Whaddyareckon?: Ultimate Street Fighters

Capcom's upcoming Street Fighter IV features new characters that are more wuss than warrior, such as the roly-poly, popcorn-crunching Rufus. This week we ask what your ultimate fighting champion would look like.

Matt Oxley
Rufus. Totally fierce.

Capcom's upcoming Street Fighter IV features new characters that are more wuss than warrior, such as the roly-poly, popcorn-crunching Rufus. This week we ask what your ultimate fighting champion would look like.

Mashing the buttons on a Street Fighter arcade machine is a nostalgic memory for most. But is it just nostalgia talking, or do the old-school characters leave the newbies for dead when it comes to the fierce factor? Compare, for example, E. Honda, the portly gent of yore, with his even more rotund contemporary, Rufus. Honda-san may indulge in the odd awkward waddle, but his turbo slap and fearsome expression make him far superior to the coverall-clad Rufus. The Rufster carries a box of popcorn, for crying out loud. That doesn't say "I am here to kill" — it's more in the vein of "What's on the screens at Gold Class?"

In an effort to best the fighters that Capcom has conjured, we're asking what your ideal warrior would be like. How would they look, and what would be their signature move?