Dialed In #215: The agony and ecstasy of Mike Daisey
Dialed In #215: The agony and ecstasy of Mike Daisey

Dialed In #215: The agony and ecstasy of Mike Daisey

This week we tackle an ethical dilemma about a Smartphone close to many people's heart. Take a closer look at the benefits of unlimited data and whether or not they're actually beneficial. And check out the metal -- -- work out watch that does more than just clear music. -- -- -- CNET cellphone podcast on this Monday march 19 2012. And basketball court here in San Francisco with -- locked down and technical producer Stephen Beecham hello good morning I'm Brian Bennett joins us from New York. -- -- -- -- Before the analysts do little bit of housekeeping first thing I wanna do it is -- announced that we're having a special episode of dialed in on -- Wednesday march 20. First -- going to be. At 11 AM Pacific 2 PM eastern why because the last week we got all hot and bothered talking about ETFs otherwise known as early termination fee is. And at an -- you know we we were responding to readers. Email and it and -- it we thought well this. You know we clearly have a lot to say people clearly have a lot to say out there are a lot of horse stories tips. And that we can install share around so we're gonna have a special. ET aft ramps off and -- session. -- join us live will be taking my calls will be reading emails you sent -- so. Send us your email send tips and any experiences and stories or save them up for a phone call. And you can share with -- live next I wanted to just get a little shout out to Lynn and her awesome chart making skills so if you haven't seen we have a lot of iPad coverage last week. And she created this great and beautiful chart about AT&T vs Verizon and what their. Four GL TE networks are in terms of sap such as the promised up -- and download speeds. And -- -- -- -- of some of the -- so not only is an informative but it is glorious to look at. -- and so great travel in and you should all check that out as well as all of our iPad coverage if you're interested in that so without -- to. To get into -- meat of the topic today. On and a story that has actually had its seeds -- a -- very log time ago. Well before January. Hook them up and sit in the works for a while this is the story. Of this American life errant actor -- it's easy to traveled to China. And. Basically went to -- went to the Foxconn factory where Apple. Manufacturers many iPhone and created this one man show. On Broadway and elsewhere was actually here in. Earth clean very Calista of San Francisco and it's just ring around its going to DC next week just finish up its New York Brian actually. This weekend. -- up basically created this. One man show -- called the agony and Ecstasy of Steve Jobs and produces a lot -- Facts and stories based on his travels in China about about what their working conditions -- engines that so. Fast forward very popular podcast this American life. I guess interviews him for four hours. Makes him the star of one of the podcasts and then -- some of the producers decide that maybe some of the facts really didn't check out so they went into China and found -- -- Translate exactly. And she kind of had something different to say except. This has developed into a giant brouhaha over daisy is defending himself in his blog post citing artistic license today he's gone after this American life. I'm saying that they quoted him out of context. Where he received a standing ovation -- and actually. Get to go inside because he had purchased tickets for an -- advanced but definitely interviewed some of the people out. You know what. Whether they knew about this turn on -- and what they thought of it so it is pretty interesting a lot of people of course have to negative things to say about his so called artistic license but the fact. And others. Did enjoy the show and thought that it was brilliant and insightful and it piqued your curiosity. -- -- sit stating that well you know. Maybe not everything was factual and its pure form but. -- -- Did the picture was. So. This just opens up. You know all sorts of it breaks open all sorts of -- about ethics and -- -- them and artistic license and things like that so when it comes to sending a damning message about. Technology especially when it's a device that's widely used today. Is there something to be set for artistic license was easy enough right it is his position defense -- or should he apologize and take a different stance. What do you guys think about its. Well -- in our little garden and. Well let's just say you know it's a shame. Because I do think that topic that he's -- are not reporting. Topic that he's discussing in basically its shows on on this very real the real issue on and you know -- I think that says. It's it's too bad that. You know his. Sort of lacks. You know not really following journalistic standards. It is it's a shame because it's not it's gonna do damage to the whole topic as a whole and the whole story is all -- Com and I think -- gonna discount. -- home and you you know future reports -- gonna take it. Com with a huge grain of salt now and you know it based -- damaged in the whole the whole issue even though it's something -- feel on is really important. It's I just -- I don't like how kind of an apologetic humans I mean when and you listen to each action an iron -- And at Chris -- saying I'm really sorry but in -- this is the you know what I do is journalism but he knows that this American life and PRI and -- -- at last everyone in the producers it does is journalism. And that. In the beginning used to saying. I'm really sorry that you guys -- -- but the bottom line -- -- -- an analyst Andrew. By knowing that it was -- -- American lines and he should have known that. And they fact checked that -- but obviously not well enough but in the in the first Christmas -- investment is the fact checking passes from how. Some Iran that they decide to run with and -- until they annihilated them more things -- on. And at -- -- hear him say I really regret I am sorry and then the more that. He's being exposed now he saying. Come with it the latest news saying that he four hours of grilling edited down to fifteen minutes. And my Mike -- are taking out of context it's like well you know if he didn't. -- people. Operating under the assumption that everything's it was treated and this wouldn't have to happen and delicious I just don't like how he's very. Not he's just not very remorseful and he kind of put the stake and integrity of this American life and what they do. I am vulnerable or any kind of risk there integrity and he's just -- well but I imagine analysts so it's a pain but there what they're doing is -- sorry I mean. You know I I gotta say to we -- Mike daisy and Charles do you -- from the New York Times on reporters' roundtable couple months ago. And he never said that he was. Taking artistic license -- and he was standing by Elvis look at me now that -- -- -- and now that -- committees are in trouble so to speak but. You never never came out and listen in -- and I understand he's an actor and he's not a journalist but. At same time it seems Kennewick with each and get publicity for show -- what what was he trying to do. Let's -- like -- -- -- it a couple of our live listeners to colonists they have. Anything to say on the matter and Steve it's the number. Right here. 1888900. CNET 2638 in Hollis live right now to talk about this we will put your call on the air. So give -- -- So yeah I mean in the meantime -- -- -- look at at things like. Also have to do with technology mean in. The modern time are not looking at something in the past what about movies like the social network. Well that's to -- Traumatized nation like based on that and and when you go into movies -- you expect -- -- But it could still be damning mean how many people went to see them -- me. And walked away thinking that Mark Zuckerberg had actually live the life and -- -- I. Annual went with that kind of like the damning libel just like okay that's a summons repeat that is -- reputation and buy it. I don't I don't know about. Like. Damning evidence exists if you are operating and subsequently. -- If ID in the upper and then subsequently -- so -- an audience as instantly it and then and since this is based on -- this -- a documentary. Then you -- to make sure everything he saint. Is I am with integrity but like supplement social networking BC actors and actresses and see it director and and in fact -- you know. That there at that audience shouldn't be expecting her -- percent. Journalistic to play devil's advocate -- how is a stage production any different than a production and not that -- action is fine. But the fact that. PRI. Went up to an approach that -- had a show in fact checking and -- -- you know we're gonna show and you know it's a journalistic radio show and Mike -- who probably knows that life is. And knows what kind of and it they operate on. Said Asher everything yet it's -- and casino like during -- attraction is also. Like. Back back pedaling and so he -- it has yet to. This American life definitely has a responsibility and -- Of their. Present. Their material are so I mean. Should they be held responsible. And yet that's what it's saying my bottom line this is our file which -- retracted -- once the moment. I am in touch with the translating. And that's why it does come -- then route certain aspects I just think they got totally did I mean like what happens -- -- TU. And just that the at this issue and like. An -- and of course they could have management. And it but. A -- well basin. Their sudden there's some other issues through a minute think that the translator. I mean who knows what role -- -- Adam. I'm not to say that she was she sinks amendment was not true but -- you wonder what his interest is and who she -- and swore. Agassi -- it to the Chinese Government has gone here today and -- and as a yeah that's feel like it's your -- -- -- -- I mean you never know. Arm mean and I mean I you know I do think that it's hazardous -- -- that -- that we're talking more about this guy's actions. From which were crappy because. You know the -- a better word. He went to he basically gave the impression he went to China. He went to -- in January was in he went from the he did actually go to that's in the factories that fox. And I. And he actually was. Com you don't. There and interviewing people so he did make the impression that he talked all these people even though he didn't com you know. Sony needs it is it is it is it irresponsible thing to do but. On the flip side. I think that. This issue Israel and and it's in affects a lot more products and just Apple products to -- all the phones and -- -- -- -- -- everything. Com all the stuff has been outsourced. So some senses doesn't matter. I mean he and his dramatization that sort of blown open the door on the island. In and -- he's been able to you make your personal -- by. Pointing out a very particular device. And basing his show off of his experiences visiting the factory. He -- been able to raise awareness about not just Foxconn but also. In -- the entire life cycle of electronics that we use every. So. In January CNET actually interviewed -- -- And the question was put to him but he visited factories and talk to Foxconn employees. With the help of a translator you interviewed workers some as young as eleven during shift changes over the course of many days. Given the heavy security there -- the -- -- three surprised by how many workers streak ever talked to he talks about that. And basically he says that he asked journalists before told in his plans and they thought that nobody would -- -- speak to him. But he went ahead and he asked anyway he says. I don't want to be too speculative but it has crossed my mind that it's very convenient for journalists if we convince ourselves that no one talked to them. And that saves us the difficulty of having to actually do our jobs we convince ourselves that no and -- there. And no -- going to talk and you don't even have to go to the factory. So I feel like he is putting himself in the role of a journalist there when it's convenient for him. And then also. During this interview. I CNET apps in and we said the story -- the show is not just story -- it's also called action because after the show the audience members are given information. On what they can do to try to get Apple and other electronics makers to change working conditions what made you decide to take that extra step. This response. How could it be otherwise frankly it's the least I can do it doesn't even unseemly can be ethically responsible to perform -- shadow. Eliminating these things -- proposing that there is a chance for us to turn things around to Begin the process of waking up and then not provide some ideas toward what. What that might entail it would actually just be an irresponsible. It would actually just -- responsible as a said. And people actually come -- and in sport and people called Apple customer service relations. And has galvanized them keep. Would you would you think about that statement. Me I mean I do think that -- yeah. You -- -- said he put his. And it definitely put himself in the list of being -- -- that to -- facts and -- and delivering information that. Not that everybody has access to or you've been saying that. You know sounds like Unix and people that -- -- have -- -- are -- to go grab those facts or. That's so so what's it puts -- that position. -- it's you know he's definitely you should know in in. That range deserves all the services. -- but -- said the issue is really important though. Com as you know. People people have been dying. In -- plant. You know they did put up those -- Now you know -- -- keep people from committing -- I guess to keep people from jumping yup so a lot of the stuff com. You know yeah okay he he he should be completely -- four. Fabricating truth and posing as journalists but. Now that we have the real issues real issue him. People should really think about we -- these parts from and you know how -- created. You know com parsley. I mean outlook -- day when we have really. Sustainable. It. You know eco friendly. Devices. That are cool as well you know not just like -- -- -- Warren. By product something richness of the national looks good on and -- -- connection keep -- with -- you know and I have to keep reusing just to use the internal on. So that that data something that -- industry should -- it. -- that direction but. You know it is a shame shame that the in at this this this topic has been sidetracked by -- Guys actions. One more thing -- -- -- before we change topics is that the original retracted and now deleted episode of this American life with my TUZ. Is reportedly still on sale at Amazon which -- number 454 if you wanna hear the original it's already available -- Pirate Bay. And one -- -- -- -- also is that might deviate. -- redact -- of his one man show in New York. And highlight the areas where he and his translator were -- so you guys have been shy over the phone but if you have any other. Comments you can definitely email us and and share them with us we'll give you those details -- then the shadow says switching gears and AT&T. Has right to run away. With all of its unlimited plans by its if you had the thirty dollar unlimited and you were grandfathered in. And there's a news story -- new report actually from consumer -- Data suggesting that your unlimited plan may not actually -- saving you any money. That's correct and basically. Out. Don't know at CNET -- look at that this. Situation and he basically. Figured out as he was lucky enough to have one of those grandfathered in. Unlimited plans meaty beast paying thirty dollars a month. -- was -- me and he actually tested his. His his data usage and found that he wasn't coming. Anywhere near that 300. You know. You -- anywhere near the the amount that that that they were charging four for unlimited like he was he was coming underneath 300 megabytes. So we decided its you know go for that plan. Instead costs which costs about -- twenty -- -- -- thirty bucks receiving ten dollars a month. You know he's -- to saving that ten dollars a month as -- -- -- handing it over for no reason. Com and you know the thing is I think that's a good -- -- observation. On and I guess you know you really don't use that much data. On on three G device like that -- -- -- on a -- Though I have to tell you that when I personally. Have been using 84 GL TE device on Verizon. I actually started to burn through those those data. Allotments pretty fast you know. Com brain and its foam that I'm not paying for -- test device. I was using the Samsung galaxy nexus on Verizon LTE. And in ice cream sandwich there's little feature -- concede now. -- just how much data you're using built right into the OS yes Siemens yes opposite idea. So it like I actually -- -- I only use that phone for -- Mimi C two and a half weeks and -- already got a warning for two gigabytes of data. It so unlike what on earth and it turns out that I do all these really really kind of questionable things -- a. And -- Well okay oh sorry that it does not come across probably had -- -- -- -- your strength. Known and and and and selling that what it is is that I'm listening to podcasts you know just using -- listen. -- it's just that a lot of times. Running out the door and I forgot to you know threat to download the latest you know. NPR shows or whatever it is styled and podcast and -- myself -- Kind of and staying. So and you guys to his well arm. So I realized you know I like went out the door. I hit refresh and -- -- -- -- -- stuff while I'm walking down I'm walking to the subway because once -- on the subway there's no connection and work. -- and I know that's not a Smart thing to do -- -- in indefinitely does you know. -- pull down lots of data but I still do it and I think that's the majority of my data -- there but. Also I do a -- and -- on or shouldn't do this but I used union. However -- Android app listens to live radio. And that's streaming over four G two probably not a good idea. But sometimes you know I just -- the tools that immediately -- then you know them outside and walking around so I think if you have access -- that that faster connection. I'd probably -- and -- it depending. -- and as a way to do but if you have an iPhone looks like us you know on on AT&T. The three G is not really going to be burning much needed at least that's what this consumer reports. Report had found. Currently now all but them what happens when the iPhone becomes a four GL TE device -- in its next iteration. So and that there is the reminder that when TV your grandfathered plan there's no going back. That's right now that I actually getting -- I personally think you should invest in your future and keep it. However if you don't ever see yourself. Actually using the phone for streaming video or anything like that. Then it's you might save money in the long run -- And that's the question because about what's to stop AT&T from saying oh well you know what on the forgy. Device that's that's -- in the plight. Even if with even if you have -- grandfathered in. I don't think that happened I think that four GL TE iPad users are still grandfather. Then yeah. That'll be the tech -- -- from -- however missing that he was told his grandfather plan. Will stay when he was upgraded to the next iPad two yes he is -- -- nice. So it really is a solid plan. Let's take our outbreak and we will be back -- -- headlines of the day. Welcome back the wild and where we've got some quick hits coming -- I am. Verizon has reconfirmed. By -- it. Dow Jones that all Smartphones going forward will be for GL TE. -- but they told me that very same thing first of back in January at CES. So. -- the lookout for all Verizon's Smartphones to be four GL TE no question. Also there is a simple hack says a user of -- Mac rumors forum. That will allow you to run your Verizon LTE iPad on AT&T is the three G network. I have not been able cute try to tell myself but if you wanna get -- gather more details at dialed and. At Sony announcing on their new Xperia Sola. And basically this device is able sort of -- -- down version of -- some of their other Xperia next devices. But what makes isowich -- as it has a finger tracking feature which lets you scroll without having -- touch the screen. And then also we have. -- -- crazy Ellis citizen action on -- have HTC who has confirmed. A whole slew of soft phones Bluetooth sixteen -- all that won't get ice cream sandwich -- -- so. Face it we've got a lot of phones including the does the Droid incredible two -- HTC thunderbolts. I'm a whole bunch of different devices so Geoff -- tests. At high speeds and it says Samsung nexus S will -- if that and ice cream sandwich and the nexus S boards you look -- ice cream sandwich update. In -- from sun and it's finally -- -- friend of before their -- and not very sharp and now we have word that. And that -- -- again at 610. Adam -- and can be. Doubled as a Wi-Fi hotspots at C five -- -- devices can connect and wirelessly. That note building yes haven't had an 800 don't have it yet but sources have been very group that they it will come. It is to. Demands so we checked out a bunch of devices this last week including that LG connect forgy for MetroPCS. The Samsung galaxy S two for US cellular. The Motorola moto active GP asks fitness device. -- frantically at and is ET score for cricket wireless so. -- The alliance. Created -- connect forgy just a little. Yet LG expertise of sign on MetroPCS Noah it's different than he does and that for -- likes and no paid no contract. Kind of -- -- crystal -- in Italy is really bright and very fast atom both the processor and Adam and the network that is fourteen. And utter chaos has a really bright screen at 700 that the brightness and I just kind of really liked the finalists and it's and drain it. Gingerbread different -- in and it's and then. Yet am backing out through Japan and -- because and it feels plasticky and everything else has a one point two gigahertz dual core processor and and then. And doesn't really add. Am and -- and especially for people who like MetroPCS and it's always nice to see kind of higher and transferred. And those steer public price point for -- -- him. -- Android here it is 319 dollars after a thirty dollar mail in rebate -- kind of it's -- it's pretty nasty effects and makes that one of their craziest. No contract offering again as a -- yet. A data plan and voice plans and -- So I checked out the Samsung galaxy S two for US cellular. It is exactly the same has every other galaxy S two -- of course I -- -- -- three G network. And that take a message that I have. Is basically. It's a good front is a good found that it's a good for now and I think that it has the same powers and even though. We are hearing of the Samsung galaxy S three coming up. I think for US cellular customers this would be a good -- still on this one is also little price here it's 22999. Cent 230 dollars. After hundred dollar mail in rebate and that is with a new two year activation. And Brian you checked out okay so the is this really the full name Motorola -- active moto active GPS fitness tracker -- music player is that really the full name. On the -- work well actually I think it's safe to say you can just call it the Motorola moto active. The rest is you know basically okay it's it's -- think of it as a really -- feet -- in Apple -- nano. Now -- you know iPod nano that also has GPS built in that has a -- it. Radio as well as Bluetooth radio and it comes -- the watch strap or at least you get it with that in the kit. On the whole thing cost at 24940. Gigabyte version -- Basically 2994816. Gigabyte -- and it's a music player com to -- the phones. I know I know right I know and it will the thing is what it does is. It connects to only -- only fortunately -- Motorola phones but. What is really forests for you to track your fitness activity as as far as workouts on bike rides consensus on a -- You can run with -- it's water resistant odd and it tracks you've viewed GPS. On it also. Plays music that you can put onto the device over USB. And it will actually. -- her. On your performance so that if you're really kick in but so like eye of the tiger lower I don't know what -- -- -- for -- I can't tell -- -- work out Macs right. -- he's been a popular one but I you know -- -- it will. Listen to you in and figure out what how well he performed to what songs -- listen to one device it'll start to suggest the playlist for you. To keep you motivated. On -- little gimmicky but. -- its uninteresting device. I'm if you really wanna attract. Your work out and also imports over to the on the auto active dot com service -- web portal and you can. You know analyzer your workouts there are so long you've been -- in certificate you know increased -- speed or your time or -- -- -- time hopefully. Column in the have a whole like forty different activities system. So basically said it doesn't provide casual activity tracking so what's not to. Well it doesn't. -- -- -- -- -- -- it found that. Yes so it doesn't actually Africa but -- all -- activity tracker. In that -- if you have -- fit that defies -- some of the other devices like the not ninety fuel brand. -- it won't give view. -- sort of plan for just daily activity in how much need to move to to really be in shape. Per -- you know as far as like the dollars just so they can't say okay you need to. You need to work you need to move around at least you know 101000 steps a day. I'm for you to lose ten pounds you know in thirty months but -- in like thirty days are only three months something depending. Com where the -- -- will actually do that com and other devices thank you that so. That's one thing to -- could easily do this assessment of software that tracks all -- -- up steps in and everything's. Already. So it's a very pricey device that's on -- an -- thing. But I think there's a -- needs -- be done on the back -- to make it really really appealing to everybody. Palm but if you really sort of one of those triathlon. Side Superman their women -- you should probably. Check it out because it definitely will give you lots of information about your hard core work. And also -- matter -- here if you are. So when you checked out -- TE score you give us the rundown of that. Yet this and a phone and a pack in Ireland it comes packaged with and -- music it's in music theory and music subscription to I -- On the phone itself is kind of slow and I like the display just the responsiveness of kind of insensitive in sensitive but not really sensitive. And also -- such -- -- of and -- Yes to a slow and ended the U I mean you reviewed the and new music before and we both -- -- and that they using it if it. Clunky and nine and it really but I love the concept of live music I think it's a fantastic idea -- I like that I mean of course if you heat and music ends and one. Have a limited evidence of -- albums and artists and it's great for an. For that but as for -- phone I am with. Like Smart and teachers with a touch screen and a fast -- this isn't really I think. -- actually gave it. -- stars that it's been a long time since we went out at granted that -- at the bottom line is don't get that there are other big music fans for cricket that's Richards get -- like -- the T chorus which is it has less teaches Esquire but the idea that different music is so much better which is really. -- -- well sneaking. Out we got a reader email that I am one -- -- as. So this was from an anonymous reader is -- nursing an original Verizon Motorola Droid. Yeah see I knew it a new there people out there. -- -- -- -- -- -- Knows that there are problems getting this run on -- when do we imagine that microphone will be released in the US because remember that the HTC's. Wine acts is Quad Core outside of the US and will be on a fast dual core processor with -- -- Inks that he or she can get the -- to last through July. -- Did you see in the recently just gave them -- Yeah I did actually. -- for as a matter electorate with the I -- my roommates friends. Has -- -- seriously beef up original. -- And it's got chips taken and it means that any place you can barely read basically like the -- -- public -- a whale all of the writing on the keypad. And it is a bit like and a as times change -- I. Q he was basically trying to decide between that iPhone four arrests and the Motorola RAZR. -- -- When did you did you -- -- like. I said sorry bring your organization. Thing was assassinated sounds like them apples aren't some sort of Star Wars technology you know it's like consoles -- or something yeah exactly. -- scuff marks on it. And -- You know it's like to -- sleep at this thing in buying an affiliate of prized possession than I was -- -- you know. Ripped it away from his -- among. I hate -- that for him I think humid in trade ban trade RAZR. Not Macs. Who would you recommend in Madrid -- yeah I recommended the directories -- -- but. I'm cute as -- wanna spend 300 dollars on it and he is not act concerned with the battery life he thinks will be able to plug it -- and have access. -- tear his charger I'm frequently and he he actually doesn't mean he's using. A Motorola drew agrees there. He doesn't use Google Maps he's not using all of this are from future Serena he doesn't miss them. But he is fairly young guy I think he is going to use it -- -- Hughes Hughes and has leaked -- an excuse any all of these features. And they're gonna change his life he doesn't have. Any other Apple products -- I don't think it's imperative for him to stay or or even necessarily beneficial. To stay with in -- environment from an environment standpoint. And I don't think he has especially strong feelings for that I found so. I think if he's gonna -- -- -- buy a new phone today. For him and his use case and has preferences and has a static I think that humans like that that road -- But I'm -- are a not administrator. Quad Core to guys have any predictions. We're gonna get -- on -- -- in the us. I mean I'm thinking my feeling is. I don't know amounts of you know but I think by June. Or at least -- you know -- CC IA that trade show that'll happen in. -- me in mid may rent them early that manga being eliminated through -- again. Yet that that is where. -- carriers -- -- drop the news about what phones and have one or that's where I'm taken we'll hear. You know what's gonna happen artwork -- -- personally. So -- in. Was there that it -- for a quick post today this morning about. The beach to see. One tanks which there's a rumor that it -- -- on sprint but that's dual core. On I would be -- Korea yeah assembly but I still I can be very fast dual core and we may not even notice that. That's true then you know more underwent dual core was the read right now -- a year ago. Or takes a while from the time they announce things that and then they get it if -- -- earphones laughs through July. Then I think that it that's that's pretty safe I think you'll probably -- which. So that is all for the show but a reminder if -- can't get enough of us and you want to your -- or share tips. An early termination fees getting out of contracts early on problems with contracts you can't get out -- Anything like that we are having a special on Wednesday about march when he first 11 AM Pacific time 2 PM eastern time we're gonna be here Roger changed going to be here. -- we're going to try to get a special guest but we're still working on that either way we will be talking about. Why it happens agony of what it happened. Other tips will be taking my calls we will be reading your emails and share your -- answer or story is -- -- might have. About early termination fees or cellphone coverage in general it -- -- -- styled and and cnet.com. Leave this voicemail whiny 866 for a series 226. Three -- All of our blog posts -- -- at cnet.com. All CNET podcasts are at podcast dot cnet.com. And feel free to comment on anything you heard in the show and all -- has to thank you for joining us and we'll see you and said. --

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