Short Take: California reciprocal compensation votes delayed

The California Public Utilities Commission, the state's telecommunications regulatory body, has delayed its vote on two proposals that would determine whether local phone calls to Internet service providers should be classified as local or as essentially long distance calls. The issue, known as "reciprocal compensation," will determine how much phone companies pay one another for ISP calls. The decision could indirectly affect the cost of Net access, some observers say. The vote is now expected June 24.

The California Public Utilities Commission, the state's telecommunications regulatory body, has delayed its vote on two proposals that would determine whether local phone calls to Internet service providers should be classified as local or as essentially long distance calls. The issue, known as "reciprocal compensation," will determine how much phone companies pay one another for ISP calls. The decision could indirectly affect the cost of Net access, some observers say. The vote is now expected June 24.