"Sticker Guy"

Dan Moren reveals the poser of a poor question.

The Macalope
Born of the earth, forged in fire, the Macalope was branded "nonstandard" and "proprietary" by the IT world and considered a freak of nature. Part man, part Mac, and part antelope, the Macalope set forth on a quest to save his beloved platform. Long-eclipsed by his more prodigious cousin, the jackalope (they breed like rabbits, you know), the Macalope's time has come. Apple news and rumormonger extraordinaire, the Macalope provides a uniquely polymorphic approach. Disclosure.
The Macalope

MacUser's Dan Moren reveals the identity of the reporter who asked Steve Jobs why Apple doesn't put "Intel Inside" stickers on its Macs.

The Macalope wouldn't want to be this guy's inbox right about now.