Virgin's data-heavy Smart Caps offers unlimited SMS

Virgin Mobile has today announced a new mobile phone cap that introduces hefty data allowances and unlimited SMS at an AU$29 price point.

Joseph Hanlon Special to CNET News
Joe capitalises on a life-long love of blinking lights and upbeat MIDI soundtracks covering the latest developments in smartphones and tablet computers. When not ruining his eyesight staring at small screens, Joe ruins his eyesight playing video games and watching movies.
Joseph Hanlon
Smart caps? Get it?(Credit: Virgin/Moi Cody, royalty free)

This is exactly what the little guys are for. Virgin Mobile today announced new caps that break the four major networks' mouldy mould of mobile phone caps in Australia, which introduces hefty data allowances and unlimited SMS at an AU$29 price point.

The new Virgin Smart Caps all offer at least 1GB of data for web browsing, which is significantly more than what any other network offers at the same price, and will allow members to send unlimited SMS messages to any mobile phone in Australia.

(Credit: Virgin)

Calling credit is the trade off, with the AU$29 Smart Cap only including AU$50 per month in calling credit and with calls being charged at 99¢ per minute.

Virgin's strongest competitor for the youth market, VHA, also launched new cap plans this week. Aligning plans on both Vodafone and 3 Mobile, the new plans offer higher included credit for calling and messaging and offer customers the option to make unlimited calls to other Vodafone and 3 customers for free when they choose an AU$29 plan or higher.