The more (cherries) the merrier

The Rosle Cherry Pitter makes it easy to prep large quantities of cherries.

Brian Krepshaw
Brian is the author of two culinary based books published via his imprint Storkburger Press. A lifelong Californian, he has been consistently exposed to some of the best food in the world. With a deep appreciation for the kitchen, he is always on the lookout for that perfect appliance that combines style and grace with the ever-popular ability to save time.
Brian Krepshaw
Pit cherries by the bushel (or at least the basket) with the Rosle Cherry Pitter.
Pit cherries by the bushel (or at least the basket) with the Rosle Cherry Pitter. Chef's Catalog

Cooking at home has never been easier. Aside from the myriad amounts of recipes, techniques, and styles available to all with Internet access, the tools for getting the job done have also given home chefs the ability to slice, dice, and even sous vide like the pros. Even for the casual cook, handheld kitchen gadgets offer users the ability to do many specialized tasks with ease. And then sometimes a seemingly small upgrade can produce big results.

Small, handheld cherry pitters can be found easily in any kitchen gadget and appliance retail space. Most, however, require users to insert one cherry at a time. The Rosle Cherry Pitter features one simple enhancement that provides greatly increased results. Literally.

Featuring an onboard hopper to hold cherries (or olives), the pitter makes removing the stone as easy as pressing down a plunger. After the fruit is punctured, the stone is deposited into an internal storage chamber, while the fruit is sent down a chute into a waiting bowl.

Fresh cherries or stone-in olives are dramatically better than their counterparts. However to some, the thought of prepping those fruits can be rather unappetizing. Occasionally a kitchen gadget comes along that speeds up prep work without sacrificing quality, and when that happens it offers a good opportunity to celebrate. This particular time, with pie.