Dialed In #202: Meet CNET's newest mobile editor!
Dialed In #202: Meet CNET's newest mobile editor!

Dialed In #202: Meet CNET's newest mobile editor!

And -- everybody it's Wednesday December 7 2011 then you're rushing dialed in CNET cellphone podcast I'm -- culprit here in San Francisco joined by technical producer Stephen B -- We were all alone here in the studio just two months the first time. But so -- but at least we have each other yes we have each other and we also have Brian Bennett. In New York key as our newest cellphone review -- Hey guys announced a gallon -- meet the fans fans -- -- high end. This is all very exciting especially as we got Skype up and going right away we didn't have any problems -- this is -- very auspicious beginning now. If you're also Gonzalez. The idea knowledge and a Gibson apologized for moving the show around a little bit by it we could not have brands -- on his first -- that but it just -- cruelly in town guy doesn't even have. The laptop -- up and has to jump onto podcast -- He has had a little bit of time to catch up to speed and and I mean it may interviewing -- fun. Brian White -- a little bit about yourself. -- are basically I have been a media and her -- -- number of years and writer. Above cellphones. And Smartphones now -- have been you know Android two vote Schieffer. In a few years I mean I even. Did little. Work as a PR -- for HTC so. I've got to. You're actually it you -- agencies weren't -- Yes and now I'm ashamed to say in some circles it's sort of a little dirty secret but that it is especially secret -- longer are now at an analyst that's -- -- -- -- actually -- yeah I did -- some PR for a Samsung. Electronics. And learned a whole lot about HDTVs and home theater equipment like -- stuff. -- -- -- Televisions -- yet taken apart in. Sold innards -- that's pretty cool. And I definitely -- whole lot about phones and from HTC's. Definitely very cool on a sauce that PC magazine for in and actually -- used to work for CNET back in -- a packet computer shopper -- -- Or any -- Also there's so what's your favorite piece of tech right now. Well came to me is that. I I actually -- in the academic funny because I have an old. T-Mobile HD two. By HTC which used to run Windows Mobile. Com but I -- actually the installed as a hack on the net but names it's running Android army's in the mag loader. Loading. You know. Up tool. That basic puts a rom on -- that's that's rooted so. It's not perfect but -- -- excited that a -- Android running on a former. You know when a small device that I just can't give it up then you know got things line around but. You know got so many devices connected to -- area -- voice count that -- really random. Approval calls and 1009 so what do you know. And actually if I have had people actually text me saying stop using this phone -- who. If they don't even know who they are or what phone its -- but now. -- yes so I mean I'm using that as -- fallback device. -- access excerpt and around the yen or refer gutters are planned around the HTC. All of the new windows on the radar. And if you guys suggest and -- -- radar for do you -- the idea as well in the house. As -- the real deal and that. Actually we are going to talk about a phone right now because I have in my hands the LG night -- HD. This is a phone that launched on December 4 and there is actually a launch event in New York. And Roger tang went -- that picked up the phone and we have this little skirmish with fedex's that's really odd situation where. This must be sent me for Saturday delivery it and ended up sitting in -- addicts warehouse that was an even open on Saturday. Closing -- opening -- -- -- Monday at 11 AM eastern time so that was a big fail on there and but anyway this phone has been reviewed. And -- basically it benefit. Big news and buzz surrounding this phone -- it has. Everything through it's got everything it needs to sort of -- -- super phone for AT&T. Four GL TE. It's got dual core processors. Got an eight megapixel camera on the back. One point three megapixel camera on the front the cameras are pretty -- at this screen is just like pretty it's -- -- Four point five inches. And it's got an HD display and I actually hold up side by side with -- Samsung galaxy nexus. I made a little photo test as well and I. Not this isn't for the camera this is for how well the screen actually reproduce images and I loaded up -- HD images. -- side by side and patent. They were a little bit more clear on -- -- -- HD although they were very clips so basically this phone has all of the ingredients to be a super duper phone. And that question is though. Is it because LG pretty much -- Brian I'm sure you've. Noticed the senior covered as well if you look at all of that LG phones from 2011. Although LG Android phones. The error. You know there are some good ones -- there is -- The thrill -- Via a greeting found rose three via app for AT&T is -- -- -- yet the thrill for energy which is -- -- found. To make it confusing or anything. -- that was for eighteenth he I was very solid and basically it in and I think we all thought that the treaty was really just to get make and out it was -- sold -- I think problematic -- houses that not a lot of the phones are really memorable. So the question is can algae make a good entry -- I think the answer is yes I did review this -- and out I thought it was is really -- and it does have also support for four GL TE I think I said that. Unfortunately that's not -- In Ohio -- -- live in San Francisco or even new York at this point so. I was able to test that it'd -- -- ride on the HSP plus four G network now. And that report by -- -- whatever the diet exactly and so it was just. I don't know it was fine -- -- -- exactly the speed that I expect. But of course when you take the numbers and you compare them is actually really quite -- But I I don't hold that -- I don't hold that against the phone because it's in -- It's just something to think about I think that the phone will operate best in a four GOP EU zone an F nine in your in AT&T customer. And it's going to work exactly like you think it will on each has PA plus in your area. -- you know it's it's got this sort of play textured backing up hard plastic. And I'm looking at this -- and I like all of the -- parts but for me personally. It doesn't add up to automatically. AT&T even though the specs are sort of like a little bit better are also entry to point three gingerbread of course. And I also forgot to mention price -- -- -- at its Q. T fifty basically with a new two year service agreement although I did check online and it was either as an online special for hundred dollars off to make 150 dollars. And that's the same price as the skyrocket right now -- which is another four GL TE phone for AT&T. So. I would say if you line. At four GL TE super phone for AT&T take a look at excellent take a look at the skyrocket take a look at HTC -- are all created by different manufacturers. And -- pretty much all gonna have some of the same specs -- and and have I think it the only differences at this level is how does it feel the so for -- It doesn't quite add up to date in hand feel that I would -- even though it is a really great phone and -- recommend. -- -- -- Very cool. As far as -- as far as Android devices. But on eighteen -- Huge difference -- that would be the best one. Not necessarily I think skyrocket as great hymns and God's -- coupons are are excellent -- and the specs are very similar. So I get it depends this is my answer to everything whenever anybody asks me which phone to get. And I went to value. So if you have a -- B. Emotional reaction to look in the field him -- an appeals writing her hand and you like the -- the feeling of the backing is gonna drive you nuts. In out -- that told -- I'm gonna get us and are not think that's about. Taking it that ended the day -- always comes down to that but if you love screening you just quietly the best most -- colorful. Screen that this is a good what are some phones on -- really -- -- Come by -- the camera under performs I think camera on this was actually pretty -- it was not perfect. Group check out my camera tests and there are some good visual examples of the -- like adding this blue glow to chain link fence but didn't exist in real life because. Chain link fences don't glow in my part of town. But a maybe maybe in New York maybe you need your radioactive. And -- -- is -- is just showed us. The radioactivity that exists that we didn't think did not have a Geiger counter he can -- it. And has a gyroscope. -- Celeron and her and I Geiger counter. -- That means there will you know -- say I definitely -- impartial amoled screen it's kind of been spoiled now. -- some really. You know I'm really. We're psyched about having Amylin going to you know HD resolution. Right -- on the Samsung galaxy nexus and here's here's the thing as that. This is actually -- LG was kind of boasting about at their launch event as they they had their phone and that kind of had they have to skyrocket. And at this -- -- -- -- side by side and they were showing Roger Chang our reporter and who was there at the live event in New York. Increasingly seen -- the colors are really saturated. On the skyrocket. But an LG nitro it's more. True to life and I went one batter and it and I compared and it's sure you know on the super amoled The Sims and screams like colors just pop it really vivid -- really beautiful. But they also -- tend to over saturate especially greens and -- And have I yeah I compared it with and Sams and outs in access and also out for couple shots that they -- TC -- But to all how beautiful HD screens and it's of course screen materials different. The way that colors are expressed is a little bit different and I thought they were very close. I -- but I also thought that it in most of the pictures sort of -- and -- on that night true HD. It just seemed like a little bit -- -- The contrast like blacks were just a little bit blacker. And if you looked in certain places you could tell slight differences. Adding it and of the day are all really great phones and again when you get to this level there to be very small -- French latter's. That's sort of turn your mind one way or another when -- comes to buying them. So -- four GL TE devices are of course you know what's on everybody's mind. And sprint says that there are going to take the plunge between -- about. Move over from WiMax and start expanding and creating its -- four GL TE network. The device is coming in the second half of 2000 -- That's right and not you know it's so funny because -- primitive such big deal with. With with clear wire and an all that and and then recently how -- -- they got creative they announced their you know disillusionment with them. You know break -- that partnership. You know. Mean LTE is -- -- mean everybody talks about patents. And Verizon yeah exactly there's so much good will but you know towards its LTE decides on the problems like battery life being problems phones. He's now. Britain has even gone so far as to save the number of devices it expects fifteen. L forgy LTE devices to hit the market. And 2012 and I told the latter half so within six months they're gonna pump out 154 GL TE devices. Which is crazy and they -- -- that land to cover. These are gonna shift of course. I don't think it will either be that many are bill carry over -- -- when he thirteen and they also claim that they're gonna cover 120 million people by -- and of this year while -- twelve actually. And 250 million people by -- when he thirteen. So they're investing really big in four GL TE. And I mean Verizon. Definitely set the state residents had this huge head start on everybody else. AT&T you know how some markets but they definitely don't have all markets of Chicago -- -- Boston -- -- -- -- in as three cities in Texas rate. And sprint is -- late this game everybody -- late this game except for Verizon and it's it's kind of an issue. Especially since Verizon just went and picked up a bunch of spectrum from the cable company -- Said the center of three point six billion dollars on that nobody expected them to do this quite this and so they've definitely had -- and they're creating. Problems so. Forgy LTE is going to come to you it at least I mean it's on Verizon it's coming to you dining AT&T and it's gonna expand. And we know that it's coming to sprint sprint whose main. This abundantly clear. However the quality of for GL TE oh and by the way MetroPCS of course launch the -- Ford GL TE network and phone along time ago and MP remembers that it wasn't human Smartphone and -- the Samsung craft feature. And they've kind of been like you doing out -- or two devices that work with forgy LTE so. It's not just the fact that everyone's going to have LP -- for GL TE phones but making performance is really gonna come into the limelight. How good performances and I think Verizon is putting themselves far far ahead the competition. Because they've just bought up all of the spectrum and part of the deal with AT&T and T-Mobile anyway. I am the reason for -- merger with -- lead to combine assets so that both companies are rather AT&T'S and zooming. T-Mobile. Would have -- spectrum and more options for developing that and then. By extension the customers would have more reliable and faster -- -- Garrett. I mean I don't know I just. That's such a sister -- -- there -- a lot of people think that status in such a bogus. And -- you know that then. And emerging. -- structure with T-Mobile with some now enable them to have access to faster. -- manner or provide better service. There is there would definitely be less competition. Writing spectrum among four carriers. Have persistent -- expect from mountain. Yeah I guess everything is about spectrum these reasons and how much you can squeeze. Com into the existing. Available spectrum right at the -- is for spectrum licensing. -- and this is why yeah you know Verizon mean they they base. Mars and they state they -- this broad spectrum from cable companies that corrects. I mean so they got they basic got news spectrum that wasn't available in the it's for -- like Comcast Time Warner and bright house networks Newton. I mean that's just put some even farther ahead -- -- -- -- -- -- an and offering more services that they hopefully consult. -- the -- -- you know it's still sort of instinct to me. Whether consumers really want he. 44. G. And that sort of -- I mean reporter dozens of people who. Have to have that mobile high speed mobile access whether your present matters now you know. Trying to cut your cable bill or -- -- -- -- you know trying to. You know basically you wanna cut the cord has -- day and I have but cable or broadband connection that's physical. Com you know it's still it's that they missed the jury's still out as far as whether or not you -- action if America's. So -- people just still have three G devices you know. That's -- -- also battery life to consider is there. That's true you know so a lot of the times I mean the forge deals needed day it can -- Your battery. Story you know if if you're streaming videos and playing games online and and and things like that then it and stifling any user resource centers the question up. In -- when companies actually put out -- IR rated talk time. Oftentimes it's you know up to. Seven hours on three EG. And it. Yeah of course you know doing what. Are you going to be. Watching streaming video and iris. -- -- HD video. Over over three -- year you know -- if you so you're over forgy imminent -- price you know of any -- like you know Austria chips. Exactly. I mean look what happened with -- -- Last year -- Or was announced and the start to ship in -- are to have problems with the battery life com on you know the first four GLT found. And they actually have to go back and put in a setting that wouldn't -- Wii -- the you know selects three G and -- -- four -- you know. I'll just because you were so upset you know -- with the Lexington with a WiMax in the -- you -- to. You know that the same similar issues even though the -- with a -- And so I mean I mean you wonder how how much do you really need what. We. -- -- I like it. Yeah that's like the fast speeds Verizon's speed of the leaves are very very fast or hands. When you do have this kind of an archery expert data -- -- you know you just. Don't wanna sit around and we you wanna go where the technology is the bats and true they have set the standard -- set the bar and everyone else is chasing. So you know my question. Com is now but what kind of services -- used in the forge connections worse it podcasts now I can figure out. Outside or. -- -- music. And this year's. -- loading web sites. Via. Things like that and you're reading menus. And -- -- honest. On an -- but I -- use -- as other things I would use it for and streaming radio. -- Netflix may be -- gas lacquered Netflix through mail all of those things YouTube especially YouTube. Right so I -- things -- do require. A hefty amount of data. So of course. When it comes to Verizon's deal with the cable company is there are a bunch of winners and losers and Maggie Reardon at news.com. -- this really great peace and credit outlining through the losers are and why and who the winners aren't buying and I absolutely love -- A certain analysts said -- about T-Mobile as a loser. The line is -- port T-Mobile Verizon just ran off -- -- pretty girl in the bar. Yet it's awesome that such agree it's so hard it is to get you know because analysts seem so you know. Area prim and proper some times to get -- get -- -- like that as pretty awesome. And what Maggie just yet absolutely -- -- mag is talking about of course is that. Where are and other carriers gonna get spectrum this T-Mobile AT&T deal it's pretty much scrapped maybe hanging on by a thread. A best case scenario. And AT and he's gonna have problems getting spectrum T mobile's gonna have problems getting spectrum -- PC -- -- sprint. Will have a problem but still has some options. Verizon in the cable companies are clear winners clear wires kind of on the fence and then there's DISH Network. On which also has and used wireless spectrum. -- as clear wire. So it's it's got a bunch of megahertz of spectrum which it Canon used to build its own networks all the other people. Combined with other people -- partnership so this isn't that and of spectrum and of course. That FCC in time can also rustle up some Maurer and the spectrum to auction off. But it's something that's not gonna happen quickly. It's really gonna leave the other carriers scrambling to come up with a solution. So that's gonna have a direct effect on anyone who's buying a four GL TE phone in future. Yet I mean I'm I'm sort of hoping that that whole lightsquared. Saw Argo player out and and accompany -- startup that's planning to launch satellites and -- also supplement them without terrestrial. Infrastructure. We'll actually go Haddon and start working on those. You know that they're in their networks that they've hopefully plans to sell to its in the wireless carriers there. Folks want to start offering LTV. And that would free up that spectrum. Exactly. So I think I think every -- more about it and it CE OS-X. Ten for -- opponents -- So we're gonna take a little break right now and come back injury illness and -- news headlines for cystic program. To. And we are back with Brian Bennett cnet's latest cellphone review where. It's gonna kick off with some -- All right -- but it's been a busy week so far. -- -- my in my week because there's an easy yes for sure. And where I finally start hearing Wednesday instead of Monday -- of piled up. Can't believe it's so mom just quick headlines. -- announced a pair of Droid. -- tablets -- these replace the Xoom tablets. Believe that so that's why it starts -- acts -- must be I don't know these names are just getting more and more out of control. I think they're gonna us they're -- and running out of names in English language so. And there is actually analysts Ariane an injury -- name generator. Yes it did see that I was couldn't leave -- reading. You know that's amazing that's awesome Wall -- -- superlatives and a. Yeah well maybe. They'll be digging in the dictionary for these are -- definitions apply to phones. Can't venture. But -- just you know it's it's a recap this news. Basically. Verizon can announce it. They're going to be selling. Two's dual core. Tablets running at -- one point two gigahertz. Law and to -- -- from -- -- understand. They're both three running honeycomb. -- running Android 3.2. Honeycomb but that's the -- that's not -- I think we're waiting still waiting for a ice cream sandwich or a version that it tablets and point. On so these aren't you know extremely. Super advanced on the specially with I think the tegra three processor from Nvidia is gonna come. Buy -- the in this. Maybe even -- -- and this month -- this success here. Average uplink industry a lot of activity around -- but these should get ice -- -- time. Enter everything released at this point should get -- things. That's true better -- better as that would that would -- -- not very cool to us. It's a tease with that once -- -- -- pony up the prices are asking our com. Sorry yes. I believe that's what -- -- the two sizes -- an eight point two inch. With a sixteen -- Kia and offered to you by. You know capacities. -- and there's also a ten point one inch larger slightly larger screen version. In the same -- actually become more variants we have about three different capacities from read from. Thirteen. And a 32 gigs and 64 gigabytes. But they you know the top -- -- 728. Dollars and thirty dollars it's a lot of money for it. Data you know. So I mean I'm not sure you know I mean that it -- farmer correctly that soon. Wasn't that great of the seller in an enemy so. It definitely wasn't in -- Hyundai advantage of being the first honeycomb tablet as well. So it it looks like -- definitely taking the same -- that -- I ended in providing the same basic core in different sizes and trying to sell out way. Directly. In other news there is the saga of Verizon Wireless and Google wallet have they deny -- The Google wallet app on the Samsung galaxy nexus or not. So first we heard reports I'm including from -- that they did it and the latest is. Not Verizon is denying that they have. Well you know they consider want. Everybody knows it's right. You know it's a business I mean they've basically. You know. There's a whole situation with that Google wallet and while it only adds one -- and on right sprint right now. The rest of the carrier's three major -- in the US defaults. Of all are all members of the basis consortium. Sort of a ball of -- Carriers that -- also partners that want to have their own. Digital wallet solutions. So if they you know they basically not one with the school wallet. He would -- -- you know -- conflict of interest. I don't know how it's gonna play out because all these phones who already have. NFC built in. That supports -- -- supports digital payments in all sorts of stuff. Based on you know positioning in and scanning objects in physical world so. You know it's kind of sucks cause you know. You if you're on T-Mobile and you have a a galaxy S two. Com or any of the other carriers and -- on. You know you kind of want to be able to use that as well. On -- you to use -- wallet you know and seeing Google wallet. FiOS all over the place -- about you but. The drug store down the street there's -- -- -- well what is stood there. Probably more -- new York and definitely -- and Macy's and gap are among some of that retailers to use Google wallet. -- Verizon needs to figure this out with Samsung's that we can get this phone get in on shelves get nestled around holiday time. But things are pretty you know that's probably one of the worst things -- residents looking out for PR AT&T is actually looking at way worst PR. Because they've been rated the worst cellphone carrier for the second year and -- -- -- -- -- -- So. Bottom line is they're rich that according to -- every -- you. Participated in a consumer reports annual customer satisfaction survey there are. With the poor voice service and -- customer service says. Even if this deal folds with T-Mobile hopefully eighteen people still kind of get the memo about the customer service part at least. That is true I mean every -- -- -- complain about AT&T just you know anecdotally how -- it in your neighborhood. So it's okay it's. It's I have to say. I have to -- T-Mobile is actually really good program. Com which. I think it's pretty good -- of -- well but armed eighteen C. Network is not ban surprisingly I think sprint where -- is actually. More congested. And specially Manhattan so. Seven and and keynote to be honest like actually -- installed -- these. -- networks on subway platforms certain so what platforms in the city. And from what I remember AT&T had pretty good to -- -- put -- one of those subway platforms. I really just depends on where you orbit in San Francisco it it is definitely not known to be the -- -- the past. So more news for Verizon the galaxy nexus has not been officially announced yet that there are a lot of signs that points you drop date of either of this Friday. December ninth or even Sunday December 11 I have not heard anything official of course I haven't really heard anything unofficially either. But there are definitely signs pointing to that and if you are one of those people. Is looking to get a galaxy nexus phone on Verizon with or without Google wallet when it launches. -- -- you might also be interest said in a video demo that I did of injury beam in action. And just to remind you what that is that is that -- -- feature that's actually built into the battery of the galaxy nexus device. I wish I am not a hole in but I will use this as a prop anyway and to show you what I mean but you basically take the -- -- two phones. And you hold them up next to each other and you can quote unquote -- information from one phone to another. Things like YouTube video website it's very cool -- you should check out my video to see that in action. This week I also well actually in the last couple weeks I reviewed a couple of phones including the Samsung Focus asked but -- also -- as intimately. That's for AT&T. Its a Windows Phone and I don't know about -- -- that that really struck me the moment I sighed and held it in my hands -- like. Out this is basically the Windows Phone version of the Samsung galaxy ST phone -- Absolutely I'd it has the same feel that -- the same thickness materials might be thinner even. Com but has the same back it's pretty -- -- textured back. Gas same textured back same shape you are basically holding the same phone in your hand except it's running a different operating system Emmett Scott. One extra button on the side there -- you know a few differences and similarities basically it has -- -- and -- an eight megapixel camera. On the back it's got a front facing one point three megapixel camera has H as PA plus -- -- means. And it's. It. It looks a lot like the skyrocket and a galaxy S two phone -- of the galaxy ST ban for AT&T has a four point three inch screen. The skyrocket as far point five inch and this focus has a four point three inch screen it is super amoled and which -- -- and -- -- -- And I actually thought it did I it did a really good job I went as far as to call it. The past Windows Phone. On the market. Buy it IA. It it's arguable because there's also the HTC titan. Which do it. Really good as well and has lot of the same specs and a very similar performance the only difference of course is the form factor and the titan is much larger the little block here. And it's a little heavier it has a more premium. Look and feel but I personally think that at the galaxy S 2000 -- the focus -- I think it it. Fits better in the hands -- -- better in my hand so for me I think it's got more mass appeal but the titan is also excellent and I think that this phone. It's sort -- phone. Because of the familiarity. With -- the Islip and feel and sort of the brand cachet attached to the Samsung galaxy S two name I think that. It could be the phone you know if there's going to be a mass market -- -- sort of pull people over to Windows Phone this might be the. And it it also has a you know that -- titan mean I would I might be leaning towards things for the name. But. By the phone based on the name. Ports that's why wanna Samsung galaxy list view epic four G touch. -- -- that's because like I think that. Because if you -- -- have -- one syllable name for your -- and you -- and syllables yes real men have one and attend syllables. I need to pause between you know otherwise it's it's not worth the Samsung galaxy -- -- -- -- -- -- Exactly. I found the excess costs at 200 bucks also buy it and again this is a great time to buy a phone lots of sales online hundred -- with laughs -- -- -- So also took a look at the Samsung I'm just gonna dominating -- portion for right now because I was on violence and -- weeks reviewing phones. T have to stick with me about Brian actually has a whole bunch of anti sodomy care package. So -- -- -- -- on his first stage -- to have all these new phones even more. So -- actually gonna have a lot of reviews next week as well. I'll bet this time going back to it it's a Samsung illusion for Verizon. And this is sort of this year middle of their range Android 2.3 gingerbread found. I mean really like lower and middle and it's got a three megapixel camera. And -- 2.3 gingerbread. It's not huge it's not small. It's eighty bucks. Yeah I really not a hard time am coming up with something to about it because not everybody of course means. You know a dual core or eight megapixel. Forgy super fast phone and -- -- -- fills that -- and Verizon's Q. Is sort of moving away from feature phones -- moving institute a lower middle range Android phones to sort of satisfy. In -- the gap between the simple flip phone like sensible flip phone and the super -- on the other end of the spectrum so if that's what you're looking for. -- because it's running Android gingerbread it's it's able everything about it is reliable but I don't think it will expand it gets the job done but it's just a phone. At this point. It is they found -- aside yes and announcer did the Samsung transform ultra. And the Kyocera intercourse or your interest and those that check out the show notes or CNET format. And and -- that way we wanna get on to answering just a couple emails. So we've got one and friends -- -- in the chat room. And -- -- has questions about the battery life the volume bug and other associated things with and the Samsung galaxy nexus. Including as the market compatible with ice cream sand -- keyboard itself. -- -- -- -- -- Up the volume bug was definitely something -- UK users were complaining about including RUK team Akron and basically slammed the -- -- in excess. For that because I've been had a really poor call quality so that they emitted to star review I don't expect that it's gonna get it to star review on Verizon it it will be much much higher. On the I was a real problem in the UK and Google acknowledged it and was working on effects. -- battery life and my experience so far has been very good. I am still conducting battery drain tests and a whole bunch of other tests so I don't have the final benchmarks or word on that right now. But anecdotally it's been very good. Sound quality speaker phone -- alarm all -- remain -- -- with Kent German on that and that basically there were no Manger. Planes are always some complaints because -- -- item of the time it's not perfect. I've heard very few read the -- sounding. Smart. Out by it I I think that there wasn't. Any particular red flag that jumped out. -- you know why do you need to Hawkins you have to talk these days you -- But so you know -- years -- And if it. As for. -- market compatibility with apps. I haven't had any problems with that either and I have been downloading apps onscreen keyboard is much better than before. And so -- -- a lot less and being more accurate. And I am going to be published seeing sort of a few weeks later on story hopefully today. So check back and for cnet's for more information. About how that galaxy nexus operates after a couple weeks of -- -- -- -- Friendly -- take -- through the next question. Sure let's not take a look basically this is a question actually it's sort of -- on some human. Thing about the question. It is basically the the reader has said that. You know I'm a retired senior citizen wondering -- whether Smartphone would be of use to me and if so which is my best choice. You know. He said -- says that -- you know he uses as a cellphone. Com. And he uses it -- basic lesson when call Wednesday and in -- -- -- too much for his forest land just wants to know. Which on phone now can actually replace. The odd you know basic feature phone. He doesn't mention about what carries on. But he does say that that he has no need for a music -- -- -- of the social media stuff for any app apps -- anything. But you know just as you said it's getting harder to find. -- feature phones. Found that just two calls on one's networks as number one of the networks. On the carriers want to. Charge customers more for data plan -- that's really where money is -- and you know. That probably do that is by offering services. And data data connection you know which are -- to service that uses data. On these devices so I know that -- you're talking to me before the show and you're saying that. On you know say on AT&T the Samsung Focus flash which is. At very affordable. Windows. Its Windows -- -- it -- -- ago X fifty bucks meanwhile fifty packs retail without any special online. Right and that's that's a -- that's a great option and I think they'll also via. The the person who wrote to us also said that he wants to carry it uses the you know in a sort of a belt holder or something like -- -- Com though I don't recommend doing that because I've lost many. And say -- -- back in the olden days. -- silent and -- -- back when I first had you know for cellphones for schema I would you know -- for is rocket belt clip. I had an eighties and Motorola star -- Digital. Which I thought was awesome for Verizon and it like three dollars port Austin about two weeks because I -- so. You know feature for those documents it's not that they can be they can they can. They can fool you they can ruin your day so. -- but but the focus flash is very compact device. Also has an ambulance display. And the -- It's also it's really portal COR -- reasons that I think. I was gonna recommend and it's time. As a Smartphone is because it it is really straightforward it's pretty that's files are large there is the cedar easy to read it. They're sort of lesson learning curve there are still some hidden features but I think for the most part if you wanna check email if you want to check your messages it's easy to get in -- -- And a lot of people -- -- argue that iPhone is better. You know or if it's not that one thing with Windows Phone in -- -- being on multiple. Phones from different manufacturers. As the fact that the form factor hard difference -- you can find the combination. Of size and pricing that you want. In handled the problem is of course if you're checking your email. With a Smartphone and you are paying a data plan. Exactly so that. You know it's an extra X. Adds another option could be to sort of go with one of the smaller regional carriers into -- and you know you can get so. Or even say okay say. Will either way to -- with a prepaid plan from. A Virgin Mobile. I think they have the cheapest prepaid plan that you can get away with everything for thirty dollars a month. -- very limited voice but some decent phones. Right and in -- and -- a lot of calls. And you don't wanna pay a lot of front but still one of the options it might be a good way ago. You know and it's also nationwide to -- You know that's another another another. Edit rights on Sprint's network has an expert. At. So that is our show -- to Dave -- will be back every week and we'll be helping me host the -- and show. And we are also looking -- you find are a third person for the team so. Lots of good changes coming out lots of good stuff and of course lots of good news all the time every week we will be -- you are normal Monday schedule. For next -- so that's 10 AM PT. When -- -- eastern. And you can check out the show notes and read all of our blog posts that dialed in at cnet.com. -- -- voicemail because we love them. -- -- -- And sorry before it was the email violin and -- intercom for your questions and then the blog is dialed in dot CNET dot. And there are plenty of -- CNET podcasts as well and they are at podcast dot cnet.com. Said -- you for joining us this week. And friends see you back next week Steve -- back next week to. Awesome a leader -- by every --

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Dialed In #217: It's now or never for Windows Phone

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