of this device its gonna be coming to eighteen C on April 8. In it is actually will be the first Windows Mobile or one of the first Windows Phone devices to feature a four GLT. For fast data connection. So lines actually going to be 19999. Which is more expensive than the Nokia -- -- -- 900. It adds -- while -- wondering assortment just of the this morning like so why would you wanna buy this 400 dollars more. As most of the same specs or can't -- problem we've been much. Yeah I'm not doing me just -- -- that commitment alien at yes with anything. I mean we didn't we didn't have a lot of time to really put it through its page says -- I took about two pictures into a bunch of pictures I take pictures at the front facing camera pictures of like -- and the pool in everything where we work. When take pictures as well so so far it's dead and -- it checked out and actually we all probably take a look at that Nokia -- -- and 900. And I am I wasn't that impressed with the camera again with cameras -- -- the combination of the lens the sensors the rendering software. And everything like that and even -- it is an -- to pixel camera with this designer. Lens. I was not that impressed with the pictures on -- side on -- 800. And it is the same camera. Why. -- phone is pretty awesome the 900. Mean it's otherwise it's even if gamers migrated -- a lot going for. It's just -- very stylish looking correct it's very stylish and has a large screen and it's really pretty screen about the design. And I think it's asking when is a -- our. The good incomes and the -- and I -- personally and through them and what else was -- the rhetoric lack of black. -- yeah and that -- lets sort of electric Blu-ray. And there should be a white version that's coming on April 20 fact yes and has electric leaf -- there isn't a giant also but I guess they're not bringing in here. I this screen is four point three -- -- -- -- Okay but it is a really cool phones so it got its typically great phones that are coming. And throughout the industry and this -- at least in the US this sort of being flagged as like an hour never moment for windows found. If it fails to take off the -- and 900. You know and people are saying it's just not gonna break through -- asked would you guys. Well I mean did you guys see that -- -- asking you wrote a story about. -- Microsoft's campaign and would -- injured users to be faster than -- -- them out yet Windows Phone. Rates are basically there is a matter of Microsoft -- is going around it. Conferences and other places in and basically saying you know. They would you wanna during your -- check email -- let's have a little -- like you wanna -- your status and you want and do best let's covering it's we whatever your phone is -- the -- iPhone and -- pharmacy using. That's a good question -- it's a windows. Okay but it's just problems and teachers and show you rightly which is faster -- because Microsoft's big thing is as sort of like the efficiency of the system and you know most people think that they wanna do all these fancy things on -- -- -- really. You know for the core elements of what you do you want a Smartphone a Windows Phone does it. Almost as fast -- mostly you know faster and I'm not sure with a breakdown and how many times -- it. Yeah I mean I just saw a quick thing -- of this morning abouts. This one person who. Actually had beaten. This person from Microsoft with his galaxy nexus. Odd since costs nexus running it I -- sandwich and was able to perform some task -- -- promised to win a really nice prize. -- it was data. So collection CNET it has a PC with -- to to have hunger games -- in with that artwork owners who think. But -- he he apparently deepest. Due to -- a person but did not receive the prize of -- -- -- Microsoft has apologized and it's -- -- -- in the computer. And I mean this is this is a totally different topic about it and of course I will point out that it really depends on link. Where you are which network you're on. Right and so that it acted the blew me -- 900. And that tightened scenario I mean eat into he has really carved out this -- it's a sort of the most windows. Phone friendly carrier in the US. So. Do you think that it matters I mean is our are any of these -- gonna catch on either too many phones -- AT&T what do you think it's gonna happen. -- Nokia could mean and there are a lot of people that. Currently have a cellphone -- they just don't like me who I used Nokia and -- to design and loved it and as rugged and it's just west it would you know -- everything. And then after Nokia just went so long without remembering and a lot of really -- phones the OS they concentrate on -- -- success -- just in moved on because it was a choices for -- -- and see if you. Like Nokia in the past going to activist. But at Windows Phone is just really and -- liver and is gonna depend on a strong developer and community and they just don't quite. And they're getting there but that's gonna be one thing that's deliberately. Help Windows Phone is strong apps are a good selection and a good quality. It lenient and it's gonna take it ain't like -- the sales -- If this -- -- flattening everything in just its -- is -- rise. You know in its -- type answer and it since he CES and it. Has an effect generated document Nokia isn't it -- Has currently is an -- never. Who wrote the month and -- but if -- really -- that everything's I feel it almost everything finance and it is like 710. You know I think because it's just the big island and though I wonder you know compared to the. What is at the HTC one acts which is also posts post hit AT&T that's the other hand they're you know super high end Android handset. Which I think a lot of people -- you know choose that over. Over the union apps I mean it's a lot more expensive but now they'll be a lot of -- This was -- really fast performance and -- all of HP's latest -- for. -- Of them. And into them well Microsoft in adhered to a mean needing money -- -- -- -- -- added it did say that they were going to be spending in their huge amount of money. -- -- -- Everything in and -- of one of advertisement. And are also spending time when he four million US dollars -- educate developers with the I believe this is announced I'll -- Maybe university in Finland not so. Brushed up on my finish -- -- but it is sacred pronounce it correctly. That we will not leave until I can for now. So. It's in Finland -- -- -- app campus in the training will focus on mostly Windows Phone but also Nokia's Symbian and series forty platforms. I'm so it's basically supposed to be sitting program in -- campus are really attracts a lot of startups entrepreneurs and it will -- -- -- and for students. And so that's sort of an interesting way they they understand as Kent said it may need to go after developers. To make. Their platform with extra attractive to have the developers bringing new apps to the table and make it really seem like a rich. Platform. Microsoft and Nokia of course also needs students. Microsoft is working on windows and me and what we'll hopefully -- -- capability if they are looking into multi core processors as well. And back conservative. Compete even more -- at least in people's idea of more processors equals faster speeds. And that's what they're trying to Prius isn't necessarily the case by gaming speed tests. On in the meantime we did talk about that Nokia mania 710. And that I haven't had it as -- and -- -- a decent start. As the first Nokia windows and in the last night came out for T-Mobile. -- -- a -- -- -- in review unit is fifty bucks when it first came out. -- and -- yes -- Eisenstein and you know -- sort of some disappointment and think an industry have it come on Nokia for your very for -- you're gonna go without sound apps like you know mid range -- -- And a lot is riding on its higher end device can Nokia make higher end devices succeed -- But Brian you took a look at the -- you liked it cracked. Yet it was is is pretty nice having the price was at a huge factor in. In how much I liked it because it's fifty dollars and I think that's an aggressive pricing to -- drop down says. -- to being a free phone from a bit of history. Actually I think -- -- -- Yes I mean you know bad then that is something that's enticing and you know. Never you -- freedoms Omaha Oregon after market that I'm even though -- -- honey that Stan Brand. Love Leo that's another issue. But I think I think I mean there is it was not impressive as far as the design com you don't have the physical buttons for the -- -- windows functions and it just didn't feel -- -- and you know enough com. Which is why you know what you were -- mobile local in the 800 that it says that version that was only available globally. Should come to the US and deeper hoping that that it would -- 900 improvements in sort of slick style and -- day. Notes it is -- windows -- here and Windows Phone since it -- want to get a problem and out of it's terrible on so -- so they you know they're hoping that they won't get. The sort of nice brand -- Lifts you know here in the US. Now with what a nice slick device like that the pool -- grab -- new as a halo product but. You know we're waiting -- see you know allow hopefully yes lunatic. On the we have that we -- -- products. Shortly. And now will be there check now sneaking you know exactly what's gonna happen and not you know if it's gonna get any -- -- people really gonna be tempted by windows. According to market research firm compete the -- at 710 is among the top five phones ordered on line at T-Mobile. And T-Mobile -- Nokia haven't shared specifics. About sales -- and other indicators how pointed cute pretty healthy sales. So that would be a small but much needed victory for that so I guess coming April -- than in the weeks after. -- mobile find out if the Nokia only -- and 900 in the tightened CU. Actually make intent that's -- We're gonna take a break we're gonna come back and have headlines reviews and -- interesting reader emails. And we are back. Later on Kent is gonna share some favorite moments in his -- violins history. But before that we've got some quick hit headlines of the day. And Verizon. And Comcast are defending their spectrum -- to the senate saying that capacity crunch -- this coming in big cities in the next year that it's in everybody's best interest to let friends -- just have the spectrum to build -- LTE network. Right just like yes -- their terrible seems like they are hasn't come now only. On the pixel less of their devices than Apple in their home country Canada and are expected to -- See some really weak earnings. And it it lost the beginning at -- and no I'm talking about. Yes so they -- rim that's right rim can't seem to catch a break they have basically. Have sold less bones in Canada than Apple that was reported last week and they're expecting a really rough quarter -- our financial statements will be coming out on Thursday this week and it's not looking -- And next we also received some news of a possible. -- LCD -- The latest handset to hit Verizon from LG and it's supposed to have four GL TE connectivity. Yet sending an X trainees AT&T enhances -- slew of other devices getting students and which filed last week they -- HTC did it look nice sandwich and and they kind of without a list. Of other phones like LG -- chose Samsung galaxy note since -- directly as steel. Check that article if you wanna seized if your phone that you might have now -- etiquette and -- ice cream -- and -- they -- say it's gonna happen in the next -- that's gonna be rolling out. So that's exciting and team alone. And -- not exciting news to mobile -- and 19100 jobs. By closing seven costs and there is. At the end of June I'm gonna -- -- -- represented -- that it is because these centers are chosen because of a kind of low call volume. And -- not a lot of them. And -- a smaller customer base and it's -- very important. Did you see AT&T'S response about that on friends and Maggie and read by every -- -- -- as the most disgusting thing I've seen the needs AT&T they basically report issued a press -- -- a press release they settling on there a public policy blog. Where they told the FCC they said if you had approve this merger. Are we wouldn't have had to -- with Internet T-Mobile -- had to close its call senators and we wouldn't saving jobs have basically you know this is all your fault. I see right now my gut and so actually MM and consume our Communications Workers of America yes that's. CWA organized and supported -- merger be as AT&T. It has always promised that they would bring jobs back to the UST -- offshore -- to they would. When it cut jobs or consolidations are actually emailed some -- anyway rap on Friday -- and -- -- So you really saying that if this merger gone through there would be no job losses the consolidation. She replied yes absolutely so. -- act father's triple the amount of John. I just it just bothered me that. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- get a coupled devices this week. Lynn looked at -- VT fury for sprint which always makes -- to -- chronic back character unit sort of like a phone to keep in the topic. My little arm up and when it happens -- bounding into the sky. You say you with unlimited data or something and death and I really for the -- -- for MetroPCS and -- checked out but that an ultra. Accessory though women running in tells about the theory the theory and -- -- mysterious -- making -- yeah it was so -- so good. Nasty note and they didn't I postpone -- -- my office door one day. And then when just run after the found in the -- And it's trying to match the title at. The epicenter twenty dollar after he sent in an eBay and frontier -- of Claris. And you think that recognizes -- deal Latin especially in Smartphones and things like that but I actually like -- CT theory performed took it handwritten. Yes and and it's it -- -- red. -- but and and its action that the processor -- as the screen is and responsive it's not. Doesn't have the fastest camera shutter speed or anything like that but it's very decent and it's very good for an. -- -- -- When you try to find a phone for your kid or something and they're probably really reckless with its and I -- -- -- and this skin is because as ET phones -- always performed well for us. Yeah it's nice to see something more positive to say. Well they've always in the -- phones have -- can really low end zone this is I mean even though this phone is not that fancy ad service of their gradually trying to. Branch out and build new kinds of handsets -- -- capital market. And also the fact that there with sprint which is a top tier carrier and are right in -- MetroPCS. And cricket which are. In and no contract carriers with -- much smaller customer basis. In fact a -- -- pinnacle for MetroPCS. I was on an -- that this is a feature on with a portrait QWERTY keyboard. I. Actually really enjoyed using it I thought that. The menu system is fine and I like -- -- on -- I like immediately percent of the circular -- -- -- -- and -- call quality was pretty bad and with this kind of phone. I think that you know call quality is sort of like no one thing I can elevated in -- saving grace in a way for people who are an interest in and Smartphones. And phone has at least making calls and it again. With video quality off also awful and and Molly don't expect fantastic video quality on this type of an -- You know it's just like one extra black market and sent but this -- also is really inexpensive. When -- acts and I think that there is a place for it. You know if you plan to use it as a personal organizer or for texting. But other than that you know might wanna keep looking at some other phones have better call quality. And Brian what's the fit that ultra. Okay in -- assumed that built console come Kevin and it's it's -- I guess it's hard to scrap. Its -- weird thing but on the you know what it's it's funny because it just represents this trend of little gadgets that. Will track you're a motion -- activity and help you improve your personal fitness. Basically it's a little little clip. Us sheet product that. Is basically a pedometer. On use and excel -- -- and it just you know. Links into a whole back end web service that attracts -- -- of Fatah movement you do and the calories you burned you can put in food you -- that kind of stuff just sort of -- you more active in more and thinking more about you know. I can improve your activity in an overall health and it also tracks -- -- -- concede a little -- -- -- -- -- is that it's like Fred Allen likes -- -- -- Yacht I didn't. I -- well. United anecdote from -- -- Telling what county you know I like -- -- -- you can you know -- links -- -- I -- different era ended the eye on -- and me. Calories. And -- how little -- like it yeah I had -- -- not seriously is it -- raider as it. No -- what it does is he comes this little. Kind of strap that's for soft cloth and you just put in there -- press a button. Sports has begins a record -- when -- go to bed and it just basically. You know gives you like. A little bit of the way until you actually stop moving that much so I guess it it -- measures how much you move and it analyzes. You know your movement based on. Overall. In the length and when you wake up you just. Press it again to stop it in that it actually is pretty accurate is it it said no. He went to sleep in -- -- -- six minutes and you were a week for you know couple times here. You know for five times a minute -- thanks -- -- -- because of its Clinton's right. Oh yeah it supports the fact that you know my son wakes up at 5:30 every morning. On the dot you know I don't know what it is about babies and daylight -- science has worked so some ice is in this room. He had to fit it to you your -- and then actually like -- the -- agreement. To send him like the -- Messages -- sleep a little -- Yeah I actually remission but does have the cool oil well that led lights and fried Mac -- mesmerized and its strap. Just got some funds he occupies. Aaliyah they have put humans I don't want. It's awesome the surprise -- -- If you wanna hear an epithet at Alter and and these other reviews and gates' view reviews dot CNET dot -- -- -- -- -- Now -- before we reminisce about -- and our gonna head up a little bit of emails we've got two comments into question the first comment is from Bryant split. It says I think on our phones are overkill considering -- dual cores a standard laptop and desktop class computers and the battery drain will get even worse when you -- -- -- court. I don't think we'll see popular Quad Core phones any time -- -- popular because there will be some and outlines on Arafat and it will not do well because the battery issue -- We also got a comment -- Josh you at this as a reference to you Latin. Last Monday when we talked about and -- the -- -- the Ecstasy in agony and Steve Jobs and -- Basically -- ads ads and well there was some information in -- that wasn't totally factual and mean we talked about a lot on last week's podcast. The comment is great show but did you guys mentioned that -- easy was on reporters' roundtable in January at the CNET podcast hosted by re implement. I remember his statements and and it was for beta and that you guys -- saying. He seemed to really -- you seem to already be backpedaling and putting -- disclaimers before a lot of statements for answering a couple distinct questions about factory conditions. He states comments to the -- that I'm not a journalists just content and is coming from an artistic in an -- when it -- -- And Josh says that this was all delivered in a subtle -- of it who knew that it was such an exaggeration of the -- Yeah and -- actually Ray -- impact so that the blog the blogs and host up to to a podcast and he went back and -- updated it describes that the recent events doubt that moment might days -- -- -- so. You can still check. -- read our next. Question this is from Michael from Florida -- and he says he's a huge HTC and like to know if there really is I -- about the incredible three. And that by this summer. If not is that we returned to little one of them big carries the sites -- obligated HDC and around the size of the one cents. And that's it you -- just -- -- area. So the roots in each. Brand. New track -- not feel that we. Yeah -- you know I've I've I've heard about this but. Arm from what I can understand you -- the only thing we've really heard that's been anything that's confirmed are the in the one X. And around in the yen the -- the which are still waiting -- patents -- I think that's. That's we don't know if that's gonna be picked up by -- thing. Nam if I remember correctly we actually value we're still not sure Apple and the meadowlands is going to T-Mobile team mobile up. And one acts is going to eighteen team we do happening if a fourth event with HT -- and sprint. And that can mean many things yeah and we're still debating -- A lot of -- thinking well maybe that. Quad Core version of the HC one -- will go. So you -- sprint but most likely not looks like it'll buy in -- -- But -- similar versions of the -- MobileMe agencies will be dual core though -- lot of people are saying that the dual core version is pretty fast so. It may not even matter we. You have you know -- we have a Quad Core phone. And that ties in to die in a -- sent -- -- question there too so maybe it doesn't matter -- to Quad Core is testament. -- I personally meet loved the original incredible in -- Atlantis via third version patents Huber -- them but one -- Actually different design changes. That incredible two U I think sort of -- us so I'm gonna seen incredible the -- overwhelms us. No easy you have your work -- out there -- -- -- -- I mean the Incredibles a great phone Jessica. And -- is is nice and small and profitable so maybe that's what people are looking for them. -- -- capital last question. -- -- particulate so. Basically we have a call Libya heading off for Chris he says that he's -- -- what the the best deal for the iPhone four is he really wants one but it's very expensive so is -- Smart way to get one. Or is -- gonna have to get over the price so. That's a good question -- I'm in preview too bright maybe you -- go to -- -- coupon and deal but I don't think that's gonna that's gonna be really difficult. Well with -- -- -- -- with the Ford because it's we afford not to tour to phones you know him you know. Later this year will be even more even older. So you have these deals in time's readership target and -- where they say you know we're getting the iPhone on sale for a few days a route but cutting it you know for -- -- -- -- you should watch those. You can -- -- refurbished one of course I'm if you go to the carrier. And he does a pretty pretty reliable I'm if you go in you know I would buy one off -- in an alien Messina the person and you trust them in the -- -- default proxy or defective or anything like that but watch these deals and then especially as we get out to be. IPhone 5 and -- -- that I had the price will be cut even more hours. Also Amazon and wire fly often have really cheap -- at one cent sales. Down and. Pass into -- and number for the the other site that. Former wave long -- self -- joining but it works. Saying that. Can popping and it beyond these sites do you have deals of its one -- So -- Were coming -- and the second to last -- -- had and so -- would you like teachers and students -- started with. So we started with just now with Nicole Lee of course and Bonnie Cha it two nights ago when -- pub quiz time with -- that's just how was our first. First produced. Now now I can't remember. -- 2000 and being. I can't remember. We had Jason how what's for a long time and of course we had been you know and then Jessica -- And Jessica joined us in very powerful very quickly. -- as she was she was -- -- what was that we. You know I already had somebody right then and -- -- all of personality and Stan and his. And I was mr. Syria as and African and -- Stephen was just behind it doesn't feel like evil. -- I think people out. -- and then of course we had asked them and insolent and the very exciting. My strangest call I think the mysteries as a columnist from Kansas City airport spokeswoman of the strangest -- -- And -- that you were in -- -- -- -- -- in the density ever and that's chemical and you joined the post that talk about the confluence of different from I don't remember an assortment. It's -- great. And now we have must from -- -- some scenes and you guys weren't really -- and we took. Anyway to do I do wanna say again thank you everyone for joining -- all this long it's been really fantastic and we can think of course. Genie for marshaling the troops in the -- from this time well. Your first show like. Edit did you leave it leave I was nervous did you know how to run a show re -- right. Don't a couple of shows before a minute -- you know as the latter something else and so -- we push this for a long time and we got this really cool in the worsens like Harry got a voicemail that doesn't want I think my sentiments and hey we need a cellphone podcast so I -- -- Tom Merritt I think at the time and I submitted a cellphone podcast and we got that was the -- yes tiles and have -- pretty quickly and then it just went from there. -- So if you want to share your own thoughts. About the shadow send us an email filed an at cnet.com. Beavis and voicemail we love is now that mobile me out one more opportunity to -- -- and ever are -- 866402. -- 638. We will still be around to check of all out on Twitter read CNET. An entirely to tell -- largest not go in January and now we're still gonna -- we're so gonna blogs about when we have cellphone news I'm just everyday and when we do you know it -- when we do. Special things like. CT IM world congress when we have this big shows CES of course will probably have cell -- something around those shows when they come up yourself and related so be sure to check back for those things. And of course. How to use our Elizabeth how it is -- -- task list on if you tap that -- those consciousness of the -- -- -- -- questions. And you'll see of Oliver CNET TV dot com as well. Absolutely. I have check us out on has -- and dot cnet.com you can also finer work by ninety cnet.com and just checking it out -- -- program. Okay everyone well until next week the final -- -- Few of them yes thank you enjoyed and as -- -- ceiling and I. Trying to --

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Robosen's Megatron Transformer Is Too Much Fun for an Evil Robot

Robosen's Megatron Transformer Is Too Much Fun for an Evil Robot

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Robosen's Megatron Transformer Is Too Much Fun for an Evil Robot

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