Best of BOL: PSN, leaking Android, and Apple as religion
Best of BOL: PSN, leaking Android, and Apple as religion

Best of BOL: PSN, leaking Android, and Apple as religion

I'm Molly Wood and welcome to the second episode of the best of buzz out loud -- our weekly digest of everything that happened. On buzz out loud this week -- top stories include the Sony PlayStation network back online now without them pick up. A new bill that upgrades unauthorized Internet streaming to a felony. Better report that 99% of Android phones might be leaking your secret account credentials no big -- science news robot invent their own spoken language. Is this the beginning of the end for humans yes. And also our -- having a religious experience when they enter the world of Apple. -- that -- much more in this episode of best about them. Where to start things off of the Sony PS and update it is back online -- May not necessarily be backed up everywhere but Sony has been telling -- that. They've been ruling it out throughout the US last night. I was able to jump on -- actually was on Saturday I was able to jump on the PS -- -- you do have to be. You have to download the -- update that prompts you to change your password and their servers were hit so hard that a lot of people couldn't get on immediately but. Around late last night I was finally able to jump on. And that played until like 121230 am indeed been donned -- all that I. I'm I had started to you but also you know states like East Coast. Some some some areas in this -- southern area are not -- this is a map that Sony said will let you know when states are ready to roll. That they say if -- state is eliminated by your service has not been restored please be patient they can take a while for the servers to populate fully. But I do think that green means go -- green is a -- show. Also because their servers were hit so hard they were down yesterday for about half an hour period because everyone's. Between the servers to -- -- give me any passer Al -- and a -- yet they get to download a firmware updates and install that the thing you should be back on line unless. You're in Japan. Where. The to Japanese government is -- no we repeated no thank you. Thank you think you think you've got -- all your hard work or coming but we're gonna have to pass on this one we're getting we're getting going and they know thanks to the new PS and network and held. You can ensure. And provide us with complete satisfaction. That it is as secure as it can possibly be. -- they wanted the first thing is that they wanted to promise that the counter hacking measures announcement -- said. But the -- hacking measures have not yet been fully enacted one of the reasons why Japan is a little app -- you know. They don't want it they don't -- rolled out there yet arm also secondly Japan wants them to make sure and show them. That further preventive measures have been taken to ensure that all the user's credit card data personal information of private data won't be exposed. Is Sony's only service again yet. -- they're doing like the double. -- your eyes cross UT's. Show me is working which. I. Let me a thing. I would also like that they -- -- Why you have to pay and the only country -- Blake actually you know how you said that you -- gonna have counter hacking measures in place. But you you don't like that demand knowledge actually you haven't completed your camera packing measures and we want more detailed and we what we actually like you to make. Triple dot teacher -- that the credit card numbers are not exposed. It does no one else. To that I would want I want. -- they sell like legitimate requirements -- -- I mean. I guess I'm not sure -- -- and it. Yet put those two stories together in the went about how a -- coming back online but -- -- -- -- the security measures there are strong enough because frankly. They should be a -- they should be Fort Knox for can strong. If they're gonna turn the network back on so where's the disconnect there. Will the -- -- if you've been Jones in -- play your video games for three weeks. Its like getting fire in survivor. You can't go without fire you don't care how you got the -- is someone stole it and you just want your fire. Adolescents about the route that I really pretty that -- it and that's the Monday however -- Yeah I mean I think that's probably true and I think they were concerned that people -- somebody the -- is that they think America one of their games but I think through. Which I think you often -- at American gamers would rather have the multiplayer gaming then the -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I'm -- it sort of security company comfortable not -- All we -- are patented and and her and and proprietary triple dot factor authentication. Sounds -- -- -- good luck and good luck American gamers understand don't -- when -- credit card and. Following kind of our theme of -- everything that's nothing is safe. Nothing is sacred in the world of data and technology. There's a new Android vulnerability that's been recently expose -- expose to show that our users' data users' data. Can be stolen using an Android device on an unsecure Wi-Fi network can potentially expose your calendar contacts and other data to people that are sniffing around so the set up. As if someone sets up a Wi-Fi network that you jump on the out what happens is when your Android device. -- the server to sync up with your calendar contacts and other Google services that. It's called -- client login authentication protocol. It's not it's an un encrypted. Insecure connection. And an -- dropper can potentially grab it and use it for fourteen day period -- get access of that information as well as manipulated. On your side so that you know they can take advantage not only be emails email yeah change email addresses that. The thing about authorization token during client login and during that routine that is if someone sniffing the Wi-Fi network. Then -- and even if it's a secured network -- it's a network it would be -- This will be -- that you sent to -- -- network network for example like let's say we go to an AT&T T. You know you go to Starbucks the -- -- as they wanted to get a real -- him let's say a guy. Drawing and a song let's or Wi-Fi network and AT&T like by. You happen to jump on it and you start using your Android device then you're susceptible to that -- -- -- they have to be the network -- and we think -- -- no that's okay fruit -- this be another user on the same. Access point but this happens all the time where we are phones automatically look for Mario we're at all you know we don't know we don't care we we -- to watch our free Wi-Fi all the time it never works yet still on the bad news about this is that. It affects Smartphones with Android running 2.3 three or earlier and -- which accounts for 99 point seven per cent of amber in other words right -- all of a problem a lot of now you -- end -- available updated 2.3. Four. On -- and they did say. Even with that there's -- sort of authentication going on with syncing up your Picasso photos that could make you susceptible globally wanted to make you guys aware of it. There's no doubt that Google's probably addressing this as we speed and 2.3 -- those are not available for all Android phones I wouldn't even know it's available -- my Droid two for example. 11 way that you guys can -- -- is to turn off the auto. It's -- turn up permitting the audio -- nation with open Wi-Fi network. In new bill. -- proposals or legislation two months ago we had talked about how the US intellectual property enforcement. Represented of its collective group that was created -- produced this wish lists and how they like to see you know. Intellectual property and forced some of them covered stream means summit some of the issues covered wire -- in radio in a new. Update -- proposal. To the text of section 978. There are now pushing that. They're trying to upgrade that unauthorized Internet streaming is now. Going to be a -- Right so the idea of illegal peer to peer was already. Already -- correct now they're gonna add streaming to -- So you're not actually giving someone a file obviously you're just doing a performance. Let's say on as opposed to use -- -- like. -- and you're streaming some copyrighted work don't have rights to that gets bumped up to a felony I'm not -- it was -- -- a minor crime if even codified as a crime before that so this is a significant bulk. Yeah I think of how many you know I mean this is includes a lot of media. A lot of media that the average person is doing they're working in. And they're not doing it to make money in many cases they're doing it -- to make a production of the use some commercial music a clip from a moving. You know and media -- -- getting -- and then they are now suddenly a felon medical concern here is. -- -- -- -- -- Who gets busted for yes or this or the person who created the product that is than being streamed well as well to those could be to technically you're at those to be two different people -- a home. As a white has made a video I never intended to be streamed -- and UN stuck it on YouTube. And I used to -- about that a bunch of it is -- -- -- -- to my friends that -- you know music don't have rights due to be quite honest yeah I sort of fiber to people that's it but if you go stick it on YouTube. Are you me or both of us now felonious streamer. I would definitely say the person who streams it is at you know -- -- I don't know what I don't know about the creator now. The distinction is that streaming is a public performance rather than distribution -- and holding a public performance without a license was not only this -- -- public performance to the -- that loves. Up to a felony yen you have to show ten or more public performance and support -- is ten -- more people request -- that's got many attack on friend out of nothing like apples that -- not yet. So yeah they say ten -- more public performances by electronic means. In any 180. Day period is one of the one of the conditions -- a piece -- find the total retail value of those performances. -- 2500 dollars or the cost of -- -- -- performs is greater than 5000 dollars yeah yeah so obviously. All go to jail in the -- the question is on what charges and what craft do we do Lauren and believe or not the MPA loves us. That all -- you have big surprise there. Yeah eventually were all felons people were all found -- -- -- webs and you -- -- jail otherwise forget yet -- A good exclusive over here it is that come from our own great fan of all about how Apple has. Now signed a cloud music licensing agreement with EMI and is very near to completing deals with universal and Sony music. And pretty close to basically -- out. All the major labels that they need for their club music that they're playing -- because of Warner's artists as that for right and Warners -- orders aren't anything. So that would potentially let them launch a service that would have more features than Amazon and Google service. The -- feature being the classic Walla lawn where they just scan your hard drive and then fingerprint collection and that on just about day in and it's it's to keep people -- taking what weeks to -- an -- that Amazon literally had to. -- it and if you have enough music and play again. -- now while the other thing I think that it let you do read his re download then your music once it's all fingerprinted. You -- -- -- download it to multiple devices which is so far something that Amazon and maybe if he knew I -- I would. You willing to bet that would only work. For once you've already purchased. From high -- Maybe I did okay I can see that and even if I via alternate do you have that even if you're downloading a -- down here your iPhone and iPad or whatever I mean obviously those devices. Has historically been will continue to be locked up. For a -- connected to your computer and getting those files off the iPhone and that's always been the -- -- -- is that Apple. They're -- their extortion viruses yet they've always been what's -- a limit of five basically yeah her account -- -- I mean let's not get you through let's not get too optimistic about extra features that this would enable I mean I think there's a reason that Amazon and Google felt like they can just go ahead. And provide a pretty good service without it get on board to these guys definitely aren't going to agree to. Anything the committee make it super useful -- Google alluded to just that when they announced the Google music data. Which was that -- they've let there quota is the -- fantastic about how. The industry was basically more interested in just putting up artificial roadblocks -- embracing innovation. Well yeah play any if they -- Apple they actually doing their part to make sure the deals are done. Head of the -- relief -- that it is saying we're gonna do this -- forgot the deals later -- Amazon. But I I saw his son that techcrunch. MG Sigler was. Using great story did it suggest that. Maybe. Amazon and Google to remove the labels in -- Apple's arms -- basically. Story that the dominant it was a weird world when the -- we're now putting all their hopes -- blood alcohol food coloring and button but if they won't let Apple have any differentiating features and then something like -- -- does eventually make its way to inhibit state are our. It I don't know that I don't know what Apple's going to be able to offer that's so. Far and away better. Then just simple pod music storage which really -- pretty you know especially in a properly downloading to meet -- the only killer feature I can think you know -- -- -- head. Now we we will keep an -- on that one. -- confident -- and I today on the link in IPO. But all watch. They and it just became what the biggest tech IPO in years the first tech IPO in quite a long time and they had. A pretty monster outing actually we've been we've been kind of ignoring the story all week just to wait and see what would happen to -- was like oh -- valued at this Matt Matt. They priced their IPO. At 45 dollars per shared in the company valuation of four point five billion dollars. And then they began trading. At 83 dollars and have fluctuated as high as into the ninety's or think -- heard at one point went up to well and right now it's one of four. 104. Dollars per share here for hyper linked in person I still don't understand I know it or how to use. That's up 59 dollars or -- 131%. There. That -- bubble -- there's actually a really interesting story and silicon Alley insider about how to underwriters. Of the IPO completely with it but -- valuing it so low in the first place -- valuing at 45 dollar because they sold. All of there investors the -- up a bit of both partner investors who are. Institutions institutions -- I don't understand how it's legal cattle elderly by these -- these shares at a time so they all got to buy in at 45 dollars. -- -- -- -- Business insider reported that Morgan Stanley Bank of America and the other underwriters screwed linked -- and its shareholders to the tune of -- 175 million dollars. And it would remember when -- than ever with Google -- to -- their -- you know and they did that weird like. Dutch auction -- -- again giving away billions of dollars woman native ten after it happened and he and. Confused everyone about options and let glossary surety an excellent up to 700 and I'm well it's all gonna be -- -- -- -- Linkedin investor not unhappy at all to have opened with a seven point eight billion dollar. Market -- with. -- you put this in perspective. A hundred million users. To Facebook's 500 million users so they can buy you Meyer Warner Music now. It'll be good at it -- elegant equipment what do you think is is -- Blake. You know people have been speculating about whether this is the Netscape moment -- it's gonna kick up a whole new round of attack IP as a whole new bubble. Does it feel it -- is worth seven point whatever billion dollars. And twenty billion dollars the -- -- it. You know that if you're valuing dual led 400 billion dollars -- -- your tires -- -- -- I. FaceBook you know out of it but yeah these are all basically like proxy. -- for FaceBook -- Social network thank you know I must getting in Helena is currently good job. Finding networking professional service -- it's kind of like where you go and make sure your resume is pretty well one stuck with recommendations. We don't actually -- -- -- Argue that that is potentially more valuable than just a general service. I mean it depends on how -- the audience if -- -- that audience is more valuable because they're like. Affluent business people looking for jobs there and niche market there -- advertised is because of their demographic. Maybe. I don't know I was -- not -- -- -- Monsters still independent and treated there was vapor. Now a legitimate Jerry Nolan throughout the wiggle laughed and office certainly -- FFF. I'm there will -- soon -- I think it sued I also don't edit and he now. I would never pretend to understand that weird and wild -- -- Amazon's reporting that it is now selling more Kindle. Period will no no disclaimers know like that hard -- books no paperback now trade paperback I don't know like. Ones that are only does David have big print like they are selling more -- both then and then print books period on Amazon. And that does not count the free. That's insane. And -- I mean you don't think not at I think it's and it's really interest in -- -- I don't think it's. You know that something we could -- -- it is not in -- -- nor is -- malware -- admit that. I guess I get audiences pretty self selecting so it is happening on Amazon it would make sense of that is not -- obviously more likely to buy Kindle books but. Get pricing changes make it somewhat surprising to me and the availability. But simply the fact that a lot of that there you can still find books the surprising number but that aren't available for Kindle is had to be -- -- -- with that and well made only for reading when the oil and have a good time when the new unit at. Win the political Kindle can do with free offers came out. Few weeks ago. Some people cuckoo that like oh it's only 25 dollars last and it's still 114 it should be 99. Neither was all true but apparently that's already -- -- As a -- if they were announcing the rate of that at which that is selling is better. In like a three week period than previous candles or if they're selling -- actually sold more than than than past models and in just a really short time but. That apparently is selling like hotcakes and -- to reaffirm Wii party said on CNET about that. If anybody thought the ads on there -- invasive -- like popping you know pop -- -- Coming in the middle of your reading -- -- not -- it's literally just. -- screen savers when the thing goes off basically so instead of instead of -- a picture of Ernest Hemingway it's -- and now. And no big. Via and then when you -- to turn on it has that seen -- is like a little tiny banner at the bottom of the index page no really wanna take advantage of it it's just the start -- -- will both start leaving -- in the book. -- spoke -- not as well and restraint from. Well let's be honest and in the killer the killer app there is literally the app the back at the Kindle app is available on every single platform the extent -- -- center. We still don't know what's gonna happen with that -- now before end June 30 will it really interest and will it eventually come off of IOS devices that will be they'll be a watershed moment right there if if Amazon pulled it because -- -- The ad revenue split -- We're gonna take out the size -- guys. Continuing to tell you about this and -- Brian just. No -- -- area to get up at -- -- up. The -- Hamilton and our blogs and emails about these robots called lingo -- and -- -- -- robot that can communicate spoken word to each other. Which is very interest and public speaker and a microphone on them and really what they -- is they. They try to find where they are like -- they find where they are like like here I am sitting at the stats like Marco Polo yet. But they they come up with -- -- to come up like a word for -- so one of sale I'm here -- -- -- And then he'll communicate to another robot they -- -- -- -- -- that robot associates now -- with that word that the robot has created reasoning. And then they're able to communicate. Different areas like -- let's go over to jar -- something in the note over to another area and they're learning how to like map areas in and find their way around so. The little language and it looks like they also established areas by donating one guy treaty in a name for it is -- -- -- -- -- -- the robot goes over to -- Then one of the robot believes announces -- -- about one that was still in -- then moves over to John John they'd start like mapping out this whole area. An entirely new language. And we don't understand it. They invented it this is -- presented -- -- accident -- humanity is really bad. That's the key you can never let them get a language over use then your screwed this is the lesson of history people. You can't allow this we have to keep them from talking their own language. Take out the batteries shut it down is not right to settle down -- -- -- -- an unfamiliar area it'll make up a word to describe it. This is what the explorers did they made a name for the new world and look -- they -- stuff and they will conquer us. I don't care after only five pounds and run on little yellow wheels they will grow they will grow because they'll build new of them legal -- make names for the parts that they need. To make bigger ones of them then they'll searching words like must kill human gut and don't understand and -- think that that region are area of their map facility that's license and -- else. Not long now folks -- along now enjoy it while it -- UK neuroscientist. Have apparently done some studies and that they. Are suggesting. That the brains of Apple. Are stimulated by Apple imagery in the same way that the -- of religious people are stimulated by religious imagery. That is awesome. It -- They are more about it though could -- Apple people are saying that they are and -- -- -- scientists to tell me this I don't get and I -- I was gonna put -- few stories back to back elect. Mac people refuse to believe the -- problem Mac. And or. The neurological reaction to Apple. Not in the name and that would -- but that's him too easy. What let the -- is really that is that it suggests that the big tech brand has and other tech -- not only Apple but. Apple the most that managed to harness or exploit the brain areas that have evolved process religion that literally. They have created. An actual -- and Apple scientifically reproduce -- -- man neurological reaction. Similar to that have been extremely adamant that adds it ray and evangelical -- and the exact. No -- communion at the Apple store's main path -- -- -- -- -- and Italian minister that there might -- Mailings and move on to the let's think of ourselves now. So to speak and get -- have -- -- -- -- -- That the Internet as one -- us Slashdot posters that the Internet has finally gone too far. We shut it down. I can anyway here's the headline from fiddler dot com could -- Internet -- the end. Of snow date. Rule there is -- there -- many ways for students to -- -- and online during bad weather. Potentially allowing classes to go line. Even during the worst blizzards. Which we actually probably. You need because of global climate change thickening Israel and they know I'm glad that online bullying -- that -- to date established now -- is that kids can get bullied. And the company -- coming out I just. -- actually -- of -- preceded this. But my question was if you can you can teach the kid at home on a snow day -- you do that. Or days at a five in the week ever. Generator well it -- their time they do talk about how district are required to be in session for a certain number of hours or days in -- students are required to -- and quality notepad in tablet minded and metrics. So losing -- teaching time to winter weather. Can mean disaster can does wreak havoc kind of on the rest of the -- can be how America gets back on top -- a virtual school the virtual school -- worth noting it no more slacken off. You're gonna boot up that laptop and Skyping year teacher -- it -- I can't imagine that we're gonna get there until we alternate ubiquitous broadband that things like a giant digital divide problem in the making that don't. I'm sorry my -- is actually keyboard have broadband Internet access. You failed -- But the school and 120 dollar -- the Chrome notebooks there gig. Is it. On man now can humans and no. No -- -- -- in the world I catch I can't imagine they never experienced one growing up in California it. -- -- Market and competing care at all -- thing is when the adults still that's for standard is -- one -- and yes. It is if trains are running -- -- -- huge video. -- -- -- airline it's under either turn off the show or get fired up. Is it Friday you know what that means. All only. -- So let's thought out of -- -- case. So we come from doing it from Chicago hello buzz to a while back -- buys about a situation with the woman of my job who sent me very suggestive texts. I did not respond because it was a sensitive situation -- -- one embarrass myself well. I took -- always -- and to get chance by asking the woman out we'd been dating for a couple months everything was awesome and intense. We did a lot of sharing -- wink wink. But like all good things the relationship came to an end to become increasingly stalker ish in regard to my online activities. -- got so bad and I had no other choice but and the relationship. We're on good terms now but I do have one remaining issue. During our sharing days. I've accumulated a sizable collection of videos and pictures of her that are of -- Compromising the enter low I was wondering if it was in bad form to keep these pictures and videos. Which -- discard them I wouldn't share them with anyone else but it would be a nice reminder of the time we spent together. What do you think thanks in advance love your show coming from the -- Been doing. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- And -- anybody we view it anonymous who wrote in factor -- apparently being stored at Canon. Messed up and and -- detectives actually something wrong with Georgia John Strickland that are now out -- the problem come my body is now. -- destroying me with your mind John Strickland -- acknowledged that hasn't come on the cynic you shouldn't spend. And you are exactly and that's the porno pictures up from your super hot relationship of dirty -- crazy -- sometimes it pays to -- -- people. -- that'll I'll just put it in your back pocket but really. Here's the thing down the road you wanna get rid of these things because you're gonna have someone else in the picture yet and when -- He or she sees these things and -- them your screen exactly you are discovery -- -- as. They're gonna compare their -- which he do you mean what does that blab about -- -- -- -- those who still remember that. It Lenovo and I don't think yet there atom tunneling although -- -- -- -- a really good plan which is electronic photos and videos will always make it through the Internet in her later. Always. Get rid of them. Does out of respect for their detect fingers I think it's probably it's a favor for all of you and your future relationships. I and then finally we got an email from anonymous he says of -- friend of mine has been slowly getting to know with someone. And she's wondering how soon you should try to FaceBook friend and you -- Like when you're dating a new person or you think you might be gaining -- it's pre -- it's -- Greatly when you went how how -- -- FaceBook friends are right now you're frayed jeans. -- -- As there -- like that. Will we don't know if there is you know. They've -- not a threat back and it seems that every but we have -- And it's better to get if you -- -- are actually establishing a relation with someone. It's better to get to know them before finding out all about them. On the Internet yeah if you keep it almost technology innocent and popular. Before you each you know you go online and then the -- pictures all the friends see how they really are happy to type of things they think and say I like finding out a person without knowing about the on the Internet. Think sometimes it's not how they really are you know like if -- had looked at my. Like MySpace but speed is very personal but it's highly -- environment like my -- that there you know -- not totally an accurate picture -- basically think -- ideas like read book -- him include -- you know -- it's not well. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Also I think we can all agree it is people. Are cells -- -- we put up on -- know what we kind of think -- project ourselves to be which isn't always the real person. Yeah now it's definitely not and I don't wanna know about that trip he went on a month ago or six months ago and then. When asked what you've done lately the person tells me oh I was in Hawaii and I'm like I knew that -- need a but I can't see anything -- as I know that yeah. I -- -- I know they went on I can you -- I know they -- at revenues for luck. And -- be honestly girls. Where's -- we are Stockard aligning here we can not -- is the only reason that we wanna be a friend you immediately is nothing you can find out about us it's a that we -- find out all about you -- -- of the -- -- because you apparently are -- your privacy settings. Nine -- it -- top one I don't agree yet after two -- I think we're officially dating. Any friend each other but if you discount like on an out like this solely in Cuba -- -- mr. ya what let's keep it human will go digital later. -- that's -- for the show this week everybody remembered kept us alive every day at 10:30 AM Pacific at slash live up Hollywood's. This gives them the best to be LLC.

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