This cradle rocks--literally

Leslie Katz Former Culture Editor
Leslie Katz led a team that explored the intersection of tech and culture, plus all manner of awe-inspiring science, from space to AI and archaeology. When she's not smithing words, she's probably playing online word games, tending to her garden or referring to herself in the third person.
  • Third place film critic, 2021 LA Press Club National Arts & Entertainment Journalism Awards
Leslie Katz

Babyhugs is looking out for exhausted parents. The Australian company has come up with a remote-controlled crib that rocks your infant to sleep.

Credit: Babyhugs

The Lullabub consists of four modules placed under each leg of a crib. The modules produce a gentle rocking motion that emulates the suspension in a car. The product has four settings and an automatic timer, so it can be shut off after a certain amount of time. It will be available for purchase online later this year.