Dialed In 151: LG's blowin' up
Dialed In 151: LG's blowin' up

Dialed In 151: LG's blowin' up

-- you know everyone it is Wednesday November 17. When he ten welcome to down and CNET cellphone podcast. I'm senior editor Bonnie Todd here in new -- and man -- just delete that he senator Kent chairman. I've -- it was very. Enthusiastic introduction was it yet TV tech I really don't think -- from Ottawa Carleton era traffic all the way across the country -- felt that they. -- yesterday -- -- me and -- and ends things that are things working. -- an hour on them overnight bunnies there's adhered to the from and that her dad a dead and really did it rejuvenated me. And we've gadgets that -- cart and now these have been need to -- Nicole leave -- fix -- until you feel better means you the banana problem now that it back. Will be will kick off this podcast with the -- of the week we haven't had one in a while and if we wanna have one in a week. In Kiev. -- astute observation of the well and remember whether it be and -- gingerbread. We're as lastly yes is this him that was officially styled as report -- that's -- -- things. But anyway she could that this land with -- -- that went Stan. And it am I -- LG star is rumored to be the first Android phone with a dual core profit there. -- -- -- -- -- And can if you wanna talk about the settlement. Armed service agreement and that page but knowing -- The it was we first. -- engadget reported on it originally hands looks like it's gonna be a pretty -- found with that 1080. I wouldn't it make -- camera and front facing camera so probably have some sort of miniature -- something. Four inch display could rent -- gingerbread which of course and -- two degree. And possibly early twenty elevenths so. He was discovered just speculating that it could be -- yes which is of course two -- for months away. Very scary mean I -- yeah I'm. And -- we could see something there and it is. Also on on the site now LG has announced that optimists point accounts crossed the million sold mark -- just forty days so I'll. It's for a carrier that's -- a lot of Android phone that actually Smartphones at all in the US senate can't do that that's a pretty good thing so yeah it should be the algae star. That could change once it's actually introduced. And it be nice if -- kind of a higher and pan intent from -- and that would that. Does that -- mine is a little bit more mid range -- great yeah a lot of what we've seen is this him you know has been trying just hasn't been too impressive so great. -- -- -- -- we will see perhaps that the F. -- move the island there's a lot of -- in the news actually this week. Our staff -- -- LG quantum is now available for eighteenth he and just as a refresher pads that windows phone seven device. And that has a flight -- -- -- area and only one available with the fact that pretty keyboard. Other features include a 3.5 inch touch screen as well as -- when gigahertz process and sixteen gigabytes of internal memory notes -- term and a five megapixel camera with the PL and a query. One thing that -- doing differently than other manufacturers is they're throwing in ten free -- With the device including where -- tracker app as -- and a toolbox which includes a unit convert flash played. I'm and they're gonna be doing this for. Pretty -- that Mari you I think it's a whole bundle. That you can look at eight. And they're gonna actually be doing that for a little while -- a regular basis. Releasing free apps exclusively to their customers for a limited time -- For little light it's an additional. That is available from AT&T for 200 dollars and eighteen he has -- he's -- around in okay. Moving on and brazen picked up -- LG handset and that is LG -- -- I actually think this is just kind of a re branded version of the optimists yeah it's yet at that rate rate. So this is available starting November 18 for eighty dollars with a two year contact -- hundred I'm -- -- in rebate. And they're kind of -- unit targeting it towards first time Smartphone buyers. And ran into a two point Q and has a 3.2 inch touch screen. As well as a 2.2 megapixel camera and all the wireless options and you can use -- as a mobile hot by up to five -- is now. You that if he. Yes -- people island now. And you can choose between a black or violent region but the phone. Purple seems to be it color and it could be the pilot reported a profit from -- than it colored several for the -- gas via. I'm gonna policy where autopsy pentagon might have on volume in the -- yeah -- or orange. Running. Right above to see more colors. But aside from the -- we've had been. Black black and -- lack of faith -- but the occasional neon content. But the -- Verizon. And this -- came -- via their Twitter account but. He said they're very excited to offer windows phone seven devices when they are available from Microsoft. And you might remember Maggie Reardon interviewed right concealment. And will make atom in early October and he. He said you know windows phone in and Microsoft weren't at the forefront of their mind they didn't consider them in the top three. Mobile operating system picked up -- to -- Blackberry and and journey. But responding to when their -- -- asking when they'd have these devices and the thing you know whenever Microsoft's ready. We'll be excited you and offer them. And actually going on with that story there is a leaked document saying that. Right in on that of the Verizon and -- is the HTC trophy which is actually available internationally. That was violence yet there is elements -- -- camera. Right but international it's not TDMA. It's to know -- -- he investigate and write in BC give me versions so that. Rumored to be one of their devices by. As we know he made devices won't be available till early when he -- and is just and one of tradeoff that my appendectomy. Q in order to meet their deadlines -- high quality and you know via and being that a lot of -- internationally you frontier and they went with yet now. Might also be that Verizon wasn't excited before maybe you know incredibly well I guess that let -- see how well yeah and it seems to be ailing. Well enough at least in terms. Critical. Reception -- operating system him. And sprint has also party announced that they're gonna have 57 pro and -- An -- people excited about that there is I don't know really yet that's the one of the but it. -- operate the screens yes it's an. And it's like that the previous pro series that from HTC. -- -- -- -- yak with the tilting screen so it's a it's a nice. Slimmer sexier version that. It. It's just a minute you see these things on Twitter beacons you wonder it's it is yet because these companies controller message very bright very. -- -- -- a lot. Then when they have some image Twitter you know accounts what exactly -- privileges -- give and Latin Nina how how there's -- with what they can say what they can't because -- probably saw earlier in the week. And I and actually write and -- -- it really think it amounted to much about people are making more than it was by her. Verizon's Bryson jobs which is -- Twitter accounts I just wanna get a job. -- this other officials you know PR -- -- they had said. Someone had asked. Is the iPad. You're getting -- -- -- -- the only news that the only scoop and then they replied to that reach -- that I can remember and said. No that's not the in the -- to someone is looking into the thing that means the iPhone the Verizon. And and I thought I was a little bit of a -- -- -- -- straying but. Buy -- it's I am fascinated to -- is Twitter and just how companies are releasing -- over them and -- him yet but he's found. Also wonder how coordinated and Africa that -- -- your dad there's literally I know attended the wine social media person. -- handling all that -- getting Erica from like one other person yeah. Have an interest is -- -- this with the it via. Let's move on to the next item which is that US cellular as another and has actually added another and device and it's from -- And that is -- This is the it's going to be little it seems like it's a little lower end than what we're look at what we've seen -- -- -- well at least from the mesmerized. It is coming and 7997999. Which cents a that was commitments -- as well. Mesmerized its price as well yes okay if that's. Yeah that's what seems to be a little OS. Well little little lower and scales versus features though it is. As a 3.2 inch touch screen. -- pretty keyboard megapixel camera in. It is should have -- to about one gonna come out on the nineteenth of this month and that will also be the day where -- absolutely -- -- Samsung galaxy -- Which will be 39900. Dollar mail in rebate and a two year contract. So lot of Mandarin is coming on the nineteenth I mean this program there are so we should see their -- Android phone -- optimist you. You feel -- And that will be very close to the optimist he in the -- cents. And that should come -- December wouldn't really know for sure but that won't be Android actually Phillies the entry. So look for nineteen we'll have. Previews the they -- We -- at some point we'll get him get his hands on the US cellular operation and it. Yeah I US sooner than have it -- that to have via. And if get a PBS John and I prefer the they're getting opted out there yet -- slowed first -- tips -- -- are. Again they're spending a lot of time -- only concentrating him. And for -- -- a customer. Speaking which they are also planning to launch -- LTE network by 2012. And yes this is that the -- justice -- is it was. There is they reported -- -- or they announced it but didn't really say a whole lot because he was even if -- -- announcement it was actually. One of their sex was speaking. The Wells Fargo technology media and Telecom conference -- -- it was never whether. -- if and stealing Campbell who has received and -- they had announced are doing here that you know we're getting LT at some point and then when I talk to their CO couple months ago it -- yeah we're getting -- -- have anything to say. So. What looks like it's gonna happen is is we'll get testing starting early next year first -- markedly 2011. Hands commercial deployment and -- -- commercial deployments when he. And -- interest him because he says. Campbell I guess it did to read and offer many details he's. The carrier is appealing a -- sense of urgency or crisis or urgency which I would say -- Very much the case -- that are going to be when he talks when he twelfth grade. They might go -- clear wire. We don't now -- light squads so we'll have to stack by its going to be awhile fear a -- -- Certainly Verizon is supposed to get a -- and if -- were together for markets but into the air. Different habits WiMax for awhile and -- -- -- -- next years so. That's US I was LT news so wait wait just a little longer for them. Okay and death that is actually play there's -- well on the -- EUS. And yes just before actually. But they provide even less information that they've just actually announced this today -- and it doesn't. -- -- is gonna tell us that aren't there and encircled the calendar for the fourth quarter and few 1011 a photo by its -- -- Through -- ultimately apparently it barely -- it out US cellular. -- so and they inked a deal with -- -- yesterday you introduced few new smart well. -- expert and to support B forgy LP. Service that we don't know anything about -- -- him thing -- saying anything. It may or may not have a planets -- has been -- And so that's really an annual core attributes more information as we get a little bit deeper -- -- that when he made. In other words we don't know we don't know what we're gonna do something coming yeah -- me laugh. -- I ain't there's them information for you. And and the last -- -- and we have themes thing has teamed up with. Regina money you know that fancy paint it him yeah I you know I'm not -- I'm not one for these designer. -- just. They're fine I mean yeah but this one -- and actually be quite that different. And some of the previous -- -- -- and it looks like every other. Because I don't heated. I cover band -- you know as -- really historically known Armenian on the top who have it is about the display but. Previous versions we saw this original -- -- its -- was also way. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- And it had it the most out on the on the last one which is -- A source sentiment. It was a it had the keyboard with a slight what -- Display like we're talking about earlier this going to be with its its its Windows 7 and it was goal to set -- This one is little understated it's certainly not like they're very famous don't think -- -- -- -- paying taxes and have became the the dongle the cell phone thing yet. And -- it. As he struggled -- -- I is gonna be just like it -- she's captivate so it's not gonna have anything out of the ordinary it's prestige through to dock you -- -- -- Probably -- OS version prime it was camera for its display. It will go on sale in Italy France UK Germany to China Hong Kong's payments in an -- And only 700 here mr. You're paying that much currently. Yes you are well and Audi passes I'll return does not come cheap. I'd hate hate your re -- day. -- might well be that it's huge it's you -- -- -- -- first in anything from New York I didn't that. It could be I think -- an -- Can't -- -- was -- but anyway it's. Yet -- it does a lot of -- they did mean patsy Johnson found which of course again it's like this but what color a. Crazy patterns and but they they don't even know what it must turn to the brand -- people who like that -- Johnson signaling that this is nothing. Yeah it is really -- it's not that exciting but. -- and I can. Mentioned people are really making that much money off -- that I mean people are in my means you're really buying that many. And -- one person that's on money from -- -- Yes we did have the product people who terms in -- the product. To change. In. Though. And and it's really funny because someone in that. Monitor comments for dozens. -- -- from Fred C one Q1 two. Why weren't they weren't they be surprised when they discover that the majority of Internet users -- bargain basement hunters he slaves and their code monkeys can define which her. So I mean it's. And after on the track and -- -- -- sports -- -- borne patrol. Anyway and other equipment. And and oh -- -- money. Via and that next month it's available. Machine. That that -- -- -- and that much yet to hit them but yes but they won't held in monitoring and label. Probably stupid -- don't work and -- a -- switcher. In a -- can -- -- -- -- America that's the typical. Day before we jammed into this week's reviews look at -- for quick break. I'm Molly Wood and practically inviting you to join us for the 2010 edition of cnet's holiday help desk that happens every Monday at 1 PM Pacific 4 PM eastern starting November 22. It's where we make you look like a brilliant tech gift -- as we take your live calls and we feel your emails in fact when. Send us an email right now to holiday helped us at cnet.com and along with the rest of cnet's editors will point you to the right product at the right right. Holiday help desk Mondays at 1 PM Pacific time starting November 22 at cnet.com slash life. Dollar -- rear back and my jump into this week's reviews and -- -- Catholic thing ETC wildfire for Alltel wireless. We actually took a look at the -- back them unlocked version. But now and there I mean -- really fit with regional North American carriers including health. And this is more of an entry level phone Marvin affordable option it's thirty dollars with a two year contract and after -- talent and BP. And -- with that you're gonna have some tradeoffs. And one of those is that it has -- smiling display. And I learn resolution display. Measures 3.2 inches that ultimately. So it makes it a little hard to type on and web browsing. You know in video. Doesn't look all that great on the screen but it does -- she -- -- that help. The body of the phone is actually really nice the very high quality build in -- it's a lot like the HTC desire to mind. And it is very compact. If you're looking for that tip the phone it's great. The other chain up as it has its slower -- -- and I've 128 megahertz processor see you gonna get a little bit a lag. With more if you're using multiple applications but otherwise it's it you know it's it's a fine device thinking if you're really on a budget appeared. Just getting into enjoyed it's a good options so. An eighteen. It's done other injury found that it our time has is at HTC desire which is around 150 dollars elegance is more affordable option. I checked last week and it's actually they're having Alan freed -- -- -- the grab it yeah that's. It's a -- that our -- so introducing. Had yeah. I mean that's pretty much going to be that -- -- entities through rain exactly now what they're doing. I'm Dan as they examine around the carrier quite well in the NY -- though. I -- for their few remaining humans. Offerings and options. I Miami. Other up -- on the opposite end of this scandal -- it looked at the Samsung SGH a 197. Which is ago found some three AT&T'S prepaid service. -- -- Okay I'd really love it and it's not because it and doesn't do -- it's just that. It day. -- -- it was only okay it just lets you parabolic got a little come on wasn't very high -- scratch at some points and the design is very basic it's easy to use but it's almost too light in -- hand dismissal of the -- little fragile so I think it's fine if you had it. If you want phone -- -- in the car for emergencies -- -- -- -- you're certainly taking you know constantly text interviews and of moderate you know winning it. Some -- we can drop it I would say it's okay that can be yours you can go for better things in utilities go online. The Samsung and 17 visible matter so if you wanna go from there are better options but it is 4999 -- out -- And remember there's no service contract with -- phones. In it does have Bluetooth -- a small camera VGA camera actually. Who is to access. The oh I think what planet well yeah so it's -- But I am I think you can and you can. Help I'm -- gonna bring up. We him in the line up that. Cellphones yes I am I I've received so after I had posted a blog on the Samsung in 360 humans sprint announced that the couple weeks ago. This comment -- -- about it's it's this it's. This really is below -- its users not in soon enough for this scene and savvy tech tech savvy users and I had a couple -- about it as well so. I wanted to step back and just say well the reason we cover these things is because we do aims review every cell phone with a major carrier and that includes phones that are pretty -- pretty basic and have to remember that not everybody needs -- phones flashing in her -- and expenses and then there are people really want that. But only just makes -- I know there's probably not a lot of them but that you -- when the next car and really we want. We want every we want the phone if it performs well -- -- -- it's all about making calls and it does that well it's easy to use. If you take a photo you can messaging image -- -- -- Satisfied with your service then there's nothing wrong with that. Right to that we lacquer based accounts we'll continue to review them beacons. And that's what's -- -- the park. And they think it's very I you know I think what sometimes we do get -- as you know we feel these great Smartphones and very. You know full featured phone then but there there's a part of grading and you just -- -- An and I can't -- Actually there have been a lot of comments -- if you. Getting your retrieve the common than their original person who had guidance and dad that -- below our fingers and they're Livni. Correct then -- -- not as. That was look at semi I had someone said that the only one comments are sort of attacked him or her and said that if you. If there's any -- -- letters he has been battered -- personally so don't laugh at them anyway we are gonna it's gonna review and are very basic -- -- as well without making them. And I don't that's gonna happen any time soon. They did that it -- -- -- them and and actually misses the scope. May replacement chemicals produced quickly -- -- didn't. Adam C let's see each of its ability -- paths which of course is the sprint version via ST it offers that -- ninety. Which we've talked about Jessica link and it has Internet but are its its its -- because it's good opinions on. It is day an and I spoken about it it -- yeah that's what etc. I'm gonna tell you -- because -- it's. Not agree feature and -- the time but anyway. As she -- of portable yet full featured under -- -- -- for sprint. Which the car qualities or better but it does -- -- -- anyway -- -- -- -- to two. Hands it is has little to slower processor to snap flash video. It is an accident HD video capture. And -- -- -- but it's their components the Nokia two cents. -- -- -- -- -- -- Yeah. And the -- I'm -- LG octane this is. -- messaging phone EV DO three point to make the camera GPS screen keyboard dual displays an external -- But that poking at this -- the -- -- by amendment. Rights positive publicity for. Cachaca those reviews. And from the provincial -- Yeah with a -- but that in. We have a few reviews coming -- the for the eighth -- holiday I'm gonna take a look at the model injury from right. As well as the T-Mobile common. Which is that we banded version. Way ideas idea via the death couldn't -- it. That's about an antenna perhaps even a gamer I meant to practice that the -- -- in Canada that it'll be alone there definitely unreal to eat it up at. Just stay here looking at a couple's -- then stepped up at Samsung full stiffed you. And with a bit of -- tongue twister. And I have that for you. Leader today to check back -- if you're interested in art. And then later this week -- him thin client -- -- Candy Apple red and it looked and -- repeat. Often if it's -- -- into it. India India color red Indian and on topic by could that could -- it. He -- have any -- email. And even. I'm actually don't think -- -- And eat. In there and think. Okay we need my questions -- -- amend people -- solicitation emails we sometimes get. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- yeah and definitely -- and -- your questions and you can do that. Via email to dial in at cnet.com. Or -- -- but the -- 9866. 4022638. And of course you can comment on our blog. And attendance at cnet.com. And check out all the other podcasts of podcast that CNET -- Dot com keep me next week we will not have a -- do it. That Thanksgiving holiday -- you with will be that we will be back the next -- believed to from the first. Though it to me tech back and then the next episode about. Though -- everyone and have a wonderful holiday. Season a couple weeks yeah happy Thanksgiving the F who. What.

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