Short Take: FCC extends time to comply with 911 regulations

Wireless carriers will have more time to comply with emergency 911 regulations under a Federal Communications Commission ruling released today. The agency is seeking first for carriers to provide 911 operators a wireless caller's phone number and nearest cell site, and later to have phones sold that provide exact locations. Under the new rules, wireless carriers have until Oct. 1, 2001, to begin selling the new phones, and all phones sold after Dec. 31, 2002, must be equipped with 911 location technology.

Wireless carriers will have more time to comply with emergency 911 regulations under a Federal Communications Commission ruling released today. The agency is seeking first for carriers to provide 911 operators a wireless caller's phone number and nearest cell site, and later to have phones sold that provide exact locations. Under the new rules, wireless carriers have until Oct. 1, 2001, to begin selling the new phones, and all phones sold after Dec. 31, 2002, must be equipped with 911 location technology.