Spell Catcher 1.5.7 and Eudora 3.1 problem

Spell Catcher 1.5.7 and Eudora 3.1 problem

CNET staff
Reader Devesh Komaromi reported that when using Spell Catcher 1.5.7 with the new Eudora Pro 3.1: "Spell Catcher's interactive checking flags nearly every word and the error window shows about half the characters and word spaces missing in the gibberish it is reporting."

When I asked Mike Sterling (of Casady & Greene) about this, he informed me that it was related to Eudora's "Esoteric Settings v3.1" file - especially the one labeled "Really Miscellaneous." He writes: "In that Settings panel, there is a toggle switch for "Faster Typing." Make sure that switch is disabled. According to Evan Gross, the programmer of Spell Catcher: 'Beware any applications with this sort of setting. It bypasses the normal event getting mechanism for speed purposes, and Spell Catcher doesn't see all the keystrokes.'"