So you thought ripping CDs was legal

So you thought ripping CDs was legal

Jasmine France Former Editor
Think again. Apparently, the RIAA is thinking better of its statement in the case. If you followed the case, you may be aware that the RIAA stated that "it's perfectly lawful to take a CD that you've purchased, upload it on to your computer, and put it on to your iPod." No doubt concerned with the collective pocketbooks of its members, the organization is now changing its tune, stating that CD owners are not actually authorized to rip music to their computers at all. Oh, come on...like you're really surprised. Or are you? Please share your feelings on this matter below. And while you're at it, check out the excellent graphic that Gizmodo has posted for the occasion. (Thanks, EFF...for much more than just this.)
Addendum: Concerned about your digital rights? Please visit the EFF Action Center to support the Electronic Frontier Foundation's efforts to protect our civil liberties.