Car Tech Live 224: Pandora increases auto offerings
Car Tech Live 224: Pandora increases auto offerings

Car Tech Live 224: Pandora increases auto offerings

Auto Tech
Pandora is leaving no -- behind but will the expansion of spot a -- he -- its momentum. Audi brings its RS line back to the US. In small form while BMW expands use of carbon fiber we take a ride in an espresso. I'm Wayne Cunningham here in studio with Antuan Goodwin. Doing car tech live mrs. British Open Thursday -- -- July and that -- -- eleven. First up we're looking at actually we're looking at the dam -- Android car radio with the USB connection. Yet the one of the biggest complaints that a lot of it is -- users can also one of the biggest. Most common questions alias how you're gonna how are you gonna connect your injury -- to your -- area. And usually -- say Bluetooth streaming. All wire your out of luck because you know if you or opinion the auxiliary input -- -- -- -- but it there is usually good way -- that. It's -- way I mean sometimes it's better then the Bluetooth audio streaming depending on your own compression rates yet. But. There hasn't actually been a way outside of you know. A couple packs are a couple of -- media accidental the well basically they'll we can get it to work in the past with if your car stereo would recognize your phone at that we're -- -- -- B device yet mass storage devices out. Eight out of ten times it didn't work that but we have news right here on. From Harman. Indus international they actually supply OEM stereos. And component for a lot of manufacturers but they -- their in the business now. Of coming out within automotive tech that is -- -- reporter call. That's similar to the meat for I've flown protocol that Apple -- -- to connect. So would that work across. Fonts -- different companies -- obviously iPhone is -- from Apple yet Android phones could be from Motorola from a HD see all these different companies that you think it'll work across the different. -- A couple of months ago when Google announced honeycomb and the announcement the newer features that -- mostly built in the future generations and -- -- on. Disk what's called the X Android open XF three protocol and now we're harvesting an advantage of basic going to be built into. Current and future generations of the injury operating system so this is -- actually taking advantage of that technology that Google's building in. They're gonna be the first. Looks like to take advantage of that technology in and running -- it though anything that's running a honeycomb three out line. And then looks like -- -- to the article ginger brain injury to that arena for. That'll be a standard then it will be a standard. As it pretty much work with any interest on that's running those operating. Harmon is huge I mean all the Mark Levinson audio systems and Lexus citizen and just a bunch of different audio systems and different cars not under different brands that -- owns. Then should be able to get this capability. And hours and and. And it'll probably be in future generations are saying that it'll be an entry level cars as well as luxury vehicles. As early as 2013. That's pretty messed maybe -- going backwards but going forward. And cars that will will start seeing maybe the end of this year maybe early next year. Should start popping up with the announcement of that technology being implemented excellent that this -- a -- any. Aftermarket brands. I don't think speed under the collaborate. With a couple of them and only they alone. An after market and apparently there is strictly Williams they a lot of those systems installed in your -- department speaker's bill Albert -- net. And -- -- home theater equipment. Yeah you know hundreds a huge market now and so it's -- -- -- -- is finally paying attention -- -- at. Another. Well actually this is Canada the big news of the -- the big news of the week is them spot -- -- which is a it's a Internet music service similar to pandora. Which has been big in Europe I guess is launching in the US now and we're talking about it because. -- if it's gonna challenge pandora then it's probably gonna get in cars. Yeah hopes. A little more Internet radio more for streaming radio in cars is always did. For those who don't actually know what -- -- -- what's happening. -- it's. You know it's an online music service. You you can pay the a monthly. Deeper unlimited data music. -- it's really instruction very similar to pandora if you just get the sort of a free service then you get. Ads and and such things like that another they're just watching now and there's invites. Going around like. To get an invited out of Sony's lead this and -- and -- and I think you today you can Mexican spotted by. Web site and in your email address and they'll send you an invite when they when they have an available when there's not too many people crowding the spot a 5804. There was it you -- and it looks like media in my mind them making it. Kind of pandora and Zune pass -- into one service. Yeah and yet others other -- -- like -- and rhapsody and things like that -- lot of things where you can. Get access to huge -- quiet music library for a you know monthly the granddad and so. Yet spotted by may be combining that I don't know its its seem like it. You know it's heavily being billed as a big launch rate and interest clean and up -- is them. -- -- -- Landing on a little bit a bit of a non starter story yes that several -- I thought I'd headline news -- -- relate sonic. -- -- five. Then click O crap they're gonna put modifying the sonic which means that the next generation of native gonna be awesome if it turns out that also really -- was -- -- a bunch of identifying codes. An invitation can basically. Bio website. Basic failure to do is go in look at two pictures of the -- sonic and hatchback and -- -- you and could have gotten an invite look like they're all out of them. By Adam yeah they'll -- 500 invites to start out with so it's got a marketing. Thing here with the show every -- and but then it also makes it think. Well. Maybe -- -- -- party relations at the spot up by -- That can work its way into. IPad units and there's like a link that takes you to their -- but he's read and sign that. And was it six month complement respond if I've reviewed expert panel looking at certainly funny -- the states if your interest -- -- -- -- And you're also kind of interest in the next eateries in -- -- It's at them should have some overlap and our audience. The he has worked serious speculation at this point does it -- spot a Bible by -- -- ended any hat. -- not speculation and native pandora which is on it here. It started out last year it just you know a couple of aftermarket. Implementations with like and pandora and -- first. And now it's pretty much in every car you -- in that in the future of history here that -- you know basically kind of highlighting. That -- is increasing. It's to move offering you know authority in Ford vehicles with there -- App link it up with the first one and in print that out there last last December really liked it in the Ford Fiesta a voice command was great. But then they're also in Toyota in there into the system. And cyan -- in a recent system is gonna have that and -- radio and accretion in the there was some other mention of part exits with brands like eighty and. Yet Mercedes-Benz BMW mini and that Chevrolet. GM actually they're new might -- and and tolling systems. Are also gonna have and or at pandora's just a little -- on via this data they've been aggressive I don't know pandora's been really aggressive about getting out there or just all -- -- carmakers want them. We know what's interesting is -- -- -- when it first came out. The that that the car stereo manufactures Kenneth on it like he we've got this new way to work with pandora. But it turned out pandora just opened a back door and of their app. If the pandora link API. And anybody can get in on style you to do is meet your hardware work with a pandora link API so it's -- -- is pretty missed. Given an easy door into -- the iPhone and be into their app. I writing this code into their application and I would be surprised if you know spotted by does something similar. Another app that has a pretty easy backdoor. Intuit is -- -- radio and and and that sexy again that's developed by -- -- -- that's -- and basically what it is fifth Internet radio that will allow you to listen to music will let you listen to news and get local traffic reports. But it'll also reads your FaceBook BTU if you register your beat the count within an opportunity to play with that on the pioneer Avic Z 130 PT. Think that's the first. Aftermarket unit that has that's would have -- -- -- and it. The little bit stupid and actually listening to your FaceBook your friends' FaceBook. -- date in the robot voice that it has. I haven't seen a lot of Hariri integration that if we're not in manufacture -- electric cars but you've got that the one head unit does have -- that -- -- -- -- there's one feature that was very interesting. -- ended the service was launched to me and it is called. Karaoke. And it's basically if you if you if you -- -- the -- radio app on the act on it's basically get separate channels that you can put in the karaoke channel. Basically allows you to record herself singing in your car. And share it. With the world at large to listen if I could be filed suit in discourage a key channel and hear all these people -- -- -- and I love karaoke on. The problem live. This is the Internet. So. When I tuned into the -- -- channel while protecting their device that I have moment now. The first four of the first four according to played where. Profanity racial slur -- resource where profanity and in some gibberish -- -- guy who actually sounded pretty good. In back into perfect -- -- It's like the early days of Xbox Live without the the fun of game play with the countless and a -- to -- channel off immediately as people like starting missing and some cuts them off and notice and -- like the first thing they hormel don't get like -- lately that he believed. It's area known as humans yeah -- be obnoxious exactly and at -- volume -- definitely a man is filling in assisted moderate that -- -- moderate they would actually be really fun feature that the Internet community and wonderful place at the anonymity is meet people -- It. I think. In that that it's -- -- few -- -- in the -- anonymous computers -- -- realistically yes I actually talked to a real person sometimes. Affords got a new feature. -- in there was. It's similar think yet synch services says it services that -- -- -- where. Date yeah I mean initial -- launch was factory integration and Bluetooth voice or Bluetooth phone integration with the really good voice command that. Stores -- really really good system. After they've actually -- expanded and more automatic system so you can use your phone to get out into the cloud and talk to you and service -- -- And that's always been a voice command system to where. And -- the servers side you can just request like directions and horoscopes and -- Traffic information all the stuff. The connection -- horoscopes from yet public but to -- in a way to end Nvidia and astrology. And whenever I try to tell the story about a friend of -- -- -- -- sign. How must also know that -- Despite looking considers it I guess if they didn't -- -- -- the people or access. But the the system I. You know my experience with the system using the -- services voice command was kind of frustrating and copper summit try to use it as trying to -- mystery in Seattle and had to -- -- -- times -- right. So -- obviously port is recognizing the problems of the system because they're offering the chance to talk to a lot of you that if all -- attempts to use the voice command -- work. You can -- and -- online shoppers and you in the just testing this happen actually entered into an expensive thing to do you. Yet if you're paying people with it but you know that but in tears and it on exactly in the ons present in this forever. And that's why announce our costs when he about a month or something like that. You know -- as a lot less expensive and services that once you get and the page or animate. But you know the networks' -- and that's an issue but now you conduct. After you go through a couple of menus you can actually talk to live operator it's not like OnStar -- -- as soon as you push the -- -- like rock and a live person he. This amuses me at an agreement that the public inquiry in which. It is the voice command -- for you and I gotta say I mean this was so why does lose maybe about a year ago that I tried via voice command and who's in really worked very well he and maybe they've improved a lot now -- to do that and try and that were in. I am 98 and talking to people at an oddity of talking -- my friends on the at the gathering of what's human error actually push buttons that -- a -- I mean that's why like navigation systems and head unit -- leaders like. Aluminum door yet. And information -- look at opener you spent a lot of time filter down -- mr. -- -- that whenever that's available it's -- We've got another thing in the Union of Concerned Scientists. But he again and again the African gorillas do the -- units and scientists that released a hybrid scorecard because -- -- saying that. Just of the car has a hybrid label on it doesn't mean that it's all -- great. So what they've I come up with. Using -- scored environmental improvement -- like I guess how much the in the cart improves the environment with notes of the bonus here and them. And they. I I think not surprisingly the Toyota Prius at -- lists the great -- ever. Out every list in my book about fifty miles per gallon I mean that's that's where rilya win Maria. Including its environment improvement score I think it is that I am assuming -- scale of one to ten. Priest is a nine point two atop the list the very good pirate value. Civic hybrid it is that actually civic hybrid beats -- Honda Insight -- interest in year out but I mean it what they're saying is you know I guess the hybrid. What difference is between of cars and if the with the average -- a bit more speeches. That -- be units at a fuel economy is the same for the insight and the civic hybrid but they give yes in the pirate a higher or better score. Opera is they had the better body. -- what's interesting here is also this forced. And dollar science how much -- you have to at the car -- -- -- you get stuck with just skin hybrid -- for example. The Volkswagen -- ivory which is way down -- bottom or maybe even that you kind Tahoe hybrid. He's a big SUVs but in order to get however to -- spent a max out everything else you can't -- A stripped down Spartan hybrid you can get it with the leather seat -- navigation in the moon roof -- -- yet either things that. Make it not so good of a value on top of the fact that I mean you're only in 21 miles per gallon. Maybe even though it's only maybe even though the two or three -- per gallon boost over what the actual would've been. Yeah its interest him into it with toward hybrid has an interest in case because that -- only -- a three point Nolan and Babylon improvement score. But I don't know I think that kind of misses the -- -- the -- -- because you know you can -- just a standard V6 or drag and yet. Dad brought it up the same mileage may be worse than a little bit it but the toward hybrid -- so much work. -- but it's not improving the environment meant that our ancestor if that thing that the bad car in if you want to get. V8 hour or you know -- you want to occasionally also not have to take the hit. -- to pay for that. But it's not helping me and the Internet like -- -- -- between -- looking attic Rolla. Looking at a Prius. In the Prius is clearly helping. The -- Reagan and hurting. Yet what you know within the toward -- isn't -- they've got that day if they didn't have a hybrid system -- a dispute supercharged. B six. But -- -- -- work in a much worse. -- a little worse yet that's that the that it's it's an interesting list you know and they actually separate out -- luxury models to view -- there -- Lexus CT 200 H which really small Lexus -- that that makes the capitalist. Which is odd because the Lincoln in case the -- has a higher environmental improvements core Diana it's sitting at number to -- -- assuming that they allow you to. The -- he has better overall combined MPG and. Yet that that -- Counters into Vietnam. Maybe it's the entity hybrid is the fact that you can buy that for the same money you can buy a standard and TE. And so that's part of what works into it and they also -- into the hybrid value column here they say -- but those -- CT 200 H in the in -- hybrid. Are superior in hybrid value that's even better than the Prius which is only. Very good and -- President BMW active -- -- -- which is very or that that that which I think is. Two good words to describe everything about. And -- -- -- no reason to abuse. And edited yet they have to be familiar active hybrid system that Ian -- the bottle -- -- -- -- -- Dick it could take a quick change of direction in and dole. Less efficient. More powerful yet to open that yeah we get news that the Audi TT in a performance -- union -- Parity hadn't European market on -- they've they've previously announced this via RS line without the Audi has their ass line which is pretty -- in the our coastline witches super sport. -- the -- they've got like. Two levels above their base line is pretty cool yet and we've had RS cars in the USB -- like Paris for the but they've been gone for a couple years and now that it's coming back with the -- -- the TTR that's. Actually set -- these small small -- -- -- -- to. You know the -- about the TT if people always you know when I talk about it they basically it's -- being in all. In an antibody. But it's a good looking car and in this this can -- -- You know it's all wheel drive. If there -- sixty in four point one thing and it expects. A much power we talked about here it's got the so it's funny about this it's got the yet 2.5 liter which it disturb -- charge and supercharged. And it's and it's and they got it up to over 300 ports. So that's 360. And -- get through sixty horsepower. That that's rate for a car like that. -- that actually is that would be the German equivalent of led three blues and ours who grew and president of your -- Yet in its -- you know will drive about 300 word -- power. -- got a short wheelbase that's gonna be varying nimble in the corners answered a much nicer interior than -- oh -- and I'm sure it's also way more expensive. -- That -- -- announce the price fix thousand dollars at 57. When unit acts at titled you know that. Net 57000 dollars. And then add options. Cheaper and -- -- I've got a little bit but you have. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- That's an interest in comparison. I haven't introduced into that to them actually in Europe but are we don't have yours via RS six. Twin Turbo -- -- that's twice as many so and there's -- twice as many coverage -- ERS. We don't get out. Canada -- pictures of that is as a -- -- and that is the lust worthy. But the truth. Yeah I can imagine it's like five dollars -- records -- -- and eighty horsepower that -- engine so in the wagon. That the data via distance sleeper cool. Are at that a -- -- pro European -- second Leo our media product in one of lift as it. On the entry we just had it had carbon fiber. The -- -- -- -- to be -- for a while now yet and with this generation and three justice special sort of thing that that are you you can't get it in the standard. -- -- -- -- Lighter -- But -- -- -- BMW is announcing that there. You know that they're actually increasing their. Carbon fiber production. And they're saying their cars in and just a couple of years -- should have. They should be able to build -- a lot of carbon fiber part. It's. -- the advantage of covered by relate weight. And it's also. Pretty strong office for you to lose any of that they're like -- street that -- would with steel components but you usually cut the weight down you generate the. But this could be a great way to improve -- -- You know and that's one of the big goals here courses is yet been -- -- looking every out of -- -- -- great ways to read you know better fuel economy so. What's interesting here we're talking about the M three -- -- if there segue into the story but. Would likely be aimed at -- target and other I three electric cars in -- quality. One of the first cars to benefit. From that covered -- -- -- -- Yeah absolutely and that's probably why they really ramp up there there haven't carbon fiber production. Factory for -- and spool it out to you know mass produce it. That's the thing because you know during the roofs for the M three's for the -- limited number M -- used. You may see but some of the racetrack but you won't see you know you'll see like. You know what every month on the roads. You know that it's pretty easy but -- -- low kind of volume production but yeah they're doing them mass partners are -- to and carbon carbon far apart on every three series went out then. -- -- -- little little little more that. Little bit more never hurt -- that interest in you know they have their implicitly. These engineers like making little island economic harm our coffee on myself that would be nothing really want to Havilland. I want a carbon fiber -- -- like the tooling or just be. And be able to slant -- yet. -- news and it's neat that into the production area were to test an out system yet. And -- living BMW had for a while there are cars. Right and these are not the air cards you might think that if you -- People driving around and give you ample like plastic toys -- video is well below cars now from our gallery. And -- these -- like real I mean this is like series are cars painted by real artists you. They've had this they've -- these for while they've actually just put up by a this really nice nicely designed a website online. -- -- -- Mind you you can get a look at it and determine her English. In -- -- it. And might. Be in need flash to do which -- -- to -- -- the anti cancer. But. -- -- it's -- with its seventeen BMW art cars. That the -- art it commissioned artists. To paint -- Are really hit it decorate. Her ticket it sounds really and it tootsie. But you can -- -- -- them and interactive. We -- -- myth that. Yes they had an -- Ina time bread and opening movie talking about the gallery useful introduction to it -- walking through some of the cars which you could see if you went to Germany. Where they are -- they've -- where they keep. But they've been doing these cars they've been commissioning these -- the -- seventies with the mid seventies. I'm the first one was. Was it says David -- -- here and -- Alexander colder in the -- out of the five gallon article read out of -- well. An area they had an Andy walker Andy Warhol did -- in that 1979 name. They they've had a number of artists paint there other cars basically united turned from the cars into or use the -- -- canvas. -- an opinion -- -- got some pretty cool looking ones here. Not even have an and it's cool to be is not are also using the work of these artists you're also getting a little retrospective on -- BMW models. A behind the the spelling changed and the things out of state they -- alpha. -- it got to the going to be an easy one man they've got. Actually war halted. He did his art Omnia the -- -- and the one. That had not -- -- be the actual M one and also interesting too is a lot of these guys are actually raced with these -- I believe it's a month factory in Iraq on -- it. Artwork art. Tablet day at -- look at Paris doughnuts we'll have a link that says that -- online gallery -- published but -- -- of the cars. On our site that you really gotta get in the gallery so adults and teens -- seventy and and it's just and I.

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