Test drive the Galaxy S4 with Samsung's online simulator

Samsung's latest flagship smartphone is out and ready for your consideration. If you can't get to your local retailer to take a look in person, check out Samsung's Galaxy S4 online simulator.

Ed Rhee
Ed Rhee, a freelance writer based in the San Francisco Bay Area, is an IT veteran turned stay-at-home-dad of two girls. He focuses on Android devices and applications while maintaining a review blog at techdadreview.com.
Ed Rhee
Samsung Galaxy S4 online simulator
Screenshot by Ed Rhee/CNET

Samsung has been good about providing online simulators for its smartphones, like the Galaxy Nexus and the Note. With the release of its new flagship phone, the Galaxy S4, it has updated the simulator's interface to make the tutorials easier to navigate and much easier to read. The simulator is great if you want to get an idea of what the phone is like or if you want to learn more about it, either for yourself, or for someone that you're helping.

You can get to the Galaxy S4 simulator by pointing your Web browser to http://www.samsungmobileusa.com/simulators/GalaxyS4.

Samsung Galaxy S4 online simulator -- S Health
Screenshot by Ed Rhee/CNET

The simulator goes over the following topics:

  • Basic functions
  • Customize screens
  • Screen lock
  • Communication
  • Connectivity
  • Services
  • Multimedia
  • Settings

All of the tutorials are printable and include large pictures and step-by-step instructions.

When you're all done test-driving the Galaxy S4 virtually, don't forget to check out CNET's take on the real-life Samsung Galaxy S4.