The Evil Empire takes on the Empire State

Improv Everywhere messes with NYT's subway riders in this epic video that re-creates a scene from "Star Wars."

Matt Hickey
With more than 15 years experience testing hardware (and being obsessed with it), Crave freelance writer Matt Hickey can tell the good gadgets from the great. He also has a keen eye for future technology trends. Matt has blogged for publications including TechCrunch, CrunchGear, and most recently, Gizmodo. Matt is a member of the CNET Blog Network and is not an employee of CBS Interactive. E-mail Matt.
Matt Hickey

Cody Lindquist, who played Princess Leia, created the perfect fake book for her character to read on the subway. Hey, we've all seen stranger things on New York trains. Katie Sokoler
Darth Vader on subway
"One thing we learned is that almost every human will immediately take out their camera when they see Darth Vader," the improv troupe says. Katie Sokoler

We've covered Improv Everywhere before. It's a loose-knit group of theater nerds who pull off hilarious yet elaborate pranks in public. They're always just this side of genius and a lot of fun to watch.

This week they had some fun in New York's subway system by re-creating the opening scene from "Star Wars" where Darth Vader boards Princess Leia's ship and takes her hostage. The group staged its latest "mission" several times, heading uptown as far as 125th Street, and then back down to Union Square.

It's not as shocking as some stuff they've done (like the no-underwear subway ride, which might be not safe for viewing at work) but it's definitely cute, especially how some of the older subway riders react. I wish they'd visit Seattle.